The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, January 18, 1840, Image 2

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I i t QSIfilt!# Otor i ii t l r 'ii Tin mount* 1 -The Athenian* *#« jwlueMess, * nimi* prsetlM it' Mr. Editor—Y 1 " 1 w-H by tlw n\nm M"' taiiutt, that oven In the days nl yore, n ™>«7 distinction Wft»l*cn*nii«l lad worn ptrerfA nisi p nr tier. T«» r»»r»m ilown t«» «»«ir «»T*n Um*». n *'’*7 •ink In; Illustration it affnuhxl between *o«ir(ii/rnn.l •bint right, In your own prajwr prrson. Par rx- ample; if • new brig cutties into port, you forthwith fi*o n Uuiiatoryi notion of lior, in which you compare her mowmont " to tho majestic ftctlon of •"»"» youthful lirauty." If ft crooked ball Ift bung up '« nn old steeple of our city, you lose no tlnm in «*■ in; ft wry hippy comparison Imtween iu voice* ® n * •• the tyrrn twain* of blooming girlhood." If 0 I"' 1 * pfttetic vrnJcrofthoft blacking tetult you • }«>'- «• hi* table compound, neat morning'* Georgian but n puff tlierenlMitii, in which it* ***uiy huo it »"' * *" " rettmlile greatly, " the r»pl«ndeni luttro ofwommi'i beauty." In sliurt, tir, no subject can Ihi presented to your mind, from hardware to cabbages, that by »pme strange l.ullucinntion, ilaus not instantly tug* gotf woman! woman!! woman I!! Clio would think Frem your writings, that you went Htbor nn •Horing lover, or »n admiring butbaod Wedded " to the girl ofbit affectiont," whrrena, tho truth D, that Willi all your metaphort,you have boon ab|« to stand, unfit rni.d, thu bright artillery of woman'* eye*,and Urn briili ml blow of beaming Imnuty. In fitet, tir, you belong to thut clatt, of whicha detpniring 'ady bat eloquently tnid, •' He commi to dine, And drink*our wine, And yot,5<? ilont propose But periapt, oil tbete compnritonn arc It may be, you ate making yourtelf intrry with the amib't of "oncbuntlng girlhood.” If you aw. (nnd for fear you ore,) I *111 “’I* yo»l uf » wry happy re tort mode by a fair friend of mine to ana of your drone tpociet, and aayonare a romantic young gam tlaman, I will give it to you in poutry, and ontitlo b ' TDK IIAC1IKI.OII WiBUKKI). I atk then nut, oh lady, I ntk then not to tall Th®*(K>t upon th!* lunny earth, where n young Lovo dull* dwell, I'd gladly,gentle maiden, mostglndly I'd Ihi taught. That Eden In life’* wlldornot* in which young Love wa« not. I'm weury of the endleu tlwme of “Cupid** *mik>* ■lid »lght i" I'm lick of reading rigmarole* about » my lady'* eye# ;" I cannot move, Icunnot look.amiind.alHint.ohovo, But men and women, blrdt ond beet, nro piniing alrvwt Lu***- Thun tell ma, beauteous maiden, you Itavu wit annugli to tell, Oh point mo to that blotted Itlo wltare L"Vo doth never dwell, Whoro all Uto bright artillery of woman’* smilo and art, Cart novrr, norcr, wetter cotne, to vex tho human heart. With plenture, *lr, tho maid ropliod, louriilng I'll unfnkl, The question that you non propound can oetlly !kj told, Thom D *uoh *p<>t on Life'* dull waito, and If yuu lUt to me. In very fow and tlmpto wool* l‘U u*tt it unto thee. Within a apace, aomo five foot, night, you'll find your ” blesunl i*l«r,’* That no'er boa foil tbeinfluonoa of lovely wnmnu'a amilo, 'Tli ugly a* a hornet'* neat, nnd (hit of *ln nnd cam, Pleait gaze into your mirror, tir, and you will find if Ikert l Now juittako that nut of your eye, Mra. RlUnheth Marlin, und the neat time you are disposed to jeer about beauty, romomhor thu vtluli in speculum, and MARY, MARtA. MARILDA, MATILDA. Prom the London Forget Mo Not for 1010. SONG. DY MAJOR OALORROAMPBRU. I luvod her with the pureit love Tint over human bosom knew, Tho groun leaf to the vernnl grove Wat novur Imve to true! For oh! tho wntiliu twaatnit flower That evor graced a hlghlnnd glen; And proudly did I own lior power, For tltn wat or tie** then. She left her homo lummgat tho hills, And in tho world tho grew, A worldly, flaunting thing or pride, Unsteady and untrue} Guy roties nnd juwel* deck her uow, Sho teokt tho gate of men, And It no tnnro tho flower I l<*ved, For *bo writ nrllet* then! ’ A It V Mi, [fMO. CJ* <tur Cone*|i*»ndrnt. Miitt.Miuu, Arc. Ac. hat made fair game of our ron.jiliott. W# ltu*l tome fnlr ronoipondent will takifupllwcudgeL(bi*. the pen) for ut, or we m*» l»e worthd. RTTIw Superior Court of Udt county, Judge IIrkky, presiding, commenced it* winu r session last Monday. There ia contidoiablo butiueai on llw docket a. THK DAILY TKLKGllAIMI. Till* new p*|M-r, edited hy C. Mscaiiiiki.l. Eaq. made it* firatNppenrano*ye*t*rday. Ill* neat in iy|H»grnphy, and It* column* well filled. Thu Kill- tor lias tuler.ts, a* Iris friends aro aware,and dusonre* to aucc*od. 1*1 RACY. Ar.t Ala, the perton chargnd witii piracy on board the brig Gen. I'arkbill, hnshocn commit to. I for triul, after examination before Ju*tico Ro**u!l. THK MAILS. The Mail from thu Ninth again filled yustciday, cacupt fiom Cliailotton. The I’ntt Matter General receive* more bbtmu titan hodcftvrvei. Wnhelmvu hfdrmaall that hurmm power can cffact But ha lint In contend with the lumonta, controllwl by n auperior power. W« have jitit *uen ft gentleman, urrivi-d hem u few day* tince who remark* that a por*oa moil lx* nn eye wit of the oh«l met inna on the rail road*, to under mud the dillkultio* thrown in lltuway of tlio Northern Mail. Ilo furnithe* a f*'W fact* of recent dale. On Soil' •lay, the 2'it| uU after the heavy full of *no Bnltiinorn and Wii*hinglnn, the raft left B.diirnom, n« utunl, nt !> A • M but in cnutnpioitco of the dep of tho *nnw uml thu In nvy drift, did nut reach Wndr ington until Tuu*ilnynftarnorm, being thmodny* and two night* on a fad iHualiy run over in two hour*' Tito car* left Weldon fur PorUmoutli, Tooaday morning, Die. 31*t, but did not arrive in I'. Saturday night at 11 I*. M., though part of llio lime they Imd eight OMgtnea nt work on tho road. A follow pn«tenser informed him thnt ho wn» four day* reaching Rocky Mount from Wilmington, diunnce uatinlty travelled in nlmut IS hour*. Nearly the whole hutin from Aunupoli* to Balti more wn< r|o«ed with ice—the Potomac river being nlao entirely fioxon over nnd our Informant enmo down to Annapoli* from Bultlinore in the Ice Bunt, w lilcli nt that lime wa* tla? only mrJium of cotntnii- uicnlion with Norfolk. At Norfolk on the flih inti, them wero four mall* duo from the North; four from Richmond, nnd eight from the South. 