The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, August 01, 1840, Image 1

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Till: WT.KKI V UCOlUil.VN i« rim miii n i.% iiii: VHy «»t' Hit\iiiiuuii* WILLIAM II. KL’LLOCII, i*vim.i*hmi or mi i.Awmr tih. r*tjix, am» CITY AM* » OI »TV I’lll.\ | Mi. WEEK l,Y IWI'EII—''I mhkk Dui.i.aii*. |*«*i mu nil ill,—I'm y.ddt* in idvtincn ADVERTISEMENTS |ii»ortc«| ni the Clmilc» toil rnli*ii. (CT I’-stage nni«l Im* |uiii! on nil OoMMUNlrA* TIovH, Mid letters oflmdiiess. SUNDAY, JUI.Y 20. 1Util. Voi.. II—\<>. 23. SAVANNAH, SATI'JMIAV, AUHUST I, 1810. Wl(gli) No,. 73. TKXAS I.IIAN. It in snul that ({i'll, lm« succeeded In nn^otiu*in#* n limn of n tidllf-ii sterling for Ti'MI, Till. i» mil certain. hmtetor. Wah-to thb srooN. • Tin* Harrison Whig* ill uinl mil of G.iiigttvaniu so awfully «|o«|ioritte in limit* cnnn* nfdpimelinnnf th«g Democratic Administration of Maiui.n Van IttTRKM ilmt limy wage nor |*V. || ngnin»t the inl»I»* ul ilio Execudve, wlins- tiiniiliir<* (oi railior tin* firndnir**, of tin* nwibm) nwd wren spimn* mu nunle tin- subject i.riiiviilinii* cntiim-ru. These win* men iil'.tn aristocratic party, who mi violently nffi-cl lobethe exclusive lover* oft lie A me. lii'mi |ii*o|i|i*. net ili> if tln-v lii'licvetln-y enn {■nil tin* limmst working nun with llie senseli*ns eries of !.*■« (UtU%. liAim c iiiKH, t'KWTKH st’mrss Sic.— TV lint l)i*i|i«ciiuio Uepuhliriiu will lor n monieni h-li-ve ilint those, whoso unerring object, visible in tlm vista of ihcir political pmspccls, Is n Hank of the United Mtwtes, un* prepared utybld thmrsplcu.' did | in luces for \\\c log cabin* «f tin* Imiiesi yeoman* rj,—tlioir licit .Madeira inid Champagne for the hard eider <>f the ilidependein—their a-ddo, . Oliver spoons for the pewter spoons of the blonnimt: coimiry matron. None of the Democracy wlil helleve it. When certain ends ur»* to he pmnotcd— when the sent of otio'holding an office, (which anmc •hungry Whig imagines is n sittucnrn, nhern ho mm sit him.-elf down mid do lilt e else ’lion draw hi. ii'nntliiy pay.) is helinid with longing eyes,—when the I'ntiiolhiisy with tho inipoitani concents of a might) Nation of Free moil is gazed upon with increased envy,because a grateful People lire all -ill to place their seal of nppr-ihatioti upon his nets, and again cmilidc to Id. mind tie it political interests,—whoa men are seen elevated to the ({••licit, to ilie Senate and oiliei stn* ti-ms of li.inor, hy n Koiili lieg people, wh !•• tneir cotomp nnrinsiire observed far In-hind'hem in tho rare for distinction, hecuuso not nrg* d on hy the cln-urs of it tliscernhig people.—when those who me out of office w-Ullto get in. then do we near lie* uf- tivied Ime lor the people, then do tin* imincspuu gnrhs, *lw p--wt«r upturn* of lie independent chix- n attract notice. And n I titan is hid-pcndont w ho cannot with a pewter spoon, enjoy the im id earned hy Ids iahoi. It is tho luxoiy of nppet l which makes the meal ami-factory, */<«*»« or no *imon. Hut these violent I laiTisnii Dcni-crtti* say. tint they can ewl out of u pewter spoon with ns much lent ns out of a gold *ii one. If theycouhl not, ill")' deserve to lose many a dinner, und go to l-ed .up- ' pei less. Wo It iv>* Mover seen oggs mid coffi o at a former's inhle, refused hy iliooi won call themselves whig*, hecan-c they had to use a pew ter spoon to convey ilm food to their oioiiths. Woiuh'iliii thru that Mi. Kivks, of Vn , has tin. covered that he cun enjoy a tiled nut of n power spoon. Mr. Kivks h is eatvti too nm of a gold one. .Ml IIivks :liuii Inis .done wlioi few of his Di in- oeralic Coiiiitryiin n have done. If silver Spoon- gilded tire to he foind at til** iiinnsom el the I’lusident |ic is not to hlmnc for it. I»r lie liiiind them ill ro. It is a ii-eicsii.-xpi'iiditiiii*. ns wo C"ii*id< r ■(, of tho money of the people, -mol tlm eoiiscipienco of lInn reckle»s spiiil nl'eUinvn gtincr win- h lliesjiuid itinn* of tho age have I'uieli. t*d upon the present, g ii-iuliuit. The Committee* ol CongM-ss under picvinu* ml* ncnisluiiii-li* charged with tho duly of fumi-hing tne 1'iesid til's House, s-utild le'l have siini'iioiied such liihy ns to gild the silver -poou- el'ilio « xecn- five mansion, and Mi. Hive« wo'dd not then hove iuidtttt opporttmity of making war upon tho •pootis. Our loaders will remember ilmt .Vlr., of I'l-iuisy-huiiiii, a Harrison Whig, intn Iglied ngnnisl the lurtiiture of the I’resident’* mansion. Hu was i Her unity sdennd hy one of Ills own party and mi unenmpmnidm: |»> hi cal ■•ppoia-nl of the l'icsi'leiit, Mr, Liocdii, ol .Massichuseiis, wlm ptnetaim tl tho truth, llm* s um* of tho furniture was sliuhtiy and disgraceful to »h-* resi leiice of the Chief Magistrate u:' a gre .tl’enj |e, and that tin- i'lusidutii opposed oxp-ntlciiiv* wh oh he, as olio ol llifl a|l)u'opriiite,divined ubsnlni-ly c.-- scntial for tin* honor of the Nation. The speeches of lias Mr. Ogle are however para ded ill tho Whig I'vesse- for effect, while the scorch ing rebuke of Mi. Lincolii is hid 'non the viiw mill sn tli-red to lie in obscurity. \\c sliali bring it, however, in li lit. We, for the prexeiil, extra l iln- following from a Virginia paper. •• War to the Spoon —Mr. L"lgh in ope* ing the caii.paign the Ailiinnisini i.-n in bel li f of his Inno light hreihieoof Virginia—tin* man wh in itllutters to lie call'd Aristocrat*—xoleiiiiily, in a church denounced " wui to the Knif**” Hgnitn-i Mar tin Vnn Huron Dapper littlo Mr. Hive* was ttnt f to hr outdone by his new ally. In die Oot.K vein, he carries on the "wmith Tttr. spouNSeeliew- mlroiilyhe lays liol-i ol this new offiuisive weapon. liitluii'r|ixl»moi‘rinn lni»iig»i* r>'|«»ried in hi- Churloticsvide orguii. In* say>! •* Hr had enjoyed meal* eaten out oj a pewter xponti, tri'h a* much zest, in the peoojot country retreat* of hi* fell •«* ettrsriu. a * eccy he dd ««/ of' (he geutlemaii’* Jrie.nd'* gohl one at the While Uon-e in Wa*h. ington! ’ •• How condn-rending in sticli nn nxnltrd p*tr»nn- ugc lu eat with a pew or spo.nd liul how much mure humbling to toil ii positive falsehood, lo licigh- tvti, hy contiast, his considei'ulion for the p>-wii r spoons ol the pm.i!! Ho tells'iieni that he Ins eit on Wilt Ilf* XOoLI* UNK AT TUK WlllTK HoUsK A't \\ AnHijroTux.” Now, the spoons which oni'uexci ted »Ucb longing ill Mi. Rives, bur for wMch-he nl |,ivst*li| iiffecis Hiieli irohff-rence. were purchased l»v tortm r l'n*sid**ms, and are #il\«*r. gilded «*r wash* «l over W|ih gold, m d not *le* »o|u| ineial, w hich Mr. Van I'ineu would n*M»i%u for the p.n'kei* of me people, Woobl.Mr* U'»i*«thn«w away tlit* furainirc of the While Hmi.e. a. d In-iake liim-ilf in pewt* r spno s f iiy way ofuffiict.iig iln* coudesi in-slot, which di* ingu »hc- his lute speech! It Mr. Rives is ically in tovp with the msiicit and plsinacvs of pewter, may we not a*k why, W'nou ho came to Wn*binglnn. h set up w-ilh gohl plated spo -os, knive- and folks, which rpiitr eriipAcd iIiom* whh which he would amuse the. |am ide, as behmgii.g t" ihcii own imo-u at lb cii| ital? Did Imde-ign, by thus oii'sliip jug. in the expen sive turn mm < flii* table, iIon wli.rli the people's ri*pimciiiu'ivi> h >d immght |t lining lo provide for ibc a in ii si iti which was to exlnbii ilm nuiionV hos- pitalii a s. In pul himself above the whole Hopimth*, a- tm. m len-l, a- spoons ( • im^-li y mallei well him,) me coiii-eriiedT li wood m*< to for in nil oihtfi trsjoci lit.