The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, December 21, 1839, Image 3

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< < \ TMsn AtoMlllgu of til ' Mahw, was Insisting WatWao* sit down,: i|«t Mr. Smith, of « right l>» 'Ho (kMi and » Mr W*Mf 1H.tmfia.Hi Hr. Ad ims.) mMi “air, Irjrou k«i him nit down.' 1 it bosiiicasin order being iho _Aor, tct ; l of tho Hons* wo* Human- •! ded and ordered, aftar whi-*h228 mambefs answered to their name*. Mr. White &rk>., then submitted a Resnlutlun claiming the Wit bfth* Jersey Wb-g claimants t » vmein ibe mg initiation nfiha House until excluded by a majority nFttnconiest.'d morthera - Mr. VanderjMd mtpn^a d h a aurpria- af the In' yruductkui of such a Ito-olutiun, iiidefiiuco of the Vote ye»t -t.Uy, declaring they should no. v..te. Mr. Whito insist'd that tho tie vote of yo*tenluy did not exclude the Wb'g claimants from their right to vote in th-> organisation of tho House, nor c .uld they bo excluded unless by a m .jority. ifr Mr. Lewi* raised the question of reception, and Mr. Drejiugou!o, with a view ofbriogi ig tno Home to u direct v .t ‘, moved to lay Uto question of w* coptlnn o« tho iahle. The question being taken the motion of Mr. - Drotngooie Was agreed to. So tlie Resolution of Mr. White c.m!d not be on* vPjtcrtalnrd. Jj-IfWill be ohvi.ois from this movement, thnt the iwVliig* const l'-red th«dr c«#« ns iiopele.s, n d were willing to natch at /'raws, for Mr. White knew veiy Well that hv the rule of the House, a tihvote Dequal to a ejection.’” • Mr. UornQid'thi'ri offered a Resolution providing for tho suspension of the order for th/election Speaker, in order to afford on oppuitumt) for di mission, as to which set of claimants are entitled their soots. *’/ ' Mr, Realty called him to order, m.d referred to the 52.1 Rptn Which says:—The uulinished hu*in»ss in whfriftu* House whs engaged at lire , a«t‘pr-<ce<*d- ing adjournment, s all have the prefennieu iu tho order of the tlay; and ne motion on any irh.*r husi* ness shall be ree dved, Without sp.ciiri lento of the Haiise, un.ii'ihd’fjijhidris disposed of.' Mr. Beatty asked the Chair to .Dei Mr. Beatty asked the Chair to .Dcidu op >n tha A p >int of order, but the Chair refused to decide, suy- U; 'Jpg. he should irjnve it to the House. Mr.BrnaYd then aitempteil to apeak insijji.n of his Resolution, but Mr.lBea'ty again called him to order, mfd Insisted that no one should speak uu til the p.iiht'Of order bad beendreid-d. A scone of great confusion l)u*n anise owing lo Mri A-litm* refu ing to put the nue-liun of oiilor. Finally, llio Resolution was withdrawn and the V H.fse proceeded lo ballot foi the election of S|>eak* fib *r- r-,; ;; The conduct of the Wldga this miming was m-st \l> inf'imous. A fl.w lution had Iwon td -pled histl sngbt tfhkl “ the H-aiso do now proceed tu the elec- lien Of Speaker,* 4 ami yet in defiance of this, Mini Injure the election, the d sappuiniu.l ni* tempted toxlpmst in other ttcsohiti-ns. This con duoterill shew^to tin* country which parly it is th it lias qnwentnd the House coming to immediate el ection. The frame n days wustod in del>u « w ll hang round tl»e sieck* of the Whig parly like it mill «teae,aad stak them in iho estimation of the people •f their own .prpper level. The result, of the lust bullot was as follows:— \ J. Boll., .. J. W, lones, F. W..hnkoiw, Din^Hr.^-. Daw«»n, v Hopkins, 102 113 235 , try^—y —. Noelecitcnhnvjng.lH.en mido the House, nfie aa unsuccessful attempt <ff Mr. Wise to admit iho i Jjbrsey claimant*. pneeciled tu u second b illot, 99 113 11 5 1 which resulted us. follow#’— • J. Bell, -' 1 • J. W. Jones, | (••••' D'.x»n H Lewis, / ’• Dawson., Bffi ... ■ ' I’loken., IMflrclW.,, SU 'V The Ilmi*o is jto.w proceeding to n third hullot. V ' . *Mft'Hiitei Wit* brought up wiiii u bed in u liitok- •. ’ney. coach."* You may expect the Me«sago on Thursdny. M&'j.CTb* following we extract fron the cnngrcssion’il of the Globo of Suturduy evening, showing oico n*ior six baf’dfitffgs.—Kp. Gkoh.) The House then priH’reded to n lldnl linll-t for o S[wnki*r, and tho rosoit being announced, it up- to boa*ifollowsi .. Whole rtif/nher. of voles 231 Ncccsm y Vo a choice I Irt - John'W*«lon.')i' HO Win. C; Pjtwspn . 103 J. t John C. ’(Plane 1 \ * John Q Adams 1 Joha Bell . 1 The Hou«p then proceeded 'o n fooith hiilloi, and ibn result Indus announced, appeared ns lo - ^tvhola n’hjnW of votes 23-1 I Weiestnty to u ch.iicu 118 John W. done 101 77 29 I 14 8 1 I that tho House adjourn: W. C. Diiws m B.M.T.'llutnr llenry A. Wise Dixon H’. Lewis F. W. I'ik. ns John Bell;*; John Q. Adiirrs Waddv Ihi'mjfon . Mr- Uii leiw. md m- lost without h, division. Mr. Wu.h'ly Thomps in then stnied that it wns Mr. Dnwsiins wish thin ho should not Hguin ho vo- ted f„r. Tito Homio ih m proceedml to a fifth hull-.i : and the vutebving nnnoii"C *d, it apimaivd us follows: AVh"le numherof voios, 211 Necessary ip nchoice, 118 John W. Jones, 71 W. C. Daw s m, 4 R. M. T. Hunter, 68 Dixon H. le'wis, 49 John Bell, 22 F. W. Pickens. 0 ^Scattering, „ 14 . y M r c. H. Williams mnvwl that tho Houso ad- johm. Lost—yeas 07, n .ys 113. • Recapitulation of Imll .lings fi.r Sp.*aker of the ' Honso yl Represent .lives iff thn rwomysixth Con- , grwJ: WASHINOTON, Drt. 13. Tho Houatf adjrtiirnetl, la-t. night, at 0 o'clock, after sia ineffectual balloting! (hr Speaker. Tim South Carolina Delegaiionb 4>l thehalaacaami there arefHurorfiwof ilwm.wbo wt|l not votw f..r John W. Joness, or any ’'PhiclamaUoil, Force^lll, sul*- ml«sl-n maw." Tim Whigs are uniting upon llunirr, ofVa, a8ul»Tioa-ury Whig. Tim South Cnrolinn genilero- n alwvd refetr-d tu will ultim .iely votofin- Hunter, if tho Junes narty will imt go for Lewis.— riieieare *one l.ulfdoaen Jones' men, who never wid volo for Lew I., as they now say, of con-eq-ience, Mr. Hunter will Imi elected p ohups, on llu> second BhIIhI oii Monday. This wilt be an opposition tri umph. It will give llm Whigs the ..rga<ds .tion of tho 11 -u*e. and no doubt, will prevent the' of ilirSub Treasury, at this or ih • next sosaiun iu any frin. In tho mucus, Mr. Lines had 60 vote*; Dison 11, Lcw-i«, 49. Two members who were for Lewis being accidentally out of the mom when the vet., was tnkeN—<ni.| very few of tho Slate Rights' Deinocisi*present. Onn noiocquai ceof the ele. tinn of Hunter, ills thnujit, will ho the i.nmediaio ndmi-sinn of the Jersey exc uded Whig m-mlicrs. They will demand to bo sworn,nnd Hunter, it it laid, willadniini-ter ilm ..alii to ihem. If Kemp*h'ill gets Imre, t> morrow, they will perhaps, bo admitted, any how Tut Ch'ikikkk DirricuhTiKS.—A letter fr-m an Uniunl States idficerat Fort Leavenworth, doled th’ 21st of November, is published in tho Si. Louis Ucpulilioin, which at onco se'ilo* tho fears which have hem ent-rtiiimnl of n co'li-hoi b. tween the United S ato* nnd tho Cherok.m Indions. A do- tachm-nl of two hundred and fifty m- n, und-r the command of Colonel S. W, Konrncy, h id just ar rived at Fori (.