Newspaper Page Text
n nntuatn i» »■
Clljr of Snvnnunhi
WEEKLY PAPER—Tuurk*. per an
hum,—Payable In advance
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at lira CIibiIc*
Ion rale*.
07Pottage must be paid on all Communica*
Ttuvs, and letter* nf business.
07 By tlio ateamer FTorMo.Capt. Nock.we tan
evening received ihe Jacksonville Advocate of fucs-
dny and the Brunswick Advocate of yesterday.
No new*.
07 That sterling pnlriot, John M. Nilrs, hus
been nominated by the Democratic Convoution of
Connecticut, for the office of Governor.
07 The case of the Amistad, was postponod, in
oon.<pquenco of the illness of the inter pi etur Covet,
^intil January next. Our reader* will recollect that
germ of this case will tuin on the position nfiltP
*i^ro schooner, at tho time of her capture by Lieut.
The following gentlemen wore yesterday rlcted
Din'd or* of slit* Soil'll Western Rail Rond Bank
for the ensuing year—'William Gregr, Wi Ham Pal*
ton, Charles A. Magwimd. Cluirh-s Edninnston,
Alexnndut Black, J. Dtmnrnnt, Jnmes l.ecnre, J.
R. I Inyo#, M. C. St^dccai, Jnmes Uo*<-;E. I’.Stnir,
R h ri Collin#, D. F. Flaming.—Ch. Mercury,
22d inti. \
Gen, Scott pn«*ed though Clovelnno to Detroit a*
bout a wi'ek ago. on a tour of inspection of the
military posts on thnt frontier. Tho »tep ha# lieen
rendered necessary in consequence of untielpnted
movanirnts by tho Cunadian putt lots.—Balt. Pott,
The report thnt has been current for several dny* f
thnt Governor Everett was dangerously ill of scarlet
fever, is we are happy to learn, unfounded. He
was slightly indisposed but has recovered.—Boston
Extract of a letter ton morcuntilo honsu in this
City, dated
Union Ferry, 221 Nov. 1032.
Dear StR,—I take pleasure in informing you
that after five dnysnf lia.d woik. I have succeeded
in extinguishing the fire upon the Union Road. The
damage is considerable, but I hope in the ensuing
week to have it repaired. Traveller* can now puss
safely with common care in driving.
Yours respectfully.
We did not receive any letter yesterday afternoon
from our Correspondent, a* he was not aware of
our new arrangement,but copies of three Bill* came
to hund, one of which we puMish b-low. The oi It
ers are too long to give in extrnto, this morning.
Oeo of these Bill* I* to amend tho several Acts
in relation to taxes, the principal features of which
me to make all real and personal estate in thoStato,
whether owned by individuals or corporations Ruble
to taxation, except nil public lands and buildings,
and edifice for the purposes of religious worship,
education or judicial purposes, till plantation tools
and household furniture, Arc. Sic. A poll tax of
ono Hollar to be assessed upon every white citizen
above 21 years, to bo sol apart for education by
common schools.
The other Bill is to repeal the C»*ntml Bank of
Georgia, and to make void its Charter on tho 1st
siT January next, except f -r tho collection of debts
due said Bank or the State. All the hooks, p ipers,
notes, &c. to he delivered to the Bnnk of tho State
of Goorgiu, uml to be distributed among its branch-
•es nnd such other Bunk* as are mint convenient to
tho debtors in oinking payments nnd renewing their
notes. Annunl returns to ho mode Ity the receiving
Bunk. All paper due nnd u-ipnid to bo collected
by suit,immediately after the transfer. The sp-cie
nnd current Bank nolo* now in the Central Bank
to bo applied to tho red-mption of its bills and
note*, ami to be delivered tothe Treasurer of the
Statu for (hut purpose. Thu last section read, thus:
Sec. 14 And be it further enacted by the au
thority nfarctnid. That it shall bo the doty of
itoopeu a correspondence with the Creditors of the
■Central Bn>,k in New York, to whom three liu .dred
(thousand dollars are now due, and to eudeavor to
’obtain nit extension of rime on thui debt, for the
•term of tioi less than one, nor more tliuu five years,
And if th« negotiation *h,ll result in 'he postpone
ment for the term of only ono year, then and in thnt
-cn«u such collections >trill be sm-redly devote-! to
th-> payment of that debt, and sltull be so appli- d
whenever sums of shall he realized urn! tv-
rporieil to the Tieustner.
Th 'su Bills wore reported by the Joint Select
Committee on tho Ueport of ilia Commissioner* of
Ordered to be printed by tho Senate.
To ho entitled “An Act to amend tin Act In au
thorize ih« ..tie of scrip or rertifl'iitc* of State
debt, nnd to eid >rgo the duties of the Commis
sioners of the W stern nnd Atlantic Rail Road
Gemein, iis<enicd to on lhe29th Decomber,
183(1—ami also to make further provision for die
completion of said Hoad."
Sec. l*t. He it enacted by the ftenate. nnd
Hou*e of Representatives of the State of Geor
gia in General Assembly met. utul it is hereby
rnacledbi/ the authority of the tame, Thai should
the Commissioner* of the Western ami Atlantic
Hull Rond, deem it advisable to i**uu tn.d dispose
of the .Scrip or Certificate* of said debt, uutiurizod
by,the above recited Act, in pnymuni of Contrac
tors engaged, or that tti-iy lieii-aiter bn engaged in
the construction ol sail road, or to defray tho ex
pense* incident to said work, tin y shall have full
power and authority to make such Scrip payable at
any period of time tint lc»s than fitt.-cn, nor more
than thirty years from the date of su h Scrip, or
time of it* s ilo and deliver s Provided, that not
mure than threo hundred thou-un.l dollars thereof,
•shall ho made puyabl- in any one your.
Sec. 2d. Andbeil further enacted by the author-
/ity aforesaid, Th it lor ilia puichasu of iron or
.oilier malarial, or appurtenance, when thc-nime «lmll
become necessary for the completion of said Rail
'Ilodd, agreeably toilm pr visions of the above ru
cited Act, tho Governor shall draw hi* War
rant on the Treasurer for the requisite a noiint or
.■tatty part thereof, should there be in the Treasury
ony money spccifficnlly appropriated lot hut object ,o»
tiny money not otherwise appropriated. And if no
auclt appropriation shall then lutve been made, nnd
there be in the Treusury no unappropriated m-aiey,
•or an insufficient amount thereof, it shall and may
be lawful for the Commissioners aforesaid tai-sua
and dispute of Scrip or Certificates of State deb',
agreeably to the provision* of the above recited Act,
in pnyment for such iron, or otlior material, or ap
purtenance. r
Sko. 3d. And be it further enacted by the an-.
Xhority aforesaid, That all coupon Wutraiits ut-
Xachod to such Scrip or Certificuto* of Smut deb',
as may be, or have been issued under th" provision
*^»f thl* and the nhovo rccito I Act, -ball, at till times
-after the tame ahull have become payable, be. re
ceived nt the Treasury in payment of luxe* ami
other dues from individuals or bailie* corpora o to
.the Stale of Georgia.
Indians.—Since our Inst, we have two other de
predations to record. On Saturday night last, a
party of Indians attacked tho plantation of Mr.
John Johnson, reading on the Ocilln, in Jefferson
in the neighborhood of Mr. I<ce’s, and killed four
negroes and a white lad. They were fired on by
Mr. Johnson and a f.-w others, and otto or two of
their party wounded.
On Wednesday evening a party of ten or twelve
attacked the dwelling of Mr. Alfred Oliver, residing
•on the Oclockonee, about twclvn miles from thi.
city. A son of Mr. Oliver was *hot in tho bronst.
pierced by four balls nnd died immediately. Mr.
