The Weekly Georgian. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1839-184?, April 10, 1841, Image 4

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SONNET—Br Mm. Nosnox. .... nnenfraarhired Mu!, tint wildly •prlng*, Witli a keen »paikl« lull'* gUnrlng «qe, A0 •!M**i| rfl'*»t I" lil* nulvrri'-g wing*, Upl-illm l»li«o wilt «»f the llappy So my anatnor’d brail. •« long iliint* ". Al length from Love’# lrt»pn«*nmriit art fur, Hoea ftlX |Mn •!»** op' n wmill alone, Glad and exulting In It* IIIh'Ji?: llut like tlmt WelpWi** W*d(r«*iU«'d •" l" n C- IIU weary wing* have l».i all p'wr "* Who soon fo.yrt* to tilll M* And feebly fluttering, .Ink* '-• •’■iHimi-w ""if So. from ito former bonds rrleoreil In *"•»'. ... My heart Mill fool* th* • right of «h«l i emend* i a chain. __ K/IO.M THE NOU III, There was no moil ,u«in.dny from offices beyond Clmrlrdon, (J r. Weldon, N. C.) IIy ||,0 IVm. .Seabrook, Capt. King, wo received nt two o’clock, I*. M m from our correspondent lit Charleston, tin Friday •licrnooo I’utiiol, n New Vo.k paper of Monday, Philadelphia of Monday and I'ociJay, anil n Washington paper of Turadny. WASHINGTON, Mnrclt 30. Hon. J. J. Criltendoii, Attorney General of ilit< U. S., arrived in tho city on tho evening of the 28th ln»t., from tho North. Arrul.NT.MKNIS BV TIIK PHKSIDKNT. Jacob |)n La Motta, to ho Kncuivrr of Public Mutiny at CliarUatoii, in tho State of South Caro litia Ilcturn J. Meigs, to be Attorney for the Mid dlo District of Tennnasca. Ailtcr Itobhin*, to br I’oitmaitcr nt Newport, at the State of Illiodo itland. James Wntaon ltiley, Register of the I.nnd Oi ftca at Lima, Ohio.—Mil. Int. NEW YORK, March 23. Gen. Scott left Roclitster Fiat Tuesday morning for the Niagara fiuttlier. Ilia face it an'ul to he 2 et anmnwhnt discolored liy llm bruiaohu tocoived y falling on tho ice at Albany. The Montreal Herald of Satnr.lny, Marrh 20th, •peakt of tconoa of unpautlleled violence mid hlood aljej, at the election in Benthior county. That pn fer atatnt that a largo body of Canadian*, urine,I with bludgeons, nltHckt-U n body of Irishmen, esti mated at forty or filly, and that thn encounter it aulted in the dumb of one Cunadlun mid six Iriali men, and the wounding of a grout number on both •idea. The Kivtr Open.—The alcambnat Utica, Cup tain Schutta, left here on Wednesday nfttirnoun iatt, and at lived at Alltuny about 0 o'clock on Friday morning. Tho Utica left Albany again nt 7 o'clock on Satuiday morning and mrived hurt* u Sat ut day evening nhuoi 0 o’clock, full of pnatengeii Exploring Squadron.—Cnpt. Wood, of the Klimheth. at New lludfoid from Uuhu, report that ho left llm Exploring Expedition there on the I Oth Octoirer.—Jour. Com. An Ex-Pi rsidrni of a nankin Trouble.—A In so F. Weed, cx-Prariiionl of tint Hunk of Milling ton, Maryland, haa been arrealed in thU city on n charge of having io September but ctnbexzh-d the fund* of that ilia ilution to llm amount of $IU,UU0 and upwattla — Jor. Com. Madame Restell.—'Thia womott ia atill confined In tho tomha, nut having yet procured hull. The hail demanded haa been reduced to $30U0. The ' interest in ihisciitn seem* not to ubuto ut all. Seve ml peraona uhoul town liavo utiduttiiken to make un outcry on occmmt of our commeiita upon lint di. •closure# that an invoaligalion would produce. Thia it unwWo. Tltoau who exclaim nguinit the tona of our remark*, aubj-ot themaelva* to llm »u* j.lclon of iHiing itnpliciiteil in anmn of tltu womun'i transaction*. Nunn wltoto handa uro clean nut at .ply anything wo have auid lulltutmctoes.— Herald. Monty Market, Sunday, March'll—fi 1\ M. Tim ante* at llm itock him id yuatoiday were mode Tutu, without material change ia rate*. U S. Bank declined J percent. lit atet ling liilla hut liltlo w-ns done. The mount ft ticket of tho 1*1 April will curry the bulk of the re rttitlancff. I'llir.APF.I.PIIIA, March 23. Our Liverpool Puckett —Tho fitm pnokot altip Shenandoah ha* a full freight engaged of I' lour mid Cotton; of the furntor, five ihnuauiiil burrela, al 3a did. freight, und cotton at |T. per lb. Tito Thoinaa P. Cope, juit arrived front Liver pool, h>« n full nnd vnluttblo cargo, with u freight lilt of £1203 nerling, nnd twenty throe ateeruge passengers. Tke Prttidenl't Health.—Tho Na hnnl Intoll* goncor of 3I*t ult. aaya—Huinor having a I ready spread tho new* of the indUpodtion of the Preai dent, it ia ileeinoJ proper toiay hero, from inf. lion which mny he relied upon, that hn wua uttuck f bavalM ha I rd on Saturday laat by a aevore Pneumonia, ■ u.lii, n , which,ft o nro gratified to Icurn, hud at n late hour Iraat cv® tting, been in a great nietuuro mihilded. Hit u, lending Physician considered him, laat evening, tie cldodly better, nnd wo entertain liltlo doubt of be litg able, vory auntt to relievo tho public mind en ttrely from opprehanaiun of the consequences of thii atlnck. PENNSYLVANIA BANK BILL PASSED! (3 ratifying Intelligence —Tim I’hiluihdphi American of Inst Monday aay*t "On Ftiduy, the till fertile t elief of the Banka passed the llouae. nnd on Saturday tho Suituio accepted it. It only walta thcaignnlmo of lliu (inventor now to hccomc nlaw. Will lie sign it! i* a quraliun often uake and with •niic'i aolicittnlu. Wo believe lie will, (le tlemon rfceiiily from Harrisburg, who have had con Tennlion with llov Potter, confirm thia opinion. If tho billbeentitoa a law, llierll'oclof it will he invig. rating upon the public mind, nod a belter feeling in atecka and every brunch of butineaa will nt biltil itttelf. Tho next ia to accuro the menu* of puy ing the inter, at upon tlie puldir debt, und tint pen pie of thu Stale will then Incathe tn«ier mid mure Ttvely. Immediate cnlomii'n a w ill be uirealod.and thn credit of the Siam »avcJ, botit mutter* of vital «oucern to Penmylvania. NEW YORK*. March 23. Ill* diitwrtad army ... , . , l.lrf.a ■ «..| tl.r |i .bal.t.l') t»th*M»K'd»ra«l Matniowlml. -I »-k- "P throw ut Novemlirr. hud i** - " *H «v..uld »m nmiad detail, and the wind* lm finally raprllad front tt.e A, |I.r It to. " Moan* having rtplr. ,1. It. in ,| ||,» b /rltlumitt Imd again c u e through th> fm. e pi a *ra*g.wtio*i uitrHie aide,and a rthual to M i-rpt •• nn llaintlirr.—Adr. A porteapondeat at Mnnte Vtile**. Under d.ito of Januaty 2.'d, wtiti a aa follow.: 1 lie ih'ft'Nt rtf l.avnl'e by thn Uovftnrncnt troop ** cou.plet*. 'i hi* batila in which im *uflVrr d *> mvcivly, apitrata io have been thedrnth blow to hi. pretenaiona. IJ la party, nr llm Unitarian*, liavo given up all lope* ofaurcfM. (Jov. Itotaa i« all powerful, and will probably in a very alnut lime, d ivu the whole of them Imyrrinl ,1m line* of llm AtgeMinu Territory, reorganite the province* which have lantn ditinrl. ed. and then pan over imop* t<> tint Banda Utl.o. ul, f»r llm piirpoan of acrounta with hi* inrririitnr friend, (ion. Hiver i,auil oliimutelv that of replacing (fen. Uribe at llm hi-nd of thn (invert! mem. trout whi.di aitun'iun hn hut lorn driven by tlm former (Jenernl, aided by the intrigue of the gent* of France, (Jen. Ilivein lain ll.u "Compn nin"withn* many troop* ut Im ran rmMer, any 3000 to prepare for tho anticipated atiugglc.—Jour of Com. BALTIMOUE. March 23. LATEST MOM IllU l)E JANEIRO. 'Jim brig Maty, nt thia purl, bring* advice* tmrn io de Janeiro to the Ot I* I'nhiuury. By her we have rereived tile* of paper* of that city to thn fith of February, fiotn which tho following item* trnorioted. Wo are hI.o indebted to llm kindi of a eummerrinl fri.