•■avonwonh. front u ntnrch from •bat post along the Missouri frontier, into thn Cheinkeo enuntry, us far as Fori Wayne, oii tho Win 'Is river, near Fort Gibson. This movement wns mnde inconsequence of Intel igenco c.nitained in a loiter frumG-nniul Arbucklo to A. Yell, mem- l»ec ,ff C.i 'grcss from Arkunsu, dated September 28 h, and puh'ished in the Arkansas GaX'-ile,'whHt intimated that dilficulty was brewing in that quar ter, between. the Ch Tokens and the mili'ury tnreo under tho Goncml: mid tb'tt tho Chcr.ikcca, orthi* Rngs puny nnimig them, would resist, with force, any nttempi on tho pnrt of the mi itnry to execute n roceet nnlor from tho Score iiry of Wur to General Arliuekte, to arras' the munlcrors ofilio Itiilges nnd Unit liir.t. On seeing this letter, Colonel Kearney determined to along the Aikunsus state lino t < the Arkansas harder, to prevent, in roso of diffi culty, nnd collision oi combinn'ion iff thn Chero- kees with the Indians along thu Missouri frontier. On reuniting Fo t Wnyne, he l'-nrnu.i fmnt uutlinr i y to Im relied on, tit it the reports of intended hostilities on the port iff the Chor-km-s were ut- terly gMnndl-»«—tha' the whole coun’ry wns en tirely quia— ihrl a wnr with ihu United Slates wns not thought of by tho Indians—and that no resis'onne to the arrest iff ilia murderers of B.ui li mit mid hn Ridges, noedh • iintiutpuled beyond that which might he mode by the murderers themso.vus, individually.—iV. Y. Eve. Pott, Fkom thk MAg.tR,—Tho Aliuitiy Argus of yes terdoy m .ruing snys that the nmuor diffiu dti s ur<* nt an .'ltd, if iml.ied they Imvc ever c»i*ted in any foriniduh'ea-pect, a< Inform it ion linslmen received from tho Sheriff, that he is jiicc 'ssfully serving bias process without resistance. We ilmt he had touched Itcns.olnervillc, the extieme mnn..r town, lastevou* tug; und hut Id* mdy uouoyonco was in find ng quur.ers nm-mg the ii.btdiitaula f-r himself and company. No mnn, from the slurt, Iihs res st.-d the scivicu of primes-; ami nolwiihstHnilii.g the f-omiJn le array ot tho military on the ground, the miduixht orders here, ih.-. a lii.g out of 501) no-p- fr.nii Montgomery nnd Fulton, and foma 2008 in th.*ci v '.ff New Yoik uulcr orders,—not a mm among/he tenantry hat at yt t, to fur at tee can learn, appeared tri'h annt in hithsr.dt! "The dome" m lit It■ no Montgomery uml Fultor., countie., unde. A*o.ill, nuuiheriiig some otlllmun, itriised in tld oi you W'etl .etdny eveiiin: l.y r-iilrond; mid niter lieilis on duty iu thuMtou umi mud yeste day, milil ilir c, 1*. M., were di.chuigerl in the C» pit ill l*«rk, and returned homo—there Leii-g no occ..sinn furtheit service*." After ram irking that till the intelligence »fu san guinary umi ill irmitig ch .ranters raguniing tlio movements of th-* resistors Inis come to Albany via No»v York, die d-iilyjiiur.inls .if whic.t contained uu* counts of the insurgents liraukiug down hiilgus, procuring powder.from Coxsackie, driving tho mili tary out of burns where they hoi tnkeu sh> lt.-r, and deriinyiiiutlm sui.l burns—die Argus proceeds: 44 The truth is, thn whole matter has been uune- crs»uriiy rx'ieeeiated—anditio course pursu 'd hy tho pulili.!..uthoritifs, if it has the warrant of law, is ntlorst 14 novel,"nnd hus lieen needlessly expensive mi I vex li >us, pu ticulurly to tho peoj.le of Mon:- gome.y. •*B t it seems the end is not yet Th- Governor recommends—noy nppu ii*—in the tenants to apply f-i re.lies to th' 1 L- giilatnrr.: und he pro mis. t ill in "every fneni y whiclt he executive dep irtmen* c.i.i ulfoiil in/iruiging their voniptaihh bifote the l.cgitlntuic. ‘I lie Kvnni«g .1 ..iiriuil ills ex- ury with theiegisofi's approval, uml (l.-clnres this to he the rigniinui wi-o course." 1'ossildy i< ntiiv Im: hut we tros sh .11 not he uccu-eil ol 44 in- cei.diur.sni" if we inquire wlnit the Legi-lutuio can dof Can t uteri', re with tho cnuirict*? Cun it lress M ihe 4, coinplaint»"of n.c lunui.toT And il so, In.w 1"—A T .- Y. Eve. Pott, 14/A iu*t. The report thnt the Albany mi.bin had returned from the mnmiiir on Wi d ,-sday evening wh*b mis- take. The following isfr.mlhn Alnnny Kvoniiig Joumiil of yeste.duv alt. rnooii: Thk .Maxoii Utrricft.TiKs.—Gen. Av,ri I. of Moi-tt'iniihy conn y,w thlive hutidre.i troops nrdei- ed Monday evening lust, urriv.d in this city lust 'v.ming. Wo nro happy toannounen thntcotnmun- iostions linv been received from thet wns interest' ed, whirl, uiitliorise a coulident hop.'tluit all further resistance to the ex<cution of tho law hns been iibuml .iii'il. Tho iuliirnmtion received from the Slierifflii«t evening, is ii.n* lie was -ticee.sfu ly ex ecuting hisproce-., without ivsistnncc. Underthcse drcunistances, Gen. Av •• ill Ins linen tu Uuiii wiiii tho tr ops iimlcrliisrominuml.—Albany 'lliurxliiy evening Journal.—A T . Y, Eve. Pott■ 13/A. m ■■ John W. Jones, John Balk Wnt’C. Dawson, F.jW; Pickens. Lincoln, JBmi taring, 1st. 2d. 31. 4th. 5th. fith. 113 113 110 101 71 39 102 99 1 2 92 21 11 11 103 77 4 1 5 5 7 8 6 4 3 5 6 14 49 79 5 29 68 03 4 11 1 1 2 3 10 Some sensation was created in th s city yo«terday by the circdatioit of a report, that the Bank of Au gust:! hu.l mfu-ed any longer to receive the Mils of nnyofthe interior Banks. Upon enquiry Into tlio mailer, wo ascertain the facts to lie, thnt th-> Augus ta Hank hn* r- solved no long.-r to receive on Pe potite, the hills oi uny hunks, except those of this citv.SavHiinnlinmlnllihe Hanks of South Caiolinn, exe. pt GuoigetownandCheraw ; Inn it stills receives in payment ihe hills of all Dunks, which it has huiuiulore received.—Anguita Chronical 18/A. nnved that f-mher Imll'iting '-'I* Mn'Lsiwis Williim* m- postponed until Monday next, which was agreed aRfip-rafn* 87, noes 85. , ■ ‘Jh* Hnqae tlien adjourned at nine n chick. i j .L TCorretpondctr* of the Char. Comer.] WASHINGTON, DKC. IS. The Sena’o y.Mterd iy b cam - tired -f wai- ing on ighe House, and on motion iff Mr. White, Tenites- . . «ee, directed that theCha rmm should pr.w oi to sippoint tlie Stsnding C'inimilie', widi the exccp- • Sion oT the Chair .urn of the C-.nimflee of C»m- , ■ m-ree, which was immediut- ly for, and de- OK elded In fsvor of Mr. King "f Alabnma TheSei.nle 4hco adjourned over to Monday. when tho C minut- £8*4*111 he annmv.ce.1. ,, , .. ; ' Yesterdiy, Mr. Rh ltvoU-d for M>. J.***-# 4he two last b-tl ots. who . Im supported Mr. Lewis Your R«pre.'ontativ.', Mr. llolinos. voted through out for Mr. Pickens, who is decidedly one of the igest muftin the H "1 ,K * I, by all, were it not for his peculiar political ;■ If Ih. frl..n’U i*f M«<". I.