'I ho ai.nw n*lended to about eighty mile* north of Wil mington. The tliurmomolur ut Watlilngtun on 2d Intt wut 3® below aero. Mr. G'lny, In hi* lain di*cut*ion with Mr. Cal- hotm, «liould have informed the Semite why lie call ed on the I'mtblent on New Yrnr't Pay. Iloiodo through Now York latt summer to injure Martin Van Buukn and ttmku friend* for himnclf, nnd now dusirc* tho exclusive right lu cad on tim i'ruti- dent. Surtily, If lliipry of tho wo*t cun face the Pre*b dent with hi* peculiar smile, tha Southorn NuPIfior hat an ejjual rigid to Intemhnngo uiviliib * with the Chief Magiitrato, wliotu oflldal cour*« nnd topub- llcan monturo* have i United hWapprobnlion. INDF.l'KNDKNT TRKA8UUY. In the Senate, fltlt Intt. Mr. Wright, from the Committee on Finuuco, to which hnd been referred that purl of tho I'rmddent't mo**ago rotating to the fiuaucei of the country, and tho niitmnl report of thnSearetnryof the Treatury on tho finuneet, tu- ported a bill to provide for the collection, safekeep ing, tramfer and t|i*burtrm«nt of the public revenue. Mr- W.ulto, from the same oommiitno. to which wn* n'feired the hill nioru eflectunlly to secure the public money In the hand* of nlflcera nod ngrntt of the Government, nnd to ptuil«h public defaulter*, rep"»tcd tho tnine with nmciidmcnlt; which wa* onloitid to be printed. Mr. W. tuld liint he wn* directed hy ilia tom- tnluee to give notion thnt thny would, on Monday nnxt, n*k for tho rnuxidorutinti of them hill*, in the owlor in which tlmy worn reported, malt lint they would feel it thoirduty to prut* their cotisidei at ion nftm that date. I lie r««o utien* ol Mr. Benton, arai ib*'piO|*>*cd •nb*tittite, weie thoun ferrul Ui a Me tci Conitaoie« coii>i*tlog of M-vi'Q niernla r». (Cot re»i>uhtlriiCe of the Nauthcrn Pahi-I.) WASHING I UN, J.m. fl.lBM. The following i* a U*t oftlio Yunt ond Nay* by liioll the Sr■unto on yeati iduy tufuwd to lay lie' I' * aolutiun* ut Mi. lb num, in rrlation u* Soue debit oil tho table. Y**i—Mr»»r» Butt*, Clay of Ken'ucky.Clayton, C'lilti nden, Davis, Diaon, llend r»on, Merrick, I'reiitis*, I'rc.lon, RuggUis, Sou lit oi li,diatiu,So*ili- ard, Wlmu of ludima, a..d Whita of lennostce— 15. Nnyi—M.ttr> Alien,Benton, Brown, Biicbnnui,. Callmun, (,'|.iy of Alahnmn, Fulton, Grimly, Hu e hard, King, Linn, Lumpkin Nicimlnt, Norvdl, Bo nne, Uul.iii.u’., Hovier, Smith «.f Conn., Strange, Tnppno, Wuikcr, Wall, William*, Wright, und Young—25. HtlUSK OF IIKBKKSKNTATIVF-S. This ii ondug after diejuilimil budb-en r ad Mr. Cuopi-r oi iVnti., nsl.eii leave to submit ii resolu tion, enbing for information from the I'ott Ma.tur Gunoml n reb.iiuii to lii* leomi mail anniigeinenl Ix'twuen tin* cit) nnd New York. Also whether any ng« iiloftlm D pnttnent bn* I wen instructed to "sma^glo" lie- mn 1 through hv the mil road cm* nnd tb' ieby ibdrauding tlm Company, Tho rcurr.iinon In trig out of ••rdn> , wu* not rcci ived. In a former t te r I suited lout owing to the n*. ortiiianl deni im| of $"d)0 per rliilo, ronde by the Hu.tioi'.rc and i‘bilud>' i»lii « Rail Rou-I Cninpuny lore Trying tin. mi 1 , Mr K ndall bit Idrnsell I to r< nisi it. and since the lirrt of Jntmuiy Im* irmi’pH. i- <1 ilie rmiilhy nnotlicr route, which c'iu-e*u delay id »i< boiir**. But with n view of ob iging the New Yel k city pres* for soveial day*, Mr. K. Ims rlni-ctud nu ag-. I to go u* a jiassrugur by tl.o curs who took tim mail with him n« hi- On)fani;e, tirivbj giving tho New York City thu inlviinuige ofC hour*. A tremendous outciy has Ih'i'ii rained ill tni*, ami Mr. K. !m» be n charged with "smuggling the nnd I tliough" and defniuding the Cornpuny. Tho simple fact i*, thorn wut Mi *' smuggling" nbout it, nor any nileinjit m ron* Ci iilmeiit; nnd how the company could Iro “ rle* fiaoiled," by lukiog n pnssunger with id* bn^gugo, remiiin* t • bo shewn. The Comp.iiiy lire chagrined nt thu rejection of tln lr avnricioo* dciiinml.lnit find ing Mr. Kendall too sharp f T them, they hnvu set on their pariisiin* in Congre.s to mite n clamor, and if possible prejudice tho public mind. At ft mnot’nf of lint chiton* of Buiko Count y, nttbo Court House, oil tlm 11 tli of January, l8-t() c for tlm purpose of adopting imm-tne* to carry into effect the cmistnirtioii of tlm Auguttu and Way netboru Rniboad, Culoncl A .1 Lawton wn* rail d to the Clwlr, and W W Hughot, K*n. appnitrtod Secretary. On motion of Col. '1 homn* M. lior i ion. It wa* UcN'dvud, That Kdwnnl Gnriick, Jnmut W .Lrnos, Kdwnrd I'nlturr, Jcsto 1* Gun n, Jotvpli 8 Reynold*, Ktukirl Letter, Charles Whitehead. YVilllntn W Hughe*, Philip Robinson Jr Willhmi Byne, Alexumlcr ('arswcll, William H Deogia**, William K Kvnti*, (iidoon Dowse. William Uurmn, Joseph A Showtmike. HoImti l'uttursoa, llcoiy Lewis, and Kdwur I Hatcher, bu appointed n Com mit too to ascertain the numlirr of p -rson, willing to aubarrllmfor ttock intbeAuju tnnml Waynesboro Rail Rond Company, payable in money or work, or In n pottlnn of each, nn.l in such manner at they may severally specify la w tiling to said Committee, or elthor of them. Ilrmlvad further. That tho Committee l»o r«w qoe.wd to report to a meoting of tlw tit it on* of Burks county, to be convened in Wuynusboro, on tin* first Tuesday In February next. It,-solved, That tfw of this incutbig ho signed by tim Chairman und Secretary,aud that n copy Im furnished for puldkation, and that tho Kdil.ii* in Savannah and Augusta bo renaetted to give it one insertion. Resolved, That tbit mooting adjourn to tho fu st Tuesday in February next. A J LAWSON, Chairman. W.W. Huoiie*. Soc'ry. Anrt.E QuAbtncATtoN*.—Atwl UmWldll, F.*.j. offer* himsctl iw a caadidaUi fur the Ohio Legislat ure Among other iiual ficatioua and virtue* he po» •rst.-s iho following; ♦' I lieiieve in j.htvxology nnd iu anioul maguof itm—and tint virtue oxnlloth a nation. I ruin mow anJ cradle, plough or ho-*—chop wood, lay *touo wall, ordig potatoo*. 1 cnnliW'd, pulltnetli, or udminitler n hulu«, uud pkalgo mvsclf,if uleoted, u go for lire best U«w*U of Stark couuty ami tim Suie of Ohio, *■• far m l can understand them." An editor np-dnuir-c* fur the lack of editorial mat ter, by saying, that he carried sevoial and In'creUing articles to a wedding, in Id* lint, mi J the girls coaxed them ftU out of'in in tu w rap up bride's cuke in! CHARLESTON. Jan. 13. Rhiptrrrck—Tho *clir. Joseph and Henry Will- laco, U days, from Tmks Island with.u cargo of Salt, i-oiiHigu'd to W. A. I'iiMw-uH At Sons, wont nshnrn on tliu liar* nt 7 P. M. Saturday night, with n Pilot on huntd. .‘•'Im bilged in 15 mimitos niter the struck, nnd filled with wntor. The Captnin ami Crow reached thu City doling Sutuidny night in tlio sebr. bout. ‘1 iioCuplnin nndCrew pruri-nded yesterday morn ing tu tho wrrek in the Pilot Boat Capo Fear, but found thnt imtliint; could be doneo n* two Smacks had saved nil oft ho liiagiug and Sail* llmtcuuid bu got nt. Her main mat, bad fallen out of Imr and tho sclir's. was lnunking lip fusi. ST. JOSEPH. Jnn. 1. Another Siiipwrepk —On the 2(!ih nit. th« Sloop Index, of Btooklmvuti, tailod from thi* Port for PmiNin-oln. Sho wuh seen on tlm 27'li, ahotii thirty miles from Point St. Joseph by il|o crew of the Hnnpiu L' Xiu.-ton, from Pen.uicolu to this Port. Tliuwiml wn* blowing from ihnSE. It sinbleal} chopped r- it d nod blew ii gale NNW, causing a lr.-tneinb.iis »en. On tbe2!fili die spars,biminclo, s'ern of tlm Index nod tlm eoiiipnss, were found on thu snu side of tlm Peninsula, npimtiie to ibis Town. The cniiijms* wn tmirkad ".1 Wilsee.'' Below tlieto linens ol i|io wreck, was found the body of n man, lushed to n spar, whir icrTnud to have lie.