The Augusta constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1875-1877, December 29, 1875, Image 3
Qfyt Constitutionalist AUGUSTA. O-A..: Wednesday Morning, Dec. 29, 1875. . r Homage. Nay, comrade, ’tis a weary path we tread Through this world’s desert spaces, dull and dry, Aud long ago died out youth’s morning red, And low the sunset tires before us lie. And you are worn, though brave the face you wear; Forbear the deprecating gesture; take- The honest admiration that I bear Your genius, and be mute for friendship’s sake. Un to your lips I ...t a generous wine; Pure, perfumed, potent, living, sparkling bright. A deep cup brimming with a draught di vine ; Drink, then, and be refreshed with my delight. It gladdens you ? You know the gift sin cere ? You dreamed not life, yet held a thing so sweet ? * Nay, noble friend, your thanks I will not near, But I shall cast my roses at your feet, And go my way rejoicing that ’tls I \\ ho reo< >gnize, acknowledge, j udge you best; Proud that a star so steadfast lights the sky, And in the power of blessing you most blest. 1 Celia Thaxter in Atlantic Monthly. Mr. Samuel Bowles is neither of a forgetting nor a forgiving turn of mind: “When the Republicans were in the majority in Congress and had the power, they could neither be persuaded nor driven to any radical legislation in favor of specie payments. Now that they are in the minority, and can do nothing, they are furious that some thing shouh i done. Are they so blind as to suppose the country is so blind as not to see through their po litical charlatanism?” The clear, loud, ringing notes of a woman’s voice, and at intervals, be seechingly, the piteous exclamations of a man, “Don’t do that; don’t do that;” also, the explanation of the neighbor across the way speaking to a friend: “They’re having a spelling-match over there—l oiten hear ’em—the old wo man’s got one of her bad 3pells”—only this and nothing more. No doubt Peter B. Sweeney will come home. Oh, certainly. When he is dead, his friends will have their own way, aDd he can’t help himself. DRY GOOODS. FOR THE SEASON. BLANKETS ! 12-4 Fine White Blankets, for $4. Comforts, Woollen and Cotton Spreads. Heavy Cassimeres, Jeans, and Flannels. Undershirts lor Ladies, Men and Children. Super Stout Fose and Half- Hose. Woollen Hosiery for C hildren. Umbrellas. Christopher Gray & Cos. dec*s-tf . (nov2l-lyct) lllil I.IHIIIS! 111!) CIHIIIS! —AT— MULLAMI BROS., S(>3 Broad Street. HAVING constantly on hand, and receiv ing daily, a varied assortment of DRY IRXJDS, which, from our facilities, we are prepared to display at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Knowing full well the many ob stacles placed before the people of Augusta and community at large during past year, we are determined to sell our Goods at such prices to enable all to procure their WINTER SUPPLY. t We do not pretend to numerate the arti cles kept by us, but simply give the names of those which we are determined not to be surpassed in, and which we intend making n. specialty of. DRESS GOODS In all the newest and most fashionable shades and styles. black silks In the best makes, at unprecedentedly low prices, and in which we defy competition. black alpacas and bulliastikes Which are of the best and favorite brands, and will compare with auv r.hat can be had in any market In the South. For our WOOLEN DEPARTMENT Wo sirnp'y ask an inspection, as we are satistieu thereby to convince those that fa vor us with a call that it is the best assort ed stock in the city. It comprises Cassim.ei*es ! .Jeans ! RED AND WHITE FLANNELS, And ail the select shades in QP~R R A FJLANNELH. —OUE— NOTION DEPARTMENT l3*as usual, kept well supplied with all the leading articles; and for our CAL I OO It would be wasting time to say anything about them, as the public are we 1 aware of the styles and qualities we display in our Retail Department. Having one of the firm always in the Northern market, we are en abled thereby to have the newest and best styles at quick dispatch. To City and Country Merchants. We would call your attention to our WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, as we are prepared to offer you for cash the greatest inducements imaginable, rACI OK Y <e >ODS at manuiacturers prices. ObNA liURO STRIPES and CHECKS of the best makes and colors. JEWELL S tiRA\ and DROWN WOOLEN KERSEYS always on hand. ir you wish to derive all the bcnehts of a liouse that purchases strictly for cash, Ca! a MULLARKY BROS. .M.l-'i-snthlf 2G2 11ROAD STREET IjOOK here ! I WILL SEI.L American Cos. Lead Pencils AT NEW YORK OOMT- Not Deducting Discount. Call and see Prices. E. H. PUCHE, decl9 . AUGUSTA, GA. Mrs. C. B. ADAMS WILL RESUME HER SCHOOL FOR Young Children on MONDAY, Jan 4i-irv 3d, 1876. at No. 83 Ellis street. Would like to have a few Music Scholars. dee24-fr24&fr3ljanl-3t TAKE SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR For all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. MALARIOUS FEVERS. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. DYSPEPSIA, MENTAL DEPRESSION, RESTLESSNESS, JAUN DICE, NAUSEA. SICK HEADACHE. CON STIPATION. COLIC and BILIOUSNESS. It is eminently a Family Medicine, and by being kept ready for Immediate resort, will save many an hour of suf fering, and many a dollar in time, and doctors’ bills. After Forty Years’ trial, it Is still re ceiving the most unqualified testimo nials of its virtues, from persons of the highest character and responsibility. Eminent physicians commend It as the most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC for Constipation, Headache, Pain in the shoulders, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpi tation of the Heart, Pain in the Region of the Kidneys, Despondency, Gloom, and Forebodings of Evil, all of which are the offspring of a diseased Liver. The Liver, the largest organ In the body, is generally the seat of the dis ease*, and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness, and DEATH will ensue. IF you feel Dull, Dbowsy, Debili tated. have frequent Headache, Mouth Tastes badly, poor appetite aud Tongue coated, you are suffering from Tobpid Liver or “Biliousness,’’ and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently. “I have never seen or tried such a simple, efficacious, satisfactory and pleasant rem edy in my life.”—H. Haines, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. Alex. H. Stephens. “I occasionally use, when my condition requires it, Dr. Simmons’ Liver Regulator, witli good effect.”—Hon. Alex. H. Ste phens. Governor of Alabama. “Your Regulator has been in uso in my family for some time, and I am persuaded it is a valuable addition to the medical science.”—Gov. J. Gill Shorter, Alabama. “I have used the Regulator in my family for the past seventeen years. I can safely recommend it to the world as the best medicine I have ever used for that class of diseases it purports to cure.”*— H. F. Thig pen. I'resident of City Bank. “.Simmons’ Liver Regulator has proved a good and efficacious medicine.”—C. A. Nut ting. Druggists. “We have been acquainted with Dr. Sim mons’ Liver Medicne for more than twen ty years, and know it to be the best Liver Regulator offered to the public.”—M. R. Lyon and 11. L. Lyon, Bellefontaine, Ga. “I was cured by Simmons’ Liver Regula tor, after having suffered several years with Chilis aud Fever.”—R. F. Anderson. The Clergy. “My wife and self have used the Regula tor for years, and testily to its great vir tues.”—Rev. J . R Felder, Perry, Ga. Lady’s Endorsement. “I have given your medicine a thorough trial, and in no case has it failed to give full satisfaction.”— Ellen Meacham, Chatta hoochee, Fla. Professional. “From actual experience in the use of this medicine in my practice, I have been, and am satisfied to use and prescribe it as a purgative medicine.”—Dr. J. W. Mason. • M. E. Florida Conference. “I have used Dr. Simmons' Liver Regu lator in my family for Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, and regard it an invaluable remedy. It has not failed to give relief in any instance.”—Rev. W. F. Easterling. President Oglethorpe College. “Simmons’ Liver Regulator is certainly a specific for that class of complaints which it claims to cure.”—Rev. David Wills. No Instance of a Failure on Record , When Simmons’ Liver Regulator has been properly t ken. H. ZEILIN & CO., sepls-d&cly Proprietors. TEE MILD POWER ||| SCURES* HUMPHREYS’ HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS Have proved, from the most ample experience, an entire success. Simple, Prompt, Efficient and Reliable. They are the only medicines perfectly adapted to popular use—so Bimple that mistakes cannot be made m using them: so harmless as to be free from danger; ana bo efficient as to be always reliable. They have the highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. Price, in large three-drachm vials, with directions: Nos. Cures. . - Cents. 1. Fevers, Congestion, Inflammations, • . to 2. Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic, . . 50 2. Crying-Colie, orTeethingof Infants, . oO 4. Diarrhoea, of Children or Adults, . . oO 5. Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colic, . . 50 6. Cholera-Morbus, Vomiting 50 7. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, . .... 40 8. IVeuralgia, Toothache, Faceacho, . . . -0 i). Headaches, Bick Headache, Vertigo, . 50 10. Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach, . ... 50 11. Suppressed, or Painful Periods, . . . 50 12. Whites, too Profuse Periods, . ... 50 13. Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing, . . 50 11. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions, . 50 15. Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains, . . . 50 16. Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Agues, 50 17. piles, blind or bleeding, . . • • • • "0 18. Ophthaliry, and Sore or Weak Eyes, . 