O. nnd a young man residing in the faintly seized
their rifles, fired upon the Indian*, nnd severely
wounded otto or two of their number, which ruusod
them to retire. The trail has been followed by n
•mall pnrty of neighbors, but no ImRtin* found.—
Capt. Johnson’* company of volunteer* are now in
pursuit, and it is hoped will full upon them in their
rutieats.—Floridian, 18th inti.
The last Raleigh, (N. C.) R"gl#ier state* that n
painful rumor had been In circul itiuu in that city
for several days, the amount of which was that the
Hon. Edward Stanley, and Wm L. Kennedy, R*q,
of Beaufort, had gone to Virginia to *uti|e un uffnir
or honor—Mr. K. being the challenger. That pa-
p*r add*— 1 “just at our paper goes to pre**, n re*
port i* in circulation, whither truo or fnl«o we
know no', that tha purlin* were arretted on their
way to tha batik ground, tod bound ey*r.»
07 Tho Diitish Queen had not arrived In Now
York on the 2t)iii Inst. Much anxiety wa* felt for
her at rival in that city.
07 A new German pupor ha* been published in
New Orlean*.
071'rincn Louts Napoleon, who was the hero
of the rmeute at Strashurg, has arrived at Now
Thu Button Pott, 10th, hus the following:
The Result.—Wo fed confidence now, In in
forming our renders thnt Mnrcus Morton has n
majority of all tlm votes for Governor, which will
exceed 1(10,000 in tho aggregate. Last year 93,-
Q02, the largest votoev.-r given.
Tim Hou*o promise* to huvo n majority nfdem-
oc.rut*, and a very decided nt"jorily of democrats
and Mterais over the regular whig*.
TheSeoato willHtuiul a* follows: In Suffolk 4
«hlg»; Essex 0; Plymouth 1 i Burustahlo 1; Nan
tucket and Duke* l; Hampshire 2—15.
Democrats—Middlesex 5; Hampden 2; Norfolk
3; Biiatol3; Beik*hire2—15: leaving 10 vncancie-
viz: 2inSuffolk; l in Franklin; 6 In Worcester, uml
1 in Plymouth.
The race* over the Milledgevillo course came nfl'
Inst week. Tho colt stake entrance eon hundred
dollars, wa* won by Edmondson’* ch. f. by Andrew
—time first heat. 1 53; second 2.
Tin- first dny’* purse $1110. wa* won by Edmon
son's g. in. Alien Ann, distancing Col. Young’s b.
h. Tam O’Shnntcr, the first heat. The second day’s
purse, $500. three miie b nt*, wits won by Edmott-
*on’< ch. f. M-iry Elizabeth, beating Lovell’s Miss
Accidentunddistaaeing, first heni,Vauii\ndinghum *
Andrew, und Tltomu*’ Attukupa#—time 0.1: C. 8.
The third duv’s purse, $801), four mile* boats, wa*
won by Thomas’ Cavalier Servuntc, boating Lovell*'
Gernvv—time8. 18; 8. 18 Tho four!It day's putsc,
$301) best three in five wu* won by Edmonton'*
Alice Ann.
NEW YORK,Nov. 18.
Snles Stock—51) shares U S Bank - 30 days 71 5
50d<> dodo s 30 ds 72; 50 do do do 73; 28 do do20
day*73; 47 do do do 74.
Thera appears to boa bettor feeling to-day in mo-
•y affairs generally, and we ute told that it can be
obtained freely nt 2£ percent which is more favor
able than for sometime past. Sleek* have gone up
ugnio considerably. Corporation Bond* udvuneeil
j per cent; United State# 4; North Amerieun Tmat
Co. I j; Mechanic** Bunking A-socintioii lj; Ante-
a Exchange Bank 2ij; Deluwmo and Uuilsun li
Harlem, Put* r*m» mid Stoningtou R R$.
S.'oeic.—$200,000 were r coived in this city on
Saturduy mini Pldlmieiplii. $150,000 or which wore
lor tho Bunk of tho United States in N«-w Yotk.—
The Cincinnati Gazette of tho 12ih lure the follow-
ini! :
Tlte resumption of specie payments by our bank#
hus not been u.loaded with any run upon them. It
is looked upon, as it really is, a* a matter of neco-
ity, ami lias heeu entirely wit limit utfuci upon our
Money market. In the m- untime, our uv*rehiiiii8
feel the effuc.'sof the time-more severely everyday.
The brig MolitiO. m rived tni* morning, hn- bro't
$.»o,()0i) to.I .1 IMinei: $0,000 to Prime, \Va«d &
Kiii^S $1,000 to J Little, and $300 to W St R K"l-
The ship Aiialaide, fiom New Orleans, nrrived at
Philadelphia, on Saturday, hr uuht $100,000 in
specie for tho Unit* d State* Bank.—Com. Adv.
The Market.—Southern funds have improved ve.
ry much un some points. Buyers ur quite plenty
nnd seller* scarce. Th" fo. lowing are fair quota
lions: Philadelphia 11 il2; Bti tmmio 12; Chutes-
tnttOj Snviiniiuh 8u9; Au-u-ta 0a 10; Mobile 12; N.
Orieutt* 5a0. •
iMuuU) ull'uirs look decidedly hotter. Tho Banks
nre di*c->uiitiug more freely, mi l specie i* arriving
ill still increasing quantities. Slocks me higher.
Flot,r i# dull. Common W-stern is $5$, and Ohio
$flnG|, with hut li-w huvers. Sal * ol Barley at 7 In
72c. There i* very little movement in Cottati, ami
lower price* nre constantly insisted un bv buyer*.
Jour. Com.
Stock*,—The follooiog stile* took place tiller the
Second Board yesterday: 51* sIoim-r U S Bank, *
30 $10 d' p. 82; 15 15 d* 82
IJ S Batik, 8211101,8.'^ asked; Girard, 38 bid,38^
U. S. semi. Fliiit Lieut .McLaughlin.—Thnt
active mid iot -lligent young officer. Lieut. M -Laugh-
lilt, i* u' B.d.imnte, p e|-ming; w th despatch,>ho
new U. S. sctmo.icr of wnr Flirt,of Immitiliil model
nod destined for a vvintei cruise numrg the keys,
island* and river* of East Florida,- in co-operation
with our troop.*, and in prou ciion of vi s* J* that
nmy be wrecked, and fall a prey to Indian nt irnud*:
ing parties, l.iu'it. Me Lnoghliii’svultialileservices !
in previous I'xpcdittonsin ttii* quarter entitle him to
the command of th" squadron of-m.ll vessel* op
erating in that direction. So we presume the young
Lihuteuaut util soon ludst bis broad pennant nit
board the gallant little Flirt —iV Y Star,
Sienr Philip Noulles Searle has lieen appointed
Vico Consul for Portugal, lor the Suites of New
York mid Cnimmsiicol, and iheca*tern part of New
Jersey, aid Benjamin Dougin##, Vice CoiimmI of
Stir.11nin, fortiie State of Sou'll Ca-olitiii, to reside
at Chari*ton.
James Rose, Esq. was on Situnlay unanimously
elected President of the South Western Rail Ruud
Bank of South Carolina.
Michigan.—The Whig* have elected their can-
didotes for Governor nnd Lieutenant Governor by
something over 1000 majority. Both brunches of
the legislature nre also Whig.
Tho Chevalier 1)b Martuscblm, Consul Gene
ral of tha Two Sicilies, bn* boon officially recugnis-
oil. und was, tbl# morning, presented to tho Pre
sident by the Acting Secretary of State.
07 The National Theatre, nt Now York, has
ceased for lack of support.
07 Tho Now Orleans paper# of the 10th have
Texas new* to tlm I5tb. Emigrants uro pouting
into thnt republic front nil qunrlrJs. Wo me by the
state of the market thnt the prices in that nrto place,
are scarcely more thun we pay here.
