The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, January 18, 1840, Image 3

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4- $ 1 iiiuhi' tiny tiling out of llmt pan of Mr. Cs |>ublic i nr«* r if ho could. , Mr. C. d ll-d him, TlfSnint'irl.iiil nlluilivl to Mr. C.nitliPndvncnlc r»fr<mi ( 'Mmiy*. Ceil.Inly hewn#. TtiDGovortitininl luoif, to it ^r.-atcxtcut, was found' <1 and rested on roinjipmiiM ( unil i|io purticul ir comprotnu'O to which ullu*h»n huil been made, Mr. C. tli'Oit-lit no mnu ought to Ih) more grateful for i< than ilio Some t«»r from South Carolina.* ifit for that compromise, Mr. 0. wm not nt all confident thnt In* would Imvn now hud tlui honor to niucllhm Senator fuce to fuco in this national Capitol. The Senntur hud (aid that III* own position was tint of Siam Night* lint uduit was thn rharuc.ior ot tie* hill? li W'usa hill mstrip seventeen of tho State* of their iightful inheritance to soil it nil for n mess of pottage; lostirtvndorll fori trill——amino nominal sum. Tha hill wa<, in effect, mi nttempt to strip nnri rob ieventoaii Stairs of this Union of their property, and assign it over to soma eight or nine otlmr Stnto*. If this was wliut the Senator railed Vindicating th# rights of tho St ms, Mr. C. prayed (lod to deliver ui from all such tights and ~ nil such nilvoenlus. nil such advoentos. Mr. Calhoun said, that ho would not ho forced, nt this singe, into a discussant on tho moil's of the bill; but when tho proper tnnu nrrived, he would allow that the Senator wus entirely mistaken as to its churactur, in supposing it made a gift of tiiu pub lic lauds to tlui S'ates in which they luy. So fur otherwise, it secured one-iuilfof tho whola of tho gross proceed* of iho States to tho Government throwing th* whole hurdeti nnd nxponsoofndminis* truiiuii oil the new Stairs. Ho would not he sur prised, if, ou « fair statement of iho account, the Government would receive'ui much, under tho hill, a* under the presoul system* It wus, in-sides, not only consistent with Stale Rights, hut grew out of them; while, ut tho suinotime, ho verdy believed the meusuru wus essential to the peace and liurniony of the Union. Tho Senator has said, Mr. FresMont, thut I, of nil men, ought to bo grateful tu him for the com pro mise net. [Mr. Clay. I did not sny “to mo.*’] Tim Senator claims to be (to author of thnt mea sure and, of course, if there be any gratitude dm, it must he to him. I, said Mr. Cultmiui, mudo no al lusion to tlint net, hulns the Senator lias tlimiciil proper >o lefer to it,and claim my gratitude, I,in turn, now tell him I fed not the least gratitude towards him lor it. The measure wus m-ecs-nry to save the Senutor noliticirilv; und us lie Inis ulludrd lo the subject, until on this and on a formal occasion, I feel 'round to explain wliat might otherwise have been left in oblivion The Senator 'was tln-u cum pcllcd to compromise to save himself Events had placed him flat on his bnck, nnd ho hud no way to recover himself but by the compromise. This is ini utter thought. I wrotomorc titan half a dozen nflct- 1 tors huinu at the time to that uli'cct. 1 shall n»\v explain. • When a minority forces a dominant majority (which lias cntiveitod power into un instrument of .oppression,) by State interposition, ur nullification, it you please, to taka that by force which they hud taken under color of luw, tho.-o who receive tiie least slinre of tin- spoils,will not he d.spo-'ed to resort to tiie hazard of.force. Such was the cuso of die Senator’s con*tituuuts. Tlt -y received, unde- his American system, a miseiahle pittance,orrelliur un pittuueo ut nil; and he would have found it a dillicalt tfi-k to bring them to sustain his system by force,its tie must have clearly s- en. Rut till* wits not the only, or even thn principal dilliculty with him. Tho prucliiniuiion njid tims«a,^e of Gup. Jucksoii n cussarily rallied mound him all thn stead lust t‘ri< nils of the Senutor’s system 'I hey ..withdrew their uH -giunc- at once from him, mid ^^.transferred It to Gen Jackson. Tho Senuior me thus h-li in the most hopeless condition, with no tnoro wnight with his former purtUuu* than this uh'-ot of paper, (raising a sheet from his desk.) Th-s in nil. Thn position which Gen. Jucksoii had assumed, n cussuilly intracu-d towards him u d.s* lingiii<li.-il Senuior from Mussuchusetts, not now hots-, [Mr. Webster] who, it is clear, have leaped nil the political honors nnd ltd vantages of tin- system, had the contest come m blows. Tin**, cuusi-s undo the political coiidilion of the Seoator tluly fori >rn at the lion-. On him tested nil the re sponsibility, n* the mil..or of tin- -y.-lem; while ul t u power tind iidl<n-nre it guve, had p.s-ed iiiiu thn ti.iiids of ■ tl.ors Coiniuomi u wiis ihu only nieaus of extrication. He was thus fotccd by tin* iictiuii of tin* Sinn- which I in pint represent, nga'msi jiis sysn-m. 1, by my counsel in compromise, in or- .der to suvu himself. I li.ol the m -sn-iy over him wu ,tlio uioos.on. 1 Iiiivo uevur inki-ti any c.euif for my nceney in iliucoiiipromisi-nei. I cluitn a higher that of compelling the; nnd I would have ilirtiiti-d my terms, which wus to idluw to the .year 1848 for iliareduciinu, taking nil' one sevciith unnuiuly of ad duties ubu-.c Hit* en p-i cunt had not cuvum-dunces, not proper in explain In-re, prevented it. .My colleague knews, 1 h--li'-ve, to ivhut I ullmle, ffl tinnigh l inn not c- min. I never eoiilcnip'nted ii 1$ midden ivdticii n ofriiiliit-; 1 knew it would he ru- y-j inniis. 1 never d.-rir* d to destroy the uiainifnutuivs, nml at no lime couteoipiuti.-d a lull under ■ 'j »k«*r sin rn years. ■i Hot although I fed nano of thnt gratitude tho ) Senator claims, yet 1 mil w illing to nel lowlcdgn -'.j that he is lint without mm it fur hi* course on tho /r .occasion. It was soul* tiling to seivo tho counity, though it was tiuecssmy lo *nve himsulf fdunpod- ■f, • licul ruin. 1 nccnrdiiigiy conceded to him cheer lul.y tiro sagacity of seeing wliut wus niH-es-otry to Inin-etf, tu-diho i>kdlnodjinlgnient with which he uintod il with it iiieu.-mre higldy honolicial to the « country. Blit his i-hiiibi- on th s nnd another nie- tminihle o -cusion has euneo.Ied what claims lie may bavo had on me, mid. I might add, on iliu State I • i- pi odont, null the whole South. .Mi. Clay was soriy to ho obliged to prolong this discussion; bill tiie reiniii'-* of die Seii.ilorliomSoiilh Carolina n-mh-red it iii'<v»*niy toudd u few ruiunri-i in vindirution of himself. Ho mad'- no nllosion, w Ji" said, to tho compiomisir hill, nil itw.i<«looe by Ilio Senatorfioin S-'iitii Caro in-i liims, it; lie modi* leiceleroiieelo lie i*Vi lit><il lii'J.j iintil-li--Scnftior ! himself h-iil set him the exutnple; m.d he li ul not jo tin- slightest nod tin- in->*t di-tant tminiiei allud. d V )i to Nttllilic.ition until ofter the Senator hiinserf hud • wf called it up. The Seutiu-r ottuhi not to littve in- Iroduc.-d tiuit sohjt ci e-p cially when m? had goto over to the nut liors of the force hill nnd tin- pioca* litiliun. Tin- S.