The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, July 25, 1840, Image 1

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THE WKEKI.V UKOlUiUN i.« I'm.i*iii » i* tiii: C.’ity of NuvuiiiiiiIi* wiLLiA.n ii. ntrLi.ocii, , AMI r9llt.l*Ht:H ng THE I.AWsor Till: ISMllM cur amii coustr piu.nnew. WEEKLY I'AI’KH—Iiiiikk I)«*. |wr nn nutn,—Payable in •■•Iv.inri* AI1VKUT1SKS1KNTS lnucrlnl nt lW ClunW- tmi rules. (CTPuMnge most ho paid ••null CoMMU.McA* TIO\S, mill li'tllT* nfllllrilie**. Vol. 11—No. 23. SAVANNAH, SATHJtbAV, JU.V 25, 1810. Whole No. 74. SUNDAY, JULY 19. 1040. FROM TUB NORTH. By t|ie steamer Dm. Gaston, Captain lH'ltliKN, in ion hour* hunt C'hnrlcston, we hawn'ceivitl ilic Courier of yestecduy tnuiniug, anticipating this foreiKM.n’* niuil. CONG BESS. In the Sennit*, on Tuesduy, I4ih Inst., Mr. Mor- lick ri>|Mirluii n Mil. retr.-ceding die District, with lilt! exception of ngton, in t|«»i sinte* m’ Mn- ■ yla n cIhmI Virginia, respectively. He said lie iliil not pri'i'O.i* lo |ius» it ut tlii* sussimi. He would nnewer for Maryland, I bat sl.n would willingly re* ceive buck unj pin t of the District cod<d lo her. The subject wi I cumtnitiicl .onto n Hen non, unit there in liille doubt llmi it w ill he i-n-aed nt the next session- The nioiutiiro would bo boi.elicia. to ull pui lies coiicenied. The Semite Iminmercd ut llie Distr ct Bank bill nguin, lid u line hour in llie evening. They finally passed to ho ci.gio.iooehl a lull levying, for one year, the corptiiulu exist wire ol ihm-e hunk* which ,„. t y immediately icsumo specie pay mi ni*; nod uDo lo allow them sixty days todelcriiiinu wnutlier to a-ceiit ihe term* or not. In the House, Mr Chnpinint, ol Alabama, inm;- cd to rtl-qwnd llie rule-, in order lo submit u ipso- 1 ut ion Insirucling die Committee on die judiciary to report u t.ili pr hthiiitig ilieonlisi merit of uegioe# nod p-rsoi i. Ilf c-l> v ih ihenuny and “ovy* M». Stnnhy. Mr IT'dlit, uod Miv Bolt* nuked lobe exi Uiu-d hoin viiii- g, on the grem d that the Presi- ,|,.„i |„ul dun power nliemly, and taut it did not hHih-i the question of die ndinissihi.iiy of in gro evi dence. Tin y were not excised. The vote on kii.pcndilig dm Mile- was 103 to 73—n large mu* joiiiv, hill n»l iwo-i birds. Tiie army iippr priulion hill was debuted till eleven o'cl -ek at n’ulit, by Mo.-r*. M« Kuy, Ever oil, Adams, mi l Bolls. Mr. Adams opposed uny uppioprialioii lor die Florida war, being averse to lie sniil dm Bn nidi-nt could, ui any lime, since iu common, euenl, have pniiili I lo it, ui ull expense of less than a hutidre^iliuusnnd dollais. . . , , . ■ Mr. Wise to-k llie floor nt 11 u’cl- ck, bill would not go on, wi - limit u quotum, which c-u.d not lie ohiuined. Alter n sirugg c lo tween llie majority nnd miuorily, tin* House mljeorned without taking ,esiion. There ar- imw but tivo days noire uny ii in winch hills cuo Ins sent hoin one lloiisu Jo the other, and olVoiir.e every diing but the tipprwpriu lion bids will Im swamp-d. Tim I'resideul lias lumilied tlmt part of Comimi dure Kltiou's srinenre which suspends his pay wild emoluments for two yours, and approved dm rest. NEW YORK, July 14, Very liille done ut llm siocl- this morning, nnd without any material Mirim mn in prices. $!JIIU<1 Oil I’liiludvlphiii—was sold dim morning UI llie stoek hoard ul 97 J' Money matters.—\ Im New York Aiuoiicnii of Monday nllernooii »n\>:— Exchanges on dm b.aiih nn* still rising. The ex pectations seem to Im dint die majority of the B.-lin eylviimti Banks will resume speedily in order t-a* .t r..r I it, tla. Sluli* vvliich ti v-.iil dm furred hum t<i the Stale, which is to he dm consiileVniioii of mntinm-d suspension. Whether the Bank of llm UnJ.etl Stales will cornu into this linasuri) remains ioh-- seen. THE MEETING On Friday night, of die DemnrraBc Association of (.‘hathum, was cheering in all who ndvucuie die priueiph-s of dm |{epiihlmaii.lKrrr:ilsoX. „ ||, M. C ha III.ton e-ij . I'resi lent, mok the chair nl 8 o’rlock, when he iiiinu..imi d dial invitiiti-nVhod been nxiended to Messrs. Blnek.Colipiilt nnd Coop* er. tin* diree pruscril-ed Hepresont-ilives, nnd our Seuuiois in Cniigiess, and to tlm vemruhle I’rcsi- the hue Democratic Bejuihiicim Couveiiiion ui Milledgevdle, loatieiid a dinner lo ho given lo til-' three Uepie-eiitotivea, who have wilh imiuiy indepeiidi lice n ji'Cied llnrrisoiiism, ami cloug to tliep inriples of die Hepiihlicun puny. W. W. GnliimX,osip, limn nddies'i'd dm me-a* )ng in <if* rveni si rain, ami was followed by M. Ham. RlcAw.llTKIt, esip , who f-r nun gaged the ailelil.»« «f d»e lleomcc I.KN was then called on, and for no liv.-tted the nllelition of ail umliioi i Imii an hour itey. Col. Ma rly liall’iio hour , whom tlm op- in dispersing. The enthusiasm displayed hy I hose present, is nn earnest that they uni engag' d in a g-u.d cause, the C.IUS0 of liberty, of equal rights, and piinefples no ver to he shaken, while the freedom ol’ a people is pr-served by coiistunt vigimnee. ‘1 lie oriiluis were mu,-h •ipplnnded, for they spoke of of a Dem-cmtic ndministnition, which carried mil. ore destim d to lescne this country from llm despot {•III iif assoc tiled weiildi, which would follow the elevation of the ernein! welfare candidate. Hesidoiioiis wen* passed by the me. ling, to ex tend inviln'ions to h » Excellency the Gnvnmnr of Georgia, Messrs. Tennille, Walker and Amleison, and Messrs. Ilolsey, Cone and Gin-cock, (who «<■ magnanimously withdrew fiom tlm Electoral nn-l Congri'ssiotiul tickets, lo efli cl a union of senlim.-lil among the Hepuhiifiins of D.-niiatnitic Gcnititi,) to utiend the dimmr ofl’ered to Messrs. Black, Cooper nnd Cobiuiit. The nice. ing. nft.-r the nppointmenl of committees to prepare business and receive subsetiplions of nnm-'s, nnd provide fund* iu lorwmd thegioriuus cause, gave three cheers nnd ndj"Oineil. Committee to pripare li"*ine*<- M. H. McAllister, Mor.hcni Myers, Hoitico Smith, Levi .*>. D'Lyon, Hiclmrd D. Arnold, Robert M. Goodwill, Jncob Clmd ourn. Committee lo receive Suh»criber» and I'nnd» Th.-nias i’urse, l\ dliani Roche, .Mtni.url Dillon, Isaac D'Lyon, Chillies Van Horn, William Bailor- sou, Joseph Fell,S. 1’. Bell, K.G Wilson, J. Ii. Ilily, John Boston, John C Ferrill, J. M.*, J S. Spare, Cor Ludrkn, G. urge Haas, J-ho Fleetwood, John Williamson, W. H.S. Verslille, 1*. M. Russell. J. J. Waver, Y. S. Rickard, W. A. J'nllnrd, Joseph Foiker. D. II. Stewart, James M. Folsom, Jas. W. Crews,C. McArdell ,C. E. Bario. John Dor»ett, Georre J. Z pperer, O-'taviis (.'oil'll, John Cuss, John Ddlu.l, Wm. il. Garlaiel. Richard \V. Rcloi, Loyal Scr nioti, A. J Hauji', Leonorian D'Lyon, Col. H. McDonnell, B. G. Slin k. W. M. Leigh, W. F. Willis, Ruul Harrison. Jns. B. Nor. Tis, James Low, Alex'i. MclJuidy, L. N. Fulliganl. E. Brewer. The Charleston Boirioi of lGdi in*t. say*—''We ■re happy to state dial our ciiy continue-, in dm eo joyment of jairlec* Imuliii ’’ LOUISIANA ELECTIONS. Mr. While, (Whig) i- rviiuinly eh clod to C.