The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, April 10, 1841, Image 3

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passage in tho Volage, which they gladly accepted They czptci the warmest gratiiudo toward Capt Bonard, for hit hind treatment to tnem. The day nfter the gala be called theta ell aft, atu) finding they had lust every thing, ha gate them clothe*, and railed a • thorn among htk officers and crow, amounting to §70. On tho 14th of February they arrived at Cmlia, wherothoy received assistance from tho American Consul.—Joar. of Vdik. [From the A'. Y. Com. Advertiser, 3d ftiil.J MONEY MARKET. The position of the monoy tnatket since our tali notice hat been one of continued improvement. We have no matetial alteration to remark in life rote* of nrgacimioni, but they bavo been effected mure readily and much mum (imposition ii evinced on the partofoapitnliita to lend or invest their idle funds. It in belived that the Banka likewise are more disposed touxtcod their accommodations,and althougli the offerings have been largo, the demand has beon fairly if not tully supplied. The abundance of money has produced sumeei feet upon tho domestic exchanges, in which more dispnt'itimi )ms been manifested to invest, and the rat^exhibit n fair improvement. In foreign oxchnngo the supply hna fur tome time been abundant, and tliu rates have been declining. Wo think it not unlikely that after tho arrival of the stoatner mow activity ntey be manifested, end tho prices somewhat improve. Tho relief in money manors hn*notbeon without its effect upon stocks. In some description!, par lieularly United States Bnnk, a decided improve ment has token place, and, in our opinion, nothing is needed to promote an increased activity in every] specie* of business hut tho knowlodgo of what we are to oxpact from Rumpo. Considerable anxiety is still manifested ns to what tho effect of tho sin pension in Philadelphia, and the immunio fall in stock*, (both state and local) may bo upon the Eng ,gli*li owners. Our own views upon this subject need not here ipontud, but whether wo are correct or not in the -opinions wa have already expressed, let the intelli fence be favorable or unfavorable we cnteit rin not a doubt l lint we hove seen the lowest. Theposi tiun ofsocurities is materially chniged from whnt it wa« three month age. The then owners, who were panic stricken, have sold out, and a new class have come in. Buying with a knowledge of all that has transpired, it in difficulty to conceive what may take place tnenusua farther panic. It is Iruo ourcui rency is not yot regulated, n large portion of our country is in a state of suspension, many of its bank ing institutions are in astato of bankruptcy, the credit of some of our states is impaired, and fears ere perhaps justly entertained that a defalcation of interest may take place with some of them. But it is not our tvout to indulge in too gloomy forebodings, and with a conservative administra tion, with tho pieipect of some measures of relief end of ganernl utiility which may ho adopted at the special session to take piste within 60 days, and above all with the immense resources of our country in tbepioducts of ihe soil, and tho enterprise, enei gy nnd industry of our citizens, we see no cause for despondency, and wo should full in nur duty were wa to express any ground* of discouragement th reason fur alarm. lint while on the one hand we believe notin a farther depression, wa cannot safely say that the prospect for improvement is immodlntn, or likoly to be rapid; a moderate and progressiva improvement will more certainly be maintained than a rapid ~ ‘ unwholesome ono. The Pennsylvania Legislature have at Iasi adopt oil u bill fur tho relief of the banks, legalising the suspension and granting the privilege of issusing amall notes. Much speculation has existed on the subject of the Governor's approving the bill, and the majority of opinions that wo havo heard are, lhai tho bill will bo vetoed. Plausible reasons are given for this opinion, but we cannot think that tho Go varnor will refuse his signature, or rather that he will return it with his veto. Ha may act sanction it by his signature, but he may retain it beyond the period allowed by the constitution, and suffer it thus to become a luw. Some little speculation has grown Arttttf the etc peeled report of tho committee of stockholders or the United Slates Bank, to be made on Monday nett and the belief that the report may bo more favornbfe than has been expected, has probably had somothiiq to do with tito rise that has taken place. “It'i an ill wind that blows nobody food.” Mr. Pickens' Report on the McLeod effair has raised the price of Cotton in England, FROM FLORIDA. Tho U. S. steamer Beaufort, Capt. Peck, strived yesterday from Filatka. We learn from n passen ger that on Monday last an Express had arrived from Fort King, and stated that while two soldiers Were hunting oh the 4th inst. about 14 miles from tho Fort, they weto fired upoa by a party of sever. Indians, and ono of the soldier* killed. The othe •scaped. Capt. Davidson, with a detachment of troops, on theflhearingof lha murder, immediately started in pui suit of the Tndtons, but they had vattiihud. The body ttf tho murdered soldier Was found. There is a story going the rounds rtf tho papers thul nt onu of Mr. VnndenhofT's fact uro* oh elo g nence in New York, ho delivered n passage will bitch tremendous effect, from Byron'e " Coin," that n young gentleman in the room, not being able to stand it, fell senseless on the floor! Title was not nil. A pump handle oppusite tho lecture room wa* auntibly agitated at the same moment. A milk mnn who was watering his article ut the pump, was thrown nearly across the street. He could give no account of himself, excppt that he heard the elo qucnco coming, and that it atruck him about shins. Of a truth. Demosthenes with his elementary peb bles, was a small affair from first to last, compared with the overpowering orotors of these our iMderh day*!—Philadelphia Gazette. L Oldest Man in New England—Deacon John Whiteman was born in Bridgewater Mnrch 25, 1775, nnd entered upon his one hundred nnd seventh year lust Fridny. Hi# bodily health is good and he is able to walk out without a cane. His mrutu facilities Imvc failed him, and he has lost his eye sight, rie has been n temperate mao nil hislif-; not having totted ardent spirits for the Inst fifty year*. Ho hut been married twice, and hat hod thirteen children.—Boston Paper. Valley of the Mississippi.—The balance of po litical power in ihit country will soon become firmly fixed west of tho Alleghany Mountains, The in flux of population is so rapid, and the extent of for tilitv of its soil so great, that the destinies of this country will shortly bo determined by the voices of the people living in the valley of the Mississippi. This stupendous region it pronounced by nn oiu dito foreigner, the most magnificent dwelling place prepared by the Almighty for man's abode. Yet even nt the present day, comparatively speaking, it is a mighty detori, only a stupendous moral waste. The geographical extent of thin valley is vast, nnd the ountlterand site of the prairies which irrigate ila suit, at most exceed computation.