-wH,nS Jjjm ml), L" ./oiili.r c-.i i.UHh c. 111., rc.ull -III he In In- ..ifftflbn'«'..n. ynuni.y |»-nn.ive hy """Aiidta'hnrile,M'Mr.-'KwsU«l» «l'h.r 110,n clci.r mil'lli.y nf ill..; wlrol.-1 n..... In its present >ijatr» »«d thi.twi't't* w i'l prelnhly decide this even ng that the first namo.1 will Imtlie m'Hlrx- pedienteanline, not vitiistu iding th* opposition iff #h# "powers that Im." „ ,, Hu ll irs ar* iu citetilaibm iha' th * Whit#, to pre want Uw election of a O'sl run Nul l icr, ami thus to cb-toM lbs beast of |w i evils, will unite on Mr Joaet—Uwfo is son'trinhiulho input, as! Itea.f wr»t n arlW|HOi» »su I !*• b<i 1 to» 4'wfal whether it will b- iHt'sueda* a |>arty w-tsuro, or (Oiinc., Ihu 1-H. >1 ...(-. Im ww uii .".in *■ »»** ws» U Mfrfi. J w.*mU»o» Ih, rf|h.|tM,««iili.n PIMM* Irtih, Ihkir Km|iw, fw OvIwS ,M rWkMhyifSUupr,. SI A'Y AiT Sf AIM's Klac ol tliafrra! still Iwsrthy away, Umlimin'd through ages yet untold ; O'or earth's preud realms thy stars display. Like morning’s radiant clouds unrolled. Flag of tlia skies! still peerless shine. Through ether’s asure vault unfurled, Till every bund and heart entwine, To sweep oppression from the world. FOll PRESIDENT. MARTIN VAN BUREN. POR VIDE PKE8IDENT. JOHN PORSYTII. Subject to thn decision of a National Convention. Wheims, a high Tariii wd** •• levied, tends to build up a treat s facturrs, by taxing ihu wtwlapnop > the |ieopto of the plant mg States, it lha Northern rnpim istt and where *, hy theinevi. tabln operation of every ancti law, ha V.lii,* ,ff tho productive Industry of tha 8outhe t section of thn Union I* greatly diminished and h mlctj ofcr with out consideration to am.thor sect! i, aqd whereas th.» snma unwise system of taaati. 4 hi* Iwiet.ffore sedueedt and must t.lw .vs seduce 4 tho Gonmal^urontmeni away fh.m] eemomy nnd mtu the device nf plui gattl expenditure* of the public m. WH . j Resolved, by the General, Asset ofTenn-ssen, that i “ . lhut onr Sen: striicted ntl.l otir representative* roi|««stiJ tli'reslst any att.;mpt wltieh may b- m .de. from Whatovcr quart r it may come, tu itnuvaso tho duties dn'ltn- E tried goods l eyond tlio rote* fixed l.y the net of ongress passed fin that purpose during ihe cession nor of tltJ, State of SL-m 11-um, ihr Murick Shephard, when Ita v'alimf tha Holtr.des, was pretty roundly taxisl hy the no* lives for nil the svrvic.-s which they rendered him which, being a pout and |tonr, Jamie felt ami duly resented.—lie gave vent tu his spleen In the follow* lea lines, which he wrote in an album at the tutind Inn; " 1 have sailed round the creeks and tho headland of Mull; Her vole* are unrulturcd. unhallowed and weedyt Hoc moutna ns are barren—here haven is dull; Hero suns may bo brave, hut thoy're cursedly greedy," The day n. or the almve was written, it esme and* r tlm not'm* of a native of thn Hebrides, who . wrote (lie following sma.t rej.dnd.rt " Ah, she;.h rl ,.f Kttrii k. wj.y sorely complain. Though tltj* boatmen were gnwdy for grngt Tim Iienultes of Stiri!a,hy this you ptoclamt, * a/fng." ••s I' of 1632 3 Resolved, That tho Governor Tennessee he requeued to forward a of the foregoing preninluo end resolutions to o ch one of our Senator* and Kepresentutivos in C( ogress.— Nathville Banner. FRKSH SHAD. Be it known to ail onr lioges, of the Epicurean ordei that 44 mine host" nf tl.e City Hotel, served up fresh shnd to Ids guests, ut dinner, pn tb" 20th inst. Only think of it, Col Stokk; how your mouth will water, when you read tho above. K7* A gold mine has been recently discovered In Randolph co. Aluhnmn,!* described ns exceedingly rich., In one day gold to tho amount of $4000 was f und. One lump was picked up worth $320. LATER FROM WASHINGTON. Tho steam packet Beaufort District, Ciipt. Simp* n, arrived last night from Chnrloron. By her wo received the Courier of yesterday morning — From thePos/seiipliiec.l we oxtrnetthe following: 3 O'CLOCK, A. M. Tho steamer Vnnderhilr, Cuntuin Lawton, from Wilmington, ron.'h. l the wliHif this m .rtdng ah'.ut 3 ..’clock, 'u: brought no m ill lurthei thnn Rich mond incoi • •quence.if th" bout fre.n Wn*hingt«n having been n;r.iun.l on the 17tlt, nnd being enclos ed in tho ice mi the 18th in*t. Wo 1-arn fn.m a nnssniigcr ilmt on tlio 8ih ballot fjr Speaker nf the House, theta wns no choice, Mr. D.iwson, of Go. having received J;.n gioHtost number of votes. It was Hltogether uncertain in the present state of par ties, when u SjKJuker would lie elected. (From the Courier.) SOUTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. IN SKKATK, DKC. 17. Mr. Pinckney, from the Committee* on Federal rel'iiions, subiuhtcd a report on the report of the some committee* uf the House, in relation to the contiovursy between the Stoics of Georgia and Ordered for considoitiiiii to-morrow. Muitte, Tho Ru-tian Minister Ims published nn ukase allow ing the free exportation from that country, of flour and biscuit nnido of it, fi.r swan yours, and offering a premium on these exports of 30 til- rupees a Imirol of iHMween five und six puds (200 to 240 lbs.) fur the first four year., 20 fur tl.e fifth year, 15 f-r the sixth, a-.d 10 for the 7lh yeui fium the (Jute uf thu ukuse. AMERICAN DIPLOMACY. An article in alula number oft ho Eastern Argus, remarks on the ability und success with which our Foreign rclu!ion* imvebenu conducted hy tlie pre sent ublu Secretary ofSttite, Mr. F<>r»yth. No one of his predecessor* ever did more, oven if nt much to elevate the character ..f this country abroad, or lo ensure to our m re.lmnU every P'lssihleudvuutng, for legitimate comnic cml onterjuiso.. It was li.o coolness and tar.t of thn old Chief who then held the rein* ofgnverumeut, sustained by Mr. Forsyth, that ojmpt’lleJ Fr.inod to pay her acknowledged debts, note ithsiiiinling her bravado' g«i.iiculutiun* and bail fiiitli. Ho, to, ai-leil by .tlio rousuinuto wi .hint of our presen* Chief Mugistm e, ha* saved the nicruhiint* from tliit ’ intil filin' which would Imvo (ivurtakeii them hud a w-.r grown out of mir roinpli.-uted frontier slitfi. ultis-s, nn evont which would prnb .bly have hupprnod ere this, but fur the fiimii<--s mid piudeuce exhibited by the Si.itn Du- pnrtntoni. No man now thu public lias ten- lered tlio country or llm demo'-rutic party more valuohlo service tlum Mr. F»r«yth. Ha was undeni. nbly one. of the most talented und clli iont suppor.ers of Gcner'il Jack-on’* Administration in tint Senate of thu United States, a.xl h i bus fully muiutiiimd his superiority us uu uccumplishcd diplumatist. The people are not ior-nsible to, nor do th -y forget •uebservices, though tho inercuntila coin niinity inuy—und they will untfuil, upon n suitable oppor tunity b. ing presumed, to exhibit th-dr gratitude. —N. Y. Sew Era. From the H^rtAiag/oa Globe, 14/AtxiZ. The following Hue uu. lysis of the question .which has i.gituted the Houso of Uepiesemotires for tho last two weeks, bus been handed to usbya tni'mlwr. It is so ole ir in ita statements a* to supur-ddh argu ment; or rut her t he statement itself is the most con clusive, M ARMY-APPOINTMENTS. John C IVrretr, of Vn. to bo 2d Liaut. 