-iiaior from South Cnroliiiu said that he(Mr. C.jwas Hui on Ins hack, und that ha wus my master. Sir, I w-on.d not own him ns my slave. Horny mns'eri««<! 1 com(M’}ied h. Jiiinl— Ami a- if il were imp -ssiide to go lar i n-.ugli in one paruginph, In* icfers to cm-fiin letters of hi* own to prove that I was flat on my hack! and lint I was •m-t only on tny ImeU but ui-oihci Senator nnd the i'lvsid.-iit had rol'ln d tin ! Iwns Hut oil nn hack, i; .und iiniihl'-to do uoy thing hut wlnit the duii.,tt<r . .from South (‘urolma permitted mo to do. Why, sir, (said Mr.C.) I gloried in nry strength, • nnd wits compelled to iutrodoce the cumprumhe hili; and compelled, tui. by tho Senutor. not in j consequence of the wetiknuss,-hut of tile strength, -of my position. if it wa-ro p r**inlo for the " Si-nuiur from South Cm.-luiu to iuiredueo,-onu pnrngritpli wiihmit nhowing the c-goti-.m of his clmracv r, In- would not now ackno.. iedgo that In* wrote It-ucis boino to »hoiv that In- (Mr. C,) was Hit on hi« buck, while he w-us indebted to him for tli it measure w hieh ri la-veil him from the jdillicul ie» m which i o was involved. Now, wliat •w-p* iho history of the case? Fiat ns lie wns on bis hack, Mr. C. said ho was ub.c to pioduco thut ,compiiimbi*, and to curry it through tin: Senate, in /ippiisiiiuu to ihu most struniioits exori,on» of the /•••in eninn who, the Senator from S-mh Carolina ^■a'd, had •upplunmd lim, and in*p t*- of mum I and unceasing opposid'in. fhere wae (mid Mr. C.)n sort of mw-ni y oj-cni'ing on me to non- j>,il m.-ioin'.r "duce that mensure. No ii- ecssity of a personal cb .rac-ter itiilvencnl Iiiwt; hut CfiMth-ru- (pn« involving the inten sti, the peace and bar- mony of the wh'da c -untn, as web u» ot -lie Stnlu of Soiitu Carolina, diivcted him in tl.u cour-w lm pursued. He *uw the couditMn of the Senator from Smith Carolina aad that of his friend*; he taw the c-.ndition io which In- h id reduced the gal lant little Suite of Snu'h Cnroiha by his unv»i*c und dangi'mii* measuie*; he saw, too, that we were on the eve of a civil war; nod lm wished to nave the effusion of blood-rthe bJuod «f our own fel low citiz.-ns. That was one rensnn why he intro duced tlMcump'Oinisc bill. There was ur.mii- r rea son tint powerfully opeiutt-i| an him. The very Inter »t that tin* tniiff lu\y. were onucted to protect —so great wa* the poser of the lliuti Chief"Magis trate. and so rapidly wu* that power increasing— » was in dancer of lining sacrificed. He raw llmt the protective sj-tem was in danger of Irnitig swept oway entiri |y # and probably ut dm it xt ses- •ion of Congress, by the tivi/mtidmis power of tho individual who then filled tin, Kxiretivo chair, and hu fdt th*t t|n-gp i.m.t |erv'ma di"t lm could ..render it, would lm to ohiu-n lor it “ a h ose f->r a • s [terra of year*,” to us*- an u»pros.i.m that h.nj hgeu - '■£ bcreioforu applied to lim compromise hill, H- s«w ; f ,,|hc necessity lh-it «*»|si#d tu s ive tin* pr-'ts'qjivw sy« . ti-mfi'-til the d*ugi r winch Itireuteind it. -.lim i*L-i<s»iiy tl^* gleai mien .is of |)*i ftillioil, IW 4U)/t i'/Vd W-T, lllfJ to T’t'Otf a ini , ijjurmooe t«# • di*>rue|ed nnd d<ti>M* "'Mitiy S at..I |t wvs ihsrcfuiv (liNt lm had hiMOgWl forward fin* .BJett'Uie. The ( uf>iu,u u, I <*iinv still binhor nnd tttori* strikingly iln* clnmc- tcrisiic* which h> long d to him, sui-l, that in e.i||. •njucnco of I.U (Mr C\) retnnrka this very «U\. uli oMigntiiin* towaids him on tho part of himti-ir, (Mr. Calhoun) *d the State ut Soudt C’-r him, and (Iso whiilo Sostli, wen- caoc*-llr-d. And svJtai right had th* Senator to get up i ml ns-umeto .peak of tho whole South, or even ot Smith Carolina her self. If he wa* not mistuki n In tiisjudgnn tu of tho political •!$'-» "f da* times, nml ifthc informatii n winch conic to hun wn*io la- relied on, a day w u!d conic, nnd that not very distant neither, wh n dm Senator would not duie to ri*.- in hi* place und pre sume tu speak nt ho had this day done, ns tin* organ ol tiie gnlfniil people of the Sane he tvp.a rentod. As tocnunolinenl of uhligntiuns, la* was noi one of those looking out to see wliat would ensure to him in consetpieuce of th. m; hut In* rontumcil liiuueJf witli having pei formed his duty tu the U #t of h ! s uhiliiy. mid hat wus -iio highest rewind that hi* ambition cvoi o>in-d nt. Ill* race wu* neiuly him —i nn by tin* courtic of nature—run, if you pl--a*e, by tlieeoinso of politico I events; and In- Imd i.odiing to ask for fr -m Smith Carnlinii, dieSumh ut large, i>; tl«- u-h'decountry—nothing. Rut io* -houidgo, when In* clio-e to do so, into retnenicn-. with neon- sciiomiins** dint, during the period of a long nnd eventful life, ho find served hi-country fuithfully, xonlmisly, without boirg mff-.onced by hoj.e of re ward, nt a y "ther mi ti'.i-sil-an a -in en* dusiie to piontote its host inter* st; mid wl.nti ver tin- Seo-ilor I'rum South Ciiruiina might say us to tin- cann-lincnt of oliligutinus, he caiiild not deprive him of thnt de lightful consciousness. .Mr. Ciithoun. The Senator hiingnngninst me th*- vng-ie charge of egotism. He would npp.-nl to the Seniiti-, lit orrlci to repel it, win ih®r there i* t.nv member of the body more t-xi-mpl from speaking of hitnso'f than hu was, Utile** when attacked. How stand- the fact? Tl »• Si-nnior bus mu.In it hi* pine- t'.ce cf lat.-to give nil his di*cu*sioii* whli him a pcr>ouul tuin. Wliut wu* he io do? If lie repelled hisniiHck*, he was forced to t-penk ill him*elf, and to expu-uhimsull to the charge of egotism from tlio Sem.t r; or, il lm remained sil. nt, to *ta»dconvicted of his charges. 1* thut fair? Ho lm * another pruc tice, nut less unfair, tomuknun ntinck on him. and to turn round ami accuse him of making the uliack, w hen ho simply repelled it, as in tho pto-i-ntm- stuncii. COM MM net At. entirely inn-fcri ing to those old trammel ions. tlui ncnusation ho ha* on.tliu promul occn*._ course ofthu Sunnlur.und thut id myself it directly tho opposite. Helms a land bill of his own. I* bring* it in, lie tolars k in what oinnntittco cho.-ses, without any iiiierl'enunco on my pint, uny personal uiiack on him; but I cannot mnki -move without iiis inimfcreuco nnd attack I enough of thi *. I r>-so simply to supply sumo remarks which I in 11 him that it v he a page of lihtory to thut elli-ct. I have never it. nnd if ttwru bo, il is Tho truth of tho i*, that l was opposed to Mr.Crnwfoul I'm reasons which l need u l now stale, u* were Mr Aduin* mid Gi-ii Jackson. When my nnnn- was wididruun trs-nz ilie list ••• caiidid ites for the I'resideuc.y ii wu* placed mi lh**lickclul Imili ihn*e citndidilti-sfor the V ce 1're und between ihcm I took no pail, os ii d> eoriini, 1 nughi mil. When I wn* ch-cicd Viiii- I'li-s.ih-n!, die same m.d even higher c.ins ih-r* mi oi*. pri-vi-ii'iil me fmin using any itill mii.-o lie: w.-.-n them when tlio ctii.n went to the House. Mr. Clay wi-lieil tu add mo word mote. He made tin* inquiry ..f the Sen at -r from South Car- obm,to kmm oh ih- r thi/gnvt nm.iStiiu which coi.leutp an d Mm-cession to i lie new Stan s iif-uclin wi-t doiii.iin w .