- o -liowe.i-n pretention In outvie, mill** siat* nnd coiirdy fnshmu,everythin* Ani.*i it-ati. Wh'iiliu invilcd gees’* roil first *d tie* gold spoons, kni\e*mal fur'.*, hi* notes of invi l-iii.'lt were . niiijin-o d ill t*,e Kiencli Inogunge I ! VI »ni Kt.ghsh w»»* ipmo too Immely fm tlw* gold **Wo slomld Im glad in know whether Mr Klvo - sl**ce ills letorn in C \STLK HILL. i. %i*. * J.ewv* r •puuu m ighbms to ont out «f lii- gotd nod e*|H*cmlly wlietlmr Its note* of invitation MM* uiLirc-»t'd to ili 'in in ttie Fr* ncli Imigi 'go. HUM IIUHS. Among the litlinlnigs of the llnrrison whig* lire lag cabin*, bard rider, and c«Vecliou* of men. got up to impair tifton tier credulity of the reader• of their prrt*rt. The ve'eiun edi or oftliR Uichitioml Knqniter has so rimri ely exhibited the mortifying rcsuli to tiie \vhii.s, nfllicir elforis to deceive tlo* people io days tliiil linft> passed, tlmti"h still fresh in the memories of all, dial we -iihjnin it they may lead tho sentence tmtl await* tli m in I Old. Their log riihins. erected, nm to sldeld Irem the elements the laborer, bin to rotcli dm unwary, will iai prostiaied—their elder *«nu—and ihcircnl- lections of men disper.ed. Tho Van Hckkx Dkmociiat erects his owning cabin, buys Ins own cider, uii'i.’n* he prefers some tiling inliniloly hotter, rnnl stay* m home at his work enjoying the society of his sinking family, until tin fust Mondays in October and November, on oldcli days he will he soon *' making tricks’* for thopo'is. to dopo-iie his v.op for Marlin Van Ilmen, tin* In dependent Treasury, mn| his (iwii true Repieseuin- lives. 11-* «-k* no cabin—no cider—no change, and least of all, *uch change a* Hmrisni can givo him ( From the Empircr ) HUM RUGS OF Til I*: OITOSITION The Federal Whigs up* iiliemi-ting to pb,y otFai* s.'H« ol'gaines upon the I'eopl.* for efleet. Il* nc I ln*ir Hot rail 'i’ipp«*cunm* Clot *: Im «e iheir l.«-g Cnbi'i I’i^b*essi.*ii>; Imncetli* ir Hard Ciderhevingi* —Mitumieries, which will hecoimi n Inewnd ol Kepiotich. worse than the Collin Inii-di-ills were in *215, They will In* sick enough ..f the r hard cider Tiie IVnpl.* will Im -iiliiciei.tly disgimted wills tin* log cabin ho'iiiiog, liefoie Nmetnber next—und wi u is i tended for tm jdog polincal. capita:, will turn into d'isi und nsims in din.r hands. Atmlliei puil ofilMfunnm I-, collectiiig m u into tinmens mil-soA, usludr y w* re to cm jy iln* country by n storm. Hencr^-jln-ii Young. Men’* Conveniioo ui Ibdiiinme; the'’^'Mtlmiiiigs at Tippmume, Fori Meigs »ud Springn^id; w lu*n« annnd ink- s dm place ot trn*e—and a grou-rpi-- show su|ii*i-i*di s nllde- velopinent ni'priueipl * mid nil-iiligiiti n-**l appeal* !-• tin- iiinleistanding !)•• they expect to sm- cei-il iiv lliis g.i>ai giidieriug of u Wild nod div sipaied midionih*? Do they mu lecolleci. dial they have nied this gnino In for T Have they loigetlon llieir bmiHted fill.ODD ii-scml lago m p.mcl e.;—lie great m-. •!..» io n.iladelphiii. r.-l- l-iwed so rapidly by dmir defeat in the Fall of *3tl I Have they f-M-g-*lt>*n Imw iriuinnl.aii'ly they par i ded their old Gen nil iloongh Pen •syivmiin. New Jersey nud New York in Septemlii’i anil Odobei Iff-IH—by whnti*r»*\vds*lny suvrminded liimin l'lt'ht- delpliia and N* w Y-»rk? !)■* they loigi't, that ami.I tin* teeming crowd* of Philadelpliin *.>tn-* of tin* Wings »|- .oped so low ns to hai imss llmiil-elves to toe triumphal cur. wit vhcav«ivd(»**n .11 orison, and dingged loin, like lie.isis of hordt'". dliougll lie stieel - ofl'IidadelpliiaT Have di-*y forgoilea, with what Inirialis iiial Imnnrx they teeeived him at lit . Unite*y «»f N York, «nd h«» *, amid tho Ihcofni- lill.-ry.ami • nuiiil*:thri liiu.iilnmiw ehceruig." In* was ••conducted with gr in ililliculty diro'igh die compact uml cl**s> Iv wedged mass, to the Ii .rouelo in Mailing f r bind" And v**i, did dus pub.icslv-w. di-**e initbary prncessiniis, llii* immense gnibeiint- if lie* elans, uvnil liimf "ns he not heaieii in P*-nn- .ylvanin? Was la* in t hen'L'ii ill New* York hy more QO.HOll! Uo i-.-foo i|-o to iht-io History is thrown away upon them. Humbugs alii . The Whigs limy bon»l nml In-ag of vii'tmies Him they are lo gai . They have alw ays vmiii'ed nslliny *1 now. They nun *tari llieir linni bugs to deceive llm I’eopb—but they nr- dec- lve*l five*, and th*yiirt'deslitied tube di-upj*oiaie*l uinl disgioced. each y**m, if not alway* gtenloi diaii the year im mediately pr-ceding il, Was gtciller drill thill of ardiunry years, nml n*l*l**d. hy it* surplus^lmgcl) Unite debt* o| the Paitetl S'ales It •• ns these d-bts, ntid-r the eoii'riil of the Dank of F.iiglait I, and the fousfipicucos of do* tlislt ihiitioii of tin* sin plus re venue, which fust cheeked lliennwnnl enunM' ofdd* iiitlllry.tttt I slm 'i d li i*>* di'* i* flux. Wehiivelll times nearly conn-to, a coiieludon u« the full efl'eoH of the arts of the adminisirutioii, but when taking imoeonsiderndoti tin* nffect* of other aoteinpovavy I'iieiimsiniices, we Imvo been forced into the opin ion, ill it no collect conclusion con d In- tear hod; became a- m.itn as an net was promulgated, the Hunk of the United States, bs adlnuunik and dn •hire, I be Dank is « tie tifdiose t*«tnhli-lml iindni die N* w York Free Il'inking law, ami nil its genuine MU*ait* i*-iuiil*-t.igned by the Slum (’oinplioll- ro| Keyister. ‘Ill-bill- ofl'.-ie*l It- »v hud Mt-itfli sig- mo ere, nml of c-inse nr-** mniil't'J f *r pit* poses of I’rnnd ami dfcrpriiii.—A'hen* Hiinnrr. I?/A in*t. TUKSDAY. JULY 2«, IB-Ill. whole oriposition, piihlislieil in r*v uianner llieir predict ions ns toils t lied*, used • V- y hi. de io iu I'nrt* that optni ui inti the public' mitid. und every lll-ans to have lh>ou pr- ilieiimis VCI liml. Ilener the contradictory opinion* of thi*day. That this is the fact, wi* refer to the opposiiion papers iff the ilny, to Mr. Hid-llt*' falters, tn the essays in the I'hihnlnlphin papers ami as pitfiiivi proof, to th,. iii'tionof tho Unit' d S m-s Hank, IIS shown in llie luilowing luhleof iis return*: l.uan* and Ithrnuiitt. Circulation. 18-33. January, f 8 l.8!»j,81.3 $17,510,217 Aptil, g1,:w:IJ»!M» 18.833,205 •1331 Jn unary, 51 811,181 19.208,378 July, 51.021,872 10.841,897 U*inlior, 18.080.781 15.037,878 N-.vernber, 15.751,281 15.988.731 Decernt-er. 15 078.886 15,801.140 I83.’r. Jniiiinry, 51,888 738 17,329 797 Fvbnmry, 55,521,808 19 733.527 March, 57,314,184 § 19.519.777 April, 88,188 218 ' 28.514,738 May, 81.818,425 28,317,938 June, 00,042,040 22,889,474 July, 85,197,882 25,332,028 AN ANTI SUll Till?ASUKV. AN ANTI NA TIONAL HANK VAN tUTHKN MAN. We ask nil i*» rend da* extract of a letter of Mr. Pruiiv. of S. G. which we insert ibis dn.v in our cnluiniis. Tin* portion nmiiicil tefers to die local le gisbuioii of Ilia State, which would lint iiilficst our renders, PKtiUV's lesdiimny In favor of the clniiua iff Maiitis Van UruKN is dint III' a dMntemted w-itaess, and ns such, is stripped of all the objections which might he urged against the assertions of partisans, or die ilorlnruliniis „f vlmso, die bias of w-Iiimc ininJa in favor of one they have hitherto ioip|mrle*l, iniglit he nnppoted to lend llietii to iiiimitiderHtuinl or liiisiator* pret. * Mr. V«N ntMtrs's position Is certainly one m be en vied. liven those wlm acknowledge llieir past hostil ity lo him and llieir pr-'sent want of persmiid interest In him, in ii manner honorable to thein-elves. step for ward and give llieir disinterested testimony in his be half. We trust dial the people - will real, with care. nii<l duly reflect upon Mr. Perry’s letter. Il gives n graphic sketch iifdinNuidiii't and principles of die two candidates lor dm Presidency. VERMONT. From fl.dflO to 5.01)0 ilc-imcint* n<semlde*l nt 'nyettevilb*. Vcr., oil the -Ith. ami had n glorion- mm. in CL-iehratlng the undoual nnnlveiaary. Goi* e G.