The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, January 11, 1840, Image 1

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THE WEEKLY GEORGIAN ‘J- la punt.uHKn m th* cnj or Sttvwmtth, WILLI AW 11. BULLOCH, I roDtuilkR or tint law*or tiik union, and city aho countt*fiun mcr, WEEKLY PAPER—Turk* Dollars, J*r an .ruir,—Payable In advance ADVERTISEMENTS Imetlod; M tljB Chmlci tonrntr*. CT" Postage roust ho paid on all Cohmunica- Ittoxs, ami loitom of buslno**. SUNDAY, JANUARY 5, 1840; MR; L. MART Is tho snln authorized agent for the collection of debt* due thl* office In tbo city. | (G* No paper* fromthe North by yetlerday't moll, except tho Chnrloslon papers. Four New York m til* aro duo to-day The Charleston' Patriot says—We undcstand tlia t the mil road* are eo obstructed by Ice that tbo car* con neitlior arrive at nor depart from Wilmington. ARMY OPERATIONS IN FLORIDA. ! Wo have loomed from an authentic source, that the campaign in Middle Florida bn* fairly opened. \ Col. Garland, In commnnd of thn 1st column, Composed of eleven companies of the 1st and 2d lnfantfo U'ordered to scour nil tho hammock* bit* tWnon tho St. Augustlna rood and the Georgia line, and ha* already, with nine companies, passeT through Patterson’* hammock, from west to oust, without discovering any indication of Indiana. Col Davenport, In command of tho 2d column, composed of Dragoons, Artillery nnd Qlh Infanuy, has coijimehced dperatlona south of tbo Sf. Angus- tino road, betweon it and tho Gulf. ;j It la feared, nnd by ninny bcliovnd, that notwith- 4landing tbo wlinln of Middle Florida Is thtw, as fur sij tlio small forco ih Florida will admit, covered troops from tbo Georgia lino to tho Golf, that tho campaign willterminnto without discovering In dians. - ■""ThoLiverpool pnekot ship England, (7lh of De cember) was reported below at Now Yotk lust Sa turday, . a , FuiR Department.—At a regular mn.-ting of tbo Savannah Fire Company last Fridny evening, Gbo. A. - 'Asti, Esq. wna re-elected Chief Fit email for tbo ensiling year.- tj PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL. Thursday, jnn, 2, 1040. I Council met.—Present tho Mayor, Aldermen I Wnring, Anderson, Cnyl- r, Goodwin, Wagner, Dil- I Ion, Diysdale, Buth-r, McAllister, Posey* Davis, J Hopkins, * The minutes of tbo last mootings were rend and •confirmed. This being tbo day dedgnuted by low for thenl.-c- thmcf officer*, Council proceeded to tlie an me when tbo following person* being bit Hotted for,■wore oiec- • ' K , Henry K, Ptosion—R-cordor. M,'Myors—Clerk of Council. Joseph Felt—City Trenorcr. A.'Hnrmnd—City Marshal. . Chq*.■Stephen*—City Surveyor.’ . V t |C. Grumbles—Messenger. John E Davis—Clerk of the Mnikot. ' • Fi- E.‘ToWnu—SnporHitoialnnt city Wntolt T. H. Williums—Deputy do do do J-ihn'Dn Sergeant*. Peter J JubnU ir'ltelmesa, ) utobs, > Soi i-novely, ) itfi * Vol. r. SAVANNAH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1840. No. 48 [Correipondence of the Ckarlnton Courier.] WASHINGTON, Dec. 28. Neither Homo of Congress i* in session tn-dnv. The Standins Committee* nre to bo announced on Monday, and thuto is much speculation n* to their fhurnoler. Tbo question is, wheiitor Mr* Hunter will feel bound to placoudntinl«tin'ion majorities nn the prim ipnl committee*, with a view to fucililntn tbo progress of publio business, fur which tbo ad ministration is responsible—or, whether ho will place the businri* In the hands of those gentlemen— i. e., the Whig* aiid Nullifi<-rs—who - loeted him. It is a *afu ami just parliamentary principle that tho Committoe* ought to represent thn majority of tipi House. If tbo majority tiro friendly to tho mea sures of the ndmini-tration, then the Committees idtnnld bo formed accordingly: but of this there is some doubt. Tho administration have a decided mnjnri'y for tho Suli-Tn usury, but it docs not yot appear, notwithstanding the assertions of thn Rich mond Enquirer, tirnt tbo Cullimm tnotnbcrs (*o call ed) am teitily to go till lengths, on all questions, with tho nduiioistiniion. Wo shall sec how they will vote on tho printing question—which is, un- duuiiicdly, us fair it test hs the .Spoukcr’* election. If they could not vote larMr.-Jon.-*, cun they vote for thoGluhoT It'th«-y cun, then tho hrcncli,moo ted by (ho uncetemonious abandonment of Mr. Pick- ous, may be coitsuleied a* closed. We liuva many rilmor* nllont, ns to the course uf Mr. Calhoun und his friends; hut mmc of them nre to lio relied on. As fast ns otto obtains curmnny it i* contradicted, ami superi-ndml by aiiotliei'. Tho amuttnt of it seems to Ito, that the Ritelinmin into* rest is willing to ruceivo Mr. Calhotin in lull com munion; hut that, between him ami Mr. Heaton, there is a deep gulplt. We sltull smut be able to lournfrumMr. Cullioun's.owa lips the truth in re- gaol to his present position. 1 huve very litllu doubt that Mr. Speaker Hunter will place Mr, Rhett or Mr. Pickens, at the head of the Commit- too of Ways nnd Means, uti.l cast that Committee in such a way as tofaeditnte thefiihincinl measures of the administration. On the Cmnmitl- o of Fo reign A flit I rs, ho cun place a npymjiy nf Whigs, with Mr. Cusliingas Chairntnu; opeojujy ns the House is umininimiB upon the. only important ques tion touching ear foreign rotations, Mr, W'isa wn* cxctisud from serving on tiny Stan ding Committee, The** private rensott," which ho say* ho had for making this retpiest, I do not know. It tnny he, shut having hi-ett intluentiul in tho elec tion of Mr. Iluniefvmd prumineiil in rip) party that gave their unanimous support to him, the Speaker might liuvn been disposed to place him at soino pest i>f nihor tvl ici* ho did not du-ife. It is presumed, too, that Mr. Wise wil: heat tho h>-tpl of a Commit li-u of investigut$oo, os h-rctnliire. No champion has yut appearud for the assumption of State debts. Col. Ueittoti has tlirevvii down the glove, hut no one has a vunccdto take it up. Seine ossuyist, in the London Unnkers’ Circular, and a writer in the New York Courier nnd Enquirer, aro the only advocates of the scheme, Unit 1 have ever heard of. Tho news from Richmond is, that the •'impracti cable*” fitivo given way, and thin Mr. Kiv will la* eh eled to tho U. S. Sedate, and Tillis that the Circassian* have completely do- fouled the Russian cavalry along tho whole line of tho Sundju, and on the plain* of A Inrun, occasioning u loss of 3(100 muii, and several superior ofljeuFs uf distinguished merit. Only a few sciittorqd lopuiants suvod themselves by (lying to Soukoipn Jvtilu.Attupn, and other f«t lifted places. All tho post* of he Russian cavalry worn attack ed nearly at the same hour by • superior numbers, showing that the Ciioiisiinii* were well Informed not only of tho position, hut the strength of enoli post. This expediiioo was conducted by the Circassian chief, Szain' person; the some who has nlroudy gained tunny victories over the Russians, and whose name has become ti terror to them. TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1840. tCT* No Mail yesterday, from offices North of Clu-rleston. /j.ihtt hlHlipt— Keeper City Macn/.hio. Tiiornu* A. Wilson—Chimapy Cmiiracior. 