* connected with, or hud received die *nlie ion .-fdie A.lini i«trnnoiior not. lie mere ly mode the n-pdry. if tlio “ » d'ed judo «io. ed.’.’ ii wis no-In* fmit. He mml.i uo iillu- siim. fur th.- purp.KO-if w--ii'ig the foe ii.giufihe Senator IV-ill S..iidi Cnr.iiimi. He said hat new ii-iaiioiis ,l.ii.! tli i-i'll b-iiw.i-n mil the ,\-tinii.i..!rni.iiu. and ilioiefnre, la* m-i.l.- tin- I b in. Wash wmng i . to n.l; if dii* l iiu-usiue h il the support ol iiis m w f.ieiul*. Tli- Senator, in#teu i nt o -sw-r.iii tld< pi till inquiry flew niton pa**i--li, and cauc.-ded ail oldigittio.i* lie wu* uinl.-r tuw ill'll* liim; Inn if he had imiv .aid, •*l know in idling nl lim view* ql du- Adiiiini-tr .linn; I ini.iaiuc.- my "Wti im-asuru on niy own iv»pou«i- hihiy," th. io would have b.-an no cmitrov. r-y •iciween tin in. Tin* Senator, therefore brought ihu continvi'isy on hiiii-i-lf. After sonio brief remiuks from Mr. Walker, Mi. Grundy, Mr. All.-u uinl Mr. I'n-s no, Mr. Cub Imun suid, ilio hill, n* he had iIiiiaui it, woiiul ieml to niMcdiiutiou of the revenue. It nai not to go into opu-ntion till June, lo 12, ihu* lea vs: g time io adjust the tariff'. He saw iio reason why it should he taken from the Coinmitlco on the Public Land*. Mr. White was in favor of reconsideration. The v. to was then taken, and the senate refused to i"'consider.—Yeas, 15—Nnys, 23, as hurctoforu published. Siivtiiiiiuh illiii'kni, .lim. ST. ItOMK rUllUl'CTIoM. COTTON—D|*lnnd t nni. to mid.,.*. 7|« Fair to goml,,, .rn ii)'u) ii Prime ,18 ii - Sen 1-hinil,,.., — m — Slain, d, ... — “ RICK—Inferior —t 3 FLOUR—II., wnnlSi fiij-ii) 7 Canal . Via) 0 l’lii .iiieh.h'n uud Virginilt. — ft — CORN—Rvtnil 70 f ii> 80 Cargo, — 4D — OATS . — ® — HAY 75 <U 88 \> I1ISKEY—P«*r go) -o Idlils «V hhl* .’57 Mi 42 t. N—Noipier.i. per gallon... 43 uo 82 TOBACCO—Cuvciidifh,. 38 fdt 48 M n n n liic lured,........ Iti fal 22 MACKKREL-No. — Mt — 2 — <a> — 3 , — — TALLOW—Per li 13 *&•» 11 PORK—Mess Hi ^$(9 Prime... 13 >dl 15 BACON.. * 7 © 9 HAMS 9 <a> 12d LARD . 13 M 14 BUTTER—Gosln-i . 25 i® 27 SO VP-Yellow . 0 © 8 CHEESE . 10 M) 12 CANDLES—Northurn Mould . — 'a> — Sperm-icoti, . 47 M) 40 Gcorgui . 21 f ( i — LUMBER—Ye'low Pine-Uanciiig Tim- . 0 10 Sl. Sawed Flooi'aj Boards $18 <d) 22 lliver Luii-'jijc. Bo.-ids, Plank undSuantliot-.. .$15 G 10 Qo.r i- .] 1A inch Finn.- in j Brands...... ... .$13 G 22 Wh' .o Pint, cleiir . $25 G 30 Mcr iiaulahle .$15 G 20 Red Oak Staves......-• . — G — Shingle* . $5 G 0 Fill ION ritOUL'CTIOXS BAGGING—llomp . 18 G 22 OSNABURG : .. 9 G 12 BRANDY—C< ig .$1 48® 1 7 GIN—Ilollni'd .$10U®t 211 SALT— .. — G — S.'k $1,02 ® — SUGAR—H- viiim, White .. 12 J© — Brmvn .. — G — Porto Keo . 8 G 10 Muscov-nda .. 8 G 9. St. Croix .. 18 G 18. Now Orleans.... •• •• — G — Refined Loaf. .. 15 G 18 Lump .. 13 G 14 COFFEE .. 10 G 12; TEA—Hvsim .. 50 G 85 RUM—Jn -n:i!ca . $1 25® 1 41 New Englund .. 40 © 41 MOLASSES—Htivnnn .. 20 © — New Orleans........ -. 32 G 35 Daritn Exporttl Januatp 14. TV. hrig Pater Demill, Or Now York, 550 halos Colioii, It'll tierce* Illiv, IV boxes Mdie, | trunk, I cask, 3 barrel*, 5 hug. *f Nuts, nnd U crate* of M »>»'. IV.brig New Jersey, for Vrw, .'.Cli hales Cotton, 2d0 C.,w li .In-, v hl|« the* unx, I bundle Sheep skill*. 2 liuudles |)eetskins, and 11 tierres Uh o. CharlctbiH Exports, Jmntary Hi, pus—ship Medina—(.Oil Indus Upland Cut* ton, toll!) ti-ice. Rice. Llv.-rp..-*—Ship Eliza Warwick—115hule* Sen |.land nii.l 1528 Imle* llpl.-ndCotton. Liverpool—Ship SlLuwiencu— 14l)U Imii sUpiM (’ottnn. Copeulmgen—Danish brig l-’mtutin—— I0JH0 hi.-hels Ik ddy. West I ad ws—Br k.-lclt Lmiery—S!»tes Ri. Boston—Brig t.'iiinnioice—tlU) hale* Upland Cotton und 100 ti> Uii p Wiluiiiigiuu (N C)—Schr Kii lin-gc—500 sneki Salt. NEW UULEANS.Jnn » Cotton—AitIvihI since thn 3d inst t 13431 IhiIi-h. Cl'-ureit in the sumi* time: 2(i!l*2 liules—making a reduction of I35u!l l.abs—ami leaving on hand, in- ot ml mi *iii|i Iniiml. not olenreil on ihu 7th ilistutit, ii stock of 11)8331. Imle*. In our r* port of Suiurduy inoming losi, we stated tli ii the Colton niurket oxhihiu-d a ilnu.pjiig up- }H*nrnnco ill the time our inquiries in minuted on tho evening previou*, hut tlio tiunsnoijuns of thnt day, winch Hmotiuied to about 30U0 hnle,, did not show any further tu tl"ritil change in price*. The uecuuni* liom Livt-ri-ool to the 22.1 Novum- her, so fur a* we can learn, have had tin peu-eptihle effect oil nur murk-1. Tlio sale* of Monday, which reached to tally 7500 hulns, worn ut und- vju- ting prices, ns were •hose of yesterday, w hi-;h jiuw- avui,dnl not nmouiit to muPitliSn 1030 lime*. The supply nf the finer grade* tjf Cotton is hut -mnl) nt present, und tho stock of uli sorts on Sale U mode rate for ihu *cn«ui The wile* of iho three day* m*n ubout 12030 Indus, width we notice u* fuiiows, viz: 70 Imle* l.»u Minna an«t Missis-lppi at J1J ct*; 21 at 8; 14 nt flj; 412 at 9J;2l2m 0; 107 ut 11 j: 30 at GJ; 58 nt 7j: 309 at 89: 58 at R£; 43 tit fij; 1830 ut 8.{; 800 ut 8; 1110 nt 8; 558 nt 8!|; 280 nt It) j;33 nt Oj; 200 nt I)]; 33 ul 9J; 03 ui 0|; 233 nt 8; 223 9* 42 ut fig; 41 nt 8; 703 ut(04; 1800 nt Oj), 730 nt G|; 91 nt Kg; 79 nt 9; 400 at 9; 50 nt 9; 41G nt 9J; 230 nt 18); 32G at 7{; 159 nt9| cants; and 143 Texas nt 7) coni*. Liverpool Classifications.—I n. nnd Mi**., ordi nary a 7 ; middling 8 u 8); fair 9 a 9); goed fair lUu 10); g.-od nnd fine 11.)- titatement of Cotton. Oct 1, stock on liurd 15824 Receipt* last 3 days 13433 *• previously 32GG70 340111 Utley, Bonner & C’timIrli.ol, K Wiley, 8 D Cor bitt, K Denulanl, W Putlersun, N B Knapp At Co. 0 Entmon*, (! CTIiomp««n. M C At tl llilihlo, J linn • h. Pud. 'fil'd, I'nv A Co It llii'. bison,It |lm h. t«h<iti A Min. W Nldiuls.T M,-i, Bi'ntnl Porter, K Homltfifoir, M«'h r Sc Steven*. B K Sii'es, liny vk- Caple, It und. Ih-nrinw Ac Co It M Pldnisy, W A- J t’nthn. M llopkln*, (1 B Cm'- t. r A' Cm K Soi .iil, W II Siiiim, S (It.igli' rn, W A J W Iteilishirt. W H it S lingors, d BGnuiby. W It Bit t<-ch. W Halo- I’-eil* A. Poole, I W M. ir. il. W lloln-.H 11 nr per. W Wns ll.rl'ltp. O H M.v.M llill.-ii.N A lluiiii'c, A Puisoii*, I. Bunie,T Wood. Wiishlilirn. L*w i* A- Co. K Bli** A Co. C Ward iJ l) Cornwell, Hiiniugtu" A. Hnlconthe, I. Baldwin, Cluvhorit A IVianl. \Y ’i’uyhK, A Ch itnp'on, N U A il Weed. Kin? A C.'iipihs, M l’p*i |j•rgu*t» J ■ s huf- for, 11 ll"h-ri*, Siddep, Lat hr>-Pvt Co. Cnmpli'ldA Neyle, 8-idet A. Nichols, It M Gumlwnt, Weeds A. M rivll.G H Salsh ny E O’Byrne 8 Fanning. I Br brig Penelope, Ferguson, Trinidad. Bul'ust to W Crabtree. Brig Lxi , Si-*nn,St Augustine. To th • master. Sclir Ar tor, Bovin*, Now pint. Put in on itc- count »f hr.oi wind*. Sk'op iVncoii, G invest eon, Iliceboimiqh. 222 haleli S 1 (potion,to G W Aral.tmiii At Br.-lher,R Ac W llinj:, U II dioishulii A. Son, Wnshhuru. Lewis »VjCp. .1 R li- liuris. Sloop America, Burns. Turtle llivor. 97 imle* $ 1 jL'.nton. 833 liushel* llou ;h Ui.e mid hides, to l( A W King, G Anders n A*. K Reed, Tin,tier. Ensimno A Co. N A Himlee. Siiiop Mary Cumining, Prime,, Ognchce. 