«'**u iTioimtnin hoys ! Hiing yoiir*fl\f* up hy Nov* in'er. jn a lino with ymu imielihoi** **f th-* griifil** liills. Snv. hr**dier of ilm" Spirit of the Time*;"—'ball we hear a gl *-l s-mnd from your n-. gioiinb "it ilmsi* day*?—Provide nee (II. /.) Her. MULTIJ.M IN PAH VO. The f i||n« ing s’guiliciint pnmgrnph, not more sigmfi *ant linni irii-*,i*fn*:n ilm“Spbil of the Age,’ n paper pnldishe-l at WoiaD'ock, Ver , nml one of llm best Dimmer itic Journal* in Now Knglnnd- Denioeiimy ought to triumph among thu (Jrenn Moiui'iiius, with sn- li aid —Ibid. WIIF.HK AUK TUK DEMOCRATS? A ledernl pap-i, in tin* vx«*it**ii»ent produced bv c.ipiuiis ibnugbts of hard cider, wxclaluis, * where uie il i* demos f" let 111** cider exeited biaggnit g" by the shop of the Idiicksiniih mid thu -hoeinnker; the loaring bel low* and tin* clicking hiimnu-i wdl t*'ll him wlu-ie th- Ib-nmemi* nro Go h\ llm in ndiiw of tin* fur* »n -r.nml tin* ringing of tin* mow si’s wlmtskum *ij»*m liis -yihe, will tell him wlmre ilm |)*rimcrnts or-, iib-in lie* bn*iii«-ss of men. fa ll- r» of fainilies und sober ci'lxens. They lire not s-ifl'cring tln*ii gins* t>» go to seed om ul, their corn to go wutmed, their g'irdcii unweeded nml their fapt li*-* unprovided f*-r, w-lnle iliey are paradiog ulmiii tin* eomilry spemliu*.' the umne\ ilia* lmio*.g» to. llieir fmu'.bes, to rl'itlie •heir uffceti-Miwte ives nml «e.lm*»l their children, in ci-nipany with p*«*flig-ite po ilicians. nn • iMiikrupt knave*, sieging r.l.niil songs nml j-iix/Jing I nr*l ci*l**r. The Denmerats arc nl home now—*h**y wdl he Ml " * 1 1 s tlioir die hn!|«*l box. when tim time c»mns to exprt contempt of timing cabin humbug. A 03* The silt' meet of ihe Now 0*leans fiiillrtin. ot ibc -I h iusiHni, under the land m ••FI.'HHDA " All—fail attack of the /.V/>/ |,V.V.'" |. a cm tempiiiuu lumx, perpeimkd to |*m« m-*chU*f, ot with n *lt*si(*n of lujnriog tin* ’ AI,I.HtA TOP It i* a tissue of IuI-oImmI*. 'ill* lisim* ol tin gentleman liliomm.i |.i the Hudutio, •imidd Im made puhlic — SI. J»i*ph 7Vu.cs. llm Ne** York |*ap-r» •*•>'. that mine of* he pas- fawillhe le*al die •tm I ilmins* lv.>. a* lie d-i*"., to tr ghlon t'etliln pel.on. oiihmM.Lni.ll up * ki •** have sin re- ded, I. n-*,hi h»»* proved u «i .«i no u.*"(,loJ* liivi. - [ For the. Georgian.] THE COMMERCIAL CRISIS HAS PASSED, AND THE 1'CLITIC A I* ONE IS AT HAND. No. IV. From ill* siati-iics of Hu.-*ks, Imports, sale* of laud, »V«.. prevented in the precrtlmg numhera, it wdi be pmcnivod llmi die nu;und tide of conititerce begun lu overflow its urdiimry cliaiumls in IISJI, iml only in tin* co-mpy but in Kmope, nud lo inert 10 excess iiii**I wlern lie* r-fl'ix c-miiprliccd m Ktig'iiud und Fram c-^uml I rum vJi *t dm Hunk nf Fruncu suy< of the geimml rise of interest—wa rn *y conclude ihr.oighout Karope. They show lira* cummer e run through its *kstaiim*hki» cvclk" w.lbiiot innmiiul effect fiom ‘In* nets of tin' n<lniin- tsttuttou. The i crt*.*i*o in tnid commenced in 1831; the removal of tho d**p-»sito* was m Oct, 1833; * t.-rgnld ! il , Jmi . 183 Land tho specie, July, 18311, yd. die tide m thu Uuiied States c-m- liuiii <l oil the fl.m I moil 1337, w liil the ebb begin in Ko*-*p- in Jul), 1838. nii-iwa«iu f-iil and strong iimv.rneu:* it reuclai i thi* cmiiury; clearly showing that the act* of die udtniiil.trmion c«»ud have had l*ut iitde lil-ue t-IT.-fi tliuri io liaslen oi mid tfa* grand ict- rio 11 was tliecon***ipieuu* of the spirit ol'ilio dm--*, which sprung up in Kutop ami this coouiry, lo ig h.-fore dm unioriou* net* - I die ud*«ni*in, uml pervaded far beyond lle-ir illScieul, pn-pcl in.* 'no rnpldly o c.iuuteic.* tt'ol t»mle. Doling that jw-vu tl then* wa 11 • temporary depression w hich could not hu or- c. im t**l lor. a* arisi g frwm some m*a« etli i-*0| ua -.ediiiii dm a I*of III* "dmioi-iralioo, mir*w .* ile'i a |.*'rii iim'iii d* clii e in trod-*, l-r di - ivult of Here is expau«ioii-aiul coiitriicii- ii of loans nml cuiiviicy, which delies nil folc.ulaluui iis to the coininerci-d i fl'ocl of tiny ndier geiietal net. Tills coot i act ion invited, imy colled upuo dm country, lo u-luhluh Ihiuks, f**r it was stated and sttppowd tt* lie a piepiinidon lo winding lip the H .lilt—-hut die id'let expiiltsiun li'luied dial idea, mid lends lo the' conc!u«i<*n dun ii may have In on intend* <1 lliroagli ils*-ffi*rts to veiil'y llm preil'Ctioiis n* to ill*' cte-se* ipionces of die ucis of ih<* lulniinistnitiini, while sotni* wicked oppoiieul said il was only for die pur* po*e *-f screwing out of thu i uojilc a lencwul ol llieir ciuirk‘1 : lull flailing die -oi**ws did not woik ■II, they proceed* rl ill expansion to greating.— However it may have hniiii,that slrugglo lias p.*s>- d W-**lo not d**s're to see il i**newei|—n United Suites Hank concent rule* in die hand- of n few ir- responsible men too much power to hn entrusted to tin* men nf dm present day. Ilild llm Kouiun firm ness and iuii'grily uml pairi-liion of Langdoii Cla'ves couiinui'd in its nilinini«lnilioii. dilleiuin opiiihms might have been iuc.iiU uted. M,. UuMU^s lot full in uiifnrtumitn times an.I he pnr'-mk too much of the spirit of the tiin* s. llis scheme of fm nisi ling a currency for tho foreign cummer-o llm United Sides, wna grand nml prac.*iciil uml might have become extremely useful and hciieflcinl lo 'In* i'inintry ; lull lie l-*«t hi* halaure, tliiew liiin- •-fin oppushh-'Rt*v Andrew .lnckaon, dm Hnritigs nd the Hunk of England, an.I opi-ni-eu-ly l-i cnm-i, a'oxicated w-ilh the powers of die losiitminii, uinl Adas like, upon its s!muld>-r* aitempfrd to -mpp.-rt in-ice, specula linn. Stole* und nil. ||' such has hi'elt I lie feelings and opinions of its powers. <*ii»er* taitied hy ono manager, what tint) not umithcr hu led to attempt t A United States Hank i.« only required'in dn dn- biisinus* of tin*country, w lien it is principnlly con- iinrnled of one |mint. If the whole impeil trad*- ns not concern ruled ns it is. llm inlcrmtl exchange* mid lie peifm nied and Iml.ineed hy Ha* intcrcluiligo - f ibe pro-lucdmi* ami iminufactures which onu n-qiiirihi from aimtbpt. it is this concentra tion lift: udu which land* to our revulsion*, which disarrange* mn cnm ncy ami makes th*'wnole dc* pcndtiiii upon olio po-nt. The sliglu- st evil cfl’eci on tiiul pni i,iio in-tiu*r fr*»m where or what itcoui.