1st Infan try, lOtli Novemlier, 1839. Gnuivillo O Haller, of I’a., to!« 24 Lieut. 4th Iiffuniry, 17tli November. 183:1. R I Powell, ofN. C. to bo 2d Lieut. 4th Infantry, 17th November, Id3 l. Benj'iinin H Arthur,of Vermon 4 , to be 2.1 Licm. 1st I tiiait ry, 1st D cemlwr. 1839. NAVY O.tDEUS. Nov. 27. Passed Mid. 11 L Lewis tranoferra I fro n steiini r Fu ton to self Flirt, 29. PuiserK A Thornton. Ass’t. Stir. D. Har lan, and Boatswain N S.eirtborgb, *lo..j> Dnle, (ler- pomriiy.) 30. Passed Mid. E Lmier. navy yard, Norfolk Dec. 2. Lieut S B Ui-s.dl, steamer Fulton. Purser T B Nille, brig Dolphin. 3 Lie >t A Griffith, furmugh 12 month*. 4. Lie it il V I’urvniiic , Ken.lev iis.Br'iimore, vie- Lent W M Glumly, d.-iacltud with lexvo three mouths. MARINE CORPS. C'.nngn* from 1st to3<ltli Novem'ier. Nov 2. Captain John Harris, to Marina Bar racks, New Y ok, 11relieve Cnpt M tc on ajr. 3. Cap. U M cornier, u relievo Capl. Uruvourt on recruiting service nt New York, Capl A N Brevistrt, as s am as relieved, to Re- criiitini rend vous, Phi ad-lphh. 5. 2d Ltout E L West, to Head Quarters for du >1 (jotted >.n the23th.) 2d. Ltout W L Shut'loworth, navyy rl, New ' ^ ad Lirut J ft Wilson. Marine Burnmks, Chariest <wii, Mass, f *r duty _ , n ,. IU. | si Li-ut Gil Te.rcil, *obr Fliit, B-ilti- 1st LI an F C Hal'.navy yard, Phllsdslphls, o# d't y.— lr.a* ml >'<»» Ckmniclo. Clkk cai. aii«*wD»K«#.— \n Koglish psp-r tells HS.Hil Story m Rfl.ergymitri.wliu, bsvl»i c-ived « ptl'dic doomnont, wmrlt wsai^lernl lithe rasd in all tlw uhtirelm#, ami which w»# l,’* r, ) B |'{*'* U. .mnuhn, llwl >'s« , , | l t* l—"'v- "tf" iiu. dsaU.atiun. linv had h'*ar II*" The steam Pucket Columbia nrrlvod at Now Or- leunson Frist .v with Guiveston dates of thu 7lli and Hous on ol thu 5th. Tlio most important iut-lligniic.* is the progress of tho invasion of Mexico hy Col. Ross, lute ofthe Tex- iuu nrmy, with a force of Mexican Federalist-. His army is sa.d to amount two thousand men, und daily increasing. Hu is said in h m* already taken two Mi xicnn towns, und in the ff st eugugoment about two hundred prisoners, including reverul officers. Tho Federalists urged thn slaughter uf them all; to which Col. l(o*s oiiject. d, Tim w hole number then imtnod-ately joined tlio Federal nrmy, und the olli- cers were set at libuity on purolo. The Federalists in the prnviuceof Durango were also rising, ai d as soon us organis'd, me expici.-d to join thu main body, under (-‘ol. Ross. Wu find the following hems iff Incut nows in the papers. Tlio Senate of Texas had r-fus-d to confirm the ti'-minution of tho lion. Kiclmrd Duniup, as Mins ter •Plenipotentiary to the United States;und he will consequently bo immediately recalled. Samuel Rob its Esq. Secretary of Legation tu the United Suites, resigned Unit appointment sumo weeks since. Dr. Willi* Roberts, late Collector uflhe port uf Galveston, hns been remove.!. An expedition wits soon tu leave Austin for the higher water* ofthe Colorado. Thu object appear* to be to chasti-e the Cuinnuahea und explore the country. Gen. Hamilton had returned lo Houston, and was on his wuy to Austin. The advices respecting the crops are cheering from all pn.ts of the country. On tiie Drums tlio co ton cr >p h id been rein irkably good, und thu cu>n there and on Red River never yielded more plemi- fully. The Houston Telegra -h says that nuiw'nh- standing tlio large amount of corn raised tld* season, it will ail be required to support ihu increased emi gration. A hill na lmrising the crei liou of n light house ml the cast cad of Giilves on I d m.l has been offered in the Senate, nnd it i* said w ill pass without i.p,ui*i. lion. The want of u light houso at this place ha* long been fi ll. NEW JERSEY CASE*.. , By the Constitution of the United States, article 1st, section 5, "each Houso shall bo tlio judge of tlio elections, returns, and qualifications of its own members." A mnn may recelvo the highest number of votes given at an elect ion, end be pru|ieriy returned to Con gress os a member, and yet so many uf the yules may be given by person* not qualified to co/r/iUjif de ducted, would of right givo th<* office to hlVopp un-nt.' If the right of the member holding the 'return* to membership were contested by him vrlm received- a majority of thelegil votes, rids wtxild'present 0 question of conto*ird election. Another man might receive theWgllriil'ilijffibft-af voles, und their legality mil disputed ;'yit if;'by erruneo s compu ation, or by fraud, mWtnke, or i.^pru|>crconduct on the part uf thereiufni.ii: offi. cers. bis’oppnnum should obtain the c rtifiuuii* of election, or oven it Governor’s eomuilssl'l^ founded tho.con, the nmn who r.cuivod the highest Tilimhci I'lvgnl vo us wmi dof right b>‘entitled tithe retut n, wlietln-r iu tho shapud' a certificatefranireturning officers or Governor’s co'mtnis*i»n; and ifTitl cluioie.i hi* right to the return, bauue tho Hume, It ’ wnu.d preient a eulw of culnsi. d return, I • A third may receive the liighest nimfier of legal votes, and be in every respect properly're turned, that is, both lo.-ully dueled and cm,( returned, und yet liitn*olf not eligible M nfftcu.— Such a ense would present a quo-tiunuf'quulifica- lion—of each of which questions thoiluuseis solu' and supr. me judge. G uernqr Pennington had. not, norh^ jJither of his ci'ftiiy ing clerks, the righ( to judge lion. The.r dutv tequirud them to m.ikn returns^ which conformed to iho unto >.f ih6 p nl Jn.ok»;' and any returns which iboy iimd.*, iljiit Jitl nii; ro form to the nate of tho poll books, wore' false,’ I f thn retur -inj officer* kneto thnt thgjr rnturne did nut so coolnrin, the returns were b •ih/n/se and fraudulent; nnd if the Gov. rnur of Now J* rsey, wh.-n Im gavo tho commi-sion to lit**,-five,-Whigs, knew that, the relnrne vtervfalee nnd fraudulently mnde, his commission, no/trilhitaiiding tins grout seal it np nun'led thereto, likeihere/Nrfff (of wld>*li it is only in'tnd' d to bo evidence,) is n»t,«ujly fruit difent, but dues not give a shadow iff We la, mum- herriiip on the floor of the Homo, . pj All the votes offered and received ByRll*: judges of thn eie.