2100 linpieN Itiiugh Rice nnd 310 hale* Colton, to 11 11 jhersham A Son, Il A W King. Si mp Sum ger, Hammond, Wilmington, (N C.) Nnvnl Stores, tn Cohen, Miller A C'i. BY THIS DAY’S HAIL—IS M* SATURDAY, JAN. 10-12 M. ^7* Nothing later from Wn*liiuKt"n tliuu thn l(itl. by (Ids ilny’s mail. The papeta are an (he road. LONDON POUTER—Per dozen.... $3 ® — BBS per dux.. $3.)'® — IRON—Swedes $1 10® 1 20 KXC1I AttOK. EXCHANGE—On Eoglnud, IP per cent prem. Drafts at sight on Nmv York, 0 per el prem; 5 days sight, 5 i. r »4 porcont prem. FREIGHTS—To L'veii.nol J !; Havre no now engagement; New York, $1) per hide. '.qm V 'I ■a From the Ih, rim Herald. Mlhinst. BEI.LVII.LE CITY. In hi..kins over tint list of hill* passed by the Inst Li-gisl.iimv. we ure plensi d m noiinethnlii churn-r hasbe.-n olitaiacd by our del gatiou, *o connect tho water* of tho Afatninnha and Sap'ln Rivers, f,yu I'linal. or Rail lloud, ns miiv lieihemed l.e.t, by ilu* Kngini nr who I* ulr-nJy parly rnvu-p-d to -iim-y tli- route. Th-' i»inniihs.i hem-lit that will iicerue to ilio citizen* ut ini* county, should this sehcnio of internal iinpniveiiieut *. •• wil, uni«i lx* a parent Innll who have nuy kniwledge ot the vast ii mount of produce i lint *s irnni.p.-r'e I miiuinl.y upon the tluinuiiihii, or of tin* c. .pneioi-<nes* of the S'i/mto Hor, vvliicli i* u-ltnii:••.! by nil S •« Captains, to he the liest<-u the constof Gtu guidf n- tSoiilli of theCh"*np.-nk<-. Wcaro inlomic.l tint they Imve stiii-ti-ii-liuco-iipi'inliiin of tho weullhy, pat-inric nod eiin rpri-ing c.t.z- n.-of l.iturhj, in tho proj- ct. Several ut whom huve u-s«ciutei|ihemsi lves with the charier, mill wi.I In come st.-ckhoiiler*. so soon u* hook* of-tb-scriplii.ii cult bn opened. Tim work wilt he und.-rt-ken by inihviduid* wholly uncon nected vvitii u .y schyin.* of speci lpiiu -, nnd will he compiled with th ir own iitpnntt. Lih-r.y County, ul.un-can put upon the mail 1830 in 1201) hand*—wi It thi* I'oroi- in G nr 8 ini-ti It*, they will he able to couipiete ihc whole di»lance which can not • xcc.-d 12 miles m u d rw line, ns it •« hut 19 mil.otu Buiingtoii, |.y tin* waj ofDuiu-n. On mis 12 miles of Rail Kuu I, vvi'i la- transported nnnuuib lt'.Ol'O.lliiU of dollar*, in Cotton nnd Mi-r* cliniidise Produce arriving; from tin* west nt the depot on tiie Sapelo, can In* conveyed to the oo-t in an ii *ur, n* tl ere nren- oh*l met ions (lithe (liv to n-ta.d ike ptogr-s* of a vi ssi-i nl any »t ge of ihe ride. Tl-i-e i-x'iuard-ii iry ciimmeii-inl odvi age*.- connected ciili a fo. n i..n | rove:bin) for sali.biity of climate, cor'ii'nly eiirith-v theundertnk- inc to tin- *criou* con-id. ration of at. cul.-rprising and iii'cllieent pcopl... Even -dm itieg th .t a pail of it* reputed ad' tmres nn* exaggerated it rnmu.l lm* he con»!.h-ied a I eidahh- proj. ct, when we nvr'kct thc:inj.qrun:l hearing that it will have upon tin* county in n pecu niary point <-f vin.v. Itvv'.ii put in riiculnlion tM!ion*j ns n large n'no«iit **f mou.-y, vvl.irh will give a n .v hope tl-to trade, nnd bring into jeq.dci inn la tt-nt have bent h-*iet--fo.e toii.i!y vvor-id **. It will enhance ihetr value 180 p ;• cent. 1 or initnnr lot of I n.J that is nor worth tin* eiant fee-, if ihe rat I-road p-,*sns thrreigh it, will become very uuhle «v.-ry tree which i* large enough for ; eapolos will hen muren of profit to thr farmer who on ns it. W<* hnv* had th • pleasure of re-iihncan ulile nnd lucid ll.-fort, by a gotiih mini ofl ’rh char.ic'er nnd •treat |»rn!es*inaHl mpe b iice. on the *uhjc« t efthi* Kail I.inid, which i* siiffieien'ly forcible m rniovr all doubt fmm tho mind even of the most - replica! astotlia ptocticability of the project. We -hall eudeuvuui locivn it an iu*.-n on in iho rest l{<-ru!.i, n* it coiimins many itnponant facts on the suojcct nfiniernal improvement genet ally. Til s pm,ret certainly cannot n'fi-cl Darien. All'.'l- ny and I my flourish within 7 miles of inrh other, and whv not two surer* of the S*..uth. on tint rorr-nn- tic hank* of the Alutamuha nnd Haprio, du the From the Savannah Shipping and Commercial J.isl, dun- 17. COTTON—A r. ived since tiie Kith insl.0857 hales Upland nnd 707 hale.* S I cotton, nnd elvan-d nt tho same time 4915 Upland nnd 134 hales S I col ton leaving n stock on luui-i, inclusive of nil on shiphoimi nut cleared on thn 17th inst., of 18385 hales Upland and 120-1 hale* S l cottiiu. From the date of our Inst rrpoit until yoslcrday. U|i!aii-I wiis in good do. i.d -I full price*, hui tlio adv.incn in Ireiglp ^nd - of tin- river m Au^iis'ii, w hii incieas. d i-i-ce/pls, Imve ri-ndi-it-d the market,dull—nnd ullh.-.igh we l ist week's quotations, they ;trc iio longer ob- tnlimlde exc-pt fur tlio higher quaiiries. The snb-s nimiunt io 521G Indus, vi/.t 15 ut G.j;20 nt7;32 nt 7); I!) n> 7.J; 38 m7J;22 at S; 1 at 3); 81 m 8j;55 at 8); 15 at 8$: 54 at 8J; 312 at 9; 181 ut 9); 314 nt 0j; 811 at 9|; 1818 m 9J; 82 2 atOj; 848 at 9j;20I nt Pi; 167 at 10}l.30 nt l«j? 75 at lugi 3<> ut U>{. Sen iiilii/nl lia»hin-n in helm •lomand, re -ch 283 bag*, viz: 29 at 23 10 at 21; 22 nt23; 9 at 24; 2-1 -it 24); 54 tit 25; 48 u 28; 7 ut 27. RcrripU of Cotton at tho follnwing places since October 1st, 1839 1833 Georgia, Jan. 17....... ..05794 92578 Smiih Cnroliiiu, Jnn. 18,. ..94502 710.17 Mnhi{e,Juii. 4,......... ..27849 72955 New Orleuii*,.Ian-4,.... .338405 1Cr953 F’loridn, Dec.21,....... .. 6424 14210 North Curolinn, Dec. 21,. ... 1784 1014 Virginiu. Dec. 4,. ... 8888 4250 531878 427099 The following $*n siatemenl ofthu stocli' ofeuttou on hood ut the refractive /-J m ••* tunned. Savuntmli, Jan. 17 . 19509 22448 South Cnroliiiu,Jan. 18.. . 23 48 108.10 M")‘ile, Jnu. 4... ..18983 3fl-2t)C New-Uileans. Jim. 4 ... .128827 74359 Virginia, Dec. ... 1500 1688 Nunii Cuioliiai, Dec.21,. .. 170-1 1814 An^iisiu i-. Hamliiirg.Jaii .. l.iOtJO 28945 ■Mtieori, Jnn. I ..30113 17 tm Florida, Due. 21, . ... 3880 5880 I’liiludelpli'm, Jan. 4 .... 880 2I9U Nuu-Yoik, Dec. 31, .. 6880 15888 283097 2893 RICE—l'li.i trnnsuctlon* •tiicii our last ninmmi te 188'* disk*.at Iasi week's aim « *3j. |88 at 2 9-18; 2118 ut 488 at 2). The detnnud Inir, nml a prinm im ti- Ii* wm !d ri inlily bring $3. FLoUll—Continue# doll, and wo have no cluing" in prieo to nmiee. Sales ol aril street ni $7. small parcels uf How- CORN—1* soiling in lots to *uit pare!inser* at78 n30c. Tin* d'-mand nindi-iate. # GROCERIES—I h.- den of groceries cmnioitP licht. hli-ls N O Sugar at $.'j)afi{; O*so* at 321.3 ie, 20 ) ii 12. SALT—Sal-...f 598 *ae! I IA V— Snb> on tiie w lao store ill $!. EXCHANGE—On Engl Drafts on New Ymk, at *i{ri sight. 5a) pur rent j.iemmu rail nil descriptions We report *nL-* nf 188 ',<) te* nn 1 280 bids N •ng< C’eha Cnllue ut 11J*lL a. 75 .38c; retails frem nail. 10 per rent prem t, 8 put ct pii-m;5 days nd. I-'; Havre, no new FREIGHTS-l o Liver; engagement; Now * »i k $ •; p*-r hide. Statement ><f Cut/ou. UpP.I*. S. 1. Stuck on hnnri, 1*1 O '.tuber 1523 113 Received this Week...... 83 >7 707 1).