-nd for thonnnrxcd extract of u letter received by hi (iieal* had orcurrrd nt Bolivia nt the election for noonhei* of general l.egitlmnrn. Some live* were Inal, and much dUorder prevailed. Mr. Pedro Rodrigue* Fcrnnude* Cheve*. lain Bm xiliatt Charge, in thia country, hnd urrived ut Bio in the Falmouth I’nckvt. There were of a revolution In I'uragim again*! theexiiling Govemntenl,the uhjecl of which wu* to call a general Congr (fen. Htinier, tlm U. S. charge, hnd addretucd n note to thn Imperial (Javoimtient eXprciilttg Id. banka for th t ready nnd valuable exertion* of the Urncilliun Navy in behalf of tlm U. S. »hln Motion. Mr. Hunter al*o requeued that pcrtni>ainn might Ian granted to (’apt. Long, of the cocvoltn Boainn, to meet n temporary oliiet vutury on But Inland for aitronomicil oharrvntiona, uinlcoiruction of cltrono meicra, which wn* granted. INDIAN MASSACRE. We learn that n company (K.) of thu fir*t regi rnem *>f Dnvinima •tutimmd nt Fort l.mivnnwoTth t with Cnpt. Trenor, connianiling, and Dr. Kennedy U. S. A. returned on the fnat in«t. from a vUil to llm Kauxa* Indiana, reaiding on thu Kunzaa rivor, in the agency of Major Cummin*. lieinrhmeut wn» aunt out on tho 17th ulli] mo on the te.piiiition of Major Cniniiiina, to naaiat him in milking payment of the aiiumty duo to the Kan* i* Indiana, nnd to taku froui tliotti certuiu pri] •onoia captured Iron* the Fttwnroa. (Jtepublic*) on i tocent war excursion into tlm J’u wnmi country. I’ltoy rec.iveted ull tho pri«»ner« to the number of] eleven, women tiii.l children, whom they brought to Fort Leavenworth, to he reatored in duo liinu, to their own tribe. Tlm hiatoiy of the rupture of tlm pi iaonrra by the ia ititere.ting, it* allowing the exceaaivo cruelty uud tliasordly character of the odiutl wait fan:. It teem* tliut anmo lima in December Inat the ICiinr.u*, nr Caw Indium, Imurlng that nn oncurnp mom of iho I’uwnuvj were nit it hulTalo hunt.ol aointf di*tuiico from tho remainder of their tribe, into up tlieir own uniicipnteil hunt, nnd »rguiiir.ed iheinaelvea into n wttr party, with their principal chief ut their bond. They mined llm Pawnee conn try, nnd laid in utnhutli near tlm ill fated encamp ineiit.nntil they auwiliu l'uwnau warrior*, iiumlm ing about 17 depart for lit, ir hunting ground*. The Kaiixu* warrior*, 05 in nil, then commenced u tour ileroua lire upon lliu duf.u.celnaa women und chil ilreii, which they continued uit'il they auppo*ed uf w ithin tl.o encampment hnd been killed. On cull ing the acuno of carnage, they tomahawked und icttlped more than an cnty of their vitim*; they they found twelve («ix women atul ua many children) ttnliutl, whom they tlecided to retain it* priaoner*. One of the women, however, ileturmiucd not to he token olive, nnd auddonly aptinging nt tho nonre wttriior, alto aeixed (dm witU tlm i>rwap of a tigreaa by tho Ihrnat, nnd boro him to the onrili. It win only when Iter arm* were aevered front her body that -he relinqulahed burgrnap—alto wna then duaputch e.l, itml her ac.tlp added unothor bloody trophy to llinae yet reeking at their hell*. An uct of more niroi-imi* cruelly nnd alimnel. win dice haa aeidutn comeloonr nollco—the iniir iler of an entire village ol defeiic.-leaa women nnd 'hildren, by a hand of aavage*; und nonrn grnlified It-nrn that the Kanxna Indiana nro living in cot [■unit dread of being ultuehed by tlto I'uwnetii. I highly prtdiuhlo that hoforo summer we ihalllieur of dire pinddiment having been inflicted upon there wrutchea by that fierce and tvurliko tribo. Outlie Dili inat Lieut, RulT, of tlm 1 at regiment nf drngmuia, with a amnll detnclnmmt of men, h-ll tho furl to convey tho I'ltwnun priatmera to Belle vuc, where they will moot their nd«ahniniiea und mmu nitfinlier* of their own trilie.—Minouri Rep. Death of Mr.Ckitty.—TUU diitinguiihcd law r, wit aa wink* or. I'lendiug, Bill* of Exchange and I’rueiice, httvu In un *o uxtetiaivoly ttard ill our country, died in tltu 171It Feh. 1011. in Sotithnmp ton atreet, Fiixruy Square, London, ill tho fib’th ftfar of hi* ngrt. YOUNd MEN’S CONVENTION In nmuliur column v ill ho »cen tltu proceeding- if ttl etjug* in Cohb, J.iunpkin utnl .Inukaon conn iea, prepAi'iitoty to tlm ''Democratic Young Men Convention," to bo held in Milletlgeiille, on the firtt Monday in May. Muelinga liavo been held in -rnl i-ihor couitiic*, hut their preceding* Imre i.ol yet come to blind. Tlirroreem* to bo a grent Inteirat fell, in must uf tlm comities on llm subject, and our t'rieud* aeem disputed to taka timely men re* fur n full icprc»entntioii The Dumuetiiiic party of Qeurgin nro iti-.pir.-d with new energy. D.-f.-iit ha* served only amed to unite and atiengihcti tlieir exertions. Their toal i* like that of llm veteran* of France, when colled to attrreuder by the vielora of tlm well disputed liel. i*taiari! adlAriiat tin* *am« |nn«, Imlwre It »•* W »i*»|*«ltafcl *lm ^nhe»« |.|itM i|l*» should be known and under a oodt lie Ulkertfon lit retted. 'Ihat tlo- prmtl-'v* •• llm Daniati.lki pmy, *n;..nJri.**-l io R r * •' Unas ol tloi Baltimore Kepuhltcaa Convention, are il.oto Svl.trI* llm S>.will iluodd i>relou»ly rria.iitalr. *1 hat w-o are o|.|mim.| to a |ni.lecit*o ’l-ndl.iil •ny I arid, wlti. h, nnder ll.u S|*-t tons preteal nf dr fi»)ing (lie rS|-ct tus nf llm gme.uniai.t, by laying taxes upon luxnrttt, will, with ua tuudi crltainlv. olu pm turn ut llm Untun,nut l«i ti.e* l the nlreo lain ncceaailiea of I • nation, hut to tutirh tin Northern manufacturing udvorare* <-f tlm pol" y. That llm falio liiqma nf relief nnd punpnrit), which wura Imld forth by th* F*dei*l Whig* t** de b'de tho poofdo nf there Stole*, a* they bad no i»u- rfation in reality, mail dUrelvo und lento ili.-'.n with ut a ludying |Miint, indeaa protniaea latc- nd unavailing Im again r.-auitud to And be Wherefore retotved, That wn approve of the propoted convention to ha held in Mil udge villa, and nlodgnouraulves to u*o every hurnra»dei-x ertion to forward tho enure of tho Dcinocratiu Be [nddicun patty in (iuurgin. That tho delegare* aelucted tn attend llm said convention l.e r>-quc*led to prupoaoto that bud) when aaicmMed, a Resolution— to pru«eut as a dun.i lion to tlm ||nn. Tltomas Ritchie, tho in-h-fiitigildr repul.l con editor of thu Richmond K» tptited, • emblematic testimony of the greiitesicmnand v Biion which the conventian miterlaius of hi* untir ing labors in thccau»e of republican principles. And be it Retched, That tke Omit man «1. appoint a Cotnniittra ..f ten to avlert delegate* l. Rllundthe prupotrd Cuiivonlion in Mitle.lgevillo. After thu teauluiiona had been promoted, Moasr*. Iliilyeritnd Jackaon nddreatnl tlmincutir.g in tlieir uauul eloquent manner, in their auppoit—und on morion tho anmo woro uinnimouriy und cntliu*ia»ti caily adtijited. A resolution wn* then passed tliut the cbuirniun of the meeting be tlie chairman of tlm Coinmitti of ten, and that llm commitico of ten fotin u pmtol the Delegation to the May Convention—anil th-i lid lowing gentlemen w oro thereupon selected by tin rhait: iilosara Mitchell, Cohit, liillyoi, E. R. H n den, F. I'hinlxy, S. Tltomua, Franklin, Dent, Jack •on, and Chase. Tho meeting then adjourned. IVM. L. MITCHELL,Chtt’tti r.Hm.A.Dl'.i.Hiir, t Seerttiorlu.. rr: HlCMtT R> JacI»SUN, j Frneat in the Swedith Capital.—A letter from Stockholm, Feb. 5, says.-The diubhing given by! Uount Mntu*cheviiB,tho Russian ambuisiulor, to a] 'ootinnn in tlmrervica nfa Indy ofdiitinction, is tin- universal topic. It nroso * brought to the door of tlm , diplomatist. Striking nny person in tho Kin;, palace ia punished with denth; und tit the lady lm»] inntolly complninod to the court, the reply of tlm Emperor is anxiously looked for. It remain* to In ' teen wheiln-r llm will sanction tho conduct ol, hi* ambassador. III.MOURSTIC MKUIM* in JA.-KHO.S CO Al « n...l...| ul... i J.rl,-m'i ... ...,1 I.. M ... J.iTm.ui,,.... it., ii i. m the l)« murintM- I’ait). L ’*> rt Mon. I.