-n- gtes» finvi the 1st Disrrict. 'J Im Bicayuim of Sun- day, by llm Western Mail, -ay*.— ••’I lie low n ui,, mil of minor* ye«teiday in icln lion to dm. lee ioiiofmeiubeis ofCei-gn »* in iheiM Mod 3 I DLiiiri*. Atouaiime il was i-m-fi.lrlrlly U* •cited dial D - w on hud lieun defeal.-il in ihe -M by a small maj ri«y. but this report was not entitl- d »•« crclil. Daws -n In* nudou' leilly la-cn returned, ul thriuchhismaj-iily, a- siui-.l ui first, is small. “ In tlm :J4 Dis'rict, dm whig candidate, .Mmuo I* fsr abend .-f hi« opponent, Winr{ but whethc lie wiilcHiiy u -mfiniurt m-j-niy into llm stiong holds of Locoforoism is still a question. Moor's m -joriiy, areuidiug to the reports in town, is in the neighhoibiHxl ol BOO—some say over ibut numU-r. Tile gercrvl impres.ion i»'that he w ill be clco'cd." If Diwsoo I. elected, It i. n Kll i„ f„ r ,| to Admil)- isliation. I he lloe stales his maj.^iiy nt lAii (cm. Chian (Whig) now r pre.enu i|,u District, Tlw A-lniioirtrui-oii B uy h a v« m.C given up the third Di.lrict. A THE COMMERCIAL CRISIS HAS BASSE!) AND THE I’Ul.lTlCAL ONE IS AT HAND. No. 3. In the Inst number wn* pres- iited a cotuparudve view, so far as ilocuinents went w it Inn our linnie- diute reaeh, of dm Ranking of the United Siat-'S, England and Fiance,* lor the purpose of showing tlmt llm *‘go aheail" spirit was not cotilinud to tlm United Stutrs. And we now proceed lo eontinuu- lion to show excess in other pailicidurs, nod fortImr that dm results weie very similar in tbase eountrios, nnd unly mod.lied in sumo degtec hy difi’erence of cireunisi-soce or management. To tlm yenr 1831, the nniinnl imports nnd expot is of the United Suites differed hut Hide, -maw yen is the one exceeding u litdenndiu others dm otherf so that imporis ami exports wi re annually pr 'tty fairly balanced. Bui since that period, the imports have regubiriy ex ceeded the exports, and s-uiin year* lo it considem- hie extern. That excess seemed to Im unnmdly increasing in proportion us the New Yorkers im proved ihcir system of selling. The iiupoits were not graduated liyllm wants of die cotinir-, hot by die uhiliiy to force Miles. The AUCTION SYS TEM and die eoticeniniiion of almost allot'die imports of the United Slates in New York drawing there neurly dm whole poiehasing of foreign mer- chnndis-', gnve, whh aid of dm United Sinies IJlflik and die credits allowed, great f.icilhy to llm dispo sal of nil imporis. Tlm importer could put chase his poods in England al four months, in one month transport them to New York, in another, sell them nnd then realize two mouths before the nnilority "I his payment. So groat had these facilities become, dun, if n niniiofnrtiiier in England found dial Im would ho short of money on Sniutdny night to pnv his hands,nil dm financiering dint wus nece-smy to supply tlm deficiency,w ould he lo in ike tip nn invoice nfgoiids, even of the refoso and icjeriod goo-ls, pm them on hourd one of tlm New York p ickets, take an advance from some American m English house, or consign them to some In-Uce in New \urk, nnd draw ngninst tin nt. On urrivnl die goods would he sent to the Anciiom cr,' who woold advance near limit value—sell diem in jobbers, whose notes dis- cnnnlcd wooM i cloud the advance, nnd llm jobber would s II to the enslern. westernnml sondiern nmr- clitiols, iimI IImir mies the IJ. S. Bunk woold dis- eeuutur col'.eel* This was the machinery for tlm Mile of goods ill New Ymk, ami tlm iugenuiiy of Biother Jonndmii was not long In improving thin for purchasing in Englnml- They eslahlished ngeiil* to pint-lines in the Manufaeluriug disiricts on the continent, and in China obtained credits with some of the great Anglo-American houses iu London or Liverpool w ho ull-iwcd dm agents to draw upon them. This was called the open credit. Il did not yoi however meet the views of Hruilmr .Iona limn or llm porformaiico of hi* muchiimiy in New Yoik; Im therefore soon added mini hue improve ment, dial of gelling credits -villi two or none house-, so dint tlm credit of die one c-.old ■ o used lo pay oil'tlm debt Hi tlm other and s-mi -ii-lil die op--n credit* were improved imo long credit*. So exten sive was die use of these, tlmt in January, 1837. Brother Jninithatihnd three tmusrs in London liniioi acre|-Iiinro lo diotnmoiiiit of $.'l 788,jJ'J‘J, liom which may he forou-d som-- idea of Id* immense ope’ ration*. Tlmso urniiigeiuents iu Ameiieu Icrnu'd the machinery through whh'li our impml* were iu- ed; the following Inlile sh -ws towh'H i-xt'-nl. Erjmtii nf Jmjiurtt 1 01*1111.134 ftfl.080.441 ov.j*«.y4:i nii.iio.i.Ti lo4,:i:iti.9?:i l«i.iiu:i,r»77 Tlm items <>| excess nf imporis, hind sides, ftinl fin* 'iiiioiuil lo upwards of two hiindied nnd. forty o glu Tlm f. reign debt is osiimiitml lit nluiui mil im In 18.11, 18.11, 1834, 18.1.’., 1S3C. 18.17, 18.18, 1839. frupiirts. $193.1111.13-1 101,(139,9911 108.118.311 1911.591.3.13 149.895.719 I sn.ueo.oa.T 149.989.317 113.717,1114. Ifi9.n93.132 117.419 37(1 1(1 121.093,410 1.1.859,32 17.977.878 23.184,359 28.2(12.1(1.1 0I.3K1.2II5 23.5(19.8-11 5.939.5 fi8 •11.058,71(1 Tlm Edinliiiigh Review on this subject remarks thut “ thu cousiiinplioii of most nriic.'us of foreign growth rniolydillers rnat-rially in tiny connfiy no-- y-ui from another; on‘ess there he sonic extr.iordi- nary variation in I heir prices; so long a* these re main siii'iomiry, consumption llurtuaiosliot iiide.ils iticivuse or tiiinunidon dependsupMi the ii-eiense or diminution of population nml wealih.aud die spr ad of men's lastcs mid Ii-hits, which an* always slow I' diflused. Hein e,when we find n «ildden»i.d lliphl in tretisoiukiog place in the iintoiiui of imporis imonoy 'nuotry. ill-’ fair pri'bUinptuoi is, provided il ho mu accompanied by one or the other circumstances now mentioned, tlmt its trade hits been pushed la-yond -.ita proper limits—dun huge impormiioos mo mmh- spectilniioii—find that o danger out recoil may he exptr/ed. Now ikis Ins been most remarkably tlm case widi the Miideof die United Suita's. Their import» not only iuervnted cuorinanely during the six yea re cn <1 inn 103(5, but that increase very much exceeded the increase in the amount nf exports. Thus, in IH30, llm total value of the exports of al sorts of produce from die United Slates, iimouated lo $73,3410,508 ; in 1033, it tied to .