* )*r.-viiju>.y 03894 1310 64274 2135 Expnrti-d tin* vv. r'.;....49 5 134 Do pn'vioitsly. 40974 797 4*889 931 Stock on hniri. including all on ship- board nolcl-*cri d on the 7ri» inst. 183C5 1204 EXPOR TS FOR THE WEEK. SI'iup Gnurgo Wnslihigton,Smith,Ogechao. 2I0|) Ijiishuls Rough Rice, tu W Patterson A Co. ^ Steainhoat Col Jewett, Willson,Darien, to I? Hen* 1839 Exports but 3 days “ previously 355935 CG972 220927 24709!) 188030 Stock on hand Sugar— Louisiana— 1 The market lm* been unusu ally dull fur tiie 'n*t low t|ay», nnd only very liir.ile.1 sales liuve boon mode front tho Levee, at our previ ous quot'itim *—stiy 4 a 5| cento—though wo tuny n-nint k that only a very cledro urlicle will c nur latter figures. \Vo cun Jonrn of no truusue- tiun* on Plumuiion. Molasses—Tlio demand is .yriy limited for par cels from the Levee, and prices jmve still further given way. We noyv quote lit 4 n 22 per gallon. We nmii.nt lonrn thut there is any l dug of impm- innuc d.-ing on Plantation. Planter# propose to sell large parcels nt 17 cents, hut luivers. purlieu- hilly tlio-efor th.- Northurn innrkeu,decline pitying •iv. r 15 n IG Frt'iijh's Since "tir Inst repori two vessels Imve he. ii tafivo for Livei pool, fom for Havre, mid one for Trieste, Tin* greater pint of these are foreign vessels, nnd the rate* ut which tin y have cuyngi-il, lln> sam* n« li.*re of-ie quot-d. Lain In lhui-v«*n- I ng of ><»-ten lay, nnd nfl.r writln** tho foivgniiiR. two -hips wen* engaged for l.iveipnol ut 13 HU, which is nond*'Uiir.-*,nn former rale*. hnuf’r—Since our hist report no nlti'rniiun ho* uki-ii pl-ire, <-i hnr in tnlos nrd.-niand MARRIED, III Ath-n-'.nn the 7th Inst, hvtho Rev Mr Hoyt, Mr BENJAMIN F WIIITNEU, of Fa., to Miss SARAH JANE, daughii-rdf Rev A.'ouzoChurch, nf i In* fm ui* r jilace. DIED, In Macon, on the 9th ins . Mrs. ELIZABETH ANN MATHEWS, il.thi)2(UI| yeur of hor ug-, o Mali vo of Chili lesion. In Hui it’ll, mi Sutuidny nvetilng, llth tii«i,afti-r a iof illmss. Miss ELIZABETH HUGHEY, ug.-d 17 years, daughter of Mr John Hughey. Ai Gurov’* F.-rry. K F, on ill'- 24th uli. SAM'L Y Gniey, formerly of Tulbul county, Md., nged 53 passengers. Per brig Aimus '’.mil New York—MessrsG A llnli-omhe, J 1* Sander*, G Wilcox, T Tl Gr-C! G Arnold, S Faming, P Riley, G 11 SiiLbuiy, mid 6 in slt-iirnge. Per steamboat Oc.ntnlgeo from Porieti—Miss Shaw. CM Green, Messiv i’nge und Pinks. Par s.i-mnlumt Col Jewi'ti,lium Huriou—Col M< Donald, E S Rees. Per Bli-nmhniit Forest' r. fr -tn Black Creek—Col Hoi-kins, Capl llo-s, Copt Allen, Mer-r* Burney, Sliuh-s, Cm voile, Lead*. Il'-lfer, Rodney, Norman, Hines, Spncnrit. Carlo*,Stuven*,'Thompson,Burgh, Coy*ni-ll. Muore, Scott. Cniiler, N K Moore,.C.y 1 cl, SinrJcvnnt, Philips. Duvnnport. IVrsi'-mii packet Siivaiuiuli, ftcni.Cha-l stun— Messrs ilml'iiwny, Lnlico, Bcsli'.vuml, Johiron, King nnd *■ tv.ioi. Einmoi's, A,Jam*, Ve-ev, Bush. P.-r •ti-niiilioui S.i\nmiuli, from Ciuirlcsiou—Mu (Inapt und child, Mis I)uminz, Dr Stolen*.Cupi'ti Uctning, I) S A, Messrs Milligan, Nine*, (ii< how , |) idn.-y, Capt Guyan. Per steuinh jat Win So/ibtnnli, from Clt.n irmon— Mi* iMai ria, child and s-rvant, M'»# Ev.i'.s. Mi Fowler, Mi** Wilson, M'S Joyner, Mi**Cohen, MrsHnupt, Mr* G.iy. M.* Agnew,Mis Buyiugt. u, Miss Wilkinson, Messrs Taylor. Biyun, Cohen, liu'n*, L-ntliWood, H r«sol, Rudy, I'racy, Mabel, Wio'is, Gt uning, Conk. Pr r Kieu'nbiMl Beau furl District, from Ciiur'ut-* ion—Mr*. Wright, Mis Guy mn| chil-lieu. Mm ilahn-l am, 2 children nnd toivnnt. Miss El.ioii, Mt-soi. T W Millcd.iinip, B Mordn-ai, C Wynum, U rn llln-ii. B R Bythwood, R G llumwcl- W (J 1* Fripp, W L Huvnl, Lnckisun, (i L Muir, W K.|. ward-,, U K Payne, A Por't-r, J G It rnw.-ll Per Steam packet Florida, fmm Black CVo\— NL* \\ « I-. Mis Atkinson, 3chiidii-u und iprvnni, Mi-s Bmril. Major Buinet USA, Major U'.itii l U S A, Mes-rs Str.ituin, Sundfii’d, McGinns, Watson, Lmin-y, Lilllt-j. hu, Hor.leti, nnd 7 Per steamboat Lis. from Ch irl**»ton-—Mi Dc .y nml lady, Messrs J Green, P Jacks, Leo, T’liotr p- son, Dawsy, McGi-o, Johnston, J Collin, T W Mil ler T Kiulny, G Allen, G Tirday, F Town-and, Hr I' Franklin, I). Darnell. vunco of lu2d wss given per TOHmi; Woipm o I S. flour lahtil di srur.L l • locraasi' of • h«A mth-r - Ireaktd th • demand. LONDON, DguO. Cera Earhangr—Foreig* wheat lstilgWilV pW* licit i,iity tor haul fpnilltic*. «.i”'Ni:HKSTfcn. ! n.-e>.:’* n In the Brand nutioilsl this week SAVANNAH l’0*T OFFICE Northern Mail clox* ul 12 M —Doe nt 9 A, M, Au:u»U “ •* Miih'dgevi |. WI" \.s Miuon ( DrUans f „ i P. M- i P. M. 5 P. M. li A. M. fl A. M. G A. M- M. G A. M. and Miu.nn New OrUan* ami M'-'tdo Wre'ii Nail on N . Ur|e-|/|», Ita ( Allllrdgerrb J Darien MUliTore* at 18 A. M,onTo.>-|jy, Tie day a-alfinturd >y, und is dire nt 12 al night mil VM if. q — Southern M»il,Isaaisl Darrer,, cneriti 111 A. \J. on T w. »-4y uixl huiunln/, are! if duu *t 14 ut I I'mphts — Fmlghu to. nigU ou a<»4 Wcdtre»la/ , . t wi UK r»t« j jhi c«»k I.IVERPtiOL—Ship John Cuinming—212G l>L Up and and 48 hale* S I* 1 mil Cm ton. LIVER POOL—Ship Vundu'ia—1350 bale. Up- land Comm. . LIVERPOOL—Ship St Murk— IC13 hale* Up- laud and G4 l-niosSen Lined Col Ion. HAVANA—linrqiiw Tb*««—814 holes Upland co."io 275 easl.s rice. NEW YORK—Brig Win Tajhir—413 hales C'mton. 109 cask* Rice, 28 paeLuges Sundries. NEW ORLEANS—Brig Maty Bon.ard-232 wliote mal G half tierce* Hie-, 80 bbL Tnr. PROVIDENCE— Brig Mmy Ann—74 Imlcs Cotton, Hii hh.L Mol-n..-*, 13 casks Win... BOT H )N—S' br Ml ehmti.'—1.1 hales Colton. 128 whole nod It hali'ra-l.s IBce, BALI (MURE. II..u-,— »s hole*Cot. Mo,,28 Rice, 11.808 li-et l.'Oober# S eumhiiu; Ocumlgee, Binnkenstiip, Durjen. to W Pnltevrtoii iSi Co. G75 Imle* C»tlt;n to E Sin* clnii, E ILU* At Co. Uuiiifiigtun & Holpon)hc, E P Buns & Co. Stcmqhoat J Stono, Mend all, Duijnn. 017 hides Cotton, io I, Baldwin, E Molyncitx, F, Sinclair, C llartridge, \Va*lilmrn, Lewis &.Co. jl&W King, W Patterson & Co. Slcumbiml l-'orest'cr. Wntplu-rsie, Rluck Creek, to Clugliorii & Wooil. Cotton $ Ijldos to Colton, Miller N'.Co. N A Hindue Steninhoni 1st*, Chase, Clmyleopn, to Cl tgliorn & Woi'mI Mdse, to T M Simpler, W Diincun, H lIk W King, Culinn & FiHtlick, 8 Phillnlck iXt C.'n. B Leeds, U Luckinson, i' Homy, II Harper, J R Ho bart*. Steamboat Smith Cnrnlinn, Ren, Augusta, with hunt 1.1. to S B Co. 451 bnlr* C"t:on to J P Sm art, Wnslihnin, Lewi* & Co A R Guidon, S I) Corbin, I) Piiiu-o & Son, G Barnsley, H Hutpor, Il Hnheifhitin & Son, nml otlteru. Stcnmliont Ogh-tln-rpe, IV'illiiim*, Atigasfn. with Nos 2 und 0 to S mid A S B Co, 591 liulos Cot* ton to Adams vV But roughs, Pndolfonl, Fuy & C'i W Pntlerson Sl Co. S Hill, Wuritburn, Lewis & Co. H Harper, S D Corhlu. Sicninliout Lamar, Cteswell,, with bent* 2 mid 3. tu C F Mill*. 1200 hales Cntion tn Ad am* iSt lim roughs, W Hnltncs, S W Wight, S 1) Cm hilt, Iloier & O'Driscoll, Wimberly Ji: JuU'-s, A R Gin dun, W Woodhiidge, Wo»lihiuu, Low'u iSt Co. S niimhoiii G orgin, Nonis. Augusta, with bout* lOatid 12 tn Stcumhoiit Cu. 701 Imlcs Cotton to Wnriihurn, Lewis & Co S I) C rldit, H ilinn-r J P Smart, I) Pence & Son, A 11 Gordon, Wllohnes, S W Wii-lit. Sienin padiet Savmmnh, Fret-land. Charleston, to Cnln-ii Ac Fo-dirk. Mdze to Wituherly & J.