11. Ld throp—Suntan, John- C. Blitiice—sSaperipteitdant streets and lanes T)r/ jR. D. Arnold—Health officer. . L r .<?iirodoii— Lamp Cootr-icUir. Jones—Keeper of tho City Clock, On motion of Alderman Hopkins, Th .'.petitioniif tho Central Itnilrond and Honking Company which was presented 87ih August lust wn* .called up, the petitioners slate timt they aro uiialdo 4o extend their depot to the south or rust on amount 'inf the street* which hound it, .thn* tho oily has a stfo.ll piece of land, low *po gy and m-rshy, • nsl of tinj canal, hounded mmil and east by the rnilroud, -we’*t by West Hroud street, and north by Oak si,, if nit ill* of little nr no value to l lie riiv hut would of use to tho petitioner* when added to ilio land granted to them, and I*' essential to the advantage ous enjoyment of-a'd land On motion of Aldommrt Hopkins, It wn* unanimously resolved, That the petition '-W06 reasonable ond ought to he gi anted, nod that an ordinance for shut purpnso bo presented at the next meeting of Council. THE HILL To amend tho market ordinance was taken up, nnd on tho passage pf the 2d section which allow* tho purchase of hogs,, Arc. from carts and wagons at the market, nnd to cat up and sell th* same nt tho stall* w-js rend, a motion wa* made to vtriko out tin-2d section, the yu* nnd tiny* were called fur und Nays—Aldermen t'osoy, Dillon, Wiring, Cuyler, Davis, nnd Anderson. Yeas—Aldermen Goodwin, Hopkins, McAllister! Wftgnor, and Butler. So tho mniion was lost. On tli« final passage of the bill tho yens were fl, Ray* 5. On motion uf Alderman Cuyler, Tho city marshal wa* directed io tnko upnll hogs going nt Inrge, soil the sumo nnd pay the proceed* ever for the hoard of henlih, and that ho perform the duty once n fortnight. On motion of Ablet man kins, The Committee on the Fire Department were au thorised to advertise for a conti net to erect a brick gisternm such plucoa* mny he most advisable, Oo motion of Alderman McAllister, The committee on Public Buildings were requir ed to n*c»Huin tho cost of painting tho Exchange, gionn colour, nnd to report tho pyohuhje durntipnof such colour, ) : f 4 r . PniposaUflf Jnnjes Thompson, Clarke &I/tifbur- gow nnd J. G. Fnlligunt, the first for repairing the wood work, the seegnd iho brick work, and the third far pnintine iho Exchange, worn each uccept.-i), nn d contracts for each dinpted i« he made with each of iho parties. The quarterly reports of tho officers weje rofi- red to tbo Financo committee. Tho |K3iition of tho Health Officer to ha allowed • JisxilT for Hie purpose of visiting ves-el* ni qoamn- tine uosiefcrrrd to the Health enmmitu o. Tbo resignation of.I H. S. Bran- li.nsoiieoftlie, £oiniid*ri"n«T* of Pilotage, was rend and accepted nod n- tice ordered t-i ho given, i)nt no election •would-lske place <o fill the vacancy tlio next meet- 1 «^ r , •; 1 The jifojfion of B. M. M-'irl, Esq., to ho rulievrd from • jury fipv, was referred to the Finance com- nditee. , •The Jailer reported 35 prisoners confined in Jail. Amoatit of accounts pn-Sud $2,531 2l>. Council adjourned. NEW YORK, Doe. 27. LATER FROM FRANCE. We aro iiidelm-d to the captain oflhesliip Char les Carroll, from Havre, for Purls paper* to thouve- nine of Nov. 83rd. Throe percent* on that dny were 8 If 90a doven mieiit ha* received tho following tolograph- ic disputeh:— •• BAYONNE, MADRID, Nov. 18th. The Amhassndor of Franco to the Minist- r of Foj-eigo Allair*.—A Decree of the Queen Regent bn* ord'-red, tliedissolotion oftlieCortei-. Mudr.d b> perfectly truuqoil.” Thu Bolgiim ohitiiiber of Reprcsentativ-'S hn* adopted by an aniinitnoiis v*.to tho hi]) fi>r prohihi- tlog exporiations of cura until thu IGth August, IB-10. Tin* Augshtirgli Gnxotte, quoting advices nf thn 30 li ull, says that Mein met All has consented to give tip tho Turkish (loot, and to content himself with tho hereditary sovereignty of Egypt ond pnrl of Syria. The some journal, however, in its Con stantinople correspondence, siu-es that tho Viceroy is included to roStoro'only Condi.i togethep >yit|| (lie READER, Fow of yoi( hnvo ever boon nil Editor. Tljose few may know tho troubles which oncompn** our daily path. We do not recliuo, gentle fair one, on n bed of rose*. If it is such a bed, them are con- fpundrdly more thorns than wo like in find. But we have not served seven years nt our vocailmi, without learning to hem the •* ill* that flesh is licit* Wo Invu to drcnui sometime* in our waking hour*, hot wo dislike dreams, clad in the garb of reality. We prefer to know thorn glowing with iho imagery of fiction, or rather the object* passing, whilo wo divnin, through our mental vision. Tills matter of fact, thi* every day experience ofprowiisc# to pay; this toiling for a shadow .when tho suhstanco elude* oar grn*p, i* bat a sorry business after all. (louder, wu'iti not about to dun you. - AVe leave dint to b-*s important personages than toe editors. '* Wn nevr mention'* it—(a dun.) But oh! how we like to lie—dunned. Bat wo wore proceeding to (ell you that while yesterday furflnnmi calculating how nt raise the wind to take up a note in Bunk,-— for wo have not yet lost our credit in those vile time* for money, tho truth (lashed on u* that wo were miitnit tho ||<dp of some of our hands, by wjiaso aid wo pr»mi«cd to discoursn to yon, this morning, most eloquently, of the good tiling* you have lost by these repented failure* nf thu mails, ami of tho better tiling* we would have prepared lor your per- umiI, could wo linvo reduced to u certainly, that on this Ipronoun sjx mail* from Now Yoik would he due, Printers lire cosmopolite*. One day they take tho compo-ing stiek io baud, and with pride in their technical skill arrange tho lettors compering tlioso words, which when embodied into sentences, pre sent a puragingh for your wondering e\o. Next day they arc Voiced with u fit of ambition and throwing down their sticks, they nssumo the panoply of the soldier, determined to live in their country’s history. Numhci* repaired to Texas to inscribe their name* nil tho tnhlel* ol tho infant Republic, nnd more ihnnoiieortwoshouhlored their muskets four years ago, when STKVHKBS and Ids f.