$00. J -10 433; und in 183(5 to $ ISO,603,(540. Ilcmisequenl-y nppeurs, dint tlm increnso in dm export* of the U States since 10-10 liuvu been from about 74 million* to uhiroi ISO million i, or in dm ruiio of 17-1 p»i cl. But wn have already seen that tlio import* had in* creased S70 per coot., dint is no less dmn 00 per cent more than tlmex|-oris! In poim of fact-luring ihe last year, 1030, thu imporis into dm IJ. Stolen exceeded llie exports hy tlm sum -f $(>1,310,005; & seeing dint dm American customs account- repre sent dm r ul value w'lh eonsah-rahle accuracy, this exhibits, perhaps, the most striking proof of over trading, ever givm In the world. Thm is llm opinion expressed ion pap- r written vviili impartial Mini comprehensive views, u«d publish- d in a woik. which number* umong iis c-ii.lrilmlois, some of llm most pniudcid, luiirnod ami emiimnt men in the world. Here then is the opinion, as to the excess to which the United ttla’cs has gone in one pur suit, and of it* consequent effects, expressed hy impurtiuliiud coinpelein judges. If ilm recoil to lie exported from ibis excess in impniiit wus grem and dangerous, how much greater must it prove when we add toil the excessive pinch -ses in wild western land*, investments in lithographic ciiios uml corner I -*s nil over die country, llm great lo** by Hie hi N. Yurk, die iiiiiuiiiiI required to n build it, the :»»ee louus mude for canal, railroads and li.nik*. Alt* r till* enumeration, uiilrwlmt lace on it lie said, tlmt llm nets of dm adininistrad.iii hrouglit ills roimtiy to its present cundiiioo. Tlm excess in many of llm*e items singly wa* enough to piudnee revulsi.m, ami wiieoc-iai du al, tli nstoui-di'n oil is. mu dm tlm eoumry Ins tmenconvulsed, but how dm coon- try has withstood sue|iliemei.<loi|*siiocks,iin-l sup ported ils.-lfso well iindei such n f.ivmuhie ciicum- stances n* have followed, sine-- Ifi37. Ti-e wile* of public land* wen: In.1823 ?l 013.313 In 1833 f|.079.?ni ‘."J 97-, 0-i0 31 n,ii(in,HUJ 30 3.329.350 35 14.757.(5911 $20H,0(10,000. How much of it i» merged in the three hem* i* a qim-ihiu. Its solution, however, is mine- uessnry since the two hundred on J forty eight mil lions is cause sufficient without Ihe aid nf the ad- ministrationJn product' the revulsion, Without any loss, the mere withdrawal of so much capital from commerce uml trade n* wn* withdrawn by those operations, wnsquile siillieietit. in produce (Im* elleets we have wimessed. Add to this the loss of credit til loin hi m upon such n revulsion and can it In ii ilinltur of iistoiiislimeiii in any reflective man that llm country has been and continues ini hi* depressed uomlilinnT And what lire die Mow* which die cumi' try has received tinco. Wn* it not floored hy die ileimind for the English debt, and when it all* niptod (■'w'bk nocked down a second time hy thesnino spec, ulutive spirit uml ihu operations ofilu* Bunk of Eng- laud? Let iis turn lo Eng land nml see what is record, ed of her during llm same time*. The Kdiuhuigh Review, in llie paper iml'ofe quoted, says, •* Bin however idgmil the ami overtrading of the Aim-ricans during the hisl'iwo or lliree years, they have hardly exceeded, if limy have not been sur passed hy what ha* ncctiired among our.elves." Their pros* teemed for a while with pamphlets, written hy liirir most cudtmut Fimututcr* wild Uuuk- m s.iii raigning the conduct of thu Bank of Enghrml during this pciioil, as the nuriiur of must of dm misfortune* of dm day. Iu relndon to Franco, we find hy reference tu our miles that the enumeration given wus ol .L-hii Slock Companies generally uiul not Hanks; put down u* n memorandum of tin- •peciiladvv spirit ill lh-i*o dales in dial country, lid- error, however, does not ueakon dm po.siiion (liken, excepiiug a* to tt.o expansion of Money, nml in support of il.iu point, we here present from llm Report of die Bui-k of France, thu,operations of dial period, nrmv. During hi* icshlcuco in n foreign land he nccomiiliiied eoiishh-rahie ut-alih; niul.iillei hi* re turn to hi* native land, he joined his fellow rniiiitry men heart and lian-l in nil the snuggles that hate Ihvii tiiu-le. in latter yours for flm iiilnmineni of his . dee to tla* hiinl of his ufteCtMii us well ns his bit III. 1 In nil die relation* nf Id* dome-ric life, ilmde ceased geodeiiiiin was dislinguLhed for hi* coiisiile- rule nllivtinn*: and in hi* immedintu ciicle, nnd to Ids numerous iriends nml relative*, his loss will, indeed will ae a sincuru mid lasting source of re- grel. TUESDAY, JULY 21. 1040. GRACES. We have received from.). J. Wxvfcit, Esq. of Lihuily wnriB, n bunch of fine grapes, tlm fust wn have tasted this season. Wocnugrnni'utu tlm wor thy donor on llm pcrieclinn of his fruit, raised on hi# own lot, olid hope th it ibis sterling Democrat u ill I ve foccvi r, in piopria persona, or ill Id* descend mis, to cojoy iindei his own vine nnd fig tree, thu hlesi-ing* of a Democratic Goveniinuiil. “'itESUMITIONT - We hope ere long to iinmimice tlm resiiniplinn **f the Uatiksof ibis filly. Charleston has set mi exam pie worthy of being f-dlowei). Tin* mi-fm lmm in mil Stale L that we luivp too many Bank* hi die interior, ««m« nf w Inch having n large circntniinn, would, if tlm resurnprion were pnriiiil, drive the notes of die Savannah Banks out of circulation.— There are no Banking lustiiiitions in bettor cotuli lion, otlicrwiso, to ri'Mimn than those of this city. M.-venieiils of Notes. 1334—4.(11:0.11110.11(10 ' HI35—4,v71 OllO.i-OO 183(5—4 725.000,000 Movements of Cush. 7 094.0-11,0*10 7.740.000.000 U,013.000, non. I he R.-puii lurilmr says, " During 183(5, the seen riiyol Cmnuiciee uppi'i-n'd shiik*-n eoulnh'iic* mis fni'ti motneut weaken- d. Fiom die nioudi of July some symptoms ••!' puriinl di-Hess begun tetouiiifi'sl tlmiiMelv-s. The march of our manufactures had been so rapid that there could uot have failed to arrive a period oj re action Tlm* in many towns of die kingdom, the micresi of money lose to 5 mil 5} percent, uml even moment t» (5 percent. Money Imrnmn sciireet demands for specie were uddressed lo l'ails from diH'-'renl points of Fiance nnd from neighboring Countries. The CYfl'ers of dm Bank could alone liirni-h il. She had dmn lo administer aimuliunrouly to dm wants oflheCnpi- till nml lo dnso of die dcpnitincuts ns well as to iho-o or die iidjo'ning Stale*. If the Bank hud shown dm lunsl he»|iali»ii, fears w-iil-l prohab.y have become al. Thu public funds, which had already declined, would pcihnp* have expe rienced ii much heavierdepic-siiiii: this m-unuiilu- ry pi ui.mte mighi have liei'ii convened into n real cri*i*. I he bank ink hi* si i nation, re*triclu.l iicilh da* length of time which paper laid to run, nor di minished the amount orimrdisitomiis. She deliver ed up in die ciivulmioo 108 imilioiis ol Specie, and discounted 45(1 tt-iUhwt* in six mom Iis. She main- mined at 4 percent, lln*nun ofliei liiieresi, when this limit had been nx-eeikd l.y a great part nl Europe. It j,< ilm* llmi k|u> was aide in arrest, on., ‘••heck a m-ivomeiil which seemeil to he assimiing a *--ri -u* aspect." Thus dm Bank of Fiance repoiis ■•i' ,lurio>r that tt->'lio> pcrioil. of England aU-miptnd t - pursue the course ilireedy oppo-i e, hut soon vaciilnted. The p- ri.