The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, December 07, 1839, Image 4

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1 Sty? AtoriMn ^ TO TIIK AMERICAN FI.A<1. Wm*tpw^«nl Nor*HjVW..'mukI 6b«Utear Him fn*« tha mail | UpM thr foldi ■ pairirtt band, , Xwki of item phuutt east- «tb Ihy dude how many men HaratfHl tha froM of death! 4»| ranted llrlr ryea up *ts thee, whe* They gav* their purling breath. Howofta|"» Allwtie'swavo Tbou’st w» Hn> follant crew. When W*w>d their dannttoss boan«»s tow* AkJ iwiftihe lightning (lew. Xb* tailor walk* the deck—ami now Ho climb* the lofty spu*. Aid lor.** to raise hi* manly brow To aee" the atripe* and atari.' And led by th*-* In day of yen*, Oor father* r**ti H *lit and bled | That by theirvalor they miehi o er Ua Ftwdom's blessing* «he I, pride of tha bra re In erery dime, Thy pr#*enr«ahull Itckuown, Ami Me* in niiiioti'.l time Shall aU thy glories own. Ware on proud ling! in aplendnr wave, Till limn oluUI hr DU more, Wm on! over thu Ireo and bravo, U poaan^or batllvV roar, Wh'-n war u|K»noiira tuntry frown*, And h-werioVr the «.n. A rain Ibou’lt lead Colombia'* *.ma To death or rjrlory, FOREIGN NEWS. In addition to the extract* (Iren yesterday, from paper* received by tbo AW/tiA (^men, wo give the following CHINA; Advice* from Mncan, to the'27th June, auto that Iwo edict# bad l»een fulminated by th" Cantnn nu- Ibarlties—onepr-diibhbignntlvoveMoUfr.ini trailing with foreign slip* "outside, in any description of goods, under penalty of death, and nny foreign trade* except Form goose, tu be carried mi at Mscuo; the Other, ordering all foreign *hip« to enter the port within fire day*, or to take their d-purltim nllogeth* er, and threatening them with rxterminutimi by fire, ahipa should they loll to comply!'' The cli ef •upeiinteiidi'nt, bud d- mined llm Cam* hridg ■, Capt. Doum.aa,a* n xiuird»hip for thn pro* lec'jon qf British property, Tlm PnriugWMMloiint puuetv jho power to protect Drill*!* ro.ldcnts at Mima", and almubl Imttllo moanin'* lie resorted to, they tnt|*t take alinll* r on bimr.1 tbu Cuml ridge.— Amid ad tbhr, |t la airjd that— Sah>« of the drag ator po.n-d i.t 7501« $780 p*r chest, ami tie* trade Mill going on along thn rnint. Tltatu weru nhnuttJO mil of shipping del.lined out (Ida already, Iml |n*nd< nt of thu numbera thnt Imd •till to at rive, Acomint* from Canton to tlmSI'h Juno hud reached Mae to, tlj-it ihnnottitiiis-rinm-r b id directed the American *idp« that had g*uiu to Whmnimii to bn aentred, wliinb it np|Miar. from "liter mid •nine, whateailier account*, lip Imitg nit"chant*liml ie. fu*ed in, on thn (round of their liuving pro|»ity on board, There wa* "«l) mju British niereliunt at f.'untmi •tlhod'ttaof thn last accounts received nt Mucu.i from that ijumtcr. Tint destruction of the sortvn- tiered opium I* auid to In. going on ut the rule ol 30110 elicit# a dayj foielgneralnid hecu invited to witness the prucei*. The British merchant* at Macao, hnd nsscmhlrd, lind passed resolutions of cnnfhh-ne" in Cnplain Kl.lftor, mid of reliance in tin. power and will uf the English ("Vernment to redre** their wrong*. Cept. Klli.K bad pnld'»l.eil ii declaration, doled Moran, 21*1 .f June, tlm « ffi rt ol which it wa* •apeetml would be, I.. rau*n ilm commissioner t" puta atop tu all foreign trade wlmievoi t'.rllmtline. A lingular Speculation tin* taken it* ti.o nt ('ul- eutta out id* tlm opium uflmr. A aort of Murk In* ItMiio it* stipe miner in tlm money inurkei tliere called "Upturn Scrip," In whh b biulnc** appear* tnhfcvu been freoly tmmurted ThU 'Vr'.p" l* fouaded upon the receipt* givqn by Mr. Snpermti*ii. dent Elliott to tlm ronugneu* uf the opium given up by hla order* to the Chineie antlmiitiu*, and repie* aenta tho value of the *ov.-nil puree'* ft»r which do* fivered, and fur the amount'd* which they buvn the guaranifteofindrmniiy by goverment, infnrn* tlm aupcrintcudent might be auiliuiiaiul to pledge it. INDIA. Advhw* fram Alexamlriu were 11*0(1*011 at Malta, (oilte 13th Octuhcr. Tlm»e deapatchea atatml tint dm tliliMi army, which ftmn Candulmr infmir divi*lon*, m, die 27 th, 28th, and 29lli of May, and tlmUd old one, arrived on tho Iflih of July nt Mo ikeer, fom day*' naroh from tililany. Up to il*e2(!tli, iicnrmmtered no oilier oli*tae|e thnn a tump Imlonging t • a ivlml (ribe, which it repuUed wiilieinm. Un dm Stlth, tlm army wa* r.«nc nt rated nt Nance, di*mnt 12 mile* from Ohiany. On tho morning of tlm 2I«t, tlm army tnurelied for the latter |duc«. When witliiu(vo*»hol it wn« r-celvod by n lively Cannon. #de and a wed ag*taini’d (in. of *iii*»k**try. to which llm Uri*i»h artillery returned n few gun* after which tlm army On the 22d, the place ivn* jwoimoitied, Hhd thn pieparlkm* for noniiliing it were ordered. At utidniglK (ho artillery changed it* podtion, and wu* followed nt a »h"rt inturvnl bv fhe infantry. A few mmiitoiUdbni :l o'clock in the jnornln( the galea ware hi wn iu by tlm onginoer*. The inimpeta «nunded tin. uburgu. and tbu uciillcry oponod'ateirildo lire, undercover of which the in'* funtry forced an entrance through the gntea, in *uite of the mo*t atrenueu* re«l»t«nce; ami at 5 o’clink in the morning thecdnranf her Mnje*ty'a Klthuml 17ih reglmonuUgitwJ on the tower* ultho citadel ul (»hi/.- nnd no alteration In ilm wo«d market. At Waka* field wont m*tk»TM Frtdtv, more bullae** Vat dime In all klndtuflnn| Wwd, but without any dc ridel adranna in Pfire, and atork* contiHui d ex* reediegly l«ra.**ClatlifM and Blanket wint'a were •full of >ale, and atocka of tba latter warn accumn. latinc. At Bradford the piece market emtinnod, very dull, hut owing to thn aupplv being limit. ,|, tuiek* were not accumulating. In the yam market the «» d> improvement waa in low number*, which wore fit m. r at former ratre. In low and nrddling q.mlitira of wool, tlm aiaplnra wore able,torealire late price*, whit*t in fine aurta thvy wuru obliged to aubmit to a reduction, MANClIESTKII.Oct. 30. During thelait thriut day* two Additional fniluiv* have lun n aonoiinciil, beth wn IwliveinaomedegreA ctfiinected with the tine to which w.* alluded no Ft i- day, and one of the in ofemtai 'entble magnitude—th« th'bta Iming varimuly atntcd at ft out £ 42,000 toil.'iO, lltm. The oilier, we believe, la of iimillinipoilHiice. Owing to tli.'Mt failure*, and to tlm general pre««ure on tlm market, the demand for yn*n wm extremely limited, and prert were not only gonerally lower, but exceedingly unateady, a dr* being made m tlm amnetiment rate* varying l*4d to 1*2.1, per lb. for tile anme iiunlitiatund dn-e.rlptinn ofyitiri. ItOCriDAl.K, 11 1 20. Ft.Aaxxt. Maukxt.—-Wo huveliad number fo'l market to day, but little or no dinrr/n lit the prire*. Wool hn* been much iiupiiied after, uml it* price Hourly itntioiinry. I.AXnaaniRK,—Tlm WTollenelotli trade nt Sad* d Worth ha* mitlmenln »or|i n dof.m*«eil Male for the la. | ten year*, awing principally to tie* U'e «.•!• aurca in America^ At Bury, the w.wllen trndu nod Calico block piloting are moderuie y briak.nnd tlm hand* generally, both in cotton mid woollen mill*, have full employment. Titr. Tka Thaok.—The trade In* not been quite atihrhk vinrooiir |n*t; but price* liuvo varied ordy too trilling extent Tlmdeliverle.* h«t week uni'iimt. «■! in 5H8.4 Id lb*., til" dealer* hnving nvailed thorn. a.|»e« of tint tnmpoinry quietnei* ol' the hi itkca to clear largely. From thr. I'ltit'i'lrlnhin U. S. (iattVc. BANK OK TUB UNI IK I) Sl'ATKS. Our Now York uml Wu«liiiigtoii friend* have now levoh.