-n dead, hut n few hours. Hewn* Well dressed, uud about 35 years of age. liglit imir and fair complexion, III* pocket comb Imd the initial*" J. W." Ilo was nn d -ubt tlm ciipinin of tho Sloop. The Sloop re mained in till* Pint blit olio night, und it istiot kimwii, how many composed her crew. There were Severn I linrrels of brend and half d -*en store bad.ui* inaiki d " P.d stine," picked up on tl.e Itench, also, a new mtk boat, marked *' .1. \V. Moore, builib-r, llrdgnpoii." Uho:In-r this Imnl mill bucket* be long to the Sloop, i-r some nt'ier wreck, It it not iisi'eitallied. Tho iiiifortoMnle stranger wn* biirlod on tho Ii. iicb.'f liu bnlaiii-u of the crew, or whoever r oil hoai-d, are in nil pioleibiHly downed. Tho sloop mine Imro from Key West, nnd ut I liar p liter the mini.-s of Imre.ew and pnssengeis, if any, cun be ascot mined hy tlioto intoinsted.— Timet, APPOINTMENT BY THE PRESIDENT, Ify ami u Uh Up' advtee and con ten/ of the Senate. John 0. Pedriek, to be Consol of the Doited States for tlm port of Rio Grande, in Bra/.il. i the ANDREW JACKSON. The Legislature of LouLiann cuiivonud Rth inn. at Now Orteuus. Hon. Felix Garcia wns re-elected I'reiident nf tlm Somite, nnd Horatio Davis, Secretary. "Ill tlm Senate; Mr. Downo* olfeivd il pre-imble and resolutions to the cflbct liint tlieciiixrns of.New Orleans be ri-i|ue»tedlo purmii thegener.ilassembly to adopt their invit-itbm to Gon'l Jackson, as ihi invitation of the people of the state at large; tlm* the general assembly unite with iliccilircni iu iloiri ' honor to tlm late commander In chief,and that ii joint committee on the purl of tho semile nnd limuo he appoiuti «l tocuriy the re*olu’iont intoelleet. Me»*r- Downes, Bossier, ll>-a, Diieio.* und Dupre weto appointed to fin in said committee on the | art of tho tonute Imse retoluiions, it will Im puccivod, have not Ihhui ucted upon hy the Iioiiso, inasmuch as that Imdy ndjournuii bef»a- they were adopted in the scan to." The New York Journal of Commerce stum* that petition*to Congress are in eireoluiioii praying the puaingu of a goneto I Bankrupt law. POST OFFICE LAW. It lint I teen d-cided in the Sapivniu Court of l'ontuylvuuin, that a postmaster it not nccounta- Idofoi tbu secret delinquencies of hit suliordinutesi und that an nstioti dims not lie ug dust him for the purloining ofa lotteibyu sworn at-ivtnut, uppointod and returned by hint in good faeh. STATE STOCKS. I< appears from a letter w-riu--n to the Edi'ors of the New York Courier and Enquirer from their Lou don Corroipondeut, that the cause of tho sudden und unexpected ri»e in American Secuihuia on tlm Loudon St«H-k Exchange was tho circulation of a re port that tho GunoratGovernment w-h* about to con- solid mu uud ustumo the debt* of ilio Stale*. Conti Irrable excitement exists on the Jcscit little ftand b.nk nc*r the Nairow#, called Coney Itinud. Sonto of tha Maxicau dollars buried year* ainccby Gibb* the pirmc, have been fotind and the bnach ituuw ttrewsd with diggers. Tha aniuunt of wl* gold lishery, ii i» said, i* already some thousand nfdoUart. Tins wholo of the plunder from the Vineyard, which Gibbs and hit afuciwtos tiadt out of borbefore acutUing, wa. |5i,00«—N Y. Star. SuMrrutNuStxuo.xu—Wec-mvereodyriterdsy with • little girl «.f lit., years, who has a mother of 25. a grandmother of 45* great grandmother of «5, IW'Hlmmhar of eighty five, ail Hv. It a id* Ur the siugulahty of iha rvent. Urat each *? “I 0 l , • r, ^•• fp*»n llw youngest to Um oldest, is !** ** *nlf imttoP' of bar paraats. Wa .imuld I , , -, . — , I— • •liuuui ba right glad w reu the wl.ub- fivo taking im to. gmb*. U iMmhl warm Uw hoon—Button Trnn- tmpt. The races over the Hampton Online commence thi* day w ith the Cult stake. Wo understand there mo a great number of fine horses on the ground and good tpurt i* expected till* week.—Augutla Cotuditutimaiiil, 13/k ia«f. Annexed are the names of tho off:ver* of Police nnd night Guard* to whom ihe Mayor bu* distri buted the nmuuiit (eight bundled dolUrs)recvived from the banking iustiliitions of tiiis city, for tbe loilbful disclmigeuf their duties Juring t> e .oslsum- nu r! City Constables.—(,. T. Sliopp, E. G. McGoI- rick, K II Wniton uml Jolm Tititoiciman. Nigbt Guard —S Lynd*ey, J J Breokshenr. Jn*., John Bntly, Auren Shaw, Ju-. Smith. Elibu Gibb*. Geo. N Cook. Iteubeu EU«n. Dennis CoL lint, Philip Mo Donald. Jn*. P..v*rr*. Win. H Nryland. John Bordou, Thomas K>ts»o!l, Wn» H WiliUlV—fOid. STATE DEBTS. Ia Soantc.Clh Inst. Mr. B*-nt.>ii e*mcbidcd hlsra mirks in support of hi* resolution* against the con- stituthmnlity and txpediency of aasiiming or provi ding for thw’payment of State debt*, or diverting the Und revenue to that object. Mr Lumpkin made *»iuo remark* In favor of tlw resolution*. At hi* requ--*t tlw subject wu* postponed. N-atday (7-liJ Mr. L. call' d them up nod off-red a substitute, not materially different. A motion to lay on tha table was u. gsiived, yeas 15, nays 35. From Ihe Charletton Mercury KIM intt' ' NEXT GOVERNOR. Tlio niimiiia'ion of Governor usually (N-cupb-s a share of the ii'lentiou of our poliii. inns nssemlded iitCohunhin, the year before tlm ulection—and has iinbngly wound. r*innd been nudei-c.insiilliilion, lioii'.;b not iu caveat, at iho late Suasion of iho Leg Ja'iiio Tla* result. *o farasvveenn nse>'rtuin 1*. Im*bccn highly grniii'v inn. TIh-io wdl it.-, it is coiilidi-mly Toped, Mo i lanliing of rival Caiulidnles or jealon* uirlie*; luil on tbe rnnirnrv gient iniaiiimiiy may be xpeeledin the support of l bo genii- n.nn lowborn it i* eontniiiplaleJ loofi'er the -I'.tinn, vtx: tbu lion. J..|ia P. It ebanls -n. lu e»y of C.ingre**. ice tin- In-nliiijoftlie ■ Id d|vi*ion belweon the Nil lifters nnd Dition men of our 5tate, the bitter have ns n party co-operated with it* in good faith ii mninltdlih.g ti e State Bights attitude, aa-l advnn ing the Stale Bights policy of South Carolina on all the lending .pe^lioi.s now lightning the I'ltion: and yet a Govern-1 Ini* not yet been selected from nmom: them. Ifilb- now done, nnd on the mo- of our |'Hflv, it will ben -Oft oflbrittal ratilien- of tIn- bond of ITtbm: nnd »vo ntv sure that no limit of the o'd I’nioit |vntj coil'd be nniited, wboni Itey nnd we would nutrej ib'liglit to honor, none who ha* been more trim, whether as an ally or as ,n opponent,untie who bus al vays In-, it more firm .r better tempered bis firm no-* with dignified inn- iletntlon—o n* to eoitim tnd the good feeling nnd r sport of all. The successful Bxortlnn of Id* great inline, coin violence nnd in promoting Itatinol.y Im*>. fell, nnd gintefully nppreeinti-d >r since the fest Couv.