We nre informed that tho Brunch of tho Bnnk
State ofGeoriMn, at Augusta, suspended specie pay.
meat# on Friday Inst. 22d itist. Whilst wo under
stand that the Branch has in its possession more
than $1 ofi-pecio for ono in circulation, yet they
were indisposed to continue to p-rmit their neigh
bour#, who had suspended specie payments, to is
sue their notes, und secure all the exclimign offering,
without a participation, and further to use the
Brunch notes for demands on tho Bank for specie*
Tlmir situation among non-spccie paying Bunks,
deprived them of doing any new business, while
th y were subject to bo crippled intbuir operations.
Wo take groat ph a-ure in recording the prompt
action of tho officers of this Company in rupniring
tho Bridge on the Li'tlo Ogeohce. Wo learn that
too freight train* did on Sunday commence, und ure
now, tunning over the Bvidgu, as usual, and wit sin
cerely hope that no further untowurd ncc dent wdl
prevent tho regu nr mid daily uso of the road. The
speed with which the dmnugo in this instance hn*
been repaired is vvmtliy i.fud praise, especially to tho
chief carpenter and vv rktnett ol the Company who
hesitated not to work day and night and in rain,
until they go' through. The public, too, has hero tut
earnest of whnt tlm Company can und will do tu
keep their road uvuiluhle.
Th" Rev, Mr. I’ierpoint, of Boston, was reinstat
ed in bis pulpit on Monday, by u vo o of 60 to 59,
Hi* congregation ili.-ti rescinded the resolution by
which ho wns displaced.
NEW YORK. Nov. 19.
North bun Bank or Kentucky.—It is known
that tips Uitik deposited large sum* in specie it,
the Bank of tho U. Stum* at I’hUadelpIna, nnd
checked against it. nnd that these _ch*-ck* coining
due after the I’loluiMrhiu suspension, were refus
'd olio paid except in rhihidelphix money. It i* re*
noted tlnu the {’resident of the Kentucky Bnnk,
vho is here, has insisted t liar whenever anything less
tlinn specie or its equivalent had been imiil fur them
check*, tlm difference should lie mud* - up to the
puttie* by the l*. S. Bunk, und that this bus been
compli d with, and that further, lie bus demanded
nnd received tho balance of his account, $180,000,
in specie, nnd transferred the same to the Bank of
America.—Jour of Commerce.
U. S. Bank.—We .learn from the Harrisbutgb
Report* r that the U. S. Bnnk made return* of its
monthly transaction# to the Auditor General on
Thursday lu-t. Site had in ode no returns, previous
ly, since the 1st Nov. 1038,—more thun a year.—
Tub Reporter promise* u notice of the present re
turns in its next number. The Bank is required by
law to make returns monthly.—Ibid.
O’The N. Y. Evening Rost of Wednesday, bus
the f"H iwdeg :—
Massachusetts Election.—The Boston Morn
ing l'n#» of yesterday, bus re'tirns from all the town#
of M I** lehusctl*, th • corrected aggregates of which
ur" us follow*:
For M..rton ( 51,119.
For Ever it, 50. 543—leaving a diff-ronee of 571
Morton’s plurality. Tito Mormog I'o*: remarki,:
'• We ao confirmed in the belief tbit the *>-Htt-r-
iug v tie* for (i iverner wi l not come up tu 300 in
lliu .State. The Atlus cun gather but 210. This
will comprise mon* thun two third* oftiia wdio'e—
Tit" vote bus been confined to the l* o candidates
this y> nr murli closer than usual Bo-tou is the b"*t
i-iitsrioti, and usually give* 'ho 1 irg st »cu lering.—
!o 1838 tbo scattering vu'r# in Bo«;on were II.—
In tin* S me'i.'O. lit 1837. Bolton74. In th- Suite
237. !•' 1838, Boston 38. State 237. In 1839,
Boston, 20.’’
The B >*1*10 Daily Advertiser, whig, »uy* thnt
'* Tlm number of sen*taring vote*, «o far a* our in
format ion extend#. «« small. We nre of opinion
that they are not sulli dent to neutralise tho mnjoii-
ly in favor of J »dge Morton."
Practical Charity.—Most of tlm C'lmrelm* in
Boston, o - Sonduv, made liberal rnlloction* for th"
Mobil" sufferer*! Amongth«m,f’J4Uin Mr. Yuuti^'*,
tnd f-28l in Dr. Parkmuni.
To*dny a bill from thu So ate to repotil tha boun
ty on Silk cocuon* wus passud. S i it Waits only
tba usspiit of the Governor to become u law. fit is
nlf.u ds ono morc, of the many instances, of prema-
lure mid hasty legislation. Lust your tho biil grant
ing the bounty wns passed, a* I ont informed, with,
out n di-sentiont voiee. This year, in neither house
was otto raised in its defence. If it wera right to
give u bounty, last year, jl i- wrong to repotil it this,
nnd vice versa: so tlte “assembled wisdom" nmy
hung on either burn of the dilemma.
The special order of tin* dny was u hill to Inyoffa
now county from the counties of Ctui, Murray, Floyd,
nnd Chuttoogn, introduced by Mr. May* of Cuss.
Several names were proposed to fill op the blank,
as to the name. Some n-ked whether the hill mak
ing tho county, bud not better Im passed before they
named i. Finally the nunto of Copper whs carried;
blit on the question for the final pnssngu of the bill,
it was lost by a decided majority—eye* 31, tines
143. So tho friends of the bill may console thorn
s' Ives that their bain ling was christened before it
wns born, and on tho same principle, Unit Stame
Im* so humorously i btstrated in Tristram Shuitdy.
in hi.- chapter on Baptism#. (Let the curious se vch.)
Genl. Cleveland ftnni tin* joint standing cominilteo
on Finance, reported n bill for the better regulation
and auditing of account*. It provides that it triple
uccoimt he kept by the Governor, Comptroller Gen*
oral, a d the Treasurer, each of whom shall net ns
a clieok on the olltar, and specify particularly on
whnt nccount, tnd in whu*c favor the public mon-y
has. been paid nut.
Th" order of thedny wns suspended by the House.
A bill in change the venue in certain Iriuls, (for
criminal offences) was introduced by Mr. Stephens,
.d'Taliaferro, nnd wns read the first time. Mr.
Mays, ofC'nss, introduced n bill to permit the Cen
tral Bunk to issue notes inn to exceed twice tho
amount of specie nn*l note# nfnlhor chartered Bnnk#
in ln?r vuuits, to sell the Bunk Stock owned by the
State, nod appropriate the proceeds to tho use of
the Bunk, nl*o to esmblish Branches of #nid Bank
ut several plucos, among others at Cnssvillu, which
wns read the first time.
The memorial from thecitio* of Savannah and
Augusta, in relation to the Rail Road from tha Cen
tr'd Rnil Rond to Augusta oia Waynesboro’,praying
th" loan by tho Stuto of iu bonds, to each city, to
thn amount of $101),0<I0 w«* Juiil before the House
by Genorel Glascock, which nftar lining read was
referred to the joint standing commit'eenn Internal
Improvement. A Bill bus passed the Seqate incur-
p -rating the Georgia Silk Manufacturing Company.
Friday, Nov. 22.
This being tho day set apart ngreubly to tho
amendment of Dr. Arnold, for going into tho elec
tlon of a State I'rintur, ami for Mnj >r General of the
1st Division of Georgia Militia, the Legislator-
proceeded to tho election On the second bullot
Win. S. Rog'-rs, of the Federal Union, wus elected
Stu'c Printer.