|wd llieir view*—have been foraging amongM ihebuuk .ttiiomciil* lit llnrrialoirg, mill lire eugetly availing theinpclvc* of ilm oppoituuily ollioud by vohimimiii* tulmlur alutouieiit*, allowing *ucli amoun'*, and numermi«fi.•ore*, (which not onn even ill ten lli"n*atid will examine) to iirmnulg >to in or tect and f.iUccxliiliitiuii* •iflhn uflair* of llio Bunk. Knowing the in.iiii.ity mid cli-*iji<*liiiiiiii*ii nt' runny to ilive«tigatu for tliemvelvea, we think ii beat it oni'e to annex a tine aU'iimary of the Bunk Ntii'ement of thejinlMini immili, re«uliiiig in ii clour *u>pin* of $4,lift!), ( Jl)D 07 over tlm capital ami all linhiliiio* «,f lltullank. Till* i* thainnat tuiil|H.iuteiind nir e i| .| rep y to *hiMdor* mid m nepromiilalj'iii*. Time will develop * mid correct nil ilie rnalnvidern falM*. bond* which are daily utlcrad agniiut tlii* rni' lo IVrincylvmiiu ItiMiiutioo. Sin to ol (be Bunk, Nov. 1, man. Bill* di«c*>uiii« .1— priamial -ecuriiy .$20,7711 f) 15 03 bunk Muck, I lb, 1170 (III oilier .eerily, i:».500.l»*l!l 00 d.mie*iit: i IIDofex. 4.521,0011 0(1 $80,0 III, 0-1(1 III l.oin to Comnioiiwi'allli, Mm k a rein,t. I’eiiiMylvamn 5 per ceiil*, Bond* and inmtgngc*. Ileal i'M.ite, Bunking liiiu«e*, Mile* King, lute Navy Agent, Duo by (he United Slate*, Balance due hy Si.ce Ihinl.*, Noll * of Slate Bank*, Specie, 401,000 011 13,122,074 34 8,1.72,05(1 52 813.027 13 007,012 50 502.000 30 40,144 17 5.207 32 4,Ii III,1147 74 2,350.330 07 1,740,202 II $00,570,770 20 Capital *l<H'k, Dividend* unclaimed, Agency |,iaid"ti, Ac. Bond* to the Uniti dHlatca, lulureM mi do T.r«*nror of the United Suite*, l)d(io*ltnr*, Circulation— late Bank, 507,010 00 Bank U. Slate*, 4,(132,"113 511 po»tnote*, 7,010.013 III lleftilling balance due Bank U. S, and agem cie*, Surplti* 12,410.073 Hti $00,57 0 770 20 HKI’Olir Of thr Commiuitiirrt t,/t/wintr,? A y mithorihj ,f the l.effiiliiturv, oh thr. tithjcct of the .Stole Fintiitcfi, Thu*, In le*a than 3 hour*, one of tlm atrenge*t place* in A*ia, defendeed by n garriaeu "('3.500 uf 4ho bravo*t of Ihe Aflghutu.and cninutnnded by a Aon of the ex-King iafCahnl, led iul" lln* power of the Britiih, $00 men of die garruon wero killed. Th« rent lining 3,000 were tnude pti-mner* together with their conmmndrr. The h.** nf i.ur tnaip* wn* only 191 ntm hart de combat. Intelligence of thi* lwilliaut feat having rruelmd (’alml. Doit Mali •uned i , •a'licd forth at tlm bead of 1,300 (query 13,000 f) f claim-d, tlu* men, but die demor-diting efli*. t nriNluccd hy tlm full of (ihlxny wa* »uch that D-*it Mahomed wa*, n few- inim|tr« nltcrunid*, al.andoned hy hi* »*i|diei*, P'hJ ronipolled to (ly with only 300 nt n, aliaud.uiii.g |d* artillcry.niminiti'in,baggage. &c. Tint ♦nvyiinro.\liatcly«dviiici-d on Calail.withoiil meet ing the alighted r-»i*tancc. On the 4tlt of Aiiuum, an envoy of tb-' Sc halt Siijnh, wcorteil hy I5U lln- tifli aoklicri, under the V)- Ui»k poaxomien of the city, into whi<ii tho Sc!.nh Sujoli tn-ide hi* aolemn entry on tho7>bnf Augu*t, •ocampnnicd by tin-Britiih Mini*ter, the (icm-rm (tomtnvniliug tin* army, and a nuvier-u* Mali'. Two now expedition* woie eonU-mplated uud in pre|iarntibn—the one agniiut Saml.-or**, ti e o:|a*r against Kurna L Tho eice»r of ilm Uritiili army in Afghaniilon, dm (>icpuruli.>n* for atiuckwig 'In- 2 «?dc» ju»t menti »nci|, and die reeeni d -po-iii ui of (he Ba.|>di of Sit Ur*, will n-ioler more njanagcuble •nd mild tho inoatUftlujciabjo epemia*. While the r.uglith are Cfcii(r»tula*ing tbonwclvc* •adie above brilliant achievurnent over the Afghan barbarian* the wily Cwr i* pudiing hi* fortunea in M nether quarter, hy f^u-riitg tlm prejudice* uf tlm IndUn*. Thu.*,.ay* an EnglWi Jo..rnal t— The throne ol Ca>0i*i| I* *afc for our vn*»:il, Shah £ooj*h. a* long n*a Uritidiarmv remain in Afghan- laun to,prop it with their bayonet*; but, like a forced upon a people by a fon-ign power, hi* «orer> Mgnty wiIHiave a very precariuu* taimn* w ben left to the *up|iort of native tvaourcea. A victory gained In a da«buig atyle of Kugli*h bravery over even bar- ^ttrian Hnopa may dattlc dm pabli.* mind fo« a abort prae, and male- people xlow tncon-lomatlie viciou*. of the policy wH\cbhi«eau«<*d England towage little war" on the late Afghan t uW. AH the (ranch ptvta it nutrufeoutouthe tuliject ft the nriliahooiiquevtin AffghaniMau. They »nv tltat we have occupied Caabul for our own pnrpnra*. •ad planed tbora aa our alavu th * pbanl-.m of a pyinee. • Tbo Nationtlrxree.U *H 0 tt».-r pa|ier* hi fu virtt/peroiicu of England and the Eag|i«h \V» pra, accardtag w U, the mod be-irde**, vain.ogiid*- (•Mlpey^p in the world, aeeking, in tho na no uf >*h“*y* 4"f»hjctt4 AXvycovptfy to »*vr joke, and making actual c<*oqu-*t* under the praiebu: uf ex.- tending coimnercinl relation*. The pd>*ra*iun of Aden,the island* at the entrance ft th# Strait* of Magellan, and near die Itihtnu* ft Panama, and tbecotonita'.ioo u f New Zealand; 5* •‘Wueed a* instance* ol the rapacity of dm Xd*h lion, by the Kraacb paper*. (itaTrof TKADK. J5J2J25r7 l B l * 1 the trade for uv. gttl wmka pod, it ha* bmn gettinr dill won* since •‘YilSiuSU’ 11* pnHrWSt 7 ‘ f “‘ urt 4wUn«. ypuxdttlW,—Thera w», no imprwament eithei doth btdla orwarebou.M uiwrakat uJu, [ Continued.] For (In* ptnpiMu ol carrying out such n »y atom, it will be neeciMiiry to b ,\o, 1. A eciMt* ol eneii eoiinty. 2. A map shewing tin* qoantlty and bimndnrlei nflund* Ii 1,1 by iml.vidilil*, ili*tingul*i.ii.g h.-tne. n tltoee which Me owned hy re«idt*n|* mi l uu*i n*»U dew*, and *|H*eify|ng »tid. it* tin* vaciinl, oriinclaitii- I ed, if nny Mirhtliemuro. The law "lioul.l aittlio* ixe nnd rcqtiho the receiver ton**e** nil tint ri*iinn -tl nt It.eir lull maiket value and to return suclt ns«e«*munt to the Oo|t«*et>-r, elm should ho rt'qnircd, tfll.o nnioiml of mx i* not paid after notlco in mto or more of tin* public gnv.- "Un» nf'lie State, to rammed to noil d t a whole thiet so aiicskt-il pnyiug tun vurplu* nhove tlm amount nf taxes into the Tiva*ury of the State, aahjeoi to tlm Miami oftlio owner, il'»ueh claim hn mink* with* hi year* Mfter the »iie, ami estah. Halted to the imixfnntiun nf tho Oovernor, who *hinili) lie Hulli»rir.i d to drio on th" Tieustirv for tlu* ntnoiitit, in f.vorof the d, Thi* C"ttr*e woiiM Im* j-utified hy the cotitdderniinn thnt th * State j* inli*re#ti*d not merely in i\*iri*iving the tal i'* mi land*, hut also nnieli nu.iv* «u in having it* laud* occupied—and dill further hy the In. t tlmt the requisition uf "in present tax law, tu se|!' ,in-|i part "I hind iu d-f-oih. ns w ill he •ullieient t<* pay tin* aiuoiint nf taxes, lu.a hid the client nf r* taleiiiig most tux e»llooior’* till • iimll'. etunl uud vnluc|e*«. In regard to laud* winch me (iuind vacant ernii- *r*huii|.| In* rei|tilted to give no-ice, iu onei.r mon* ••I'the public gazettes ufdil* Stale piiticiilur.y ih-scrihitig their (mta'i it ill.l buuiidaries, and sluing thnt mile.*.* the name b" claimed, and the t ixe* tlmivnn (wliich, tl'cl •iined. the nwiver sle.u .1 ia* re>| died to «*«•*« nt th*-ir full ki-l value,)U* paid, tlm snou* will In* uuiirii* I'd •« the Executive |)cp •rtmeut us vacant lands, mid will bo tlmrenfti r hnhioto In* sold giume.1 It)' the State, utisucli torma a* tbu l.egi.iatniw sh .11 porset’b.