50 19. Catarrh, Acute or Chronic Influenza, . 50 20. Whooping-Cough, Violent Coughs, . 60 21. Asthma, Oppressed Breathing, ... 50 22. Ear Discharges, Impaired Hearing, . 50 aaasassssesafcss: 5" Oravel* * • * • * 28! Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, or Involuntary Discharges, .... .100 nq* C u.nk• •>* •** 3o Ternary Weakness, Wetting tha Bed, 6 Si" Painful Periods, with Spasms, . . SO Suffering*' at Change of Life, • * * • tiT* vuiiepsey, Spasms, St. VituaDanee, . 100 ?’ Ulcerated Sore Throat,. . 50 It' Congestions and Eruptions, 50 FAMILY CASES. Case (Morocco) with above 85 larg, vials and - remedies are s® lll "V, tl or single box to auy or iiw countryrV.fe of charge, on receipt of Address Hu * Y, Bomebpli?hi < c f Mediclno Cos., YO “* For sale by W. H. Tutt & Remsen, 264 Broad street’; Fleming Bros., 318 Broad street; J. H. Alexander, 212 Broad street; Reaney & Durban, 200 Broad street, Agents for Augusta. Ga. decs-d&cly . J. W. NELSON, RETAIL GROCER, No. 3C4 Broad Street, fold stand of John Nelson & Sou,) has opened a First Class Grocery Store. He will keep constantly on hand choice GRO CERIES of every description, and hopes, by close attention to business, to merit the prtronage of las friends and the public generally. Having secured the agency for Fairbanks’ Standard Scales, he is prepared to furnish these celebrated Scales to all. Scales promptly repaired. aeps-suth PELOT & COLE’S PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY OF ART. DO not delay to have your PHOTO GRAPHS made for Christmas and New Year Presents. CALL THIS WEEK. A well selected stock of Oval and Square Frames JUST RECEIVED. SMALL PICTURES TO ANY SIZE DE SIRED, EITHER IN WATER OR OIL COLORS. decls-wesu&tu3 . ASSIGNEE’S SALE. BY virtue of an order from A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, will be sold free from all incumbrances, at the Court House door, at Appling, in Columbia county, in the State of Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in JANUARY next, at public outcry, to the highest bidder fer cash, two tracts of land lying in the said county, about three miles from Anpling, the nroporty of M. A. Gibosu, a bankrupt, ,to-wit One tract of laud, oontaining one hundred and ninety-one acres, more oy lees, adjoin ing J. P. Williams, S. A. Gibson, the Holmes land and the road from Appling to Maw Imef: also another trac*. containing one hundred and forty acres, adioUiug lands of Mrs. M. A, Benton, Joseph P. Williams, Peyton R. Mar tin and S. A. Gibaon. pAUL a HUDBO N, Assignee of 8. A. Gibson, Bankrupt, deote-iaw* COTTOH STATES mm COMPANY / O St MACON, GEORGIA. CAPITAL AND GUARANTEE NEARLY $1,000,000. WM. B. JOHNSTON, President. J. W. BURKE, Vice-President. GEO. 8. OBEAR, Secretary. W. J, MAGILL, Superintendent Agencies. Dr. JAMES MERCER GREEN, Chief Med cal Officer. RESIDENT DIRECTORS—STOCKHOLDERS, AU GUSTA. GA. JOHN P. KING. JOSIAH SIBLEI JOHN CRAIG, J. J. PEARQE, JAS. G. BAILIE, GEO. R. SIBLEY. THE only Company doing business in the South that has ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS deposited with the authorities of the State of Georgia, for th< protection of policy holders. Policies Upon AH the Various Plans of Insurance. All Policies Non-Forfeitable—Strictly a Home Company, with its capital and in vestments at home. ENDOWMENT INSURANCE AT LIFE RATES. Low Premiums—Definite Con tracts. The Cotton States Life Insurance Com pany, of Macon. Ga., desirous of meeting the demand of the insuring public for low rates, and contracts that can be under stood by all, offers the Endowment Life-Rate Policy, With confidence that an examination of the plan is all that is necessary to commend it to the favor of all desiring insurance. This plan secures two objects: Ist. It provides for those dependent upon us in the event of death. 2d. It provides for our old age in ease we attain a stipulated age. The low rate of premiums, and the fact that the insurance is ppyable witiiiu the ordinary period of life, makes it The Most Desirable Form of Policy Now Offered the Public. The premium is as low as the usual life premium wherg the insurance is payable only at death, or the age of ninety, and the time for payment of the insurance ranges from the age of 61 to 73 years, or at death if prior. This period may be short ened at any time, at the option of the in sured, by additional payments for that purpose. To illustrate the difference between this plan and the usual endowments, the fol lowing is sufficient: In all Mutual Companies the ordinary premium at age 41, payable at age 68, is $42.75 per SI,OOO. The premium on Endowment-Life-Rate plan at age 41, payable at age 68, is $32.47 per thousand dollars. Showing a saving of Twenty-five per Cent, to the Policy Holder. Reasons for insuring on the Endowment Life-Rate Plan : Ist. It gives the insurance at the lowost possible cost. 2 i. It provides for your family in case of death. 