-l i* fine- fill of lessons to Bankers, Fionnei-rs.imd Mercluiiils. A Looker-on hut no I’oUtieian. D’hat next?—Tin* Fed- ralists iirecirculuiing in the ttn-t n spurious hiognq.hy of Mr. Vim Buivn. I'liey find il impossible lo g< t ..long hy fait uml lion otnblu menus. ANOTHER TRICK OF THE FEDERAL ORATORS. One of these euililies bus ioiptoved lipoti the spurious edition of Mr. Vim Boren's life, nod run •rives to give n now edition of iL as any utm-rguucy nris.s. On the new plan, hoi* nlwiiy* ready wnli un nnilieiiiic liiEehoo.l, vouched hy the hook. It is simply to paste ii scrap of a newspaper contnining die new.-t I'nbricution on a b'ltf of the hook, uml lead it u* il written l.y the biographer. This was done recently by mm of the Fcil.-rul orators in Ken. tu- ky. lie was followed up, after tile close of bis speech, by a ituielmr of Democrats, the taken front him. nod the fraud exposed. In Illinois it **'eiii- limy have some whole volumes of falsehood poll'ish-'d in New Yoik city, which is eiiculaied eve. -y where, nod christened Holland'.- Iif*. \Yu advise onrCoiigressioiiid fri- nds l<> cnll at Taylor's Book- nml piovidu lliemselves with n volume n e the true edition, to confiool the false one whirl, they will find in tlm use of ilm OppoMtiun on their home, n- tlm follow-log, from llm Chicago Democrat shows:— Wash. Globe, "MR. VAN RURKN'S LIFE Another Fraud.—For it lopg time weweresor pri-etl ut tlm iiiuliicily of siiinhy N.mdiorn tmstoe.i« dc. paper-in publisliioe tin- greiiiesiriilumiiies upon diecli.iracivr of Mr. Van Bmen; and then refenii.g llm public to his life us published, to siihslanliale lliellt, leaving tlm iiifeienee that they were to I e found in Brofi-ssor llohnnd's life, n* they knew m-l one man in n dnmsaml had die woik. The mystery i* fnlIv explained; ami wo liml dien* edil-ns, ijumji wilfully lying, when nriat'gimd before die puhlic lli.-r-lore, can practice whei is culled '• whip ping 'he devil round the slump.” The) huvn iu tlu-ii possession a woik teceiidy uiul clandesiiuelv puh lisln d wliich is nboiii the #ix«- of Broli'ssor Ili-llnml'- purpoitiiig to he the life of Mr. 'Van Boren, which is full ol the foulest libels Upon his ehiiractur, Imll moral and |><>lbira|. It Wit* was published in New York city, nml win unquestionably paid fin hy the w big Congressional Committee. This would rank nulling the vilest of dm vile trick# of that puny wh'ch can never sustain itself hy honest m un*, We have no doubt dint every whig editor in|lie Union Im* oneofilmin, froi wl.icli l-e can privately rend in the ignorant nml m sit-p--cling, or publish lo tlm world, ns may heat suit hi* ze.d in promotion of die whig ran-e.” D id not the pn.iple arouseio a prop-r indignntioii nl such miirageoit- ft-mils, such imi-igi.iint and in eeadi'iry uliucks upon an li.ttiesl rr jmtut on?—Chic. I) <4n. 479.(558 3.115.379 3G 23,983,192 Thu* itappea** theincrenrain sale*of lan-l»ko|-l pace with tlm Impoit*.' 'Mmexrrssof itnpuitsover ux|*urt» in ilx* wi-ro nhout 1(55,411.2(51 d ii|.h*, nnio'int ol sal- ■ ofluml lii/ams pi-roal 57.737,537 dollars. lo»« |>\ (ire in Now- Ymk, December 1835, uslhuaUal al 25,0011.0(19 dollars. Al whnl shnil we put down dm rehiilhliiif, ilm inve.imeni# in Ulhograi-hicuiiitta uml earner loti, nnd dm luunaf i *8 •>rmi*In ihll autimiptit. || la-lug nf Jmui Bn*It Comp*nitf, •• wx* fwand xiifiwards l>y rcUtviKv lo notvs - DEMOCRATIC ME El INGS. On Sal in day vvening the Democratic Republi cans u! \\ ashiiigtoii Ward, as>omhled at Mechanics' Hull, to organize a Ward Association. It reminded us ,-f oilier days, when wn Inoki-d nromid and obsetwd die familiar fare* there cun. •egnted. Otheci* were elected, uiul several ul-le aihlivaac* i*ii* delivered. '* In Srpmuilii-r, Crtuher nnd November iinxl, wo peel to see the son* of the invincible Washing ton iu one s.-lid phuhtnx maich lo the hulloi box. There nro some granite hoys among them, who know not how* to turn their harks to uii opponent. Let them all meet next Snlorday nt Wu-danglou Hull, for action sh-m'dhe the watchword of genuine Democratic Republican*. f At a meeting of the Dcm-HUMth: Association o> IViishiogton Ward, held ul tlm Mechanics' Hull on .Satiirduy evening, the following gentlemen were unanimously elected ,-flicers. •I. M. FOLSOM, Bi'e^idnnt. W. A. BOLLARD, 1st Vic« lVesident. J. SILVEIRA, 2d VireFresidettt. J. F. G. DAVIS, Treasurer. J- D. CUX, Secreii.ry. A f H*r wlueh die meeiing was uddressed hy tin- following genileiuen, Dr. R. D. Arnold, .1. Milieu, M. II. .MeAlli-.t-.'r, A. Diysdule,C. McArdcll, nnd ,1. S. Space, Ei-qr*. On mu mn oi M. ||. McAllister, Esq., Tlm Assn- ciutioti then udj-ioroeil tu ttioet agiiin on Sitimdny Eveiiieg next ill Washington Hall, being the next regular meeting. W. A. BOLLARD, l-l Vico Bro.idoni, .IAS I). Cox, Societiny. Ihe following letter from lion. E J. Black, to his I- llmv* of Setiveu eouniy, has been bun ded lo it* fur publication. • ii-t/su Bki's., July Otb, 1840. For W. .1, Lawton, Ibmj. Green, uiul W. H. Muir ally, E-qrs. ('oinmiltee. 1 have received your kind nnd flat* tei'ing leitei of the 20tlt tilt, in mining mo dim u public dinner will ho given at Jitcbsoiihoro' on my rn. This gratifying intelligence I huveenuj- mtinicaied lo my “proscribed colleagues,” Major Coopcruml Judge Colquitt. We return von ulir sincere thank* for lit il mark ofy-mr approbation, uod beg y-u to assure our f. I- low citizens of Seri veil that thu response from our 'on-lit m'lit* of*'well d.-ne good and faithful scr. vaut-." i- dm reward to whichnur ambition aspires. The consolinc voice which you send m*' front the people of my own county, nvntes lo me umidsl the heuted m.d impure atmosphere of thu ft* lend city like tiie song of the runs din vaches lo the soidiet in n foreicu laud. From tlm Cupitoh where I zealously liib-ir for the lioom of yon, l send ninny a longing look over llio Botamiic to my nntivu Sondi. •• tlm Iniid of tl.o free nnd dm home of tlm brave;" and anticipate my return to you mid thufrecitii'ii you repn*s"iil, as a relief which no one can appreciate, who li-is uot been stibje- ied l.t die seenes of violence uod strife which |iu> chut- ucteriz< d Ibis Congress. I would Irivii answered you lirb-re, loti I wns waiting for llm ilayofuui adjournment to he fixed. The i wo Iwieiis have now agreed to adjoino on the 21st iosl. 1 shall n I ho ul home lielorelhe25thor 2lith July, uiul iis soon alter I arrive, its suits your rouvemtnee, I shall Im happy to meet my fellow ciii/.-’iis, for the pmposo of leudering lo them nn ni'i'.ouiit ol toy polilical stewmdship. 1 beg you to commend nm to our friend*, nnd accept for your selves, individually uud collectively, my obedience lliul uslut'lll. EDWD. .1. BLACK. KTWVii take dm following from an Irish paper Sit Futoris Maedommll, was tho coiisin-geitnao of Ci,|. II. .Macdotiue)l,of this cily.