-iitioti agninst the Tin ill'. I .le»i ite* Iiiui (;-r,«pinuoii tl) n« one in uniting to support vvln-nt, the old parlies chould suit umuo tin'll politi id union. All mint regret ll.n' e.reiim*t:.nees should li -ve toinpelled Idm to b nve bis 11 .c«* i«. I'ongnu# where mo vv.t* mote honored, and valued by bis co - leagues, who unite in expressing tin tl.e ions |o*s <o them nnd their rnu*o winch i* fid I in his resit tint ion. Highly appreciated x* h's elini- r nnd se. vices me in our State. Mr. Riehnrd«>n tnot a.b-.pi .tely npprecintrd owing to his mo- lo*t nnd uiinbtru*ivo course. T-> value him ns he merits, men must »orve and consult with him. Those vvl.n have doneso bear united and strong testimony to bis prudence, sactneity, and .niecnty.Jiu short to hi* possessing all the most solid and vab.nt.le rlmr- teii»lie» ofa publicinnn. In .ej> icing, therefore, at th.- prospect of seeming bin. again na u poblie servant. we me «uro thnt wo but give to the voice of South Carolina. To him tbo office of Governor L not any step higher in the nuni.itnent of |>ub ie; but if it were »o. wo believe no mania i W Stnto won’,! dispute bi« title to enter tlio temple «l" L»ttot, as he has already e.-m diid vviilitbc old Baniane.oudilionof j tia*:ngfirst iliroUgb the lunp.o ofVlfluc. FRIDAY, JANUARY I7,.I«B>- A BEG.VI 1 A AT SAVANNAH. Otlf K-adeis a ,ll p< icciie tbot filO " Tallulah llnal (JhiO," reectilN- formed In dii* city, cut.tom- pla'e a Begnttv in Fubruary. ! We nutieipnt- tt d iv of rations] onjoyment. In untieing this n w c!u!», n few .l»y» sinc-t In our eoliiinti*, wo wo'jbl, if our lituiva hud allowed, (ronttiu t.vl ns ti.ey were by n dkninutioo of our force, U-yond our control.) have ullud"d tu tlio Lower Vrr.rk Un it ('/vA, which, compos-d i‘ r '"" clpnlly of public spiiin-d inr-r.botiics of «mr city. Imve tire credit of entertaining our dtixena nnd i(nr.sirni re-idenls ibis ntbletir nnd rimnly •t’Ortfor fl.o pi|.| two years. Tlm fir«t vt-nr they wero van.piished by Geia-rnl Charles Floyd, whose '•xperior r:-- in these matters ma le him a powerful roin|M>uiur nnd at whoso challenge, they entered the field. Cen. F.'s canoe, the Lizard, provod too swift forth.-ir l>eau' m.aUd nf n clinker built boat— the Star. But, iiko truo game, they bom their re- vere-s ns men, and, by their magnanimity uml nnblo .1.•pun merit, won tlm ndmimtion nf all. 1 lie victor, too, wns so much pleased with tho'r getit'e- m.qly bearing, under defeat, us to confer on the CbA*. the victorious Lizard. Trio s.-irond year tlm Lotcrr Crcekt came up to tho tinning point with renovated ardor: bringing for-wurd n new plank boat—The Floyd, named nfur their generous competitor. She distanced -broil other*, of six our#; two of them muix! boats —“ y/.c (}nddm of Liberty" and “ The Caro• line King'," and “ The Haladin," n plank fmat, (tin latter reduced to five», halfway in tho con text, by the fracture of mm of lirr mlba-kx.) In the xecond race, (all cutim boat* and four imr.*,) with their victorious Litfird. TllK Crekks crept abend of tho tli.rm galhnicompetitoni—The Goddcit of Liberty, The Snake, und The Star ; leaving tho second bunt, The Ooddctt of Liberty, 230 foci ostern. With tli.-sn result* of an bonornbln perseverance, wo were, Inst .May, highly gratified; frjr it it almost a received maxim, that—*' tlio man rising above mi.fortimes in this pilgrimugc of life, is on object ..ii which angels even might gaxe with envy. Tint Crooks bore, ton, tlmir triumph* with at much grace ns their previous defeat 'Tin such men, composed of such mnnly mate rials, to whom the Tallulah bent Club now throw the gti.intlot, for this inspiring and bonutiful spurt. Ollier powerful competitors, bitnerto succos*ful, from the inlands of ovtr Const will, doubtless, brush up for tho gnmos, in which they mny hereafter be hailed us victors, for n vanquished opponent is not to bu despised. Wo trust to sue them nil partici pate. it. February, iti promoting n mnnly recreation, and iu usscri.bliug tlio beauty of two conterminous Suites, tu witucsstbe S(iul*«tiiTing llegntta. Wu annex u iln»cripti»n of tl)0 buyls ln-ld by tlio Lower Clocks, v lmse victorious laurels, the Tallti- 1.Ii boa s will have to strive to di*pluco, in tt.ucuii-' test l’^' supremacy in rowing. Tho Floyd, of six oars, is 33 foot Imig and clinker Innli. Sim wux built iu New York, by Slin.iihurg, from u model fund-bud by the Lower Creek Club. Tho Tallulah nnd The Ariel, of the Tnllttlnh Club, or either, will muku a raco with the Floyd interesting. Thu l.izard, of four our*. Is iu length 20 feel, G inches. Gen. Chnrlos Floyd lius thu credit uf building Imr, Tlio Savannah, of the Tulltduh Club, we hope to see entered, ns one of Imr coiuputittus. it will be ennui' uguiusl tlm clinker built, and will, of con iso, Im exciting sport. But The l.izard, us woll ns The Floyd, merits Imsls of competbors. L- t I hem cnirm from St. Marys—-nn.l the intermedin to islands;—-from Augusta, and froiii parts unknown. Tho lists are open. Who'll'tilt in tho presence of Mi lovely fair. GERMAN FRIENDLY SOCIETY. At the * nnnivor«nry nmetb gof this Society h> Id on Monday ovcnii)|> last, the following gentle men were elected officer# for tlio ensuing yeui: Joseph Fell. President* Jim. F. I’tisey, Vico I'lusid-nt. J no. W ngucr, Tronsiu ur. A. J. Unapt, Secretiny. •* Andrew Hu»or, ) DANK OF DARIEN- An election »n*lmld on Toe#d .y last, for Direr- tors of tbu Blanche, of said Bank, which resulted at fu'.lowst rarMWrJgc,ille—J L ll-rrii, W A Temtilla and f i L Demining. For Macon—t) C Campbell, J G Mooro and A. Ay»r*. For Pal,lonega—\V B Wofford, John Cli"H"it, iiimI J J Singleton.—Parien Herald, lIMiiul. COUNTY ELECTIONS. An rbmiun for ofliccr* for tho Comity of Glynn, wa* bold on Monday tho filh, und resulted in tbeclioico of tlio following gentlemen wi hunt ojh pusition; For Clerk of tlm Superior nnd Inferior Court*, Jain. * Moore—For Sheriff, John Franklin, Jr — For Receiver Tax Returns and Tux Collector,Miclt- n<-l I'oiisidl—ForCoioncr, Joseph M. Wing—Jus tice Pi-nee, 2Gth District, Alex. Scranton—County Sunoyor, John M. Tison.—Prune. Ado. JOHN C. CALHOUN. Tlm following letter from Mr. Calhoun, we find ii. Hit: Charleston Mercury. Il pluccs him on high ground. WASHINGTON, Jon. 7 My dear Si.: I encl-se an extract front th • Intel- ligenccr. which w-id show yi.ti wimt those who are op|K>-ed to me tire making of tlio letter of your correspondent, rapubHslic.1 in that p?por, I know t.oi who your correspondent is, noi have I any rea son t» believe that lie was actuated by any unkind foo ing towards mu iu writing the I- tt*-«; but l titusl say, bo bis feelings what they tnny, bo ba* not placed mo cither in my true position or one tlmt i« I ngrm oblcto me. I urn no u-q-iruut to tho I'rcsi. deucy, i>r ever expect tu bo. T u bold mu up a* such is to do me greul injustice, and weaken nte in u.y elf..It t-- carry oqt file prim-iplus .red policy f.»i which 1 have long cont.-nded. and which I hold fur mure dear than any thing in the gift of tho Gov* ernment or people. To nceomp!i.