-mles*Imnd embarked for the Si. Johns to pul end to tho Florida wnr, but not having the tqoa"s of Unde Sam, nod numbering hut forty, save one, re. turned to tlodr homes with tho thank* of the gallant Clincu. Of our lule hand wo know not, hut wn tookod nr on ml for recruits, ond found two youthful soldiers, who filled up tin* Urcuch, mado by tlioso who fell from their position*, a»4 by their aid w o present ourselves to our icgdprs,»llh n bpld front, though with fewer cohitpn*. In n low days we’ll repair our forco, and then the nows, gentle render wo’ll lay before your eyes. You'll wonder that our Imperial shoot popld contain so much you nover knetp. CHARLESTON, 4«n.4. LATER FROM ENGLAND AND FRANCE. By the barque Gtprny, (.'apt, Bartlett, arrived hero this niorniu.' uom New York, wo liuvn iccviv- e,l the palter* of ilmi place of ln»t Monday mnndr,g —Several of the F.iigli-hand French packet ship* had arrived nt New York since our Inst account* by mail. The Go. rg« VY.isl.iiutoa and Mediator with daie* Imm Liverpool to tbo 27th, nud the Louis Philippe wi h dale* Irani Havre io tiio 3Dtli oi No- vninbvr. Another severe snow storm hud commenced at New York on Friday last und hud nut terminated on Sandny momiitg. Sales oflOO share* U. S. Bank Stook lust Sutoro dny(opening J 75^. The New Yotk Courier nnd Inquirer of last Mon day says—“ That tho Saturday previous inonoy wus excessively scarce, more than on tho preceding dny. Nothing wn* done in foieiun exi-hungo. Tho pack et ship Siddoii* took out $3(1,000 in specie.—Pat- (By the barque Or pay.) NEW YORK, Dec.30. FIVE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE, We lire indebted to Messrs. Griuncll, Minium & Co for London pnpctsio iho evening of Nov. OOlli. ntut IAvt iqmnl Cn tint U7th, brought by tint fast sail ing packet ship Georg,- Washington, which hn* ar rived below, nnd is laving ofi'and on a-.til 1st of January, that her go-id* may hnvo liio benefit of tile mhintion duties which goo* into eftect on tlmt dny. H. B. M. packet Swift arrived ut London N'»v, 20th, from Mexico, with *700,000 io stn-cip. . LONDON, Nov,20. Th<* 'mtolligoncd from the United Suites (to Nov. 7th, by tho Pnirlok Hoary) ho* Rot had any etli-el on thn Briii-h nnfket, nor is tbare much husines* do ing at the present liMiif. The broker* und jobber* an-armtiging ilioir nceoilnu nguinslnuxi Thursday, which is settling i|oy; Fri-loy is settling day in the Foreign Market* Money tnny be obtained in tho house at per cent from one Arp-oint to nuotber. Out ol the In,use, for commercial purposes, h is at a high rate, and in demand. Wo have various opinions la respoet to thu inf-r- million received thi* morning from New York. Some uro of nn opinion that ulihira llieto aro giadaally im. proving; our uco-iunls-*taie that things are in the same sttile u* by tho pruvitiu* nccuatiis. Consols may ho quoted nt present 00$. for the Account have bcon !»()$; Money 9(1) J; Exchequer Bills (i, 4,7,5; Lu-lia Uuii-I* 7 dis; Bank Slock 173) 178, lower. In the Foreign Market vary little doing. From the London Moraine Iteraid, Nov. 2(1. There has la-en no‘pu s-oiro Ihr money nn thn English Stock Exchange, hilt tlio market fur British Stocks Inis beendnj) all dn* and 1--I1 till'Icavily. It hns been rnmoiutl at Lloyd’s, lids nllcriinoii that iho Gnzetio of to-morrow uv- ning will nnnoaiice instruelion* for iho blockndu of tho Chinese sen*. On strict inqlilrywo do not discover any coi.liim- ntion of the report. From the London Timet. Nov. 20. Money* giently in duimutd, qml mijcli’oxpetleneotl _ out of diior* from the difficulty of procuring nocoraipuijuijon in the way ofiliscount* PARIS, Nov.23, It wn* reported on the Antwerp Exchniigo, that the house ol John Nag-1* vSc Son*, ut Am tordam, had stopped paynt-nt. They uro ottu of tho oldest Imuse* in that enpitul. Tho pnst polloy uf the Ststo In Investing her sur plus filial* in the local monied iitililiillons.nhlintigh dnpai tcd from since the iiiooiporutlon of tho Con tra I Bank, bus nover been so for changed q* to wltlalraw such investments so long «t tl;oy wore lucrative. Tho nvnrngo profits of Rio Stock nw|icd by tlio Smto in tlm local baaks during >l|0 Imt ten years, have been nearly eight per centutq per un- mini, mid those of the Ccutrnl Bank fur tho samu pyriod Imvo been less than live pur conUim por oh- Hum. With such a cloiirnrithmutieal coiiclu*|on bc- foreNi*', hi which no other consideration wus Invol ved than tlmt of profit and loss, wo were desirous of keeping the funds of tlio Slate where experience has altowu thoy had been most profitably employed whilst the hjajnrity, eager In the pursuit of tho new! scheme, reriifiied thnttlioyshould heremov-tl where expei-ieiicoliai shown they had boon least profitably employed, \ • For those reaipns, wo enter our solemn protest against tlio bill in quotlion. George W Crawford, K C Lawrence, Robert A Tnpmb*, Edw-urd Ihi'laid, Chail'-ij J Jenkins, John E Ward, R W Flournoy, F M 8toi|o, A HC’li .ppojf, James L So ward, P Reynolds, B W Hubbard, Willis Willingham, Lochian McKinnon, Lewis Weltmttn, John M Mliiu-r, William Stroud, f.eoiinrd Pratt, John H McMnth, Irby HiuLon, Joseph A S Turner, W H Blount, Jorominh S Warren, Doncnn McArthur, Robert II M->ore, Thomus W O’NeoI, Jnrne* N Wingfield, Robert Boyd. Willis Darden, Richard Iticliardson, Augustus Reese, S Spr liner, Jeremiah Wilchor, H W Hngermiin, TIV'M Berrien, ' Tln-mns Moore Berrien, John Mi len, Hi.-hnid D Arnold, Moody Burt, Lewi* II Lyoeh, William Chester, AT Woollv, Richard McGoldriek, llnrtslield HuiUoii, Joseph Whighqni, . BurwellGreone, Win S Whltlicld of Pit- [laslii, . Andernon Cruft, Joi-alhnu Taylor, Win E Evans, William Daniel, Clin* McDowell, A11 Slepliens, John B Martin. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1840. 