—Telegraph of yesterday. DEATH OF SIR FRANCIS MACDONNELL- We l.a«’e sincere regie! in unnMiic-iug the do* re• f Sir Fim-ci-, .Mucdonnell, whi-'ii took plHce «m Friii >y nighi ut, ut liD'residuiice.Uonfuiih hou,e, cuu- iyei Kildare. Mr Francis wus a native nf thu province of Coo- nnughl. and Id- family wa* of gi mi tc»|mi l.»''iliiy in ihe county of Mayitfp Front hi- native soil, Mr Francis MucDoni-ull pmciu-drd in cully life lo ^iiiiit wh-reho wi* re.Idem a- a m-mlurofno eminent iimreaiiil o fiiui,|.rev#oiis tu die i^cuj-aiioii of I hut rnnnir) hy dm Fr. licit- During dm IVnin- •idnr uur, Id* iiilurftimnni widi regard in tln.i ru.m- Ity (ioci.min Midi so mi-nyufbi. fellow coumiy. nmn] was niudn uvnil-ihh* for ilm.crtice of dm Eng lish army, Ut whore cumniisniiui he wit* ulincliud in n •iiimdmt of gre-ii trosi, which Im • *.'.imn! in silt It a m-i'-rmr n- to sergra in hinis-lfilm thank, ami tisinudc el thu cmmmtinh r» ui the Fufiliitu-ui SCRIVr.N COUNTY, A portion of dm Aon llmrisou pnrly of Srrivcn Cooiny, assemlded iit\luck*ooliotoiigh,oii dm eve ning of llie 13 h of July, for lie- pm post) ofdispos ing of it clndlenge thrown out l-y tie* llitirisoii party to nmcl uml open!) di-cns- dm c-uims of dm two nominees fur the ('residency, un .omo future occasion. On motion, Col. Henry Beaiifi-ri took dm Chair, mid W. J, Lawton, esq., wus requested iu net us Secrutnty. Thu Chiiirinuii. briefly explained the cuiise of thi- hu.ty meeiing of the pmiy, iintfuflcr suiting thu extiemu necessity for tlm pmiy to sus tain well their tenets, while struggling for so lauda ble uii ohjcci; imsaid he hoped that llm pmiy would not only meet lie: IJai’iisoiii ns, hut he piepmuj to defeat them. Mnj. VV. A ll itrhkh* then rose, mid idler mil king a few very appiopriate i- nniks, olii'ivd the (L-llowing ro.-oluti-m#, which wer-' adopted: Ilrdolved, That tlm chuiletige given hy thu feder al wine pjrly of this coiioiy, re in- et diem at s«*mr future duy, to discos* dm i lmois of the two present ntiididalcs for tlm Bresidency, M -rim Van Burro uud W. H. ii.irri-oo, wc hid \Viil» |d-.-u*ure, uml now uiihe.iratmgly accept die same. Kcsulyal, Tlmt thu Chairman appoint a commit- t* o vf seven, lo obluiu iiifoiiomiuu of die llm- lit which dinner lo la* g veil to our distinguished li-llow citizen, Ed wind J. Black, will h- prup-ned. And dial said committee he direct'd lo mnily the Cbiinm ,n *4 da* federal whig party lliut tbu Deiii'-cnitic Repubii- uiu will umul them vl’tm. Wh-Tripoli, Tlm Chuiimuii nppoltilml do* fol lowing grailluniuid Cunts II -mpli'ics.W. A. Iloicm ki-s, W.J. Law ton, Beii|. Green, I'elitr Uutldick, J, M, Millni umlsDi. It. II Suxoti. Onliio'ioo,l|i dull wingle-oluliuo-wentudopleil Het dvcd, Tlm «« wo wish ilia p-diilcf of Scrl- vnit cumiiv to Im fairly estinttiiud, llm s- cruiniy of (Id. mi'i'iiiig la Imiehy din cM re «lvu u t'orrecl Iii-rolllllof Him Huirjoin nm ling, lot' ihuiliforillalion of all w I mm ii nmy c* i-c m. Uts'deed, Thai tu.» pi-c • ding* nf lit s nieuliug he (col lo (im Biivanmdi Gimigoui, lor pobll- uilon, IIEMi V 1)1 .VL'KU|lJ,Chal',n, IV J, Lawion to o'), f»olt 1 iiK (IKOIUIIAN.] Hiiflog Ihvii dinned hv * tesoliilimi of llm Doth ncrnlic Repiilditan Bnriy, to giv'n ii clirrcct slide. itit*ni of ihv pinceediiig* of dm llni'ii-no nmoflng. held in .racksoulihro', Srnvnn ceini'y on die 1 Dili o. July, 1 herewidi iriinsmil lo you wliul I conceive In Im a coiiccl -lull litkntuf fuCls. W. J. l.AWTON, Secretary Dcuhft'rutitf UepnhliiMii Meetingr llirough soum nnkA.-wn medium (pdilmps tlm muil rider) it l.eenme iindurstood In llm friends of llmrisou dull their pmiy wns !<• he nfguiiiited on (ho 13th of July, (It being cmirl day;) nccntilingly mery llnh lsim man, to n man, dint couldgl'l to thu village went, nnd at 11 o’eloek, Their Engle muse had inken wing. And armed with thunder cle.ivod till* ulr To make us village inoitnln stare. And thu DumucrndD Hopuh icmishitd nnwhogun I" loiter mid wavei. nud may soot, have been driven hy the ({.. di* and Vnndul* It mn llinir own iilmrw mill firesides, hud not many of tin* Dmimci'iidc Repuhli- enu Burly had husiness iu tin* mini, uud ciimo in linmly enough io sustain limit friends. Tlm town was now in nn uproar, nml now nnd riicu, iitnid dm din of wily di-chi mm inn, m-ylitvn been heard the veteran Republican iu stem nnd minly ticcnuia ad ducing facts, unvarnished fuels, which caused the •cnrlet hue lo lingo ihe voiy topmost crown nf die Hurrison men. Thus ihu nmi'iiing passed. At 2 o'clock, dm limi ting, die Great Harrison Meeting, was culled to order by Isaac Bryan, Esq- who slim d tlmt llm meeting was designed exclusive ly for dm friends of llarrisoo. Col, A.-S. Jones uddressed dm meeting inn very short speech. He then inlr»dnced n piiiuphlel Ii um which he rend die exirauis of ihe Join mils of Ohio, so Ireqimmly published, w hereGett Harrison '• voiod to sell whilo men." '*This," Im said, “wn* like many oilier piece# recently publish- d, n garbled ex. tract used only for party purposes." lie then in. trnlimed a "living witness" tu repoll tlm fun. culiimny, nod make il iqqmar I hat the law did not m-an "white men," hut reimgndo negroes. Foi tins purpura Dr. R. D. Black was called upon iu leslify: The suiu lotul of whose testimony wus tlmt "the Stun* of Ohio I* separated from dio Stales ul Virginia mid Kentucky hy ii river, nud dint he (dm wiim-s-) had heard ihu there Vcro n great! ninny negrous in the penileuii.iiy." This done, C. W. Young, K-q. die main orator, muse nud in n most profound manner uddrc*sud die iisseiithloge. Do" nmi lie ing the Biesidunl us profligate Uhd utiworihy f thu support of die people, ho defied uny one to refute thu clmrges which hu brought ngninst Mr. Vim Hmeii. Hu then introduced it restitution do- during die clnirgu*uguim-l Win. II. llmTismi,nslo Ids,being a fuduralisl, uhiilittoui-t, mid io favour uf lliog white men, Iiuhu fulsehoo I*. Front Mr. Young's iitiinimr dm Denmcrniic Ro- piihhcan* lull calle-l upon to vole oil hi* I'cMiJillinti. And w hen die quusiion wus first put hy tiie ehuir, llm lliiirisoii phtly went tm.liiall) out voted by the frag mum nf dm Dcmocrniic Republican party which were present—hy two to one. Nor would dm llurrisotiians have been nhlu to cllVct llm ptt*Migo of their resolutions, hud uot ( tlm ehuir put llm vote in such a manlier, thni an other than ufiiund to Hut*- rison Cv itld vole either pro m com. Tlm llurri-onimirt feeling now- clingi'limd nud dis Boucerted tuaHo many nmiincing decliuutious, and eveiiliiiilly chulluHgud lln* Demoeriiliu Reptihlicmi Bony to meet them mid openly discus* tlm claims of the twu iminimies I'm die i'residency. "Hewn* n slock •|Htii|ninl, hmllil* rd'insiif villanv, winch hit- coiillnlmd lor eight year*, in slip- poso-l |„ have orlglnii'cd In this pmlilic mine. " ThA iiinoiim |m ha* inken from dm •eller's dinwei indmliiink i-vuiioulv esdm iletl. Il is l-e- In veil io l-e $1011.0(10. bin dm uliirerA of he hank have sec!)iI'd dm insiitulioii In ti c« lisuleiiilde ex tern by limlitii* real esiulemid oilier seem ity belong- lag to him.