*h an object 1 h-.lii so high is uml has been the solo motive, for many year*, tor my foiiiuitiing at my post Imn-; and wlienuveri find that my is no longer of any avail towards it 1 shall cheerfully, leav ing to others to struggle for nn hdiiot, which, however high or worthy of contest has long hud hut few charms f»r nm. As t»thc political movements hereto which your correspondent*, in rela tion to wlmt ho culls “ tho succession," nnd which he says is absorbing every thing else, 1 know nothtug. If they exist, In* docs well in representing me us passive ns to wlmt i* going on. All who know me know that there is not u member uf Congress who takes less interest in that to which lie alludes. It is well known to ull my friends here, thnt my wish, individually, was and is, that th- y should bo perfectly passive us to what volutes to office, nnd to vote for tbe names of those presented, hy with whom wo are acting, unless there should be some valid personal objection, in order liint wo might have greater weight in enrrying out thp measures wo desire. In ull this, I ninkn no complaint, imr do 1 intend censure,and hud tho letter appeared in a paper of any other State, or in any other than n fth-udly one in nty own, it would have passed without notice fiotn mo. Bill, having devut d tho host portion of my life to tho servi. u of the Suite and IJtib-n, w ithout the hope, or oven tho .Indie of toward,. xcept sueli ns flows ft-niii the conscious discharge of duty, under trying*. 1 ennnot but li-el -on-ibly any circumstance (such I believe this to he) . a ciliated to enst doubt on my real motives, by holding me up us an iMpiiutil for any i-lficc in thu gift of tl.o Gov- urnmunt, or people. Youis truly, J. C. CALHOUN. hot name. Tlm Lightning l* n dangerous customer, nnd has thu* fir maintained her pus lion ut W .ten of the 4 oared doss. Next mine sumo scrub racing—although I" this, tnvand of tint crack boat* were i-ntc’icd. Otlnr* of a second class, but nfn ftujicrlor cinnpl' tii.-i.t of onr*, came in against them.—Each paid I * •'•i- a* n separate fund for lint row- rs. and the St. Marys" ouuuipped every tiling with ut-par- rent ease, Inking ihi* soennd putso.—lour boats wi re entered for this lost rare. Tho day wa* fit.o f rout *perl*, could not Im liner,—nil tho boutt look, d well, being in co.nI trim nn.l well rowed. Tbe cntiteU iiiuoug the Ii unred l.o.its wa* a fair one—it was titialionded with .o.yucehJrnt, onelt boat bating done h-r l est. Altboucli Col DuBignim’s b. ut was l.- j.t. n. her spirited ow ner I*entitled, tl has r- c. ived tin-thuidm of tlm Ht. M-.ry* Bo it Club fi.r coming hero und ntiiiniing them n contest. Be assured, the C'-1. will not ii-int.iu la-uten—bo will only Ihi tlio mote dangerous competitor in coming trials, fur tbit Into defeat. The boat " St. Marys," wn* built in this place by nn ingenious and aged mechanic i.f our own soil, and ilcrmv. slho utmost ere .it for this tp. ci- men of u raco boat; sho is now, in my opinion, among the lleeteM boats on the cost; nod although I should not Iiko t» scu h.-r beaten, 1 should like to see lior cl a!!-*ngcd. All thin;* went off smoothly, und the only re- prer wn* that th" iN-c .«b>ti failed in calling forth the Bunt G'luhs along tho const. Yours tmly, Z. St Marys,Jan. 10. SATAlTiTAH* SATURDAY, JANUARY 18. 1810. .— Ip Flag of the figs! still hear U.y sway, Uiidiinm’d through ages yet untold ; Q’or earth's proud realms tby stars displny, Like taoruiii"'* rn.limit clou.Is minified. King of the skies! still peerless shine, 'l'lin.iicfi ether's nr. a re vault unfurled, Till every hand and heart c-titwine, To sweep oppression from the world. FOR PRESIDENT. M A It TIN VAN l!tl REN. von. viev yiiv.MnKNT. JOHN FORSYTH. Subject to 1 (indecisioniif n Convention. K7 No paper mail yesterday fr« north of C'haileston. 1 the office* (CP Several favors, excluded to-day, will receive attention to-morrow, F. A. Stuitim.T, ) Sn-WMi-ih. Committee on Accounts.* I’ur3e, ) John Milieu. >Coi George \V. Mo- tv, ) ) Y ('ommhteo of Charity. (i.-org<- A Ash T. V.-isiillo, I*. B IVndor.; \V. I. MllOII', C. I.udekor, 'j PENNSYLVANIA. The Legislature of tie* Keystone Stnle m l lit Ha- i isb'-rg e.irly Inst wtt' k. Gen. Rogers ol Ruck* county, wns elected Pie. to tutu of the Sotuiti-.aii.l Mr. Hopkins of W’a-hing- t.i.i iv-iin.ty, Sp.-akor of thu li»o»-. B*»iIt of tbrsu ge title me ii u.o Van Buren De.t'iM-rats, nnd liolli w.-iv el.-eii-.lhy Ini go in-ij-rtte*. In tho House, Mr. MeKIwc- u-kr.l leave in u bill lepeuling thu charter of the United Suit, s Bunk. Mr. Ponte man offered n resolution requiring the Bmks to resume on the 1st of F. bruary. and an- tl.o. iri.-gtl). Governor, in ease of rcf.u .l, to declare their i ha.lets forfeited. At 12 o'clock tlto message wns brought into both houses. CONGRESS. In the Senate, on Friday. Illili inst. Mr. Wnlker pies.-iited a memorial fr -m numerous citizens of Kb ri-bt, in favor of a division of that Territory hy the “ Suwnnee" river. Mr W. stated that n great bo-iy of tbe of East Florida wen* in invor of such a ino-t«Uiv; they desired »iuit it might in- f«rmod into iwi» State.*, us tbcieinterest* wen- ia •onto measure sepi-nte and di-tinct. Mr. W. lliuoght h n matter, uf great importance, nnd well worthy the consideration of Congress. Mr. Calhoun -nggesnd that i< might lie on tbe tnblelm a low ilay*. h* tbeie were rumors that a Constitution bnd been formed. Ho agreed with tlio Senator llwt it wus, indeed. a matter of grave im port, und should bo proceeded in with all due dejib- NEW Y UiiK, Jnn, 9. Hire- .United Siau -, Bunk , 3I do do do 81 do do do i!l do do do * ti trout!,* 77 50 50 50 A fairbu*i>io*# wn* tinasiret'-d ni tint »t*K-k ex- eltango this morning- Atu- rienn Exehmgc Bank closed nt ititprov, ntesit *-l 1, Delnwutv n:,.! Il.nisoii and Stouitigtoti Rn'l Ro-.d ol 5; I'bei i\ Bank, and llnileot and Mohawk ru.lrond of j. nnd New Jerm’i rad naid • f I ! *»r c-nl since je*.. ida\ Mr-Walker a*i •hon'd bo eot»id.- die Journal) !•» ret that the Sew'tor v fi.c tnotui ria! .ted, pnivMi-d that th. >1 ns made (uml >0 eutet it tou select e-nnmilt.’ ..Id call it UJ. in n few d.V 1* then laid on :h<- tnlde. .1 o f Florida- mot in red .. ...... 1 Dry D.» k Bank .b dined 2; Faratera Tiu-t C.. 3; of th- North American Tnwi C > J. and Medi.nie* Ban . | o,j motieii ing Atsodnlioti 4 per cem. United Suites Bank* Book,Bank of Commerce scrip: and Can ton Co,dor<td .tt yesterday'* pii- es.^ Exrkange—Wv qu to tubs on E-.jjbtt.dat CaCj pgtittium. The rutua upon Piiilwlclpbia ere not quite »n favorable ns tlwjr wete y.-st* rd y. T ho foll.iwinq were tbe sale* at tlw boft'd tiiis si- ruing. $1000 on .deplda, 3C1 #2000 d» l*2l #3000 do !>2| 'llu- Hon* packet which tai!r,|yctctJay,rnrtie« out #2ti,t).l0 in s|hx-Io. Miiitare. Or cup Tlie Senate n-'fited the rot>*i.lerati..n of the bill lot the iH-eiipnt 1011 of Florida l.y tinned settler*. N!i. Strut-p* ad Ircss-’d t’.io Senate a: much length in upjK.'iiirtii to the bill. Mr. Tt- moved t.« recommit the bill, with ir.struettuus to make sundry am.-ndtn.-in*. ti.o diief m wlti.-li w >s .indrr*tiH»d to he that thelarid* cl for ann<-d settlement dum'd not e-.ine into |h» M AINE AND GEORGIA. From the N York Journal of Commerce, 9lh intt. Governor FitiilU-ld,(>f Muino, iu bis am- Mnssng.