Upon the statement by the President of the Se
nalc, dint tlio legislature would proceed to tltech c.
lion of Major General, &c. Col- A. H. Kcnnn, of
Baldwin, announced the nnmu of Brigadier General
Char)"* Fl-.yd, as n candidate, and another gentle,
mnn announced the name of Mr. Fetor Cone, oflhe
county of Bulloch, ^unatarfrum thu same. On count
ing oat the votas the result wa* ns follows:
For Peter Cone, 132
For Gen r.d Floyd, li5
Scattering 0
» tho Pru«i.l-*m dcclnred Mr. Peter Cone duly
elected Major Generulof tho 1*1 Division of Goor*
gin Militia.
Gen. Floyd received ,it is bcl'e* ed about twenty-five
Union vot"*, which ought to have elected him, if
thu other party had voted a full vote.
A bill to iniike nil Rail Ronds liable for cattle,
hugs, Arc. killed by the locomotives, and to make
the finding of the dead bodies upon ur near Bin
track prtma fatit evidence of their having been
so killed, was to-day rejected by the Senate. Sor.
era) g'-iitluutan beru uro very nnxious for legiila-
'loti, to iai«e tbo price of thn products of tlio soil,
Thi* bill would b'/v» suited them it Imimldy, for
mangy pork would have risen in the markst, nnd n
leg, which din 1 by tlio vUitnthm of Providntico,
would have been on the fame footingn« onu tli
hud yielded up M< life to thn butrber'* knifo. No
• doubt l-'comotivw# might have horn granted n pa.
tent for killing bo^» or caiUo, uiitiiaiUiiu tho lim
its of possibility that they might
a sympathetic influence on ihoiires
mat within ten ttllle# of the Rail Roud track, wmo
tho owtiet# diipoied to transport them iltute nfler
•uch killing. After tho clectloh, tlio House ad
Saturday, Nov. 23.
After thn rending of tha Journal, the resolution
to prohibit iho CointnliRonor* of tho Western and
Atlantic Rail Rond from lotting out any of tho con
tracts on said Ruud, advertised lobe lot on tho 13'h
Decvmlwr next, was culled up by tlio tnovor. A
motion wns made to lay it on the table for the pre
sent. The you* nnd nay* wore called—yea* 77,
nays 77. Tho Speaker voting in the affirmative,
it was laid on thu table for the present,
The Bill Ibr'oi'ganizing a Court of Errors, enmo
up fur it* •cocnd reading. A motion wu* ntudu by
Mr. Gray, to tnnko it the order of the dny for Fri
day next. Mr. —— moved to rnukc it tho order-
of the day, for the fourth of July next. Tills is. ns
you know, tho method taken to kill a bill, By so
doing, it alio cuts u(Y nil discussion, and is vory
well ndaptud to dispose of Bill* of little interest,
w hich are clearly wrong in tliuir previsions. But
to close the d-«or of argument on an Itnpnitant sub*
jectliko this, n<-guo* on the part of those opposed
to it, a must unreasonublo spirit. I do not see It-
those wh» voted in tho affirmative, cun reconcile
their vote* with tltalr oath on taking their seats —
A tnembet then swonrs-to support tho Constitution
of tho State. That Constitution, as now In forcOi
require* tlm organization uf *uch a Court. Yet
th.iso who veto ugniusli refuse to fulfil the require
menis uf that Constitution, they ure «worn to
support. On the the motion to lay it on tho
t ublo until thu 4th July next, tho you* wore 81,
nays 78.
On Monduy next a motion will bo made to recon
sider thn above veto, but I do not hove thn slightest
idea that it will succeed. 1 seo that dm opponents
of this Biil uct un tho same principle or the mutt
who said,
" I d" not like thee Dr. Fell!
The reason why, Icannot tell,
But tit's I know, full well
Ido not like thee! Dr. Fell!’’
I have often and often thought, #i»ce T
hate, of thn advice of tho celebrated Oxciisticrn, to
his sou, upon sending him to n German Diet. It
would Im rather ton ticklish to toll tho“ gentle pub
lic" wliut tint wns, and those wh-tse memories do
it'll supply llii'tn with it, must brighten up. Two
important Bills came up for a second reading,
in rulud'in to tiixulioiijAnd tlm other, General
Ginsc ck's Bill in I'clmiuu to Bin Banks, both of
which I have sent you. Tlm tax Bill wa* nmcJuBl"
order uf tho dny fur Tuo*d .y nnd tbo otlmr litr
Wednesday next. Mr. Stophans of Tuliafeiro,
iiffi'i-ed a Bill lelatiye to the killing of eat lie, lings,
&e. .by Loc-nnotivn*, similar to the one I wrote you,
ns having Inmii rejected in too S-utulo yesterday.—
This in->ruing it wns reauusidered jit th" Senate.
Mr. Gray intnidu.'.eil a resolution toab-ili-h 'hn'
rum of th) l]-m*u which pteduirs debate on it
mo inn to lu) n-iy muusura on the tublo far die Imp
unco of tlm S. s-i.m. Thi* el cited u wordy discus
sion, nnd it wns laid on die rahlo for the bulnnue of
the *eg* un. Aye* 114—Nues41.
Ill the Senate, thi* morning, tho Bill to r&ponj thnt
article "film Constitution which requires times’
liibli-hnmnt of u Conn of Errors, cumo very near
Ituvitig u majority, the Ayes boin; 52
—Noes 27
Tlm vote in Bm H.ittse on this import nut measure
and that in the Sonata, demand a pu-«iu» commen
tary, nti.l ought to t.pcu tlm oyos of the people, tu
the imp*tu ive neens.-liy of a reduction. Tlm num.
her of member* in tlm 11 Anne U 208, in tbnS.Miuio
93; St yot in tlio Hmtso tukingdm highest vote Jveit
81 mid 78, und deducting (be Speaker, it leaves n
deficiency of 43 njemlmts it) tlmt branch of the
Legislature; and taking dm votes in thvSenate 5$
niul 27, and deducting tlm President, it leaves n
dvficione.y uf 13, making tlm aggregate utmibor of
Logislutor* absent, u-i less than sixty one, und this
indie midst uf tlm Session, when most imporiuiii
measures are daily brought up for notion. And
it will nnd must over be, us long ns our Genera I
Assembly is
p rl'.irmed in a crude trad hasty manner, or import*
nut trad judicious mcti-me* ure tramp ed under foot
buRuuso thu friends of such measure* uro absent
from ibvir scuts. Stick u pin here, Mr. Editor.
Bank to eaoio suit, to be instituted agnimt such dv
butter, using the tmtno of tlio C.-ntial Bank of
Georgia u« Plaintiff in such suit, nnd sltall mute*
over be li'Utud to utmver ail suit* or action* brought
or to Im braoghi ugmnsi tbeCumrid Bank, and tlnu
nny cause of action now vxititug, ur b-ieullnr to
arise ngnintt tho »uid Central Bunk, ihul. be iustilu-
tod in the countv of
lid* State only, and that only in such enmity limll
said Bunk !>o obliged to tospnnd to any *urh not inn,
und any notion instituted in nny other county u-
gainst said Central Dank, shall n* of otnirse and
without motion, lie disunited and stricken from tho
Sen. 0. And be it further enacted by the author
ity aforesaid, That it almll bo the duly of the Bnnk
of the State of Georgia, to mako loiuins un
of every year, of it# uotlng# und doings in tlm premi
ses, and moreover at all other timus when pay
ment# tornado by debtors, slmll amount tu Bm #uiu
of iuordur that tlm Treasury may bo regu
larly advised periodically uf lliu condition ol such
dnku, and beside* muy avuil of thu collovtiuiit
made in tlm interim, fur tlm pur|t<i*e« hutoinnTier
nut forth, and such other* u* shall be prosoribod by
Sec.7. Andbe it further enacted by the author
ity aforesaid, Thnt nil collection* mude by tho
Bank uf Bid Stuto of Georgia, shall bo subject to the
warrant of the Executive drawn on such Hunk, or
on tho Branch of*aid Bank ut whlili such ouHuu-
turn wns mude, ut tlm option of sail Bm.k.