-| . beii gj pp-.mieit (.hvltrii.n, awl Allied A.B •tlttnan, Sect Hat i**, tlm *h,.ri >.l tl.«- »*• utn.g being iptaiM-dhy Mu. L. B'tri..-.. l.-q . <1 Atl.rn*,; In a «I*at and forcible r.n- vi.ilo t». ..wing p i in Ida and retvlotto » we •• u..a..iinou»l) >1- pi'd kyj Ini rmrting. Tit* Democratic Y«wt«g M*w "I 4«»ck»..n county fully eonvinrr.l nf the trpo* ante ..I a due cnnc'i i.fartiun, in sustainiug t n in.* i ilnriplcs of rvpuU licunlim, and having wu-io.ied with s.t ceru rrgt he tum-sa nf tho | lu which they have e Imtn cotiacii-r.lioutly opposed in ulmnatiug li •licit ranks, many nflliuaa Iriends with wit in *ha acini in time* po-l. lielmvint that the f.iilncy of I hr 4tgunienl* used by them have, by tin* lime lost much of tlieir force und their novelty, nod th*: engri itli w hich they wore, on all occi»*i..n»,prea»e.| tiy their deluded supporter*, being tlieir elm-1 claim to thu notice of tho eoinni-ii.iiy, notwiih-ianding tire turrets of their opponents In thu recent elect on The Dcmomiic Young Men nl Ja.-Uson, s. o nbun J nit reason to persevere in tlieir efli.rt* io carry nil lucenofully, llioto principle*, on duo oh*-iviincuoi which so moult dr pond*, llmyw.uld, llmtefue II upon Oil thoto who feel inter. *ted In tlm ad] .nei-menl t.f Doinncrin-y, to unite with iliem in in Ing every l.-gul tnc-ai.a lut it* udvunceinvnt; to tie red, be it I lUtoivcd, That we cordially approve of the con! It.-tiipltttud meeting of the young men in conventioi in Mny next. Ku.olved, That tlm Chairman appoint 22 persom |).-|.-gnt.-a to attend »oid Convention. Resolved, Hint llti* meeting Itiglily nppreve of the administration of Hi* Kxoeilunry, Charles .1. McDonald, and uf the faithful innmmr he Im* met duchnri*ed thn vorieti* duties utrigned him by hi* fellow citizen*; Ida devotion t.i democratic ptinri jde* justly entitle* him to the support of every Due democrat on tlm fnnt Monday in October next. Resolved, That in tho event of inability, on tin part of tiny of tho pernors appointed under tlm 2m resolution to attend the meeting at Milh-dgsville tho Delegates, or eillivr .if them, mo hereby nullm riled to f.ll tho vacancy. Resolved, tliut tho prtcratlings of this meeting hr |iul)li*|i.-d in tho Southern Banner, nnd nil otliur pn per* friendly to the enme ofdemoctncy. BUliKRT MUUN, Chaitman Airerf.l Smill.t t S(CI ,„ I |„. A. IL I'ittman, S |t|i« l.iil Imldeis are now ttirriflclng hftcen |«r cent notraofa bank which, in 1833, wan pre.enl "I by It* friend* In Conga-** in h-rve un •.»tt-»* ol ^ iMint MiLMuiig nfdollau! [Cone*) mid. ncenf the Chnrlrt'on Courier.] WASHINdlON, April 1.1041. 'I im l'ie*i.|ent tx mu.. Jjngtrout/y in no wn* itlnrkrd, nit night, (the 27lh) willtptri pur nnania, a cmntnun tndvety fatal disttrdcr in thi* vinrlly. Hn was attended, nt first, by Dr. Mil ct, hi* family phyriclan. Suhvequently, the aid of Dr. May wn* called in. Tlti* morning, Dr Ibll nnd Dr. Worthington, of (Jeorg^tawn, wen called intoroniultatiuii. The family of llloClaneiii cry much alarmed, nod great uneasiness ho g ! n» to provuit in tho public mind. It is appro ttitiilion, at hi* advanced age, to enrry Inn. through tho second singe of tho disorder, to-mor row will ho u ciilicul period in the disease. (.'orreapundsine of th* Journal of Cutnmtrcc. HUI'EHBIK COUftT.—lUfore Jurat J.ret*. Antit rt the late Mayor of Dublin.—Mr. Ar thur renin, late Mayor of Dublin, arrived here „ few day* hack with his two tuns, and a day or two •Her Ida ntrival lit wn* arrested under iho’SlHwell Art for aholiniing Imprisonment for debt and pm*. Uhing fraudulent debtor*. Tho cas« was yestetdav bimight before Judge Jones, who oecpiod tho gros’t er part of tho day in examining ||. R nppoarotl that Mr. Perrin wa« arrested on the alTidatiuif Mr. James Loe, n tnatchant of this city acting as ntto* n.-y and agent nf Rolwrt Hunt, a tnatchant of Did lin‘, wltu holds Perrin's endoro-ment to tlto amount of £000. Annexed to the affidavit of Lew wit* tht- slli-lnvit of llont, taken Indore n Mutter in Chance rv in LBmpnol und certified hv tlio American Con •ul ut Liverpool. This ufMavit stated that Pert in wn* ind.-hted to Hunt in tho above urrmmt, nti.l the . . . . „ , , , affidavit nf Leo stated that ftont information and iM-nded that tho fient-r ul has not suflicient Vigor ol bflie ^ Ar ,| llir p errln |,„j ron i rHCt «d tlm nlitive The follow'ng me tlm persona appointed tout from hor enrringe imingH‘t“nd tlto contcmplntod meeting: palace before that ..ftheB, Alfred Smith, L. T. Sharp, R. I-. RnvvN, K M. tv nersiin in thu Kinc , *H ,, ‘dl, Jus. D. Thomn*. Irlnn llttyea, A. B. I ilimt.n, |W, B. Burns. L. C. Dawson, Jackson berubee Jus.l ID. lleudeiB.>n, John Hogan, jun.. Jut M Sirickl lluutl, David Brook*. Tillman Harrison, Anrlrewl ll'nrk, Writ. Bruzoltoti, Win. McKoevor, Dill ■ mu* II. Lyle, Jes*o Kt-lburn, 1*. F. Hinton, Julti.E [Arnuld. From the Albany Argot. [GENERAL JACKSON. AND THE UNITED) STATES BANK. When General Juck-on, in lU'Jtl, .leolnre.l tliut] Itlm Bunk of tho United Stale* was not n sufi dr Ipodtoty of the public moneys, tlto iiieirliuiits nnd lmuney denier* generally thought tliut tho sngges- |iiua via* preposieious, nnd utlrihuterl it lu ptejti- Jdico or ignorunco. Sabsequont events liavo mIiowii [that (ientirtil Jnclisou hnd u more correct conception [of tlm condition of ilia Bunk und tlm clinrucier uml jdusigns of itsconductots, limn any other mutt in the [Union. Tltitte were certain movement* of tho Bunk in Until tho names of tlm fifty two members. whn»oHr' , 8 to tho payment of tlm public debt, vvhicl election* lire yet unknown Imre, aro ascertained,■ wcrt ' Irroooncilnhlo with thu bnliol thul llm Bunk tlio political nhnrncltr of tho unitod pnrlUm»miB' Vtt * in u sound condition, or that it wu* manuged must romnln Indouht. Hwltli integrity. And Gen Jackson hnd too much augo Thu* far, tho Uppor Cnnadn returns nro fur moreM c BjM° bo wttoedleil with tho plousihlo chicanery ipuhlicatt thon was anticipated,— 1 Tiio,u of I.uwetB 0 ' Mr. Biudlo, und too much hrinie-s* to bn turned Canada Electiont.—Tho following statement! [appear* ns u communication in tho Beclmstcr Dai ly Advertiser, We have no doubt it wus fiirnialm.lf by Wm. L. M’Keuxie, wliuio stylo and tunituer ur- pv'Culiur that they cutiuot well Im mistuken, CANADA ELECTIONS. We liavo returns of llm olectiun of thirty two] inomber« to serve in tlm united Legishitoro of the "min.las, which timet next mny tn King.tun. Nineteen of llmso tire reformats, and the othei| thirteen may ho safely classed as torie Tlio House will consist of eighty four mcmbci*] forty two from each province, f Thu population or Lower Canada 1*300,000—that of Upper Canaria is 400,000 and Upward*. ...... lUlin, ... Hi ll II, (Miril-lllll'l l.)T >IIU j. ... >■■■■ nun nr... Tho iteomhoal Napot.-on hn* ju*t irlitrn.-d IromHof Waterloo, wlmoxclnimed in all tlm chivulrutt* fl Albany, and we tire iml.