The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, November 16, 1839, Image 1

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THE WEEKLY GEORGIAN M POUIKIK I. tH< Clijr of Navuuimli, WILLIAM H. nULLOCIlt rVRLUMKN or Tilt LAW* or TH| UNION, AND Clfr AND COUNTT I* SINTER. WEEKLY PAPER—Thru; Dou.AM;T er hum,—Payable la advance. ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at tl o Chat!#« *«n rate*. , QT Postage mu*t bo paid or all Connumica, and letter* of bn-lue**. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11,18:19. D3P We copy an article iVom Uie.West Point J/• f rtoni'iH, a State Right* paper, conc-rnlng Gov. Troop's opinion of the U. 8. Rank. [CT The Mobile Chronicle nnd Advertiirr, two 41 Whig" Journal* In Mobile; hive boconto tinired, and are now published under tho above titlo. S.»mo of our country merchants nl«o made their appenniicainliian t»-dny,nnd wo hope they will lie followed by many other*..Tlwy will find our mer- chant* ut homo, with food stuck* on hand, nnd willing to nfiind nil accnritmodHiiuii* wart anted by the linn**. 'A* «onn a* wo have u ris.t in our river, \*liit'l) cann»t he long, theic will of tbo best •lock of good* fut rale ever offered in till* market. From the Angmta Conili'u/imnHit, 7th iait. • 00 A III) OF HEALTH. ( KTMessrs. Pendleton & Pierce, of Macon, propose to publish n periodical, to ha called •* T lio ^(Southern Ladies' Book." Wo wish It aucce**- Thursday, Oct. 31—12 M. The board report no death within tliu lu*t twenty- four hour*. C3T Wo have been favoured with a file of Dublin papers, *o late n« to the 14tli oil. They arrived by the Great Wettern. Wo purccive tlmt the U. S. Dank and Mr. Jaudon, ore n< rife topic* in the Irish Metropolis, n< th-y are In Americn. The trial of Mr. D. G. Ortnn, lute Teller of the Bank of tho .Metropolis, lor aliiiracting n lurgo arnonnt of tho fund* of tho Dunk, was commenced ut Washington ou the 2d Inst. MILLEDGRVII.LB, N0V.-7, 103D. To the Editor of the Georgian:— Dkar SiRj—Yesterday nt 12 M., C. J. M'Don* aid wa* duly Inatignmted n» Governor of tho Stole nf Georgia.—-Mr. Gordon nod Mr. Millen wen* on tho committee of arrangement*. The Hnuae was literally rrammed. Among the crowd there o grent display nf female he.auty, of which there i* no luck in llteso part*. Fora man wlio ha* been so long in public life, Gnv*rnni M''d i* certninly a very diffident one, for he *eeined quiteemharrts«rd during the ceremony, nnd while delivering 1n* In augural Addies*. You will Imve receiv. d Gov. Gdiner's Message, ere this." It* wenkneas in some parts,and its liltlefli .g* at the Union Patty, must heexcur# d; the first oo account of hi* feeble heidtli. t o second because ihu only consolutinn a defeated party has left it, i* to ubu«o the successful side* The Houses linvo not yet got to business, and it is not likely that they will, until tnjxt week- I hope the large number of Representative* will not p-tilling the session. There are 208 in tho H..u*r, nnd I'very much doubt who 1 Iter tbo Slate gets a quid pro quo for the per dirm paid them. The Federal Conti sits to-day, Judges Wayno and N». r.n|I, presiding. Ypui's, &c, * The L'ln lon 1 Junket'* Citculur,of the latest date n paper. «f Idph authority ir, commercial mutter*, tliji* spotik* In relation to the Hunk of England:— She mil neither hare n think rettridlon [si/s/irn- stow] nor i*me imnll notei: but if driven to it the trill ice bankeri, broker*, merchant* fail, rather than risk herotoupetition. Wo may licreuftcr ex- p'nln our reasons f.,r employing this InngU'ige} they nro f oinJed on a know ledge of fact* mi I dec-lira* lion*, which, on reflection, we consider warrant* nnd demand* shell I nigifige. But for till* extraor- llinnry state of nfltiir*, we should huva'concluded our pn»*|a.*et# wood *-«m brighten, because ibe import- of grain nnd American stock* have tieen checked, mid the export* of mnnufiicturc* increas ed'. - Sr.ntousAcciDr.NT at Sino Sino—The N Y f Evening|’o«t s'ly-J We are infirmed by a person just from Sing Sing/ that on the evening of the 3l)tli f HI Si.moai C. Mm I, in company with five boys, was attempting to cio** the riverfront Teller's |'icnt to Sing Sing, in a smill boat very heavily l,tided, till* limit wa* upset by the agitation of the witter, caused by the passing of a steamboat. Mr. Molt, nod three of the laiys. one of them bis grand- son, another the son of John 8. M*-llick, nnd n third (he son of Dr. N. J. Green, of Sing Sing, were diowned. The bodies havo nut yet Won recover rd. i [coMMUNICAIED.] THE THEATRE. <I R . EutTOitt—On Friday evening la-t, I aealn went to the Theatre, where I witnessed th« per forma Dee of Coleman** beautiful Comedy of “Honey Mo"li|"nnd I do ussureynn 1 do not recjl. loot u't occasion when l hove been belt r pleased with its representation. Almost every churndcr done to tliu life—n» prmnpting—no hesitation All did well, nnd I do not Ifsitnietn *ay that iny pu-t impression* os to tho strength of the com pnuy are more thnn realixc d. I Imve not seen Mr. Forbes for *omn years,a should like much to Imve seen him in Claude Mnlnotte,— I have no doubt, however, lit judge fiomliii Duke ofAruntnin the Honey Mnqn that it must have beonhighly-sntM'nctoiy. Ho seem* to bent home in every department of his profession, nnd his act ing is always chu-to and pleasing. Mr, Ishorwo d, I nm told, is h fine pnintet, und I know ho is a good acrer. ,H« played llulntidojextreinojy well. In u wurd. no putt of tho perform oice could he com- plained nf. All was good and well rocoived by almotl empty boxen not more tlmn CO or 70 person* ill tho house. Is it not surprising. Mr. Editor, how Inconsistent the good citizen* of this City can he. Whnt complaints are to Ihj heard on every hand of thrdulness the place, &a want of some public amns- rrnmit—*omo place where we can meet and enjoy uursolvt-a'in common. And to do them justice let hut u circus or n tnoiiUtiv-shmv coino among us, nnd you would suppose half the City hud taken season ticket*, such is their engentn-s, and so often nte they found nt such places, to witness trick* -of Dundy Jack, nr to laugh ut the chasm and nrigi-al wit o( theclown. Now thl- Is all proper mid right, I like to see them keep tho tiling up, But ready "Shf Editor, in thoah-pneo of such intellectual ex hibition. it surprises mo not a little,''lmt they do not occasionally g-tot|iotlioitru an I witness lljo correct nnd finu performance of such ploys ns the “ Lady pf Lynns," tho “Honey Moon,’ and u ho«t of others •ideally good, that Mr. Forlies is evety