Soo- 8. And be itfurlhcr cnuv.led by the autliot-
ity aforesaid, Tlmt all attorney* ami solicitor*
who linvn In hand* paper duo to the Central Bank
for collection, shall make rouirns to t o *aid tlm
Bunk uf thu State uf Georgia, of tlm condition of
such pnpur, nnd shall pay ovor to rucli Bunk till
collections mudo by them, within days after
the #nne shall liavu been collected, on ^luin of bu
ing ruled by tlm Superior Court uml 1 abject to tit"
payment of interest at tho rate of pur cent, per
annum; und all attorney* employed Ity snid Bnnk
of tbo Statu uf Georgia in collnriiau of such dues,
slmll be liable to lik» |ni-u* and penalties.
Sec. 9. Andbeil further enacted by the author
ity aforesaid, Thimbu said Bank of tin* Stale of
Georgia, ileill hav6 authority for the couvenienuo «f
debtors in coitaln purl* of tlio Stile, t.i place u pur.
tiim of such evidence of tlafits in thn Bunk of St
Mary’# >tml unotlmr portion in the Bnuu of Colum
bus,which snid Banks slmll mako stielt rot urns and
pnymenis, ns shnll bu pro*cribud by tim *uk|, th"
Bank oflhe Stale of Georgiu.
Sec. 10. And be it further enacted by the author
ity aforesaid, Tltut tltusuid, the Bunk of the Statu
of Goorgiu, slmll bo entitled to rejinluirso itself, its
actual expense of postage, Lawyers' feus, und the
salary of one additional Clerk out of mid from col
lections tu Im made in miinuar aforesaid.
Sec. 11, And be it further enacted by the author
ity aforesaid, Tint all paper tin 'ami unpaid, which
sltall Im trao-forred in npninitraforesaid, slmll im-
mo >! at-dy after such trnnslur, Im plncud it) n train of
collection by suit, nr otherwise,
Sue 12. And be itforth r enacted by the. att'hor-
ity aforesaid, Thill immediately after th • disirjtni-
tlon of such paper slmll be made by tlm Bunk of
tlm State of Georgia among its Broncho*, uml m
oi bur Banks, notice ahull be given iu of tlm
Gazettes, nt Millcdgeville, iu such manner, us tlmt
Debtors of each, uml every Comity, -hall be nbie to
learn in wliut pnitieitlur Bank, the paper,nr notes
of the Debtor* of such County, have been placed
for collection.
See. 13. Andbe it further enacted by the au'hor-
ily aforcs 'td, Tlmt the go il »u.| stiver current
Bunk note* now to til" Ceniriil Bnnk of the State
of Ge-.rgin sh ill he applied to tlm redemption of
the hills and note* uf the Central Bank, nti.l *urh
gold nnd silver nnd current Bunk tint"# u* slmll on
thu duy of transfer aforesaid he in the Central Bank,
>h«ll he turned over, and delivered to the Treasure
nr of the State, wire shall apply tho sanm exclusive
ly uml alone, to the redemption and puym -ntnf
the note* of iho'Jentrnl Batik now iu ciicnlatiim,
und which slmll ho nrescntml for pnyment.
Sec. 14. Andbeil further enacted by the au
thority aforesaid, That It slmll Im tho duty of
toopuuu corrmpimdunce with the Creditor* oflhe
Contral Bnnk in Now York, to whom three hundred
thousand dollar* nre now ilua, and to to
obtain nu extrusion of time mi tlmt d- ht, for tlm
term of uni In.*# Bmo one, u<*r mure than five years,
nn I if the negotiation slmll remit in ilie postpone
ment for the term of only one year, then und in tlmt
ease such collection# shall bo sncredly devmud in
thn payment of tlmt debt, nnd shall Im #u applied
whenever sums nf slmll lie realized and re
ported to the Truniuror.
, N- Briliil, Qhich rfttchni Now Yaikon
, ' Hn "" l «y «' 3 U'd-Hlll. 1'rulmbly .lie |„J t,,,,,
tu ' 1 -1 l-m,it limn ii.iml.
A. Sumluyonmo. ..nro „ wick, wo hint „„ |„, lor
yp,l,nlny fr-.m M,ll»,l 6l ,»|||o, for tlw.lmi.i5 m „ 0 „
1 hut Micro wa* nothing tu report.
O’ Mr. D.WSiin, „r ||,|, Sim. I, .n—kflii Of,
III.nw,t nviiitiihlQ "Whl,"«»„,|ia t..r„nh. S,m,k-
“ r "l" •*' Hn-iriTOtuilvi..: j„„ K
*£!•; "" M hl * *“)■-" "'III iwl-lml ,m tlm
, "I l"l(w | "ltll. 'null llu VDIt Iwl.l till fltrtlll'r I,
10 , "T"""'"'"’' 1 ' "-"lly. I, u lm,l
trade, after all.
[j™ Yo ' k ■ Bm - ''Ml, «.r Tlttlrml ,y, ,.y„_
llm u.-.imi impor. by ilii. , n „il cuinul,, ,i„.
tiling i.f itn|"irt""c'> touching tlm rlrctlim. A cor-
ro.puiiftiuit "f tlm MnrnliigP'Kt, writing Irnm llurre,
say# that in Bane, Morion’s veto wu*257. Everett’*
aat, mat III oaKhotn, Morton Imd 91 votn* and
Evermi 05, making a difference of 52 in Mutton’*
Tho Boiton Post says) “The most remarkable ca#»
which came on yestorjluy, wa* tlmt ol tho Common’
wealth of Mu*«uehu*eti* versos William Mm re,
who wns ehargod with having smoked u %i ligh'ed
rigor" In tlm street? hut an thu proof wa* that ho
only am >kiol n pipe, hn was discharged, 1 ’’
37 We notice the dentil of another eminent man,
Solomon Suuthwiok, E-q., nf Albany, intlmOSth
year of hi* ago. Thi# gontlemnn’n career nflbrd#
unotlmr hrilllant specimen of that prole#*ton which mlorned. Mr. South wick, wu# burn iu
Rhode Island, trad uttlfiigli hewn* first apprenticed
to u baker, bis occupation became ultimately tlio
mote congenial mm nf n practical printer. Hn
worked in New York ni.din Albany, in tho capacity
ofn journeyman primer; loit Id* svperlnr abilities
fuon distinguished him, and he eiovuted to the *tn»
Ron of nn n*»o"ium editor with John Bauiucr, the
State printer, trad editor of tho Albany Register.
Me. South wick made more money while he con,
dieted tlm Register, than porlnjp* any other editor
In America, He wn*, however, though possessing
p 'Woeful tnlont*, very unsiuldn and Irritable, and
qu'.rivl.ieg with hi* best frjend*. |jt aim tide lied do-
mnerttry, bectimu thou a Federalist, nnd, at length
nil Anti-Miwni, At nne period of hi* life ho wn# u
Fatalist in religion, bin, at length, when (ho cloud#
"ftnlvetsliy enveloped him in their fold#, nnd hi*
•dlv prid'} wu# humhed-lm bccumo a duvout
trad s'ne. re ChrUiiiin. His Intter ynnr* were pass
ed in poverty “-.I ud ho «"W rests from his earthly
labors, where nil tiuist follow, Tho Now Yotk
Comm rcint Im* n long notiee of lilm,nin| mn*t uf
tin-fuels we give, Imvu been nhridged -rntti that
Thr u. >al,r. Olt,•», Llrui. Shuhrlok. urind .1
K 7, 'Vr.rnnil," murnln, nf dm Sil but,
im ; hl r ir.l/, nOtT ""drigolng r—
Ni-rth 11 ”'* J IC ' •"" ,on ,n
r. ur I'.'l'.'i. wh» l.a.l gnu, |g T«np, n«y, wldt
wlilir U'h.T. I»d»'lritiri n l i. ) .,,.,^bo|..fp''.c,,
rut ih.pot 1 »« of h„l,llm»ffi), Wjk, BmLnd.
u flakoti priioKorf
Vera!'' “ r ' ll “ S™ Iiuusw,.—•
„ . 7_ NKivvotnf, aov, SI,
' £ , rk •»" Ui Ruin
itn'ioVs 30 " 1;l 75 J “ ' ,i> ' 19 d, y‘ "Oi 10®
'T 0 "" V"" erl “' «t««3»4» nolo in the mo-
n<|y murk.t .".ility, Dm .Mi'i"I'.iutck wit. ton
lair ox tent, and hi mo#t Instance* an udvnnce in pH*
ces wn# obtained. '« *
Tbcro w..« nothing doing | n bill# on England thl*
JJJJJJJ* Wm 1 u " tu uxuhanga on Pbllndelphta at
Treasury note# to tho ninrunt nf $2500 wcrokbld
"t the board this ntominr m 99J.