* ♦ WEDNESDAY. jtfl*Y 22. Ifl-lih From iiavann. Li-ltefs ffom Havana In ihr I4ili Inst.hv llm brig Sarah Ann AI ley t arrive,I m (hi* port, say-1 "There I* no Kin* in first hands. Th® curette* of dm Daniel Webster, Enete, Uml Rcuiifni't, lillvn been sold in 12 rials, with a nio-leraie supply in iiiarkei; good Cuflue IsscnrtUt ut a Oj, Mo|ii-se« 14 ii 2^. •• I c .nsid-r ,bl) in-)mid iltsl »-1 arfjdu ii) dm bread *' seal. I'lie Cmiftnlt'ee repmierl this reshli ftf dm ll.rura ibis monilint.inul tho . hulrmnn Mr. Campbell, mnv*; nl In liavo dm fupnrf of die tnltUnUy nml ihe ma* j oily ui'tlmcointnitiee primed, (|fio evfdetM'it Inf Ihuiii ohviiil^priiiied) nnd ihu mu siihmilit-il lo dio . House f,o Its decision on Sniurdny next, Thi* would* have enabled each of the memlx'i# t» lits-ofttA n(s T"doled (vitMretli reports, nnd vrllh llm eyidenefif sniie-l hi (hem. The Oppodiimqhowet'ef d * I'Mlds ftlir proposition of dm clmirinuii of dm com' millin', nnd insisted llmi I ho reporu shonM Im Im* ine-lini' K redd. TIrncho rrfim.'s plan would have' nulili'tl each rtK-mlmr Hi road llm nqiort rif hlW f room, and dm I'osim--* of dm nalion cplild linvtf beoii cut ried on tfitr'mg dm running nfihn Iasi snuiU of dm texsinn, wiifiont interroptlou.' 0"Mr. B. 0. Cooper, wn*yesierdnylty the lion, Justices of die tufethn Cotift iu Ses-ion, nppuinicd u Notiny Biil.lic foi dmciouityufChndiain. To Isaac Uryuo, Esq., Clin il'lit no of li-iirisoti meet- lug. Dear Sir:'— By virtue of ii res-ludon pns-ed no dm- 13th of July h) thu Dciiiiiuralii* Repidtlicim Buriy of Srrivcn county, tve have lumn diiecied to notify you that die Deniocrut'e R''piili|icans will he prepared to meet thu friend# of 11 at rison, uod open ly disrit*# llm clnitii# nf llntiisoii nud Van Bmen to die Bresidency, oil llm 4th day of Aiigo-t next. Willi tmnliinfiius of irspcul, wu siih-crihe our solves, yours, A c. C. IIUMFIIKIES, WM. A. HOTCHKISS, W.J. LAWTON, BENJ- GREEN. BETER REDDICK, JOHN M. MILLER, U. II. SAXON, RESUMPTION. Wv are unihiiriscd In say dial llie Bluniur* and Mechaiiics Ranh, dm Sootli Caroliini Bunk, dm Unioi, Batik, die Stale II ink. nnd llm Soot It Wes tern Rail Road Bank of this Oil, have resolved foriitwiih lo losiune sp'-ciu payment*. A# the Bank of Charleston and tin* Bank of tlm Stale were specie paying Bunk-previously, alt the Banks of this City may lie considered n* ha vine from thi* Any resmtmd specie payments.—IJhar Trtriol of Saturday afternoon. LOUISIANA. Tho New Orlfiius Ilea (Whig) of dm l.'hh Inst llm only paper we yestetduy received from Lou ■siiitiu. The full-wing paragraph from tlm Vtihilo Regis ter. (Deni.) of Ttms-lny last, coninin*more concer ning the recoil Congresdoual eleeduii. J.nnisiann Election.—Tlm only paper wo race! oil from New Orleans to-day is llm Bee; anil il brings very liille nddiiionul news from dm thiid District. None of die siioiig Deoniciatia Bnrishe- lire repoitnd. Rumors, however, hy pussi'iigei*. say that Winn, (Dent.) is olecled. Accndiog lo dm Be.-, it i# tlm iiilondoo of Judge Aff'rgim toconieat llm «d'*<'liuri of Dawmni. This, Imw- ver, is only no I'hiilitioo of disiippniniiimni. The Whigs know heller. It would swell the Di'inocruiic majority # GREENE WARD. Tlm Dennicrutic Repuhllcmn Banner (vlishoisted In Grccnu Ward hy dm Dmnncrat* of dm sartm on Monday night. Residing in u Ward, which (mnl*. ing dm name of dm Rhode Island Blucl-smiilq whoso enrihly reinnin* repose whh thn*o of’our kindred, it was lit ho cxpecied, llmi, catching did spirit of die Revoltiihuiiiry snvior of dm South, llio citizens of dm Wind honored Ity his revered mime, should he found arrayed side by side with those who have tivr cherished dial of '‘the Father of his Country,” nud hauling f-r the same principles, which, purified in ii h 1 lv contest for Liberty, linvn been hiuuled down lo it* Ity ilmse vcui'inhlo men ns n rich legacy to lie h* quealhed inviolnte to fin lire generuii-ms. Go on, Dem-icnilifi Uopnhlicnna, nml emulate the viHuua of Wiishiogmii mid of Greene. Let their example 1,-nrli you dial *• the price nf t.iberty ii eternal vigilance,” ami remember llmi -leppo|e pressed not tlm ey-lids of * great nnd good soldiers of dm Revolution, while n fon lo Republi can Government desecrated the soil they recognised iis dial of tlmir country. Having been unexpectedly detained from dm ineelinu, wu copy thu following fiom yesturday’s Telegraph. "THE CRY IS STILL THEY COME." Ilelow wu give dm ollieiul prucerditigs of llmfir*| Deni crude Repuld'Caii Assucialiun, uf Greene Ward. Thu Hurrison party w ill run die day, when the "black cockade," uml motley flog was I'luiucd on dm soil consecrated hy die foot of Oui.ktiioiii'K, and his gallant follower*. Tho march of Duinnrrtmv In onward.—The peo ple lire aroused, nml 'Old Chatham" will speak wirii it voice of thunder. At (ntmodng nf the citizens uf Grenno Ward, to fstiihlisk ii Dumncruric Repnl»licn|i Association, held al. th'* Green Ward Huict, on Monday evening, 20th lost. On motion, Mr. A. J' C. Slinvv wn* called ut dm Cliulr,uiid A. J. Dnupl app iiiii- il Ibcierary. The meeting Uiuu proceeded t-i orguo'z" "Tlm Dvnine.riilic Republican A**oriiiiinn of Greene Wind," when llm lohewlng geutienmii .worn elected rtlUms *. Bresident—A. .1. C. Bhnw. 1st Vim* Biesi'deiil—O. O'Rourke. 2ml do—L. W. Smith. C. MacArdell. wns life game of die Opp-siiion. Almowt ihewlmlu day w ns Consumed io rending the reports of llio commiilee no each side. Those reportsronlnlimif'.-' die views of hoi It pK'ties—tlm iifgitnieni andtlnf, evidence on w ltleli ench side relied lo plui-o thu iifiji-cr in die fiiiresfliglit forlheni. After fmnrit'g ilm whole'fi.ise |,i I hi* way, dio-i) faVoriihle io dm ded-loiiof llie fommillee prop'-ja-il lo lalre llm vftln Iijioll ihe resolitiioli sulnnilti'd by . (Iicin, deelarilis do members from N.Jenvy hnving (lie mrijoriiy on die polls originally—ml which was liwieit-ed Hy ilm pHrging of llio p-dls Ity iti-* com* . inlitt-o—endiled mi limb- si-nts. Tfm (Ippmtithm, ort the other hand, hid-ted dial die ropmis vvliich (hoy - hud hoard read should ho printed; (hifl the siimtf pm ties which had consumed nearly lined moiithit' in the heginniiig of tho so*si"U in spoeclios, and mtnlo six hundred speech' s fmfoiv dm coniinide®^ should begin ngiltli in tlm l|"ii*o, nud; wilh the h"l|7 of n dioiisainl pages i-f printed evident!