day offering .fit the public. I think they might go once in u while, if it were only for a ch rase. Two winters ( *ince there wa* u common and rather just comp lo'mt tint the company was not a good one, nnd I thought the public did well to let Mr. Forhe* feel tlmt he it ad not dune'ju.tb e to li.a good tnste of this mm- ’ mmlily—and if I am not much mistaken, he did fee| it. But, this teuton, we have nothing to complain of; he has come among u* again .with n company that should do wn!l any whore; un 1 noto deserve* ,uur support. Lai tlw play goinz purl of the com- ‘h niunity give Mr. Forhe* a fair trial—let them fill the boxes, lmt for one evening with tho beamy and fa»h* mh nf out City, and I am satisfied they will not only go home wall plea-ed; but will rgl)Nfi again, /tnd again,nnd then keep nlive.lliconly plaft- < ' pub lic amusement tlmt wo can enjoy outselve*, or pfier to sti«ngars, C, From the Anguila ContlUutioHaliil 8/A iiul. HEALTH OF AUGUSTA. The long-l' hut nt .1 ngtlt made it* np nearuoca.nnd it is wiilt fd»a-uie wn publjsli ih- folio* ing Uepnit of our Board of Hralihj which give* tho absent the as.ursnco that they ran now return to tho city without danger. Wo were vi»|. Jed this murulng wi h a bl<iek frail, and iet was E*rn in Uw rity. and smrmmdioi neighhorlioo.1, of lh« Ihkkoes* I*f tint sUUtnlh of an inch. Oar # r ••i*ye»lenl*yiire*«otia4angnutunl lively npiH-i.r Nttce, and In on the Joyful coqiiteitanrei of ihti-e go. ing to and from w* wetoreminded of, a. |iv ougmarem^, Friday, Nov. 1—12 M. The Board report non death in town nnd one in the country, from fever, during the last twenty four hour., nod one child, fifteen week* old, of worms. Saturdoy, Nov 2—12. M. The Board report one death, by fever, timing tho Inst twenty-tour hour*. Adjourned to Monday. Monday, N'ov. d— iVm. The hnarJ did not sit yest-rday, The report tho death of one man, from jaundice, and one child fmm worms both |H*rsons of color during the lu-l forty-eight hours. Tim Cntnmittua having ehnrgp of tlm temporary Hospital report, tlmt I hut eatul>li»|imont r Iming ^to lonecr necessary, hud been discontinued. And therefore; it was Retohed unnnimonaly, that the thanks nf this tendered to the High I Ilov, John Eng land, Bishop of Chat lesion, for hi* promptne** nnd liberality. In furnishing nid to our tick poor; to tlm Itev. John Burry, for tlm u<e*of his parsonage, and hi* unremitting nt tuition; and in pnrticubir, to the throe Sister* of C havity, from Chnrle-tnn, who have *o l><njr uml with such constant care, skill nnd kindness, taken chnrge of the hospital. Rrlotted, that the Mayor ha requested to (or- wmd copies of tho ahuvu'rcsnlution to Dr. England and to Mr. Rmrv. And the Board adjourned, to Wednesday next, twelve o'clock. Wednesday, Nov. fi—12 M. Tim Board report one death, from fever, during tile Just forty-eight horn a. Four dentil* only hava occured during the Inst week, from fever. The BiurJ adjourned to Saturday next nt 12 o' olock. Friday, Nov. 8—22 M. The honrd renort no death from fever or other cau.e *imv tlmir l ist meeting on Wednesday Thebo-ird have carefully abstained from encntti- agingnny tottiin tnilio city while danger existed; hut take pleasure in itnnminring tlmt limy now con sider tlang-r ill an end. The weather during the Inst three do.v* Im* otulereone an entire change no.I n very eonsi.trrnhle blackfroil has appeared tills morning. Our absent fellow citizens tire now con fidently InvitPil In return to their Imme*. Tlm hoard tlmn adjourned to moet,st the cull of tho Mayor. • A. GUMMING. Mnyor nf Augusin, Kx-nffiein Cltnirman of the Bomd of Health. Samuel M. Thompson, Senretury. MILLKDGEVILLE, Nov 5, 1«30. A w-ek b fore my tirrivnl ut tlti* plnce, 1 had hoeti informed that the eotioo crop of this year would ho Inigri than ustimttied two moutht ugo, when it was generally believed, and by me par ticularly, that it would mnierialty sulf.-rhy tlm dry tally SUIT Thy tlm dry waathcr then prevailing. On my urrivnl Imre, I la-t noj lime in making empdrie* nlmut tho comli- ion ami extent of the crop*; and the infotnt-thin I have been nhb- togathei from nil s ciiotis of the state, corn-lit* in tlm fimi that the cotton crop of this yo u will bo lingo, nod 1 may »ny »ery luige, Tho planters wiih wliotn 1 Imve aonvetsed upon the subject,ngreo in representing tlm dry wnutlier o*‘ tlm season us having been ngiao.t their own ex pectation, most favorable to the cotton plant and to tlm p'ckiug. Those farmers thought that tlm dry weather wou d injure tho plum and slop the growth of the boll.j hut it seein- that tho boll* havo come to inuturi y, uml t Inn tlm w-entlivr has been most fuvorqhle to giulmr the crop So tliqt instead of n dolici-nt orop we will linvo a very large one; prob ably from otto eight to one fuuitlt mote ihun lust crop; tiii. it now thuu«limnte. 1 have been informed also, thr/tt>Alubnmn the same f.voruldo prospect nf a large crop actiiully exist*; I It.vo sm-n letit-r* mem inning litis luci from plun-i-r* of high restec nlddty. Though I have no ioforti itiott from Louisiuott niul Mi»*i*«ip- l<i, yet I not induced to bel ite that the sumo fa vorable change in the condition of the eotioo crop in those two states has also taken pltr*. 'ilto w eiu It r bus Imeti so favorable for picking, that tho planter* have imiirlv gathered nil tlmir crops, om) it. ilie sicklte** it) Augu-la Inis nicveut- vd much ot the ctjnifpiin lu-ing forwarded to that market, nio-t till the crop will he gntl/rvd Before December und in the hundsnf the planter*. When tho sickness will entirely subside in Augusta, the crop will go in in suchiargequuutitio* us was novor seen before, especialljfirour railroad company pro vide in tint.- a sufficient number of freight eurs. It would be well if ottr citizens, especially nur morrdmiitn, were to mtko ni rangetnont* in order to Imve their noil grm-erm* up as soon t?» tlm river hacu'Pc* nuvigalib-, which c-nuinly itiiisi ho very toon. Tbo steam nod tow boats »bonld be ready.j„ nvidl llmmselve* of tho first ri.eol'th'- river to bring up'tlm .upplies of nur mercltnnt*. uml for which ilm bark country is much in ncd. With inrie.iS’d oset lions nnd indihtry on tlm purl of our ruilioa.l and rteuiulHiut cumpanies, Augu-tn will soon draw within her wall* a large share ol tlm trade bounces ofllm slate, notwithstanding the recent disunion she lin* -offered. Augusta is known to be tile liest cotton market in t Im soulh, and count- y merchant* acknowledge that they can pnrclinao m- low and on as good terms In Augusta as any witt-te else. T repeut our railroad company should litivcnn additional number offeightcar* immedint-ly ready for the'iauspoitation of prodoco and merchandize. I shall have something to say nn tlm infim-nce which the incrensRof tlm cotton crop will exercise oil the cotton mnrket. _ This doynt I2o’*.oiock,llie Governor transmitted to Isotll loHimhes of tlm legislature ihu unnuul mrs- fago of which I send you it copy. lirnpitiou-J lmt on tlm Tiik Season-tTIio weather in this virinlty the past month has been favorable to the pi inlet sin securing tlmir crops. To thoso whn«e crops of cot .wing to the drought in the early part of the -a were h ick ward, the weather hat Imen very tu*J no sign offro*t hus-ynt boon observed, tlm contrary we noticed u day or two since po-ichtrct* to blossom fort e srond lime this sco rn. Io some pans of tlm State u most noparal'r!