— 1 The moral culytre which should be defused there, it important in a ratio proportioned to its boundless necessities. But few persons are aware that the extent of the Mississippi Valloy exceeds that of France mote than six timet, embracing at it does over a mil lion and a half square miles. Its resources and di mentions fit it for sustaining a population much be yond the present number of people who inhabit Eu rope. Tim rivers which fertilize its bosom are scarcely equalled in the old world. The Miasisaipp alone traverses a section of country 2500 miles ii length, wli.lo 500 miles from its mouth, ships ol (•rent burthen flout upon it* bosom. Fifty soven large streams net as tributaries and help to swel the waters of tlin Father of Rivers. The Missour exceeds 2000 miles in length, the Arkansas 1300 nnd the Red River, 1000. All the varieties of soi nnd vegetable productions and temperature of Et rope, nre-foond in this almost boundless valley while fertility and sterility are diffused alike with i prodigal hand. Tho spread of education and of moral nnd religious culture in this vast region it important in proportion to the stupendous influence which its inhabitants era destined to wield in the Union. 'Ihe lone of society there must be regula led by the education which its people receives, while the virtue which chastens, while it e.'evate* the mnn, mutt bo determined by the exertiom made by tho friends of religious and moral culture. The schoolmaster, the philanthropist and the Cltni tian, should look upon this vast field of enterprise with eyes ofpeeuliar favor. It potsesetallihe orig insl elements of vies and virtue, which, as they pro dominate, will directly retard or elevate the charec ter of this country. Under such an aspect of things (loathe Valley of the Mississippi receiva-Jta ful •hare of attention from Protestant Christians, Philad. North Amer. How to CAoeeie a IVtfe —“The Patriarch,' • Magaxine just published, offers the following re ceipt far the selection of a wife: "A place for every thing end every thine In Its place, said ilte patriarch to his daughter. “Select s wife,my son, who will never stop over e broomstick." The son was obedient to the lesson. Now, sold b#*, pleasantly, on e gay Mey day, toon# of his com paafons, l appoint this broomstick to choose me a wife. The young lady, who will not step over It, shell have lire offirr of my hand. They pessed from the splendid tsluoa to the grove; some stum h'ed ov*r the broomstick, and others Jumped It.— Ai length a young lady stooped, and pul it in lit plate. Tim promise was fulfilled. Ike became ihe wlfa »f*» •derated end weelihyyeueg mae.eod lie I be husband ofe prudent, Industrious, and lovely »ifu/ He brought • fortune to her, aud she knew hew to save one. It Is not City la deride which «ee under rhegmeteai srkligaiieas. Doth were «V, Md eeth eitWhed the mh»i. suvd&srsriim* SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1841. SAVANNAH, April 8ili.l84t At a very large and truly resprctnbfa meeting of the citliens of Snvnnnah, without any reference to political principles, called for tho purpose rf adopt, ing soma suitable Action upon tho death of General William Henry Harrison, Into President of the Uni ted Stalest The osserably was called to order by Col. W», T. Williams, and Judge Wayne wav nominated to the Chair. Tho nominntion was unanimously con firmed, and the chairmanihm nddressed the ns*em bly in a few remarks, recapitulating whut ho saw •ud licnrd nt tho capital of ihe Republic, nn tho in teresting occasion of tho Inauguration of ihe late President,but n few days since—expatiated upan the useful services, gencrour impulses and honor- able character of the deceased, to which he could bo rr ample testimony, whatever may have been the .. ._. k *»- * *•- «• ..... «—.!... 0 f (|,o duy, nnd tho interpretation of the Const It u ion of the Government; end claimed for Gen. liar* risoii (whatever the asperities of party feeling may Flag of the free I still bearthy sway, Undimm’d through ages yet untold ; O'er earth's proud realms tliy stars display, Like morning's radiant clouds unrolled. Flag of the skies! still peerless thine, Through ether's azure vault unfurled, Till every hand and heart entwine, To sweep oppression from the world. w principle _ lion. The nation is nt this time, so strong and united n its sentiments, that it cannot be shaken at this mo ment. But suppose a series of untoward events should occur sufficient to bring into doubt the competencyofs Republican Government to meet a crisis or great dan ger, or to unhinge the confidence of the people in thi* luhlic functionaries; an institution like this penetrating >y Sts branches every part of the union, acting by coni mond and in phalanx, may in a critical moment unset the government. I deem no government safe, which under the vassalage ofuny self constituted authorities, - any other authority than that of the Union, or its reg liar tanctionaries. What an obstruction could notlhls tank of the United States, with all iu branch banks, be n time of wart It might dictate to us the pence we should accept, or withdraw iu aid. Ought we then to [ire ftmhergrowth to an institution so powerful, — lostile.—Thome* Jefferson. TO OUR SOUTHERN READERS. AtFrancisS. Bartow, Esq , will attend the Su perior Courts In Comdon nnd Glynn countios, oui demand* against the Subscribers and Advertisers of The Georgian havo been placed in hit hand* or collection. Wo turn the small sums due will not bo refused THE PLEASURE EXCURSION Ofyesterday, in the steamer Southerner, Copt, Wambersla, wo loom, (for we were rionied tho pleasure of being one of tho party,) was as delight- I, as social feeling, fine music and good cheer, with a favoring sky could make it. Tho •'tramtii returned to nur wharves tonn after sunset. We are requested by Capt. Wamborsie to tender tie acknowledgments to Mr. Marka and hi* com pany of musicians, for the gratification tlioir pre •enco afforded to himself nnd guests, we huVo another excursion) When alia! LATEST FROM ENGLAND. The British Quoen steam packet, so long looked for, arrived in New York on Sunday morning. Sh« ■ailed on the 10th, The length of her passage, in consequence of se tore weather, caused a scarcity of fuel, and oftni being out twenty drtys, she put into Halifuz for n supply of coil. HONOR TO THE DEAD. Danioi He ok, Faq., Mayor of Auguxtn, issued n Proclamation oh Wednesday Inst, inviting thociti of Augusta to boh veno on Thursday nt 4 o’clock '-.M., id consider nnd resolve on the proper men tures to bb adopted on the melancholy occasions of the denth of the Into President. The trillions of Charleston were to meet for the »ario purpose at noon on Thursday. ET A storm of rain and gnlo of wind passed over Philadelphia on Friday evening of hut week, damaging property, and causing a lamentable lots rtf life. In the Delaware three young men in atai| boat, lostlhelr live* by the upscttinguf the boat. At Germantown n little boy named Nico, aged about eight years,was killed