-, nt ai.v time after the expiradon of in-mth- from tin* tune wliontl.e a.imean* *o return- "d to dm Kvccetive ullico with it furtlv-r pr<i\|-o staling that ifunyp-r*on tit"* io any laud to retained shidl w iiliiu mouth* after it> n* turn to the Executive etfi o present to tlio J.nlg. the Sn|a*iior L’ouit of the County in wideb inch lie* a p-'diiot. stating hi* i-laiat tlu-n-t -; the A.toti.-v nr So'icitor (I tier I shall h • b uin.l to r- ply to dot sauia. nt U-hull'of tho State iii*tn»tcr, mid the said Jtldgo shill eau«c he i*xuo *o >uideup to lie sub- mittnj to uud tried hy a special jury, nt the iirxt term uf tin* Court, w|i.*s<* decision dial he final, saving to die Court the right to grant« comhitiunee i or new tria 1 , according t<* law and imago; nml thn* j upon filing in the Executive Dcpnitment ucerifi rtln ' 'he pendancy of such shall be the -luty | "f tha (iovflraur t-> hula*ar front selling or grunting I UioinUl land, uuiil tho isvuuou »u.-h putitiuo •hull I have beenfi.uihy d cah-d in m inner ufe.esHul. 1 In the < oun'it** in which the land* have hem Ii»‘ intuited by lottery, m «p* may ho made mid iro>»- mitt.-d from ti e Surveyor Gctteral’« olfice, leav i.g to the County officer only the duty of n» vrlaining tho occupant* ol particular lot*, ul.d which are va’- cant. In those C**untie« in which land* liaveb-en gran- ted on lu!.vi-ii$bu, a-tual »urv y* will h©nci.-c*»xry, hutthe expense* of both operation* will he more than n-imbuue<i to the State, by the course recoin- in-nded in ndition te defauliers, and un-Iaim.-d and*, and th*-State will man-over have uccurate maps of ail the land* within it* limits, nnd iheiraev* ••rnl patlilioa*, foi any tuturo cxcroiso of the ui- i«*BJ> *wcr. For tlm purpose of leeviving tire n*turn» of ,.]( pni|H.rty, iral and |<er»«ual. liable tu tHxu'ion, un «cy t jo Act, the Receiver should Ikj rmpiin-d to nt landlu csch Captain’*, for u err.ain mim* her ul day*, to he spenlieU in the act. and «r whicu be should (iv* • notice, tu be in like m .,„. tier. .He should hedir.Tt. d to rreeivn H ll returns made to him; "« the oath* uf the |wi«u..s making them, and ut such valuation, us limy may affix; but if any should fall to inok* a return, nr t.» affix u to the Collector, tdlg**It of the taxei sorvtuined r*r inrui d, w lio.o duty ii should lie to oath ct the **me in lb* manner now prescnlwd by l«w It (• raoommend.xj liiat Ilie S' Vcral Collector* lie required to deposit in ocriaiul>*nk*,t"lMt(ioiuliinu l.iltmedo*l(i.auilhy lli"I«*(i*latur joi ftheyilmll fail hi do ao, by the fl-nornnr, the amouni of then c dh'Ction*, the receipt of the proper officer"f »urb bank, to entiiln tbrni to credit at tlm Ciemmy. Koch person making ■ ruturn, sImhiM Im n-quir* d to *ps«iiy in dl>ti"cti "lnmn* the several kin-la "I pro|H-ily! to under tlm Art, ahd in ra*e ol land, to *|H*rily it* quality and boundaries. The f'oniptiolh-r *hmi|d Im ill.renal to prepare and irnosm t to the levcral H*-cnivei*, n form of tlm return* to bo made by iudivuluuU, and it should la* mode tin* duty of ilm Hctv.vm*, tu raiu-t* stub form to Im piildtihcd in llm i.emc t public gnrrtt**, nt ie i*l one mouth uclurc ilia liuiunpjMji. led l-.r inukiug to- turns. Tim Comptroll.-r should ho mnionvnrr< quin’d t" prepuri* and truiiMoil to tlm several Uocoivrrs, a I'lriii l'.*r the preparalimi of llieir digests, wliich each l(< cr.ver shuuld Im n-quircd Mricily to oh«erve, Allitow*r* (Boo to tlm Ku. oiv. r*; Collccti r«, tin i other "tliccrs, by the exmii-g tax laws, nut in- cuosiitcnl wi hllot pioviMon* ol tin* i-uw nr. , j'.oiuid ‘ c niinii d totlo-oi It i* not uu«y to make a • .tUft.Jory e*<* of tlm amount of itnenue, w|rch at any given rale ut laxntloo, such a *y*tmn would produce. The dilli- cully loopist- in n _)ti-t value on some ot Ihe iilip-tl* •d'luxaiion, Rial iu u*r- rtuiiiiug the quantity, a* weh ii* value of other*. The operation of th* •y-leoi lora single yeni, would however, go far to H-movi* it. At pres.-nt all that cm Im done, is to submit some data from which to mukeu coujecturul e*timutu, l iking cure to avoid execs* In citlu r par ticular. Tin* I-oid* of the Mute, oitinmied in round number* at 35,5(111,021} acres, nnd at ll|i* I IW va If of $3 per acre, given laKiib:o property ol $100 500,003 The Slaves in the State, o-tiiimm.l in like manner,ut 243,000. and vuluud in $1.10 eneii, (in*, 07,200,000 "* k hi l.udu T. t.iii ilielmuk* of the Comp tro!|.*r (idiuial, i.l.o in round iiuiiilier*, 7,000,000 Tit" Captiul of Bunks, and other moneyed or •to'-k sorporation* liable ii. iiix»ti-vii, l.y tli** pi op.i*.-d system, and taxed u* Ba. kcapi al Slock cuttle, to itixitlioii uudur '.he pto- posed *y*tuin. Il-itso* and trailes, do Mou'*y« outsiaiidiuj, on note, bond or imTt- Bank cap.tnl uml (but of other moneyed nor. poiationa,. is u»t I'Xteudeil in tbi* u.liniute of pr i.u'ity, sulij ct to the propoieJ gene- nil ml vuloiciii lux, beciiuse it i* iiitcmled Unit it sbiiuld he taxed ii* ut pin-nut. Booking in the nforagoing enumerated objects of taxation; consideiing the low estimate of tlm land*, and of tho probable unmuiit of llio*u itum* in the lut, t-hose value have nut lieen i*xi*«nde.l from want of sniisiiiclii.y data, it seems fin to coucln lo th <t the value of tuxahlo pnipr-rty iu llm Statu, as tlm* d.-lini'il, would tall snort of two bun Ired and Itf- ty iiiilli"li*"l do lar*. But if to s cine to lit" State, u c-rtuin reiurn of the uimuiin which its nucu-silio* liuiy inquire,vvu tu- •luce It to two Immlri.d ami tweu'y liiilhui.a, wo.ball liittml our estiimilculiii'Mt exclu*i-t*ly oil those items tit*-qiiionity ol wnichlitis lioi-n a.ceitaino.l, uml on tlie low valuation; which hut be. ii utlached to them. 'I Im tax on two hundred md twenty million* vntiin uf property, al mi* Ii rutu ml valoiem, u* tho l.i-gi.- laluro .ball think propui to iinpo*i*, will co.isiitnie the I'o.t I cm in the ii-.ourci-* ol the Sni.e. The nocmi.l vvilrbo the ilivitlcml* on Batik Stock, Tlie next will In- tlie nolo* uml hill* Im •****• mom*) lent uml di.c-.u.i udby iliuCeuiiul Bunk. It wi I ot fi-mr* In*d'-*iiuhii* to a*ccrinin with us iiiucli err.unity u* may be, the ainoiiiit of lououil re veil lit*, wlicli sm'li a s stum of laxntioii would pro* iluco. Bui usii a-"ild me, even il'miopteii now, lie ininlo iivuilulile Ibr tin* year tU10, it schiiis prop, r fii»l in c ui»al '■ vvliat an* the ol the Slu e for tti <1 year, uml e hat uiu the ivsoiircu* winch cun be iiuirelut led to iiiuel them. To aid u* in miikiui; tins axaaiiiiation, we liavi* a-kvil l-.r a sliennlit ol tlie cuiiilili-ai of the Co.iliul Bun.,lip to ilie lOto(J.-toia*r, 1330, winch Insb on pro-up ly fuuii.ii i|. From Hut iiiaimer in wnicli ibis account is stal--d, nail our impi-rirct upprolieii* •ion of a we m -y puiliup* err iu thu sluivm-'iit of ii-suli*, hut i|u* ilocuuioiil ttrelf, i* hcruwuli suhuiit* tel for uur no mi ion, nti.l enough it is heliuvnl may La* extracted Ii mu it lot our pl’u.ciil purpuse, We prod wil | ■ state oui view ot it. The .wu liesi items mi tlm di-liit side, via. C'.iph Iul Sio.-k ami United S ate* -toplti* ivveuue may bo "in.I'e.l io |liUexiiimiiiiiio.i,ns not iitli-cimg th-. oh* j n of our piiiduit enquiry, wbidi is to asceitniu tho liabililu-a an I lesuurcusol the Stme tin the year l» 1C. The next item, tin* New York 12 inonlli* loll", due 1st Sept. 133!), ns ' .* pci veil'd fi*r during tit unrr- nl} •111, .* pm down ns n Hinrgo ui-on the ilex $190,099 lo'eivs oil ■ Imt debt, to 1-t Scot. III I I. .. ».. 