03“ Paper* from tho North due on Sunday wore yesterday received, Now York date*, thruo days tutor, arc duo tn-ilny. 03* Our readers must mako allowance for the absence of our usuul reading matter, until we can repair our diminished forco. Wo got out th** pa per ihl* morning wills a Spartan band. Silk.—Qur friends at Economy still occupy tbo forograUiMf in th« Silk mNiinfiicinrc. A member of tlio Society hns exhibited to u* ilj>- general result of tboir np.-totion f-»r th- past year. Th- deposiiinrts of Miss Gertrude Rupp *h--w that eighteen hun dred ami tifiy-liyu poun-U of i-.vo-iDlhavo hc,-n p,o- iltn-cd, and oim humhed t,ej eighty p>.w;d« of rgw- *tlk, tlio |Hetuh»**fcjtfim-h will gllnw R r f r „ n , f tb« Slitiv Treosioy, Jh- -aug sum ol $455. I ho silk trill jrWiJ, if tlie H|'lffrom kinds manga--igp.d, on iIh» iivri#ge,'thi'o- Uiomau'd risliuolreil «nr-l». TlMtaluoof ih»? nt4taita>-iui .1 -rtic^ej N il,|r.l t„ lit- premium, w I1«W* ll* c*i«M oj iIioojh nik/t f•fftuiitr Ar(f±t. L “The PersianChnrgoof AITairos at Paris, snys thn Commence), " contlnnos io engngo officers for tho lirmy of III* sovereign, nia| is represent-d to have si-cured the *ervicns of several who h vo distinguish ed riieriisWics Jo Ihtt C'aclUt [tarty of bpuio.” PARIS, Nov. 23. Then* was a report circolaiod in Pari*, yester- day,of tho death of IVincu Meiu*rnii-h. Wo aro happy to state the rumour is unfoi|iided, Tlio Au*»rlonOhseivi»i pohlislicd an Imperial Do- cruc, th-cluring that in cast* of n prohibition of the exportatio ■ Dl'ciifti from Hongnry. all groin in de pot al tin* port* of Fiatne, RnCayii. Bucarri'/.xa, Poriore, ami Miirtiiii’hizxn,shall ho exempt from the prohibition, nnd may he exported. The Joiirnnl ile la Muuso stall s tlmt the appear- mice of tho early wheats, in tho northc.i4t purts of Kronen, is promising, and that the gta>s lauds ate jn good condition. PARIS, Nov. 23. Captain Dnpoit-Thnurs, rommnnder of tho Ve nn* frigate, Itin-ly iviurne.i from her station io the South Seas, lor til-- protection of the French whale firiicry, hit* nddreistd a long report to the Min ister of the Marine, containing tlio result nf hi* experience a* to the actual condition of this fishery, and tlio improvement to bo introduced into it. It is to tho following efli-ct: Tho Captain goes into great detnil a* to the e- q-iipment-ifilie vessels,which lio recommend* should never go beyond 350 to 450 tons, and should be spe cially constructed f-r the purpose. Tlio captnins ef wli -lors, he strongly recommends, should not he expected »o eo ant in tho harpooning boats, but should always remain on bouid their vessel*: nnd tlio practice of having two captain*, one for tlio ves sel. ihe ojlior for tupi-rinten-iing the ociuul opera tion* of tho liiheiy, should ho itliolinlied us destructive of discipline among tliu crew*. Tim uipler officers of tho vess-'l, on tlio other hand; In* consul- rs, should ho active men well ac quainted with nil tho manual detail* nf the service. Oh|a. Dupeit Thnurs exclaim* loudly against the syxtom so very provident ntnnrg American whale firie-ries, of nllowing the sailor* to get into debt ashore nnd nf tho owner* giving seen-iiy or advanc ing iho money for them al u rate ef intere* often nm -un'ing to 40 or50 per cent, n practice distinc tive nf all habit* of prudence umong the moo, Tin- Captain then give* soveral specifications of the different kin I* of wlmlc* found in the South m-u* and tlio localnie* whi te they are nm»t ubund- unt. staling most of them are knowti to, and are pursuedhv,'h<* English ond Am-rioan whaler*, expo- chilly, tin* cachalot, spei in. or white whale, where the Freiu-h Captain* have hitherto confined tliei *olyo» only io the common or black whulu. He also give*a full uce-iqnt of tin o-iinl time* of leaving Europe adopted by Dri-isli whalers, und points out various improvement* in this rcspcci, wiiich may bo adopted by the French Captnin*. Thn'principal.rendezvous for the whale ships Captain il’Urvib* states to b» tbeSandwicb Islands, l)tbelie, mi-1 New Zcnhnd; at thu former of thoso ■tution* sometime*30 French whaler* uro atiem- hh d togetln r,at tho secoml 2(1, ut the third 4U. At nil tlio»n pliux-9 when the w lmh-rs ate in, iho most uiili-«iiido-llicciitio'i*iit’«»amldi-ordcr prevail among the crew und call imperiously for tlm esi„hliriunei.t of Consuls -r other autlioi iz. il i.g.-nts oil tho spot. C'npt. d'Urville strongly urge* tlio tn-ce-shy teeding'iut usents of tins kind without delay, and mi-in puiticulaTly to the Buy of I.laud* in New Zealand, where a British resident who p.rform* iho function* uf “n «<iri*tnb|i-aiid pollca mn-'istiuto” has Inscii long soiilcd. Ki-glaiui utal tho United Stales, tlio Captnin nd-is, had several vesrels uf w*r,duiing Uieconrso uf •• .el» yur, to virit ihnfish- i-tio«, whereas Froncosend*only onu occasionally; lie, tliereforo, racumuieoiL govuruni'Jilt to adopt muo eflit icut ineasuro* nf till* kind. Ilia Captain cnmplain* nmcii in Iris report of tho utiftlondly spirit of the Britisli mi**iomirie# in thu fioijth Son Island*, nml *ny* lln»t they do ull in llo-ir pnwj| to oxcll- |ho iMiives sgnintl rim Frein h, us- pccLllyoj, the gruimd i-filiuir l- ing ('atlm ics, and I Im s i boy repi- sent lliem to il.o lander* a* hr inf “ “ linen ♦. m Afto th* CihumMIn*.-*ExNMfcof! w -IVoBJ Udi-»ia, 4ih Nnty given I'/ llarCi jyltra:-* ■ MVV *4oy(»yt**i Mtivod lutriii^nco frtiyn /)pipn TI;o Concert of ,Yli*»Siillilu:FV and Mr. Was fully attended last night, nnd every song wn* received with grent delight by the nudh-nco. Thoy givo a Second this evening, when wo unticipnte nuuthcr full^ house, and hope they will repeat the song* of “ O whistle nnd I’le come to ye my Ind,” and “ Kory O’Mon:.” We tiro sorry to hour their stay in Suvniniah i* very short, COUNTY ELECTIONS. At) election for officer* of the county of Chatham was Imld yesterday ut the Court House in this city, and the following gentlemen wore rerelectei), with out oppqsition. Rout. \V» PooLEtt—Clerk uf the Superior and Inferior Courts. E. Wtllt—Sheriff. D. Bell -Tn* Collector. B. Lathhop—Receiver of Tax Returns. Titos. Eden—Coroner. Stephens—Surveyor. PLANTERS’ BANK. Tlio following gentlemen wore yosterdny elected Directors of the Planters’ Bunk of this city, for the prceentyenrt—Geo. W. Anderson, Gkoeok An derson, W. H. Cuylku, Francis Sorrel, W. I'. Hunter, Robert Scott, Norman Wallace, J. C. Nicoll. The Director* on tho part of tho State, are Col. M. My Kits, nnd Mr- B. B. Stiles. CENTRAL RAM. ROAD & BANKING CO, At an election hold nt tin* Bunking Homo of the Conn al Unil Road und Banking Co. of Georgia yesterdny, tho following gentlemen were elected Directors of snid institution for tho current year:— L. Baldwin, J. Cohen, W.W. Gordon, It. Ha bersham. J. I’. Henry, H. McAlpiiin, Tuns, Purse, B. Snideii. F. A. Tupper.