by being struck oi tho head with a trap door, which the gain had fore- od off u house. Tho distonco of the Imy from the house wu* full fifty yards, and tho blow fulling di rectly upon tho back of Ids head, instant death wa< die consequence. THEATRE. MR. TASISTRO'S BENEFIT. Wo havo only time to call attention to the uttrnc. live bill for the bonefit of that accomplished trugu- lian, Mr. Tasistro. “ John of Procidu," by Shori. dan Knowle*—and a furco in which Mr T. himsoll also plays, aiU nnvoltfas, which, independent of tin- great claims ef the beneficiare to our consideration should at any time fill ilia house to overflowing. It s the last opportunity we shall have of witnessing hi* eminent actor, and ts-e *lrongly advise tho-r who would cqjoy a rare treat; ta bn present to-night. * • r first to dc eny of intelligence from the new administration of the United States, hitherto have withltold) a pure nnd lofty patriotism, and an earnest ambit itin to advance the glory of Ids country, the happiness of the people, nnd to cherish (impaired tho principle* Of our federative govern ment, Tito Chairman, adder the tulenln and imposing occasion above referred to, heard General Harrison it his inauguration nt the Capital, as n Christian in voking the old of the Almighty Disposer of events in his pledge to the American People, to devote ell hit energies to the advancement of their interests^ and whatever opinions may exist as to the best means of accomplishing this end, but one cu u bo entertained to ilia sincerity of purpose which would have ever influenced tho late President. Major W. Porker White was then appointed Sec. rotary of the meeting. Tho following resolutions of he Mayor and Aldermen of tho city of Savannah were then presented to tho Clinic by M. Myers, E,q. IN COUNCIL. April 8th, 1841. Whereas, the afflictive intelligence of tho demise of Wm. H. Harrison, lute President of the Uni ted States, requires of this Board an expression oi its sense of a national calamity w-ldcli must bo foil by all, without distinction of Party; and whereas a meeting of citirena is about to be determine on the proper course to manifest tlmt feeling: Resolved, That this Board wi I cordially unite with the citizens on such action in ibn subject shall be determined by them. Resolved, Tlmt the City Marshal attend tho put posed meeting ofeitixens and louder bis services to preserve erder. Resolved, That the Clerk present a copy of ilhise Resolutions to the Chairman of tho meeting. Extract from tint minutes. M. MYERS,C. C. Mr. H. K Preston then addressed tho meeting in a feeling nnd eloquent manner, amt concluded with offering the following Resolution t Resolved, That a Committee of five be appoint ed by the Clmir, to prepare a Preamble end itrso- TIIK LATE PRESIDENT. From thi Nat. Intelli getter of Monday last. The body of the late President will remain unen closed in the coffin during to-day, to afford all who may dcsiiu it to take n list look at Ids mortal rt* mams. It is regretted tlmt domestic clicumstane** had called the Seetrtaiy »f the Navy from the Seat of Government before ihroccutrenceofilia President' dines*, and bus uccasionud kit absence at thu pri son! moment. ARRANGEMENTS FOR TIIF. FUNERAL. Washington, April 4,1841. The circumstances iu which we are placed by tliu dentil of tho President render il indispensable for us, in the recess of Congress, and in tho kb *enre of tho Vice President, ta mnka arrangement* established, the home service of the tealm could be furnished of ter their departure." The Alla* key* "War Wtth America must and will nt surely follow upon tho murder of McLeod, *• the light of morning follow e the darkness ofnlghtj but then th e war will he a war without any definite ulject, except reVengefor an iqjury which cannot be atoned." TURKEY, EGYPT AND SYRU. The Austrian Observer of the 88lh ult. states, hat "Intelligence from Constantinople, of tho l&th ult. Inform* ut, that the Tultan’aOrman granting to Mfhomot All and his family the Pashalilt of Egypt icrediiarlly, had just been prepsVrd. The Ottoman Pott had addressed a circular to ho amhntsador*, announcing to theta that Ihe Egyp lun n flair being concluded, tho blobkude of tho coast if Egypt was raised, uhd tins liberty of commetce re for the Funeral SotemnUic*. Having consulted w ith tlits family and pehnmal friends of thodecea* ed, w-n ImVo concluded that thu funeral be solemn! toil on Wednesday the Fill intt.; ot 12 o'clock. The religious services to bo perforated according to tire usage of the Episcopal Church, iu which cliutvh tho deenuted most utOully worshipped. Tho body to bo taken from tho President .* House tu the Congress Bury iug Ground, nccumpaniiki by a Mili tury and Civic Procession, and depothed in the Receiv ing Tontb, The military arrangement* to be under the diroe linn of Mqjnr General Mucomb, tho General Com inaiuling in Chief the Army of the United Stato», and MajorGeneral Walter Jones, of tho Miliiixof the District of Columbia. Commodore Morris, tins senior Captain in thi Navy now in this city, to have tho direction of the tinvnl arrangements. The Marshal of the Distriol to have tho direction of the civic procession, assisted by tl.o Mayors ol wills a flag of Ituco flying, but it was fired et by the Washington, Georgetown and A'exanrfria, the Cloikof the Supreme Court of thu United Etatiis, nnd such other eitUenskt they may tee lit ta bill to their aid. John Quincy Adams, tox-rrasident of tko Uniter! States, Members of Congrts* now in the city or it* neighborhood, all the members of the Diplomatic body resident in Washington, all officers ofGovrtn mint, nml citizens generally, are invited to attend. And it is respectfully recommended to the ofii errs of Govornmont that thay wear the usual badge of mourning. DANIEL WEBSTER, Secretary of State. THOMAS EWING, Secretary of the Treasury, JOHN BELL, Secretary of War* JOHN J.CRITTENDEN, Attorney General. FRANCIS GRANGER, Postmaster General* REPORT OF THE PHYSICIANS. Wasiiinoton, April 4,1841. Dear Sir: I.i compliance with the request made to ut by yourself and tko other gentleman of the Cubinot, the attending and consulting Physician* hb\a drawn up the abstract of a report on the Pres dent's case, which I herewith transmit to you. Very respectfully, your ob’t eerv't, THO. MILLER, Attending Physician. To tho Hun. D. Wxbstnr, Secretary of State. On Saturday, March 27, 1841, President Harri son, after several days previous indisposition, wut seized with a chili and oilier symptoms of fever. I'iiu next day Pneumonia, with congestion of the wot ascertained to exist. The ago and debility ol tliu patient, with the Immediate prostration, forbade u resort to gonurnl blood-letting. Topical ifaple lion. Lli-itcring, and appropriate internal remedies, subdued, iu a' great measure, (he disease of the lungs nnd liver, out the stomach and imestinrs did not regain a healthy condition. Finally, on the 3d of April; ut 3 o'clock P. M., profuse diarrhoea came on, under which ho sunk, at thirty minutes to 1 ' luck, on tho morning of tho fourth. Tho lust words uttered by tho President, as heard by Dr- Woitliingion, were those: “Sir, I wish you tu iiiiilerstnnd tliu true principles of tho Government. I with them carried om. I nsk nothing mute " THO. MILLER, M. D. Attending Physician. FRED. MAY, M. D. N. W. WORTHINGTON, M. D. J. C. HALL, M. D. ASHTON ALEXANDER, M. D. Consulting Physicians. Arrival or (lie It rills It Qiicci LATE AND IMPORTANT FROM ENG■ LAND. Tho British Queen arrived at New York at about three o'clock on Sunday morning. Wo are indebt ed to the editors uf the New York Sun, nnd in Ham- inn'* Express, fur extracts of the Sun giving the following items of news, which bring London date* to March 10th, the day the steamer sailed, the Lun Ireland.