-ne*, 1* Wiiihorgor. Sirmii piicket J Stone, Memlall, Darioii, to L Baldwin. 701 hales Cntion. to Pndelford Fny At Co J Lewis, E Sipclnlr, Wimberly & Jones, Wush- burn, Lewi* Hi C'li. F SliieH, nnd to older. Sinnmhoat Despatch, Coilomrll >. Augosin, whti hunts 2 and 3. la J'Gcdlnm-titi. 848 halos Cntion, to J P Smart, A'Uuns St- Bieriaiglis. Il Htiheislmm At Soli, Cehctt A: F sdiol., \\ P- tt-MAOii A: Co. utul to order. Steamhont J--hn Rniid'ilph.Lyon, with tow hent* 3 nml 2 toC F Mill*. 74.1 -'ale* CVt••«»« to R• Si O-’Dii-coll, Wn*hliiirii,Li-w'ii A- Co. A It Gordon, Puyu l'-i,-d, Fuy A: Co. S W Wight, L Wyll>, und other*. Stuntnliout Siivuutiuli, Freeland, Charleston, to Cohen & Fnsdick. Meuiirort District, Simpson, Clinrlos ton to J A Fawn*. Mtlze m simdiy persons. .1 S'one. &h mini, Darien. 4G9 luiirt Cotton, A:c. to L Bn|dw>n, R W King. Padelfo d, Fay A Co. E Sinclair, N A /lurdao, Greenwood & U pliant. S c W S'-uhroi.k, (now) King, ClMrlestun, loj A Fawns. Ur Brig King Henry, Leach, Trinidad, 35 duyf. Ballast to J Cmmingliimi Jr. Schr Gun Wunon. Baker, Boston, to White At Hnrii-ls. Mdze. to F II Swi nt. It I luhorshnni At Son, Ladd, Topper&SiHtaru, L Baldwin, A Wood Ar C'o C Suylo*. W Si. .1 W Ri-nisliu't, E Reed, E Bliss A: Co. S Philloick & Co. W Hide, II N Al drich, J W Luwinu, Buynid A: Iluuier, IItilaoy it lliii'ih-a. Sloop Virginiu, Chevulh-r, Sniilln. IGO halvs S ’ Cotton, to G .'.ndoi-son & Brotlu r, N A Hurdre, V Pane mi Ar Co. Il At W King, K Reed. Sti'iitnlaiul Floridii, Nm-k, BlaokCreiJi. 37 hnlait S I Cotton, to It St W King. Sli-.aiiib-mt Sinn J-oies, McCormick M nrnn 280 Jaile* Cot'ow, lo E P Bulls At Co. C IJnrltidgi-, Wr.shbnin, Lewis Ar. Co. Layviun ,V. Helm. Sti aiulami Ortniilgee, Bluuken«hip, Durien. 3GG h des Cotton, to W Palierson Ar. Co. C Huriridge, VViniherly Ar Jones. Stemiihnut Erin, Moore. Augusta, wi'h low bouts (i nnd 20, to J A Pawns. 883 lories ('ottnn to S I) Cm-hitt F P Ktowart, .1 II lt.-iri A Co. H .Smith. Sicamh >ut fi> n Clinch. Binnk*, Black Ciei-k. Steninlioat .1 -lm Rmi'l"lp , .i, Lyon, wilh bouts 3 anil 2, to C F Mill-. 743 - mo* Colton, to Rover it O’Dri'r.ill, Washburn, Lewi* A-C'o. A R GonLn, Paricliiirri, Fiiv A Co. S W \\ right, S Solomons, L Wylly, rii'lii-r«. Kirkp.,triel.'* lex No 4, fn-m Angu*l •. to Jo* A Fawns, 458 b«ln* Cot'ioi, in II llar|-nr t W Put- l' rson A Co. It A- W King, miri in order.' HTSJVr TO SEA Br ship Oios. Iltiniberson, Maishall, Liyurponl. Ship Bcr -ick, ll.i'dii-e, l.iveipnol. Ship I. .ncn.lilre, Aic-nmlcr, l.ivi ipiari. Slop Jnhn Cinnniing, Thayer, Liverpool. Shi)' Vnnd'iliii, Smile, Liverpool. Brig Win Taylor, IL*-y, New Ymk. Brig lln\re, Cai|Miniei-, L'-verpnii|. Brig Aiiil.iih-in, llicklin-!, Havana. Iliig Phiiiirn. Slmrnmii, New Ymk. Sclu S.mih Cni- l lia, fiuialwin, Charl-tslnn. Schr Hein iotiu, I’m ker. Buh'in-'ie. SchrM.chm.ic, Liitlell. il. Bo-i- i. DE EMIT EH, Stciimhnat For reer, VXnmheuie, Blrn-k Creek. Florid i, N«a-k, Black Cic-ek, S'en in lion I Raudol|.h ( Lyon, Augusta. Sii-unt inrhi-i W Si-ahriM*l«, King, Chin lustun. Si.-am p-ickcl Ik-aufoil ULuicI, Philbrick, Char- loston* S'enmliont Gen. Clinuli, Brm.ks, Black Crook. Si.-iiiiihont Ocomlgi-j, Blankenship, Durien. .Src-oinfiont Gtorga:, N’orri*. At/gostn. Su-ainlMint Laniec, Creswt-11, Augusta. Sln.iiiibnnt J. Sione, Mendnll, Dnm-u. Steam pucl.'-l Snvaiinali, Freeland, Charleston. Steatuhoul Col Jewell. Watson, Darien. NEW YORK. Jnn. 10. pnsrSCEtrr—Txctee o'clock. HIiIr tsiliorma, from Llvvrpffbli 'I li* ln*l -ailing ship HiLin.i >, Cupin'u Cobh, ha* jiisi mlived fioin Liverp.Mil, wlieuce she sailed on die 1 lt|i of |)i-t-cniln'i. We jtt*» indi-hted to Cnpt. (hikhl-o- a tile of Loudon paj.i-rs to the . veiling of tho lUth of D*ceuihor, an.) LWcrpnol to llth, both inclusive From die M"miug Post of P- «. 10, htiilnl States Hank,—Tim uiiimgenu'iit tin* mntitwd IIS linvlag juutiikm pilin' bin ween Messrs Uoili-cliiM nml Sms and Mt. Jandmi h.U C.iils-d n dcc.iled impiou .i.vni in tin- vnhm of Umicd Slate* B'-uk sliaies. Sii.cs ol ilieiii were mntle la the Ciiur*e of ilio in..ruing ut £ III to 19 10*. put slinre Itis iind- t nuod dial ilnii'i- niap'uniy of r.apitnlHts ludy to g" into tin- new hmu, n* tiie intere»t yielded upon tlio price given (# s>>iin-ivheie abmil ten pet c nt per nnnitiii. Tluionly objection mn-le to it up- pears to bo with leaped to tile gunl untie ollcreil I'm* • lie reiiiihom-nt m of (hi- iniin.-v,li e un.It linking ef du- U. S. Bun-, bein': ili'i'ined scmcely sulhcieut in iho presuni S'liiiii.i'ii "I utiuiis. Tho tneii*U'« luis mil oral-v i-ngac'd a good .ieul of tiie nttentioii of tiu'.so who me io (ho habit of inking a leading part in such tnuili-is. From lli»* Times r.f Pec. 10. Mr. Jatidon's “loan’’ tniiuucthin.udveitcd to on Sutord t y. continue* to hu n utumling topic in tho Money Market hilt s-tm- mystery still nltnehn* to I*, wllldi no iiiiu scorn* nbln to clear up. Messrs. Rolh-chilil Iiiivo lieen u* coluin' liu'S f-.r itj mid the tmul unioUnt is Htmed ut 208,000/. for ■ Fr-101 tin- d Una ht the grand mAtotiflll n4 tiie pMf -uliil'pvi.f H • id fm-thef 'ilr"- pood- and v.irn aiy,ne.ced ngly Innpuii), , i k a do?*, nindctrn VtInc* 111KB umlcr-iencd will n-coivo and forwaidor« A. d- is-for \\ men, that may ho wanted irpqM^#rt«( highly ri sjM iVnJrin nnd lung esinhlUhpd tfpqjMffft.* dec 13 Luw IY«||<;e, . vQ rilHE Siih*erihi-rs having entered IntoCo-pait 1. nersldp in the prartico nf LaW ln jli)»,ciV.0< j Savannah, will fnithliilly.intend lq all husllieo, Vi “ "s'< d to th«m. Ull’ce nn the Buy. t.vrrSattnDtiali^ IIDIII-Unco Ac Trust Co. Addir»*,'Lnivtuni&. PpU* rt 'I- W .). LAWTON. nl Tljt)S. H. POLHILL. - N. B. One nf the partners will regularly.attnml ilu* (.unit* ofJi H’. r.on. Burke ami Scrlven, of tha ' ‘ di«W^ :v ■ ■*~:w Middle Cirnpi .■rapt Ri'WtirtL I^1*>LLN fiont iliOhUl.frriber.ontl.nnigh*of*li*—• 0,2Lt iiirt. a luipe hay Hmse, Saddle apj BrL die. with the numo of Mr. Bird wiiuon oti thb Bit* lie w ill ink, (iio mnrk on tlio Her»c yecollorted the twiddle i'n fmosImOed Saddle, nhhin hnff w'hiTit, inc rwqqie t-n ttre*«tmRed Saddle,nhmu half tvhrpT,. , v.. with die hack n little broken, uud a puir of.'UlnM*” * •toel slit rip*. I will give ^ 0 for tiie thief, If * ’.V ' 7 ' . - white pets- n, nml proof to conviol him—If a ncnOk , pct*--n, nml proof to couviol him—If a negro* $23—uiid $13 tor tlm Horse a'one. ' ti-t dec28*tf J. A. ALEXANDERS ^ vvldch they mo to t**u"6 per cootdelieiilincaul 92, and to hold us follillcriil sccUfity u lingo deposit of Ohio, Indiana. I'ouiisylvaniit uud otluir Aimiricon rt'nte stuck*.' But wlietliui Mesuff- Huihscldld ad vnuco this money ns it now trnntnction, nr whether it I* in pail to cover advance* mada tu Hike up lilll. refused by Messrs. I’lullingUt-r, nr wlictlnq- it |- mixed upWifli tiuiisnciioiis of a similar kind which wore nndor uegocintmas some titnn hack wilh Messrs Hopovt Co, of Amsuird im, nnd Messrs Denison & Co. «f London, and which weiorrpouH'dlydeicril>ed a* Inoiiglu to u dose, though doubts afterward* nro*o whether they were uni«nlly.comp|pMid, is left totally unexplained. Thnt capitalists who uro nl- rendy deeply embarked, In Amvrlcun securities should ondenvof lo iiri-lept ihems.