'ihnpacket ship Piuddciit, which inlled yeiter*
tiny Tor Limdon. ennl soul about $25.000in#peele.
At thn oloetiim foe director* nf the Girard Bank, '
hold on Monday lust, there wa# an effort modi U>
pot in n new direction, which wn* uuiucccasfulg—>
Com. Adv.
The Market.—Thrro I*In** activity in Cotton.
Domestic Hxchanget.—Philadelphia Oj a I0|
Bulthnnredo; ,Richmond lOalOM Cbnrle.ton 8«9j
Ssynntmh 8.04; Augusta Da94; Mobile 0*9$) New
Otwatt* 0n04; Mi'sissippi 19a20.—Jour, of Cm*
Stocks—3 hoTnllnwinginte* »e-»- r'-«“ «mertna
‘ —50 share# U. S. Bank.
3() d- ho, flat, 83R 50 do do 3d* flat, 82.
U. S. Bunk, U3| bid, 04 a-ked.
The HAtmtaatmait Convention—The follow*
ing gent lenten were la#t opening elected a# Delegn*
re# nnd Substitutes to the Hnrriibnrgh Convention,
fur the nomination ol President and Vico Presidtft.t:
Dolagate# —Rnb* rt (J, Wotmoru, Dudley Bolden,
Jtttlnh Hnnitn.'iid, RoIhti Smith.
Subsiltme*.—Ahrnhnm R. I.nwrenre, Jonfl’ti an
Thomp-on, Matth w L. Davl*, Aarod Clark.—AT.
Y. Times, Slslinsf. ft
[Correspondence Of the A’. Y. Com, Advertiser. 1
HAVRE, Oet Iff.
Cation—Since it has boon ascertained that tho
United Stale* Rank affair 1* amraged, and that M|>
Jitudun hn* siicceodnd in cffccilng a loan in London,
the condition of that Batik isno longer the great
topic nf iMitcuss'nn, trad lhniim a#li.esa felt concern
ing It has entirely passed nW iy. A# trun-netioni
hnd been limited amongst ui, under the Obvlutli iri<
dnoemont# of buyer* tn precued cautiously, tho
Atoi'k* in the hundsnf mamiftmturers had become
exlmusicd, nnd n renuwed demand begin# to-show
it*o|f, Nevcrtb'ilt*##, tlm market has nut complete,
ly recovered if* tone, although toore IntVO Iteensume
gnnd side* this weoU| ftir tlm demand having appear*
ed by star'#, trad covsoquemlv not indicating a ref*
ttlnr progression in iltu matkot, them have beet)
Ihictnotions in prjre, nrcurditig as th<* hnldets were
disposed to reetdofremor adhere to their term*
under tho wish tu effect snles. We hava no change
to note, however, inasmuch a* th" firmness of-many
holder# Im* abmulii'tly neutralized conctwritlbimado
hero nnd there bv individual parties. The cotton*
nut.t In d"iiiniid nro these of tin) United Suites; or
dinary to good ntdirnirv; which bring from I00f to
I Dof. Mnny assorted lots of American have been
taken lur export iilnit, . . •
Sales during the week at IT lire,
853 halos Leuitliiiin, ordinary to good f00al29
495 do Muhile, otd. tu middling 1 97el0l
1277 du Genruia, S. S, otd. tu middling 92all1
154 d<> Flur.dujurd,'o gottd 98al0d
The N. U. Louisianian, iUth imt, say*, that
Messrs. Brown und Thompson, tho domoerntiemn-
ditlu es recently olect.'d tu eoitgrei# for tlm stuto of
Mi*'ir'#ippi, having obtained their certificates of
election, und procoeded to Washington un Friday
A correspondent of rltn gamo p iper of the 19th,
says, 1 but R, J. Walker, will bn elected to tho U S.
Sciiu'o by u bandsome majority over tlio little Sur
ge util l So much for S. S. Prentiss!!
Correspondence of the Augusta Constitutionalist,
Yesterday, in tlio Senoto, a hill wti-pn.*# il by tho
constiiutiuintl majority, 03 yeas trad 10 nays, to ni
ter the constitution so as to have biennial el c-
lion# of members, and se-sion* of the legislature.
..mposed of ao unwieldy u number I Tills is one of the plans proposnil for nnecoH'.micul
® 1 , ^ l. .....i 3 ot 1837, a sinHnr lull puned both lion#"#} but at
the session of last year, tbe.h»)l c-mM not obtain llm
constitmionnl mtijoiiiy. If tlm bill of tlm Senate
ract'ivcs thu aoti'iituiional-mujoiity of tho Hon*",
It will have to passtlmord nl of another li'L’isloturn
Imiore tlm nliorniion b-'Ciun -s I'OnttllMtioind. I hope
tlm people of tho statu will set their fnces ngninsi
such no nltcrntinn of tln-ir cons'itnlion- I have
been, and am still, apposed to biennial sessions und
el'-.'tions. I linvn so often given my rcu*ons fur
such nn opposition, tint it is iiimccessnry to repeat
them Imre. But if tlm present legislature leal fur
the intaros: of iheirconstimrni*, un-i are wi ling to
giva them an opportunity of expressing llmir wish
es. respecting nioiiubilsessions, nr u red nsti.ui in the
number nf nminher* of tlm legislature, |nt a bill lie
adopted, for snob ii •e-lticlion. If the pimple tip-
provo the plan proposed, they will instruct tlm mem
ber# elected to tlm next legis.a-are to vote for it.—
Hot should they prefer biennial *es«ion# in reduction,
then tlm legislature will l.o bound to conform to the
w : *lm* of their cuiistiiuent*.
The bank bill wa, made, by thn sennte, till# morn
ing, the order lor Monday next.
In th<* senate, n)*o this morning, thn bill to-top
tho Western and Atlantic 11 nil Road at Cross Plains
whs mado tlm order for Tuesday next. •
A bill hn# been introduced into the Iluu*c, to
repeal all laws now in lontn in thi* stuto, requiring
Tavern keep.-r* and retailers of spiritou* Pqn .rs to
f nnen.on license for tlm same, nnd to ro.nnv" ti l
imitations and restrict ion-* for the retail of spirit-
uus liquors. The object •>( tlti* bill is to put tlm
retail of spiritou* liquors upon the s une looting of
alloibur meroluradisn nf the country,
NKW.yoiTfT. nov. eo.
Salts alikeSl-ck Rxch'tnge —50 -hares V. S.
B nk 74; 50 do do* 19 day. 74; 75 lOdodu do 714?
05 dod-» 74$.
Exchange —Wo quote b'dl* nn EoglanJ nt 8 a
9 per cent prem.
A draft <-n Philndolpbin for $2500 wns snM at the
bond tlds morning, at 874, b 3 .lav#, and nnnther
lor $1099 at thn same rale, fur ca-lt. This is a de
cline of 4 p'*r cent since juslerday.