—The Iri»h Repeal Association of Phil adelj-hia, have sent two hundred pounds sterling tu Dan O' be expended by him in furthering ihe measures designed to repeal the legislative union between Ireland and England. IMPORTANT. Bank of Ihe United Slates.—From tho London correspondence of the Now York Courier and En qulrer wo extract the following information. The intelligence of the suspension of payment of tho Bank of tbo United States was altogether un expected in Englnnd—tho institution having been thought to bu in a courso of returning prosperity— minus suitable to the melancholy event which has *' vor 0,, ‘* derangemont °*" etomaeli and bowels, coital th« ...embly <oge<li,r. *“ - -*>- Wliurcupun the following gontlemnn were op- minted;—H. K. Preston, M. Myers,Scnr., R. D. Arnold, Wm. T. Williams, and J. M. Burden, Esq*. Tho rcsolnlions of the City Council wero then re ferred to this Committee, who, having rotlred for few minutes, submitted ilia following Prcumblu and Resolutions* For the first time in iho history of our country, the American people me culled to mourn tho death of their Chief Magistrate, while in tliu active per formttnee of the duties of his high offico. The cilix»n* of Snvnnnah, assembled without any reference to parly, impressed with the solemnity of the occasion at ono Tur abovo ull cultddoration of politicul differences, and feeling that ilia dctilliul the lute honored President of the United States is a notional calamity, do adopt tho following rorolu lions I Resolved, That thu citizen* of Snvnnnah deeply lament the death «f Hour Haiuusun, lute President of the United Slates of AinericH, und cord in ly sympathize with hit afflicted family. Resolved, Thai a committee, to consist of thir- toon, bo oppoliiioil by lira chair ta select u citizen to pror.ounco u eulogy on the life und character uf the ileceatod, and to mako tho nccessury arrangement* Tor the occasion. Resolved, That we will wear tho usunl badgo of mourning fur thirty days, at a token of respect to rho memory of ourlato venciablo Chief Magistrate. Resolved, That wo receive with deep und recip rocal feeling tho Resolutions passed this duy by the Honorable tho City Council, and tlmt limy be in corporated in the proceeding* nf tills meeting. Resolved, That the Honorable the City Council be invited ta unite with the Citizens of Savannah in the proposed uilium of respect to tho memory of the lata Chief Magistrate of tliu Union. Resolved, That the Chairman bo requested to transmit n copy of the fun-going Resolutions ta the family of llio deceased, and ta furnish copins to om Senators and Unpreiionto'.ive* in Congress to bo laid before their respective Ilousoi ut their next meet ing. Tho lion. J. M. Berrien addressed the meeting u mnnnor worthy tho occasion—adverted to the gratifying spectnclo exhibited by nn assemblage o ( lie citizans of Savannah, who, sacrificing ell divei' sityof sentiment in relation to parly politics, had met to express the deep sympathy excited by on event, illustrating so signally lira incertitude of hu man life und thu cvonusconco of human glory, us the recont decease of our venerable Chief Magistrate- [l was, ho said, alike honorable to thorn as it wa, just to the deceased- After adverting to tin long Services, the private virtues, the sterling integrity run fervent patrimista of tliu lata President, in a strain of eloquence to which we will do no injusticn by at -'erupting to portray, lie concluded by seconding the Preamble and Resolutions of tliu Committee, where upon they wero Unanimously adopted. On motion of R. D. Arnold, Resolved, ’I hat tho proceeding* of tiro meeting i piibliriicd in ilia Gazettes of tlm city. On motion, the inoeling then adjoin tied. JAS. M. WAYNE, Chair man Wm. 1'arkkr White, Secretary. CHINA, INDIA AND EGYPT. By an extraordinary express from Marseilles, Ik imiclpation of tliouveiland mall from Indin, late ntelligence from China, was received in London,on tire morning of the lOtlt. The negotiations with tha Chinese up ta Decern- >cr 18th, the iAtelt date from Mac«o,hnve been pro ductive of no results. On the 8th of November, Admiral Elliott iliued notice at Chuskn tolbe British there, stating that trace had been concluded with the Chinese, bind ing them within certain limits, the British bcuuda l ies being Cliuiatr and the email islands adjacent. A ircadful mortar. • prevailed among tho British troops. The admiral, with a considerablo portion of the iquadrun, arrived un the 20th of Novembers Tung kuo. On tho 2\st, Captain Elliott proceeded in tito Queen steamer towards the Uogue forts, in order to deliver A letter for Ketlien. A boat was sent oft ed in my bind* it sun selling, according to the ex prettion of Scripture. Those testimonies Of eonsdrnen, those Internal enjoyments of snitl, gftre A ifalio-ous repose, end e •till more delicihbt aWnkinc* From Ihe Harford Sunbeam, THE FACTORY BYSJKMt From the intimation given in our piOtptettts, will be expected that something should be said up on the eviU evory tkhere acknowledged to lm incl dent to, and consequent bn the vslnblidimrnt of the Factory 8ysteer. It it a vest end fruitful sub ject fur investigation and illuitratinn-^ao vast and so important, \hat bur tatnd is almost appal od at contemplation. Binding, as it docs, with bands 'cry day made slhn ger by it* coincident*, thou ml and lent of thousand of our fellow creatures in hapless servitude and dependence, while nearer x Vilse i* heaVtl or An artn raised to stop its fearful progress, how can tie Ventura into tho"imminont dea ily breach!" But we Ora moved by an irresis tible impulse, and must spunk out, God grant tlmt nur word may be to the “incarnation of fat diVi (lends," who retrcl* On the hard nbringt of tho Ope'r ativa, terrible at the hand writing on the wull of the banquet rOom of Rclshnzknr. Of all the evils engrafted nn our own from tho na rent country, there is none that should soatartleihe patriot and tho philanthropist, at this most accursed of all thu f-.ulu uf Banking nnd special legislation. Stealthy in its advances—specioul in its appear Chinese from the fuVt. Tho boat returned, and sat oral shots worn fired et the steamer, one of which struck het*_ Two shells were thrown into the rriti from the steamer, which then rejoined the squad Captsin Elliott weh) kuW^'tieatfy to Macao, and by sume secret means contrived to sehd the letter.