- ed diotiglit ita* bet-n felt, und but ye.l-itl .y we re- coived a letter from it friuttd in Dm ion, the writer of *«ys thut lie wn.iiiformcd by an old mao who has k-en for forty year* it resi lent near the bunks of tlm Ahitamahn.iliallliot river is now ten or twelve feet lower titan it was over known to be before.— Bruniicick Adr. ftth imt. MOBILE, Nov I. Mortality of our City.—We pnbli-li in another place the interments of the Inst month complete. Tlm niinexed statement will exhibit tlm interment* in the cot respondin'); mootlis of this m d tho two previous year-. Thu season of 1037, it w ill hu ie- inetnb'Trd. was one in wltirb the yellow fever pre vailed with much malignity, especially in the mouth of October, w lien tho city had latcontp more den-ely peopled, und 'erg#*»ion* to "jr number* were mule by nt rival* of stranger*. The summer of 1838 was one of general giMnl |:r. 1th. For the period of ninety days in 1837, |lm depth* averaged a fraction over four per diom, wldle In tin some period In 1038, they were !«•* 'han one and throe fourths. The daily avcragM thD year fin tho *nittH time is about seven nnd one teotli. Toe interment* in tire men'll of July wi re 48. COMPARATIVE REPORT OF INTERMENTS Inihemonihof 18*9- J 038 1837 Atig't'l IW 41 fil September 380 October 130 fi8 3UI Total, 104 284 On tho list uU, ■ g’rl namM Ana Derglln, ordy 17 yau «fi»re, *vas comlemued todoalli *l lit/#** ite. of tU Upper Rhino, fur hating Pul|9A«4 fuher and twonfolljtrr THE NEW YORK ELECTION. On the first tiny (Momluy jnst) nf tlm cloction of tins City of Nmv.York for n Senator, thirteen mem- her* nf Assembly, amia Register,' tlietto were 15,033 (or 15,135 as stated by other paper*) votes pulled In tho 17 ward*. On Tuesday there wore 12,518 (or 12,371 as sla ted by other*) votes taken. In November, 1838, on tho first day there wore l(T,4. < i9 vote* taken, nnd on the second day, 13,4853. The Cuurior and Enquirer ( I FA ip) of Wednesday *uy», “The H’Arpsjj-e nt the present moment con qtt-rurs in the city." TltnCom. Advertiser. ( Whig) depl"roi tho “sad falling nffin the first nml third wards" nml inveighs nguit st the right of challeng ing n* them exercised. Tlm Times ( Whig) “Our own impression, is, that without a vigorous and unit ed effort i* made by our friends lo-duy, tbo locofucns will entry tho city." Tho Express ( IV%ip)says, “ Tito challenging up town i* so general that it will bo impossible to take in tile b-g-al vote of tbo city." Tho Journal of Com merce I* tiguin missing. The Democratic papers keep comprosso-l lip* and firmly exhort the Democrats In lito poll*. Unnnntt, of the Herald—“ We hove tried all we can to clioorilp, ultimate,und bring out tho wliigs— but they won’t route. It I* probable llt-y ore sound ly licked—lmt we shall know- forcer! dn to-night. ' “ f here i* a falling off of about 5l)0 Inst spring, nnd about 10(10 loss than Inst full on the second dry's votes. Tills mny bo owing, very pnrtiiihy to tlm ope ration of tlm new Jaw; but when we sen tlmt the fulling ofl’i* principallv in the strong widg w-unls, nre indite d to think it is principally owing to the apathy of tho whigi, who have n*t turned out to vote, Thu rain mny Imve laid sumo iiilluemie, ul*o. in keeping tlm whlgsuwnyt und slmuld it ruin hard io*duy, lint locofocus wid sweep the city, nnd cotiolv, "»»d pvt linns the st .to, cvenltiully. Well, if ill- whig* are bent this will Im un ire ful licking, and thoy will have tlmir folly, igtturancti. Imptnlonco and indifference to thunk. They hud tho rity and might linvo kept it. There havo Imen 2C00 vote* polled Re** than the two dnys of Inst spring, and 2400 vote* loss tlmn tlm two days oflti-l fall, an average loss of 2000 votes. Who has lost tlmm? Not tlm locofucns!" GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. Tho Columbus Sentinel of Wednesday, says s— On Monday tlm 28'h inst. tin eleotion was held in Randolph county, to decide the lio between Col*. Moyeoiid Rrouti, whic'i n-siilinfin th-> clt-cti-oi of Rietonner, by a' majority of sevunty-sdvon votes. Tho vote *t«od tliu*:— Moye.RU.) 530 Blown, (S. R.) 453 [From onr Corrrtpindent.) MILLF.DGEVILLE, NOV. 9, 1839. Notlilug of uny Impo-tiinco Imsbeontruiitnctedin ohher House, n* yet. T|k> time of the House wu* occupied, I think uselessly, in discussin g o point of par itneiitnry etiquotto In relniion to a suleel nom. I'd 1 tee which hurt hoon npp ontud to report on tlm case of Messrs. Picket I and Penr-e, of Sumpter, each cl dmitig to hu vo Imeti elected a Represent alive IVom tlmt county; ouch hnviug u of elee- tout, the former from tho Exoe.titive Office, tho lat- mrfrotn the* of the Election. The Huuse,on tlm 7th, Imd iimenib-d u resolution of the Sttunle, in relation to tho ehmlinn of u Urigudier General, *o as to bring on the election of tlm State House Officer*, viz S—Comptroller Gem rul, Treas urer, Sutveyor G.