21,099 It* in No , consist* of check - oil time. Il is ut a-ii.l when due, <*r whine in* hii> it is |>r sinned they am SIIOII l-l III P» vi*I- il l’-r 39,999 Ilu ns V*. *• ami 8, lire dividend* •ui Bank Sill k, $-1 »,775, and lieu school an 1", n. uliisis fuml, $18,41!) 21. It 1 II • stated who 1 her tlie.o l-eiiis ar. |*u util-' ftinhwith, hy phi* uing tlie first ill the cied.t of the Tr*-ns*irer, nml liy ilistrihming tlm second, miiohg the c-jtiuties, under warutiii* fmin the (iiiveiuor. 'I lu*y ure wiililiekl lion* tlm present van* mite. .Nos. 7. 3 amt 0, ate of com so ax- ohuled from this u-ilmuir. Tin* fiist is pr lit nnd io**, $2fi!) 37—t!i**ei*ond on b II* $4.* 71(2 M3, the tliird .liMfoiiut on note*, $72,015 101educed hy cliur^.** ($:»((.• 525 3M, which nr** not explained) to $3i,4ilM 71. Tlie.o three items af ter deduciiug the item No. ID of ckttrg*'*, am* uni to $J0,.V*| 51. No. II, is a sin ill hulnnro duo to olhci hanks 2.103 45 No. 12. Due t-t nidiviilnnls liable to la* cli'-i kc-l i r at nuy lime, 27,352 84 No. 13, l-l.& 15,shew the amount of ••mia.iou*, of bills on liiiud and in riicu.uiion*—till* I <sl uniouiiting 87,(132 00 $ i(>::,88:i 2!) The nmoiint of debts due n» individuals, mid cir mi nion, may. h*»wpv. r, me In* called fra for some ti"’o to come: still they an* present liiiloluios, uml nn* so pr*'.. uti-il. Now n- to ill - rasourens preo'iittd hy tliisdoru nient. Tlie iii-iii No. l,ou ill -d- bit side, entitled "Capita! St.*ck, , ’.,moiin;it.g to $1,511,300 21), i* composed in part of tin* iieiii No. I, on tlie credit side, culled " Bunk Stock," tuiioimilog $l f ()lk>,IIOI), f I wliich ii t. kcu from tie* oilier by truii*fcr to the St .t • would ieivi-the cU|i tul Mfck of the Bank $.i3li,300 29; at which it ought to lot ostimuivd, because lids «u.u, together with tli - sum of $1,1151,. 422 09, No. 2 on the debit side, called "United Stales surplus n-venue," constitute* tho sum* iu mo. cv.« hi.'li huvg Im*«-ii di l> ibu e l by tin* ('outral Bank, in |>>nus t • the people. A* ihe surplu* re* xenue may Iu-call.-d for by tin* Federal Govuiutuetit, it would I n ad* is *h]e to hold tho l>»n!. stuck umw.I by the State, as u fond for it* puym.-nt. The next items, Nos. 2 ami 3, oil the credit side, c misting of bonds, not s, Ac. r*-ceived fiont tho State, and »lock in llm Biunswi-k uni paid and enux:,, we appraheud, he considered us ax'ailalil" mean*. Th" item* No*. 4 nml 5, C"n»i*ls of h 11* and mi ot discounted, amounting to $1,55.1.495 94.— Whntev.-r **unt can fa* o'nniued froui th.-xe iu the ceui>e of the next year, by reductions and in dis counts, will of course constitute a part uf its avail able m.-nn*. Not. (i, 7,3,9, 10,11 and 12, il * not bobc.g to tlm pi "sent eltqi.iiy. No. 13. it an annul nt due bv a< her ba*>ks. No. 14. st ited at $2(><i,.50Q. ?* cpn* pu*i-d iu part, of Exeeutivn .war. runt*, hunk note*, ch.-cks.2k-'. and n.'t- s of ihe Bu-.kof Dsri ii.&c.. leaving in available fund-,oo!y No. 15, is the apt ci*. in U..nk— 30,000 9,401 45 97,052 84 07.012 00 150,0.10 00 21,028 44 50,000 00 1,818 74 53,895 87 I' value to tlie property, tlie Kecvjver should thrnhp □ aired to a»»e* tlm amount of taxes due by such ividual, with a right of appeal from such a*tc«t- nmr.t, In such mode as 'll • L- gislatme should pres* cnbe. 1 tie Hecstver should la* Jirvaed tu atuio $1,818 71 53,395 87 40.341 05 $102.55(1 28 If fiom these imperfect niamr'als, weatienipt an e«t<matu of rv*ounu-a mi l bal.i tur the y. ar 1840, beginning win, dm lut er we would atalo them thus: Tlm New York loan duo 1st dept. 1839, $300,000 Interest on tlm above to 1st Sept. 1840, 21,000 Inter".t on State lam.I* payable semi tmnildly, Imui l-l Sept, 1839, about 42,000 CUk*onitrim, mmN». 4 in lira ■inh*nif*nt ol its# CVmr..| Bank, (di-lrit side) Debt du" to.Hlmr bonks hy th* Can* Iral Bank, Debt d.m io imJivhlu d ih*po*itorf. Note* of tl.g Central (lank in dr* rulatian, Ordinary expen*"* nf flovernmunt, Ini* pul on one thud surplus rr* vrtiuenppiopri ili-d toftco school and education fuml, Am amt tolieexpendi don the AVr*. tern mid Atlantic sa l rouJ, ilur* ing tlm year 1840, Appropriations to l>o made bv tho lo-g.slnturo ol 1839, I he two lu*t it m* i itnn >t be rxtnmled in th'aea* limute. Exclud ng them, we have a sum of $031, 910 71.ll.ibh o Ii * culled fir in tho v«-ar 1840. It ia title, nt has been h- f-re »tn ed, u.o "-hul" iim-iiim of ii--|»o«iiMs m thn C'.mrai Ba»k. or of its note# in cucul iiiun, may iiotlN) rnptired—Inn if its ngcncy is di«|N>n*o.| wi ll, ns productive ol an ex- |"*nso, lor whi- lithe Stats- r-'ceivc# mi correspond- lug benefit, they ought to be provided for. Next an in reoiuico*. Tliesu me to Im derived clueHy lions die notes, uud hi Is of exchange dis- c uute-l in ihe Central Bank, oimi.ititi.ig on the mill October, 1819. IO $1,550,495 9B What reduction the Begislatiiicmuy lmdi*p >»nl to require on thi* nmoum, nml whiit is piuctmnhle, mid of cour*e, what sum could b« oU.ioned for discount* on roue wa 1 , cun only be stated coii|ociuiully. If a spe-Mil a11 Wfir p-insed.nuihoiicing theimmed ure ili-.r.hutiou of I lie.e notes uud hills -jiuung llies.-v. eral hunk* rstuhli-liud in the vicinity nftliopaities to them, Ibr icduclum and ranewid, it is b- lieved 'bat these ohj-cts ini^lit be iimru s||y n- cuni- 14i*bed ilnsis by the aguncy of the Central Bunk.— l ln* act would, ofeotir«e, provide for report* to the 1 r. iisury.u' abort periods,of llieumonnl received hy tlio >«*p dive Bunks, mid tho inom-ys might he drawn os required hv wioranl of the (Inver nor on tin i iruoi.or, on which the lull r would endorse hi* check on tli- Bunk. Ainom.t* p-c. Ivtal hy tho several Bunks, and mu thus drawn for, might bo required to ho paid m stated peri ala into thuTren* sury, or into n Bunk ut tlm *• nt of (iovermnem.— llmrigiit of t lie State in terms of the several ucts, under which loans have (teen innd>* hy tho Central Bunk, toreqniia u reduction o(20per cent. |K-r an* mim, on the ii mount of theso loans isoxpressly ro- served—nml if ild* ilgi-t woin excrci-cd i*y requir- iiig nr j.Iiicii-»nof5 percent o.. enchoffmir succeed- ing renew al-* of two mouth*, beginning nn the first of .Murdi, 18 ID, it would lie les* microti* to thedeh- tots, th hi ^ in require dm n*iin**nl,—The Bmk«, IIM. ill wl.i -Ii ilie mit»s were dejio*it.-d, would with* inn d"iht iistist the delno a, ny discomii.*, in muk* ing liiesu r.-duetion*, which would thus ho complete on ll.o first .September, 1840. Assuming thnt tlie B**; will adopt tlm me.isure of rallim* in 2(1 per c*'tit. on these mites nml h.lls a Mounting to $1,558,495 94. if p«id, it would yield $311,099 18 If this nmniintofSl) percent, rr* d'irtioii is renlix- d, it wid leave out* stnmling $1,240.79(1 7C Six per cent. Oil ihi*. if til- whole were renown I, would give $74,3117 00, hut ns inindi of tins paper limy lie over wiili'iul renewal, nml is-* llm lime when tho running notes will ni-rivo ut maturity, i* not ascm iniu- ed, il I* tlimiL-ht safe to reduce this nminim hy fining disc utils mi ro* iieivnl* ut Debt* ilue to tho Central B >nk hy other Bank*, Item No. 14 In the Inst account of tlie Coutrnl Bunk, oMiniutcd nt $2(18,583, ncvoi tholes* being coni- pn.ed in pari of Executive vv.irnsais, checks,t'oiiiniissioner* B e.tern m.d Allantic, rail mad, mid l)uiT**it mid Other Hiicurrein m u.ey.ninouniing to $212,812 11, leave* avail .hie It i« mu suited vvliat iiinomit • f Darien hills is iu tin* Central Bank, and il certainly is tun pu.emvrd why lln* w Iml*'amount of these hills shout.I lie anflered to p-iouiii mm* vail ddo during the year 13 III. espe cially wlmn the oxiitenci-a of thu State rt'qulr* till il* incilM*. Tout Bank is represented to bo solve.t. It must have note* uml ntl.ei- sc- entities from which it could re.di/u front it* d liters (with a pr-aluctive cotton cr p now on hand) in the cou-.e oftiiocoming winlet*, a r-.ti* vi.l-rdd** If the Halo would appoint iigent, nnd tvqii-rn the r''i|i*mplimi of it certain mmui .t of ii* notes, *»y fifty per cent., in live ins! .l-oenis, in .Mmclim.