-tion, und entered nn the'-poll* books so fur as tho ule.ks of tho counties, pr ill* Governor nnd Council, had a right to det<-rmhin,iW>n* good and legal. If they received tlw. vrttes-of not qualified, nr refused votes of tliose tvbij wi-qauli- lied to vole, the llousn, and the IJoUs* nluin-.uiidei the Cuiisi union, ran make the cbrrkttidn; loii iho clcr • were Ikiuii.I to rortify llm relnrne tntiy, and the Goveiniir'scommitiiun tu cunfornt to the facts of thn case, ■ Ajti 1 Tltey wi-re biilind. hy ( Very nhfigi)tjqp f ‘»nbqt(t\tq]| of tlio votes received by tin* jud jes,^. jppljo p lyify them Iter -; *md uny return of moqijj/iy*,., fo/mjled'. upon a less number or votes than wjt* d nnd counted by the judges nnd emi*rpif/>ti;tlinpqll,lio'.k* is nfalte return, und must be. jet^ldp pin. such falseiioial appeuriug f,o ihti Huiissj^'a'piL jlip,jH*ituo must, in pluceof tii(*7V//*c fe/nm, rank** q lrur re turn nf t huso ppr.u.n* entitled loihui’r s/ti.tsfn it. Now, tho proof is clear, that thu Do mm! ratio members reroiv.-il u majority whim peopla’* vines, ami tluiMi vii e* wen* count -d and entered on tho poll hook*, and n»t disputed hy tile judges and in spector* of elect‘on. Tltis is tint denied by nnyntmlu tho Jlmise, uf either pirty. Tltoy were tlieiinniiiied ip thn relume and commisinnt ns innmbers; nnd tint much nt this hns been improperly, il is th • dipy iff tlie Hou-o to declare that tli -y ure s.i entitled, und, hy virtue thereof, tu thnir seat* ns m.tinkers, ••util hy purging thu poll* on ho(h sides it shqffhp shown tliut tho Wh gs liavo rocoived u inujm ity of tlio vote* nf qualified voter*. No upright itiun thnul I ctiU'itonnncc flit,,attempt tu i.void thn count on thn pu l huoksj ()jr, »hpul^ a dike or fraud bn tpier.ited in ^hij^a/Nrn pf n a member who did not receive thn hi/ttwtLt'Umber.iff votes, undisputed ut tin* time of making the return. Tl.e purity of our public olli cr* should in this lie kept nluive suspir‘oii, thutt’iq people *)ipp|d Iso o • li lied withlheexpres-ioiiofihi* public will through ’ ‘ " ' * ni ihe f * ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' * *" Cain* I, I'hilndclpli'a und Virgitdiu. CORN—Retail Cargo OATS HAY WHISKEY—IVr gulluti, hhd* & hbl*. GIN—Nortliorn, per gullon TOBACCO—Cuvendish, Muniifuctured, MACKEREL—No. 1 * In raid tlw dsol-S' Niton, llt^y — - - - _ . Ihsj might |her. iaare tha cli'iroh. Mob tbs blot, an! Hwelar|ywan rud tip dtWimao* lo *®fty pawa, «- Were p-'OtUeast nwnj on a VOiliniEHClAL. LaTKST DATK8 ritoM LivKtiruot... Latest iutki rnoN Havrk Latkst datks from Havana...... Nov. 13 Nov. It Dxc. 7 SAVANNA!/ EXPORTS. DEC 21. LIVERPOOL—Siity Commando—1930 hale* Upland nnd 135 hairs 8,*n Island Cotton.—Ship Tamerlann—1098 hales Upland Co* tun. GREENOCK—Br ship Cdlypra—1029 bales uphjnd and 3 hales Ses Island Cotton,3 whole Mild 27 half casks Rice. NEW YORK—Ship G.stnn—408 bates Cotton, 89 casks Rice. , LIVER I’OOL-Shlp Harriot—827 bales Upland cotton.—Ship George—1242 bales Upland Cot ton. HAVRE—Bnrqna Oxford—924 bains Upland cotton nn.l 9fl cask* r!eo.‘ NEW YORK—Brig W.I«on Fnllere-328 bales Cotton, 11 hagsCuftne, 11 pocknge* Sundries.' JAMAICA—Sehr Hudson—8M,0110 ft l.nml-cr. HAVANA—Schr Franklin Greon-51,370 feet Tlmlier.. ')"• WILMINGTON—Sloop Stranger—3000 b a.hah.- salt. Savannah laa rkc't, Dec* 90. ItoMK PRODUCTIONS, . COTTON'S-'Uphitid, ord. to mid. Fair to good,...... < 1’rinte... Son Island, Stuincd RICE— inferior to good....... .....* '21® 3 FLOUU—Howard St 7, a © 9 »1® ni lo ® 104 — ® — a $8 ® 8j 70 ® 89 — ® — 40,® — — ® 73 37 ® 42 43 ® (12 3.1 ® 40 10 ® 22 13 ® 14 16 <S$»9 13 ® 15 7 ® 10 IU ® 14 , 13 ® 14.| . 25 ® 27 . 0 ® U j . 10 ® 12 47 ® 43 21 ® — TALLOW—Per lb POUK—Me**.. Prime < BACON HAMS LARI) BUTTER—Goshen. SOAP-Yellow CHEESE CANDLES—Northern Mould Spur nn* ceil...... Georgia ........ LUMBER—Yellow Pine Ranging Tim- Imr...... 6 ® 10 8l>Sawed Flouring Board* $10 ® 22 River Lumber, Boards, Plank *ndScuiillihg....$l'> ® 10 - Qimrtored, 11 inch Plum ing Board#...... ..... $15 ® 16 White Pino, cleur........$20 ® 25 Merchniitnhln ...........$14 ® 15 Red Unk Stu*.es..'.« — ® — , Shingles $5. ® 0 rORKION PRODUCTIONS. BAGGING— .,.18 ® 22 OSNAUURGS 0® 10 BRANDY—Cngnnp,.,. $1.40®L-73 aiN-H..ih.Md.....................$i(J8Sj Co S A LT—Cargo —...®, — Suck ..,,..$1,62 ®l 73. SUGAR— Havana, White........... 12•— Briiwii —> ® — Porto R«n,•••.’•• 9.j® 10 Muscovado... 8® 04 St. Croix..... 10 ® 10j Now Orleuns.•••••••••.... — ® — Refined Loaf. 15 ® 10 KXCIIANNf!,—On England. Onto per cent prom. Dr.ft* on N Fork, at 3 days s’ght', 3a3| per cent premium; st'.ight, 4 per emit premittni. FREIGHTS.—To Llv. rp.rnl to |d. Hutrc 12c New York$ 1 per bale. Statement of Colton. Upl’ds. P. 1 Stork on hand, I *t October, *•«,..* 1521 11 $ K.cclv,d rill* week........*.... 7851 82 Do pr ylqtis.y .30520 344 39084 . Exported tills week.... 8003 633 Do previously. 17020 217 25722 334 Stock on hand, Including nil un strip- boaidnoicleaierituthe20th Dec. 14272 • 202 MOBILE, Dee. 14. Colton.—The nc.*lpt* iff. the week real'll on It 3007 hules t pruvlmtsry 88115; in nli 11,052 hales against 48,571 luigs Ht th.i rmtn<p niing dn'e list season. Kxi'or ml this week 302 hn'e*, pis vimislv 847, ninking 1349, iif 7.487 nt tho sums tints* last season, Hnd 10.854 in 1897. The stuck on hniui Ineln linn nil on shiphnnr In >1, is 11,801 bnles, ngainst 41,141 b .les list seasont »ftlds weestlm iti* tlninm mm now no »al * ulantt 3000 I Miles against un ostimato ..I MllOO lor your ut this time. It will lie soett that (ho receipts, exports nud stiH'.kson hanri nnd on #ti|o fill fii short of the cor os|Min.Hng iioms for Him last twp yen'*. The transactions for the week have heen remark, ably light, in till not exec.tdiiif 200 li*. iff wliki *11 to* to the .amount of almiit 13110, half* r ok previous to Wednesday lost. The pro spect of a limped incron-o »*i«ur -limk noil ,|he existing freight engugem nts, wh chhi.l b.‘enun- qit-slioimbly mnde in tlioex|H*otaiin 1 ..fmorenlmn- •rut' supplies, h'iri u len.leury to check llic gloomy eff et tint would nilisiwise (utve been rrciit' d h\ llm lust I.lvoipiM.I H'lvh-c. , (n cooseq'ieilt'tf,of these nireuinstnuces, holders,: bream*’ much mine firm and iu.»onm .he un. '.es |iuvu heen puiililcd to obiHinan imI.vihicoof Ai!|y 4«t9I1 .vo last w.dks qii».- taliini*. For ll.o !:•*( wepk, thougli some enquiry (it he«*R kept up. tlie operation* Imvq been qtt'te limited and wilt in *bnbdity uonti'.tto so, nut I wo liqvo some q rtniit pr of larger h r,eipts. Holders nro more finn now th'in,.it mir U>) l-stk on.l we give the mtu xud .pm'iiii n* fiiuniled upuu the tmq.n.' »f tlie week. Lkeipnu| Clussifi niion.—G-umI nnd fine, npne; goo.) fair 81, fair und fair to go d fid; in d- dling full 8J; inferior nil I o iliu py, pni.e, Frelgkte.—.N«» new tranracii m* have come un d**r our observation for tlio ln*l few *lnvs. A v- a sel bn* been ougngo I to |mid a'. 8' Josepli. for Li- .verpool ut rates wltieh have nut been mnde pubi c Much activity und a goad liiuhir** for vea-ola ts nnticip'iledun llm nrrlvnl iff nur st iplo. smm, N A llur.lin, L l^T!i(vii«M*, Ha«urd, I R*lfM A. Co, W Dm ant, Cplf’11 Ac Fo-dick. Meimh-ui Bcnnfiirt Di tncBSliuiuoniCbnrlra- u. m J A Fuw. s, 1 . ‘IT • * os'. SeutfibmiiO molgee, BlNnkefiaMp, Durten. Iwh** Cotton to Wash urn, LewU &Cu/W Patter* n & Co, E I’ Butt* A Co* .