-neral, and Secretary of State In this, I Ite Senate refused to concur, oolltaelvelion trpustpoiteil, nnd wl)l notcomooi) until some time next wi ok, *1 bo Bill to iucorpornte the Goorgin HistorienlSociety iuireduc-dhy Mi. Altllon.pnsied to-day fina ly. It huspa**oil to a »ec<oid reading in tlm Sena tv; nho, a Hill to repeal tbo butpity oil silk cocoons. Geo, Glascock, from tho Spucio! Committee pop* corning tlm Sumpter Election, made a report tlmt fraud was suggested on both sides, and tlmt it wa* impossible, from tlm informality of the returns, for the Ho'tse to Jp.:ide. Thu following Resolution offered by Mr. Whit field ol l'uluski, wsn unanimously passed: In House of Representative*, ( November Dili, 1839. t Whereas, Tlm conflicting return* of the presiding iperintendunt* of tlm late General Elections for the county of Sumter, leave this House in doubt, wheth er Jns. E. l’ickoti.or E. IVnrco, is the person right fully oiititlod to a seut ou this floor, nj a lleprosen- •ivo of said county. And whereas, illegal nnd fraud- uluni inutingemenl I* churned upon tlm superintan- dnut* at *everal of tlm pruoioct* in *ai«) ootptly, tho inv -stigutiou of which by this House, cannot be un- lertakeo with unyli-|mol cousiuiimuliioi short oft lie lintu iicco* nry iu a now election, and beside* must involve tint necessity of u heavy expenditure by tho Stole. And whort'ii* this House question* it* au thority under existing Statute* r gttlating Election* in this State, to decide tho claims of thn applicants, as now presented t«f-For remedy wlicra-if, Be it reioloed, That tlm matter b.r referred to tlm people of Stimti r, und that n now Election be ordered in terms of tlm law, io such cusus mudu nnd provided. Anil thus, a question which promised much dis cussion und Utile p.ulit, wo* di*po*ci! of, n consum mation most happy, nltliough I Imve no doubt lliut it nipped ill tho bud many glowing specimens of eio«|uuiice, from some of those gentlemen in tho Hou-o,who seem to think tlmy must earn their pay by much speaking. A Bill to incorporate a Southern Uo'uujoo Medico) College to be placet) at For*ytli. lV-sed. am g|ad *«» li«»*I *he Thompsonian* recorxniziog tlm propriety of study, as they have hereto:.we Imen acting on the Dogberry prittciplo, that rcu ling sud writing come by nntorc. Education will list-to it* proper st-iridnjd when person* attempting the ox-rciso of any profusion of skill are req-iircd by public iqiioion, to Imve un dertaken some preliminary studies,at qualifications, hi* a fault in America, thil wo apply to all pro fession* and cul ings, tlm Into, tlm (Nml uppljiuj jo poptry. Poet a naicilnr, non fit, bunco th H t)'Hither of Heuvcu-buin General*, Engiin or*, Lawyers, Duo tors, I'nrsnns, with which swariqt tho lurid from Maine to Texas. - Tho Treasurer of tlm S:a'o, T, Dayan-, tnxdn his repotr, wldeli un motion wu* orh-iedtu Im print, ml. Several local matter* were acted ujion. A c-uninit’cn of conference was nppoioied to meet a committen of the Ss-nut-, relative to tlm resolution* concerning tlm election* tq bo m*du in joint assembly, but tlm House adjourned In-fora any report was mi le- And so for one day ended a Session of 203 lleproscatutives of tlm Stile of Georgia* Yours, • The following are thtffloinl Standi ng] Co m m it tee I ON THE CART OF THE HOUSE. Committee on State of Republic—Me«*r«. Gin*, cock, Siepliens,Robinson, of Jnsp.-r.lJubhurd, Ho), comb, I.i'ifjgston, Reynold*, Hnrkei. Meadows, Ulounl, ToomHs, Hamilton, Burtiun, of Burke, M*yei,of Cm«,SiiouiI, of Clultv, Grier, Roberts, Craft,L'oilutr, of 1'uluski, Turner, Arnold, L<mg< Hancock. Cnr.trditeenn pinoocf.—Mnir*. Np*!, of I’ike, Mo Dow al, Wyatt, Duo t, of Talbot, I larJage, King. otGiowoe, Dunn, Uutt, UBly, Warren, Hsrjlsmt. Ben Ian, of Jefferson, Shropshire, Ware. Stone, Duilucky Whitfield, of I'ulniki, Graham, Ghent, Knox. Committee on Rntik*.~Mitssn. Tarver, Whit field of I'utnum, Glascock, Beecher, Stone, Lefils, Bar day, Campbell, Wingfickl. I'm-plc*. McDougaltl, O'Neal, of McIntosh, West, McGoldrich, Butts, Neal, of Franklin, Dennnnl, I'hillip*, Hnirison, Calhoun, Daniel, ofGivci - . Committee on Judiciary.—Messrs. Crawford, Campbell,Toombs, Gla*i:.«k, Cliap|M.-ll, Kquan, Stephens, Millen, Jenkins, Wanl, Sewattl, Humor, of Crattfonl, Mc.Math, Frierson, McDongnld,Flour noy, Wntsou, Guorry, Gander, Berry, Murphy. Cominiltno on Internal Impiovnments,—Messr*. Chappell, Millen, Rudd, Moure, Hunter, of Ctaw* ford, Nuwsorn. I land, Stroud, nf Wultun, Boyd, White, O'Neal, «r Monroe, Riley, Martin, Ander son, Murphy, Pratt, Litldlo, Bullion, Fittmun, Luu' ranco, Huhiiison, of Fnyuito, Cat soil, Stell, of Slew’ art, Revill, Dart. Committee on Public Elucation nnd Free Soh mis. —Messrs. Jenkins, Huriis, Erwin, G.mhIc, Sermons, Wallace, Tanner, Carter, dutmllcr, Collier, of Ba ker, Palmer, Camp, of Franklin, Hugerman, Green, of Marsm, Wcitemsn, $anford, Ingram, Carlton, Culib, of Carroll, Robinson, of Laurence, Leary, Committee On Ponitnntinry.—Mc*«rs. Dry tint, of Walton, King, of Wilkinson, Groon, of Forsyth,' Walker, McCloud, Evans, E*py, Winn, Mayes, of. Cubb, Mulkey, Sikes, Scott, Statham, Smith, of Walker, A.hiy, Baker, Mont r,of Chnrukco, D.»r- don, of Troup, Jonas, ofGilmor, McMill'tn . Commilteo Dn Military.—Messrs. Kuntiit, Clark, Cleveland, Bennett, De. Lnppricrro, Darden, of Butts; Ciis.tels, Cone, llillinnl, Waters, Tarver, Wilson, Jester, Malone, Tltumis, Willingham, Lo)ull,.MoAitliui, Chester, Wilchcr, MuDuffio. Co nmiituo on Eirolinaul.— Vlossr-. Gray, Prea- cott, Arnett, Whatly,G*rtiiil, Smith, of Rnudolph, Peity, Reese, Linder, Richardson, Bu ItirJ, Furualli Reeves, Johnson, of Heatd. Commilteo on Petition*,—Messrs, Con*, Chas tuin, Btyun, of Wayne, IlLtis, Sumner, Taylor, Lyn'lt, Denmark, Hull, IJendun, Johnson, of Ap pling,Kil;ore, Bryson. Cotnmilice on Privileges and El 1 ctions,—Mosir*. Clnvelund.Gl isoock,Toombs, MrDougnld, Seward, Cannon, Hull, Murphy, Robinson, of Juspur, Conimiltoe on Printing.—Messrs. Guerry, Whig* hntn. Jones, uf Elbert, Mnntt, MeKennan, LcdlK't* E II , Dixon, or Wallter, Milder, Coll vr, ol Dekall-,'Cub'i,nf Dooly, Cttmp, of Campbell, Gru. hnm. Committee to nxnmine Journals.—Messrs. Dar Im. of Warren, Foard, Stell, of GwintO't, Parker, Hudson, Coker, Wo'ley. At nn extra im uiing of ilm Gkoruia Medical Society. Ituld litis day, tliu following Resolutions were nnntdmnusly pn-sed t Rrmlved, Tlmt in future, all Communications, K*s »yt, &c. which may im reud before tho Okouo'A M iiical SocietT, shall bo considered the property of t' o Society, and sltull bu subject to its direction. Rrmlved, Tlmt ibis resolution ba published in tint Gazettes of this city. , * True extract from the minute*. WM. R. STEVENS. Secretary. Suvanunh, Nov. lltli, 1839. MOBILE,. Heavy shower* of ruin linvo fallen in Mobile, but a* Into n* iIn* 5tli in*t. no ft oil, Tho Regitler of ;hut time say*—“The Iteullh'or the city Hurmther Improved-only o'uo liilurinont was madoyuiterdny, tliough there wotefire tho *{ny previous." BARON-IIACKETT. Mr. flockutl tho comedian, i* officially announced hi the London pnjtcr*, since tho thmth of Id* cousin gt New Orlcutis, as Duron Hnckett. Handsome Conduct.