— An apology was demanded for tbe insult ta the flag if truce, which, after sortie delay, Was assented to by Keshen. On the 20th of November preparations for an attack on tho Bugue forts, et Keshen wassus (icctbd uf producing unnecessary delay. He, how ever, made hit public.entry into Canton, having tn ken care to giVe previous notice of hi* arrival ta tbe Admiral. November 2Btb. tho Admiral, an th* ground of set lout indisposition from palpitation ol beurt, resigned the command of the expedition to Com. J J Gordon Bremer, and tailed for England .inbuurd the Vulage. Some efforts were made liberate Mr. Stanton, which ware successful. No thing it knuwn of the other prisoners. Threats were made by the Commodore thkt tin less negotiations were begun in iMtlity, tccotirse would lm had ta hostilities, l'ho 14lh ami Ifitb cf December had been named at tho days of altack. but on the 13th Captain Elliott wont to Mxbao, and mid ilie mercltunls that tho negotiations Were still open. Great anxiety it felt tit Bdtiibey about the result*, fur while turns pteletided that Keshen D tin cere in Ills efforts to make )ib*Vjo, others daniotl the fact, aud stated that hostilities would becoWi'e Inipe rutlve. A fnw days worthl tfeblde. Tranquillity prevailed ih IhdiA, and the intelli genco by the express brought Nothing of importance from any of the presidencies. t In the mnutli of November, Sir Lionel Sltiiih.Bie Governor of the Maurlfu'i, found himself obliged, from the couduct adopted by the French GovernoV of Bourbon, to issue a proclamation, ordering all tito French aliens to preptire W leave that colon until the question of peace or War be better decided [From the Sun's Correibondent, by express frbth London to Southampton ] 12 o'clock, London, Mafoh 10.—‘The greatest ex ance, and full of “honeyed word* and soft poison •ion," It already ho'dt the flower of our New Eng land population with a grasp ns fatal to ilieir indi vidunl intfeimndenco, ns would lie ta their physical existence, the odor of Die Bolton Upas. It bus sub , sst—it haa taken keeping and crtslod) of the pulpit in hundreds of our villagus, virtually di reeling what shall or lhall not bo said concerning it And whet it wotko than this, end a matter of even tti'tro leribut concern to its opponents And rite friends of humanity—likens tho sorpent who by nn Indeticribtible process lures the iWeet bird tu e neo er and nearer approach, till tit last it* deadly fungi BVer on ‘ k “ ‘ VSPf Dtt —Tbit bee, when collecting tbe pollen or flowers, Which const it me* the “bet breed,'* never passes from nne kind of (lower V» another, it han been supposed. U ft ft r „ || g |,( UJMH , # suckle, It continue* toe»IJtct from this flower until it hot loaded its thigh* with as much ah >t can carry away. Tim bee it governed in this by an Instinct that makes It e co-laborer in the ordinary Work ef re-ptndurtiveness. The pollen, nr fructifyYng dust, Is Rnrrfrd from flower to flower of the lanie l|fccitt, mil thus the he* aids the ojielBtion uf nattirb by die tributing the pollen, nccrtiary tb the frultful'abhs of plenta. upon o It „ mongrel species of flower. orUnrly operations of nature, and certainly atiinng lie most Wonderful is this peculiar instlifet of Uns honey bee. A Shropshire farmer went along witit lilt ton ta A ten pnriy. A young fehiafe hoppened to be iherti, with whom tlm farmer Wished hht ion to becoflio acqtmihtrd. He told him to go arul !)WaV to hbt. 'What shall I any to tier, feytherf" naked thefeort; 'Why, sny tuft tilings.tlnhnny. “Johnny,with great •Implicit)-, looked her in tho face; and said, "mash ad turnip's, miss." How to sAve being dunnud—ncVer run In defer; If you Awe your landlord-hoard it out with him COMMERCIAL. are closed foreVer on the little Amterer—so tin Factory System, by the gllttar of its proffered re wards and tha premlttipf freedbm from parental CORN- restraint, lure on its hundreds and thousands annli tilly of self sacrificing, yet willing vfotiiti*; and the daily dosing of the factory door behind theta, shut! up their souls in darkhes* and their hddlns in tervi turlo forever. Thenceforth they br'como as parts of tbe machinery tn that horrid charnel house of hrt man freedom—tel in motion by the factory bell— moved to end fro by tho revolutions of tire Wafer- whevl, ilka the beahl of their lootas, or round and round,like tho spindles of the spluning jennies they at^ tending. We have said that they werewolf sacrificing yei wilting victims." “Whom the gods would dustroy, thoy first mtiko mad." Real or fancied nriJoisli may compel sotae of them to seek this kind of ei ployment; but by fare greater purition have homes,I where by a few hours of daily toil, or by submitting to the usually wholesome though sometime* irkj some parental restraint, their wants might be sur plied, and a reasonable prospect afforded them ut an eligible settlement far life. But in the lioy dny] of j-uuth, full of bright hopes and pleasant enttelprtl lions, they Artier the accursed wulls. Some alii] pleated with the shadow and tembluncn dr porsiinf al freedom, they fur the first llinn in lltnir lifu, lm i lasted—pleated With llie privilege of s|H*nding the. little pittance they hnVebnrhr'd, ut they please, nhdl fur what they please) and thuir long hours of pniti] ful toil, are cheered with tire prasiicctivu display off irtery on the first holiday', whim they shall d-txxlo, all the lads and eclipse All the lasses of their native] village. Others lovo the eJtcitatrimit—noVel, tliou&lil not alWays profitable—of a greatly iticreased num| Snvniiimli Market, April O, HOME ritnUUCTlONB. CbTTON—Upland, nrd. to mid .. Fair ta good,»••••• .VI*** Il lhimb,.;.; t„,tv'i Sen Island,.;uv, Siuincd RtCE—Inferior to good. ••**< FLOUR—Howard St — Canal, 94® 10 104® II SjH I’liilndrlpliin and ViVginial* f5|® flj Nbw Orleans....iii.$5 © 54 <—R«taiU»».80 ® 83 Cat-go, •; • and which would bo more confirmed when it wot Chnirmnn,a Committee of Thirici-n, undor tlio re- known in the United Stales that all tbo bills hud boen readily accepted by the house of Robt. Morri son & Suns. Whatever renewal of difficulties this may lead to in lha United States, appear* difficult be perceived in this country, as tliu citcumslan i had been entirely unfarseen—but in tho hue rim, it is gratifying to inform the friends of the Bank that all the panic which has been prevailing in the American market has not alnrmeil or moved in the slightest degree the new London agents- wbn not only have accepted without the slighto. hesitation all the bills which havo come farward- but have offered the money nt the same time, at tbo market rate of interest, ta all who prafaitedto pre fur ill. of ZaU.OOO ihtl.., If In b olii, III ,1 IW r,M .t Si 1*1 mm. HIik. Sum kwhIiim Ii I. m.*Im,m, w |«i lull M tn.IHUMU M,| *.»m.4 ,|HI, II, Ion ng«nu ill. Siln H.ilng urn nn In Ti\ Souili Cnrolin,,ndnimbl. In I03U, 00; Snmh II tllC The following gentli-mun wero tulectcd by the solution ta select up orator to deliver an Eulogy upon the life nnd service* of Gen. Harrison. George B. Gumming, Joseph W. Jackson, R. Il Cuylcr,M.H. McAllister,F.S.Bnrtow, H. K. l'res* on, Horace Sistnre, Solomon Cohen, J. I*. Stunit. jeorgo J. Bulloch, William II. Davit, Dr. Griffin, George J. Kollock. Institution for the blind.