-, hold* 11 veiy enneillatury toi:o iownr.1* G<-«r»i.i, in rugtird to the coliltoversy between the two ht.rtes, growing out of a ilomui.d upon the formet by tin: lutl.-r for tho surr. taler of two citizens of Maine . linrg.-d tbu ubduction of a slave fiom tla- Sutie .1: Georgia, us luginvu* from justice. Alb.ding to the lute project ol*a non inierc-.iuso law, bio.ig.,1 forntir-l in tbu G.-orziu L.-gisInlure ut its .ust ses sion, but not ..dopiod, G.ivoi nor Fairfield, (n.-t ul that lin.u the Issue) says,— Iflli -re wn* tin- lea«t probability that such n m- n- ruru could succeed iu tla* Legislature of Gu. sum.- counter lic it.n nit our part, might, pi-rhiqi-, be no. ros-nry. But I ant sure it cauiiot pr> Vail. Thu imipositioii socl.-ntly violates the Cotislittition of the Unit. <i States, nnd is so subversive, 11.11 only of tbe plainest piinciplosof luw but of common s.-nso and common justice, that Iho intelligent Legislatures of that distinguished mid gallant Slate will never suite- tiott it. The late Governor of G. orgin and my pte- decessors,though not Agreeing in tlieircmisiruction of -li.i in regard to the rclntivn right* nnd obligations of the Shih-s, yet differ, principally, upon a question of fact, to wit, whether the persons dentatali-d wore or were not fugitives frit's justi- o. For the decision of this question tl.o Cons iuilioii lius e-lahiisl.ed tin 1 ril.ti.-iil; and Muino iu duiming nil ci/mil right \stilt Georgia, to examine mi l do- il, heliev.-s that she i* 01,h not violating the Constitution, bin is planting horse if upon the great (loeirtie of State lights. Upon 11 quest inn nf this *.u t. then, when* there is tuuml to oxist an hon.-st dilli-iouco >.f 0pinion, surely it would bu w.irsu limn b.l y re at-r iv the citiz. ns of the raspertiv-j Suites iu host tie nltiiiide, und to regnul laigo clu-sus i.f iho citizen*, i.’.liscriinii.iuely, of one State, us only lent on tin of erimo wle 11 enterng tbeu-ni- lory of tbe other. There- is no reiis.ui why Maine nmi Ge-trgin.thoii-.|. widely sepnial.-tl .111 ilie map of.he e»tn.t! y.slitiiiid not he ni-i.ilyiiHied hi mutual r-npret. imer- st, and kind nfiicr*. Tl.e state of p»e>;»e f.-eling m Maine has been entirely mi-om ceive.l l>; ilie lain Governor of G-orgia. Il tla-re nr- any ainoiig us who tire disposed t>.i .terfeie w ith the domestic in-tiiniioi.s «-f Georgia or any oilier Stall’ in vi.-lati -n of law, or wb» me disposed to o!.sirnet the public in the siri.-.iest pc. form >lice of the ion to d-Iiver tin fugitives from justice, he the offence wlmt it may, the maun’ r is extremely limited. I nm pitr-.iad ed that the present up parent fe. ling in our sido-r Suite, wi.l soon yield t«> jusier views; and thnt 110 mot ofbi'ierness will he'.d to spring upb-. tween'lie twoStates lending pcrinaii.-ntiy to lit)* rt the penceful ti.ul Iriett-lly re'nimns lint ought « vet to Miil>*i»t I>etw.-en the tii.-iiibers of uur great conted* racy, nnd wliieli, I am eonlide. t. tlio citizen* nf thi* State are di posed u-.-idumi-lv nnd slnerivly to eiillivnle. [ Kl«ewhere Governor Fab field *int*-» that the principal point in dispute is, whether tho two men demande.l, arc in fact fugitives from j isti^e j [They certainly tire.— F.d. dear ] Correspondence of the National Intelligencer. NEW YORK Jim. 9. Mr Webster, on Monday vi-ning Inst, met in tlw Capitol of Ma*snclHt-"’tt-. at Bo-ton, a huge mint- tier ol tl.e tr» inl cr* of the Legislature, nnd of bis f. flow eit.7.011s, win* web’ll.ned him h one with the liveliest .lemoiisirsti -ns of respect and kindness nn.l whom he addressed for over an boar, on matter* of ii* nice, tin- compromise upon the tt.rifl', &c. &c. To G n. H'.rri«on|io cheerfully give hi* siippmt, not a -til'.on, Lut bis best wishes, and lH’*t elt«.i1»for sucres*. A Valuaiilk Siixr —Mr* Stump on White'. C.'rvek, I'enitersce, has mitinfa.’ltirod a In uiiiit il •haul fiom silk |rewn tnhrt own (J»hUhi. ..-trier- till Jummiv. 1312. .; Mr. Wn'I, the motion of Mr. Tap. jHtn, will, itit mtionJai.-n*'. wa- ordered to lie *>n the tnbl- till to inor.ow, and the utiwmlmcnu to b*. printed. Alter an Executive reirion, tl.o Senate aJj.ajru* ivi. Tho House was ergapil on the New J-r*cy can- tested ebviioa. Mr. Itando'nh cuiiclud.-d hi* *|Hwrh. and was loll awed by Mr. Snethef Mr.. Mr. Starkweather, and Mr. k Ufford of Me. J.i the 1'iHin* ol lu* sjnvch. Mr* C. read,us a put lin ii nf, the tintrmeul of tit" reason*, drawn op b> the Clark, which governed him In hi* curse. the ap|M u.lix to tin* pojwi wa* read dimugh, u m<x lien lu tiJj.Hiin prevaib’ti- AUGUSTA, Jan. 11. H.OirToS CrtCttSK.—The following bors'-s hern enUTcdl'-r tuts day’* purse—$Jl)tl—two mile h'-nt . B EJm-.iW* g m Alice Ann. five year.* old, by Dii.otnr. Jr. out of n Galia'in miire. Smit.. Towns’ b «• by i nported Hedgfurd, darn hv Cj A.Uuiu, 3 From the Urn nt wick Advocate, I Ith in-t. REGATTA AT ST. MAKY>. We ate under o’digation* to .1 v-i.ocd friend at St. M-irvv, f.n the n»tieeof tlio Regatta a: that pi it e on tl.e dill last, Mr. Davis: Dear S i,—Ihefir-t annual Regatta of the St. M «rys b'.Ht club came ..n the 8th. nn.l tbe following* were entered for ti.o b onr’.l pur re, viz.—tin* Club boat *’ St. M ».}■«,"—anotlii-rCliitilaiit ” Car oline King,"—aim Col. Henry DuBigtaiu't boot •• Sarah Catherine." The boats starred ul slackwiita-r, enc mile nbo.e town, and ran through tiio inilo iu the following 1st Boat, tho " St. Mniys.” 2.1 Boat,"C redine Kmg.,’70 feet astern uf the first, 3 l Boat, “ Sarah Se Ciyhcrlnij," 2 l-2ft.a«torn nf :lte'* C. K."—Time of 1st Iknh, G m. 30 sec. Four ...tre.l bowere then called to tho field by 'Ih- ile aid*. n«<l hot one 1 aunclio * nut. This wa* the •* Lightning," which was entered hy tie- Club having l>«en humid to them by her owt ■ r lor the oe.MSlun. N .'limg ap^Kared again*! the Ligb'ioti*. and th" d.islH’d lltr.i.igb her 11..1. mini- trudid, J like it* »tuuk tr.’tti wi.tch took THE I'ASS AGE AT ARMS. We set n*id" to-day our nm- render* tin* opportunity of perusii.i* tlio late de bate nrnlteieiitioii. between Messrs. Clay nnd Cal- lintm, provoked hy the formor. It* pungency will reen'mmend it to all, wh .have not rend h, fm ithns been longer nn file tl.nti we wish, d, owing to tlio ah’ sonro of some of nurhuiul*. 'J he Slant.- Chamber wns, we Idirtt, brilliant widi the blaze of l» ni»ty. from 'If gallery, ai d tlm lob bies crowded witii brent bless spec'ntois fr>>m tbe olln-t I Inure. Oar readers can judge foribentselve* whether Air. Clay did or .lid not li.liigainsta wind mill. Leslie A. Thump* Mayor nf Tallnbassi"-. K-q., bus been elected Tin- Virginia Hnns«uf Delegates have livediipnu tin- 23d inst. ns ill.’ day ier aSunaioi nftl.u U. S. STAGE ACCIDENT. We regret to learn that tlm pr- prietnr of elm Da rien nnd Savmiu.iliS'tige *-ii-.t..ined a s.-riniis injury in tlm loss ufthrao horsesilr.’Wned, liv tin* tipsmtiiq; of thnS.ugo, «n this side of the Gg.-e.lmo Bridge caused bv tbe bors.-s tunning away, having been freighicn.