-hted to tha pulitene** o| Captain llunrox, for n ropy uf tlm Argu* of tlii* tno.ninr. Ww copy the following from that popei HUM LOCK FORT—Me LEU I). FROM (Correspondence ef the Albany Jrpi,] Lockpuiit, Mutch 22, The Match term of tlm court of oyer und teimi ncr for thia county should have been held thi* week, commencing this morning. On thu opening of the Court, Judge Dayton dhectrd tlm cleik uni to cull tho jury, deciding nt tho nnu< time nut to Imld the Court in consequence of un informality, or rit'her a material emir of tlm cleik, in giving hut fi\ 0 in*t,-u.l of six days notice of the drawing of the jury fur the term. McLeod wna at ruined, nnd pleaded not guiln to tho indictment ngiin.l him. Hi* coun«ej Messrs. Gardner nnd Uiudk-y, then vnosvA tl«e court for two <-«unmi*»ions In issue—turn for the examination of Mr. Wi-lnter, Sccietaiy of State •nd Mr. Foi, the Uiilish Minister nt Washington —tlm other to examine McNnbh and other*, in U, per Canada. Thi* w u »gt anted, with the condition that the people might juia in the cumtnuiion. An opplication wa« then made to the circuit judge to allow a ceriiornri to remove thu cause from tlm Over und Terminer to the Supremo Court, on an affidavit sotting forth reiae of tlm circurn stances of the offence charged to havr been con milted, and lliat difficult nnd complicated quoi lions «f law would uri.o on tlm trial. The couurel urged that at the Over nnJ Terminer the piesiding judge might ho ovmu'ed by the county judge*, nnd that it wa* proper in this rare, for that rclson that tbia cause should be tiled in L'inuit Cuuit ratbar than in the Dyer and Terminer. Tha circuit judge declined allowing therettiornt '•poll that gtound, as there wn* no allegation cf m '•roper bin, on tho pail of tlie ro-inty judges, anti . tr statute ha* provided the mean* of com-n ing .mv ■trot of tlm proceeding* of the Oyer and Torminet • y a bill nf exception*. Tlm counsel asked fur time to nil.I an affidmu i* 1 iaiba ta llm excitement w lu< it bad exitied in the • ounty upon llm subject, and the notions why it wa Itelievnl a fairishi could not Im had. Tills ws granted,and tho Court adjourned ov. r to the nit, tsbm, togirw auopportunity to sure the writ, i allowed, During tke intermission, the affidavits were i«rwl, lU rartioraii allowed, and suvrd on .. •art wn their |uing iu.intlm siu-umhm. |id* K i Vl daUod'a wwuntel an np|Miiiunii) *., ut. re the , emit I lo vhanga |U vu.ualu tuit.a utltri aatiy. Yours, he, YRUM IUUYII A MV. BIC A. Hy titbit rival of th* hstqm Aruluia, Captain *'e», Crum Bwewos Ayr**, wa !.*•.- p«|M>t*i u tin id of Jaawit). TlwiumutiUiuirliigima i«ii,*i ilelity pcuiliar lolhoir sunny homo—'" n French sol Jier die* hut never yioi Is.''—Macon Telegraph. 30/A ult. > pit- From the Athene Itanner. MEETING OF THE DEMOCRATIC YOUNG MEN OF CLARK COTNTY. According tn previous announcement a meeting of the Demon utic vow it- men oft.'bit I* ooun-jr, it*«*<nt |,led ut the Town Hull tin Suturdny 20th insl.,ot 11 lock A. M. nnd w u* o.ganixed by calling Win. L- Mitrhell, E*q. to tlto Cliuir, and uppoiming Ferdi mi,id I'hiuizy utnl Homy U. .luckson. Estps Score tnrie*—Tho meeting then adjourned lo meet nt 7 M„ when it met according to adjournment, ami sone uf tltu large*! and most enthusiastic meet tug, ever rmtvenetl in Athens Unwell Cobh, Esq. explained tlto object of tht vi ing. and moved that a Committee of five ho ap p rinted lo draft resolution* *uituble to the occasion, Tin: unit ion wus uuutiininusly pusseii, und the cltuii appointed Messrs. Cobh, Hillyci, Dent, Ton-mu I and Frost, u* such Committee. Gen. I I n.Ion occupied tho uttentinn of thp meet ng during the nb«t*ucu of tlto commitiee with nn el wpient speech, culling upon thu young man, just ei ci ing upon the stage of life, in tlie name of tho*. Itoute tnpidly passing off—to rally around the rent principle* of Re|iuhlicani«m, anil preserve nvioldte the right* and lihcitiraoftho South. After a *hort uhsetiee the Cuinmilteo returned, an I Mr. Colih propound fur cmiti Juration nnd adop ti'-n, the followinii preamble and resolution*, which he ably su.tuined with n sikhvIi. Wlieieus.nla uicciinc of u portion aftlto Democrn lie Rrpuhiieati pn l) of the State of (Jeutgia, held in thu Sonata Chamber at MilledgeviHe, in Decetti •win*!, it wus ruso ved that "a convention of the D.-inocmtie young men of Georgiit l>o calk’d, t*. a* ♦ettihhi in Mtiledgevillo on the lit*t Monday in May xt, fur the pm pose of adopting such measure# its they may vleem «-X|ve«(iutvt (ur tlm advancement ol ’'i-niofratic principles. An-I ivli-treut, we, who Jjawtaurmble.l a* a pot iion.of.ilit.patty ofCImk iinty. ii<»tl tftwl|MifcW J»y- iha.prt^tospuriiitfit of that putty, and tleem it better lo suffisr the r.ula nuyofii detest vaheii waning for the %lal pi in ipio# of our fre« government, than lo'ltiumpl aliliout principle, or imliwafua with the fiagiun.i* nf nil patties, and with Mien who h»va evvt bvvt. ippoM-d to the dearest Inlarests of rim South. Ant wlierea*.although we do t.utiiiuni*for thi. mivinig the |no*li «v or |niwrr«f dictating lo any poi.M . "I any patty the phoulpU'* *•*• p».4v»*. nn. * it pn.| ei in a primal) inselliig «d this rimtae II I, to I'.iiuwct with ilia publl.'aiMi tdthuss piove plr# biguiiients In IH-Iwvt' utlw'i• tu ad pt lUeitt* Cnnadn less ao. The Lower Cnnadn liberal* have lost the cnuntle f Benulinruois, Ruuville, uud Viiiiilvruil, and the borough of Three Rivers—and it is nrohnhln tltev will liavo Mmitrenl and (lueliec, uml tlie counties of Stnnvleud, Miisiqtioi, Drummond the Two M.otn tain*. All these nlaees were fotmnrly opposed to tho ineustirn* of the Biitiih Government. Neither Mr. Scott nor Mr. Gironur.l, for whose apprehension $2000 worn paid, and whore presented the comity which St. Ettsluchc is situated, nro coming forward. Enough is known tu show thnt tlio liberals will have a vast accession of talent, character, mid tn-tn bora, as compared with tlto lust Upper Can ola House. Sir Allen M'Nitb, recently member for the Intgi tud populous county of Went worth, nnd Speuket-of tlto House, hat been compelled to take refuge in the rill-ige nf Hamilton, nnd Dr. Smith, a native of the Jnited States, a thorough reformer, succeed* him Mr. J rimes Durand, a gentleman of grant worth uud intelligence, u decided and tried reformer, is n- turned Tor Helton, heiul of Lnko Ontario in placo ol anuhra'ory. Mr.l). is brother in law to Dr. Iloipi hete, nnd hi* sitter is married ton brother of the Hon. John Hamilton. Ilia brother Clint le* vvna condemned to death fur Ilia connexion w ith tho rt volt, hut finally bnniihod to tho United Stute Mr. Deirivcrs, whose brother the Colonel wns hunishe I to Uertuuiht by Lord Durham, it rettsmn.i for Ver Nero* Co The lion. D. B. Virger, tho friend of Mr. Pit pi nrntt, who wire 13 months runtiiied in Muntren niton, without trial or any charge made against dm, i* returned for the grent county of Richlieu Mr. V. is tt matt of grent wealth und inllu -neo, re presented thu province several yents in London utnl is n cool, sagacious und priitlent legislator. Tho eloquent and learned Mr. Augimus Not bet Morin, leader nf the liberal* in the Lower Cnnadn I.egis'uture, has suffered much persecution ftont the government, hut the people have re-elected him. Mr. Price, nil tilde nnd hr.ncat lawyer of Toron to, who wu* imprisoned on suspicion of trentoti. luring the revolt uf 1337, is elected for the countiy run ml Toronto, then represented by Mr. Gibson, for whose nppralu'nsion $2000 weru uffeted. MORE CANADIAN RIOTS. The Toronto Patriot of the 23J ult. contains th« annexed nocount of a savage riot, conrequunt upon the election of Messrs. Dunn and Buchunan.—The political character of theso gentlemen is perhaps best stated by saying that lltoy wero opposed by the Putt lot. DREADFUL RIOT. It i* our most painful duty to record the occur rences of tlto most dreadful riot that hn* ever di* graced lid* city. Yesterday, Messrs Dunn nnd Bu chnnnn wero escorted in triumph round the street! according to immemorial custom. They had no rnerou* htinners nnd devices, nnd n long array ol carriage*. We observed n number of persons stand ing nt the corner of Chotclt nutl King streets, tip- pnreutly waiting to see the procession. A* soon n» tho head of the column begun to pass, them persons commenced gronnittg, hissing, nnd flinging iliit in the carriage*. Soon after wo saw them strike will, bludgeon* the i.or*r* of one of the vehicle*. Mr. Sheriff Jaivi*. who wu* stationed nt n wit dow, immediit'oly rudted in among them, nnd a «j F tcd by iwoot three gentlemen, did hi* utmost to keep them back—intrnnting them to deiisl, nnd forcibly tearing several of the miscreant* away from the carriage*. In n f.