3d. It provides for yourself in old age. 4th. There can be no loss. In case pre miums should be discontinued, paid-up in surance is given for the amount paid in premiums. sth. It is better than a savings bank. The first premium paid secures a fortune, and if pa> ments are continued the accu mulations and amount insured will be much more than could be earned by the most fortunate savings bank. Gtli. It secures the amount at a stipulated ago, within the ordinary period of life: and 7th. By this moans it is no longer neces sary to “ die to win.” Endowments at Life Rates. Anilu il Premiums to secure SI,OOO, pay able at ages indicated below, or at death, if prior: • | ANNUAL IP'ble at I II ANNUAL TP’ldo^at § prem. I Death Age I prem. I Death < for sl.'K>o| or_ Age! 11for $1 .00"I _ or Age_ 20 17 74 61 41 32 47 68 21 18 12 62 42 33 72 68 22 18 53 62 43 35 05 68 23 18 96 62 4 4 36 46 68 24 19 42 63 45 37 97 69 25 19 89 63 46 39 58 69 26 20 40 63 47 41 30 69 27 20 93 63 48 43 13 69 28 21 48 64 49 45 09 70 29 22 07 64 50 47 18 70 30 22 70 64 51 49 40 70 31 23 35 65 52 51 78 71 32 24 05 65 63 54 31 71 33 24 78 65 54 57 02 71 34 25 56 66 55 69 91 71 36 26 38 66 56 63 00 72 36 27 25 66 57 66 29 72 37 28 17 66 58 69 82 72 38 29 15 j 67 59 73 60 73 39 30 19 67 60 77 63 73 40 31 30 1 67 ___ REASONS FOR INSURING IN THE Cotton States Life. Ist. It is a Southern Company. 2d. Its investments are made in the South. 3d. It has already paid to Southern fam ilies upwards of $300,000. 4th. All claims are paid promptly—no long delays in consequence or distance. sth. For security of policy holders it has on deposit with the authorities of the State of Georgia, $100,000; also, $50,000 with the authorities of South Carolina. 6th. It has a Guaranteed Capital of $500,000. Good Agents Wanted Throughout the South. BRANCH OFFICE, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, 29 McINTOSII STREET. J. H. MILLEK, Speoial Agent. STERLING C. EYE, M. D., Medical Examiner. dec!2-2m INCREDULITY. HOW potent Is this trait of the human mind. The Bible refers to it and says: “Were an angel to come down from heaven, ye would not believe.” It is the cause or much injury. Wo are disposed to doubt the sincerity of our best friends, and so far is It indulged, that it often leads to misanthropy. This is particularly applicable to the vir tues of many truly valuable remedial agents, however strong they may be en dorsed. Reader, if you have Dyspepsia, Fever aud Ague, Mick Headache, Torpid Liver, Bilious Colic, Kidney Disease, Flatulence, Constipation of the Bowels or General Pe bility, and hesitate to use Dr. Tutt’s Liver Pills, write to him and he will furnish you with hundreds of certificates from the most reliable men and women in the coun try, who have beon cured by them, of whom you can make direct inquiry. It will cost you but a postage stamp. The proprietor solicits the Investigation of all who need a truly valuable medicine, EXECUTOR’S SALE. IN accordance with the last will and testa ment of Benjamin Tutt, late of Lincoln county , deceased, will be sold, on the FIRST TUESDAY in JANUARY next, before the Court House door, in the town of Lincolnton, within the legal hours of sale, a tract or par cel of LASD, containing one hundred and ninety-eight aqd adjoining lands of James D. Het f derao|). es tate of Benjamin Tutt. R. v\. Davie and others, commonly known as the ‘ Hawe’s Tract.” Through said tract runs " Shiver's Creek.” making twenty acres of good bottom land. A plat of the premises can be seen at the law office of W. D. Tutt, Thomson, Ga. Terms cash. Purchaser napers. deciwtel Executor of Benjamin Tuft. Printing Press for Sale. A NY ONE wishing to buy a good No. 4 Washington Hand Printing Press, can near of a bargain in one by addressing “PRESSMAN," cars of the Atlanta Daily “Constitution.” The Pres Is a good one, and is now printing a paper 24x36. Address as above at once, if you wish to secure a bargain. deel7-tf ATTORNEYS .AT LAW. EONABD PHINIZY~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Ga. i Office, up stairs over Brahe’s Jewelry Stopre, corner Broad and Mclntosh streets. Collections Made and Promptly Remitted i dec22-6m AUL C. lIUDSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Thomson, Ga s Will practloe in the counties of the Augusta, Northern and Middle Circuits. Collections a specialty. decl4-2m ; JO CHAS. B. KELLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Ga. Special attention given to the Collec tion of Claims. CHASi B. KELLEY, novl7-ly l-jwainsboro, Ga. TOHN sTw iVL’L LA V iDSON. ATTOR •J NEYS AT LAW. Wi practice in the State and United States Courts of Georgia. Office, No. 1, Warren Block, Augusta, Ga. j v, . JOHN R. ABNEY, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor at Law, Edgefield C. H., S. C. Will practice in the State and Federal Courts of South