-d by 11 country wagon. It seems I lie horses 11111 si might into iho broad river, car-ying off tlm pole, tlm king b.-U giving way. Tlm pa* sus tained no material injury. We regtt-l I bis the more, beetioso Mr. N. well, the enter prising propii.-ioi of tlm line, is n useiiil and patriotie citlzun, wtio lets in bis sphere il-mo mn*’h for Stivnni.idi Tlio wind b>ss falls on him. Mav Im be rewarded. [ Tel< graph, of yesterday. Wo midersltuid that tl.o long r I'apers will Im published in a few ft,rut a most important t.iMilimi n n liislnry of tin* Atm-iicnii (.'mi Inoke.l fut in ull quin lers with the iluvs. d Madison They will mu- material* fi.r ilitntioti, and art* greatest intor.-st. THE RIVER. Wiibin the tasl IW.'nty-foiii hour* our river bus taken n sudden ri-e, no doubt by tlm melting of the «n->w on tlm iin.iictnin:., and it is now high enough for steam boats to rea.’li onr wharves. [.lug. Const. 15th inst. Col. Fitzpatrick nriveil no Tuesday, ntSt. Marks freat Cuba with 33 blmid, and six Span iards, tlmir li-odorr* and keepers. If these ln.un.U are put into service, wv have moro coafideinm in tbe speedy cl.ise >.f the Seminole War than ever Ii. fi.r.’. We sl.eitbl ak*’to sen tin* c.'iijnc nfil-.g*. It m>i»tbu a •* bully crown."—'Tallahassee Star, 9 inst. c xt-’t but rumor , of which the city, llw clielwa, mwl %!#•• picture full, s«til tlwt th,mi> relation* are on- tir I* el.anp. d, nml hav>*. witliin, a few days, been substituted t.y minis of nn lut '.mate, frhu.dly, and euafi.b-ailxi natutu. And shoitiy nfur tlm tima win utlii* new slnt -ofihii.g* i« alleged to have taken pluce, tlm Senator gnao nolle-* b.tei.ihm tu mov'd to in milieu this hill. Wl.etb.-r this motion Im* or has not any c»nn'a:tion with that ad|ti«imcnt nf former diffen-tirvs, tlm public would, Im laid no doubt, l-e fla lluhtiow. At n|ievents, it i* itnpi.r- taut to know- in wlmt relation of support, nppn«itiuti, or, tlm Administin'b.u aetunlly stands to 1 tlii- tn.»m 1’tmn ttieasun t and he (Mr.C ) auppoa* ed that tho Senator from South Carolina, or soma • Senator, rmild L-oinmuuicntetlie desind infur- tit'll ion. . t Mr. Callmnn replied, that this wn* not tho proper oc.-n»ion to d'jeits* tho tueritsi.r tho bill; but if it went, the task would bo nil oa-yonn, to show that tho Senntm- Imd mint onotteou*ly clmroc- Poized it. Tin* qii< siimi nt issue is on tho refe- tortei*, nnd In* must expires his %tirp*ixent tho rea son ussigue-.l by tliu Sni.ulor why it. sjtould not ho , referred to rim e.immittcu to which it bad boon. ' His H-n-on is. that tin* committee was, for tha purr, composed of membois from tlio new-I States, nnd who would, t'u-reforo, Im (mi fuvorabla . to the bill. No one know butter than the donator 'but all bills -dem'd be .referred t<> c<-iumilt«o* fa- voiul.b* to 1I1.-111. Tli re i* no priueiple Irnttcr es- tnblishcd in tlm parliamentary code. It follows, that tlm very reason hv Im* a-signed for not making tHo reference, is tli.* strongekl to prove thut It should bo . made. But the Senator did not limit himself to objec tion* to tlm reference. Ho introduced other nnd • Minneoiis personal matter; and asked whether tho Dill Imd tin* snn.-tb.nof tlm Executive, nssigningos a reason fi.r hi* inquiry, that, if rumor was to bo credited, u fining.! of personal .elution# bud taken - plitce bet wren tli** President ond myself within tho Inst f«-w days. ' lb* (Mr. C.) w-nu'd appeal to tho ' Senate wli- it wns ib’CiMitis ..r proper that his pei' I- ladiins -b.mld bo drawn in question here. Wlwilier Im hltmild establish or sutpuml personal relation* with thu l'ro-ident or any other person, is n private ntiJ per«onal conecin, which b.-ioite* t-< himself in.livid, ally to dutoimitm on the propriety, without consulting any one, much losa • tlio .Senator It was none nf bis concern, and ha lius ho right to question me in relation to it. But tlm S-nmor u-sutnes that a uhntigo In my per-nnul relations involve# n elinngo of polilicnl posi.iun; and it is on that he found# fits right (o haiku tho inquiry. He judges, doubtless, by his own experience; but I would hnvu him to under* stand, said .Mr. C'., that wlmt may bo truo in hi* own case on a memorable occasion, is not truo iu mine. Hi- political courso tm.y he governed by personal consideration#, but mine, I trust, is go-' vert.ed stric-ly by tny principle*, nnd is nut at nil under tin. control 01 my attachment* or entnitios. Wlmt her. tlm President is personally my friomi or enemy, bn# no influence ovrtr me in tho dischnrgo of my duties, as. I mist, my course hat uhmulantly 1 pr.ivu-i. Mr. C'. cnnclud-d by saying, tlmt ho frit. tlmi-t!ie#e woro impiniior topic# to iatrodiieo Imre, uud that he Imd passed over ilium ns briefly at pas sible. , Mr. Clay wished it to In* understood, tlmt his objections v ore tint brenuso the committoo wns couipniM'd ofa majority who were friends uf tho meurtut.-, lull ilia' u mt.jori-y were from tho new. Stnie#, who were deeply interested, and that tiiis majority were *n judge of the tetmson which they w-.ul’l i-ei-elvo thm tnugoifci-iil d -m-tioii. He con- l-i .b .l tlmt lit# que-tion, it* to u",ether this was nn Ad .-ini.tiiiii.ui meiH.ire or not, was n proper on.-, as it wa# impei'iaut for • lu* ptihliu info.(nation.-— H- i.gnin referred to the minor* of Mr. CallimmY in.-w reimioiis with the Pio-idenl, mid supposed froiii lit-- dei'lstinriniis of the S.-tmior, tlmt tho#o rumor# were tt in*; and tlmt In# support, if nt pledged, wa# at least prom 1 #, d 1 otiilitiotmlly to the Admii.i tiniio'. NVa# it of no impniiuuce to tl.o p Mil* m I -iirii ihni tin'*" pledc- sued compromises ii.'d heeli en‘eie.1 into!—tlmt ri|--d-*til)gui*liud St- nut nr Ii..I mad- hi* bow in cud, kiss.-d the baud of tbu ni’ n ir.-li, wa* t'.koii into favor, und agreed li'-nc.rfiu il. 10 -uppori Id- edicts 7 Mr. (’ul.ieiin sat.l (In' S.-1111101- hud spoken much of pl.ii-.'.'#, tii.’ii-tsiniiditigs, mid |i»liticiil com- piiin.ise#. nn.l di.l.lfii elnuigu ul per#oiml tela- lion*. He (said Mr. C.) i# much more expo- i- i.-iio.-d in -tu Ii 'lung# il.nn 1 urn. If iny inenimy serve- tn*\ and if rumor- are 10 be truste.l, the So- imt»r Ii d a gu ill deal to do with such thing#, tq roniieeiinn w-illi h di# ingli.died citizen, now of tho o lie. Ib.ti-et m»l ii is not nt ull -u. prising, fruai bisexper eneo tliun, in Id* own ca-o, lliul be sbuuld not 1.0 indisposed to believe similar nmm.a of iinoi|i..-r 11-iw. Bui wbelli r lii * sudden diutisn of persona I rein tb'ti# 1I1.H1, rent bitter enmity to tho nt--At conli leiitiul frie.idsliip with that citizen, was prec.eil.-d l.j pl-dg s, 111. ierstiiudiugs, ai.d political compt-omiscs uu the pun of one or h->tli, it 1# tint lor mu iu say. The country bus !oug since passed on that. I’-ut, said Mr- C. ! wi'l nsstiro the Seimtor, if tli -tv wvi.- pledge# in lii* ease, there were none iu liilne, I In. vu tern-ilia ed lii) long siiSpumled per sona. ini.- arse with ti.o l’i< sal.-nl, without thp p|edg*’,ninl--r-iiii d'l.g.or comp.omise, nn Ie. 1 w .i*ild b tin mst to iveuiye or ux* a t -neli, Th- Ir-Hii tln-ii fi.rm.