—Tli6 officers of the IstU. S. Artillery til JMiittabiirg, have Imd repaired tho til- iQpidulcd moinitncnl erected to C’oinm idore Dow- nin, who fell in the uciiun with Macdonnogh. The monument wn* erected by the sixtur-iii-luw of Com modore D-iwuie, in Scotland. Til" Journal of Commerce snys, that the Phila delphia Bunks Imvo mutually agroed to pay interest on balance* at tlm rnto of 0 per cent, nnd farther, that no Bnnk hIiiiII bo nllowed to bo in duht to any ono other, over $30.000—or rather wc suppose shall not have any cluim in cnnrtu*y beyond tlmt sum. Piltr,4DEi.pttt% BANg DiriDgNDs,—Thn Philo* delphiu Inquirer soyet—Wo lenrn tlmt n ninjorilyof the hunk* of tho city and county havu detnrtnined not to declare uny dividends for tho- present, ul« tliough it i* believed they are in as sound nnd heal thy a condition a* any in the Union Tho desire so to conform u* much a* possible to what they Relieve to be public opinion, nod, nt the same time, to await the tictiou of the Legislature. An attachment lias beon Ini I to d iy nt the suit of J. J. IL-sevult St Co. tin llie funds if tho United States Bank of Philadelphia, in tliu hands nf the Unitud State* Bunk in New York, to tho amount of $0,000 for protested post noto*. Ollier attachments are preparing.—AT. Y. Herald, of Wedneiday, THE FEMALE COLLEGE. Thl* liHtiiutton commenced its second trrm nn lltelir t Monday nf lltn present moll'll, with a numerous niton lance. The sovcrul classes now number os follow s :— S-'iiior Class, |2 Junior Cit|4*, fti Se.-ond Class, 42 First class, 18—120 l'rimury Department, 50—30 170 Student* ar* arriving daily, and there I* no doubt but the numla-r will in. rei* - in a few week* to two hundred. A building has Im'uii found lu cessury lor ill* Pf-imipy Snhool and L ciiire room-, which is nearly complete, The Rev. Mr. Muttusun ha- charge oj the Primary D'*p <rtment, in phtcu of Mr. Hopkins, who has been transferred to s Professor* •hip in the College. Tho Institution i* in o nour ishing cuiiditi oi, and its first lurm hasnlrcmiy given a good eurnfst of the ability with which its affair* are conducted, nnd its future usefulness.—Macon Meet eager. COLUMBIA, Nov- 8. CoTT"N.—Tho planter* ure lieginiiiiig to tirriso with tlmir Co tqn. Tl|n crop is larger ilinn was tin- ticipalcd tho staple as fiim ns ha* ever Ih'cii -ci-ii iu the mnrket. Wo regret to say, that (trices nre vet doll, being 8] a 9 corns. There i» (H-rli-p* littl • h-'po of an a-lvtinpe, Th«r°c ,! ip** vary from 50 to 125 bugs pur day, In the last number of Hunt'- .MuiciiHiit'a Mag azine, a lecture on ibe Uses and Abur>-s of Leisure, by Dr, Bethtinu of Philadelphia, hat ihu following judicious p tssngoS— It is often boasted tlmt wo have in |hi« country sttoh avast ngmlNtr d sily and opto* newspapers Their numbor is rith*r a curse than a blessing. Condense the scattered talent* <>f tlm many intu a few; make such in uggregnion uf patrona'i* ns would place thoso fow above nil cimnl neeei»iii.-» and tnako intelligent editm* recipients of such re ward* as tlmir toloniadeseiscja'low a rational free* d im io the press, and not esla'dish a soparav joqrn- nl for lito advounny uf every sltad* of opinion, or tmiti.liljr insist tlui your n-x-pipeis shall Ini hut itgliling *oImh* ofyoor own prj't'lice-j nod tlm daily and'Wos kly journals will Itruome wo'h teading, and theimst iniieli will eon:ribui* to their rosmm-p*. A* it liiirwspuitrrstif wn guard not igtlntl tham)ha com* dangerous reduction . WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1839. CORRECTION. BTDr. Wn. B. Stevens, of Havntmah; Is «hA RenOumnnappoliiled to represent th* Georgia Mvsli oil Society, at the Medical Con vent loit,iolH- held In Waahingion City, in January next. Tlie name wa* reported Incorrectly, by our iiifiinimni. Dr. Stkykni is a gentleman uf high standing in hi profession, and situs who wlU, undoubtedly, do credit to the body by which he was selectud. THE CITY OF THE EMPIRE STATE) 10,000 CUCKRS !!! » VAN SUREN'S NA TIVE STA TE! t! It has long been a favourite byword of tlm " Wfligs," to say that Mr. Van BunKN’* native State spurned his principles. The issue is now made up, ami we see that Ncw-Ynrk City espouses the principles of her gif.ed son, and that sbo pledges herself unco more to do baitln in tho front ranks of the Repuhlicun cohorts. All Imil to New Yoik—may wo not indulge ihenopothnt she will cap the Democratic pillar! So much for “ tlm sober second thought"—Mat for N. I*. Tall* MADoa’a aposmcyl—for Mr. Oodkn HorrMAN's brilliant, Uiotifli hollow oratory D—for Mr. Huoil S. Lkoark's (Quixotic efforts to forge •• Whig" |i- nuncial thundnrbolts If | From the N. Y, New Era. GLORIOUS,TRIUMPH. OF THE PEOPLE!! THE YKDCRALISTS ROUTED, HOUSE, TOOT, AND URAQUONtll! “ Forever float thut standanl sheet! Where breuthes the too, hut falls before us f With freedom's soil Itcneath our le'et And freedom's banner waving o'er us I’ 1 Wo hnvo the happiness of recording a victory more complete, nod which we venture to say oil. Ite more lasting, than any hit hut to urlneved by i||.- Dumucravy of this city.- The eneniv luu been fairly met nnd most gloriowilg conquered. Tho Peupie of this city and county, uitnr huving wogltrd tliu question with delitmiution, havo expressed tliom- sulves in favor of tho “SUB-TREASURV 1HLL WITHrrTHB SPECIE CLAUSE!" Tho “Whig" trumpeters Imvo blown their blast to no e(feut. Thoy Imvo told tlm people tlmt the “Sub-Treasury Bill’-was‘‘odious" and "ruiooti*," but tlm people, after a ••SOBER SECOND THOUGHT, havodecidudotherwise. Tit* Great Commercial city of the Wo-tern WoiblhnsiiiRcr.bed upon its iiatirtor," A CONST! TUTIUNAL TREA SURY— the property of the people, in preb-rcneo ton N ATIO.SALBANK, the/ eople iti property''' Tito “wliigs" havo Imd every indulgence grunted ihain they could desire. They asked for ami sib- luiiied a new election law, to p event, ns they said, “Illegal voting im th« |mrt of the l.oco Foeoit" which law, like the registry law in Ba tiinore, tins sucttrrd to tlie Democracy a permanent ascendancy Wo Imvo alwnys lieon confitlont tlmt n fuir expres sion of public tipiiiioii would *lmw adcmucratic mil- jurity in tills oily nf two thousand Votes; and since by virtue of tlm new election law, tho *' wliigs" Imve lioen prevented from voting twice or llirico til eucli election ns former'y, und thereby stilling the video of the poop 1 *, wn are Itiippy to Hud thut our opinion wn* well founded. AH honor is due to the Democracy fur till*, their lust host victory over a pnr.y ofstwcu ut"r* and *liin* plaster manttlacturers, who would *ot tliemselvns tin us muster* of tho peoph!, nml give law* in mm Sir Oracle stylo, to ten times tlmir number*! Will tlie D&tnocracy of tlie "OM Bay Mate" join with us in the gteat revoUitiuu / The New Era c .unti tho maj .rity nl 1900. We copy the ful owing from lito N. Y* Comimr- rial. (“ Whig,") which confirms the gtorioui reuti ty. Hurrah! H THE ELECTION. Wo havenguin to strike a m airnful m>to of tri umph not nnliinved. Th* iron pledges hove gninrd tlm day—or in other words, thn inlell gence of the city, eii|.Hbfe of foreseeing and a predating the mis- chiefs tlmt must arise from tlm udoptiun to tlm# principles wltirli the pledges involve, bn- proved un- equal to ilm force of unrall.