* • • • ; Sumciib ulClnclnn.ll, Smlih, Block . ” „ , . DEPAKTED, '■■■■■■'' St.*pmh..nt J. Stone, Mondwl, Dd \tttu >, hY Tlii s DAYJ&. MAtWiif jt/ UTOn.o ntnie we Imvc i nn Nnrlh ot’ Ch trio,l„n." Tlio, c ooUtcr, however, lately h 1* beau n.nio of tho’lmiiti ; <hA\ d «oppori, nssuring them, ihui o.l to givesnibffuctiop, , ... . .... Their rulc*, for u term of ftvo mrndHs, will Wat ' follow t Ron ling, Writ'ngnnd Snolllng, $12,fl0'or $Dpdr^ '>■ 111 nth Tor nhy por ed ks« ttiau'imo teim( The ubo\« with Guojru hy, $lfl,00 r or $4 pcP* .. j,- •, . month for any por ml less than my tltm, • . y .,. ‘ihq nbtivo with I flat ry. Grammar and Arfifr* - * n.elir, $18,00 or4j pur month for any, period. Iom. th m one term. '• * ; !-' r ••'* rv'r ^ All the Irghor branches of Engliab, $20,00 or $0 per in -ntli fiirniiy period leis'thfth o'n& terrrt*. • . French, Spiiuiih und L ilin, eSclr, $20,00 or $5» per mouth fi*r any peri, d le*< than one lertq. , .., . Music, Piano or Guitar, eocb,,$23,00 or $0 per msioh for any perl-ol le#a tlian,pftq;ttrfnV Liis *• •{■■■ Use of lostrutnonts, $4,00 por month lo*taypr^ •lod legs.ih .0 one.term, VT-tv.V^'jjTnnV’Jwisv r, .'r, llou.d t an be obtain d in lit Borough., .Tbef . . Piiitclpn* doc* not dnsign tuklqg «py,tywnime< V : , . 07 ‘1'boso d. a.Mua of rtrih^ rnfqrmklloSi'wni ' ' : n.ldri'"* u* by lettrr at M fil.'dc Aviffo, .'1 * * *'~*‘V - ' I'Vii Mlllo.lg. v||| 0 , Dec. 3,1839. i^nAw»io*4w. i.‘ il • ^ .. r«- Tstind nnd Negroes for Ssue«>, - , 1 MARRIED, In this city, on the 19 It in*t. hy the Rev. Mr. Nevitt, Copt. JOHN BILLS, to Mi*s M. JANE SEGUINE, diiughier iff J. Seguitie, Esq. all of this city. .Af'Wilmington Islrad, on Thiir-d .y overilni»,l7t!i instrint, l.y thn Rev. .Ins. L Jotirs, Mr. KI.l AS |' STOW. ‘ BA'IISTdW. °^.tbis, <?ltv, iq Ml;s'A UA NN. ed-* I diiiiglitorof tlio late John\V. Burtinnl, Ks6 ..f Wilmingl.ui. mini DIED, At IVnstiRoln. nil the Wll.LUM BAIN Bit 11)0 E IJ. S. Nnv*v liMhe27lb yeur of Id HKD, . e 20th of Novemlier, .Lieuii <11X4K LUDLOW, iff i(te Lump, COFFEE TEA—llvsini RUM—J umn inn New EngInnd MOLASSES—Hnvnnu New Orleuns «.«««««.— ® — LONDON l’OUTEIl—l’erdozen.... $3 ® — DBS per flux.. $3\ r a> — RON—Swedes $1 10® 1 20 13 ® 14 . II ® 13 . 50 ® 05 $1 25® J 40 . 40 ® 43 . 31 ® 32 Consigiucs por Hull Rond rnr* I81I1—132hules c •Mon a-ui iiiurc)iuiidir.e to Wimberly & Jom'N.H M I’hiiiUy, Litwton Sl Bi'ltit. N A llnideo, ESiindiir, Washburn, Lewis <&C.i, Ad tnu & Bit.-ri^gh>, A KXCIUNOK. EXC HANG!’—On England,On 1C |H*r cent prim. Drafts on Now York, at sight, 4 perct. premium. 5 d iy* 3n34 per cent (item. FREIGHTS'—To Liverpool, nt } I; lo Iltivro 11<:; toNew York, $1 |H*r hole. APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT. By and with the adder and eon mil of Ike Senate. Anthony J. Bl -ooker oftbocily of N .w Y.*rk, to be M ir* mil <ff too Unikul S ate* :oe tlio s mtliHrii dislriel "I N**w Y"r<, in tho placo of Win. C. H. Wadd-ll, who#' c.unmis.iou will expueun tlio I5lh instant. John Pettit to be Attorney of the United btates for thedi-tri inf l idiank, in tlm place o( Ttlghmau A, Howard.resigned. , , llslurt R R"hl »•# le* O .v rnnrof t|m Tenl ory of Florida, in tit" plow of Ricbaid K. Cali, *uper- tO'led. L. I*. Pe iso, UbO’lrer iff Poblm mo .eysm Green 11 re. VVtso m#'n, vim Tli -ttvi* L#e, igm ived, Jnho OmmIIii, Jleoeiv r of Puhllo Mrawy* m Mail hi, Quio, vlca ILivl l K. Oesn. rnaigued. TENNESSEE LE IISLMUIIB. m MofiR lNaTH0OTiuM-TR« Tasix.-Oh Tjw# day, Dm. a, th»folk»wlttfjmiii5lann-l waolui 1 — wan iuialiM* Ut»l» UjWtt.nrfl.iuw illona II tlio linlliit box; and ibe iff the officer that shall viol -te ihep.ilibc t-list, tl.u greater should lie llm public delosi?'trill of tlie net. It‘will not d>. to j istffy a f.lso or Irauduluiit return of tho vote,as giv.-non tho su mi.oof u few i legal v/tea. No own, whovver lie he, whether ju *gn, clorkj nr Guveriwr, should dare to -ctuside the (inpuhirvoi^onc.* given, ent.-red on the pol.bunks, cuun.',” noil puhli-huil; nor cun thi* House, wi iwut tisurpuliuii. do such net, tinlo-s it is first shown that tho voters w. re nut qualified to vote, nnd this upoii proof tnkeii where the -lection is cnnteeteJ, un. 1 then only upon dub noticu. And iho making of n fiilsoor fruudulent return, ora nomuiissi .iif un.lcl on suoiipwilh the view uf putting ono s.-tof member* in the Home, whom th • [K! .pi., hn.l not chosen, und kerpnig thu*t nut whom they hnd chosen, i* nn nrtrfff-u*ui'p‘, u»d un outrage onp pulurfights,wiiichs-.ould ineci with univcwul .xecrati'.n. • .m*’> But tho iittompt to effect all of this hy the votes of those very men *0 mi|iro|H’fly returned in viola. ti-.M ofthe rules of tlio llooso,oiithepr uonco that tli.-y nro not p -rsoiu.liy iutere-ted in the event iff llm ducUion, t* an ou.mzn uponiMlf'lbiQ -r-iniidingV* it'mrtHt us hard lo undure us the uc, 1t"Vt.'.ked und disMrgiiiiizing. • Thu election is the net of the |>eop|e, tlio return is ill-* am of their »ffic.'rs und ugefit. J'' Th>* election give* iMuto a seat hot*; the ‘return Is only eildcnet of such tld •. The QQv.xnog's rvr-. tifieme, or c itnmi-si-.n, Dooly ovidu^jaafol li.o re- turn. • 16 n I h’ Houso D judge of both, but to give memtM)r*hi|i on account ofn return winch is fal*'*, or enminDsioo fouiulnd on such, whi'iicvar it appears that tho return does not stum -holy who was elcctoJ. Tbuidun lb it n G wernor’s com minion gives /»‘//e 11 mmberthip, is ahsunl. / ’’ * Suppose f.ltir candidatos fur a seat it Congress, Tho first olnnin* a return fr.on purtol ilte returning ollic 1*; hn hurries off to the Guvoriisr,- and get* Ins commiuion under tho broad ttal, Tlio *en md gets tlm *elnrnt Iroui tin) whnl- ol th itiffi a a<* w m have mndi. nn unoneou* addition *.f Sltmbeis; ho goes to th>* Governor, guts his coinmiiii in under tho nr a I seal. A third take* tlm relume from oil >-f dm.nun iiint* officers, an I upon a correct cuuipn. t iti.iii, it i* fnun 11 hat Im 1* on itied to ih*» relume 1 he goo* a id got* hi# cwuitnission. A foofdi goo* so th • (Hill book*, and finds tit it an entire .p>«.’ or township hu* Irnoti orn it-J in con .tiri; ‘_lb^•vtifa 1 befotf.i any of ill.