-s- is felt diro'iglmut lie- Union. mii>| nil have to nssist to hear ili- huniens ami it* sufferings, und y* t iliey hove mi in itsgmal fortune, if there is no United Sliiios Hank, each sea purl wiil lie Iriven hy ihchigli rale of non hern exchange to mi. port f-*r its-lf Their export* will setve to pay f-*r llieir iui|ioil*ii* they u-wdo f.-rlimscof New York. Thi-division would reuko tindii lutitu steady, n* *1 die cimtiiiy coiiseqii.*ntiy more pr.ispermis. 'J'hc po“t*r» of tin* Uinli-d Siaic* Hank locncck ri tlon* dalit i*suc» of paper mom y, niighl ho more safely sxerci*etl hy ihuestublisiiinuiil hy thu *iim-s of somu body which should determine die amount of curren cy which is requisite for llie trudu of each Stole, and give it validity by tin* endorsement of its pre.i- dfi*i; thu* virinn ly concentrating llie power to i.auu p.ip-T ni -noy in unu body, nml yet still leaving to :li Hank, iiflur ill ■ emlurrctnnnl of this body, ilm circulation nud redumption of it* own bills. Unti| he issuing is m-iifim-d m ouo body for thu wholo U. Slates, we idinil c-iiitiliue io Im cursed w ith ledun* djney nml its effects—such mi uir>iugeiii**nl,iogi*di* er widi llm sub-trensury and a proper division of die imporiimt bu-in. a*, may nitil-c trade with pa| or. m**n**y much more icgolar than under ill** pi* a* out, nml a Untied Stales 11,.ok ntranguttmiil.— Tint specie cl.use of the Sub-Tn-iisiiry wl-l no donbi Im n eh-clt upon the import trade and r* dumlutu cireiiludnn; wliil*; the S'-paraiion of ll fund* of the g* vctnm* lit lr*«n duit of coumu rce, will relieve nadn from dm checks which have nl* ways M--u!ied Irom dieii Union, it is |itati'i| ns a fuel hy the ubicsi bankers uml liunuciois In, Loudon, timl iheconneciiMti of die government with llm Hank • f England has been lie* immediate oi temote cau-o of ev«*ry crisis in English trad*; dim ot.eji-is follow ed every act of assUmm-e to the giwetrnment. A l.onker'on, but no Politician WASHINGTON WARD. The following are the official proceeding* of the' Deinneinlie Republican Asiocintion of Wasliiugnm Want at llieir Insi meeting. SATURDAY. July Will, IR W. At a regular meeting, held nl the Wn liinginii Hull, on .Saturday evening last, il being called to order, our President,,I miles M. Folsom, Esq., after a very lively and nuiin.iieil discourse look the Chair. The 1st Vice President then moved tlinl the following gentlemen lie elected .is n coinmiiifc nf live, to receive sahscrip tkms. vir.: Messrs, (t. J. Spencer. O. I) C-saiibx, W. II. St-vens, Henry Smith, and Charles J. Megan*— Alter which the following gentlemen addressed tin* tncellne In eloquent laugiingu: Jaipes M. Folsom, W A. Pollard, J. DeLnMottn, Jr., J. Clm«lh*niri*. Dr. M. Sheltall. Andrew J. ilnupt.niid Isunc Hassell. Hsq'rs. On motion of W. A. Pollard, it wan resolved, dial the next regular iiivriing shall take place on Saiuiday evening next,at the Meehantca' Hall. There being no more business, the Hireling tvns tlien adjourned. . On iiiulloiiol’G.l). C*ii«nh«, the lhattka of llie eject ing wore tendered to ih« President, far the very'hide manner in which it wax conducted—which was unjtii iiiously adopted. , JAMES M FOLSOM, President. JamkxD.Chx. Secretary. LOUISIANA ELKOTItlN. The New Orleans Courier of the I rttli Inst., says: '• Wo jiixlerstniid that n gontleiimii who arrived in tuwiithis nmriiiiig. repoila that Mr. Winn has been ileetoil to CnngroM hy a majority of 11 or PI voies in the :id district." The Picayune of ilm day after, doubts the rumor. THE ROUHERIKS. A nun of the mini** of Hendricks, wn* arrested yesterday, for tubbing and uoinini.iiug u burg ary in the ,ton* of Mr. D. Dempsey. Mniltei squiui-. IlisexxmiiiHiiuu enmo on today beloie ,Mj. Jiis lieu Jns. 1). Wade. The alleged crun nal w *Sili?fe*.tl- *1 by Mordeeai Shi-fall, S- n , nml llm Stale wu r*pre-ented by Col. Al**x. Dryadal**, ii*coiiiim*I l-r the pr-sccutor A hug of key*, was toand in the prisonci 1 * hnn-e, sum • of which were chimed hy ill * nwm;r«—vir.:— Mr " . II. Until. .Mar*-etsqinir**, fooml two, iuk**i lost yeni wh n In* s'iiitwu - ro. b-.f—Mi. D- nipu-y •nn* »*f h>* -ro» r.ln-st, in which tne mn ey was if-* ml nef -r*' tho r.ihnotv—Mr. F-d***m, ilm key * The amount ef specie drawn from the Hank of U’ststed by tin* Hank in Im tf.'JUil.UUO stiver- vigo*. abribiile.| lot'ie gohl loll,.* loan to the U. Slate* II,ink of LOiiiMMXMo AlAtW-faW simI llie sale of seen tiim. (hr lit »e instil in mas. J. Horsley Palmer ex- pieces surprise it* iBoIjiuc *|muidh.i»e been extract ed with sll thv*e seeuritie* uml llm Aiuf riewn crop. Siinnoii |(lesi.i.M*f Is-mloii. sidd, Umdeinsml l-r g*iM lor Amarhn w.i* om* -I n pc- nlmr unimt. sod ruul-l Im ailemleil with m* di*.*dvsMsg« s to Ihighnd, 3 it* • nrims y hm-o in a sound ami wli.'U-»wn« slatei il wm •riMtiiipinWd whh n giant fdepi**»»«m of prse* in llie United Htnltfs, *mi must liute Is-vn l.irgvly puid fi*r in •noiuimlilies, t L f . hi lisu* canr*u.wn, ImiMlmr »t*ted. uf In-ir-ui eii< si, wliieb wa* *t-d**n when Kbiii & Co..tub* who roblied aboui * ix wuekt ego. Noth tin* **U - w»*|ii'iwl to th** p»i* iw*r’» h'm>e, Tli s (Hen.Iri^k*,) was lorimoly »n tin-city wait li, ami was dojii# well in trade. A k-mI wu'ch, -telco * me furm -lure, fmin the ■tutu of Messrs Fl-iehei & II igui , wmt *iL*i claim- ed—onto oilier unii-Jt * wt-ru di»row*i<d iwi the piemises Tim prison* r war fully commim**! f-n tr*ol.—JV/e* giaph of Fiidny. Mr. HaHKIUUIAM, nfflcorgiit, who lias been dot dn cd iVwn Id* seat in the House of Repros ntatives fin soiiio days past, hy Indisposilinii. Is. we ore Inippy to hiiiit,recovering bis health.—InulUycucrr, (ll'aihlny tun,'Hit lu*t.) ■iveil by Mr. Hiiwrrd. Into edltn Thu wniind received by Mr. II*iwrr*l. Into mliuir of thu •• Mississippimi," in the duel between him nud ex govern-! Runnels, is not. wc are glad to leurn, as we tamed in<uir liiq.uf adangmounnature. The ball struck tiie right side iff bis breast, glanced over the hone and slightly penetrated the flesh.—*V. O, jm. Cot Ire tar nf <Ac Customs— We Iioveseou n letter from a member of Congress »«• n gentleinaii’lii this cllyf stating that the lion. Henry L. Pinckney. Mayor of our city had heoa maiiinaied hy the Prcaiilenl. nml confirmed by die Senate, ns Collector of the Customs, for the Pori ni' Charleston, vice lift Hon. Ilonry Deus. who declined tiie nppuiiitinciit.— Char, Courier, of Suturduy. Hntimi, fur the aide nml p ttrinfie manner in wfdcli they lind pei formed tlieirdiities; slier which vote nflli.inks. Mr. Hpnldliig In llie most t nieliiiig strain,acknowledged tllils grcnteit rewsnl, to meet with the approbation of hi* roiistiturntain the discharge of a public trust. The •etlng then adjourned, nml nt 9 o'clock, between HO ami IOu person* nsseinhled at dm Ahiiaiu.ilm lintel, to partake of a dinner, prepared hy a eoiiiin nee for the iM*ens'oii; nil the defleaeiti* nud substantial* tlinl the country could ufliinl, wero spread ii|i*mi the tahlu, and gut up in Mr. CliiirchUr* best style. The greatest har mony uml hilarity prevailed, with tin* utimrsl decorum.' A number of putriotie l»m*ts were delivered hy thu true republican* of the day—the farmer* and flthrni— tin* Imok-bone and sinew of the «iaiiitry, and nt five o'clock all iv tired, bsviog lieeo,as exprjwed liy every unr, a delightful tiny. lb-low nro stiniu tiflho tonala. lly Tlioinan diialdiug. esq.