*l Jmm. itcmld h.* puitu- lily iiccompli-led. We ml-l .here* fine, nippo-dug ll».* nmoniil nf lle-sii note* held hy tlm Sl»in loin* $128,• llt!l). iiinienit of Darien Buak miles iv.lei-med iu 1849, e«iinmtu<l Sp- ci.- in (auilral Bank, Dividends mi Bank Siock,i*4iitnutc>| In looking into llm slnt-mciil of Im Tr- usurer, a* o tlm aumuiil of ax received mi Bn-.k S tick, llm jli-l*'i*i.'ii*'d nre ii duo'.l io la-lievai Iiai ilinteU error Irons some »o..i.-e, which oug a to Im cnqmia-d into — Tlm wli-*leiiniomii which appears to have iu-en r-craved I'*r that tux, in lit* yen 1813.1- $111,059 7h. Ac mrding io the report of 'tie S-cre tnrv of the Ticuiny in January, I-33, Hu* uni aiul of die Dink Capital in (ti-orgi-i, wu* $11,433, 828. From the lust leturns we have seen, ii •iiuotmtsio $19,238,797 88. We shall In* siil'o in e-iima ins it ill $10,909,909. A tuxot 31.| cents mi eui'li•-•! doll 0's, wu* origami* iv imposed, hm the net of 133$ r* due* d il to fifty per cent —so reduced, il ought to produce to the Tieiix'ity, mi the uhovo uiiimml of U uk (V.itnl, $15,825 98, iusieud ol $18,859 78. In 1337, the tax p id was oidy $1,183 17, tlmugli the iiinount of B inking capita) was tlie -a-oe. In 1834 the ntnoimt «*f Bank uipitul exc ed.-d $9,59n,ilUli. Toe tax ought to have h- cn $19.159 25. The mu •nut paid imo the Tivn-uiy wn* $1.(109 28. Tl.ese are incii'ioii-d iiumng otheis, as n*ta,' t-es of a ppm eat erior iu tlie colleciion of this tax, which merit enquiry hy the Bogisl.nuie, ns fiom llm st ilemeut tstt*i*i»li--«l by thu Trca-urer, ih.-ro nppe-*rs to ho a coiwi-ieruhlo tin .rrciir,which if *>• m .y he eollecied and iivailat.lo in 1349, ira.ler Urn auili-.-i* t\ given to tbul officer hy the i ct iinp.Mitig the lax. The lux of J839 wil; he prolcihlv pni-l in hy inosi of the Bun!*# Iiet'oi the Bcgi-laturecmi net upon tlii* rep-r , B wil- ol* course h* the redneed tux of fifty per cent, but if the l.cgi lattice sh add determine to levy a full gra-eral tax. from tlio citizens at large,f-u tlm year 1839, no reason is pore rived vvl y the Bank* sh-uil.l not ul*n pay'lie addi'i.uial hfly percent, witch will add $15,825 ill) to the re*mir os of 1810; at pru»ci*t, however, we put ■t down in roun-l numbers, ut $I5,<)(.'9. Si mu Id the evtimut** of tl.e ordinary cxpi lues ..f ti.o C»-*v* • rnineat he too iow, a* m v he tho oa*o t ltd* tens-in ng tifty |N-r cent, of tax upon hank »l ok, wou d cover the dnlicmi'Cy. Tax on Bunk Stock payable 1st December next. To dtsirafotura arc- me mlotlons. rffect (hi*, it will In* iiidi*|H n-ahla that tlm full amount of our grn< tal tax, un ler th" exist ng system, should b«* paid Into die Troisnnr during Ihe jear l»40. Happily it D within tho powi rol tlio le-golaliira, to acrom.iii*h this ohji-ct in thr s. s- sion ol 1339. 'Ihe act if 1832, ndiHml tlm g-neiul tax. liny iwr cent., and thnt of 1815 which has Inert aanudly too'meted since, directed tlieCoilectoia to |sty over the amountcohcctiilto the County Treniuii i*. UnJui tlm-eprovi-imi., return* have t-e.-n n.nd- fra they.ur 1819. uml the dtge la uie now in llm baud* of tli.* n**pcctive C--II t*. tors. It is only mccs.ry to repeal the*e act*, nad l.y • sm-ci-d nut of thu Beg-* a.uiv, todli< cubec'oliec* tu.s to cnliuct mat pay into tlm TrcMsuiy. tlm lull am util of ilm general nix tor tho vent 1039. If they mu tequired to d-po it the aru-omt* codt-ch'dlrmii time to time, in thu hanks in tlieii viciniiy, to tlm cred l of the Trcii.iocr, tin- lax w ill be sneti r re d i.uB Should any oh|e:llon a iso Irom the l.ict that fifty perc-nt. of Hint tax, iuis bcuti to the Co*uili.s, it would l-o better too*.I- ct thi. tux, in addition to the lull am.amt pay .di n into Ihe I'rea-ury. than ti.ut the faitldd' tlm Slate, ami the honor of the S ale slinud not In- redeemed. Tlieio wa- pni i ml the Tien is-y for llm Si •!••'« hull of the tux I -r 1034, $51,391 32,according to ilier* po-t ol i||« Ttviistlier, while ll.r Comp troller, who ft-iiii'iih the State* moiety at $59,1124 38, »l.|o« ilm amount paid lorn the tr.-u.*ii y to Im on.y $19,192 18 The.-w >lis- r- pun- ci. snuy, pci hups, la* explained. It is not nccuss-iry to our present p..r» pose to nil-nipt it. llm gnos iimouiii of the wool.* gc'oeiii. tux, occur ling to tin- nqi.lii ol ilm Coiii|>, tnk- ii I'.oin tlm dig.-sts of tlieycui, wiis $112.818 72 It is reasonable to believe limn die in crease of pojndalj. n nml wealili, Unit till* mil-uiu will have he.-u in creased during live yema. Milking however,udnwum:.* for ihei-xpen-es ol c-d.uclion, wepntdowu the sum i*. he mis d hy tuvus m aid ol dm liuinlilic* of 1818, if these stiggo** duns lire adopted, at Totul ummiiii uf resources for the - year 1849 (Continued on 37 pnirc.) From the Charlrg/nn Courier. Yki.i.ow*-« Sritv>acit'x Fkvkii.—We have re craved u copy,in pnmpt.lct form, ofn leport••lithe history nmi causes ol tiiix fntul »pid**inic of • Southern citn-s, rec ntly r-*uil before die Board of I K'uldi,of ( iliis city, hy Dr. Tho*. Y. Simon*, Chair, mini of dint ami puhli-h*'d hy their directiou. Thefi. -t iiulli -utiu ir count of itso rciirrence locates it in Barba.Iocs ia 1847, vv Imnce it sptend over the W at Indies. Il occurred in B»stoo in 1893, nn.l ill Bishou hi 1723, l's li st uppeiirunce in Cluir* Ic-loii was ia 1999 or 1799. when il was culled hy the inlinhiiuiit* ii plague. I t - cc-ore I ag .iu iu 1793. uml Mipp- arcl in 1723. In 1732 ami 1739, it ge*l witlianclt violence ns to cause,wlmn ntlie glit, 10 or 12 deaths n day Its next vi-iis were in 1745 uml 1743, it lien it existed iu u noinp-ir-iiiv*-ly mil l fin in. In 1753 iiir-l J755, u lew case* occuitvd; amldien il ceased to prevail us an epidemic until tlio yeni !792,ul'liDiich*|M>r ol.c cases, wli.clio- more or l«**a every year. c--iiitm>e.l to liap| on. In 1792 cninm in-itd whai |)r. Kum-ay term *d '* u i oi'nof the Yellow Fevor," audit ravngxlran- • almost cur iiiuou.B fr*-ni yei.rt • 1397, hull elusive. Dining liiis piiiirncled period, the v 1793 *iI*mi? wa* ealiiolv .*xeii);'l from die dientlnil vi.itatioo—in 1893 nml 1895, die eases were f.-vv in minihcr. u.ul io 1898 they weic mu only few,‘a occunvd mdy undor pii. ticnlui cirauio-iimce*. Tli iu|i-rvn| hetwi-eu 1397 and 1317 vv ii* exempt from tb" scourge; Iml iu the latter year it reappemed will) L*r* in niiiligiiaucy,*iii.l leciHionenceil a •eri*--ofii* Ir-quuiit vi.iial'on.—viz m the vear* 1819, 1884, 1827,1828. 1839, 1831,1835.1338 and 18 19. 109,999 $080,255 44 s in I’ui'is with a large party . f Ids 89,089 49,811 C5 58,099 Mr. Webster f.mmls. llm o'-g -lintion* for a reeogiiiiiou by England of die ioih-pun.l.-imc of T. xu* It .ve f.u »d for tlio nre* sent, in cons* ipicneu of tlm iiialiiliiy of Col. Ilui del- sou to sa*i*fi lids g-.v. r m ut on dio q*i—<|ion ..( •la e*, which Mr. O'Couuel mid Messrs. Stmgi* mi l S*-o!.|e h ive h.