Carolina, Prompt atten tion given to Collections, \T7 T. GARY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Y Y • Augusta, Ga. Office, No. 206 Broad street, over Brahe’s Jev. lry Store. Will practice in all the Court' of South Caro lina and Courts of Georgia. Special atten tion to Collections. augl2-su&thly COTTON FACTORS. A. F. PAREOTT, (Late Houston 'Sc Parrott) LIBERAL advances made on Cotton in Store or for shipment to my friends in New York or Liverpool. Future Contracts in New York and Liverpool, through re sponsible houses, made a specialty, or at daily call of Augusta Exchange. Margins retained in this city when desired. Office No. 9 Mclntosh Street. octl3-tianl ANTOINE POXJLLAIN, Cotton Factor, AUGUSTA, GA., WILL continuo the bus ness at my fire proof warehouse, corner Jackson and Reynolds streets, and will give my person al attention to the sale of cotton. Consign ments respectful! y so licit* id. sejoitf. R. W. HEARD, (Successor to S. D. HEARD & SON), COTTON FACTOR AND { COMMISSION MERCHANT. PERSONAL attention given to sales of COTTON, aud PROMPT RETURNS made. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES made on Cotton in store. FUTURES bought and sold for small commission. f {*“•*>-• $ | : The patronage of customers of the old firm, and of the public generally, respect fully solicited. (oct3-3m) nov2B TO RENT. Desirable Residence to Rent J" WILL RENT, or sell upon reasonable terms, my RESIDENCE, No. 16 Bay street. sep29-tf GEO. R. SIBLEY. FOR RENT, UNTIL first of next October, the brick dwelling on Greene street, between Campbell and Cumming street, now oc cupied by Mr. R. S. Burwell. Apply to octl6-tf DUNBAR & SIBLEY. FOR RENT. IJIHE STORE. NO. 151 BROAD STREET, Apply on the Premises. decs-tf TO LET? FOUR DESIRABLE ROOMS, suitable for Offices and Sleeping Rooms. Apply to BARRETT A CASWELL, sep24-tf 296 Broad street. Dyeing and Cleaning, ITS BR INCHES. GENTS JL Clothing cleaned in the best style Gents Clothing Dvd in a superior man ner. and guaranteed m>t to soil the whites hnen. Orders left at laa Broad street old Bridge Bank Building, near the Lower Market, will receive prompt notice. octl()-su3m GEO. R. DODO®. THEMOSTPERFECTMADE. j] &? LEMON SUGAR, ETC. 40HE THIRD IS SAVED!? in quantity by their perfect purity and great strength; the only kinds made by a prac tical Chemist and Physician, with scientific care to insure uniformity, healthfulness, deli cacy and freedom from all injurious substan ces. They are far superior to the common adulterated kinds. Obtain the genuine. Ob serve our Trade Marks as above, “Cream” Baking Powder, “Hand and Cornucopia.” Buy the Baking Powder only in cans securely labelled. Many have been deceived in loose or bulk Powder sold as Di Price’s. Manufactured only by STEELE & PRICE, Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati. mhlß-tuthsa&sufly. NOTICE. IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE PAS SENGERS for Macon, and points on the Macon and Augusta Railroad, on and after MONDAY, December 20th, a Passenger Car will be attached to Up Through Freight No. 1, which leaves Augusta at 10:50 a. m., making close connection at Carnak with train for Macon. S. K. JOHNSON, Sup’nt. Augusta, Ga., Dec. 18,1875. deel9-tf Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, Ga. PJ. BERCKMANS, Proprietor. Orders • for 1 rees, Plants, Bulbs, Seeds, etc. etc., left with the undersigned will bo prorat ly attended to. GEORGE SYMMS, Agent, No. 221 Broad Street, septl-6m Augusta, Ga. • Vi Superior Court, October Term, 1875. PRESENT, HIS HONOR H. D. TOMPKINS. PRESIDING. State of Georoia—Richmond County . Ifftpy Anp Wljatle ) Libel for Divorce, va. r Rule tq Jas. Douglass Whatley. ) perfect service. IT appearing to tlie Court, by the retui a of the sheriff, that the dob ndrnt does not reside in this county; and it further appear ing that he does not reside ir this State, it is, on motion of counsel, ordered that said de fendant apP a r and answer st the next Term of this Court; else, fliat tlie ease bo eunsbicr ed In default, and the plaintiff allowed to proceed. And it is further ordered, that this rule be published in the “ Chronicle and Sen tinel oucea mouth for four months. Georgia—Richmond Cojnty: A true extract from the minutes of the Clerk of the Superior Oou t of ItichmonP County, October Adjourned Terin,lß7s. f.dio 513. S. II CRUMP, deco-lam* Cjork S. C. R. C. E. Gr. ROGE RS, FURNITURE DEALER, 147 & 149 BROAD STREET. I CAN SHOW THE LARGEST STOCK OF FURNITWRE IN THE CITY AND MY prices will be found as low as the lowest. octl7-ly CLOAKS GREATLY REDUCED ! TURLEY WILL OFFER, THIS WEEK. AT REDUCED PRICES, A COMPLETE STOCK OF FASHIONABLE CLOAKS: Our $6.50 Cloaks, English Broadcloth, Braided, reduced to $4 25. Our SIO.OO Cloaks, English Beaver, Braided, reduced to $6.50. Our $15.00 Cloaks, German Beaver, Richly Trimmed, reduced to SIO.OO. Our $21.00 Cloaks, French Coating, Long Fronts and Fringed, reduced to $17.50. Great BargaiDS in Black Mohairs and Brilliantines. Our 50c. Pure Mohair, Rich Blue-Black, selling now at 35c. per yard. Our 75c. Pure Mohair. Double Face, Rich Black, selling now at 50c. per yard. Our 85c. Black Lustre Brllliantine, Double Face, selling now at 60c. per yard. Our $1 Pure Silk Finish BriUiantine, Double Face, selling now at 75c, per yard. n o v2iTy AT JAMES W. TURLEY’S. as® SAVINGS BANK, NO. BROAD STREET, Cash Capital SIOO,OOO (with Stockholders Liability TRANSACTS A General Banking, Exchange and Collection Business. 