-i to their p .-si-’.i p> i-sonul leiation was .nsy mid niitaial, ieq<tiling 11 -thi'ig nl'tlnt kiml. Il gives me plenuro to say. lli'i*n|,e.iL,tt.a. I have up,’loved of ull tho b-n.ling iia-nsure* el tlio I', sin.-o bn tank ilm Evecutive, -imply Imcaii*.* they nee ad wish tlm principle# and which 1 huvo lung acted, nnd often openly avow. il. Tlm change, ili«’n, la Hiirpms.iiin'relations, Imd simj-ly folluwed’fi.ur political, Nor wa* it made suddenly, ii- llmSeimior'ges. K., far from it, more than tw.» year* have elnpsi d since I gave a declib d sup- pert in ilu b iiding ine.i-lire ol the Ex< cutivo and 0.1 which adolher# -ine« la-vo iiiinod. This l.».g iutemil was pcriii.lied to pus#, in order that hi* act# might giv» ustmumv vv lietlmr there was new* ii.uidei.i L* l*eiM u’H .110 p.'bt .till»i.-w s u* to tho priiici- j.i- s i: which the Govertiiueiit -hmild be administer- e.l f.efnre our |i<-r*»(iai relations - Ii add l,u eliuiiged. 1 ’h-piie'd it due to both tliu* long to delay tlio i-lmug", among other lemon* to disc.iumenauco such nib* itiii.01* a* tim Sen-.tor allude# to. That hi# political emme ini.'lit bo judged (»iii,i Mr. Cal houn) by the object Im led in view, nud not tho suspicion and jealousy of lii# political opponents, it-would rejH-nt what Iw had said, nt th" lust »lm Gov Reid at lived in onr city nn Saturday after- noon, escorted by a company of Dragoon* nailer r.tinman.I of Lieut. Arnold.— Tallahassee Star, 9th intt. TWENTY-SIX’! H CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION. ill Senate, January 3. 1810. ALTERCATION BETWEEN MESSES CAL HOUN AND CLAY. (Repotted for Ihe Washington Globe.) Mr. Clay stated that ha n-gr it. d that he wn- de tained by ii..ii-|.o*itiot. thi* ii.ornii-g, mill prevented from being presen: wh- n ili ’ wn, iutioduceii by tin- Senator from South C.«r<di*n [Mr. C.illinunj for ceding thc|.iis-h« land# to cenn.11 S ale# within which they are -ituat-ih Ho lin.l tv:*lmd to #ugg.-*t som-*utii#r reference *-fit than to. the Commit'. um. tl.e i’.i'.lie Laud*; bat, im!e## sumo Sunnier w-ou'd move a reeiiiifci.ler.iti«»n i.ftl.e mil- r “f refi tenm-1-. that ri.inmittee, im Could not offer ti.o suggestion which In- vv.-bed to make. .Mr. So.itli.iul th- ii moved ri e ree«n*idoraiton. Mr! Cnlhmin reir.!irl.ed ti nt be hoped tin- S.-nate woula not agree to «'.« moiion. im "resume {.,»■ d reason should bo assigned why tl.e bill should not in, referred to tin* C* nimituv en th- l‘u!> ie Lund*. It wn* the npprepriate ferred itself to it »# 11 11 should Im •mu.' spec-fie and *tiffiri"iit ylijoction. Mr. Clay said lie wu* in-bff. rent n.« to the di«jH»- #i-ion of the matter, but, us ilm commute-* >vit# run- . titu’.oJ, four of it# five members wero froyi the new States. Hum* ant to iffcr no dli.vsjh-rt to tbetr: but he inu»t -ay Run t!.i* « a* -.1 mun«>ire w l.ieh, disguised ns it may *»’. an.l coloinMe us it, pr.oi- inn- were, wan, ta* ffect. a d- nation of upward* of „ne im .drvd milii.*»» ol uci-.-» of tlu.* c.-tuiiv.n pro pel ty of nil the S'ate* of this U*;ioti to j. .i-'cnlnr Slat. *, ilo did not th'.r.k it right that siieli a nan- sure should bccmninitted to si**- baud- nf Sontitois e*c e*ively n -eitiii.g thedonee-. He llimight thatn c-itnmiitee ought to boc .ii-titutml iu wnicl. tin* old State* -torn d lmvr a fuller ut.d fairer re- prixentmb-n We -liot.ld at l.-u-l |»n*-eivo |im de corum "f legislation, aud «.-t violate the iliccncicj otjiutiee YVIdlstup. Mr. ('lav would In glad to wln-tfer th-- Ailt:.>ui*ir..t]>.n i* in iTvor ol or -gain*i this IM-aSi.r.'. ••< -trtt.'l- tl.-lHltll U'.d UllCOH.illUtod. Till* inqaliv be*sl *•'.!«! r,.-t maire.ii the i««-• nt r«-lu* tin. *. !’#tw«-cn r1.e Sena'oi «In*inrnwfu,-,d 'bis bd! and the hvad l-t Ib.t All Ira,..,,,. o,ut,tiu*-*I to it tie- I 1 aimiitee. and the |.j:| re- •f course, unless totro # on, w..s hi# object. It i# said ho, to uhlitorulc all tlio-.! an a-ure- which Imd originated in 1 he nation al i’*ni*o:id<iiion -elm"I of j'oiiiis e, mid et.|ieeinlly tlio S -lint .r’- f.m- a* Am- t.cmi system, which ho be- lir.edto be li»»ti!e to the Constitution uud tlm genius ••four political syH.-m, and tlio n-nl source of at) tbe ilior.lei- ai.-l» to w hich tbu country was or bud I.- en fubj* ct. Tl.i* done, be was for giving the Govern.M u; a fresh depa.tiire, imho diri-ctiun iu w-'iiel, Jeffcs .11 mid hi* n*-ociutu# would give, were t!n*y it-.vv alive and ut the holm. He stood "h'-ro in- had always >too.l,.,n the old Stale Rights ground. His change of |iei.*i>i.:il leiniio,,*, which gave *0 tn ii’h eonr.-rn to tin* Senator. *0 far tiutti invuhi.ig any change in Iti# principles or doinr.nua gre of them. M. Clay said he hud .mil *r*tn-al tlm S-nnor ns felicitating him*i-lf on ti.c .•|i|.orl.iiiiiy wliieh had h'-ct. ii..w aflorde.l him hy Mr.C ol d-fi: ing a.o.e Ie# political pu-i.ion; und Mr. C. nitt-t say tli .1 in- I.11.I now defiin-d i very c.i arly. nnd had apparently given it n new- defitd.iuii. The Seimtor now- •ieelaied Hat tril ,tl.e Icnliaf ineusure* of tlm. lire,rut A.l.i.ii.i-t|-,i;ou laid met bis approbation, an i -hon'd receive hi# support, it turned out, then that'lu-minor to wli'.’h .Mr. C. had alinded was true, mid that the S mi tor fiom South Cnmlimy might lie li-renftcr regarded us s snppoiier . 1 this, since be Imd ilcchircd ti.ul all its b-ndiag ii.c«miics wercapp.oved by him, and should imve hi# support. A* to the ullttsion the Senator from South Cared'wa Und muJw in ieg*trd t«i Mr. C# -wpportof the he-id ofnnoth.-e A.ltninistiutinn, (Mr. Adams) it oecii,'.ni"d .Mr. C. in. j.irn whatever, it wns tut old story, witicti imd long beun sunk in oblivion, except when tho £>-nut»i’and a fi w others thought proper to bring it op. But wlmt weto tlio facts of tin.. ••«*•• 7 .Mr. C. wn* then n member of the House of Ri’pre-fi.luiive*, t>. v In ni tbre.- pen-on* hnd been returned, fr-.tii whom it •'«« the duly of tlio House to m*k« a seteelmn for th-’ I’re-ideney. A# lu 01 o of lim e candidate*, bo wu-kinmti to In* it, ull tinfnr immorn <liitoi..ui vri. ei, *yn.polluted with him tn*.ii- ti .itnli t .\ir. C. ( tlm So- tiat. rfioat S-.u‘itC..r»iii.adid i.nt. That g"t:tb-muu was therefore out «»f the questb u u« u cun.lida'c fi.r • be Chief Magi«trai:y; ond Mr.l'. bad coiisnjueatiy tliu only nlteriKiiiveot the il!u»tiiou# individual at tl.o Hermit .go. n.-i’f the nun who wns n-w distin- guiihml iu the Huuh* ol jlepre-rtilativc*, and who Imd I. I I »• iimtiy j-ultlic place* wirii honor to him- •*•!(, nud fH-nefit in tl.e country. And if there was any truth ia .istoiy.ih" eh ice wji'eh Mr. C. then •n#d« wa- j reei-Hv tin* rh-.|ee wbirli lit# >eictt..r fr**m*> uti. Cbr-dumhading*tl upon Iti# I'lie N" vtor i. tioe.f im.l <l . !ar. «l Ins p-efeietiee of Y<. i *-oJ.’i-l #-m. iimriutlic siiaiu elnun *, md !ii#*... S'iiU.'M-'lmd itlipiuved it frntir that rfjy •oi,.., . i d - i»ul’l. >, t-. inly 11 i-tory Mimld rut dy itil , 1 »• i i :• tin- tc-i.+a il -tu S Carolina