-w minute* a reinforcement canto to tlie succor of lliosa in tlio procession and the fight became general, and a terrible scene of ri ot ensued—tho combatants scattering all over thr s reels and througlt tha burial ground. In the ntenr. lime, the hood of the procession hnd arrived oppo sito it tavern k”pt by a man nn Tied Allen, whore i flag hangout. Some gleaning und shoutihg fol owed—dirt and stones were thrown on nil sides, and a man thru*! a pi.tol out through the window, •ml shook il threateningly ut thu»a outside. A dreadful uproar commenced—thu windows of th< toti«e wero hioken.atid four or five shots were fired ’nun within. One man named Jits. Dunn, a tailor, wn* killed oil the spot. A second, tlto coachman if dm Receive t General, (hut not in tho cutria-;coF that gentleman.) received a hall in the lung*, hut, we un.leittund.'» recovering. A son of Mr. Cath cart wn* *h<»l through thn thigh, and u constable, named l)avi«, was struck in the band—tho bal lionring Id* coat. An express started immediately for tlto mihtsty, tud in a very short rime, a company ol the Hltli wa* oil the spot- The riut act wa* read, und tin told let* cleared the streets. The Itoura wu*imm« ilutrly forced, and we toon b« ItelJ night itivn. out of them much wounded, escorted by tho sheriff ami • putty of the military, on tlieir way to jail. These fallow* w»t« of the puny whofneJ from theta vein, and will, doubtless, killed at llm stal*-s. M«reloop* urr-vvd, uml order wn* soon restored On* ge>.|loi!!"i' U prepared to awsar that ha saw tha man who appeared with tlm plstul atrutik !»• llm head with a*lunr before Im find. Wr have *l«ce La'led. from geiuUlweaprescM. Mvl h»ve »|*o U«»l ri swuiumt tUweut'uvt * ia quest, now i trii.g. tliut Allen'thoure wssfi.ri'msl) lltai ked with #i<m*,«'i.| I ho windows, fit- deniul Lbe-I bikiuiU hut rijjl ws* fitvd. from thn path of dmy by the array which tit*} Bank wu* nuabied to make in cunsequoncu of its loans ti iiiuinhers of Congress. And whnt were llm circumilancc* which hroush' (leu. Juck-oti’s tniml to llm conclusion that the Bunk was unsound I Whim ho caused notice to Im given to the holders of United Stnte* stock tint an instalment of tlm debt would Im paid, the Bank of the United Sinto* stepped in between the Gov ernment nnd its ereditors, through the ngnney of llm Baring* of Lon !on, und proposed to these ere liters to hold un u|»oti the stock, uml that tlm Bank would pay tha in it-rest for the forheurune this lima tho Bunk of tlio United Slates hud uhotii twelve millions of llm public mutiny, und the instnl muni tu Im paid amounted lo about six million*. Now, if u burincs* man had it note n. $.)0ll whicii| lie hud given assurances aiiniihl l.o paid on the rest of October, urn) Im should placo $1000 in n| junk, und infottn llm president tliut Im ilttmld re- ptirchalf of it on the first of October tu redeem l.i- [promise, und if the president, instead of providing the money, should go to the It rider of the note utnl endeavor to get him to w-uit till tho subsequent Oc tober, would not thu transaction ctculo a tuophriou tliut something wu* wrong either in the hunk i.ritc president 7 Would not un individual, in such u| case, ho likely to withhold hi* drposilo* from such institution in fmuro7 riiccourau of .Mr. Biddle, in cndeuvoriiig to pus thu payment of six million.* of d<-ht, when In Itml ten or twelve million* of the public money it, ii* charge, induced General Juckson to believetl.m Jin necessities uf tho Bunk originated tlm urrungt neiii, nnd thnt it wa* not a tuife depositoiv ot the ;eddic money. And lie judged correctly, u* sub, picul event* have fully proved. On tho 24llt of March, 1332, tin Secretaiyofj Treasury gnve tlm Bunk notice tliut one hulf of the lirWt percents would bo payable in July. But tin] llutik had anticipated the CL.vernmenr, not in carry, ing out, Imt in defeating, in operati ns, by parsing] t^resolution, on tlie |3:b of the sniiie month, titiili zii g the Executive Cninmiltee lu inaku such nrrutig. inettlt with the holders of tho three per cent, stork, is will best promote tho convenience of the pultlii Jlld "TIIK INTKUKSTS «K THIS I.NSTITUTtoN.” [’he first infiirmation which Gt-lieral Juel.s -n ui the Seer.-taiy ha.l of Mr. Bildb-’s intrigues, win tin* appearance ufn notice from Bauino, IIuotiik.- vt Co. in the Euglidt papers, duted Augu«t 22, and saying to the imkh rs of tlio »t- ck that iftlu- a would posipuue t!:e demand of payment, ‘ ire ham the authority of the Hank of the L’nitrdStalci to gage that it will continue to pay (he mlerttl a» heretofore, up to IkeJirtt of October, 1333. Tin-re were tinny o.lter cucumsiuncet c.iHiiccted with the traiisneiiiiii* which •Inwe.l tlx: infij.-lity ul Mr. Biddle, uml the unfuiilifultie** of the Book us fiscal agent. At the first meeting of Congress after event. General Jackson informed the representatives wfth people that tho Uatit «#» not a faithful ngunt or safe depository of the public money. Thi* excite, great indignation nititng tli.u-e who wero funnily tu llm Batik or politically «pp«»rd lo General Jurkson; mil niatiy among those who hud picvimi«|y Mipp al him, ili'.nghl lie did tho Bunk injustice, u wlinn the rleposites were removed, cninu out open y against the holies' und fviirk’s* pan int who hml clcura conception of the rottenness of thu bank of his own duty. It wn* nt thi* timo, (January 1333.) that tho ex change rommiltoe of tlio Bunk endorsed u elate ment showiig that its resource* exceeded its liabili lie* by tiioro than FottTY million* or Hot. LA Its! Tlto claims against tlm Bank wero stuied us foi hiw*: Note# in circuhriion Public und private depesites Debt to the Inildera of the funded debt of the United Slate* LJncluimcd dividend* The President's Health.-The Natiitml Intel’ ligem-er of 2>l iu«t. say* : “ We learn tlmt two uri- ditiotial physicinns wero called in yesterday to con- 'suit upon the I'tesident’s case, nnd wo have plea sure in announcing that, in tlieir opinion, there i an evident improvement in hi* situation." I.atcr.—A letter from tlio Hon. I). Webster, Si rretnry of State, dated this morning, *ny»t "Fiosi deal llurrium passed n tranquil night, nnd tUU morning, (Friday,) ut 0 o’clock, Ac i« decidedly better." THE BRITISH QUEEN. Ili-r Mujasty—wo do nut mean "Littln Vic, 1 ' Imt tier marine Majesty tho steam ship—Joe* not malm her nppt'nruiir.o in our wulcrs. nnd mnnj voice* titter thequeftion, "why tarry tho whoi-ls uf hrr chariot!" Wo sea it stated in one of the npeis that she wns in duck «nthc4thof March undergoing repair*, onrl therefore would not proba bly hn ready to "paddle" on the 10.It from Poiti mouth. Tha result of our inquiries i* that she had been in dock, receiving extemivo alteration) and improvements; hut although nono of the letters veil, so faros wo caa loarn, give nny positive information of her being undocked, tho expressions used in sumo of them point strongly to the conclu sion. Mr. Junis Smith, in n letter duted thn 3d, snys, "The Queen is getting forwuid as regards freight, [very satisfactorily"—and oguin. "Tho Queen look royal, and is vastly improved for nil business pur. pares." Language which seems to imply that the nlu-rntinns were completed, and thul thu ship wa* then taking in freight. Nevertheless, it S» possible, nnd probable, that she wus not ready to leuvs London before tho 12th. nnd Portsmouth before tho 15th; and this is the opinion, wo believe, of tlio agents here. Royalists nro proverbial for slow and stately move meats—always excepting tlto Kmporor of Rusiin— and a* it would he very indecorous and uniqullliih in httriy tt Sovereign, especially a Queen, wo mus 1 possess our souls in pnticucu and wnit until her Mn jesty is plensed to make her grncioos appearance. In the meutt time perhaps the Acndlu will slip along Imfuro her Majesty, nnd give us tho latest news so eagerly desired.