-lves hy cnlling in cullnitind siippoit of lid* kind, nml giving rim name of n “limn” tn tlip trun-aciion, will he readily cum- preiiem|ed in thn intinoy mqrkct j hut nut un rendUv will it I.e lKdioved tlint they would eniar into new ami vxp-utivo eiigugoinenis nf iho nuturq described, otm of the couti'iicriug i prtle* being nt the same time nn nijndtird bankrupt«-itotc—n position which no dopusil of securities cuu niter or modify. Those con iderulimiu uro likely to prevent other capitalists from taking i;ny slinre in tins transaction until it is more dourly explnined. The London bun of tho cronlne of thn 10th nf Di-cctnhor sny* “ Tho Shares of tie- United S'litc* Bunk may ho nominally quoted nt 181^ per Share.” From the London Sunnf Vep. 10. MEETING OF I’ARLfAMKNT. We sjthj- in a copy of tho circular nddre**cil yes- tor'll.y la the tiiliitatuiIul ntumhort hy Lord John Ru*el'j— “ Tint mueiinR of Purlininnnt being fixed for Thin s'lnv, tin- lUtlt of January. I tuke the liberty of request jug your utlcmlancc in ihu House of Com* mom on tlitit,day,nnd nfupurisiiig you that huslaes# ofthu greatest importance to tho hit- rest* of rite country may In-expected immediately oil tlio open ing q|‘the Hcra'ion. “J. RUSSELL.” Iiiiell'giuico ol'conddiiriihlo interest hud been re- sn-ivnl Irom India, the dnles lining, from Cdcu'ttt Oeti.her 13, Muiiras 19, und Bombay 28. .Or. tin* 1 Qili of the Augl'i-lmliao troop- y’-t out on iheir r« turn from They >vc iu to stop foi' n fow duys at Kelnl, und dupinu tlm chi I uf dtt^t piiiicipuliiy. far ullercd gn r . lendly uct# niwu.d tiie En-/Ii*ii interest-', tuid r'|H-clti|!y ibr taking un nciivepiirt in the hosti'l h's encountered hy tin troops on their march to Afghanistan. A commercial l.p uty.liirii'y favorable lo Englnml had been coiioludad with the Pi ince of Herat, and aiioihtir with die success- r ..f Rui.jue. Singh, secur ing to Urn English th" navigation of tho Sutledgn, A civil wur, liowover, wus npprelinmlrd in iho Punjaub, on uevount ol the succession—another clinnca fur iho ol tbp Anglo Imlinn govi-rnmciit, uud probubly fur u tiow accession uf territory. A vimt conspiracy for tha overthrow of thn En- glLli powi-r in lii-iia is said ui hav-u been discovered ut Kii-i'iiiil.iin imlei'emluni Mohanimodnn princi pality, tlio fori of wliicfi l/i 270 mile* fmm Mudrus, A stroag forc.ii wui rjiisjuirahed tld.liorjjy the Governor f'enornl, und ihu lint wus invested and tukun,, unwell us thut Joubpora. ami- PiiKsingKT.—Thnsicum ship I’m- kideiil nti ut tempt wus made login her into wliut llmpm-is wuii)d call “hur native i-lctm-ut.” Tin-re wn not wilier enough to flout ln-r. It was tr-od ggntn mi Sunday, hoi mill w itliout success, Bi-iiat luck nml more wuler were kopcil for on Moiidny. From the London Sun of Dec. 10. City, 12 o’clock—Consol# optimal this morning nt the leaving off quot:aii)tid nf yc-stoiduy. 91J, 92 for the Aociiiiiit; Rc-docad f)0j( ). I.xcliequor hills 3, 1 di-; Bunk stock 178 179. llatf pas'. Out—We have neCoulinvi.tuI inti-l I- geiice of impor'imco ilns morning, coiiscqitemly tlio Bntisli F"ii'« coritiuiio sieudy.wilhliulu do ng, nt die ear’y quoin-ions of 91 J, 1)2 for tho Accoun:; Roj lined 98 S; Exci.cquer Inis 3, I di#c.-uni; ludat Bniiils 8 7 di-count: Bniilt Stock 179. Thniiulico Mint to the Stock ye-tcnlny in respect In tlm CJoInmhi.iii Bonds is gei.nraily disapproved l.y the bimdh'riilurs, U i* looked upon as coitipromisu. Thep-cket ship, wliieh huiled from New Y- rk on rim 15th uii tl;*.- duy liefoiu dm Grout IVoii-rr: tel'i, nniv d on Siinilny, havingoncountnl severe t-usterly gums. Tin- Viiginiiin K command ed ihKvoyage, bvCoplniii lliggins.hurmduinl ras- coinniotider, C'nptain Hniri#, rerniiinitiK at iiouie dor'll"; lim winter. M> . Hams is dm oldest comtiuiiah-i' of u lim-t in nciniil S'-ivicn, having been in the pm le t ti'mlo t>elv«ei-n Liverpool nml Now York, m-iirly ivventyyeu-*. Although In* hii*crhs*cd dm Allaulie. nearly mm hnmlied tini'-s, wo hiivn tin record of nny ship under his coniiimml sustaining nny serious lie is n pei.eet seumon, nml bus wm: (ho high esteem of evujy pciiimi who Inis tho plcu-uro of hu ucqjiiiutum o.—Liverpool Albi- Ntivuiiiiitli Iiisumnco *Y Trust Co. F UR RENT.—Tlm sovorid npnrmiant# abuMi ild* i.lllec, well ndnntod to Counting Room#! I,nw OlJiees, &o. SAMUEL C HOUSE. ,.„i> no* 18 Scoretsrj;,|,,i„ Sugar*, AAA UoKulinam) other blinds, FjH rt IU soperioi Spnnljh Siigars, JM* 1 receive.i, uud for sale hy '* ' ' Jan 9 Coni. .-{-Jr, • iitMl S UPERIOR New Castle, Inndlng frptn thg, Rnrqoo Clin, fur snlc (a lo|> to suit purchwf^s IVM QMI3Tj>,#P."^ at nine dollars per chaldron, dee 29 JNQ. i. Applv, it . H. REKl €oHcv. • f - r ?» Q/Y BAH3 nrlino Rio CofTop, landing 1 illfd'|W» OU sule by t M SHAPTEttl** {iiii 1 ' - . ""-ooi - T - Sank Sail adont. \ SACKS Liverpool ground Salt. Wiji )> 4 sold low if takon from tha wharf; ply to II & W KIN^^ ifloDilu A otlicr Alultuiim Fnnas«r W ANTED hy -..^evl den 17 FADLEFORP,I?ArA.CaR 1-01- Snl«-A BnrKnln; T HE subsetihor's plantation and' labdl |n'Gly|if»' county, cot.silling of six adjacqni tract*.' w tnitiitig ulm’it 280(1 acres in all, Vjz: 600 ucrek ptlthtf ’ lintnmock.OOO ncres first qimlitynnlmprbl’odswnWp, nml dm remaindet 1700 ucrus pine ijmil, about SOIF ere* Imvu bean cleared otpl cu!tiyjytet|,;au4,jb pnaluced ns much per ttcro as n* f y Jinmvnvql) ,on tpi > Is i(») L — *- * liunicl. Thornngp for * county. On tlm premjwis.nfo thp ueocsNviy,jl Vi - Inps, ci.ttini lioiisc,corn liqiisp, &c,, a vcry Vqtqfqr^flj hly fuiishod dwolling house, cxce|ivut ll ,WA',9yj.,,,., 0 ‘) Tho Initd# Qiatld-very conveniently b$ ; jfytqqiU mu! two ptumuttons, Igfuo enough to9mpjoy £(| or i|0 Imiids upon each. If not schl hofqre thp of hehrunry, it will du-njjo ..fl'.-jed nt front uf tlm Court IBumi, Scyann^b; . Fpr tijrfgf apply to R Haborshnm, Huvpnimh, nr 1 . t., (iviuiKu; nau^Touf,,',.; tin thp prqrnue** Ifdesirml it few t.egiocs will bp.dUptigcfl thejdiico. , , ,, , vu IX-f Tho Chmlesf.ijj Courier will plfBgf! tho above till the duy ul’suln. ... '! .1" Itur.oii. »• vo f«i t HlIDSyShouj.liirs, yrry stmcrlnr, idndm* from Ell Wldtriev nml liftr snlo'hy "‘b 1 - 4 4r JOSF.f‘H GUMMING&CO: rirvtw I'tirgiti unit tttimt iiiiiihi T HE umh-rsigued will tpke tho hill# of iko'iibaYiaj Bank, at par. fir Dry,Goods, lit jinji utbor fits.' ’ tie In* In Id* CHEAP CASH fjTpRE, istablftbf^ ^ M l-BENpEhe^T, N B.