* " New dip ctori. C3’ The following guntlompn were elected yes terday, by Council. Port Wnnl-n*, for the onsning yenrt—Cunt. W. Patterson, T. S. Wayne, L. Hart, J. M. Folsom, Ciijh. John Hunter. Tho Augusta Contlilulionalitl has commenced it* daily publication. It deserve* success.—It can he seen in our Reading Room; lliiistlim m FIRE! From a gentleman direct front Springfiol.l, Ef. finghnm County, we have received tin* following painful intelligence:—Republican, Gth inti. Last night between the hoar* of 10 nnd 11 o’clock, probably about nn hour after thnfurnily had retired to rest, the house of Mr. Samuel ScoyxN look fire—and so rapid wa- tho progress of the (lame*, that it was with much difficulty Mr. Strove a, lieu ring in his arm* hi*yo«ng«*l child, in company with ld< wife, ctTccte-l their e*cupo, by thyTry/in- themselves from n wuiiLw, h-t-ving a* victim* to the fiery und i;ie)-pi!o«s element, their only daughter an interukritig j-.hiSd m oni foury»ur* old, and a black boy, n get I about I-mrloeii years, lielonging In the Rev. Mr.-Ilioiit. Mr. ScoyKN mudoropenk-d and dnrii g attempts to re*cue Id* little daughter, Imt it wa* worse than in vuin; it yn*beyond ilie power of man to hnva inralered tiny ■ Ih ctaal ussi.iuitce: And if posriblo it could have bi-en done, no human aid wo* present. When friendly aid did arrive, the work of duuth wn* already accomplished—* on und misery sat heuyy upon )lio heaving bosom* of tho surviving suQerur*. Mo diction can adequately devcrilM lit.* H-nsat ion* of Um tiulmppy p -rents, when amidst tho cyucking flames, thu'ery of the expiring cliihl in ipnrnu ilio most pita -us. eulled f-|- ii 4 mother—lli^l Ptoriitr lay upon lh--a>ld.dnmp amtb unimused aa<i uiui| pnrelu d. MMe-vr* t.iow-li is badly nod M-nm.kly ii^uiod bgMbt» (ll'-- lle-y t • tny thing, n -I t-vi-M the 'tfaplM 'proa!« ol „ -hi-1 Wi.i savotl; and tl-’ir dfslitni.: uml honi- hie eoia|>lion,ntonnot fail to'eti-1( in ||»eir l i-hu>f tl*a terror »|i^s|4)dci ul b ildisiisj, «roi.,wuoy. CENTRAL BANK BILL. Protest of thu minority io the Uou*o against tlio pa*Hiigc of tho Bill ameiidqiory of ihp phurtpf of the Central Bank. Mr. Crawford, un l;i-}|iilf of himialf and otlt'-r*. H ir-sonted rim lollovying protest, which, being signed iy the Protestants, was ordi-rvtl to bo euiviuJ un 1 thu Journals, and which ix us IhlloWe, to wit: Wo, tlio iiniluirigoud, being a i-oi ilon of the mi nority Unit opposed thn pa-sag-* of rbo hill to extend the charter of tlio Control Bank, &o„ claim in tliu vxurciao of our npkn-wlodged right to. protest jniliKt snitl hill, and liurnby to declare t|io ground* of such |»r-»lo*t. Wo Hold that the priuclplo which asserts that tho people shoiild rely on thu Government for pe cuniary rcliol, is radically wrung. It i* an inver sion of ull propor government#. Above ull others, n Republic created by ilio People should rest upon the People. A* oao obvious inference from this popotition, wo ma at -in tiiat only thu ticcesaury supplies lur the Government ought to ho derived from th-' governed. Applying those qdiniitcd troths to the recently adopted nuisance, ills iinparonl they IiiiVo been subverted and outinged. It* practical operation,e-pceially ifcuirie.l to tho extent uvowed ami tlusirod by it* advocate*, will, in nslrort period, exhibit its unveiled folly und ruthless oppression. For it starts with thu outrugoou* preposition that public cred.t i» t«* relievo popular wui-u, ami will entl with the certain necessity -if universal nnd heavy luxation, in or-lor to redeem that public credit. Wnlurihcrhuhl that so long no we iiuvo n mixed currency, there most h i souio i-hta- li-lieJ siamhud of value. Among all commercial and e.iviliju*d na tions, thi* standard is regulated by tha prucioti* metal*. Without an adequate supply of those, no sound currency cun exist. Mere credit, whet her public or prir.ita—ofutfialeor nn individual—can not Im regarded us u pi-ununent nml >ubstantnd buri*ofii sound currency, fur the obri-m* rensun, it would ho wanting iailielir«t and md.spemajhlj test that of easy ami iinim-diuto eonyerlihilijy. In a word, tm-recredit camrot supply enpitul. In oppo*- ition to these plain truth*, t-oiiliimod by all t-xprr- lelico, tho h..l jiisi passe-l usmuiU-s to mako th i credit of tho Smto tlio cupitqiof thn Central Bank, ami thus under its authority, nnd in tbo discretion of the directors credit may produce ami re-produce credit to such unlimited extent u* nm-t iit-euaHin ily can-o the hid* of the UipikHaojitocirculatengdoprc- dated money,end eventually be used only in pnyutcni of public doc*. To thi* proiniuunt peculiarity of the hill, wax added anuiln-r still m-re hidcou*. It is that which ducinres to hen poriuf the activeeapitul of tho Central Bank, nil uin-aini nearly nf two hun dred thoti-uml dollar* duo iho Stato on ancient bonds, and other ovidanco* of de'it that hn* la-on, lor many year*, suspended in their collection, uml from which, in ull probability, imt one cent will over ho mil.tntl Tho iimlci signed were desirous of restraining tho Director* ol' too Bunk from extending its issues on thi* portion of ilia woitliit-s* credit of the State, hut wus overruled by tho gamnul reply tlmt i)ie duo crurion of thu Director* would in,uro thu ciodii of tho Bunk against uhn-o. Wo hold tlmt tint direction and management of thn liiiicnluffiiirs of th» Slain should lie plainly us- ci-rtuined nnd ca-ifon-Jy guarded, i’ower, of whuisouvi-r kind it may bo, uccoiding to tho tlioury anil practice of our Goverrneut, should l»o re-troim-il Iry uhunUant uml appropriutu dim It*. And above ull, the power of money, which is usually surrounded by *o many temptations, ami often piostilUtuil Io mischievous and wicked pnrp-.