—The Union: The pei pe- lunl' union of jlte Deonwrnvic. UepuWicuu party of Georgia, siiflii'icat to tin; ends now, ellieient lor the pro- It-11 ion of libei ly and the *iiuslitiilh* ull time. UyMr. John lloiliai—The gontleinen iihseinbleil un this occasion: Sarrilidiig pi-rsomtl prejudicus nml personal predilection* fur the wulfure of llieir count ty., U liiuvs 3. Hy Col. Daniel M- Stewart—The great Deniocriille Republican parly of the U. Stales, nml of llm Suite of .Gvoigin in pnriiniiliiri A puny dim siisinitls the true eiiiistitiilioiiui prim-iplesnl tin-eon airy. Hy Luke Handy. e*q.—Martin Van Bnren, the De mocratic enndidutr fm the Presidetieys May lie meet with dir same mien-as ill the ensiling eloelioii, which has always attended biro; hr. l» fcnrd (n di»to*ir<. By Aniiniid Lelils. e*q.—The struggle* if lit Demo cratic Republicans of ItilMI revived hi IHOi Tim peo ple, true to theinsiilve*, will give the same result. lly Moses Young,jmi.—Dep ried worili: Gould we now have n reiiiuiiHtraiieefroin a NVasItiugtoii. a Mad xnnor a Jeflerniii. what would he llieir wnriiingl— •• Elect Martin Van Uureii, nud preserve your liberty ami yoorcmiatittuioii." lly Suiiuml esq—Mni'llii Van Ilnrent The Di'iuorriitie ruinlidaie fur die 1'i'esidene . A mm diat i has raised himself from uhseiit ity, and placed liimself nt tli-* bead of llie most Ie.-p«*elin je naiinii of tin* world, llis friend* will not desert so worthy u man in dm hour of trial. Hy Woodford Muhrv. esq—Oar venerable Chair man*, Tlintims Spalding; The pnlisheil atuieximiu, llie iiucurniplpolitician; a mini who would no! for priori polities vield lus opinions—who would not for wot Ida, see oui'liright star sevciud from dm heiiveii-hlessed banner ofoiii* enitntry. Mr. Spalding then ruse nml responded, in Ids usual eloquent iiiuaner. Hy IsaacSuuw, esq— 1 The Uulotr natty,at Milledge villo, tin die -Idi of July laxtt May tin* union Im iierpe liialcd, under ils new mum* of die Deuincruiii: Itepuh- iit'dti party of dm Uniu-d .Suite*. By ii Guest—General ll.irrixom Of nil the thiflt to which a thifiini) puny baa ever resorted, their aider-timi of General Harrison for I'resideiii is tlm w-rst eh ft; lint tiie next general elo lion will tear llo* ihlft from the imbecile old uratiuv. und hide liiiii-elC nud hissntul* litas in tho enhin of nhlivhni. Ity N. M. Oui-liir,esq -Colquitt,Cooper nud Black; They do not saerilh-e priaeiples for Northern fannties. feiluriilisisiiml larilliles.loit ait* hold defenders of the constitution and the rmltl* nl dm Soinli. Uy William U. Thomas, esq— I'ultweU'a •landing •iriiiy; Tim saint* iis thill reported by W. H. llnrrisiiii. as die ehnirmnii of the military eiiininilieetwilh tliia ex* •■epiirm, Harrison pr-in-wed paying thu officer*, uml I'oina u.bnlli mi'll and officera. By Edward 11. Band, osq—Martin Van Ilmen*.— May lie reni.iin utdm of tlm goveriiaieut, until March. 181 \ t ... By John Y. Smith, esq—Tlm Democratic Repiibli- e-tiipaffy of'Geort’iiMiniied will) their brethren through out die United Stains: must nml will succeed In da* re election of Mat dn Van Buren to die Presidency, dm Tip. Tyler nud Tariff,nr I mg Cabin and Hard Ci der party, t« the contrary notwithstanding. Hy Oimt.P’du Lu Churtour. Thu Democratic. Iln. iiitiilemi rnrty. cniisollduied In MiUeilgevIllu oil the tilt July; may the union nml lincrest then* iminifested. coatiimu to iiicreou in Georgia, until Federalism nlinll "0 forgotten lly Mr. Wm. Told Martin Vim Horen—lie will let «il<-cied if Smitlieniurs hold to tlioir principles— 1 we will have Old Matty und thu Caa»tltntian By Samuel M, Street, E»q- Tlm parties nf Gear- gin—Oil bus been thrown iqniii the tmiililerl waters, oml the calm vmnotli sea of Democratic Republicanism will imnrin trinmiili its enmlhhiie •'Martin Fa* llunn to the presidential chair un tlm Itli March. IHII. . lly. Willy Knhstiti. Esq. Martin Van Huron—'The lay "tar of nor liopas ai d tin* pavilion of our pence. By Mr. Geo. W. McDoimM. The Farmers of Me Intnsli—The Inaio ami >inew nl' the land, jfcgy will shew that Aristo**ruts nml monied men will im found wanting. Hy Aaron Lylln. Esq. Henry A Wise—He Is •• a rather deliento speidmen nf dm arafi."—rt Id amine ye Does tan cin-i»sponderit kioWk Mr. James Smith, of Ohio I If ho dims mil. Itavo wn nriy .nvidence tlinl even Mr. Stnult spenks the liitth I Wpcnn fess wo can* littlo whether lie ilons or linos nbt* fm iihj-*eiioiH to General ||*irri«nn mo mnrojnHi' cal limit to In, dc|icmlniit upon the good nt* ill lavqr of ill** penpli- of t thin Inward* IlilU. Wo IiiiW* settli it stated ilnil Clou. 11 did not reeuivn at thi* olectftm •wo vote in h s own onii*ity. If so, his was n simn. lar p-'poloiiiv to receivo, when nut n eamlitfnto. •1.818 vote* iu other ^orlbum of the Slate, whOn ut lioinu he received not one. ST. M \ ICY’S. July l»l. 18*10. To Ihe Kditur of the Georgian. Mr. Editor,—A* yon hove, through your column*, given publicity to the i*trou*'*m< *liilem**nta which lie following letter sets hi tlioir proper light, n* ii friend in truth mid justice, n* well iis n patron of • 'uni* piip r, I request that you give it on insertion. Very Hei|ieclfiill), &e. (COPY.) *' To the Editor cf the Globe. Sirs—A'our paper of the 1th instant contains a mniimiuilemion over tlto »|gunlure of 'An Annoi' nm,' which miiiingsi oilier things, exhibit* lit* •ifliein' return of vote* cast for Governor nf Ultiu in tin*year 1828. 'flint exhibit shews ill it, K. A. Biown, received 31.838 votes. Jpiiuiiinh Min tow, 8,128 W. II. llnrrison, 1,318 And your correspondent snv*, "This grand result which took plnee n few years idler tin* war, When G-n I Inn Lon's Imirels shoniil have been nt ilodi fiosltasl, shews thru lie lind little til dial time, t« comm* i d Inin to tho favor of thu good pimple of Ohio." Nmv I nm prepared, fnoti personal knowledge, to •■oti'l'iidiet ntiy lufori-nee, ilmt this wn* u tort ol G**n. Iliirrison's popntitiity. Heflin* thu eleciimi fit mu no, that year, it was published generally tlitiiiililtmil the Stale dial '* lie declined being n candi liiie;" hence the vot-s east for him, nl that i-iinvii**,ought propm I v to have been relumed among the **senMeMig" vote*. I piint- d a papor enlith’il 'Th Keadbtit Honm." in Xenia, tttwnt Ctmnly, hi that ynni'.niiil kn-*w the true histoiy of this main r i,ii-1 aver dial li-w coix,*tiso\ci'iln* ngeofforty ye-r«- eoiivi-isant eiih Ohio elections, embracing tlm* po lind can la; found who will lint sustain me In wlinl I nmv say. Yours very ll«p rtf -lly, .IAMKS SMITH. West I)hi. n.(0.) June 1810 " .IJirnIrt.-,- T^t' .gt er. iii •» pow >ti| nod- • |Mfch,(i oi M l pul lisletl.) • xpo-ial ihe /k* r tlgb's mbroli) rilYlMfanbmii |itu W>-te H-.-nn uml.its fm nil mv, nml ilm ud*n*pin»fnt il -u» lit i-gn d t it which lieGit* IhImu-iI mi jialtn . n the iimip'e. In this *pcccli. Mr. l. m*.M,' vi.ib-.l, „ Ogle, lor mnm prtsoimllrtvs levelled nVbimM’lf, 'Ip* lii—t'lmmblih^ •hu.tU tuii'itovet iuflieied on nm* ml»rrnf C-ngn i\ Jgle kissed tlm rml nml sulmiiitud, for In* I'MfuC Ventitr *1 to publish « syllable of what ho i if d rif Mr.' He takes tbli cnur-«. In the l»q«e.d til * . ‘ - ill eminl nt * tlm piiy of dm gerill • assnnmi intirevnilonloirin*. Lbifiln. A*»s, that lie * 11 r _ ^ | wwr _ man Im ••• on,.plyassailed, nml inpn*viiilunIninn*. t*i piibli.h the met whelming relink* in*h.