*/ pm mr efli'ctiial bar to the decision nf dm rpiRslfrfm ; It is perfodly dear tlmt if dm ease Winn opened • ' ill dds way again, il would um only he impifsihio io decide it in lln* few remaining'd-ivs of iliis «i'.*ion # hill that Ihe Ofl|aisld'itt.colild easily udir-nate dib whole term'of dm pfoselil Cmigress, op f (,. dlf 4tll, day of Mureli next, l iking their pnsl inuvi-itiiiiifs'u« a . riierion. Tlm Deniocailc puny, petfieiving did f design of the Opposiiion, culm,| die pm.hills t(i|es* ' , don. the reports oflnnli parlies on the commilleil being fully Itclirl: When we left llie llco-.e i-t dark, this evening, ihu Federul inemlmrs were rising in •nrces*ioii, ench tmikuig n speech on jt niotiort tfl lieexcu-i-d fiiim voting. Tlmso tm-djiis tteio ovemiied siicrcs.-ively: hot several, iu dcliuimd Iif . tlm uiiihoriiy of dm House, in tlm most fiiiul.-nt and furious m inii'T, decluied limy would nut voi^ In this way dmy probably expect |0 defeat u dccisiort of ihu Now Jer*l*y controversy. As snvrill. of the Democratic iimmbors hnve left llm city, if tho whole body of tlm Federalist* si-erdor ' it may hapiieti that no quorum cull be fonncdlnpastf np..|i tlmc i#.*; mill in this way the opposition will' accomplish tlm purpose which dmy liuvn do doubt resolved upon in enimn*.—Globe ofUilh inti. - . ■ •" There iireheiwceu IllOllund 1200 strangers notf in thi* village; nud among tho nntnlmr Gen. Fcott ■ iif the U. S ni'itty.—Saratoga Sentinel, 14th Tobacco—’Thnni-iimpoly uf Tohucco InMexiod which I'muteri) y iclde>lto die govut iiment ii revt-ufiu' of$3 .0(10.000. now puyslnss limn hiilfumillion,nud it is supposed dint imu year dm culture and itmltf ill dial Utricle will he five In nil. (Cti.rcspoiuleiire of ilm Clmrlestou Courier.) WASHINGTON, July 111, TreiHiirer- — oeutera^—— On motion of Mr. L. W. Smith. Itvto/veil. Thai llm rule# governing dieConlral Demon nl io Assodalioii, lie inlopicd for - tho gov einiiiuiit of lliis Association, Tlm meeiing was tliuii addressed hy J. L. Shnfl'er «udC. MaeAidi4l,.E*qrs., mid uUo.hyCol. M. My. r*, Col. Aliilen, nud Judge D'Lyon. Oil molloli of (’. MacArdell, It IMS also Uesotncd, That the Democrats of the Repiililicuii Association, nlleml a nmeuiy of the Dniiocratie putty uf South Uglothorpo Ward lid- veiling. On motion of Jo-Ice D'Lyon, ll was lirsoivcd, Tlmi the nmeling adjourn. Ai.k*. J. C.Siiaw, Bruslditiil. D. Lynch, Secreinrv. Notwithsiimdingthc euorvaiing licaliifilic wcnllirr/ Congress wiLn sonic ten or twelve Ilnurs o| the day; en gaged uot in llie despatch of the ncccssitry husiiuisH of tlm session. Ihilin pertinacious uml often trilling dcbuic* on thrice decided uud hreadhitro lopicq, Tlm Suuuier .' ycsierdny. again discussed tin District linnk Bill uud rejected it, Ifi tu 20, Mr. Brestoli thee, moved n re. • coiisideration on llie uroiuid tlmt, hud ns the hill wus; it would Im well to give the hanks tlm option of inking it. The debate was renewed, uud the voto rejecting. llie hill was reconsidered. The debate then begun tu- luce as fervidly un cyor. iind.llm-Seoat»*i*«*<*iH.Ih.OM«*, tiimuil lo spend be balance ol tlm session iu qunrrcl- iiig over It Tlm House. Inst eveningr ullor snine t-mg speechtu 1 ' noleii 07^0^ ntr-A^irrft i trr ' REsU.M BI'ION. The ililtneiliiilei'Kiisi qoi'iii'i) of nil thu Charlustun Banks reileomilig their hills in specie on demand- sii>, say* the 6V>«r<Yr of Monday, ti red-miion of ilm into of Noiilicru Exchange, Bills on New lurk ire now 2 per cent pn minoi. foul fold. W ASH INGTON,June 15 Mr. Seoalur Clay, of Kenlucky, Inis left this oily on his wuy lioine, hy the way of thu Virginia Spring'. Mr. Reed, Representative from Massachusetts, who came Imre m ill-' opening oi ihese-sion of Con gress in dcliqnlu hi-iihh, has gone lo the While Sul phur Springs, io recruit, before ri-liirnii-g Inline, Mr. nhe.rod William* lleprcxentiitivn ironi Ken- lucky, who ha# been in laid lu-idth lids winier, is nl llm Whin* .Sulphur Springs, nod we ri gtel io hoar, wi-hnot any improvement in hi* imulili.—Intelli gencer. A Duel.—Ex-Governor llir.itn G. Riinnrl*, and Bresidi-nt of llm M>ssi-*ippi Uiiimi Rank, uml Vol oey E. Howard,ex-ednor nfllie Mis-iss-ippian, llm Suite paper, fought ndui-l within lit- brands ofllti- Suite, near Colomhu*, (Mi.) a few days since.— Howard, who, by ihowliy, is very much of a gentle, man, was dungi rou-ly wounded in the hteasl—llm hull h iving en'eicd u> n point near tlm ri.In lobc iii,d Hindi- it* exit lit a distance of twelve inches on the of-pox le side. Koniml* es-'a|md onburt. The distil re was twelve pacts— mm Ine. ' Mr I low-ltd mimed Mi** Gooch lit- poeloss, ub.nit two years since.—Mobile Adv 14/A in*/. ICT Mr. J W. Retail, fminiT'y i»r thi* city, nnd tecenlK IV un Wnslilngl"0, Wilhesco-.l'ellovurlmurd l*iotn (lie brig New llaaovor, IniUiid to Bhila-lel|ihia, and wii- diowncd, when one day out from this port. Every oxeriton was made by I'm Captain to rescue him, which •ini'oriiniutcly proved ioellimtnul.— Teh r graph of yesterday. ROBBERIES ami ATl'EMBTS at ROBBERY." Oili towo woii'dnpiMiarioin* infcn-H -I with llii'iyes Last night, the Dty Geods vine of Mr. D. Demp sey, win. Innkon open.nod rubied of.tin noeiiint of money, (amt peihups goods,) tint vet ascertained. On tin* •nine night the Refre-liniotit Ilmira of Messr*. L'idifig'oii At Thompson, wu* en ered through u hack window, hy forcing it open, nnd the desk was broken open. FofininOidy, however, hy ■ he |inidcHi urr-iiigi'titenis of Mr. Thompson, nil the niotiey in thu dr»k wiis n-nioveil, uud nothing lost uf value. Again, Mr. Sciiohio's house on Spring Hill, wn* • landeslinely riiton'.l hy a nemo hoy, iibrait 15 years old, Imfoto Imll ring, who conceit‘ed liirnsel 1 in ilia bedroom, midur ii caplionrd, v« a tel. ing an op portunity to steal. Mr. S. rvtired to UU chamber at 10 o'cliMik, about 11. he hi'urd n iiiiise, a oud aris ing, fniiid llm A llow, whoie kaowle-lgcd his gfiilt, and ad mi i led llmi he was placed I lure hy an uld.-r urcninpliru ill ctillie, ulso n negro, lo thr.-w the doilies in thu room, out of I Ik. window. He snid too,llmi lot saw Mr- S. place his pockvt hook, un der the t/milress, and if not dcicuicJ su soon, Im io- tundi.-d lo sti-ul it.—The pocket hook eontaineil $95 oi $190. Ik-was seal lo the Guard IJiiase.—Ibid- dollars for lln- Florida war, uud liutilly panned Um hill. Tlm Indiiiii appiopriatioii hill was tliuii taken up, hut no tnogress wasunidu In It. ■ 'J'lie minium of iiopiirlnnl hnshmss before Imih Hou ses is very great, and the whole iinul he sacrificed tir llm talking propensities oflJougress, A preposition ut- ' rescind tim resolution foe adjournment Is strongly up geil, nud it tuny succeed; hut it would ho of no usu/ for if llm scHsiqo wore prolonged another fortnight, tlirf whole time would hu coiiattined, nut iu buninets, hut speech making. . - Tlm report of the cpinmitleo on the New Jersey case, will lie made to- i-y. . The majority will.ropnriii? fa voi of llm Milling inuoilmrs, Messrs Vroom,. Dicker- sun. *Ve. Tin- minority will tmike u counter rcpon.