5 Per Cent, allowed on DAILY balances, subject to CHECK AT SIGHT. Interest allowed on Time Deposits as may be agreed upon. T. P. BRANCH, President. J. T. NEWBERY, CASHIER. N. B.—Draw SIGHT DRAFTS on Great Britain and Continental Europe n sums of £1 and upwards jan!2-ly* George Draper & Son, HOPEDALE, MASSACHUSETTS, MANUFACTURERS AND SOLE AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF SAWYER PATENT SPINDLES, DOUBLE ADJUSTABLE SPINNING] RINGS, Dutcher’s Patent Temples, Wade’s Patent Bobbin Holders, Thompson Oil Cans, Shuttle Guides, Spooler Guides, Card Guides, Patent Motions for Looms, Slasher Warpers, Improved Spoolers, Beems, Creels, Patent Spindle Steps, Patent Bolsters, <fec., &c. riX) THE SAWYER PATENT SPINDLE, so largely adopted throughout the JL North and East, we would invite the attention of the Manufacturers of the South. Over one-half million now running, giving increased production, with great saving in power, saving in room, saving in labor in both spinning and spooling. Apply as above for Circulars concerning Goods of our manufacture, or in formation regarding improvements in Cotton Machinery. For the merits of the SAWYER SPINDLE, and our machinery generally, we refer to F. COGIN, ESQ,., Augusta, Ga., HAMILTON CO., Lowell, Mass., LONSDALE CO., Providence, R. 1., BARNARD CO., Fall River, Mass., COCHECO CO., Dover, N. H., LANCASTER MILLS, Clinton, Mass. MACON MANUFACTURING CO, Macon, Ga. Parties purchasing Sawyer Spindles from us can probably arrange with Messrs. Sar gent and Keith, of wJumbus, Ga., to put them into advantage, they having had con siderable experience in line. octlO-df&cly JAS. A. LOFLIN, General Grocer & Commission Mercant, NO. 2G6 BROAD STREET, HAS now on hand a full assortment of STAPLE and FAN* Y GUOOKKIES. consisting of all the different grades of FLOUR, MEAL, BACON, HAMS, LAItD, and the linest MACKEREL, NUI’S and FRUITS of all kinds, just received from Northern markets. EGOS and DRESSED POULTRY always on hand. A variety of the best LIQUORS for family use. Goods delivered in the city and Summer ville without extra charge. decl2 tf LONGLEY, MARCH & GO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS CINCINNATI, OHIO. OonHignmeiitN oi' PEANUTS, DRIED FRUIT, AND OTHER Southern Products Solicited. LIBERAL ADVANCES when desired. Refers to Fourth National Bank and merchants generally. nov!4-eod3m GLOBE HOTEL, P. MAY, Proprietor. Corner of Broad and Jackson Streets, AUGUSTA, CIA. IT Has all tho Modern Improvements. Guests will receive the best of atten tion. All the delicacies served in their ap propriate seasons. Its location is the most Central in the city. Special Rates offered to Traveling Agents and Shows. Local Boarders can lind at this Hotel all the comforts of a home. decs-2m SCHOOL WANTED, A GENTLEMAN (native of Franco), who, during the past sixteen years, has followed the profession of Teacher and Principal of Female Academics, both in Virginia and Maryland, desires to take charge of a School where he can teach. Winter and Summer, in gome pleasant and healthy location in Georgia. He has in his possession a large number of Testimonials from heads or Colleges, Academies and Seminaries, where he has been employed; also, from members of the Clergy. Will be pleased to correspond with Trustees or Directors of Schools, In any part of the State where a vacancy may exist. Please address PROF. LOUIS GANBIN. No. 2,220 I Street, dec7-tf Washington, 1). C. Tlios, Jefferson Jennings Offers his Services to His Friends for the SALE AND STORAGE OF GOTTON OFFICE AT OPAGHORN, HERRIN# & OO,'S. HE has made arrangements to Receive, Store, Sell and Advance on Cotton in Store on the most favorable ter ms. Charges for Storage, 25 cents per Bale per month. Commissions for Selling, 50 cents per Bale. Interest on advances, 1 percent, per month. Consignments solicited, and my best per sonal attention given to all business en trusted to me. T. JEFFERSON JENNINGS. octls-fr&o3m FOR SAFE. ■V&I. on the FIRST TUESDAY i .4. u. ’ , 18,< Wefore the Court House door, in Sparta, county, Georgia, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 o clock p. m. f if not disposed sooner at private sale, T II E Montour Cotton Mills, LOCATED AT SPARTA, On tho lin l of the Macon and Augusta Rail road, for the manufacture of SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, OSNABURGS, COTTON