-eo so ig .man ly m.-d.l.i- g wnil fi.r some lime pa*t. Mr. K in e*ly. a g.-mieman wlt.i iii.s ir iveiled m Tuxiis, is expiai.iiuj, wi-h die givut.-st abilny, iu the Morniog Cliroun Ie, die true smle ot tl.e ii'-w ciumtry in nl. its ndatiotis, nmi dm wroin.-s ofthis enli ditcved ■•* iitlumiio wi.| *.u.n re* iii .vf* :|i* i-9'ect ol dm violent .ml vulgar railings nf O'C-.iiiifll; mid the good nii.uied, Imt.tout raclcd nml sen-elu.-s Juciurea uud leilers oi .Meao *. Scoldo m.d Sturgis. We know not if tho tump* stati.umd here nre to '"* rein veil >r uoi to Florida. General Scott, we imdei-siaud; was sent lu re by tlio I'resi.leui, owing to rep.esemution* made hy Il.-r Majesty’s Miuisi. r. Mr Fox..if thr. iitein-d iuv.i*ioiis from liiis State in to Ciimnl'i. If diev knew u* much of the matter ns we do, ilmy would not trouble dmin-olyes. A blow may yet he si rack where they lea*i expect It—rtlieu it "illho" go idiona" in -pit.* ..I Bii isli influence •mi cither side of dm line 35.— Tkcilcr't Spirit of 78. pnblithed at JJ.droit, St. Joskihix, Nov. 8.—Bimitai. Mckdeu.—At lit.* -n*t to. in oi the Jack*-*n Superior Court, a mail limned I’a-siiio e, wa* ir cd lor mm.l -roll the teg- lininuy ofn fu'«*igiiL-rnum<-d Uutfeuhcrgh. I'assmorc was-c.piiit.-d, md we leant in coujuimti ut with (event, others. Im# since committed n hrutul uml ••* minder hy tying llnll'ei.beigli uml slmot* ing Iiiiii seven ton- s. I'»#*inmeiiu I Ilia accompli ces have been urn*.ted and are now in confinement. We h.r >. itr to c -miimiil till jusnee ln*proaoiinced its soulence. 15,090 Tin* exigencies of the Stale would sretn to requite nn imiuediutc re* *..rt to taxation, to bo rendered av-nluh!.* iu dm year 1349. llm Ii .ml# of tic- Siatc for the N* w York loan of $ 109,999,have l*oeu ly ing over since the 1st September in«t Tlie fmtli uf tlm Sere has IhH'H ought to Im to* .I -enw-l widt the u-m-**t prompti tude. Every honorable feeling of Stale pride, every just consideration .I' ite juibl.c interest, concur in -nakmg do* icqusiiion. Wo must j*ny die debt in justice credi tors—-we must pay it promptly, to ••vine" nur own amse of tlm oldtga- dun of such contract*. We mu*t accompany th" provl*ion for it* pay* incut, wuli am-liau exhibit of .<ur tvio'.rera, ami su*'l» a nHt-llVa'adon of our •leivtmioation to call them - no uciinn, ms A ll civ** ronfidcnca m cwj-.i-oi»t., front whom wu m- 1 )' Anotiiku Touicxxmk.nt.—The lercnt tmirtsi* mum ut Kglintou Ci.*tie lints led to u novel, or ra ther mi- ient pasiiuii—mi.ofly, lilti- g in ill- water quintain. Tins .-lit,.-, tain nrait’to -k p| me nfuw day* since, nt long C'a-tle. C.d. Dnrani V s.-io in Sloop- shire. 1 Im scene of uciinu oas ii luke. within .. sli.*rt dis.iilice of the cn-tle. uml opwniil* of 3.500 person* nssumlili-d on thu binka to witness the Idling. 1 lu* w.utlmr is slated to have been equal.y iis uiifnvorahle us during thu more gorge.mis display in llm Karl ol l.glinio.iu's Of course tin re vvus a *4 men - I Bove n.ul B uuty, who win persoiiHicd by liiuglnerol'Col. Durnui, ii cmpitrar ve hud to the Iu.i blown ($11-011 of the Kg-in oim tournament, Bady S.yinour. Short y'liter tli t4u.cnhud taken Iici suit on the thro..,-, which was in u small pavilliuti on nn artificial island, tl.e lilting commenced. In uddiiiuu to me two rower* uml tlm champion, each boal had a trutnpelei, who sounded tlm defiance. Alter several of the ch-.mpio.i* had given proof of their prowess uml dexf.-rily, the conqueror was con ducted !<• Hie <4imen, u> d leceived u pur*o. One of tin* missed his opponent a..-I got u•luck ing lobis heart't couten 1. The succ-s»|iil knigln's boat co..v—y. d thu (hi. <4u> uii fiotn ih>- is.c, and tlm party then returned to llm ensile. very h- »t matcHtU; nn-l any thing abort of broso ;4|>rr ami r- d fiaun.-l Is not conaidetrd lil cllous matin to make ihftrt of li"ti abrail*. Tli" red f inntl is u*-d nndoublrdl) in ptaeo *»f prpper, iu ron*eqnencf, wa atippoart, ofiiawnm ing properties. From the Cunt Ur nnd Enquirer. Mr. W'ii.iaba* writ*»'n a h-tti-r lotlif^Mranins Fust d.-nying that Im* »ve dm convraniionabout ilm<4u» en 11 t Iming Iuind-otnis"and "uotrl.lii.g wi-II,"m« fr-un the then Mi»* I’ltt. Mr. W illi* a*aoita that be.-nly described ill" I*, uuty of Mias I’ltt—and it to tlie r--nuirks about the per*,in nm! hursew omen-hip of Yicionu they were m-t l.y Mist Fill—tha original pa|n*r in ihe New York Co-a .ir, liavii g been distort- nl tn'diciou-ly u^utiisi ibis maid oflmii-n uml hotion* hie maid. "Distort- d maliciously,*’ in bis own paper too—in the Corsair. Verily, tin* is Idling Ids nose off with a ve tig.-mice, in order tu exlricn a tlm Maid of Honor ft on her dclii ate poaiiion,—A*. Y. Star. I BUM F BOB I DA. Yesterday's us .il btoiighl us tlm fidlowing:— Officii of tlio New s, ? ST. AI-'GUSTI.NK, (K. F.) Nov. 29. J More Imiia* outiuok—Un Momlay last, the 25 liinst. t'.e iiiail wagon, owned by xovcriinieitl, toil nmmug between thi* city nnd I’icln'n, l< ft Imio ut ut H o'- hvk, with Cu| t. Setirlo, A»»tMunt (4ntir* i.-r M-i«t*'r'-oftiio Array, a# passenger,followedi-y a you- ggei.tlcncin nam- ii (I. Fo*«enanltky, a niuivn *.fSi-.ich- ni--t -n die d«k« d.-nt of l*o»*pi.,on his way to Blank Cf'-ek. Arriving at the six mile post the I'.-l.tM-icr. w ,.* fired lip in uml wouiido<l,wlii!#l at llm stone lioieCap .Si*ole r.-.cnrd a*hall passing into tlm spine. Tlie driver whipped up in* lioracs, uml ilu* I'-Jtiml.-r md * uli.-u-l lor some ili*tam e, and foil ftoiu exIiuiKiioii. II.- wa* n—isi.-d into the cur-iage l»y Capi. Se-trle 11 d tbu driver, nnd succceile-l in reucliingtbe lor ui tlm 11 milepost, garrison* d by a purt of Copt, Mick I i's company, md known us tlm fonnci resilience of otir cstiinuble citizen 1’hilip W udiniiii. Sen. The Folumliir dmd sl.oitly ulier arriving ui the post; and an express was d.-sputched to 'o va for iii -ili- ul iishkIuiici*. Shortly ufei the mail wagon had left this city, Mr. I'isilij* Wead nnii, Sen., uccompaiiicd hy hi* sou, u youth iihout f.uiiTeeti yenrs of lice, iu un open wng-11. logeijiei will) Me. II. (i oves, on lairs- bimk, widt dm view of visiimg lii* former r si-lence, nml which forfeouie inoiidi* Imh ul not been nt, since l-i* h-i -g driyoa'tli-'ivlV,Mi, l.y tlm enemy. Uu arriving ut the coihnienVeni* ntnf B-aig Swamp, distance only 11 boat four miles front t*iWn, ho was fired upon nnd killed, having ice. iy.-.l i.vohulls dirougli iiia br.nst.niid hi* little sou receiving a h -II in tlm l-cnd.bir tlm bruin, and otherwise severely woniuled by n knife Ai tlii* erisia, tin* express earning in for ntedicul aid. itppearcd in sight, and tlm Indiinisllcd .Mr. Groves being in advance ut tlie lime, escaped. Tlu* inttnln* ted yuutli wn* brought to town, wills the rvinuina of hi* lamented lather. A nogi.i man belonging tn'Mr. Byuh, nnd in tin* employ «.f the gove.iiiiitfiii, had been sent that morn* iiigon liorsnhiick, with a led liaise to Hike to l’.co- lata, nn-l liuving not leached tliere, thn inference is that he wu* taken by the enemy. This fuel isnioru tlinn conlirnied hy young W.-ndmnu'# sl-.t.-muiit, which is. that he #uw a negio on liorselmck n short distance from where ihctnurdi-rous lire wusopened upon l.imscli nml p-rent. That tlicsR occorrences should tnko place with* in six mi-o# on,in ciiy.umy wellcruuto nlnrni. With* in 1111 area uf sixicen nnlis, we have upwind- of one hundred m.iu-ted men iu tlieservico oftuc United Stnt.