—The managort of the New York Institution far tha Blind liava mndo ilioir ifth annual report to tho Legislatuie uf thaSiato. At tho commencement of ilia post year the numbot far it—ont party, the holder of no las. a sum than of pupils in thu laslitution wus sixty nine; at its £80,009 sterling, having to the knowledge of ih«- close sixty two, forty two mulct, 20 female*. There ,resent writar, been offered the money yesterday, are still many varuncies under tho stain law*. Sixty mt declined the offer—a* having no mode of em of tha pupila read nnd lanrn arithmetic, geography ploying it better thun In holding tho acceptance of R. Mor ‘ ami grammar; fifteen uro tuuglit writing; twenty lo •r a ■ Morrison & Sons. Neither I* there today an) Ration at the Bank of England, or in Lomhau street, ta take in the tame paper of thu first rati Blast, end at (ho bills of the Bank of lha 11. States ire thus established as tha best which can boobtalr id for remittance ta England— and there U said t« be aiilla largo margin in the agreement with lit* London egnnts, it (• only proper to br observed that so far at the auipention oi peyments at liomv, Its* # ® c J* r, *d M a time when its affairs were re establish •d In knghtnd, It it e consideration probably ol some importance imho event of iu resuming Its iiusinets, or wleding up its affairs. The firm end liberal conduct oft Ire London egtnis lies created s marked rrdctlon In favor of the sharre of tha bank and although every miter Amerlecn security It non lotaHy unteieaMe, ihere It not oeiy this eftemnon ready merbei far Uenk shares at fl£ 10 end £d, Wlwit lit# sue shines with its usual hut lhare is one bf»M rebel* iupossetsloa afwrders little aurloslty Is egelted. It Is only in hit eclipse |lc; five geometry and lour algolim. Twenty reed luor.lly. Two of the females liave not lesrurd li rad. from I heir sense of touch not Iwing sufficii-n y acute- During the pnstynur two public cono»rl* uf nturic liava been glv> n, in whii-li tlm purfarm ance was by the tnrpils. Eighteen of tha tnuln pi pll# bio Inslructod in tloi inrelo of making willow baskets, and four are Instructed in wvovir.g. Eight of the female* arn inilruciad in the manufacture nf hand boxes nnd other pusta hoxo*. Hnvon hun liirdand ninety three hand leixe* end four hundred square boxes, ufdifti'tant sites, ere now on hand. Ihe expenses of tie* Institution, Including nil her ofncquaintanros and friend*, of tliair own MitdU| .. -<>»■••••- iieVchnacuoftlie other tek, so difforent, (and nove'tyHuAGulNu—Hemp.' Is always pleating) from the lonolinoss of their quIolMUSNABUIlGS.,... m , cotlagti liotaea. And probably 4 still larger portion® Ull ANDY—CognAc. riiement prevails in tbe city, occasiontid by the proflara kept tliefo by e fait - prldo.whtoh prevents iltcWimGlN—llrtllnVid; mulgstlun of tho new* by the oVerixml mail from InMfrum tetutning homo, to canfea* tho ditxppotatmen't] diaand China. Taahaa suddenly risen In price, ■»-- »*■•- and thu stack market is very much d-pressrd, and -xhibite a downward tendency. . , , UNITED STATES BANK. The flrltininreiliun of the news of the stispcn •loti of tha United States Bnnk, produced a panic among thu stockholders, andjon the market general ly.—United States Bank, stock fall to £4 10*, hut in a fow days rallied (• £3 10s, which iit tbo price quoted at the latest ditei. j Tho London Observer gives the amount of this stack hold in Europe at about £3,000,0U0, or $15,000,000; and recommends that sumo module adopted, to ascertain whether the holders of that stock would not desire that tho affaire of tho Bank i wound up. That pnpar of the 7th «ayt. The shares to day averaged about £5 10*. each. The more current prices today of suchoftht Amel inn State Securities at have beon actually dealt in were tliesc:—Naw Yoik, redeemable in 1845 in 1800, 84, Pennsylvania, redeemable) in 18(14 to ’05, >!U| Ohio redeemable in 1850 lo ’60,10 to 00} Mat sacliuseti*, redeemable in 1808, 100; Indiana, re decmablein 1801 to’68, 03 to 64; Indiana, redeem ablo in 1863,72 ta 73; Illinois, redeemable in 1070, riinutyd tbusemenit ufcvrrv kind, were $13,111,bill its ordinary receipts during the same lima wore $11,730,80. Ihet Ihe hrid ge»« and stare upon him. I#M Ihe ch-u I of adversiiy past over the aariy fsvutire u| bn MAS*, and he Uraau», at taut, the object uf «ul gar eiiaeuuu! end #msring nmaik Spithcod, with intclligonco to the last moment, Tim Queen experienced a very rough nml disn- grneublo passage, nml on ilia 30lh ult., having ih<-n boen nut 20 days, found herself obliged ta pul into Halifax far fuel. Site left Hulifex on ilia 1st, and tniiili- (lie ptissnga to this port in three dnys. Tim people of England appear to Itnvo been punk* struck ultho intelligciica which reaclmd tital no in tty hy thu packuu George Washington, United Suites nnd Westchester, fiom New Yoik. The first nomad \esiel took out ilia newt of the stoppngi of tho United Stales Bnnk—tha second tlmt of the indictment of MuLcod, nnd tho Weslrlirsler Mr. i'ii-kcns' report in Congress on tho McLeod uff.iii rituso tlireo ca*rs uonibined,cronled n sudden panii among all classes of person*, and the Funds n| the Slock Kxchungu wuio motoria'ly lowered in come IjtlOllCC. From the Money articles in the same papers, w» find tlmt this Amoricun news caused u pnnic in mttikcts. Tlte Datpalch says, "tha etoppngo of tito U. Bunk will causa a great deal of misory hero ns well as in Aniericn. Share* which brought two years ago £24, uro now anxiously told nt£l4 IDs." Tho Morning Herald says, "tlm finmcial and po lilicul nows from Now York produced n considern ble impression on tho Stock Maiket, hut the depth of iU* impression wouid bo ill tnen.urrd hy tliu nc tual dcctinn merely in quotation of stocks, for it must lie rernumbnred that tile funds wero on th<- ri*n, anti with a firm tendency too greater risU still. TIiaGlohe of the 8th says t—The arrival nf the Westchester from New York, vhence slio sailed on the 16lli Fubtuaiy, brings certaia informaiion that tho Congress rif tha United Stairs, hy u largo mil jnrity of 103 ngninsl 08, hurl Voed in favor of the report of the McLeod Mffair, Wiich was ciilcbiutetl to exclio hostilities w ith Eng and. Tbe subject being thus taken up hy Congrcst, the Government mutt of course net iu confotmity with the will of 'ho tnu.;oiity, and tlterafora the dunce of seeing lin nets of riot inferior jurisdiction of tin- State of New York overruled by tito General Government no longer oxisra, I< mokes the dnngor of a collision more imminent rimu it was before. Our citizens, dewing it in ihisligln.linvoshuwha much greater degree of alarm regarding the question this morn ing. thun they did on tho rert-ipt or the previous communication; and Stocks fell | nr 4 per cent irr. rneilinic!)-after lint opening rifbusine-s. City, 12 o'clock.—The effect of tlte unfavorable new* received yesterday from America is wearing ■iff here; but wo perceive that ilia viewed in n ser sirs light in Lancashire, where people hive begun to porcliuio cotton largely undor the impression Hint «omo interruption to the trade with America may possibly <oko place, Qnd that article has consequent ly advanced in price. Two o'clock.