* wldeh 0 enact e*| in the H*m«e. It will tint avail him. Dr mvo full mile*, uml jostkm shall h- done li.rn In Ml least seventy in,lusnnd Gbihci. Mr. Lincoln a III iuitn-*rtn|is.<-him. lu regnid io all he ha* sakl of the I itRstnrNT s piiielnsi* of furniinn*, every wurd nf It fa showii tu Im false, hy the brief exrrnr.t frptn Mr. jJnenln’sfirst spyeeli, contained in wlnit follow* ‘ iVum rhp AH'Oiiv Argiist* J’llX fKort.K'fl I'ltKfllltKNT, ARD TIIR rgori.K> Huu*K.—Our render-. nln*n*ly know ilu- tnet, that 1 in tin* com sn of Mr U.’le'a doggerel speerh - hist April, lie wn* interrupted nml relinked by Mr. Aii* ' drew*, n *‘ Whig" tnnmher from Kentucky, for mt attempt tu pu’m ••fl’iiinm members the fal.eliood nr recti d in n preiemled eoiivervnlion between Mr# \. uml the president nli-mt -nhtefill *pmitM that have been in |lt*‘ Honan since their purchase hy M*f»* Monroe. dial, when In* had cnnelmled, G-V* Minor ■ Lincoln, ii di«tingiiis|i*il " VVldg" m**n\lmr from Ma*s iclios**it*, chairmiui nf the committee **o i-X*-eiMlilun>* in ivgaral to lllt•1 , resident's'Huu*l , ,- rose and n:lministen*ii n second rebuke, nut only ex* . posiiic llm shameful iiiemlneity of Ogln'a «tnti*m**iits r 0 . iiut v-iliinineriuif, a* tlm chairman of llmentnmiti* «r.‘ , ami as'i political opponent nf the • President, the" mostenniplmn viiiilli-atlnn nf.thai fimetlmiary fr-nn . tit- nttnrks of th'* I'ciinaylvnrdn hlneksttarn W«r •hall publish Governor Lincoln's rrmarkt i THE INDEPENDENT FRESH. Wo have received die Jlr*l nunihcr-of The Indepen dent Prr**, published at Washington, Wilke* County, Ga., oml edited liy S. FoUCIIK, Es*|. We will liml room for hi* Editnrinl aalutatinn to the public, oml from ii 0"W extract the followingi “Wo (invoking regarded dm great mans of tlm peo ple of Georgia, of till purties. n* sound ropnhlieans, nml we regard the re organir.ntinii of parlies now Inking place upon the great questions of national polities, ill* vulvi.-it in the Presidential election, us iimoiiutiugto an net nf piirg'idoti, which will iiltlmately bring together llie sound part* of nil parties, under the brood batmei ofRepiililieaiiistu; wliik* the federal fragnifnis of our people will he round 'rhllying iu support of nn United .Stale.** Rnak ami other ine.isuttMuf federal origin, na* lure nml tendencies." Of the Editor, llie ConttltnlionnliH remark*— M The talents and die political principles ol this gentleman, must be Mtwhlerod ns the *urcst guarantee of die cor rect course bo will pursue during tlm present political context. High minded nnd Inmest ns lie is, the influ ence of the papen will be duly appreciated: it cannot fail to meet an efficient support.” Tlidau of our render* who may desire the Indrptn dent Pret* can have their names nud subscription* for warded by leaving lioll| wiili the Editor of The Geor gian. Term*—Two dollars and filty cents per annum- payable in advance. . CoNoiixss—This body doubtless adjourned on the 91st. Wo notice the arrival in CiinrlesiuiiouSaturday, of lion. E. J. Hi.ack und Hon. W. T.Ooi.qijitt, with other Southern members. We presume dint Messrs. Black ami Colquitt we e hastening to Columbus, in this state, to attend a celebration there,this day. [From the Cnlianbui Ari/u* of IPtdiirrdau Inn.] . REPUBLICAN barbecue. For tlm purpose of enabling oar fellow i-ili/.cns to meet with and greet our dii-iinguixhcd Representatives in Congress, the H**ns. Walter T. Colquitt, Mark A. Cooper, ami Edward J. Ill,o k, of this state, •ml die H* hi. Dixon II. Lewis,of mu ni-ter slum of A ahoimi, the Democratic Republican parly of Mu»**»gee, have moile nrntiiguuioittx to furtdfli u free ha be*-ue. in dio city of Columbus, nn Tuesday, the ‘.Till of this month, .of which our fallow citizen'iff die r,unities iff.Miisro gee. (and Russell. Ala.)ami Harris, Talbot. Stewart, Mnnou, and such others from oilier counties in this slate sscan rrmvenicndy attend,nre invited topartake. Committee—John H. Howard, A. I.eviwai. S A. Bni Ic^, John L. Lewis, Wm. K. Schley, Jns. N. Beilium*. Dirt L. Jeter- Anderson Hunt, buinucl Boykin,Tho* Livingston, Henry L. Henning. RKWARK OF iMi'o.-rnoN. Wo iimh-r«i*ii*d ilmt a largo une-unl r,f apuriona rmila-yi. >|| nti io iln* Koutli, |,u<polling to heimt*-* ot llanx. Ill N w Ymk Til*' f?ii*lil* r nf tin* On# hmI Rail Road and Ihi.kiogL'n. til M-n on. caution* ill po-.-ilik iir un.l trail-n ; (o> n imeipl given ) III", far ,883In Un it. f V'Thoii not*'*, wlm'li wem iireviitly «li.|-*>*i i*.| in ||mi Hunk, U* lie Im. ichoui t , lie »e»e limy t»rn* pot g- wui in-, A qountii) of •ante kind ulTuuuty mm* uilmd licit a low tit)• DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN MEETING JN DARIEN. Tu XttXY. JlM.Y 91*1.1010. A large number of the Dcirmcratiu Ri-pnblinm* o Mclulosli county, assembled in this place, on Tuesday, dm 91 mi hint. The object of die meeting was express ed by Dr. phsrles West, vizi to hear llm report nf our delegates to the lute glut ions convention held ut Mil Icdgeville, on July -Jib. Tne venerable and gifted President of that coi, veal ion, Hon, Tiimoiis Spalding, wu* uttuiiiiiimjtly chosen to preside over tlm libeling, nml Messrs. Bairiuel M. Hir****i mid Ispim Hiiow wore iippuiiiied secretarie*. Tim Ch.iiriii.iii. in Ids wonted elmpiL-ut nud patriotic uniiuer. far liimmlf, ami (o ho hslfrff Id* ivillnigue. Major ohn lutsmi, g.ivo n most lucid and forcible rejmit of ihe pirn-i-ding* of tin* meeting In Milledgevillt, showing Imw beautifully old party namer and party full uy* had been buried ill obli vion, nml tliutliko n baud nf brothers, they had deter riined to forgot the past, and all uaim in pressing fur ward under tlm tree republi an b inner, tin- pi*u»tilu* thru nn I Cumtitmiunul rigid*. Major Jolm Hutson followed Mr. Fpaldiug, In a short uddruM, auslaiiil' g tl*e remarks of Ids veuurahle eolleagut. After tshb'h the meeting wn sidy addressed hy the following gentlemum C»l. Dmiel M. Hmwsii, l)r. Olarlo* Wtol.Col, R. Green s'mI Arm mil Mils,esq- Afior the rejent.aud s,»eeiii.-.!»y the -lillniml genlj. men,during ahi*li limn- «vs* girst ami nuuimmussp plsuse, the lursllng oiniiiimiuk.) temleird dim di-mk# oiltolrt|tde l :«urk,iluill , *o. lmo>|Mlding andM*j J ljy Jolm Coffin. Marlin Van Bnron—A Northern mail* with Southern principle*. Hy u Guest. Mr. Ogle, of Pn.