* retnrui wu.e made, hit 1 hycramt- inglhore v .t'*, Im iseiit'llifl to utroiicVriii|ir Now Imre w.ul-1 Im four different Utley 10 mooilmrsiiip; e -ch cut)' xe-niriv.' tit e would iu Imitl r limn tb" form-'r, all Would Im do -ire I I'mu lln< erlurutf nnd llm 11 mso wool I be comp lid tijinlid U'-woen • hem, nnd tivika return of him who os I thu bast ri/ht 10 tlm return. • WiNiiil it not I hi forestall to (Mir tbi'ftral tbrn*, who liwl tb" (kiveitior's oo'iiuissiin*# uodar ilw broadtta), . sell pr claiming itolr tithe no para- ui'Hint, nn »> pr iviipk'* of Slap siwef :|gniy—lbs fourth mo.1, wuoiu right s«*|H»r#J.».l llm whirie, on arriNinlof iiisuiMli-puf'il'u > y#S»)l,hi»|NilHmfik*. •wing kept lag of ilw II.nis* t Unten u» llm |alg* ni.»»nff tin# II hish on which sk HhuprlucIpU-cf .diaic wworflgigy would rwprir Idem- Mf )irte— Whether will yrer da lw»u iff to lit* «rak:«r iIm Governor w wrausaiy (UsUlhupd, Of (0 llm Mt! ■*/ •• • ’ ’. S V. r'XSfC From the Savannah Shipping and Coinmerei t I.itt, Ore. 20. COTTON— \r.ivcd since the 13ih ln*'.7051 halo Upland nnd 02 lailesS I cotton, nnd cleared nt tho same time 8603 Upland und 135 hales S 1 cullun leaving u slock un hand, inclusive tif nil on shipboard not cleared on the 20.h inst., of 14272 bales Upland and 202 hales S I cotton. The improvement comm qunntoil the iutclligetico from IdvurpiHit has no been mnintiiiucd. Upland having roccdo.l from thu quuiurioii* ot last week, in the highui q- aiities JuJ and on lholoMcr| ct per b, ulthougli tlm busine-a tran*actud ha* been in a fair extant as follow-: 4874 kilos .ff which 27 ure ut 7; 34 at 7&110m D; 21 u 8j;33iil8l', 01 ut 8]; 312 nt 8; 204 nt 9l; 212 u Uj; 152 at 0|; 1012 ut OR 723 at 9|; 82 ut 0 11 10; 692at 8]; 3.12 ut OR 012 at 10; 32 at lOj. The demand lor S Island i* very I mgiiid and pri :. s con. tiuuu to decline, Urn s ties .ff tlio wuek.iire only ,7 22; 1 at 23; 5 at 24; 22 at 25; 15 ut 26; 8 at 28. 1 ballot October 1st, 1339 1833 Georgia, Den. 20 ..30907 53873 Fonth Carolinu, Dec. 13,. .50303 50005 Mobile, Dec. 7... . 0340 303113 New Uilain-, Due. 7, .211089 102005 - Florida, Dec. 4,.. .. 1490 4230 ■ Noith CaridiuH, Nov.23,-. ....964 700 Virginia. Dec. 4,. .. O HIO 4250 3I-I80J 258323 Tin* folliiwlng i#u alaiemont ofthe #tuck ufcutloi on hand at ill" respective pi ices named. Savniioidi, Dee.20,...... .14474 22304 South Curuliint, Due. 13... 13699 1U4H9 Mobile, Dec- 7 . 0691 . 29032 Now-Urleuii*,.i)oc. ?{*••• 125177 54136 Virginia, Doc. 7,..••••••• .. 1509 1500 North C.iroliim, Nov.23,.. .. 500 500 Aagustii* llmiihiirg, Due 1 ..25000 20iil5 Macon, D -e. 1 .15337 13375 Fioriibi, Doc. 7 .. 1500 3539, De". 7 ... 403 500 No.v-York, De*--. 7 . 33.10 8000 210771 I8O0JO I’ASSENGEIU I’cthiigG B Lumir, from New Ymk—Mes«r- Dibble, Willis, und Lninur. . I’. r brig L Baldwin, from New Y .rlt—Mr Me EII1«ter. ’ ' l'ur brig Savannah, fm New York—Mr Oliicli nrdsiini Indy and 2 chi dren,Mr* Wiaj, Miss Wray, null 3 steerage. ' ' I’et si.-umlni.t |*‘ore»tt'r, f r..nt B'n •k'Cria'k—Mr- Bttll-iw, Mrs. Diiurko umi -eivatit, Col |)|t|.ign(iti. Mess'* l’hiiip*,. Ilutvkin*, Maln(»s|i, Holtnt’s, Wing, Snarlett, llolmris, Billow, LeBleuiix, l 1 ! mnn, Flugttn, nnd deck. . I’cr st.'iim pncki't Snvmn.nlt, from Clmrlcsiori— .Mrs I’lirrunl. 2 jljss ..MeAlplu, 4 jtlisir. jloakwidK Messrs MpAlpin, G.tlewooJ, Mff or, Cowius, King 'Nfohois, Leeds •per ,#te«mb.Ktt Ocmulgcc, fprat Duri.'it—Mrs McGiegi.r, Mrs Ymige, IVJe*«r. Cra'ue/Gr in, U01- rett, Chick, Moral.I, D- coics, Aluron. IVr sfnambiHit Florida, fm Block Creek—Mos-rs Wnlilburg, Ki <g, GooDbv, Huntington, Giutwiqnnil I il.rk. IVr steam pnc'fot Beaufort District, from Ch-tr; iesion—Mrs Lnw-inn, Messrs Smith, I’uul Jones, Cupt Myers, Wilkinson, Lawton, Gil nor. Hunter, nod H Best. Cun ignc.'* per llnll Road Cars mrived on tlio l0ih-IU4hnl. * Co ton to Wiinhcrly & J incs, li M I’hiuixy, W Duncan, N A llnrdao, 11 tluboirlum Si Sou, Boston dt Ruud e, J I co. Consignees per ltnil Ruud C', arrived on the 20.It—139 bnles Cotton, to Wimhoily Jit Jones, H. A. Hardee, Washburn, Lewis & Co., IJifulingtoii* & Holcombe, II. M. I'hinir.y, Jo*. Cutiiining Jit Co,, C. U.iss Si Co., l’once Jit Sou. SHIP AEWS. ToiTT OF .SAVANNAH. DEOEMBKIl SI Sunrises 7 05 | Sun-el*.... 4 55 j .Mooli rises,. High witey 0 25 . 8 21 CLEM! El). , 1’mice, Liver|ionl.—Bade!ford, O N tlio first Tues lay 11 Cnqrt Houso in tho cit.vx»f. lauKy-kf yUcIoloshi mI staves, 40 in*number/:,.. .* t Dick,. Crejda, .Fannyi •• t, Old Molly, Nils Bo'5> /‘ » • Fahriinry next, .at•] oityyj(l4)rirl«n; Mdln ■ tush Comity | will be sold the- .fojlqwing' ptojiecty, * .1 j All of the Lnttd, with the nAwrtrilttritt'i df^fca^ 5 '' '•'*4 Estutoof the la e John Ht)f*bq, coni[iH*ing alMMi^ t; "* ’ 460 nrro* giiMl planting land, limf a ,largo 'betfft, . ' suy 2000 nere# mure or Irss of lincloKr'dd.i*na phw) ‘ luntl. shunted in tlm.tttkl c#omiy.kf (Mclolosht Also, the following ntinwl staves, 4“ ' to wlit John,’Molly, Alxtro. Dick,. " ll.'tscy, Mary, Cnto, Diana, O Elisa, Sue, Milly, Goorgr, «i.’nry. rfoijiy Flyvln. Nan, Campbell, Hannan. ’Chotlrji, upisry, . ... Httu'or, I’.'g/y, Cnartditu, JlMf. Harry* Wd) Bois^* Uichmot/d. Peter, Lewoy,' Pliolo. Glasgow,'Ettiy, <, • (Itfip-.l, old Nan—liclng tho wtff;. nnd, porHonnl; - j. ’ Estainiff il»p Into John 1 Httuop, /SohTby'nrdcr of tlio lliuiornlile.Jiistloeswf tM^^fVrit^tCoiHtr Of., ; \ Mi’Int-*|t ceunty, whan for ordlnury pttr> pn •’*. ! The Plant tint! i« wolHhipt'nV (lk1tjtg6tk|.UWij|P ,r jitjs, n’luw Hln llousd, oiiiitnliringty 4 *Diiin'Jpr ; Hrtiy«.' ’• * (ihlVhf Ball’s make, and &1l*riikhrjtf{^R*af^ lbi&&r ../'ff. inj< for a Cotioit l’luututloni- Th*' bind I*, in re pute f- r tlm p.mluctionuf Seu.Idand Cuttim iu|d( n The will 1 e sold lit f.iiitllles. Condlihi^si*' f,> * ..f snl . iufli. 'PurcnKvers.p'iyVmf.ttift’** • - ~rt vutrv-rTtrt ’ «oot Rlu-Chfttlmin Co* T HE Futiscriber# '.m'C forinva & efcj tind.'r'ihb'Kct of the Ge.trrtP'A gin. C C 0.relttrr, forun rhrof Alex..w)r will be tlm goneral pa liner,'•mkQB Latr city pf Si. vunnith, wh.rr8< cnotrlhutBAfis. ■ U.m,.. vl.M.iii.n nf'liMi liihlnllll thw ^ o '-X rftn'r Ilf Georcin. to ooih(.rlaelln.iDHJpartnewhij)l{; . nsieiued »o on 22iV D cemhrr,.W37,.lb he eogd.oe^ 4 A"'*'*'’ 1 * I'd in ill" inn tin of C.c; (ft for the prirpjiae,«/'.{: , ’»:* ir n-ovtieg u (lQt|o^i>LComipliisiun end^lnemtimiai.V''' ,r n Iliisincs- III tl.«’» i’iVy" orFoviinimh, nnd State ofGMf? '• s 1' '* « ‘ f !-*.*• il—aag n 0,- • s.. • ■ • ..... mmsm® ,he'c. mmho -took tiir'-stiin nf 'trn.lWuJilrfnd'wl|H|) In ensh wl l,bo thsjsp/cjiil partner; tho hu-Ittes! 1 «om««/u-o mi iMom|ay. tho nipUrlkty of '.li)ew'niber r JjMfl*.ii)lidsULt» ujP,»hV flirt day iff Novem ber.'oighreen himdred ii^‘ ( Tor»yren*v.unloM *ooitrr dis-iilvOd liy'it)0‘,t|itl eonsm.a, riml-aqcbrellhg - to the* said hot of thr’fi'.'nrriU AssfmUIV; ; <f.rj :* In !>• tn it whereof, th" snld . C C'.Gbrrfhey andlrf th 'siif.l Q B L'lrhnr have heSArito af-^'-*K— going Hnicomertt ibis Uta'/avdi/tli dny 1809* •* ” ’** ** ‘ , tii- D'J' IUilVr - O' r ‘ • . C. CAZENOVE-OAtlDNVS. • m •’ r» r —f.rf "'-C. Wn..ri,J-!> t .;,' ', ■ • 1I1.11 R.lnuT w ... . . 