—All persons ijpoiring tii;supply tlipnidpjyeg; with iirticlos in the Dry Goods lino, will find it at* object io visit the nlmvc Store.', dec 14-tf * > * lYoti^ntoTlriadlrtV' T HE uuif'.i«ignud l.nving- out'red into apt 1 r,u.gpmuntin lii#,hutiiio##iin tlio 1st Dt “77 IPW BIS >*cettK . . ( l"-r^ j/-(pic#l« nil prisons imlehicd tq hln/|or Lotte not liuiiir.hed on diu 7iIio|'I>l-c. uUhuugli | ry Ticket*, hy duo hill ur oih'-rwise, previous to tlmf poi'lml, to settle tho stupe by'tin* .1st of Eetirunn ssm* AiiW's. _ I’O RT~OF SAVANNA li. JANFARV 18 Sun 8 5G I Sun -el 5 O J ! Moon rises.... • 5 High water.. «• 5 CLEARED. Ship John Cuinming,' Thnyur, Liverpool—G Ij Cuinming. Ship Vninbrii.i, Soolo. Liverpool—G & Co. Ship Si .Murk, Vninum, Liviu jaml—G B.irusloy Si Co Bni't|Ui)« Tjisso, Condy, Havre—Rimer & O'Prit- coll. Brig I'hiluiiih, Sleaunan. BMten—I. Baldwin. Brig Win Tnylur, lloey, New York—Wtshhum, Lowis St I’ii. Brig M-iry Buraar J, I'itrlicr, N»w Orluuug—Cohen, Miller St Co. Brig Mu y Ann, Curtis. IWldance— Pndolfonl, Fny A: Co. Sd.i H. m mini, I'nrker, Baiiimoii — S I’liill.iick Si HA (HEN, Jar.; !4. W»v Ywlk,CwUvii ifllaJ ARRIVED HtSCF, OCR LAST, Brb.nk E«"(*piii|io l l.arnmi, riimdml, 20 day*, Ibill'i*' to J Cit'in'ie'hnni, jr. ir. l»ir In* HIimuoi 88 day*. Bal- 1 U> .1 i 'in,ido .lt iw, ,jr. I' ■? Ai.»o- a. v, Nmv Ymk 10 ri .y*. Milsu n# h\V Wight,Col,.« Al--'.« r tc Co. r IV “ ' * ' * . 'l' IMmnnaon, G R Ilm.J, _.i,aiv l .a.t A. Norvwii, I 1 MEMORANDA. Rrig Edwin, up ut New Orionnsfor this port,9th Inst. MOBILE. Jan ID.—Cl'il, ship Cotton Plant Don-., Liverpool. NEW ORLEANS. 8.~-ClM, ship* Olivo Si IJizu, Glasgow; Sheffield. Havre; Margaret Forhos, Liverpool; ilmon,do: ElizaAnii, «!•; Jmrk* Edin burg, liuvre; Mnrei.go. Glasgow; J H Aditni,(Bru men) Humimig; liigliiun.ler,; brigs Ciim tow, Genoa; Timoieon, B"S" n; C’uroliiio 5i Mury, Huvnun; Mi*ticnS.'ii I’al.lo, (Sp) d". CHARLE TON, Jnn Hi —Ar schr ltos'l King, Boll.-#, Darien; sloop Grorgin, Sherman, do; *tenni packets Suii'horiier, Build, St Aogusiioc; C Van- del bill, Lawton. Wiliuiogloii. Cl’il, ship* Medina. Bordeaux; Eliza Warwick, Livorpoel; brig Aldrich, Middle. Went to Sea, ships Nimrod, (Ur) Liverpool; Sl Luwiuncn, d r, lironklyn, do; h-itk* VuIIihII.i, Aiit- worp; Diuman',(Brcin) Bn'in.-n; Ihin hng Formnn, Copenhagen; Br ketch Lottery, West Indies , if hy the .1st of t eiirunry, -thervvUu he will ho comi'olU-d tu plticg ■ them lq • - ‘ r odmr hands for collection. I'. n. I'KNDE 15 OOKlieil I'ldftDiQ, CASKS, jnsi midved, aiul for snln'b; jiiti H LONG, St I’ATT^ CoiRo. 14 DAGS prinm groeh U.o CulTuo, foy »oU - *»y ■••- .n IS jnn 14 2aw8w A R GORDON..,, Nopyo Ulolliil CASE of Necto Clmlti, just i* celvod, fiir kali-, . hy ^ WASHBURN, LEWIS• IKM'iiicrn Tulloty t undR-s. ffTSA BOXES, Jni'diitg pup Of.'hr J'd lyf, nnd fgf »n-o by jnn 9 . L BALDWIN!,> WiiBkcy. *1 BBLS' Baltimore Whi*koy,landittgpe)). A x J7\./ brig Hnrnli, I'orsnlu by - -v_- . ,Jnn 8 M DILLON & CO,at Nlirctint: uial I'liiidturifi'rlffi 41 i | BALES iiiporiur B-own. Sheet jpg’. I vino Vwiijt'iro IVi.'it*. J’wi re/irivrjjufi fo.- #nl» low hy JOSEl’H CUMM|N r G •’ ,in 4 ■ -i. Notices M RS. BEAUjsARD leaving the cKj- pnsiilvrjy enr!y in the Spring, re'qiios'*nil tmrsotisindch- ti-d to her to entno forwtlrd Sr settle Mieir account*.- FRANCK. Tlm I'aiis j"Uiii.ils. (date U'vember 5) nro nl. •nu t wholly "ccnpied with tlm war with Atrlca. The latest ndvicos I'.uni A'gier# were to tlm lilili n| Nn.i-iii:>ei iie In-ivv. On that .{a^ liisttintfiring wa* iieaiiK'l A g'er*. All tlio Upon* hail been widnlmwii from tlm town, nml sent t" )Jln ihc liirr>* contend ing with die troop* of AI del Kmlur. All the cit-ws of tlm vessels in tlio roads worn sent on shore, to k< up tlm Moorish population in check. Slmini'-rn hod li'-on sent to Oran to bring nil the troops n-aiihxiltitcly required for iho defern e of llmt plueo. Tho camps iu it* vicinity lind b-t a ul and lied. The Fans pripor* mention a now sriziuo of nrm.*, riii-'i unil inn ifd piojeciileg, nt (he hoosoofuil inc! i- viilu d who hml boon pointed out to the pnlico n» haringTniil smnotldng do wirii tiie iufeiimi me. cliino. Ho hud iml been finn d. DENMARK. The Hamhiir" mail which arrivpd nt Lomlmi on the 10iIi, brought iireljigonre of tho ilcnili of tho king of Dcmntiik, hut no piniii-iili.i* ure p ven — His name wa* Frudeiick. tlic- M-vuiiili of riail natiu- lie wus born tn 17110, und having no children but daughters, is suen-oded by hi* nephew, Christian Frederick, born in 1788. ARABIA. Account* were r-co.vcd iu London, nn tin- ipth, that the Engtidi ganNon ut Aden hud hcon attuck- ud hy 4888 A'ul>s, nnd linug oniy 488 strum; com pelled to retire into the fortress. The Arabs, however, wen* repulsed vvills severe loss, tho EuglLb sustaining none. os her husim s . must hu soil led l>y that liniQ. A)s», sellhi" oil', fmi Spick *df giawls, |rtw, ibr cash u*.-u| .i|icet nf Puris work. only; tinmng iIh-iii a lar, jap !Hr Vocto Siir.o Sugar. HIIHS 1*01 to IficoSugar,li«;idiiig,CD_ Elliot j will lm Mild low on iho wliftcf, j.i-i9 LADD.TUFI’EH & tilSTAR|g iMa token by !m Siivtttninh nnd AugujtnStcumhot v Mt, io brick stores,umriy to , ’ |.t. io 1 „ .Om HAA» Ajttnt. O F tyi-n thousand hub’s c.ittmi, cafl tho l^ondon PurhiP. CASKS London-Porter, m fiuo onletlLiod- OvF lng» •»»'! f° r wdehy >* ^ * j... 8 f.ADD, 1UITER St SISTARE.- Ci-omq AlCt , ■ "I ^ BBI.S. wniiniiti-d u first rate tillcl«vlipil« J \J) ing from lirig C.Tmion. for salo by!' |P - r -f- dee J8 MICHL. DILLON SCO?’ ; «t. Croix mid N. Orleans Sugar* -|/\ HMDS 8t Croix Sugar i\/ 0 do N Orleans do, in.ptqrtand for - aiiw jua 15 CprF, & MIttpl 20 Ciuiut riour. WHOLE anil 28 half bids Canal KJnur, just received, bi>d mt •ah- by .jut, 18 LONG /k FA1TF.RKON. Now niurUrrol. *YA HALF hlu- No I vV2 Mucketol, juit fv* ua\/ cuivcii, and lot side hy LONG .V PATTERSON, tali 18 Ifllllt.'l'* i KEGS lloshan i:utter, lauding Irqm * iirlr Win 1 stint md i..r >-t.i* by dwlir KOLAUir A I.UNMNGHAM .10! LIVERPOOL, Doc7. Cotton—To-iIhv’s mnrkd has Imen pretty biKk nml sale*, which iv..nsi*t fni the met part of Amuil- enn dert-.ripii-ins, amount to 35(10 bags, in which are ineliuhid 388 Amei 'can ukon ou >|H>ciilatioit. Hol ders oiler j/iciiy freely,hut prj^taro without reguln- Mqgdny, Don 9—To il^y wo have experienced ■ very fair demand f"| cation, and die sales, which nra ehiolly ol' Aii'C/ioon dereripiiiuiG uiiiootU' 5081) hugs, 11)38 uf which Imve i*n n tnkviion spec- lllullon, Allcumtiam nml middling qualities of Apt- rlcsii folly mnlntaln ln«t week’s j riecs.lmt the bottni kii'H, .-vp' i-iillpr I'l'tb" new mop, rathor iccvuin iu price, nml nro Iiih’Iv ojlercl. Dec 18— The ra.Vi of eo la!- •it ton to-day nra UQ{IU |h-i? Id— Coin Martel—We lirnl n *lesdy trn'|lt- it old vvinmi to-uu), ui.M tu sumo tu»tftt.\tM Am fJ*^| Whiskey uud Flour* 11HOS Whiskey £J\j 58 hhl* Canal Flour Leading (tom Brig Augnttn. find ti>T ,»9 j n „ j a COH EN, MILLER At Hlocks for Nule* • *g f\f \ SI IA RES Mai Inn nn.l Firo Inf. ptok ' Xwll 88 d > Sav In*, aud Tnut Comply, 28 do do , 4o- 18 do Jnn 11 8) do . D PONCE< fiuvuii'% fSvcai *BRIOirSri 10,000 s 7»i far *ulu by l-ONC&l jan 4 liny V»r \*\ 200 mi Jnn B r 'U>XR4-Null _ lazidlo E^yxl SO'IP- la* l iioi U* iUUS, kfcWli'ifc . .. - v . %