There is hot little if any chuuge in tlm aspect of
tlm money market since yesteid iy. Tlm business
in #tucks wn* to a fair amount. Mechanics' Bank
nod Ohio Trust Co. closed nt nn improvement nf
1«. II. S. Bank. Bank of Commerce, nnd Stati ng*
ton ((nil Rond, closed at the sumo prices us they
did uisti*.day.—Com. Jldv,
Exchange on Pliil-idolp'iia and Baltimore 9|*t 10;
Virginia and Nor-h Carolina 10* 12: Charleston 0u
8; Savannah 9al0; Mobili) 9j N Orleans OaO.J.
Misrissippi U. Bank port not.-# in dnmatjd nt20 dis.
—Jaur. of Com.
Repurtedby the Joint SelectCummitto—319 co
pies onion'd to bu print-id
To be ontitlod nnact to establish it Bnnk at Mjll*
edgevilio to be called and known by tho name
and style of the Central Bnnk of Georgia, and to
extand thu cl atter thereof to appruprjitm mn
nies, Ate., trad to increase tbo cupitul stock of tlm
See. ], Be it enacted by the. Senate and House,
of Representatives of the State of Georgia, in
General Assembly met,and it is hereby enacted by
the. authority of the same, That from and lift* r
th * p:is-ingof this uct, the first section of an net
entitled an act to imiend un act to establish u Uuno
ut Mille igeville, to be called and known by thi.
name and style of th" Central Bank of Georgia,
nnd to extend the charter thereof to appropriate
monies, &c. to increase tlm oopiiul st c.t of the
same, be. and the same is hureby 10,10.1 led, any and
all laws to the contrary notwithstanding.
See. 2. And be il further enacted by the author
ity aforesaid, Thai on the first d,y of January,
eighteen hundred and forty, the churter of the
Central Bank of Georgia, snail cam, determine,
trad become void for till purposes other than for tho
collection uf tho debts und due* toilm said Bank or
to the Staio of Georgia,in tltut institution.
Sec. 3, And be it further enacted by the author
ity aforesaid, Tltut thu books, papers, bonds, notes,
mid every other evidence of debt, and all things of
every nintiro and description appertaining to the
said Central Bunk, slmll bn by tlm President trad
Direc ur# of tlm said B mk, then in office, turned
aver mid delivered to toe Bunk uf thu S ate of
G -orgia, which shall thereupon, by it* President,
Cashier or Other nutnunzed ug.-nt. sign a schedule
trad receipt therefor, to be prepared by tbo amd
Centra Bank, in which shall e* a-cinlly and in de
tail lio enumerated wliut is to turned uvet; and such
schedule or rccoipt sliuli thereupon be deposited in
(O'nptrollei Gene ml’# office, there to rpmuin as the
ovidcnoo uf tlm liability of said Ba k,for wliut ahull
Ituvn been so received by snid Bunk.
Sec. 4. Andbe it farther enacted by the author-
Hy aforesaid, Thai the tuid Hank nf thn btuto of
Gemgin, -ball distribute to uti-1 amon' i*» suverul
branches, and to and among such other Bnnk# tu il
sltall find ih-cRMury sticii evidence* of debt* and
nut-s, in auclt manner ns to be nmit convenient t"
ihn debtor* ufuroraid, und so u* t-. enable them in
tha most convenient in inner to inukn tint payment*
falling dim nnd renewing their imo*.
See. 5. And be it further enacted by the author-
ity aforesaid, That too aunt Bank «lmil tvquirouil
deli'ur# af.ire.uiil to m tkn tbo re.luntion* now re
quired Uy I iw, und on fniluruof uny d-'l»i»r I" mnh.
payment of rednciioti*,und to nniuw a* ufotu-aid
P'r balance* unpiid, it (bull 6* the da'/ oi such
Where, on ninth cun old Dieduich hava h’dden
himself f Tin* October number must bit in "Jib-opy
Huluw"—nr some where 4 else I The Novcndicr
mttnli-r. wo ptesumo, Im* ql*u lain “by tlm wuy*ide."
Du come along this wuy, vetunatud friend, and lite
rary (not privy) councillor.
87 Wo find tho following in tlm Now York Star
of Thursday lust, in refuiouau to tbo paragraph, wu
published yosicrdny fiom tin* Journal of Commercej
Journal of Commerce.—It wus suited In tin*
J.iiirnul tlmt tlio Nortlirru Bnnk of K ntnaky hnd
deposited largo tram* in speck* In the United State*
Bank, nod tlmt check* for that spaaiu were refused,
und that ufter u quarrel with the Director# tlm bub
anno wu# finally paid, $100,009 in specie,am) doim.
•nnd in tin* Bnnk of Amur Inn. Thn National On-
zntiesitvs, *•there, is not a single, word nf truth in
tho whole of the paragraph." Tho National Ga
zette fur her snys:
We nre liuthorised to sny thnt the profeat nf the
check# of the North* rn Book of Kentucky, which
occurred lit tlm Bank nf thd United State# In Now
Yo k, ha# been Rutiifuctorily explained totbnt insti
tution nml the int-rcnur#anf tho two Bnnk* Itnrmte
nbmsiy continued. The u#-<0'tlon that tho Not them
Bank of Kentucky bus withdrawn It# nccount nnd
ppeoln, and placed It in tho Rhaknf A morion is utter
ly false. And t" *finw tfm ntiti. n confidence cxl-tlng
nt this moment between tlm Northern Bnnk of Ken
tucky and the Bank of tlm United Sint##, we are
further authorized to state thnt new business trims-
notion* to tlm extclitof half n million of dollar# trail
upward* hu'eb-cn entered into within ihn last fow
duy* bat wean the two institution*.
Sinco the above wn* in type, wn have recclvtd
the following from 11 correspondent:
Wn. H. Bullooii, E*q.,
Editor of the Georgian,
Sir— Having rend n paragraph in your pnpor of
tbo 20th hist, extracted frarn iltu “Jotirmil of Com-
marcB," on tlm subject of some bosinos# tiunsno-
tioiis between tlio Blink nf tlm United Stale*, and
the Northern Bank of Kentucky—I n*k injustice
to thu former tltut you give n place to tbo ntuicxud
paragraph front ifm New York Stur nf tlte 2l*(
io-i, All-.w me to ttdd, that whilst mnny suppose
they nre kicking th" dead Linn, toey muy yot find
out their mistake, mid th n now much abused inshtu*
tbm will again ho’hniM, a« In d-iy* gone pn*t, i'
,j/ jc saviour ot our country, ut least of our cur’
rancy. Q.
(Here fo'ow# th" two paragraph* published a#
nbo'-o Tlmn Un* n»n«x«>l )
Wn have not a* yet been ub'e to perceive that
ih" confederacy hern agaimt tho U stste* Bank,
iitivt* been able t • d' that institution mot jury.
If it * oat her* tlio storm, It may linvn n settlement
hereafter wi h th" clique, in which U will bo uscer.
tained wlmio the balance Im*.—N. Y.Star.
Per brig Augusta, from Nfw York—J l’cck,lady
und child, Dt Knot",lady and servant, Mr* C#rey f
Mrssi# I, M ^ Ilablwlp, C.B King, J King#,
ley. .1 W.eiabt, Goldun. VV P Rugg, S Hay#, and 20
in.tliu *tmagt»i i l.i;.; - ’-r' ■ 1
Per *ehr Froitta’s; ftb Bath via ChnrlMton—Geo
A Chat tiler, ;Mus*»4:.Chonaand Drati. . -, -f-
l’or stduiiihnitt Beaufort District, from Charles*
ton—Mr*. ,R.H. Kirk, Mitts y\. Kirk, Ml#*Dovaucli,
Mi#* L. A., EnglUli, Mr*. Yttte#, Mr*. Frlpp, Mr*.