—Consols for money hod readied 38 3 8, but they liaveagain fallen ta 88 1-3 to M, and for the A* count 88 1-2 ta3 8; Now 3 1-2 per Cents, 00 7-8 to Q7iand Exchequer Btlls7stu9s premium.—[G/oie of Htk, P. M. In the IIou«e of Lords un tire evening of the 8th, reference to the Congress report, it* effect upon the funds, &c., was mode hy the Kail of Mount cnriirl, who’.felt dispute to duubt lha authority ol th- document; nnd npprared ta suspect that it had been got up for jobbing purposes. I la thought the', if genuine, a documents more violent hud no vi-rbuth penned b) one country resjtecling ainiher; nnd hr put lliss question* to Ixtrii Mslhonrnr whether Iter m» jetty’s government considered the dor Uou-nt genu ine nr nut, and wlir-ther any offieical informetii had been rrarived on tlm •ubjrrt nrd Molhuurue replied that hn xss not able b ser there questions, but lie apnrrhendt-d that m iuubl c-uld bu entertained of lha arilwniriiy uf th* locument- A HQIMDRON ORDERED TO iMEIIIL'AI Tim Timas and uiltar papArt staidxi a imtlilvr set lhai sume pail nfthe tquadmn, I0U«svshi iu tlti nf ten sell of the |iee, which hi un llie Coast uf Hyrle, lied been •ff the Cntil uf Amerke, ta tiranea nf lira British Minister, . tha ".Judicial murder of Mul.sod,’ Info airy for Huli/u *f—Tire T|m» •*«• fatar, rl* -• “three witalion* bad boen pi so44*il/ua|ei nidsrs far Jlsldss,” ern) odd*, '/Cu4 femes Wu Carolina, ri-doemubln In IP58 lo ’08, 80 lo89j Lind tiitna, redeemabia in 1844, '47.48, '50 and '52, 87; Maryland, redeemnhla in 1889, 8(1; Aiabnma.rr deeinnblfl in 1858, *60 end '60, 78; New York City Five per Cents, 83, Emmett's Laet Momente.—One duy, previous to tlm trial, as tlm Governor was going hit roqndt, lie entered Emmett's room rathcrabruptltiand obteh ing n rumutkable expression in hi* c unli'iinn'celio apologized far the interiuntluh. Hn had it fork tif fixed to ids little dual lablo, uhd upru.-ndud ta it ihere wus a treat of huir. “You see, 1 said fen to ilm keeper,' “how innocently 1 am employed. This little trots has long buen dear ta me, nnd 1 om pluiiingR to wear oil the day of my execution." On the day of tlmt fatal event tlterti wot fntlnd, skel died hy In* own hand with a pen end ink,upon Unit very table, nn admirable liki-nrs* of Idnisclf, the bend severed from the body which lay nrnHt, sur rounded by tliu scuffolil, tho axe, nnd till tho fright ■id paraphernalia of n high treuron execution.— What o strange union of tenderness, enthusiasm nml fortitude did not tho above trait* exhibit? Hi, fortitude, indeed, never fortoi.k him. Oh thn night previous to his death, he slept soundly os ever; mid when tlm fatal morning dawned, ho armu-; knelt down und prayed, ordered some milk which |n- dmnk, wrote two letters—one tn his brother.ii America, nnd tho other to tho Secretary of State (inclining it—and then desired ihe sheriff tb be ill funned that ha was ready. When thoy calhe Into his rodm he said that h< had two requests ta make—onu that Ids arms might bo left as loosely a* possible, which was lm mnnely and instantly acceded, “I make tho other," said ho, “not under any Idea that it cun be granted, but iliac it may bo held In rchtombranto that I have mada it; it is tlmt 1 may bo permitted ta die in my uniform.”* Thiso cudrso buuld not bn granted! mid tho request termed tti have ho other ohji-ct thun to show thni lie gloried ih the cstimi in which he wut to suffiir. A remit kublo example ofhispnw or over himself and oriiers, occurred nt this melon choly moment. Hewn* passing out, attended by riut sheriff, and preceded by tha executioner—in one nf the paiinget stood thetufnkry, who was person ally assigned tu him during Ids confinement; this poor fallow loved him in his heart, and the tear* wero streaming from ids eyes in torrents. Kirmei paused for a moment, his hands were tint At liberty —ho kissed his cheek—and tho man who had been nn inmatd of a dungeon, habituated to the scenes of horror a id hardened against their operation, fell senseless at his faat. Before hi* eye* had openod ognin upon the world, those of the youthful sufferer had eluted forever. 'The color of the rebel uniform was green. The Pillov.—Whnl • delicious balm is diffused uvrr the wholn frame when the candle is extinguith ed, xml the head on the pillow. If,on a strict scru tiny of the soul, we cannot Hisr-over any thing which could offend our fellow creatures, (Hen sleep is iil mnn a celestial reverie. It it never so delicious or trxnrjuil, as eftrr e Hay on which wo have imiformed some good act, or when we are cunkious of having spent il in tome useful or sehitaetUI employment, Tim instant tho head it laid oh the pillow it that in which consnlehce delivers ilsdeitrre. If It Init conceived any evil design, It is surtattniled with Utarntl the softest down Is tiaM under the re4ile«» head of ilia wlckad. Ill order lobe liaj-py, a man rhuit be un good ter.vis frilliliis pillow] for llie night ly reproaches It ban make must bo Iteetd. We mhti be happy ot rftUereble at night hy Ivciion. Mammy reorilsoui Millls end negligences, and this slmuld pul le a method ta avoid them far thy will not lone sight of us, they will banish sleep from our eyes, they will intrude In our dreams, they will fatigue us, in order Iu Ireehut that ihere Is t4lllwr repose nor bapjdneii but in ihe hirmon; of an upright eanduet, nnd In the eterdse ofchaiit 1 Happy li bn who nan my, wlten he line duwn,< No mantra loptmnU m with hisvfflifli'Ht, hit mis furlune, or III! InpllvRyi | have nut injured (lie repv teiinn of nny urn»! have paid dun reipeat isiiVe hw,,i>4 Mh,,., Ik, mill. vM«. i* iImo^m >4 l,«llw,,,N* Mn- Ulwft, ,mi, k„ Mill irwtla of their hopes, nml w resume thn Ivineapun hablli ment* nnd humely yot wholctotno duties of farmer'* danghtera'. 1 'lliua they toll on, month after month and yetii after year, till habit makes tolerable what at first] was hsrd to fee endured. Few of them ever murry] —and many of those Who do ore unfit, from the want 1 of pracitcAl and parental instruction, t<iperform the dutlrii of wife And mother and mistress of a house hold) while none boh expect a makrinioniul ronne'e tiun Which will exonerate thorn from these dull** nnd responsibilities. No “ritnnnf substance" mnr riot n factory girl. If'their health foils orthelrcdn sUtutlon breaks down under the severe and onerous exaction* of factory regulations, they arc ditcbnrg oil by their employers without a word of kindness or a look of sympathy, nnd with little remorso nt • worn out horse it turned out upon the high way, en'J tin y go home—if they hare A home—to die! II they have ho home, them is In almost every village t—poor houro f—and if the Wealiy factory oWtn-r (whose duughters arn sporting the finery this pom girl hut earned) haspaid his taxes luWard* support log it, he feels that liehasridne hit duly—hugs him •elfin bit self ‘complacency, and perhaps twice a day thanks hi* God that ho and Id* childrenn mo nut like the jioor bhrtitbros whbafa perishing With In lit walls*. , . „ Heart sickening and melancholy are tho faintest outline! of Ufa picture! Yot, to the fidelity of the outline, ItoW rttany—alas I how many can testify.