-cting nnin'atr-. Wjil— «o it is and suit must bo. Tliedi-maerar.y will Imve it so, and we must be content biwnit until experience bring* them better judgment. Thn whulo ticket is believed to be dueled—Sena tor, Assemblymen uml Register—by u majority m from fifteen to eight en hundred. In the Semite thus fur we stand" as we were," the iirvdecessorol Mr. Tompkins being of tlie same politics, with him self. Tito N. Y. Journal of Cummcrca uf Thursday, (“Whig") says:- The Whig majority in tlm last Assembly wits 3ft. The result of tliu election iu this city make* u dtf- furonco of 2(1 votes. A gain nf 8 nmni'iers more, would give tlm V. B. moo a majority. Wu say no- thing of Richmond und Q<nvu‘* Counties, us they may very possibly neiitralixo each other. „ . CII Md.IWTON. N..v. ,|. SB /*■ S*r*«(»C.-IW ilut .ii'ntii up, i rived loiter tiny from St Southern, nit gun, with un escort of ■ ' ny ti party of 5i) Lai n *, dime 3 ni sln* | Im so t'td wounding 2 t.thers, '1 In, 1 i,.iu "1 _ . ' *»»i«nmster was mor- tally wounded, nnd a private named llo-son, wn very severely *0. Tlm firing M,.g leard ut Vm Jira 'iT ,V ’ ,UU ""'‘••’"ton I but before limy nimo ■P «o Urn groum., tlm India, u had *ae,Ule,| S w '"’ : '»»u i.hiS into tort L'ltlderd lie lor im di. aLas-t-iaimo has in- fortiiml CltiM* that C-memtcl re |,a* placed ' I" wo,no " u "' 1 c '' 11 'run tn tlm I’ri-lmi-nkce. ot grn*s water, for so. ttriiy 5 nod tlmt i* prepared biro, vigorous rlobmco of I, .111 -elf and fid owV.v- Ui. tlm occessiou ,.f troops, s.dliemnlly stntnc to r«< utfisrett Iho.e now South, tlm In 11 iti r.lfi-r* l0 , u ko thi'm to Coaeo- elmo's ground ol tl -fi-nee Commander May.., of.l.o U. f. , roln* -nil. in* Rttiia into tlm KvPrglnrh*, with 51) men. A bottlo was Ioim.I on tlm 231 nit nlmut 4 tulle* .i'll Rivbr, a piece of paper, ilm willing sen reel y legilde; bat lli-woid* “ Sehr m A j| ,,| W „ looad n slmtl Uisliinee. Thcio « ... very >I! K H| fni.l y.-l. i,h,y M :™ r *• ■ ti i) r.stpdtst'iot 2 tin't*s fiotn this rity. H. lcul.l illy 1.1. nil. muluniji'.ii.'.i Dlmmiilar, In. I'r-.v-il nl 11 milil I in,iim,„„|,|,. r.-w .if tho I , , |.|.".. I.T.II nnlin, T.l lly «■!,. r.. l|i|i,.|, Iro.tment mil »,i| 1111. n'ninli,. h ,vo l W n ..'HoiirA m— Ol u,.«iii.Is I.rliv.i him liv,l oil,.., 11.11 ,n.„a limn ililny nr lup'y hnvu0.riiiiitiiii..|in .|i.,u|i nmli.filu.i ^ mclIMU.ND K.v. 7. IWR«iW;i»l.<f*Wtlllli» t.imii,j,.n|„ ttvvni-. c,q|; -- -.'1 111‘IIU I - * ' * Imvo be, n nunliMin t Into £*•’ fc t-M «| •> *W«k Hl« C#—,rlm mitrlt..| r. ,r linmii III. i i|,„ Ineiu.1, W .1 10.11 Icairo.l.. Imjiunyrm IUI^S5*XS22 J* «R m ib.. fcfm.riilS.2WSS Culm nl ID.., 11I1 nn ilm.. t*»l«»S70SS f,’oV»»-Qurmnrk.t •lilinmllnnu to , re ,„, . .ray limo iin nn r i,r., cn. ih, ilm,«t ;?'* I 1 * K, ‘ 3, W- h 1 "'"* tnm nry llmilfd™flJb tlm exception of tlm sales of an entire no reel nf tilmut [HID halos M dis ppl, for uxporutlomai 10$ ft*; priefa, nlso, though without nnyBinher definite vu , r In firvor nf purchaswi tbl •nle* eompi i e 3110 bn'e. Upland 10x12J; 1000do N Orlenn* 10til3; and 50do Mobile lOJalll cu. /•/our 1 —| | H . f( r , nl Weitera brings' advice* I’ll'f ""'I. 0c| * lh " barvm was nearly all In, * ".I* n P{"’ 1 " * *“ liRYe been n» average nne. r.u .. irko1 , , r i C‘’i|'t a have continued idenilful ' •I w. srern. nnd tlm trrasec ions r,l*o in thatdescrln* ; ton ton vot v Prir fixtent for exiiortation, though rei mIiIng lit 11 fur lier rmluctioti silica nur last of full, kc |mr hi I; enml common brands wostern cnnal . rfrcllnmvn., iv. imilnr.lnn.l. aernSndM lit; O do,via canal.common to rood alter, ilm majority Imvo Imen 1 raced 10 neglurt ol lit" f:r-t sytopioins, ui streitlnp'iii, or rel.ipses, brought nn Iry the imprudence patient in dietin' In over exertion, Imfnre health hud liceirouinpiuiely uestnblRhod,—Courier. Unitu» States r*. DennisG. W. Brent loiiilon. dlii* ad Ire,* m thn j,| (> in e f » i / 'b't’I H o'elnck toilny, wlmii hn con- eliid.d'" speech of j-rciit Ln-tt, nnd aid in; in which Im Iirjed a I linn r.egl a id log -iitiiiy rou| i do in In- vor uflds rl ei.l, Thu District Attorney commenc ed hi-concluding address to tlm jury n*‘soim ns Mr. Brent li’itl.sat i|ow n, nnd e.oiitiinmd speaking will gra n 'iireo nnill hnlfpnu 4 o'cloiik, wirnn 1 l.u Conn '•djonrueil. Tho trial will doiibili x*jrriniiiaiu to morrow, (Fi Id,iy.) when the Di-irirt Ait..roy will conclndi'his iiddivs* to the jnrv —,\at. In'et/iacn rcr, N<w, 7, ' b NEW.YOIIK. The return* from tlm Stutu ut large have not, of course, readied us; but it lias ever been sad that “ New-Yoik ruled ilm State.*' Ini. tlii* iiisiunco we m rely suy—“<o mote it hn! " TIIK DIFFERENCE. Tlm “Whig" paper* arc veiy sigsdons, t i be lieve The V. S, Gosiltv, •‘uii'idpa. ted" tlm “Wliigs" would have bmmdefeatad in N. York. Tlm A/. Y Commercial is not vtrpriiid— the N Y‘ Expren cou'd not expect n different result, cli:,, etc., 010.,—yet befuro ilm abciioii al llmsopqmrA spoke cunfi Inally of victory! Strang • seers, these “Whigs." NayaI..—Wn have heard tint Com. RMgely, re. cpnfly litt'iclmil to tlm New York N'uvy Yard, ha, been ordered to timconiinundoftho Brazil station— and will hoist his pennant on board of tbo United States—Captain Laurence Kearney being appointed " Flag Captain"—nml the United Slates will pro bably s on leave this harbor fur New York—Albany Argue. NEW YOIIK, Nov. 7. TarAiunr Note*.