—A worthy scion oi the inventor* of tent idea iiiiimry* and horn flint*. Hy Mr. John llribtuiii. Martin Van Huron—The Driiincriitiuoiiiiilidnte for the Presidency. A man wlm Ims proved himself worthy the suflrugu of every Houtli- ernor. liy Joseph Davis, Esq. The battle iffTinp-'cniiiu: —In this affair General Hurrisuu deserve* ull llio ore- lit to which lie is entitled. Hy Mr. Jo*. (. Onenl. General llnirhmti—lie Un* worn the black cockaile—the curst; iff Crthi is upon him. , By Daniel Young. Esq. Golquiti. Cooper nml IIIiick —At the ensiiiuu ••lection the people of Georgia will not he uiiinh'dftil of their good seivams. lly Win. Esq. Harrison, TyJnr. and Re form—Aye, may they ho rtfnmed, " may their hoiirts lie cliangt'd." * THOMAS SPALDING, Clutintinn. Samu l. M. HrIlK T. ) ^ . • Iss cHNow, j WEDNESDAY. JULY 28, 1U40. K/* We invite the utteiilioil ol'tlie pollliciil op|u»- ncuts of tlm Puksidkxt to the r-iritclio»i of the lit Rev. HLlmp England. The •plrlt nf th 1 * Clnistiaii Prelate, n» well as thetdi-iruciur of thu upright tnnn peivtides it. of I It** 24 Ii FROM FLORIDA. Hy the ftenmer Cln*. Downing, C'npt. Dent, yesterday received dl, Augustine paper■. •t. Extinct* in iimiihiir eolimin. Iniheiiliornmni. we leceivrd the same paper*, by thu Florida, Copt. Nock, LATEST ATTACK. Wo learn fiom n passenger in tint atenmer Flnii- In, that il purl) of mounted men, rerenlly sc.ailiuc near F*nt Mellon, foil iu with u party »ff Indians, who showed some signs of battle, Iwi retreated to a hammock. On the troop* dismounting uml charg. ing them, the Itnliun* gut in th- r-nr of tin* troops, and killed two mil of four men, that were I* li to gu-'id lie horse*, nml tnkiiq* also ten of tlm horses with ilimn, nml making good their e«ct»|HJ. Extract of ii letter from ii gi'nilemniip»«*lng thro SnivciiCounty to a centl-mnii it* this City; ‘ I nm sutLfwd f on wltat I have witnessed that •n lliis Coun'y them«: -nh- hilt n »how of opposition, O'd Scriven, true to tin* enn-tt of Reptthhntnism will rally uninilm-'ti-ly in support nf her faithful, dcvnlcil nml pro*ciilu*d S>ui." GREENE WARD DEMOCRATIC REIMJBLI CAN ASSOCIATION. At n regular m-eting of th- i-liove A*»uei"tinii, held last night, tlm 27th July. III18. the tnceiinl Imiog railed lo order, nml llm Secretary pieseut. L. M. Smith, ••**( 2«V Vice IVesldeet, took the clmir, the meeting an* mljrusscd hy Dr- M- Hheli* lull noil L- S Hurt. osq. Sit *r-lyalterwnriUit iiurn Iter sifot'-or gon'lcumu erowji d into the room, C MacArdcH, J S*. Space, J. M. Juno-, anil A. J. II nipt, e*i|r*. fmv ng linenenllo.J on also iid*lie*teJ III** min ting, m luugili. Tho ineoting tliun H'ljoitrim l. io ilmusiuil harmo* ny, L. W, HMI I'll, 2d V, P, D, LVXCII, 8**r r*uarv. THE FURNITURE OF THE PRESIDENT'S HOUSE. Having Imd oecnsion hut reeentlv to expo**e the character of tin- war Mr Kivks of Virginia, liar waged ugniawt MatiTtN Vax lUmvs fur u»u throw ing away same gilt spHiiii-* wliieli ilia. Presnluni found at bis inhle, wln-ii the pcopli* elected him to full'd llm high deslini*-* which llm lit lies of tin- Farmer's Soil had mniknd him suit »* "ortliy ioiicc-mpli*li: we r**‘*nrio the subject.mcn-L tlinl nm* leaiiec* in-y periixo lh« Munmiji of F.x. Govern* r l.tsWil.N on the sobjoev ef expemUrttve* n and a built the ul-ode of tlm Pteshletii. Mi*.> cola (it Whig) my*-— 1 '• AW a*in sir article of fur- nilHre iiipptiiil during tin to*/ three yearn, had been mipptied at the request of the President." Tlds immlui'l nf tlm Farmer’s Holt evincing hi desire m save llm money of tlto People i« styled by it triith leUinq Whig Pr- M in Albany, the Suite orgun of Govornnr Seward, ns " plumlering mpn city." If to save tlm fond* In the People's Trcntii y Is plundering in/mdly," «*,« would ilrend lo see the •onntiiy.ol th -*(« loinl oi»i|tle*il Whig*, who tne moving the polilimtl element* lo serur-t n Hunk, which, its G koii on M. Timid I* observes, I* *he '‘ntnrt- 1'iesii -n," und "'film Hank conios,’! In* limher oh. i.*rvns, "every thing that is umtoosliliiiioiiul will liillow." W- b-*lieve it. Give these Whigs p iwni, ami n Hank to nt'iko their p**wur fell, ami th-nr present insolence, ns exhhite-l iu ihejr C"iij;ro*xhuiul speei-hits uml in t)ie*r presses, with some Imiiorahl** xn-pti- ns will he mild, compared id the insulting ,.ne ami langimge which wiil lh**u In* indulged to* wards such of the People, u* ore tun independent lu hu liddon into ptihini*«ioii by" it favored few, boutrd ami *pittri*d." N-t! I* l iheecolimm which the ravui ite of u free People would in* iilcnic, eneoiniigit every America-* lo pruellse it ulso. in tin* spitil which every Dtuim rulio Republican would desire. Hum in a countiy village, ns was Mautin Van Hunt n tli***-<Wll'l prinaiplu*. punt murals, .ml tip* right bear t, which riins*liuled his alum* pairini'iny, ami which imighi him to despise the s,d**m|oi nf palaces, und tho exitiiviigurich** of die w-*nli|iy, in- spir*-d him nt the same tim** those habit* of industry wliieh evttry yomh in this happy roun'ry ‘quire*, who without money, withniu even tin- pa trnuugf "f ttonnuxldn* or frieutl*, (fl-r tho lattur Iim frequently swatm nr*, nml the wealth)',) Im/ticlio* ou tli-' wm Id to cleave his rond todiitiucliun. net of,»it*d*>*» to *!*-• |!, rspwixtfystnr* thtr '' mme proflig *te eft hr F> dural presses have pahlUh*. ed Ogle’s is ii part of tlie.r t lecliooferfng •mtkiir.i ta*le. M-'iinwIiile, we give l< e f-illowing ext me " H'*(.Mt, Lincoln,) was no frlo rl of Mr. Van Rutvn. hut he would do him ilw justic* to say,if tliun) was any thing wrong in relntj'Oi to the furni- nir-of the " lute House, the Prefid nt wits mil. lit".* Illume for it. On the contrary. It- ( Mr. L ) KYMV , ms uiiKAT tiKMCArr unthk auturcT. AxiivvptJt rr ASXUUKTHK OKNTI.KMKN THAT, Will NXVkB THC-} tmitMiTTKK tun cu.rxubTKit thk I'liuimcilT 18, ItKI.ATION T'» ANY AUlTIuN Ab rUUSITVIlg.l EGAD' INVARIAHLY EXPRESSED HIS REI.IIC-* TANGE TO HAVE viNY THING KXI'ENDEIV- FitR THAI’ UUJECI. He (Mr. L.) wqi/ld.'. * Simp, fi-Uli Ills own kpnw|e*lac, that NOT * *iNor.K- - AUTICl.K OK Klllf.f rUUK SUITI.IKII IMIRtNO THK I.AXT TIIIIKK VKAIt*. IIAH IIKKN »UI*I’MM» AT THK' . ' ^ HKquKST or THK PtlK**|l>KNT. Til It. CdMXlTTfK" AL.iNK WKIt.K ANSWKII A|lt,K. A Ml TIIKT WOWLP SDMKTHK ItKSl'ilNsillll.l IY, Hot so far WH» Rlrf . 1'M.sideiil Ir.ittiile-ii mg any addiiions mode to tlm' fiiriiitme, ih u, nlnuu two years ugo, it ncliwlly be* cam*' neces.iiiy for himself nml the oilier member* of llm eotiiiiliu— to do (vhut Im lind never ikinn bW- for*', imr would he evrfdo ii again. Dili gi-ntleirw-tv- wish io know wilts* imn w.i-7 He would leiith-in. It wns logo tliru -gli eneiy routn in nnotlier tniin’W* lioiiN*.M .in* Imw ninuli fnrnitUM* he wanted, anti* wlnit ••iinveniein*t*s - on* r* qniied II" im|e*d *lia*- gcutlcm ii would take niulo** iff this fani, nnd re- . member it wh*ui**ver they ntlcmpieil tocasi ••"iuuro* ou tlw Pro-ldolil in rclntiun told* furnit«r«. ,r Thi* i« iticliilignageiifGiiveimu Ltiicolo, w lend.* in-- •'\Vliig"nii*nilH*r-fG*mgre*s—agenilenmndis.-;.-. lingiiislied not levs for hi* low .ff *l.nplicity npd economy in tint public exi'emlinuc, f him fur Id* at?* hetetwe m truth Mud emtiior, ItistltD n'spevtuUivr •' • Wide" who i* iH'iiib «| in yesl-iihi''» I veiini)t^*inr*• mil. in thochiirui-t-ri<iirli*ng*ing-iiftlm Stum |tqmr. Alluding toUgle, uml tln*ex|H*iidhuies f* r fiKnitnra' '' P iVS-* ft\r the President'* llow-e, h *ay»t " V oi Huieiiiimlhis fidlowDr* know |mt two wnyff*' to sill* Id Ihemo'lves from ’lie mliiioi which the fa-’V/ . quell'disclosure of their p'mulciiug rapaeiiy -Nst* 1 v ! . 4 ' iqii.n ihem. 'fbe one i* to iqs-ti too reukitqt *hiip A* * nf their vhnpi-mliM' organ* upon -in one vrlioch"';* * , eesto ilrne di-ir uihderds t-* light and tlitik klrni 1 ' into dueredlt hy th- fl thlhny me thus nhle tirs*/ li ter upon him—-or failing In thi*. t" lay the Idam- of* - tin ir own iuiqiiitv upon lit • *limiMi*r*of mimuscnfio' ' soil niiii'oi nf the party—tome itre*pon*thlr rmii*' milter of pliant *rrviior*in Con gre**; or when 1 .