M. Dillon, Mr#. A. Moursot.Ml#* Yates, Miss Barn-
well, Mr*. Sum*,' Messrs. Frlpp, R. H- Kirk, DW
W, Yato#, II. Frazer, L. W^RmlgnoI, B. Chaplin,
W, King. T G Rott. P. Chaplin, VV. Barnett, Han-
uerly. E. Buslm, N. Rouse, Copt. Bonnsll, and t#o
deck, :
Consignee* per lluil Rond Cora, arrived on tha
24th tint.—197 bnle* Ciitton and Hldo# to Bottdn
Se. Rtradlo, Il Hahershnm & Son, Fndelford, Fay &
Co, C Hurtridge, Adamcfe Burrough#, Il M Phlni-
•y, Wlmliarly & Joint* Ladd, Tapper & SUtare, J
Ciimmlttg At Co, N A Horde;*, A Wood & Co,
Consignee* per Rail lload Curs, arrived on tbo
23tlt iu*t.—139 bill"# Colton to LuJd, Tnppor (fe
Sistnra, Wimborly & Jones; W Duitctin, E Sinclair,
R Hnhersbnm Sc. Ron, PitdoifiTfl, Fay ScCo,J H
Reid & C", L Bald\\1ih^Jjnrrhig*L___-__ i _
President Boyer.—A correspondent of tha N,
Y. O' server, writing from France,, stys: “I wa*
•rated in tho tliligeoc" beside n well dreared man ef
very respectable nppenrnnce, who after intno con
versation treked mo If Buyer wu* (till President of
ho United S'nU'u!”
From HaYTI—Letter* from llnvi speak of now
tyrannical n t* on tho part of tlm Pru-idoot B-ty-r,
wlto is taking tho “responsibilitv" with a vange'inca.
The roc.*iit difficttlim* have union from a dispute
between tho Frcsidfmr uu>l tin* Hotisa a* to tbo for-
motion >.f tlm Senate. Buyer iu*i«i<-d upon iiuconsti-
tutionnlly and violently putting into thn Sonata hi*
own creature* nnd tlte Republican membor* of tin*
Hnure |mr»i*ting in m -intaining tbo cnnititmionul
form*. Boyer e died ou* bret oops, nhtired tlm Na
tional Guard, r.iamnd ov-r tho whole tn««n like n inn.I
mao, and placed a f >ree at the door of tb" Hmtso of
Representative*, forbidding tb * ennne# of such a*
would n-'t yield to him. Th"order# w -re*, to let in but
on" mme than half the m.*mb»r#, and to b • #urefit I
not to tut tlm leading men got in Thi* vmUmce had
it* effect, and tlm Hon*-* yinlded, and five of tlm
lo opporin# member# were»X|M*lb*d. A proe a-
net'm w-re i#«oed. forlmllng po qde to talk ubmit
wh-it w.i* pasriinr. Attempt# ..f K«sa**itnii|'i|i wore
■nul" un the person# of two .if th« member# that Imd
bv«n *o4nc'ta»tiiuiiunoll)fuxji<ji;od.—R.Y.Exp/tn,
The following are tho toaren* givnfor tbeoppo-
*i*i-n to tit'# gontb-man on the part of the minority
of bl* cotivregntlon, nnd we publish them for in
Tbo oommitten disclaim lira alleged ground of
oppiMitiun to Mr. P. viz: his zeal in the causo of
Tentp r races and *taf« tlio true ground# to be,that
'hi* attention wa# dra »n from ni« mini*U'rial du
ties by tlte making of honks, nnd th • manufacture of
stoves and screws, und razor straps—nnd by en
tering into ••very exciting topic that Uin ingenuity
of tbo fi'.aric at home, ortho imported mountebank
could conjure* up to disturb and distract the public
tniod, »ifl» n< imprisonment fir debt, the militia
law, anti masonry, phrenology, temperance, and
Inst ..fall uml «b-veoll, the abolition of slavery. 1 "
A Vessel wrecked.—Wc lenrn from n gentle
mnn fro-n North Curelinti that n now ve##ol of
nboitt 170 tmis, and a# Im under#taod only 17 day#
afloat, laden with Dry Goods, Grnrerif#, &c. went
nsbore at Kitty Hawk Bav. (Currituck Bench, N.
C-) u f-w day* •bid. Tlm Crew nnd almut one hajf
ofthe cargo were saved—tho lemaindar of the car
go it is supposed will be lust, a# the vessel ft 11 over
nnd went to piece*.
Tlm sale of the cargo and maiorial# will take
place on Thursday, 38th in»L
Our informant did n tl- nrn the name of tbo ve#-
tel aor wlt«ie ibe wa*frnm, or where bound.
Norfolk B aeon^Uiimt.
For Clmrlc«ti>n ( via lllItonMcaa,
Uouiifort amt Edlsto. .
js Thn elegant Htennt nneket ISIS,
Clitreo, master, will dopart for tbo
above place* on Monday Mqruiiig, at/ o'clock.
For frulgbt orp-asHag" having excellent uccummo-
diitlon* npply on hoatd, nt Hunter's wharf, or ta
N. B—All slave;pu »engcr# iniut bcclenred^t
thoCu*mni House,
For Klncfi (jrc«k, vin Bruns-
tvlck, St. Mary* nml jraclcson*
viilfl. - . ! )
N iKf* f* Tim regular stenni packet FOR-
ESTER, Wsmlmrsle, m*#ter, will
d»pnrt for the above place* on SATURDAY,
30 h in#t. — o'clock For freight or passage
having excellent accommodations, apply on boatd
ut Hunter's wlmrfor to
( LAGHORN & WOOD, Agent*.
07 A!! freight paynble I y shippers. : ,
nov 27 (Rep) ■ . ' 1.
'sieitin SI»I|» Great WcslcmTM
JAMES HOSKF.N, R. N. Commander. ,
S AILS from New York for Bristol 011 3nmr«lay,
Ifltli Novemlier next.
Fare*—To Bristol in Main Saloon and deck Slpte
:Rootn, thirty fivu Gu-tmas, $103 31
In Fora Saloon .State Rooms, thirty Guin
Children under 13 years of age eod servant*
half price. . , . }
Steward* Fee*. £1,10 ($0.00.)
No socond clast of steerage passengers takpn. :
An experienced Surgeon is atticbod u the «bipj
nn l every nrovitiun made for tke comfort, and jm*
mirity of ton pnssettgor*. , . 1 •
Sho can take ubout 200 ton* freight. . , , ,
For freight or passog", npply personally or tf
loiter t" rich’d Irvin, ..
♦vt 22-lm 98 Front st, New York., .
Stun Packer Savannah.
Permanent Arrangement between Savannah and
Charleston.—Outside Passage. . ^
Faro $8—Through in 9 Hours, ‘
K C** ^ The splendid Steam Pocket SA*
VANNAH,G Freeland master, will
departforChar/es-on every Tuesday and BaturahjT
at 0 «’clock in the morningt returning, will leave
Charleston every Thursday and Sunday lamdhoar.
For FreIghl or J* >Mage, applv on bonrd, or to ’
For Charleston via Bcaaf^rt,'.
h IS*"* The splendid new steam pocket
Simpson, will lravi for tne above places every M
dny morning nt 8 o’clock. For treightpr pa**R
having splendid accommodations, npply ta
tain on hoard at Guilmnrtln’* wharf,
nov 9-tf JOHN GU1LMA
07 Tlm Beaufort District goo* Inland t
to Beaufort, outside from there to Chattel
The steamer Swan, (
will leave for the above place every
Monday, Wednesday and Friday,. and reUmior,
leave* i'urysburgh every Tueaday, Thursday and
Saturday, for fic’ght or pawag*, apply on b*mrd .at
Eaitom v»h»rf. »pr.i-0|i>