—$1,0(10 of Trensury Notu* were sold tins moraine at 99$. There has bcen.btu very little variation fo-duv in the stock market, with the exception of United States, which opened ut (58 and closed at sell ers 30 days. The last rg«li sglo W4* nl (18$. being 31 below ll|o tale* of jrtterdgyj Do I, ware nod lliidton improved 1$; Harlem .j; New Jersey S'unington got down to 11$, which is a decjjim of Exchange —'Tho demand fur exnljango for the pa< ket which sailed this iip'rniug fut Liwrp«a»l,wns nut gtvgt, sim| gt lata* |-iw«r 'hgn tg* suup* time — Tlm very best Mil* on London, at (50 days, h ive been sold nt 0 (icr cent, while oilier* havo Ih-oii sold nt from 4 to 5. Ou I'uris, tlm ruling rata hits been f5,50 n 0,45. On I'liiludplpbin tlm tale* havo hron a* In-low; — 1031 Q7.t 1000 ; 87$ 7-'i0v»»s*r r* n •••*•* *t tr t 874 2000 87.4 Com. Adr. MEXICO. Tbgb'Kk $nn Eliza, Oap'nln Risen-', arrived nl this port yert'-rd-iy from Vera Cruz, wlioneo she •ailed Sept. 27. Captain Risen* report* tint thn |i«t iu*th|,neiil f isygbln to the Pranrh, of the $300,033 eonti/.Hed nr by th* tseagy, wu* nut un board tit French lirlg N«i» In a short lime liefnre he sailed. The eoiiduclu from (Ip capital, bringing th" mnnay, ||-i«| not arrived gt tlm appointed day, lmt ihacwnrit'Wal hng*es o' Veri Crux tuhsrribod the a-no'l it and giRrpiaer| B to the pommantlant, Thcio wg* notp-w* from th" napiml piticpt that tr.iuquility prevailed- The F^W-ili*'! were ml more heard of, nnd ib«* central government, now firmly established, wa* urging on tlm ref *rnt“f cmitiiiiiiion *»;gasied by Banin Ana.—«V< Y» ItK inttr Damage by //»• gate tail night.-Tlm brig New L"g.q , "l, ""twiinl hound, dragged froiu |„. r mimr- ing* in inn at ortii, rnn f..ul ofschr Mndawn*kn, of n-ol tor Bath, ul*n at unclior In the stieam', mi ,l uf tnrward cimo in cm,met «i,h lie- end of J.iiim Wh ill, and "lightly injured her stern ui.drnd.lei stove hnlwurk«, A c. * ' The drags' ll f.ail of ,|,ip Junior, o| Nn.v li'rk. ntthe end -f Long M-h.iif, hndod V..r Mobile, n"' carried "way th.. ship* h.,w.p,it I lie Al. Imd lierf.Mitin i*t nearly eh tied ulf, rigsing fora and 11I1 earned away, lurb.urd how und ouarter slow-, nml odn-rwi*e h idly injun-d, Sehr Comet, of Rmh, at the T vhaif, ilppml up bio for cash;O dn,viii cnnal,common to good branda niRgOil Iront ami goml brnmls of Troy warn sold nt .»J. Of southern, the receipts are atnoU: and thn Iran* irti ms elsu unimportant, with rather n ihtwnwn ril tendeney; sale* of Gcurteto wn were aid* oi l!.:, bill WO lionnl or iKitto* ll««.,rfn*'lKHlta lit otlu. diMrrij ti-.n«, " /‘rmir/m,- Walmw jj ln lllll«Tf,n, wr | 1 ,| 0 „ lo • ' g iKiii-e In tho mnrket for either hoof or pork wRk gnid 10 demand; o oss. of tho former, wabavwradod* ; ,nd " r J ,w •“Rt, wo to Hi, and reduco ini mo tn 1 l$al?| per, Xardla ' also iniirtive, m d all doser ptl.iniara now erabrecod -- wubin f»|«111 cts. Hlnttur nlso la heavy, and.our pro-ent qiiotniion* enn only I cconsidered m mlnat. limn* remain nt'.V; nialiboromainlngdc*orip* •ions not above m.liiti ratod, without' any ohaago deserving nf ii"|ico, 9 »»**** Rtrr-Tlinro Imlng iu pjesent nn demand for «w’ portuii.m; th« snl.-s we u t..„ limited extent only V; Spit iti-Tlm m -rket for for, l«n cnnltnoeiasbc- ion- ii nlxid, ti e dem itnl ex ending merely ioirmII pmxel- to the trade. Wo no I -e inlc* of 20 hf pipes \v. 1 ) " , 7» rn ": , yn‘ 1ft? 8 puncheons Iri*h WliULxjy nnd 19 do N Orleans Hum at55 c|«» »n he t. ti ll lime. Domestic Whiskey, in drudge c isks, wn* reduced by ll.«dis|i||. r* to 30 cts, with - time mil interest a* 11.nnl,at which consider*bt» •ale* were made; 1,1. * nr e n .iniiml In price, theugb -. ' ! M lro ., n .", w, "' rlvln <' N K Hum. inhhds may Bn q "led .11 on lime; Cuuniry Gin range* from present l * ‘ ,t '° * ^ r |,r<inJ y ,n nwrk. t at Sugar*—Wr nre still wit limit any Yarlnt|on to. notice, thiMlemnndhviiig vory limited for all duso fjb' . tion*; the snlcseomnrLeahniit 139 hhds PnriuRVta * "t r l »9|: ftO do St Croix 8Jn9|; 80 do Cuba Muscn. vnd . CJ,i7; 00 hags and 59 hliUwhV* lTriyul 9U$it 2a3 0 hxs l.rownillnvin- 7|a8)tRtul5»<k> wbila U R Mj cts, nil • n 1 ho tistinl time. Freight*—Wu cnntlnuo former quototlnns as tho rates for the packets,,nnd olh.»r first class Avutiftm vo,s -I*. Exchange—?The masket at picawi quiet (hr Lui opium ofuU tkwit vlqiiiuiio. the windlass, ran Ihiilof solir B.uifd ny,of Eusipm mi l currl.'.l nwny (In h ..vsprii, stuvo * boat, .Vr. Ttm B. Mistained Imt slight dining.'.—A’t»c York Journal of Comur- ree, 0th inn. ° Imp hit A nt DEdNii.N.-lhi* Sup tune Court de ei.led yestenlny u case nrgned ut the last July | 0 |,n. involving llin coint.iutlonaliiy of tho General Until* ing L ne The Judge* expressed opinj.iii* to i|ie elhart roll'iwlng-fi.-tt that associations fiirinud in), lur tlm Goner,il Him king Law nre* InU •rcond. Mint Ilia ussent of two-tltlrclw stf’itlj tl otnoui- Iwrs eloeted to cn tli bruioli of the legislature wn. necv*sary to the pnssngoiif the act; and third, If jin sued by 11 vote of two thirds ihu no- i* ounstiiu. tlmml. On tho last point Judge Bronson was nn prepared to con. iii j but on tlm other question* nil the Judges wore agreed in opinion. Tlie objection thut the General Ranking Law wn* not jnssod by a two third vote, did not nr’so on tho ilmmirror to tlm pluloiiir* dnclnratlmi, and wh.'iher 11 pirn the court could look beyond the stututo lemk fin Ilm purp'i-e of lunching that qiio.tiou i not decided.—Albany Arpni. Mil. IHTCHIE. A Vlrslninnof o nliii-iu!.'ina central imrt of the State, pm.MMf* Mr. Ri oliiu to tint consideration of ill. General Assembly for tlm offieo *.f Governor. If l"ng-cmitinued nblo, li'Uio-t. pn'th'iic ,or iep» in the can-0 of Virginia principles—if a pure, u .- blemished tirivatu' dfo, liifluenced h eierv cm d nf- t "o, and adorned by ilm li:,ti 1 d"rt, kit ileit man- f—if « gmieliil, useful diM-liuic o( 1. public ruICng.whHieuilira o* tlm Im nl’or interests uf society im well us it* Id^li i,-,li lenleo c rns.ile- serve* 1 Im distinction of a fi .v rMimot, the exit- tern-oof wldeli dejmuds 011 tlm u\i tei re of such rlrininers in its bosom, Mr. Iliiebie ha crtainly a cl .im to ir.— IVu*h. Globe, 7th imt LUU IS VI LLE, N„v J. Almost a 1 itAOEtir—Sinoui.aii Coincidencx. —On Wednesday evening, m tlm thorn in, at He :!••*"of 1 h" lir-t nci ..f ihc Frumli Spy, in thn com bat, Mr. Stone, who wu* playing Col, Do C oirey, full In Audi u ma'naer at to injur • himself very seri ously, niul It wu* fi-urcJ ' Im i* pioin.unc oil out .ff dung r. It w,|| her nieiilhcr. d ihal ti few •it'ihIm slum, during Cebsto's engagement, Mr. Lowe accidontnhy killed himself in iho mine srene, VVlion M .Stine wimleninved I'lilingrcon-r.Mimjio was p'n:od on the sotreoon wlii' li thn unfortunate L'MO hreatIll'll his line. The pain uiisiug from hi* ii'ir . the sudden exeifinnut from ihonssm-ijiioni'f •hail, overpowered him, and ho fainted. After, some delay, Mr. Width stepped lorwnrduuduuiioutic-. od tlm* li.o drama could not pMi-aml, but u fa ice would lie siibstiiuied ifdesirnd. The uii.linucn woro • ilis led 10 Im dismissed, and-bowed llioir good sense uml foi ling by quiotly leaving llie tlioutro.