* unalili* to #kulk hebiml • von ih< »e ierelehedterreli*i•* io sudd In without-hesimtion tfielrowo oft: noo*a|vr»>v ,* •**; the hacks of the * .dear, nrople’tliontsdrv*iv , ' ' 4 We snlmilt the n-tuck, uiuf.ihe rm'iitnef'oflL-tn*' the dieestioii of the •*'Wtdgs" grncinR/, qnd'dliir r- '• Whig" friends of Gov I, in pn>l)rulur.* SiiM*iy • comment li uni us is nniiccessary.- Front the ,^t. AiigiiMine flerafd'.tUlh'inMi A n rnr l' nn •• belonging tb Company - H*2d Infaurrv. weie killed |,v the Imllni s-oii iI it' 12th Inst uhiuit 1 mile* from Fort WMfft. Tkc biKH**** w ro nll-rwur.l tumid henihje niffiihitH. f '• nm 1 *-* - • ; WfU- \ Thu imiiiirk which wu huvu often hoard is full of irutlt "Dw'siliD mint or that exerciseu proper pru il-iiio In them-iniigementof hi* own ntT>ir*f Ifli- dues, nud liis puhlU'id principles nre suiiud. we cun trust liiin with tlm monugpirtent of piddle i.tfiirs " This Democmtlc sou of » D-mooiftlle sire, can be trust'd. U-Itwsbtscntiled,und nut f-nnd uni- lorinis in hDlrtt.l* Even li'* opponenls have |uvu»t* d him with great dincmti -narv powers over the Outlie I-Jili {'hi. five ilragnmi.* Amhr'n N’/IiUAt' iu p' from l‘n'nik,» to Comp Kl|iVw#r8 fir..I' Of.iui near F-. r i l(us«e| by a bund ..fa IridDn**mm> her'up from twelve to wenty wmriork. T>vo»'P' the soldiers wc»p trimridml. nud one nfafr-mYikwu iimleoHiMil, «n*>h..i In the ihhh and fell frtotr'IjlV* He wns iHsis'etl hy hk cempnniiiuxTirrtw-. mount und eflbr.tcd hi*.with thi* rPxt. - CeloimJ lliirmy hu. not I* endmern d hy th*' |km *. ; . and ruin* nml inssctsof tlie sum,,,,*rtnmi>eck|nwl r the Indhitii uml dost,oyi,,lerhegrulncrom - • , " iief.on It aha'I have been gathered mid ia|u-i, ,jt.n\> • •*• is ugiihi iu tin* field with n comma ml, of DrftV- "*• seiHirhig the Country h-tweco Fort Melloil. ' 1: ' 7 , nnd Now Smyrna. Courage, «„d imihhirpnerdy'iti* ■* * T" mo '‘ n * T K " lnr xn "Chkivc a repose flip ' or.d..- ' •. - . - , The fallowing nr- the slntion*of the SihED'a-e ' goons. 3d Arn.Jpiy, nml 2d und 7lh Infantru 2d DttAUiKiXs—Head Quarter,of Regiment a» : ' hart Hei/eiii.ih, Cemn'y A, Cnpi. G. A. Illnke, Fort 3 IL W. M. Fulton; K**n Mellon. C, L. J. Hftill, Piuolnlu. i vr-^. c D, J,A Ashby Fun Shannon, Pilatkir# ; *! •. E, K I). Uidlm k, Fort Fanning. '• j Qix*l F, A. S.f.Mncomli, Foil Mellni,, . , ■' ^G^M. S. He we. Fort Helleman, «h II. II. W. Fnwhr; tjnri Sonjlo, on marchiron* * v port rnnniiiff. 1. H. I,. Hi-nll, Foil King, under ordri* fnr fft ' • Smyrna. .;.*.• K C. Ker, Fort Hoilernnn, under order* for.Fhn . 1 sword Ot'il purse of the Nnlion. lias In* forl'uited their mnilHem;i* 1 No! Hove they ever doubt hi* sincerity, or attacked hi* well euni-d •tuhility of character1 No! Mismornl ilia racier has ahnse* ed nut only the rem g ido, hot deli* il the cahmiuics of the ban*. Those who would prostrate tho cliarnctcr of no opponent, nnd make it ns vild nndconlemptilile as llieir own, have esch-w d the tusk, nnd tin*son of the hone*' farmer of Kimlciluuik, «inml« liefnre the American people free even from t.Vnso scurrilous nttnrks which were hurled nt tho Into Hcpuhhrno •age of MoniiceJIo, and urged ngnlnst the d-mexth* pearo efihe voternn of New Orleans. Driven fiom this forties*,they attempt hy ml«r.*p* rescmutiiHi to impvir the stienilhof Ids pohticn| rampart* hy slinking the coutid-nce of thuae lio. . hearli d incn who linlmve him nhle to siuml nt llm hend of the column nnd to hear up tho atuudurd iff their Democralio faith. Siooping no; from the proud ntiilndu of Demncrtt< KT* Wa Imveeuised th" npuu of tlm wrlmr of ih- I -llowi-g nolo, |ini*iiuilng thnt Im did not wi»h to see tint *a»n- in print, If he dues, lmwev*r, wr m ill di-i rfuliy pnhlldi it We cui^ss WI* have tie# ver oluerve I tlw l> tier of ,M»»Jmnet Smith iu |he /llnht,or we wouM have given II irioiei'onsiilersiiou •Dull we girt tile oft repealed denial. wh)e)l artt pul lurch in llm Whig |W|ant, though wvijo irunl/hib H un«n*wcr>blu. *’ tic freem-a, they m*ml no flag bcuritig lit Us folds insult'ug motto* tn their Hrethren. Tlmy .e.i aiming tliem men who recognise no dls* liuetioii wldidi ran *l«*| ri o tin- citizen of thu itiheri* tniicouffri'oilum. Lflrerlynndcqiinliiy me inseiibed upon Ih«h' staudunl, und without Mooping, for h* ••inheritor* of glory'* hatin r," they know net lim* to "how tlm kW mi man'* *upr* Mvu*y„ tlmy n* one man nnllu in iuter|Ni«|o| their nrm« of nerva and hi vast* of *teel, between tlioir Count iy'*C nstiiu- lion and It* violent tv-sunlior*. Tlmy will be,a>lliey||iivaevnrlMreit,irliinipliniii. nnd limit iqi|touent* will ho domilNd to todrtr with disromflture heforo llm iioappensuhI- «plHt of a enlnrtuil hwllgnanl I’oople—men. wh-. know their ri|hlt| Had knowing, date maintain them. (Prom the (Hoke.) MKlUUn, l.l.\l.t,l.« A.NII OIII.K. It ran, ilw l..««rli.J...alil'-li »»l«k. Mel Inn. 3t> Art t.bKtvt -llrml „J lt) e i„ ru , ■ Si. Aiiguthk*. A.T.C I*. IWl H, J. R. Vin*«n. New Smyrna. G.S. (Ruggold. Fnrt M'Hciny, Mainland. ’ I), Il H Lee Fml Lnuili-rdulcv K, E. Lyon, Fort llr..wn.' • - -1*, ft‘r*«.*ioiint.K, i*mi i rtrrcp.- (j, 11 Gnrnoi.Si. Augustjnp, II, D. H. Vinton, Fort Dnliix. I. M. Rmke. F.-ri Dallas K, W. II. David.on. Fo*t l.nude , r • - s idi-rdulo. •' ‘ 2ni» PtVkttaM—.Uead Quart r* of Eegimtntatt ’ . *, Part King. *? , .* ^ A, T Morris. Fort Holme*.* li. J. tt. Smith. Fen Muhin**. \ Hohiirs.* C-S. Gusev. Fort King.- D. B. l k . licuitz-hiian, Fort Khtga K. J.B. Kingshney, Fort King, • J .' r F, II. Din, For; King^ -■■■; G, K. K. Harimm. FortRnsseU. • H, G. A; Wuito. F#,rt King. ' I, A-H. Katun, F ot Uiism iI. K. R. E. HeiixelVFiin Russull. . T :*'' •?.*'-*7' 7th lnrAtnM—Head Quarter*. of ltefiMtnF"* - • A^O. J. Rains, Fort Ubce.'i IL F. Ime. Fort Wnonlinuint. C. T„ H M-lincs, Furt Wi.teJock. • • , D. J. U. Sieplmirton.ForcHulbmiaOa , . ' E. D. S. Mile... Micnnopy. * t* n i e .u V-tifit u, - . -. . - . - v- ; on \S hee'oek. - ' w.. 1 . iVlICilllmitn. i* - , Fort Wb«e|ockw non. I’lircHullenmOa Vlicnnopyr. . • t-, IL L. E. Donnevi fa, Mhraniipy..' v.*'* * G, . W.S-nw* II, Micnnnpy. * * ' i H, E. S. Hawkins, Wncnh.iota. .1. B. W. Mintre, Mlcatiopy. .K H l* Davis, Mtcan p’v. 6th Inkantiiy—Head Quarter*of Regiment at Tampa Hayv '■ * i* No 1, : Tu-tak* po.Rlon la Sjmnv | From the-Sew- - ‘ • *,/ Fori Downing, wldrli hud been rdum*lhned i #n «o‘ count ol'ii* nnheuhloncss, wasbtunedeslumi.Uto. 3til hist,, by Indian*. Boveral im* nti* wnm ino on. \\ . llK»fl«|wann'# byl^o•tcanMteOk♦*eohqbm,. , , ,* On.Hrttnr.lay lust, n stick,.»»» which Was N»tn*)icd' hail like *uh*iuiHtii uml II .mall Miodh* of I3 *ficl>i;., •« 1 wa. fml. d .m ilm gn uml wherw ilm list murder* ow yi* * 1'lrt. o. Tlm **rlMlM.«fe this* 1.. ll-.- I *-. LIO . I , Urn colata ten.1 . JMHMH is s od to U,»’ * Sirke lit llrnt* |&> kklknl H Mt# tW* 1 bu r liko op|M'i.drtg.. II at Umy wet*, sealja'd* Gen- Armalertd. I'D iHNlr*iwor<4'. will nwlra M« Inad. qiwib r*, dining the *umrn*r, sttlmnew d»*- . I pot .of I'lloika. I he rlmnga ot (im t»M InMIlMl I*. . '' —' ' ' ’ hbr, noth a* retfldgMUHrmiw Hiimii'jiim'ijs'i'il# l'«W*i m*r gr umtUrn* mm f«..r l.u.,b«,l.,. . MitlVftd tu rvvtNgu tig iv'* quMirvI far him ou All, and lira hudlHg of u*u*Lmrl«lfaH. f "■