*n*, should. Imj con-, trolled by cernfin and po-itivo law. Discretion can novoi he safely subkiiinit-il for luw*. In a constitu tional view, nml in reference to jmrmiinry matter*, discretion is nevor udowrd when tlio law can m-u t the t-xigoury. When, tla-refore, the Home gave the Director,* of tlm Central Bank ditcretinnury p-.Wer io muko issuei npuailmt d<-d*rv.l to la; capi tal, but which, in pur;, w as «o worilih-ss n* miworriiy to in> call.-d ereih'.it t-irii r si rn-nd--retl it* leg it i- limalonmi «'<tm italin- nl uu-hority ovortho •iibjec:, or lucitiy anjuii -e- ti in tlio propiiety of tlm Diit-c- tor*, if ih-y »o w, .u hui.king emphatically on nothin k- A* a Stale *luu;!il be careful of it* credit, nri-l not by um|uu expansion expose herself to the hazard and'o of •u*pe:.*.oa, we were anxious • to place such restrict ion* over il.-t Director* of the Central Bunk, Iiy which a result *u dl.wtstrous end rii-gruculirj miglit la, U.ul l-al, iln-.e, IjOWt-wr, wore rej-'CUkl, ai.d now the .State, uf uh h-irxui*. i* required to supply evay w«m, whether real at feigacil. ipv We furtlitr htdd that tho same measure--of justice which the Stnto li i» t*luhli*n«d la lwetn Imr till- sens# ought ill no wise tolar ruodiliod lauweui her- self and her etlisnns. Indi ml, -•x- rcising tin. ullri- but--* of un-» incapAdn u? being -Irown, with-m hr^itya-eiii imw trey form in whuh Iter huhihly maylw tisa-I ui.-l f--l odd, slpr o,i ;lA in hi* Irian al amh-*ern| Im«> to h-t Tin-*, Ro- pu<v»-.-d| Wto tklurge in b-h-.!- •>( iho,creditors of • bo rib,to ’Latin’#hu-Jli be tail la-i •im waxgffi i<iU» mason, iii..'eik.tily ,tu'«>q»n.-d n<-d iNTja-lttiAi u.i fisAo.wa# <vy»au, Mis* SfiinuKpyond Mu Waim*.—Thnspeond Concer) givon by these distinguished viK’allsts Inst uveuing wus again fully attended, and seometl t6 give, if *uqh were possible, oven moro satisfaction tliun thu lirrt j they givo their third till* evening In the stmo placo, when wendvlso till lovers ef music nnd i-xijuisite singing in go nnrJy nnd enjoy n treat, for they will have only ono more chance. They nro to siug sumo uf tho uir* from Antilie, which Opera was composed fur them by Hooke, nml performed by them iipwniiL of u hundred night* in London, nnd nearly a* many in New Yotk daring the lust <*ra- son: wo are to have some of their ballads too, that species of music which l eucheA all hearts. K7* Tho Hon. Daniel Webster arrived nl Now York m» Saturday owning, 28th tdt.,ln tho Media tor, with' hi* (hnrily. 03“Tho Gnfo was sovore nt Salem, (Mass.) lotto, says— 14 Great dumngu wn* dono at otir. wltnives Inst night. Several vessels have sunk, nnd many mnro driven nshoro nnd di-omutod. Wo hnvo heard of rjq lives being lost ns yot. The storm was tlio worst wo hnvo had this season." At Gloucostor it was equal in viulonco to that of the 15th intt. though not nttumlad with so much destruction of life nnd property. Tho wife of Capt. Drink water, of brig Richmond packet, wus drowned. Vossnl gone to pieces and cargo mostly lost. At Porllnnd considerable damage was done. MattachnietlM Special Election.—Tho returns from all tho towns Imt ono, givo tho following re sult:— Otntyn Baker, (Whig,)..., 2,041 Israel Billings, do 525 Rodolplms Dickenson,(L F.) 72,31 Mr. B-ikor falls *l,urt of an election filVon votns in thoso towns, Tho remaining town (BuekUml) has pmbubly giving u small majority against him, thereby defeating u choice. UAWKINSVIU.K BANK. A rumor ha* linen afloat here for seveinl days, that the stork of this institution Im* la-on «<»!d ton company from Aluhtima. So l->ng ns thi* Institution wn* under tlio c-mtrol of John Bawl*, the Into Presi dent, wo lintl the most unlimited confidence, that under tho mo*t untoward eimimst/incas, the hill holder* would always ho secure. )fil be true, that thi* purchase |ms brer, efleeiitd, we think il advi sable that the people should he cautious how they receive large ti mount# of them, until It shall he as certained who nre tho purchasers. If, however, the Batik I* slid under tho control of Mr. Rea l# wo shall entertain no fenrs on tho subjpet for tho man doos not livo, io whose integrity wo hnvo a stronger confidence tliun in his—a confidence founded upon n long nml intimate acquaintance with him, during which we hnvo seen him under ciA *ijstancn* which would have ox| ns>-d his want of honesty, If it bin' existed —Colnmbut (jGn.) Argue, Itlitift. atari* to i.fcuuy-'lon I,*. yawMleJ to Arhi i.h,*, I C/filw—Mu-ir*. Cniij, lion. ‘I'h'ih Hall, lalinlorro, I'anm-iiti-r, Moutg-imery, Rogers of South Carolina, Ely, nnd Swearingen! Terriori,•#.—Mes-rA. Pope, Jenifer, Ramsey, OumplH'll ut Tennessee, Steward, Brewster, Davis -if Kentucky, Montnhyn, nnd Flno. Revolutionary Bent lent—Messrs Taliaferro, Can, Andrews, Steeiirod, Unyiu-r, E. Davi* of Pennsylvania, Urerkwey, Taylor, and Hand. InvalidFeuilont—blwr* 8. Williams, Morris of Ohio, Chittenden, Dear, Strong Randall Mur* ris of Pa. Pnlen, mal Edward*, Road* ond Canal*—Messrs, Ogle Graves, Car- roll, Hill of Vu. Smith of la. Slnrkwuatliur, llnyncr Colquitt, und Blackwell, Fiilcnti—Me»*rs Fletcher of Vt, Beatty, Prpntisi Ncwlmrd, and Pay titer. Public Building* and Ground*—Mc-siit. Lin coln, J'elrikin, Loonaid Kuim, nml Hustings of Ohio. Revival and Unfinished BmiiVm—Mcstrs Peck, Parish. Jnclisoa James, nml Dnnn. Account*—Me**r*. Johnson ef Vo. Lawrence, Tnhn-ton of N. Y. Murehnml, nnd Floyd. Manufacture* — Mo«*h. John Q Adams, NRImt Slndo, Tilllnghnst, .Worthington, Dromgonlv, Mil*. cht)ll, .Easttnnn, nml John Davis of 1'ennsvlvniiia. Agriculture,—Mfifrit D-’herry, D'-nai*, AfnCIcI- Inn of TcnuiWe. Smith ef Vermont, Huhimoad, Shnw, Swcemty, D -ig unit Hook. Indian .4/J'ntY#—M.' Bell, L. Williams of North Cnrolitm, Alfiari, Cross, China, Shepard, Lu ll*, limit, nnd John W, Davie of tmliuriu. . Mileage— Meiii-rg. William* ofCemiecilcut, Wll- linm* of Masinohusi-tl), Morgan, Leot, nt)(t (V!PII of New York, Enpenditure* in Ike Department of Slatc r — Messrs, Umim wood, Bynum, Cruhh, Lowell, and Trumbull. , Expenditure* in the Department of Ike Treatu- ry—Me**rs Evan*, Atherton, O/thutnc, Wart tin, and Jones of N.