— Gazette. Numberur oaks necessary to build o.xg ship. —When w consider tho number of trees that ere required In build a single ship, and the length of lime nee** ny to lirinv thorn to inuinrliy, it heeumus tho dmy of every luuded pioprioior to plant for ilm mike •f (Mi-t i ily. “An o ik in u giNu] soil and siiuu-ii<n,” my* S.iiilli.n(inn tieiil j | niter,“will,In 75>enrs from the ncoiii. contain a loti of liuilmr; or n I >ud mid u lei'f of sqinra limber." By a re|iortof ihocomuiis- ol bt'i'l revenu -.resp.-oliuglinibr, prlntoiljr., irdor "fill* II ml of Commons, it appsinrs that S 71 gon ship contains ab ut 2309 ton*, wnirh at the rate of a load and a half a ton, would givo 3900 imd- of timber,nnd won dc nsoqiiuully lequirn 21)99 i.«. s f 7-ryenrsgrowili. Ilhusnl.ujieuuculciilutrdtlmi * not more tlpjii 40 oak*, containing a loud and a h df ••! lim'M-r in en i li. can ‘land op m hn mjie, 59 * are required to prod mu thenui.* mue.tniy for a 74 gnu ship.—l.nndoH paper. I'rintinoby the YARD.—We receivedyesferdny roll o"printed paoei savemy foot in dangt(7. from tho proiiie-f ami iltying - mncliino of Air. -Tliunias French, now inopunilimi at Hum ver, N. J. Thl* cnorni'M'S sin pt li'iiitujii* eight book* * f one hundred and »ixl> p ige« each. Thsregister is good and site irnpressl'in clear. We lenrn ill it at the above-men tioned •■* uhli-inm-nt Hie rag* are taken In nt onr iloer «»d slllrh'i'l hiaik* delivered nt another, lit the raio-.f tho'M'imls of vnlu im* pur day, The alien ri?- ceivi-.ll* pnno d on I",ill side*, wuh tlm Spellinc Book. Wligt piquijia for tlm gch. ratbili, [North American.' Tho Igt-I Guorge 1I10 Fouv(h, when I’rlnoc of ile«, ipigu ftWfved in eohipapy ihm mm mm t limn- uri vrosiit for good ociimi* tyl Jiu its*. ni'icb a» ill - -' * dr.-omTiig of drtsetvjug it; mir), mi die couitar.i, were 1'i-th" mm 1 ipimeriied wuy, ||o ilie.i v, ry ploasaiitly «ui l tha* huoncagut tip* crclli of h -|ng •l very goo I young man froaiHig f -II- wi'ig ‘ud er*ui* •'ireuitlstanc*', ilotiiie opt-u^i.iii 10 g., T, |) •gsiinl ill ill" witpai, lie itki R Lord ('leimoot ureme'ii* ny him Ills | Hi|s|i|pprovi led t.-rtlr-f il'eorir 11,e UoVI, leu) I VU lu gkiuduf (|j„iiei i.optj to , remit From Havana.-T K toilow ii|i extract of a IvUcr will ghow tfija aula of ilia miil’kot) llrt . “HAVANA, Nar*2« ' . Our last resp -cts were ilniud 4th. Sept., Rlc^. since tlmt dato Im* gen rally dorn nod from Haial I4j to I2.^rials, at which the J (’Cnlhoun'e cargo . ,. wns (iIhco-I, with a woli supplied coun»umptinn % Soma pnrerls of fair nu 1 lily Cu opeachy ard IirntiL nndal'oE. I, lately iiiirmiitced a. d*uM 10 |bg DM* ■ jinliui'of Charleston. •. Lard $17 a 17$. nnd expertod to niafntahi the** raws In (lice of heavy stoeks. Flour i 17| r |; Hgh| / •t *!<», imd may Impr.ive, Spormand TAUowCM^ dlos much wanted,sale* $55 a $21, Sugar*, rctuiliny, 8J a M rials, stocks heavy* ' C.'ffia', old stocks, $8 9J^ A (hw lot* of new ap« prnrlrignnd selling f 9 a 8). >)nlaises, 3 a 3| re, rjreiglit* nuimfn without nny Improvement. Bx« ■ clmngfl, .Sterling, \\ a M|i Nw-York, l a2p*P .■om nurnmnl. • V MARRIED, !n Uliliig M. lilt. Mr, WUIIam R«, to Mlu , F.mina W. Biaiilgitn. « t«rMM»j til. Mitmm "-On Ih. l.t ril, Mr John 8, Biol nrds. Editor of the Rending Jour* mil, to Mis* Nuney I). O’Brytw, of riiiladalnbhuf^ At Won Aluxai,driu, ITtlt ult. E. Burkn Fl*ber k Lm., Edl or of th" 1'ittsl.u- - • ' Visile .-q., Kdi or of th" I’ittsl.u g Saturday Everting uitt'r, to Mi«s Nuicissu M’Kihj|i*n.-»—“2d alt.. Mr. J tm W. Km noy, Editor of thn Lancaster In* t« Hiaenrnr and Journal, to Miss Elizabeth Matilda . Reiix* | DIED, On ibe 2.1 lust, ot St. Augustine, M* & B. RU* ' THKRKORD, 11 nn'ivo nf Cunada.-*On tho 2d inst. Mr, HENRY WENT*, of Philadelphia.*- • On ihi' 4eh luu suddenly, Mrs. JUANA CERCO* I’OLY,an ngerl inti diitunt nfthairilv.—Oniba ftih' iiisiniii, of CiJnsumption, NATHANIEL STB* I'H ENA, of Now Jvr« y.—On the 0th insiant, Mra. CARLO TTA LASSIEitE, of th(y QewH Lower, Rhine, Franco, Wife of Johp lpuiicie, o/lhatdtY. ' • —On tliu7ib Inst. Drc ANDREW ANDERSON. Pros dent ofihe Southern Life Inmrancoaod Tttut Compir.y, of that city. , „ . In'Simsbury, C'ojiii., Aug. 00th, Copt. A$a Con* 1 Nim, ngerl 154 j ml tho 27to, Mr. ElishaCornuh, ,erl 57. th ot'iurs); on the 31st, Mr. Elam Cor- r ‘' Rgrtl v9;.on the 17lh8epL, Mr. Noryls - ’ ‘-"••'r.Mr.N C HNisit, ngi r| 27 ( on the, Mr.NKWfl.LCoR- M*ii,ugeil23; on 1I10somedny,Mr.NgYilAltX7aRs‘4 1 nisii, uc d 225—nil so-ii and only cbildrea of thq sill- lishu Coriddi; on the 8lh -fOctAn, M». ' Lydia Cornish, widow of thn anid F.lUUoCornWhi —nil of typlm* fever. Thu* tliu wh't* family, io a fow weeks, were colled fD-m Umo toetamlty, no| ’ ' l-aivirg a nrnr relative U-uriug the family name. ' PASSENGERS ' 1'erbiigO B Lamar, from New Yoik—MraWa] loco, Mr* NuttulL MrsSuvage, Miss Hunter^ Mlsa ' Dully, Mr* Thomas, Mr Smith, lady, child servonl* ’ • Me srs Hutchison, G B Comming, Lon), Mitchell* - » Mi her, Russell,'Stevens, Crawford, Plum, WU* limns, Blake, Inyersoll, and 33 stoertgc, . J’er hi ig Eleanor, from Baltimore—Mr CluttOQ, > l " - ‘ \ USA, Measrs Naylor, Delaay, 1 ] \\... Per steamboat Ms, from Charleston— Mra Dnyv t in, Mr* S'yle, MlssSeyle, Mr# Jinks, % Dray r .U> ton, ludy, child und sorvant, Messrs Whaley, •'Says : • (■«\ nnrd, Eld ridge, Mitchell, Pope, Reynard, f(er{|. ' V H»reom«n, Stiinijr.l-rlHlnnli Mlskn-I, Jawi,I,,ir. on, nnd J tlwnp-. -S l'0f .teamliui. Klurlilu, (Vn Pldnlatita.SJr, to,. Mr# lll.nchu, Mr. Aln.m*, Dr Ulmptoo, U 8 A ' .Me.-*rs Dormon, llamlot, Eagle, Auficrbeldc.Mere, Stertevant.. -''V- Per steam packet Savannah, Dom CbarlesioDr-v ' J ; ‘ 1 Mr* Face, Mi«s Wayne, Miss Evans, Mrs Blade el >> V ' sad 3 ehibhen, Mi*s Hale, Lleuf Evans,U 0 N,Rey , 1 •. -ff Mf B:..fLoit, Me*»ri Mini*, Ross,-Lyon, Ottcrslak 1 * •- or, J B Gaudiy, Mn ter Gnudry,. v , . :#• c* ;-.'V Pet stoemboa't Forrester, from BlockCreek— ? “ Carr, Mr Murdock, Mr Rea;, Hanlat, C Conslgoocs per Rail Hoad CnrVifriv*!'oa thw fitli ln*t.—142 bales Cotton, lo E Bliss & Co, L Baldwin, Washburn, Lowis Up Cd,' C Hurtridgc, N A Hardee, KM Plfinlxy, Boston & Randle. . Consignee# per Ilnil Road Car*, arrived nn the HHli msi,—136 hale* Cotton, to’,Washburn, Lewis «St Co, Boston Sz H -ndlo, C H*r(rld t e, N A Hardee, Wimberly tc June*, E Bliss * Co, W I'auerroa 4k Co, K Sinclair, L Baldwin. Consignee! per Hull U .-id Cars, Qr rUs4 on the lltli In»t.ar32fil«nCotton,i.\V Duncan, L Bald- wi"..Boston & Randle, C HavtrMtit, Washburn, L*WI« k (?p, K Ojifs te Co, E Sinclair, Admit 4 mm