—JV. Y. Com. A do. muntii.ned debt fraudulently, and that lie hud dis posed of his property with intent to defraud hi- creditors, nnd tliut ho intended to remove hi* pro petty out of the jurisdiction r.f tho Superior Court, with intent to dr fraud his creditors. Counsel fur Mr. IVulti moved to quash the pn ceediugs. first on the ground tlmt tho nlli.lnvit ul Hunt wus nut taken io n proper manner, or ht-fort i proper officer. And secondly thnt Mr.'s flidiivit was merely on information and belief, with out stating when or by whom lie was informed which in a quasi criminal proceeding like lint pre •ent, wa* not suflicient, und that ilwustho practice of tho Court uf Common Flea* nut tu c.iiisiik- mere information or belief sufficient in such cases It wns also objected that it did not appear in the affidavit* thnt any suit had been commenced again»l thn defendant in tho Superior Court. Mr. McKean «>fcounsel for tho Hcfundnntal«n r marked tliut if Mr. Vuiiun, or any other present u ex-Mat or of this city went to Europe, how veryen- ly could some person there he induced, either tnnn eently or curruply, to swear that from "infurmHtioi. or belief" ho knew tho person hnd left New York fm* tho purpose of defrauding his creditors, utnl in such a cu*it, if the laws in England were similur t< Gen. Scott arrived nt Lockport nn Tuesday even ing, nnd left the next day for Lewistown. That tgilcm officer usually makes two visits a year to thi* section of his command, and bus only expedi led his visit n little this spring, owing to the excite No doubt remnant, says tho New Yoik Com tncrcinl Advertiser, thnt Mr. William II. Brice,| h’rk with Robinson, Pratt & Co. of this city, nnd ait ol Thomas K. Brice, Esq., Mayor of llarifurdj ond Mr. Edward Hook, with llooltand, of Mnidett Lime, were on hoard tho schuunci 1 hreo Friend*, front St. Joseph"s for Fenincula when she upset. No ndvicas liavo been tecoivcd from them f.*r mure than lour weeks past. It is needless to say to thuio acquainted with those young men, that their loss will be most extensively uml deeply deplored. ■ti* he hint I and has litre drained that Sir Auls/V. knowledge of the "first principal »f commereV* an I the mode of giving his advie«, rendering (i • rh-br to tin* mention capacity," lies not only «nW bk"! him to enjoy good IimIiIi over since, but httf piuhuidy prolonged his life for many years. NEW YORK AND VIRGINtA. The f.illnwing ia acting Governor Patron's letter 10 Governor Seward, signifying Ills readiness to tur render Robert T. Curry, a fugitive from justice, da mamliai by Governor S. LxKcetivr. Dkpartnkiit, ) Bichmnnil, March22H, 1841. I Sttt—The function* «f the Executive of this Com monwealth having temporarily devolved on me by thoretignation nl Governor Gilmer, ii has become my duty to act ii|sm t|i» demand recently made by put upon the Governor of this Commonwealth for he surrender of Holmit T. Curry, rharged with the dime t.f lorgery in ihoStntaofNew York. The demand is in proper form, and tha fact that he is rlmrged with the commission of in act which i* a crime by the laws of your State, is duly attihcn dented. Recognizing ns I do the imperative obllgatlufrOf the constitution and laws which require thbGuVerii or of every Suit** to surrender n fugitive fhrm jus tice upon die dontand of dir Governor of that StslH in which ho i* charged wiih the crime. I shall not hesitate nbuiit ci.tnplving with your demand. You ate accordingly hereby informed that I hove issued my warrant us acting Governor of this Cutrt tnonwetilih, commanding tlio delivery of said fd gitivo to Juhtt I). Dix,lho agent appointed by yott to receive nnd convey him tothe State of New York. Mr. Dix having left hero on his return to Netf York, 1 enclose tltu warrant to yuuand will forward a copy or duplientn of it to the proper authoritiel in W heeling - , where it ia understood Curry is in cul tody. Tho circumstances which have occurred in conned lion with this demand, mnko it proper that in com plying with it, I should nvnil myself of the occaaioH to express to y»ur Excellency tho profound regret of this Doput intent for tho course which the govern imprisoned in F.nghtnd for on indeflnito period, ot or until hu delivered uji his property or mado un assignmniii of it. Judge Jones overruled tho objections and deck! ed thul the affidavit* were sufficient. Mr. Perrin then mndn nit affidavit denying the tnotcrial facts alleged against him, nnd submitted to un examination, intlio enurse of which lie lostifi ed that lie had in Ireland properly worth £1201 per annum, und thnt ho brought no more mutiny with him than would pay his expenses hero and hack. Mr. Perrin’s son was also examined, nn; front his testimony it appeared tliut Mr. Perrin came hero for the purpose of settling one or two n those of this State, the American citizen might hr meat of New York hits putsued, in relation ton aim tlar demnnd made by ilia Exoctivo ol llti* Sttria upon the Governor uf Now York n* long ago as tlm 24th July, 1339, und which yet remains unsatisfied' Ills not my purpose or desire to renew a discus sion (which indeed has been already exhausted,) upon that lubjecl I cannot, however, refrain from reminding you of this unsatisfied requisition, or from expresiing lo you what is tho universal scntl ment of the people und government of this Com mouweulili.that the refusal of New Yoik to sur render tlio fugitives, charged with the commission ufn heinous crime against tho laws of this Stuto, i* u grievous nt.d intolerable outrage upon her rights, nnd u plain violtitiun of the duty imposed upon the Ins sons, who accompanied him, as farmer* in tin- State of New York by tho constitution and laws of United States, nnJ that his returning to Dublin, ot * " * *" making thi* country his permanent residence, wns tu bo determined by circumstunces, such as huw hr liked tho country, &c. It is expected thnt the Judgo will give a decision in tlm case this day. For Mr. Pcrtin, J.McKuon an I P. J Joachim- son. Fur planliffs, Georgo A. Slittfficldt and Mr. Hudson. the United States. Tho refutal to surrender fugitive# from justico upon tlio grounds on which it lias been vindicated ;>y your Excellency nnd followed u* it haa been by a ur.i of tlio General Assembly of New York, hich seems to have been sedulously contrived to render it next lo impossible to recopture a fugitive sluve who shall ricupo to New Yotk, involvesnnjn snult upon an institution of tho Southern Siam*. Tr , , ... T, ' „ .. , deeply interwoven with their whole polity, and lo CC ?”iT”i e ?. ce ,°/, tHe Y 'S 0 ™: * dve : l, ! c . r ‘] "»y foreign interference with which they are keen WINDHAM, (GrceuuCo. N. Y.) March 30. On Saturday evening last rite stage, in descend ig the Cutskill mountain, on tho west side, was vi-rlurnod,and Gen Root, who wns a passenger, was very badly injured. IBs bend was st-verely cut, nnd thn scalp shoved hack; Ms arm and lcgur.- inillv bruised, hut no bones arc broken. He is itn proving nnd wo are in hupcs Im willlm ublo to start for Delhi soon. Tlto Now York Times states that Wood, thn vocalist, left tho packet ship Washington,when uffWnlos.and landed nt Milford, vvlieucu lm post ed to London, with his shures of tho U. S. Bank in his pocket, all of which Im sold al GO. Tht Washington touched Portsmouth two days nfte menl which Im* prevailed of luto on both sides of w ards, whlt lho news of thu stuppogo uf thnt inst tho Niugara river.