—' 'i'liere is no lime io r(-ml cither report, ami the lloiisu must vote io the ilaik -*o llm subject, each limit follow-• ing his file leador. • Tiie llmnlre was crowded lust night. Miidr-tni-isdlo': Elnler lias turned tin* heads of our people. The Fro-. . sidi-ni and tlm whole fJuhinel, even iiiclnding Mr, ' Nile*, were present, mnl a considerable portion of both •. I louses. WASHINGTON, July 17. -* lo ihe Semite, to day, Mr licntonculled up a hill io' ■tutliiiiM.- tlm Brenideiil lo .in ept (tie •ervicesufvoluii-' U-i-rs, not exceeding twenty live Imliilrcil in r for tlm Flm ala war. He said it was uei-cssnry to do* sniiietliiiig for the proiectioii oftliesaireriug inliuhiluiite of Florida, nml it wa* evident that tim two bills which the Henan- hud sent to tlm other House would not be’ iicii'd upon. There win, mucholjjei tiiai utaiiy ncrua «r of dm Inin of tlm army, uml lie la : • ’ puss. mped this hill would iy. um It was o.-deieiflo uthird reading. 'l lm Diniriu Bank bill won again taken tip, and Mr«- Bucliutcui sjsiku oil the subject, lie said tbu hill would . . - ^ * Ire gladly accepted by three of dm hanks w|il< h hail resumed nml were able to pay specie. The object w ior^ • . ^ . in force ull the haiik»u> eu .m'iid in order to iii i oiiiiiio. , c date mm I.nnk that was i hliged |o sospeml.; Tints it was in Bltiladelpldn, iiitm hnnks were obliged** • " ■' pend, hy the inuiiility of tlm U. S. Bank lo pay Hpc-em.'- '.j Jle traced ull tliulinukiiigdillicpliies of llm country in ' ' llm conduit of the U.S. Bunk ol'Bt-uiixylviinia.'lie uuiil . :' r ■ the District Bank hill was t ejected hy the I'ulnhiiiiilioii’ v.-- oflhe ultras of the two parties in llm.Bdintu—of tires' '. hard lummy pnrly nud tlm irredeemable jniper paiiy. ’ ■ ,-* . , # • Those who were hi favor of a mixed currency, coiihis- A. Mystelions Disappearance Accounted For— Lt.i May, llm H'iuKt may reuieiula-r, Beiij-itniii bmilli, hook-keeper iu llm Feni-sylvuniu Bunk of pililadelphiii. disappeared, nml, a* III# account* were Imlievcd lo In* all right, Il wus IcareJ tlmt In' liad nmalmid ofi'iuusialu of iiisaniiy. By ill-* following from llm Fliiladulphiu Noillt Amuricanol Hiiliuday. ii nii|M-ai4 llmi Im hut followed in llm fm'Uieps" of Levi*, vtc.l " Beni .linn Hirtllli,liil- III llm I’enii •ylvsnla ilunh, wimse luyflerlousilD-ippcuriueA-tva* ttUrth'fied lo Insmiiiv, prove* lo Icm* Ih eti uii uiImIi •windlei, tisGog h i* um afiv yhimigh frarofexp sure <r -m a mLiakn which ire mm bci'uiuid. dfj'siiure, TIIE NEW JERSEY CAsK. " The ruling passion strung in death.” Il will hn recuilecii'd llmi, m iheliegimiingofihe ,e**ion, llm Upposilion “vie uiiwiiliug lo lieu, thu evidence us (• lln* title of llm respective pari I-• claiming I lib s-'am fcoin New Jersey. Nothing hut In* broad seal would do lit- them Until tlm question wa/iiiviistiguied byu coinmillec. In this struggle nearly threo month- of the session was lost. Ii be- caiiio«p|iuii'iil iu ull ilmworjdllmt their object was tu prevent uuy 4 cisiud,tf posxilih), wjvm tlm fraud* of llm New Jersey (l.-vei nor ami Ills siilmidniaies.— W It ii llm question ul I'M chum under 'u-q dry in ih, c-onmiilee, ilm Op|Mt.<itioit uuniilters llieie #«>t *<* woik «I|miii lift miliin plan which ll-ol Ik enadopiod hy Imr friends iu lint I l--a«e. Toolr eflinl ha* been conlluimlly l-i slave oir hyuvety son of uridW.— Tla*y liavo Hindi- npwiirds of six liamlnnl s|e*echos In ilm coiiiitillliN*, Every laillol dial had hern clml- luugud It) uillwr party upon ilm midenen, has lo- ennm llm siibjed dl»*cii«»iun. Tlm rwsfill of iho coininliieo'. inves igHihm pin res tmnolmivrly iImi v in hank llm day i-fee: m wliigs. Mr Cniopbcll put his nmi'mii on rim gimind of privilege. The Speaker dm lilr.-d llmi il v» .is not a’ privilegt-il morion, hut llm Hou-m if versed Iris decision' uml Mr. Campbell then made his report. Ill# n long' nml able document. The result fully Hiistiihju tlm pre vious action of tlm House on tlm aubjtfcl. Al'torn nmst severe scrutiny into the polls, it wus found that,out of sixty tlieusund votes, there were- hilt 2(i(» illegal Votes,- Each disputed vole wus aeparaiely considered, test!- ,' ., . moiiy heard u|mn it and arguments of counsel, and their ' ' \ decided ujhiii. Tlm result of llm investlgHikm was to - increase llie majority of llm sitting members, Meiwr vi r . - Dickerson, Vromi, Ac. The report Juvb the hlsfti® • ' . • of all the diflicuiiy in tlm case upon the cfetka uf Cunt-' - ' -. herlaud and South Amhay, who were gnilty of sup- pressing those voteN, in .iolmioiioflaw nnd sifiiversiyo . of llm elective franchise. Tlm report concluded wllll 4 resolution decinriiigihesittiiigmeinhersduly elected.-, ■ Tim minority idsg made a runnier report. Bqth re- '' ‘-■'-u. port.* were tend, uud o-moiion wa* thenmndeto ag'rpo - ; * to the resolution reported by Mr. Gnnipbell. Tuertr, was much excitvineiit in tlicHoum.jlm whig* denoun- . mg llm atteni|itto furcu llm question as tyrannical, ha. .it one time, there was much disorder. Mr. Hbhiier " appealed tu the House, in the nuniU offifmen million#-. - of freemen, to pteseryo order and decurum. • f e . . J: - At length the main question wasordered to be token' •, - , on the resolution. The wFi"s then began, .one ofief/,. Bimtlmr. to nsk to he excused, stating ns a ressou tliof ; tlmy wonhl taitviitu un> tiie case uutil-tin opportunity . t 8 wus oil’ered Ui examine tiie evideiwe. flcreral rofused to vote, nnd denicil tlm |siwer of tlm House to compel them to vote. Tlm plun was. l>y refuting to vote. U> prevent a qu rum fiom uppioviiitf. nnd thus tu defeat v Um resolution. . , . " But. al lengili. the resolution was agreed (0—y*as 102. nuys 99. Tbere was nut u qooruin at Hrkt. bu\r» number of whig* c me lot ward ami voted in Uiu u©ga‘ .. ivu m moke a quorum. . T The yroitni nptdiUos net secoapUshtd hi Iren Chnr- lesinnend niiodilpSh.—The •leuiuboat Georgia, Gl|>t‘ , Colb y, belonging to tlm line runiiliig iu counexluuwith I m I’orisimiulh and II nnoke Rail Uoad livered her passencers iu Baltimore yettenUy at a quarter |M»st three o*i kx'k, P. M, Hue'll ss nvnilrd them* selves oi' tin- uMctmsni train uf enra for. BhilmUliHila, will hava arrived there, In lev# than 54 Imurs rrnrn t.'ksi lc*tiMi, a diilaiKie llllla leas than 700 mile*—IT hours In Nilvaoce uf the great Houdiam Made—Bstl, Amsr. KrUk ®l*l. ■ 1 Tlm Uofiu i Transcript uf Tuea.!*/ nysi—Ww r- gri'tiuaiinoiiifl.i ilm *lasfh nf B* U. Ihuichcr—■ - - , selmlarMf. i.mi.lvr kriowIvd 1 .8, nmU lllmral coo* lln Federal puny p-ille-l more bsd vole* limn llmir I nihmnr ra ilm liursuoe ul' ilm day, lluvayfiiud adreisaiiv#, anJ thu Dcuioimriginijoilijfl.hmioa*-' ihijlinumlng.