-w York. Expenditurei In ,lh« Department of IVnr— Mi-mid. R, Gutlninl of Loui*tuiio, llowi-nl, Wuge- nor, Holrntt#, nml Cooper of Pennsylvania* Expenditure* in the Department of the Navy. Mcssr* Sallousttll, Vntidorpoel.Simutitun, Gurry and Greene. Expenditure* ip the Department of the Pott Of. fee— Mi-isi* Marvin, Boyd. Lowell, Davis of Ken tucky,'nnd Brown of New York. Expenditure*on the Public Boildingi,—Messrs Stanly, Foruanre, Onto* Homy, ami Eurlo. Foreign Affair*—Mussis Pickens, Cushing, Diomngouln, Gning-r, Bynum', ll-nyt^, [Inward, Everett,ami Clifford. Naval Ajfairs—Mean F. Thomas, Htilmos, Reed, King, Griuncll, Amh r4-m of Me. Robinson, Ilollt-mnn, nml Prulfit. Privqle Land Claim*—Messrs Casey, Garland nf Louisiana, Calhoun, Dillett, Wick, Uutlci of Ky. Ilnsthtcs, Jumt-son, uttd Wli-te, Military Affaiyt—M)-*sr*Cnvn Johnson,Thomp son, Miller, Cole#, Kemble, Alien,Monroe, Sumter, and G-'ggia. Al it it In—Mem*. Keim, Carter, Griffin Wagner, P. F. Tlinmns? Goode, Rogers ofS. C. Triplett, nnd Ridgwiiy, Election*—Messrs. Cumphell of Smith Caroline, Rives, Fillmore, Mrdili, Cruhh, Brown, Fisher, Smirii uf Conm.-cii- m, und Boll*. Public Expenditures—Mes-rs Brigg*. Smith or Maryland, Bond, Kmidun, Duncan, Crockott, Hall, Waiterson, an-* MrCitl'orh Ways ornl Mean*,—Mcssr* Jones of Virginia, Bid le, Atherton, Lawrence, Rhe(t, Yqtidcrpool, Evnii*. (.'euitet, nml Cooper. Mi. IComp-hitil, a moodn-r frqnt tho Statu of Nuw York, uppeured, qualified, ^nd took Ids seal. mtf I am* Iron-, »»f Mal Lp I'acVet, t»f ih»» wh' . together, irod l. _ . Nhaltnl* Srhmmer NMimxIo-ng It Plutas do., i-i liiMua-r Senator hud *1 er William do., tlio others wert m. dove an ouk jh**i, nn I mil* wbarC tin nnd retnaine-l fast to It a 8 o'clock." ShiiiCasco,nf Putiland, at and of R stove In her aide, and sunk iba bull nearly i water. *.«i a Schooner Browa'a wliarf.Dnx dstn stern sjore in. Schooner I’nlestlne, of Nnntnckrt, at Wtri wharf, parted her fast*, drove‘against ti wharf where she ihutnpr d till aim sunk. . jl Blimit-) Ganges, hi tjioenM of FasRr'* 4| wliarfi^ K tried her fiut* tlrove into tho dock against'b -rq ♦ * agnrn, brigs Juniper, Acarllan. and Portc*r, whero hoy all ground and chafed each olhfr considerably, , 3 Tlio Juniper lost head and liow»plrlt,° JUfcijit Portree had her stem stova |p,dcc, Tiik Mails,—Wu hnvo to nmi'obnfe J failure of tho Northern Moll being tllfl'/ success ion, There will bo /leeditot' * Char. Pat. 4iA inti. / ' •VYCk&ja *»• - Poem*—By Robt. M. Charlton—l vol„ Little d Brown, Boston. This is n very neatly ekephtejvy. , book—every thing of it is kind from Boston - !* hi-ft^'V* Tho collcepnn embraces most or tho pfcce£jMt'* V-\ , ' hnvo appeared IYt<m time to tlrnofrom thellgm and ginc.-lul pen of Mr* Charlton. Tho Chorlr#toq t‘ public nre no strangers to the morit citlrar .of tha author or of his charming producllunii— Mercury of Saturday . For Mvcrpool. 'JEk Tho ship nOYYAr»u, Cupl 2HH3L n largo portion of her cargo engti ■met-t with dmqnfeh. Fur freight of3or ( cotton, apply an buai J, nt Junu's nppaF wht jnn 7 CFMIL1 For Mvcrpool, yffj, Tho coppered slilp BOM AN. Qapt. Sal SSSbury, has commenced loading nnd wjll bavQ do*pntch. For freieht apply to - v s jnn q padkLfqrp;FAY For Liverpool, jSa Tho first class Amerlcah^hlp'MAY SS3L ER. L^ Wcoks, master, having d hie puriiun uf her freight etq despntrh. For freight, apply to tbs master • board,ut Jones'uppt-r wharf, to WM. GRABTREE. Jr,ot1 or SAML. D. CORBITT,' dec 29 . •- For Liverpool*, ,/wk Tho A I Amerieau-sfiip M1LAII, Cnptaln Hammond, having it large proportion OyKgSyj***"- cargo engngetl,will moot withdcspqtrli. Forfri of 3 a 400 hales Cottoq, apply to ’ . lee27 A.HAMILTON. For , .<igA Tho A I eoppi-red British ( SSiHUMUKRTSON, Capt,;Mi hn principal pai t of hor cargo eni - with deinutch. For freight of 501 dec 15 JNQ H, * For IYcw York—L Tlio fast sailing pnekot si D. L. I'ottur, will have Imi For freight (ir.pns-aee, Imvlng cxtenslvo accommo dations. apply to Cantaiu on l»oard_ alfAi r tu whnrl, or to jan 3 obHEN.tylt; ANOTHER DESTRUCTIVE GALE AT THE EAST. The New Vorl? paper* of Tuesday, (31*t ultimo) runtuln tho fol(o«viog detail.*, .wlii- b wo fear wnll piovo u« jqel inohoiy u« those hr-feiofoit- pidduhiftl: From the Button Advertiser. ’ Bum Viii'aiNiA and a Comyany dr U.S. Artil- leky.—It will ho soon from lln'followiiiplaltorihat there i.i reason Io appn-iinnd iho lots of this vessel, with her entire now, two oliicors of tho army, a company of mun, uiid several womon. - • -> -fj-... Wo hono that thi'sn fears ptsy prove groundless, nnd that tlio vuise] may have anivedat Iter destination or some CONGRESS. On Monday, In the Semite, no huslnn** of par ticular importamm wa* transacted. On Tue*«luy numerous resolutions of little Interest were Intro duced. A Washington paper say*:— “'The Rev. Mr. Co«>km*n, of the Methodist Church of this city, one of the most inti-rr*iin.- and eloquent of our Clergymen, w-i* elected Chop* lain to tiio Senate, by a in ijority of 28 v-n.-n." In the House, llulo was tram-octml -m Monday, after thn nnnoum-nment nf ilje cutninittCe*. On Tuesday, (31-t) in the Hons--,it being petition day, tlm time wus occupied in attempting to devise n plan to di-po-e, moreciTocimilly und s itUfi-ctori- ly, of uhulitiun petition*, but nothing d- finit-- was accomplished, pud tho Hoa>oadjnnrnud tv Friday, 3d Janu iry. The Scnutu adjourned over to the same dnv. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Monday, December 10, HJ39. Afier th • journal woo read, The CHAIR ann-iuiict-d iho fullowing standing commit itus-s CroimiUrr on Comm*ree.—Mo#*r* Curtis, TI-|- Icn, White ol Loiiiriana. Burke, Tolund, Huber, sham, I'urri*, Bolls, und Writer, Committer on the Public binds.—Mc«sr*. Cor- ’wio, Roynold*, Lineuln, Crary, White of Kentucky, Kt-lier. Gsrltnid of Virginia, IJuhhatd, and Thom pson «f,Mi*roipni. Commit! tr of g'/oimi-—Messrs. Dawson, Puuidl, Bunk*, G-ihliogs, WillUtn* of New lluimxliite. Gentry. Hill of North C'nrdiiia, Gu bruith, ot<d Mallory. Pott OJfae and Par 1 Road*.—Me**r<-. M- K'*y, flopkio*, |Ch iionai-, .Moxyln, l.e*du-|»«-r, j, L, Wllltairt* nf Tt-ooe-w.-o, Aii'l*o*oij of Kentucky, Bum-) of ri »ori» Caio'hi i.iind Brown>d' Mi»*i—lt'pi, Pith id nf Col'i'utna.—M*-*»*. Jdi * Hi Ilf Mkf ryltind, II, Williams *-f Tran fh li Cktlke. Duv-n, G uhn.,CfaMtoi4ii[4ldreDil U ■kin Me*,re. Krip ti Oi~9 lU JadlcUfShtMvn %'Jm* may miter port, I’oRTSJlnuTit, N. H. Doc. 27, 1839. Sir—Grout fear* utt* cntcriuint-d Imre for tlm intbiy ofbrig Vlrglniu.tif Jack*onvil|r, E Florida, Clmtle* Willy, master, which sidled from hence for Now York, on Wmines lay the 11th in*t„ having ns pnitengurt Lieatonnms Fowhif ami Grafton, und about foily recruits of compuny D of 1st regiment U S Artillery, seven wotno >, enc of whom trn* tho C'upudn’*nnd nnolltec the mntu's wife, nml tiio res idue wive* of tlio suldh'it; also, other women pits-- sr.iigtirs nml sovernl children—making in ull about sixty soulson hoard. From the Rattan Journal of Saturday. Another FuudumGalk.