— Rochester Democrat. union. This is "coming Yorltsliiro" with u ven geance* » „ '»*l» which they are keen ly sensitive. It is not the lots ngrnvnting that tho assault i« made by directly violating or rendering nugatory two of tho plainest nnd most explicit pro visions uf thn Constitution of tho United States, lu this state of things it is scarcely to bo wonder ed, that auinu of our citizens, eminent in virtue nnd patriotism, should he inclined lo p'gnrd New York as having placed herself out nf tho polo of tits Union, uud forfcketloll right tohavennyrlaim mado ity her iifcder the authority of thn constitution of tlto Union, respected mid complied with, while she ro tnins bar present uttitude of hostility to its ubllga lions. While, however, a course of retaliation lo watd Now York might be justified, so far os sho ia concerned, by her repeated and persevering disro gnrd of In-r obligation*, il is nut deemed becoming llm high character which it has been llm desire nf this St-itu to deserve, for good faith, respect for the Cunriititiinii, and devotion to the Union, to retort Mr. DargSla„.-So ,„ud, i, con,l„„.ll, ,n «°> ’Wu'l.n.fcon.Ulu"™ I' said and ming" about thu inhumanity, vindiclivt « .... vs* and cruelty of slave owners, and so much has [been said about the particular cu*o which heads The Ream and the Mote.—A Mr. Deem, ofWI* cousin, lately got a Miss Mont in his oye, nnd the ion!) way Im could hit upon to romova her wns tu Im .try her. They were united.—Phil. Spirit of [/Ac Timet. An Extraordinary Revelation—Tlm New York iCouricr do* Estnts Unis, a French Journal publish ed in New York, Ins tho following: "At a recent hnit during tlio carnival in Pari* character inmask asserted thnt tho remains of Nu Ipnlenu hud been spiriic.l away from tho custody of [tho Ft* licit, and tlm.o ■ f un English corporal suh-ti [luted in llutir jdnee. Hu offered, indeed, to provoh) jii.dul.iinltleevidence, tlmt rite body of llm 'inaitv Tuf Mi. Helena' wits now in fuel nt Westminster, iuliilo tlm corporal uft.resnid, was reposing in slot, [ut tlto Invn ides ” this piirngraph, that we think it but fair, ns n sort uf per contra, tu any t\ few more Inat words about Mr. Dnrg’s sluvo. It was whispered about, with no little industry, that us soon ns Mr. Darg obtained noeso.siun of hi* slave, lie would immediately hurry hint off to the South, and sell him to some planter, nnd thus separate him forever from his fumily.— While passing through Centro street lust evening, wo met a we||-drcs>ed, good looking Mulatto man, w hosu coiintoimnen recalled to our recollection tlmt we had seen him before, under extraordinary rum-trances. Presently we recognized him ns Tom Hughes, who had rubbed his master nnd abscond a.I, and wns retnkon and sent to rim State Prison, from which he has been recently discharged. We wero opt a liltlo surprised to see him walk ing the street* of Now York nt full liberty, and ask ui! him otto or two questions; in reply to which he informed us tlmt his master had not otdy forgiven uis offence, but brought his wife and fumily on In rt born tlio South, treats hint more kindly tlmn ever, nnd entrails him to go from homo ns l.o would nny irdiuary seivant. In proof of which, Im wns then going to purchase some articles for Air. Drag’s font 'ly. Mo that, after ull, it would nppenr thut slave owner# are not alt, thorn cruel, vindictive rascals i hut some persons represent them to bo— N. F Journal of Commerce, lit inti. $17,433,571 79 13,547,317 y.» 6,723 703 lf> Amounting to $37,807,312 7 $8,951,847 GO 3,887,907 12 3.193.22* 43 3,030,241 52 13,626,870 32 18,069 043 23 Its resources were thus stn'cJ: Specui Soles of State hank*, $2,291,655 01 Bnlsucr* due by Stute banks 1.590,252 03 Funds in Kui-ipc,ond foreign bilk of exebaego Real BSluto Duo un notes dis counted On dome .tic bill* ofcxcliaagu Mortgage* Making From which -it dm the claim*, Lett can excess of $13033,143 25 This w»u!.jpnv thr tlockh-dJvt* the capital of $33,000 HOO,|r,.l lento thorn a nett »urplu* of uvet K 11*11 T Nil '-DM of Dot LASts. Where, i.little the race*# i f returners over iia bltitir*,ol' relief THIIKI NILI.I«»»f And where I* the *■• 'I •i.ipluifor the stocUmUer* «-f LiuttT mil 8.|i'i»• "F li has all van*.I.*.I tntu thin •in anJ n.4ea.J ^f • imp ut i f eight tn Cion*, lhero it picbtby s lrtl| |a.• lu the »|.u'l»h< l ift* of the rtitirvluptoM runt i rm nilliuss; et.d r From the New York American. Several loitcre have reached tlto United S:-ttes[ [do’cribing the ImiriLle ravages of thn Afr : can '.Vclluw fever un board tho United States station vesln.’ss Im* not been heard from nny sutneo outitlod tu *ul* Do'phiti uud Grampus. Wo have, howcvct.W >l * regarded as authentic, but tho opinion i* genortt seen but one teller or extinct of a letter, written byW ,wl l ' >0 u ' 8cl * ' v ' ,, 1011,1 °«vcr all liabilities. Shu has refused to comply with tho constitution. Virginia will set upulouriy obey it. Sho has wanton ly ussuiled our property by acts of legislation, endnn goring its safety und impairing its vulue. Virginia will again appeal tu her justice, nnd unseating her to retrace her stops, in tho meantime only resort to lawful nnd cons ilutiotetl means of self protection und redress. Sho has refused and still refuses to surrender criminals who have fled from onr justice, and in pursuing a course calculated to make tlio Em [tiro Sinto nn n-ylum for felons nnd runaway sluves —Virgiiia still roquets nnd relies upon the constitu lion mid the laws, and will surrender fugitives from justice und fugitives from luhor, when lawfully do nnnded. I trust, sir, tlmt you will see in this that we ore ready tu perform our duties, rather limn quick to rctnliutu injuries, nnd that you will find in ii nn et ample uf forbearance, and proof of an oxious desire to preserve harmony, and a sedulous regard for jus tice otiil good faith, which will rot be without bene fit in inducing you und your gient Stuto to retract hose u.straits upon our institutions, of which the State uf Virginia so justly complains. Thn motives and principles on which your de mund is now unconditionally complycd with by the Executive of this Stain, [in conformity, a* I am Imp ty to believe, with the almost unanimous concur encu of the Legislature,] ought to be regarded, as l liopoit w 11 bn, as giving an earnest that ns this State recognize# in ull tlieir extent, nnd will per form faithfully and scrupulously, ull her duties nnd obligations under tho Constitution of the Union, sho expects, nnd will insist upon every other Stuto ox bibiring nn equal fidelity ta its cunsiitutionul obliga lion*. II i. in no spirit of menace, hut from an anxious [sensation in thut city. The extent of his indebted Failure of a Rank Prcsiden'.— Hugh W. I-’v an* E«q., of Baltimore, lias resigned the Presidency Jut the Union Bank of thnt city, and lias mado at ns-igumont of his properly to that institution. Mr [Evans was extensively engaged in manufacturine l"". 1 ""J]-i- M""-»»* !>" »««'" l,M,bt-iwecn llmStnle.' .nil [unlookod for by any ono, uud ruused considerable 1 3 -- -* 0 .Maxwell Womlhttil, Acting Muster of the Dolphin speaking'.film success of tlie expedition, tho native kings ami pirates, on tho const of Africa thi* extract, it appears tlto Dolphin nnd Grain [ms wot bed tlieir way amidst very many obstacle* up the narrow river Nunez, to the town ofWilkodi the printipul place or capital oflho KingnfSchnrnli a potentate, who some lime since conceived hnmiglil .lundcr American vessels und nbuso and ill treat their ctcws with impunity. To puni-lt thi* worthy was tlto object of tlto expe ililiun. Wilkudi is situated about 80 miles up the River Nunez. Here tho Dolphin and Grompu. >k a position in which they could soon liavo rc iluccd the place to ashes. Satisfaction wn* dcmunil il, nnd uftcr some boasting and bragging on tlie purl nf hi* table majesty, it appears ho complie.l it I* all the demands tnudo on tho port of our Gi vernment, and the two vessels safely descended the :, and arrived, ull vvuil, ul Siota Leonu. The Nunez i* so little known, that on theb>-si maps we .lo not find ti.e name of a single town laid down. The pirate* on the rivor hud, however, modi themselves so notorious nnd offensive, that our go vcrnmpnt deemed it of importance to put an end to their depredations, jud wo nro happy to hear that Captain ndl has su successfully and meritoriously -fleeted the objects of the rxpediiion. Power of Eloquence.