YARN and COTTON ROrE. Tho main building Is of brick, four sto ries, and thorougtily well built; 55 feet wide by 141 feet long, with two wings 26 feet long; Engine and Picker Room 21 feet long, the Boiler Room making 55 by 188 feet full length. FIRST FLOOR of main building contains 96 looms, Folding Machine, Cloth Shearer and Brasher, Sewing Machine and Rope Room, with all necessary machinery for making Rope. SECOND FLOOR contains 40 Cards, 36 inches, and all necessary machinery for making Roping, <fce. Second floor over En gine Room contains 3 Pickers. THIRD FLOOR contains S2 Spinning Frames, 160 Spiudle3, each making in all 5,120 Spindles. FOURTH FLOOR—Sizing Room, Beam ing and Reeling Roomjand Packing Room, and all necessary machinery for doing good work. THE STEAM ENGINE is 150 horse-power and in flue order. All necessary Out houses, Machine Shop, Blacksmith Shop, two Cotton Houses, Wood Shod and Sta bles, Waste Houses, Oil House, &c., 37 Op erative Houses, together with 51% acres of Land, on which said buildings are situated. Also, 615 acres of LAND, known as part of the Bryant tract, near Mt. Zion—Bß acres adjoining Turner and others, pur chased from B. T. Harris’ estate; 106 3-5 acres adjoining Pardue & McCray, also purchased from said estate; 195 acres ad joiaing Twilley, Knowles and others, pur chased from M. A. Sasnett; one Lot in Sparta, on corner of square on which C. W. Dußose's residence is situated, containing Y % acre; one lot between said corner lot ana said Dußose’s residence, containing % acre. All said Lands lying in said County, and all other property belonging to said Mon tour Company. Terms—One-half cash; the other half credit 12 months, with mortgage on pre mises ; interest at 10 per cent. GEO. W. WAI KINS, E. F. COTHERN, SAMUEL A. PARDEE, norG-tilmarl Stockholders. INSURANCE, Ej.EO, SYMMS, Agent, represents the fol- VJ( Companies, viz: Commercial Union Fire Assur ance Company of London, England, Gross Assets, $17,714,578 06 Connecticut Fire Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn.... 877,594 58 Manhattan Fire Insurance Company, New York City.... 700,885 36 New Orleans Fire Insurance Company, New Orloans, La.. 645.566 56 Home Protection Fire Insur ance Company, Huntsville, Ala. 121,211 15 John Hancock Mutual Life In surance Company, Boston, Mass 2,750,000 00 $22,809,835 71 GEO. SYMMS, Agent, Mo. 221 Broad Street, §eptl-6m Augusta, ua. Holyoke Machine Cos., HOLYOKE, MASS,, MANUFACTURERS OF THE Boyden, Risdon and American TURBINES WATER POWERS ESTIMATED AND PUNS FURNISHED. O RECORD OF ALL THE TESTS OF THE RISDON WHEELS MADE BY JAME V EMERSON FOR THE HOLYOKE MACHINE (X)„ TO APRIL 29, 1875. — Tj? Ts 6 T 2 I T T wl, l be observed that the first 40 inct ■2* £3? S * ® * ® -L Wheel gave only 79 per cent., the pat +2 g 33 3 "S3 -S3 terns were then changed to correspon. ® H Z g SgOg with the 86 Inch and 25 inch Wheels. Tht H ® 3 2 xx £ new Wheel gave 90 per cent-See test No S Cs,® ® „® “ , \® 10- We are now changing the 20 inch ant rj ~— l ——!—2i Eh—so inch patterns, and hope for equalh No. 1.l 25 ia. I 87-04 81.12 77.19 67 85 good results. The above Wheels wen o' ™ ? n ’ S 5 ' 93 tested by Mr. Emerson, at the request ol u a In l n 79 58 the purchasers. We have notesting flume No. 4. 50 in. 80.54 of our own,and, therefore, have no means s°* 5 - ? 5 ! n- 85-83 82-00 79 04 of knowing what our Wheels will do untii No. 6. 30 in. 82.03 77.81 59.43 public test is made. These Wheels were No. 7. 50 in. 77.79 77.63 75.59 70.47 all of our ordinary construction and H ! a- 79-63 75 79 70 09 63 27 finish. In addition to the above ter 9 - 36 in. 89.79 82.23 77.95 70.85 Wheels, wi tested Just December a2O inct No. 10. 40 in. 90.01 75.95 Experimental Wheel, which gave Volß.loi "TT per cent. This Wheel was condemned, 10 | 838.17 and no more will be made untii patterns Average, 83 81.100 per cent. are made to correspond to the 36 inch and - ————4 O inch Wheels. i certify that the above report or tests is correct. JAMES EMERSON. Wje also manufacture Paper Engines, Web Super Calenders, Sheet Super Calenders,'Friction Calenders Platers, Hydraulic Presses with Iron or Bronze Pi3tons, Littlefield Pumps Boiler Pumps. Gould s Patent Beating Engines, Holyoke Rag Dusters, Pin Dusters, Rag thrashers, Ruling Machines with Kneeland’s Patent Layboys, Hammond’s Patent Dimension Cutter, Stop Cutters, Trimming Pressos, Patent Expanding Pulleys for Panel Machines, Size Washers, Size Pumps, Felt Washers, Rotary Bleachers, Holyoke Eleva tors, Morgan & Thompson’s Elevators with Patent Self Closing Hatches. Hydrant Valves, Warp Beamers, Pulleys for Angular Belting, Head-Gate and Flume Work. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. S EF U REN . C ? S \, E • Opera, Superintendent Augusta Factory, Augusta, Ga.: M. F. Superintendent Langley Company, Langley, S. O.; S. W. Howland, Grauito • > Pavis Superintendent Atlanta Cotton Mills, Atlanta, Ga.; James Itarrett, 1 resident Buth Pftper Company > Bsth t 8. c l . nov2i-tuwofrßiii The Kitson Machine Comp’y, LOWELL, MASS., RICHARD KITSON, President, SAMUEL E. STOTT, Treasurer and Agent. BUILDEES OF PATENT COTTON OPENERS AND LA ITERS, WITH RECENT VALUABLE IMPROVE MENTS, SHODDY and WASTE MACHINES and ' RAG DUSTERS, NEEDLE-POINTED CARD-CLOTHING, Etc., Ete. Kitson’s Patent Compound Opener Lapper, T h ?:" ot^ is8 P rea l?" thls “achine from the bale, and is lap, at the rate of 300 to 400 pounds per hour. The laps are then finished on a TWO-BEATER TAPPER WITH IiHSONS PATIENT EVENER Attahed, and owing to reecent improvements in this Evener, the laps when ready for tiie card, only varies one quarter of an ounce to the yard. The cost of picking by this system is only about one mill per pound on the cloth produced, and the picker house is safer from fire than the card room. aarThere IS also a great saving of room and power over the old system. These Machines may be seen at the mills of the Augusta Factory, Langlov Manufac turing Company, and at the .best mins at Lowell, Lawrence, Fall River, M anchester Lewiston, Providence, Richmond.’, Baltimore, etc., etc. The following are a tew among many testimonials whicn we nave received: AUGUSTA FACTORY, Augusta, Ga. July 0, 1875. The Kitson Machine Compang, Lowell, Mass.: Gentlemen: We have been running your Compound Openor Lappcrs and Finisher Lappers, with Eveners, lor more than one year, and 1 rankiy say that they have given the most eminent satisfaction. We have no hesitancy in giving you our unqualified en dorsement, aud cordially recommend your Machines. F. COGIN, Superintendent, OFFICE LANGLEY MANUFACTURING COMPANY, / Langley, S. 0., April 14, 1873. j The Kitson Machine Company, Lowell, Mass.: Gentlemen. I nave been running your system of Compound Opener Lappers and Finisher Lappers, witn Eveners, tor more tli n two wars nart. at the Cotton Mill ot too Langley Manufacturing Company, and I have found it to work the most satisfactory of a, y- T • moiling and picking arrangement I have ever seen, we have not weighed a pound or cotTo, upon the picker apron since starting, yet we have had a remarkable regularity or numbers. The staple is not injured by over beating, aud it leaves the picker without being curled or . y ie ceding cleaning is very complete. Over forty per ceiit. m laDor in this is saved over the old system. One of tho greatest con siderations with this arrai,^, uent is it 9 eecur ty against lire. lours, Ac.. m. F. FOSTER, Superintendent. OFFio. MASSACHUSETTS COTTON MILLS, I The Kitson Machine Company . Lowell, Mass.: LowisM “ February 20, 1874. \ Gentlemen : This Company have now in use twenty -- Gannors nut h Eveners, and ten Compound Opener Lappers. Some of tnotj; , = have been nt work for ten years or more, and have always given us satisfaction*.,j. r f of work, doing it well, at a low cost for labor and repairs. In our ‘ Prerb‘v.,ll w i we have two Compound Opener Lappers, and lour Finisher Lappers, wo Ilk. *' the past seven weeks 89.267 lbs. Oloth weekly. Yarn averaging about No. 22. x- f" * 14-100 mills (.00114) per lb. of cloth. We consider them a first class machine in air! speets. Yours very truly, P k F. BATTLES, Agent. MERRIMACK MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Lowell, January 23,1874. j The Kilaon Machine (Jompany, Lowell, Mass.: Gentlemen: We have been using some if your Compound Opener Lappers and Finisher Lappers, with Eveners, for nearly throe years, and at prosent are passing all our cotton through them. The machines have proved satisfactory, and both 111 quantity and quality of their work have answered the expectations formed of them. Yours respectfully, JOHN C. PALFREY, Superintendent. (The above Company have in use eight Compound Opener Lappers and sixteen Fin isher Lappers, with Eveners; ordered at different times.) Send for a Catalogue to THE KITSON MACHINE CO.VIPANY. SAMUEL E. STOTT. Treasurer, octS-ly MW ELL, Ma^S. EATOKT cfe AYER., NASHUA, N. H., MANUFACTURERS of BOBBINS, SFOOLSIand SHUTTLES, FROM SELECTED S^TOCK. THOROUGH AND CAREFUL WORKMANSHIP ! o JgNGLISH OR BOLSTER FRAME, and SLUBBER FLY FRAME BOBBINS Lowell, Blddeford, and Pettee Speeder Bobbins. Ring Warp Quiller, Filling and Winder Bobbins. Spools, Twister and Drawing Frame Bobbins. Danforth Warp and Filling Throttle and Twister Bobbins. Bobbin and Cop Shuttles, and Patent Self-Threading Shuttles oct3-6m BEAUTIFY YOUR HOMES. o THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE PAINT AND OIL STORE IN THIS CITY IS AT 53 JACKSON STREET, near Bell Tower. Send there aud get prices be fore buying elsewhere. THE BEST White Lead, Zinc, Paints, Colors, Varnislies, Linseed Oil, Brushes, Putty , Window Glass And iVo. 1 KEROSENE—FULL TEST, ALWAYS ON HAND, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY TO SUIT PUR CHASERS. GEO. D. CONNOR. nov7-tuth&satildec2Jj