—Anuthorfurious gale wn* exporlonm d in thi* vicnity, Inst night. Tho wind wit* from East to East South East. It commenced to Mow heavy about eleven o’clock—and continued wi'htiut imoitnisriuH until neurly suitri-e thi* morn ing. In the opinion nf some persons the wind blew with gi enter vinj-nco last night than during tfjo grentgn)* of the I5lh in*t. The tide* to«e to an unu«al height —und overflow' d th* wlmrvps; nn-l streets In tho vh-iidty of the rvlmrvi-s, (l-miing olTlor^tt qunnltic* (iflnmh.-r, uml injuring pr»|-erty in cellars to u con- sak'iahlu umeoni. Thedno-ngu dono to tho shipping is very groat—ns m my parjed tlicir fust*, und drove each oi hot—"ml the Io-* ol hnwoprits, cutwater*, jib-booms, &C. is very great la-#iie* seine serlouf • lisUSlei* The largo and beautiful ship Columbia, nf 630 ton*, ono nf A.C. Lombard At Co’s linn of Now.Or- lean* packet*, broke -idrift, about threo o’clock— she was taking in cargo—and urge by the wind and tiilo, drove, stem tin, agnin-t tho ohl Charlestown bridge, with such violent*-, ns to enrty awny tw-iof tbo pier*,'nn-l dash ili-uah tho bridge, ns if no ub- Htrucilon had been placed in her way. Tho shin nuxl brought op against Wat run Bridge, widen furuui'U-ly with.HMj.l tbo shock, though not without sustaining some injury. Her stern then swung round, nml struck against the wharf which wus built wilt frutp,ihu draw, with mi much violeucu, a* todeni'ilish, uml ■Initti-rto atoms n dwelling house one story and « half high which wtucicct-d on the bridge. The whole I* now n heap ofrulne. Thorn Were six to ■even persons in the hnusit, who hav ing warning, by thn ship first striking the bridge rushed nut just before tbo li-trse wn* nhnttcrml to piece* and thus sum! their live*.— One of the in mate uf tho dwelling wu* thrown into tho river whim the cuncup-ion took place hat was furtunutly res-'in tl by hi* cotnpun on«. The ship which oc casioned so inconfusion, was not, apparently .July injur'd. Ship Rohm Hood, cat rind awny rin* Posts, &c, winch held Imt to Brown'* wharf, nnd dr -ve *«nio«t Churl).-i p Bridg-r, doing a gomi d- jlof damuge to tlm hriifgi-, and carrying awny her cutwater. Schooner Vol-cltv, fioinSt Domingo w ilt cofleo nnd logwood, tlraggeil lu-t nnch ir- and drifted a g>iin*l Union wt-urti bilg- d and sunk. Ship Eagle, from New Orleans hi anchor In the sirealn, d npgcdhui nnclmts, nml drove ngninst Lib- rolo's wiuirl, hot expci icuc- d only little damage. Schooner Splend d, hi City wharf, run her bow- •prit into tin- store occupied by David Snow.injuied the stmc con-ioerahiy, und ilu-troycd several, bar rel* of II or. From Top!iff t Book*. Brig Adelaide, at lewis'* wharf having just re* paired dumage »u»tui;-> il in tlie guto of uw 15-h, had her lieati, stout, uml pint of her how again car- uwa|>. Scii'Kowr Miller, Merrill from Bristol, v ond ami b.-nk, tun ashore on Choi- and dry—ciew ail shvciI. An liunnaplirodiu- brig, bound to tho Vl'fiU die* huiM-d with lumber, drove ngulntt ,**— Wharf at Hoolh Boston—bilged and ‘pok, The tide flowed up Into Wuierajj aged dry goods in the wdU'S Of « moum, *' \Yc learn ulsq iiisf sfttne luCQMhk-ta^li tLi was done to ;ho Eastern Rail riiat*^^— hi hJges on m»' *lw*—bat it wiU sitcro^DKiof lire da For Now York-(Bj Tho regulnt. iiacket brig ‘ Capt, Hooy, will tnoet will freight or pussngp, having voty good don*, apply on hourd at Hunter's whnrl,. dccSI WASHBURN, LEWISri For Siiw-York-i Thu rocnlnr p.ipkot brigh. SfcwCnpt. T. Bassett, liaving apqs it engaged, will met t wlthdospalc|).' f t freLIu or passage, having superior uccj apply on hoard nt Moore’s whtirf. tjr • dea. 20 * - For Rostoit, JgA Tho flno packet brig I'H ILU RAv IlSwShenrmnn, bating most oGtarfralf L * will bo despatched; For bBlr®“®'^' sago havihg good nrcwntni at (Borb's wharf, .pr to jahd *' For Fill, . , J&A Tho coppt-nvl. nnd copper Iqsi SOSNKW HANOVER, Cap!. - CoriJ, will with despatch for tho above port. . For freig passage, npplv to S. PHILBlflC|C , A, s. PHI LB RICK Who offer for tale, landing from above »i 100 whole and 100 half bbls superflno Fl< 10 tons Lehigh Coni, AU hundlDI H*, L-ig; jat, For Iluvni 2A Tlm fast sailing C'l SSOGLETHORPE, Capt. _ i Tupsday next. For freight or phasnge, u. S PIlH,BRICK & Who bfli-r for sale, hndfngfront’bamdbHjp^l 130 hugs primegreeueofiet*,new . 13 hhdsaml 14 ticreq* uey*. p^ojqsspq. . 10 boxes white sugar *\ ' . 10 do yolluw. do _ v , A quantity of tirungcs, bunands, plqntau apples, Soc. A Siiufh'-ru (tort would bo prefe —- staunch svhcjopt-r SEA DRIFT, tu.. then, Cnpt. Walker- For fielaht &c,,'npp] dec27 JOHN HUfll Tho Rincon Steamboat Comps For nay IYortltern Port* Fo; freight or cbnrter, thn schr. MEj SSa CHANIC. Cnpt. LimblMil, wiUbercnUyto tnko freight to-morrow. Applv to ■ ' -J • -.i - > o89t R. AiWt KINtf. . For FrciKht or CUiirfE IS, ' ... - « ” T UB MACON STEAMIHPAT C01J.... take this tncthoil of informing^ the Merplji of tho intorlor of Georgia qnd the pnhljc gencri that theiHino of Boat* are In full dperatiopV‘g solicit thrit patronngi-; believing that .Goqcfs I warded hy way of Darii-n is tho most cxpcditli route, Tho company hava <a » FIVE NEW STEAMBOATS. COMHANDRD BY FIRST RATE CATTAIN9,’TlStp> J STONE, Capt, W. C. Mendall* -V GI1IKFTAIN, “ Geo. Wilcox,. . -V EXCEL. *’ G. Quinn, . f-; SUPERIOR, “ Wm. I*\ JoJi—rn. J. GODDARD, f J* U Yti&myTln Also sixteen first rare Tow Boatf, built axpraasljg for tiro navigation of tbo Akatpuhaand Ocmulge* Tlio J. STONE!* a siJp-wh. oI sure engine, carries 700 halos'of j tegnlaily thiOn times a week, Iw ami Darien. Tlic CHIEFTAIN Boat, nnd carries 500 or 008 b?lc* regularly Irotwren Mncon ami at Savannaheach way, Th- E, and J. GODDARD run regularly and Macon, towing two Boa wil: lenvq Dorian regiikHy usual time of pnsta-e up- ’ Thi* lints it connected el* running regularly I non. Any GwHlsorlji or ordered id bo ilt}rq , warded with daspatcu. the patronage they have tholr mean* of convejtmcq.j themselves,to,use. every c — to rests of thdso who may There I* also a Lino- larly between Charleston nany** AgrtUlireachpI’ Tho Agent* fur {ho *'