—A striking illustration occurred nt Mr. Vamlenhoff’s last lecture in New 'oik. Mr. V, wn* reciting u scene in Byron’. Ci tnuidercr when the dreadful truth of Abel’s denth pished upon his mind, and in nn agony uf soul le summoned around him his father, mother, and wifi and with ilie thrilling exclamation—"Father! Moth er! Ad. world!" Thi* passage wa* given with an energy ol troth »o fi-atful ns to semi u thrill of hmror to tlie vrty sow!; and one young man. who had been gu g in, and kindling tu a pitch of uncunttol table excitement, whculholast clause—"Di-uthiain tho world!"—was uteied, fell semeleia lo the floor! •••ail.. >1 tu l»lm by the lain Hun. Mrs. Shelby,of Mii.*d*v. tvt ({.-urge Ailhut umvrd at Boaum mi M..nJay id lake* | M*»a£« in llw* Caladunia. Thu ulecllot ’illCanada, »o fat, shuws a return of Jti Unionists si'-l l‘J •■' the "pputiliut. p From the N. Y. Jour, of Com. lit imt. CussLCTICUT.—Too greut election In Connect! iut tiikcs pluco next IVudnesday. Tint Cungreasiun il nominations are complete, us follows: Districts. Il’Ai'gs. Van Ruren. 1. Joseph Trumbull, Thomas M. Seymour, 2. Win. IV. Boardmttn, Clin*. A. Ingcrsull, 3. Thus. W. Williams, Krastu* Coil, 4. Titos. B. Osborne, Wm. S. I’otneroy, 5. Tiumau Smith, John Cotton Smith, J G. John II. Btockway, Ch’y; F. C'leuveland. In the case nf Ezekiali Lounsberry, who killed his wife at Wcstvillc. near New Haven, on Mon Iny niglit, tha Coroner's Jurv returned a verdict oi oilful morder. Tlie New Haven Register says— i being a* rested, lie acknowledged tlmt Ito stiuek '••>«» wl.h n Imr of iron—which wae afterwards ound—but that ho did nut intend to kill Iter. He ubottt 70 years of age, of intemperate habits, and wn* in jail, hut a few months since, charged with setting lira tu a barn." ffaval.—Tho U. S. schooner Flirt, John F. Mi Lnugliliu, Lieutenant Commanding, arrived nt Mo bilo on tho 22.1 ult. from Key West. Tho following is n list of her officers: John F. McLaughlin, Lieut. Comd’g. Wm. S Drayton, S. St. George Noland, M. Mn rinc, Wm- Read McKinney. Lieutenants. Geo. M.Cumegys, Midshipman. J W. Marshall, 1'tirscr. Tho Flirt visits Mobilo by the order of tho Navy Department to recruit, having transferred her crew- to the other vessels of the expedition undrr the CMntmand of Cuptoiu McLaughlin, on the coast oi Florida. Santee Rar.—The Georgetown, S. C. Observer snys—Tlto Into freshet lias deepened tho inlet of " ami picturing tha frightful remorse of the North Sa tee nt least fivo feet. Capt. Donnell, of tho Anson, informs us thut he went in on Sabbath ia*», at a quarter flood, and found over nino feel wuter, and has nodouht there were 15 feet on a full tide. It is probable thnt our next N. K.gnh may again fill up this channel. Why is it that thi- ZiJIah! come hither.—Death is in the bar Is left without a buoy! We hope that oui Collector, or tint Collector at Charleston, will malts .ucl.» lion of ill. inipunmico ol [|3w7»iXli l'«’promii!B"“-l Engjaril were unit, iis will insure thu attention of the proper do- * — **— * pnititicnl at once. prevent collisions which must necessarily impoir tlio value uml stability of the Union, if they do not on danger und fmully destroy it, thut I assure your Ex cellenry thut tho Siuto of Virginia cannot acquiesce in, and will not submit to those uggressions uf New York, which have occasioned tho existing controvcr *y betweenlltosn two great commonwealths. I tlu-rcfnro necompuny this communication,inform ing you of the fuct that your demand fortlip xurren der of tho fugitive from your Stnle is granted, with an earliest protest agniust those aggressions, and*bn anxious nnd respectful appeal to you, nnd througlt you to tho Stuto v»lto»o oigan you ora, to review tlm positions you Ituve token, and by a magnanimous alu.nJnnmcnt of erroneous and untenablo opinions and measures,restore those harmonious relations between tho Suites, which it is alike the interest and duty of us nil tu endeuvor to perpetual, 1 huve the honor to he. Very respectfully, Your obedient serv’t, JNO. M PATTON. To Wm. II. Sewnrrl, E*q., Governor of New Yoik. Nao Plough—Two Furrows at Once.—Joseph Hctheil, nn ingenious mechanic, at Crorscanonbv, this county, has lately constructed o plough on a new nnd improved principle, petforming double the work of a common plough, by turning up two furrows at once. An experimental t rial was made □n »ho farm of Mrs Hodgeson, Allrrby Hall, on tlie 24th of Oct., nnd the success of tho new plough sur tasserl the expvctation* of the most sanguine. It * n light and easy drought for three horse*; and the builder is now confident that by sone trifling ul temth-n in the machinery, ho can renderit equally aasv for two hot so# on most lands, which will ho u considerable faxing to tho farmer nnd worthy tho attention of the promoters of agricultural improve ments.— Carlisle Journal. New Tragedy for Forrest.—The Philadelphia Ghronicle »tuies that n new tragedy has been writ ten for Edwin Forest by the Hon. T. Conrad.— We recently hod tho pleasure of meeting tho orni nent Tragedtun, and lie informed u« that the pjrn eipul elmi actor wn# Jack Cude. Wo mny conclude th it to dignify him with the esientiul requisites of heto of tragedy, his oliatxctcr must be differently developed, than in the portraHun* of Shukspeare. Such can l.e done, with strict refercnco to histori cal truth. Cade sins well educated; studied law in Ituly, was married there, and lost his wife, ond the AntedMe of the late Sir Atlley Ccover.—A wealthy city merchant, who resided near Windsoi and lately retired from boiincre, cnlietl upon Sii . .... ,, . . Aailey to conault with him upon tha state nf hi* An l.v lb. rmn., „f lUulun.ilic, bn ..l!»d -| |, 0 ,„,|, nl *„ 110l A„|y fnnd "»t N'" York for Englaud, to rreeiva a fortune „f ||,n gowl thing* of this world, but indulged in ri|h living to a great excess. Till# was e'ron dls iov. red by Sir b»lley, who thus addre-rsed hlmt— • You nre a mrreliant *lr, and therefore must po# . - . . • , sees an r*t'ti»lv« knowledge of trade, but did you years. Cant. II. was fitr moro than twenty yean ever knuw of aa In.tance in wltieh the imports as Miperin'ei.dent of the Rifle Factory at llarpet ’sd'et e«edi-d the .-spoil, that tli.-ro was m>l a glut in the ty, and wus the inventor of the rifle nt'.nufaci J-ed matket f 'I hat's ilia rare with you. sir J lak, at that plsre. lla wn* a gsiilleman of gn 11 worth mote pbjsie and rat lets." The griuh maa tna^ and rt-spr-ctabiiuy, and his less will ha tsvuely felt. they then incmaprehenstbU rudiment* of modern repuhliconi*m. Such n ground work of churacter >ivea ample *copo to tha dramnriit. and we hxve nu liule doubt thut tho refined judgment, elastic and brilliant imagitmtiou nf Judgo Conrad, will ull 1»« concent'oted upon thia tragedy. Wn 4ave therefore every reason to antkripate n produo ikm of extraordinary i>.ti»re«l,—Rotton Atlas. Death of Capt. John It. Hall.—Died, nt Hunt* .rilla, Randolph county, Missouri, on tho 2«tlt of February lu*t, Capt. John li. Hull, aged ubout lid 81 yars