-s—l.ired for ll.u express ol g.viog us riiy uml protection. If 11 system of vcouting ".ikmtiykept uj • it would have been unpos* hit-1 he lubl" fin* tin* enemy to have raiien-il upon tlie Fic* oluia liiu.l, and coiunl. tud ibis ou rage. A scout was sent out on the- day of the, uml ro- turned ut 8 o'clo-k tin- same evening. K*cry man wiio kinsw nny tiling• -f Imliaiicliiiiuctcr, knew, that theeu-mv wind,In u remuiiiuttbo-potof 1 liemiinler uud thn n.os- pr.ihai.le ••If -cti»o uiiiiiiicrol'cupiuriiig lt-ni, would he hy in’ereeptin ' him on hi* return. Tlii# wu* tin* plan pur-ited by tlmt raiergoiicofii. er Gea. Ji-sii|. nn-1 iiiuiiy ciqnurcs went ninduby night movement*. In dn> nintt- r we verily believe lluil •he lb*ei* curiis>*i-i-,c the I'osis at ll iii*ou, Fcyton nml W''s, ur<* amply *u9ic.icnl to keep the oiieuiy ooiitli ol us provided they pcil'orm ihe.r*iulv us it shouli! In* d nil*. The funeral of th** lamented Mr. Wcudmnn to-ik place 011 1'ue-day lu«|. Ii wiis hy nil of our cil.zena, exhibiting llm deepest ••■glut for hi* un* iiiii' lv end, and sjn pnthy for hi* vciy nuineroiia (iiuiily. O i Tiii**d«iy, the rem:iios of Mr. Fo-aennntzky weix l-r«oght im.. n.vvu 11 al buried under the liirins of Hie 11- '-lew C'lnurli, of wh cl, he was 11 ummh- r. Hi ii/th of th 1* city,—Tin* Inle epidemic isconsi. dered hy the piiv-oiiois us now ut un end. Tin* re. cum edd wu.itii r (in* li.'oii luvornble to tlio re- esttili idling ihe hru-tli of the cu>, which may he con-ulttivd five from di*uu«e. I'i-r»-*iis dm* n with llm lever, at the -list i**uu, arc now, 10,d rapally ii-cioeiing. NKW uBBK.AN'S, Nov. 21. Flto.M Cunt.—Tim ucco'.iit*icceived Irom Un* vnnan ycvit-rdny nre to llm dale of thn 13 Ii The papers contain nmliirg of importune*. 'Ihe -p.rit of iin|irovemi*iii seems to he porvit.ting the islu. d. A p.mi for the construction of a rad i* from Un* vuin it t • Gnines, was pr-qe- led. uu-l met with great ••iiciiiiriigeuii'iii. The sum of fifty ih-ui-unl siihscrihed hy twenty imlividii Is. W'e notice many vessels arrived nt lluvannu, from Mexco. Among 01 lie.s, the B*itUh packet Fun* •bon. from fampic-,, on the way to Kngla-id, with $119.9119 in sp* cie mi botitd. A g‘eat alarm vvus occa-i-.iied ui Tampico, bv runs r# of a plot to cup- Hue tlie imvii by nm Fcderaii*ls. A suspicious person wns nrrestud,4k on bis exnminutioa lov.-alcd 11 conspiracy t" Imtr-.y uml surrender die city.— On bis ci.nle-sion, a number of tlio tnliahitants were taken vpou suspicion uud thrown into prison.— IJullefin. Important if TitUK.—The Tcxinu schooner of war San, n*p**rt* tlmt tlm Texiun brig of war Colorado, C-*m. K. II. Moore, has arrived at llm South. West Pass from a crui*e off tbu mouth ul tho Bio ,|.-| Norte, nml tlmt shuhriin*# die umvs ol die capiure of the town of Maitiinoras by the Texian lmops nmler Col. Rosa. Further piuticu- lur* went mil lourm-d bv the ulliceys of the scli.iun* er.—lhid W'e have Havana papers to the I5di Inst, which con nils u Mexican ollici-d report of nti attack nia.lo by llm I'cderulists ,m tlio town of Guerrero, in tho viciniiy o die Bio del Norte, d-iring the nfiurnmm ol tlm 24tb of September. Tin* comuiumlor of the place. M nirliuca.ii-xcrts thai win. 299 men lie boat back 499 Fciierulmts under Ziipiitn. In bis doing tlii*, however, hoiked up nearly ul! his powder an,I writes for 11 supply and icinlbrcoments. He stntcs tlmt dm Fe.le alisis under Cnmlo would be 1990 stronger before long, nml n« they bad inken some artillery, they might Im able to .-nrry all hef.-iv ih--m in tlm province, unle*s the gov eminent troops should bo soon reinforced.—Courier. ex re I The AVa* York Tattler tel!? die following lent anecdote. "A holy, while iu die art of«iepp:ncon batrltim tlm Biookiyi. b-.m accid-u-ly t’e 1 jaio ilie jirar.—A J was instantly burry ami pretuiimijon no board die boat, uni the most ucuv. st-p* wore t>iken to rescue her from her perilous situation, except tb" proper one tor somebody ought nt unco to have jumji--d overlxiiod tor iier assistance. But tins was not .hum— in the mean ti-ii", the c.rk whs in reudiur**, uml 11 line wus li.rjwnmei for to take Iml,I to. A | " large iiuiiil-cr of |h*..pie ha«l gatlioied at dm side of " tin* bout nnd on the lauding, deeply ii.ter.-sicd'iu b r d ingeioiis condition, but she, borne up by her em inent#, was floating fenrie-riy u.-d cinelessly on the wave, uml while every body el*o wasliuif-scup-d --ut of h»a «en»es, lookial up »m liugiy 11111 said— 'V> n't be vnea*y—lout quite toft’J atm re y«ra/" NEW OBBKANS. Nov. 22. The Vick Fresiiiknt.—Col. Biclmrd M.Jolm* son, \ ice I'lesilont of the United States, uirivud in this city yi-stetdnv morning from hi»e«tniein Ar- k 1 tisas. Wn iiiidi'isiiiud dim dm Colonel has come to tbi* city tuiiirnnge s*-nm privmo business wliich required l*i« |>resen*-o, ami ti.ut ho will depmt on Siimlay for W iis-iingt.iu where bis official duties do* 111101I Ins intend nice in tin* s- n <to of die U. States. Wi are hippy t- nlis.-rve tlm* this I, rave old soldier sti I enjovs a high -legrte uf vigoruus heiddi, the fruit of a temperate nnd active life. In dm course cf xesteiduy lie was waited upon by numbers of our lelloiv ciilzetiv, anxious to testify llieir tospect lot bis character-—Loiiitinnian. U. S. Bask axis Cotton.—Betters front X. Or* Icni.t, cumc to humi ycti-rlay, ray tlmt tlie mWf.iou* cotton oiinali -ii» jn ti.ut tnu>ke<, which w,-re to tho U S. bank, had tveoived :• •iiflcivi-t cxpiaiiuii'in. Mr. B.diiu-nn/heoperutorjiad shewn tint he purchuMid 011 Kiig-isb order,, und hy the use of English cicdiu: and nm,in had been cur* ready repnried, us ngt-ol for the U. S. Bank, it Mtnti to 11*, on reflection, lint the puluio ate sale iron any furd.oi- intiu-b-n in cuiton outlie pa.t of dm Bank.—Jour. Com 27i» nil. 8 .wn tors S »U*»g<- llisk* —Tlm Boston Daily is an. n«l •• xpi-cld a Massachusetts. Then* sr.-ms hut littlo doubt tlmt die Wldga will bnven small mujoritv in dm Begisliiturc. in which « •*",ift 1* the Boston At/a* uffirms, the number of scattering votes exceeds Morton's majority over Kv»-r--tt,the prob-.ibly be elected by tlm Begi-l il'iro. But no i-npticit relhmce can placed nl.->e statements, ami the question enn only he Hied hy ihuolliciulcanvass.—Char. Mercury,2d ml. MABBIKD, Iu Augusta, on •hi* 28th instuni, bv the R**v. Mr. B,nsaims. Col. GKO (5. M ATHEWS. ora».*oii*. horn, to Mrs CABO BINE J. BlNoGOBU, of Augus.a. ‘11 tlie ailant grave with tli" tvgM of ell who kww n m here. The New York and Mllledgevllle papers, andea* I'd ally the " Kmigraot," will plnracopy. I'ASSENGF.BS Fer brig New Hanover, from Philadelphia—Mrs Kreogfr, Mra Mendenhall and son, Mist Warren, Mcasra Burton, Warren, lA>prg,and I strerag". Per aipambont Isis, from Chatlcston—Mrs This* mas, Mias Thonuu, Mesitt Thomaa, Parker, We|. Inrc.Chvvea, lonea, Bennett, McKay, Smith,Wo«al, Holtn-'s, Boston, Blunt, Sago, Knowles, Bruce,and 13 deck. Per ste am packet Snvannnh, fram Charlpitnn— Mis Haw# and child, Mrs Potter, 2 children and ser* vant. Miss 11 outer, Miss Williamson, Mrs Ravels, Mis* Havels, 'Messrs Batterdy, Stewart, Potter, llHq)-*r,Cninochon, Smith, Brawn, A Bavul.T Bat v.-I.J Bavel.C Bnvel, Deshon, and 5 steerage. Per sieamhimt Beaufort District, fiom Chaile*t«n —Mrs llislop, Mr* Danner, Mrs Smith, Mil Sneed, Mrs Boio, Mrs Murray, Mrs Brantley and daugh, ter. Miss Bolicrtsnn, Mist Wilson, Mi«s Bamwcll, MBs Butmun. 