— Wehav’d but hinted ut the tubjeoi, nnd uheudy our limits werr|U* tu foibcaf. Wu wouldbo spau-d tin task Uf completing tho picture, but duly impels ii* and at e futuro'timo we sliall resume tho subject.' Alwhys visit upon a general Invitation—it give* the ono inviting nn ngro'oalda siirj>risr'. MUSINGS IN THE TEMPLE OF NATURE by OR. ClliTFIKLO. Mnn can build nothing worthy of Ids Maker, From toy at Suhimuit’* stupendous lane, Down tu tito humble chApol of the Quaker, All, all uru vain; Tint Wondrous world which ho himself created, 1* the lit temple of Croaiiiiti’a Lord; Thera may hi* worahip best lm r.elehralrd, And praise* poured. Its tiller earth, its toof the sky untainted. San, moon and stars, are lumps that give it light, And clouds, by the celestial artist puimed, Its pictures bright; Its cfeolr, All vocal things, whose glad devotion, In nno united hymn is heavenward sped, Tho thunder peal,the winds, thndvep mouthed ocean, Its organ dread. The fiice of nature Its God written bilde, Which all monkind may study and explore, While none con wrest, interpolate nr libel, Its living loi-e. Hence, learn We, that our Maker; whom affection, Knows no distinction, suffers no recall, Shuds hit impartial favor and protection, Alike on all. tliua by divine eiampln do we gailteh That every race should love alike all nthbrs, Christian, Jew, I'egani children of one Father, All, All orb brothers. Conscience, Heaven’s silent oracle, tho assessor Of tight and wrung in every human breast, 8ternly condemns the Impenitent transgressor To live unblest, Thn ptnus And the virtuous, tho -gh Assaulted By fortufle , a frown nr man'a unjust decreet, Still in theft bosoms, find a pure, exalted, Unfailing peace. Hence do we learn, that hnWlem-d vice i! haluful, Since Heaven pursues it with avenging rod, While goodneoo, eoUftefterdnd, must bo grateful, To man and God, O iMiil toast visible, yet uniren ttanher, Whoso ftngrr write* Its lessons nn our sphere, O tltdu most elidible but unhrnid preacher, Whoso sermons deer, Are seen and read in all that llrau perfurmest, Will ihou look dawn find blest, if, when 1 knefel Apart from (nanrixfllt fanes, I feel the warmest And purrit teal! — <0 — OATS 35 ® 37* HAY.u..m 05 4112 WHISKEY—l»ergallon, Made dtbbls; 28 ® 311 GIN—Nortitorn, per gallon*••••••••• 33 ® 58 TOBACCO—Cavendish, • 30 ® 40 MHmifaciurcd,;t...i'.t* IT ® 22 MAtKEREL—Nb. 2 , , . . TXLlJoW—Pwlb.... Pork—Mess...........;.... . Prime;.;... BACON—Hum Slio'uldcrt on'd Side!;*. L A libi • * t 11 BUTTER—Goshen...... vt... jsOA I’—Yellow [CHEESE •••••*• [CANDLES—Northern Mould., Spermaceti,.;.... .Georgia -- LUMREh—Vollow Pino Ranging Tint- her...... ;;'••••........ 0,® 10 8l. Sawed Flooring Boards $161® . Ilivor Lumber, Board*', Plank ondScuhtllng.... $12 ® 14 Quartered, 2 inch VToot* ing Boards...... %t;*»;$12 ® 14 Whitt. Pine,bleAr — ® w . Merchantable; —• © Red Oak Slavas.;* <*• © — flhinglns... $4 © 8 VORK1GN PnoDUtTlONS. IB © 25 ... 9 9 12 ..$1 4091 75 ... $1 ©1 20 23 © — ..$1 10®1 12 ,... 11 © — — © • . II 9 — . $13 © 18 ,.$u © m , 10 © 11 .798 ;• B © 9 .. 20 © 22 .. 0© 8$ .. 7 © 8 .. 15 © 16 44 © 45 sb 9 lf in the temple thine own hands have fashion'd, 'Neath the bright sky, by lonely etreem or wood, I pour to tbe* with Ihni'.)tie bean unpetihmml, My gratitude I If in it.} prerent miracle lerreiirlal, Mine eytis behold wberevtf I have kneeled, New preofi of (he (awritf wUednl, To min remind f l( fairing ihee11 kvt the wheie ereatle*, . Kaetdag my hmem uadsfllsd by gwtli, Will ihvu rvcmve and Uni min# aderaiUn f Ihuu eill, thou will. [SALT—CaVgo;................. Sack.;;,. IUGAR— Havana, White........ Brown.;,... Muscovado.......•••• • St. Croix nnd Porto Rico, Now Orleans .■ Refined Loafa......... ;i Lump,..*.. COFFEE; TEA—Hyson, it RU M—d itmulca;«; New England MOLASSES—Cuba New Orleans LONDON I'OUTEIl—Per dozen.. *. BBS per dot! IRON—Swedes.;; 8 © 0 84© 101 ,7 © 04 15 © 10 13 © 14 a.,;, ll © 124 fto © 70 >;..yr$!25©l 40 30 © 31 st;*.. 20 © 21 20 © 29 A.... $3 © 3| dot.. $54© - .*.$1 05© 1 20 From l)te Sacdnnah Shipping and Commercial , , List, April 9. COTTON.—Arrived since tho 2d Instenf, 5332 bales Upland and 150 hales S. 1. Cotton, and clear ed jit the same lima 3701 bales UphthdAnd 54 do. S. I. Cotton; leaving a stock on hand, inclusive of all un tViipbour.l not cleared on tho Dili Inst., 10218 hales Upland and 1040 bates S* I. Colton. Tho Hcmund fur Upland this week bis been very United: towards the close prices Imd a duwnwatd iundenry, and nur quotations ale rrducod { at, with tho Vemark, however, that thu quantity on aale la quito small, and holders as well as buyer* ere die posed to wuit for later European advices now due eia Button, Tho rains nro 1883 halei, vis—12 et 9), 12 at0{. 175 nt 18, 127 at 181, 271 nt 104,595 at I0|, 343 at 10j, 42 at 10$, S3 nt 10$. 103 at 11. For Si-n Island, llie enquiry lint been active and the •ilus amount to 417 bugs wldto, viz—0 al 20, 7 e* 7, 17 ut 29.21 at 30,27 ut31, l6 u) 32,10 m 34, 10 ut 35, and 300 bales front 24 to 37, and 70 stein I at iti a 2U cents. Receipts of Cotton nt tlio follmVing places sinco October 1st. 1841 1840 Georgia, April 0 100238 207000 South Carolina. April 2... 140255 217580 Mobile, April 1 ,271648 323508 Now Orieuns, Mu rub 27., .618212 094804 Florida,Match 13 C0400 67106 North Carolina, March 13,.. .4l 15 6553 Virginia,March 11,.. .8750 115QQ 1215618 1528717 tiie following isastatemehtofthe stock of cotton bn hand at tbo respective places named. Savannah, April 9, 121158 54391 Suiitli Carolina, April 2,....35323 43435 Mobile, April 1,.;. ..I.... 122443 173141 Now Orleans, March 27... 16G590 152047 Virginiii, March 11 ..,.201)0 .3100 NorthCurulinn, Mnrch 13;....600 2500 Augusta* Hamburg, April 1,. 19009 29981 Mdcun, March 1.......;.. .7429 23323 Florida, March 13, ..31471 20809 Philadelphia', MircH 2^,...... 853 1048 New-York, March 24,....;.50000 27000 450882 537276 IlICK.—Tho transactions of the ivetak have boon quitn limited with a very mbderato demand. The' principal sales are from $2$ a 3|, mostly at 3,with light stock. FLOL'Il.—The business in tbisartlcll) sihbe our ln*t tins been quite moderate, and the dement! (icon fined fa smell parcels for ici:)r consumption. Sales df Howard street In small lots et $5| e 5$. CORN.—No drrivais, and sales from store stall prices within tho range of our quotations. G HOC Ell! ES.—In Coffee Sugar end Moleseee rnodorntabUsinbs* dolhg to supply the Immediate wants of Ute trade. Small sales of MuscoVtdoSu garutUlo. Coffdollie 12c. Molauta 20cu. HAY.—Sal** on the wharf of 150 bundles o( New York at 95 centa. SPIRITS.—In Dumestio Llqtiore, sthilliaki to Smrn keepers at quotations, EXCHANGE.—On England 7 per aeet piem* Dre(u at light to 5 days sight oe N. York,8 per et pram, segrre, FREIGHT8.—To Lliorpbol |d. To Now York jl,Q5c per haeCounn, Btalmsni of CeRee, Unl'sle* I, k Riusti un In (1oiot.r .loll if llmlwil .Im.S.1 Dn imfl«Hl> .ion if mt us was mo 00070 10*4 II 04 D. fmMjp. 77001 S070 SOTOS SI04 utk <m lrt>4, ImMIm tU m *ilf •' •”* bu<id Ml il«t»4 M Um Oik Imi, I0SU 1140