8-lfiuTw ID-The Mills* 1 Ice vl I le 'Jou rn’if' 'wti ’ ' v4-s*t*iu/ *'■’ -- 1 u'u.VC oii'cr . si-k riy.i. swki/’ I, mid Anoiicy. T UEsuhsrrilmrlocntod itr A|i nuy,Bakrij‘ v.III .ifjK’ii a general land,office/ at the The,object of which will bn tir nflbrd ovgry to, those who pmv wish ro iiiirpjifitn plnntn tho coutitins nf Dimly, Loo, Dtilior. Dcot - Kstrly t uod will hn prepared porimnaliy ti^wpqqi'f.* p.itiy thoso who may ,wil on lilftt', in* th« exotnlna* < tinn (if sticli hinds tw ho 1* wqmilnted vrilViwillo’ ;n 7 '' * cuuntici before ftieti'inned. : • ‘ Applivuuts, .if disposed; to-.purabaso, by i.- • their, prort'rouen^ iiimI ampUtyutg the- J ., ‘ ' ' * ojt f m niukv tlie neg uiaiion* niton sttch lei ms as they/polaft.'. *'; •>:! “U - ORt, will,receive Immediate aUontfonv-.• r „ , ( , -« • - Timso. having binds to sail, will plenso leave at t * • , i- the office of tliir subscriber, y written commantca- ; tint! or otherwise, (pojt paid/ such infonpationas U’ 7 * 1 . 4 : itrie of Ui ‘ f <K Ship Coinmundi ray & Co. Ship Tatnerlaite, Tlte..huld. L v rpool.—Hulsey & Hurd ing. Br ship Calypso, Mclvi lo, Gicenock.—R Si W King. Ship Gaston, Cliwlwlok, New York.—Culicn, Mil ler tie Co. Ship HairieM, St rout, Liverpool—Wid o& But* tell. Slt'.p George, Mi .nil, Livcrpuo'.—llosc'r Si O’- Driscoll. Ship American, Holden, Liverpool— Wnshburn, Irfv.1* Jt C... Bum o Oxford, Robinson, jluvre—Roscr Si O'- Drismll. Ur.g Clinton, Lyon, New Ymk—Wadihuro, Lewis tii Co. Brig Wilson Fuller, Tlmtchcr, New York.—L Ujld- win. Sclir Hudson, Weym to. Jaoinic-i — W.Crahlia". Schr Kr in'.liu Green, Smith, Havana.—I’ailelfoitl, Kay & Co. SI ’op Si ranger, Ham voiid .Wilm'nglon—Cohen. Miller & Co. AII HIVED SINCE OUR LAST. Slop l|..wiird, Mill , New Yuri*, U duys, to A R Gordon. Ship Celin, I’oriiT. N* w Yo k, fid.ys. lo (‘olmn, Miller Si Co. M.lse to (> W Anderson & llru'hor, I, Uuiilwio, K Uii- Ji: /"•. A II uciny. S D Corliit-., Clighorii & W.Mrfl. W W (for Ion, ft Henderson,r- W II. iniuiimu, G Hons, P,« Joins. lit* W King. L id I, Topper &i Si.tur . Long til I otrere son, II La'hr -p, M Lnfhmrow,J C Nicoll, U Ulm* slim 4. J M Pock. A Pnrs.i»s. T Ujersnri, J Rough, T M Sh-i|sts-r, E l| ’>weHi, W II Suri It. KSincloi , Sni |.*r,.L iil r *|i Jk N.-vin, Sn d« r-v Nic'.ols, CC Th.dnps m Lii, A*r,,M Tu>i* r, W W isl ini|Miriu .t ro- the side of Uwir property throrgh his For further rnnicutars, the subi*crlber, yrou^.W’ 1 '\i w MttgS*u for persons wishing to purnha-e loitili Vq Bw.bpoUg . .. part of Georgia, Lr R. K.’^'Iliiwi, L*q»; ’ r Macon, or to John S.^ ThoTrtd#/E^:Mt)lo^rWvilta/ • 1 -‘ " J whose kniiq hu|gp«.ff this region of cutmfiyJmBUieai)'.s• , . F 5 !* bio thoin to givu n.prpper direction to ppi ALEXANDKILSr Albany, sepj20ih, 1830 EriKcflcld VIUnRC remalo Aca* dtiiny.; # rcmalc Aca* L i-.i; •:ni RICE.—Tlm demand sinro our lust has hern very I'no.led, th" sale* amount lo about 239 casks at fio n $.’| 1$I, pil.'Oipal y ut $2J. CORN.—S iln» from •hip-'marl and store of400(1 bush, ni 70 cents. 4000 Im-L Oat* ai 40 cent*, i FLOUR.—'file loutkri since lairlast cuininues witoobt Oiange, somII sil sof Howard's#, at $7i C inal £jl$if. GUOCEUIKS.—fa CM»f. thfnr, M"ln«sr<, time iau Ut ra.»*l IhsIi#.*# doing hi all prices, within the rang.* of mir quo i#«bai». I) kCOM.— # hi muij/ril* ibaiwad^- Sslusof rtlnalders at 74*0. 81’IRI | B—In if-imest.c liquors ws rvport sufas of VYiiitka/,at J/jtlOl fl. E- Kuo, II); UuHit briilgo. W Wsiiiei. Wusliliiirii, L : *»i- Jit Co. W T ... ... 1 .< Il V. II t*/..:l ‘ WJil. tt Williams, T Wo -d, N B .V II, We/ll. .V, J A Fawns, W P CI.rU, T Cirfik, andoth- Brliurk Kverere ew, llenry. LveipooL ,slev. Suit nnd Co'.l to (I Burnsley. B iaRo-s'i. M iili'Ms*. Pli'lelelphi i,7 tls. Mri«e to W Tiiri'ir. L 11 .liltsin, W T Wilbniils, Ros> r A lI'D isc.'d .(ill Killies, T M & J M l uxier, Cap. Sibley, B N iTmulns, l W Mnrrel. J T Poller,I) |) Cnpp. d Pid'brick At Co, F W ll. lneirmno, N W J Bit Iim-Ii, U 11 diersl.aiii, G II May, J Ulmun, II 8 Campbell, J D M» a »'• M G itlkh, A Cltiraiplon, Hanmigtoo Si llaluombu. A ditch, Din* at Si Co, J Shaffer, Cidif 11, Mil r At Co, nn I to orel.r. B.ig G B Umar, Rl«l* y, New York, to L Bald win. M *#u inC Iwn, Milb r X Co, || r -— “ liotanot’i*, F. IMDs X Ca, II M Phailsv, son X Co, V W ll iiiem-raa, J Shaffer, FSeoul X. ('o,8 D Cartiki, J Cuaiti'^hiim, DrCantihrya.(I W Aodsirsoti X Br t h- r, N Wsllira, A Champion. It n ...t,, l r.C. Tli..mnum Si till. tV T.ivtur. Mnl. '•irk, to I. Bald 1, llimtlni'm. A mIsv, \\ I’.ltei. ffer, FSvnuiA: Jr Ga’iithrr#. G >« A Cbamjrion, K D anlarl, C C Thompson * Co. W Taylor. Htil> dsi, Uthrop fit Nich'd#, N U All Wr»1, Wtfada k, f M ibrfj'if/J B Qmdry, A 0 (Iribtti. T HE exorcises of this JLnst.ltntion wiflibf refufurf.; *•:* * ed on VVedm sdiiy, linvilrst^ny, of JMugry, ' * 1340. Two female teacher*., one iff, whom$>JtPfrJ . ' mi »fthn most di*tin'iid:he$Femaje' ! * ; tlie United Stutos, U id aid UttfRectoTin ' llitf ceCi?*6 .’ ’ , • of io-iMiction, whi th-Dnrtangeil With Wvlew. to ibe 1 '” ’■ ' ' impi -Vi-mnnt iffRte pOpiD intji# talk) branches of-'>* "*-•■' ,'-' 1 educiibm. Tlie Musical Dyjir:meat I* .filled \qf.. Mr, Uueoii, whose well known fidelity in the dalles el' fnt prolessiqn retuders gny.fuither .noytyseof hlj. skill ui.iiccns-iiry. Jhe nd vantages, lor.lmprimiig . ,, f . /, / instiiii'.iion in tla*.physical sciences, wil. be. iuwlCT .>'• unlnigo-l l.y the use iff u wliieli is‘*-x|N > cied before the neg. livery of n cur-e of hy.tutc* by Gentlemen.. Kdgelieid Philosophical Society.' *“ lies* of ihe iujiubitunt* of.thD )oars, has established its claim toi tu-lo uut inis riur to any town in t'V It is important fur the linjmtVemeirt u-ul the go.el,..rJ. r.uf the schiMii, to In* sent la this Insli ihe yr .r, Tho class.-* w.ll be mu . . fijdyfoimed hy so.’li mi u^/1l»gemati»,%i|dV)h■k , ? , "t-tfi" ' fS m< mi/ers, all ae liiig out ingcilier, nlll pldceed whh' '' ': *> uily m i| • y.'0 puce, vl'bto ” morv steady m il. v-m paw.. dbcouecbw .eiui.ACT , t|||ity boarders, and ip ptlajr Imius^s, puj, . .. *'* pJs coubaiH'cimmyidqled toauM'reasoliabk)ext’cct, TEUMS AS, . 'rg« QUARTESa.' - - For .‘/a Ql/ARTEKk” ir buurd.iubhiding food,"bedding, Wiish-x . p , tr . ing, nnd-1.gilts, > , . $1Q Oftt; ami A.iihrmaikk, , . . , o w. Fur tlie above with Geography, English' '; u ’x - Grammar and 1'aii F r the ab .vr, with* Fin-osophy. Nauno), Mental ami Moru:t Lo$&k,Chy:iii#ir), Ciit’c #10, llistoiy, Jlntlrris AnaP'gy/ Alg. h .i, Grutnetit , &c, X*. 7 Latin Uuek, FirtNrL lluliotq i sch,’ . D.’lwing ami Painting ‘ ' > ’* , , urn tiiHuna. Ntadla work, • 'r-’d f < Mosinx, ’ . •* • Use ofl’iatrt, , , . Fiia-wuol, li»’h« \yi ter quir(.*r#, Pa nnnu,qaiifrlyloadvaucu. 0 00 For Hnle, . J ... ■ . 1 AAnnvsiUk flu. ..i.-.i ■ 1.1 Mill UiSti/lkoi llr.a.S.C.drf' ImnSit Iho iiljii'.',' A|.,.l*... ,OKO.Mi.BT0NKV. . Him..1, )|.<"A. H. C,