2 miss Ro«ignol, Miss Evans, MBs Tracy, MisB Bowman, Mcssib Kohcrtun, Coggi* hill, Dutiiieraiid servnnt, Swift, Rutledge, Dr Sear*, Bose, Murray,Thompson, Rev Mr O'Neal, and 4 d* ck. Per steamboat Florida, from Jacksonville,St Ma rys and Brunswick—Mr* Elliott and sctvnnt, Rev H A Duncan, Messrs Hort, Duncan, Primrose, Wnl.lhiirg, Caraway, T Piles, S Piles, nnd 3 deck. (CT Consignees per Rail Road Cars, arrived on th*-29th—190 bales Colton to Wimberly & Jones, Adams Sc Burroughs, N A Hardee, Boston Si Ran dle, .1 Camming Sc Co, R M Phinixy, Washburn, Lewi# Sc Co, K Sinclair, W Duncan, C Hnitridge, Ca*spfic|d Sc Neylo. Con.jgnues per Rail Rond Cnr*, arrived on tha UtrliNnv, and 1st December—529 hales Cotton to Washburn. Lewis & Co, C Hun ridge, Campfiuld Sc Neylo, J Gumming A* Co, Wimberly St Jones, Sinclair, B BuMwin, N A Hardee.Bo*t<m Sc Rnndln, E Henderson, E Bliss & Co, W Duncan, Adams & Burroughs. _ Lund and Negroes for Sale. O N the first Tuesday iti February next, nt tho Court House in the city of Dnriou, MeJrjr tosh County; will be sojd tho following property, to wiis All of thu Land, with the appurtenances'of th# Ks!ato n( the hue John Hut*on, comprising about 489 n-rea good planting iund, nnd n largo body, say 8999 aero* jnore or less of uncleared nnd pipe land, -o'-anted in the said county of McIntosh. Also, the following named slaves, 40 in number, lo wii: John, Molly, Alzira, Dick, Cirnln, Fanny, Ih-tsov, Mary, C'nto, Dintia, Old Molly, Nnh, Rose, Eliza. S'.e, Milly, George, J.-ITiy, Jcnnv, Jack, Sly via. Njn, Camplmll, Mann di, Clinrle*, Bets*-y, Hunter, Peggy.Charlotte, Josey, Harry. Jimi, Bos*, Bielim aid. Peter, Lnwoy, Pheho, Glasgow, Kniij, Oxford, old Nan—being the real nnd persona! Estate of the lato John Hut«"n. Sold by order of ill-* Honoinlile Justices of the Inferior Court, nf Mclntn»h county, when sitting for ordinary pur; poses. The Plant ition I* wellimprnvd withgortd dwellr ings, 11 n-*w Gin Hoiis**. containing a superior Horse Gin, <*f Bull’* make, aid all o her neccs-nry build ing* for 11 Cotton Plantation. Th" l md is in high repute f-*r the production of Sea L-liiiid Cotton and Corn, Tin* Negroes will he *oM in fatnilles. Conditions of sal-* cash. Purchaser# paying Ibr titles, JAMES TROUP. novl'M# HENRY ATWOOD. ? Executor* 820 Howard. I ) AN A WAY from the under-lgne-l in February Inst, his ntnu BUCK alii# YELLOW El,; LICK, said fellmv isu dnrk mulatto, oh ut 21 your# of age, five feet 9 or 10 inches in height, rather sp ira made, has an int dligeut counienaiico, am) s|)enks in a slow and somewhat hesitating manner. It is thought lie is lurking in nr about Snvnnmih, uml may attempt lo pass ns a five negro. Tijo above reward will, with nil reasonable expenses, Iju paid 1111 his appr**hension and delivery to tne. WILLIAM G. BOBERDS, King Creek, R. C. Oct 31st, 1839. nnv 2-lnwiK^wlin DIED. In thiscitv. nn ih" 1st Inst mt, of a lingering ill* lies*, in In* 33ill ye.r. Mr. DENNIS A. BURKE* pri-'tur, formerlj of New York, and lately r-f Mill* ".Igeviik*. H*) wa* employed in 'h" offic" of lids puper previous to hi* decna*e, nml his quiet nnd correct deportment icconimeiujed tdiu to our notice. Mr. Burke was a native of the county of Galway, Ireland, nnd emigrated t*» America from Dublin,In tlie year 1«32. Ho wu* n mom* cr of the N. Yoik Tv|i-'graphical Society, ami also of ihu In.le|K*n.leiir t j,d.*i ol Cd l Fellow*. IB* lu«t hou< * wre *olu>m| |.y m.| llmt Iiiui-Ubij'couklpiifoiliqiiiid l.e was|ai,i Edifffiold Village Female Acav demy. I'll HE exercises of this Institution will be rosum; A ed on Wednesday, the first day of .liiiiiiaiv, 1040. Twofeinnle leuchera, .0110 of whom is Ironj oil" of the inondi*tiugui.*h"d F<*inuli*Seminiiri<*s iq the United Stines, wid nid tlio Rector in ih<* course u in*tniciion, whi:h isiiriuuged with a view to tho improvement of tlio pupils iu the solid brunches of education. Tlio Musical Dej-urimont is filled hy Mr. Bacon, whose well known lid--liiy iu the ditto « of his prolo«sion renders any furthei notice of Ins skill uiiiiucHs-nry. The iidvuutug.'S for itnpiovii g instruction in the phy*icul sciences, will ho greatly enlarged hy tlie use of u philosophical ii|>narntiis, which is vxpoctud before the nexi year, uml the dc» livery of a course of lectures hy Gentlemen of the Edgefield Philosophical Society. Tho huulthfulr ness of tlie inhabitant* of tlii# place for the last nma year*, Im# established its claim to a salubrity of cli* mate not inferior to any town in theStulo. It is important for the improvement of the pupils, and tha good order of the school, that thu childreq to be sent to this Institution should commence witlj the year. Tlio classes will he more easily and cqui« tnhly formed by such un arrangement, nml llieir members, all selling out together, will pmeoed will) more steady and ev.-n puce, The Rector can uc? conimodiue thirty boarders, nnd iu other houses, pu pils can Lu iicconiniodutud tu any reasonable extent. TERMS AS FOLLOWS; PER QUARTER; For hgard, including food, bedding, wash* > ing, and lights, $40 00 For tuition in spelling, rending, writing, ^ uml Arithemeiick, 0 08 For tlio nbovnwith Geography, English Grammar nnd Pursing, “ *■ 8 OQ For the above, with Philosophy, Natural, Mental nnd Moral; Lngick.Chtmistry, Criticism, History, Butler's Anulogy, Algebra, Geometry, &c. Her. 10 00 Latin, Greek, French, Italian, each, 8 00 Drawing 11ml Painting, 8 U0 Uroainentai Ncedlo work, 6 00 Mustek, 15 0Q Use of Pinna, 3 00 Fire-wood, in tho Winter quarters, 50 Pu tm-nts, quarterly iu iidvnnce. WILLIAM B. JOHNSON, Rector. Edgefield c. H. Nov. 6. 1839. msv-30 luw5t lUtillsoiry anti Silk Culture, ftgt WARD CHENEY St BROTHERS, and JSMASON SHAW, have now growing, In the most flourishing condition, in Augustu, Georgia, ad joining the Hampton Race Course, about 80,000 Morn* MuUicanti* Tree*, which they offer for side in lots to suit purrlinscrs. For further informutioa eniptiry may be made of Messrs. Cheneys, nt their cocoonery in Burk lie ton, New Jersey, or of Mason Shaw, at thu Eagle uud Phmnix Hotel in Augusta. Having had several years experience in cultiva ting the moms multicnulis frum buds, cuttings, &c. they wifi furnish each purchaser with printed In'- st ructions of tho liest nnd most approved manner nf planting cud cultivating the trees, the kind of soil most suitable for growing tho same; nnd also for. rearing tho silk worms and reeling the silk. They will also have for salo, Silk Worm Eggs of tha, most esteemed varieties, from moths selected with grent enrt* for their health, strength nnd perfection, ug 17-3in-sa r* COl-T'S BOOK.KKEl’IN g. A i'hactical work ui-on a l-LAN ENTIRELY NEW.—Tho aceounu which form tlie bases of the acienco ure clossml under Five Divisions, with definite explanations nftor the forma of grammar and arithmetic. Ir contains a vocabuy ary of mercantile terms und phrases. Also, a ke Ixpjuining .ihe nature and manner of Journalizing each gl'the Day-Book entries as u practical account; ent wouhl ex]>iain the same to his p'/pii; tills aq - simplifies the science that any young man of com mon English education may acquire a knowledge without thu asii.utnco of a teacher To which is added, Directions lo thu Leurnor, and Practical Forms for keeping book* in every extent aud variety of commercial houses. Public addressua, tho first ever delivered upon tho subject &c. &c. Published by Thomas, Cowpetbeyait, and Co., Philadelphia, and lor #alo at the principal Book-Stores in the I»ih’d Suites. je 3*IawUm