Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, February 26, 1831, Image 1

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* i **► ~ '■ . ”• ~ - --^ ———- G f2€}R€wtmfl ' JM.D\*ERTTM&ER. thenowm: cgllzct.<-:« OFFICE, *O. gpy, BHOAII-ST. HftlSTt. GA. StTI BIIAV. PEBBCAKY g«> 1881. VOFIWF 48-.^^ rrm.isHEn kvkby Saturday, dv . A. 11. PEMBEBTOX. TERMS. fIBSII-WEEKI-'YPAPP.n. rivi; noi.i.Ait Tier linnum, pmyaMc •» Meance, or SIX UUI.I.AKM ti< ‘ft cnJ nfthe !«■ _ __ WEEKLY PAPER. THRKF. D01.1.AR3 f* nnniiiii, ayM* in advance, or FOLK DULLAItsS o\ f adoTilicyrar. No paper will he ducomi fined (ctrrptat thcchflifof oiiWWw**.) until nil nrßcenieee are paid. IIIVEMTfSB.HRVTBare in*ertr«l ttmi-vtUu nt 02 l-*i cunuipp-rmiiwre, lor Uiclir-t insertion, cents for well succeeding insrrtlon—i ceekly, at BiJ-* cents P»*r stjuarf. 4i>r each insertion—and munthUi ulwn not etereding one square) at §1 |iir each in&tinn.— None, however sinaH, f,- clmnrnl less Uian onelqimre. 'i'brtpe intcndcil to I* limited iimim have ll»c nu|U*r «i ingenious, sctni-wcekly or weekly, written on %»n, or v ;hey will Im* inserted semi-weekly till, Hos clmr- takes npon hlmseir the ri>kX «U remit, (anres of money made to him hy M«ll~ihe/*erj»<»n remit ting, first paying UiciMMdntte, and Aliminln? from flip INm nui-irr, a written or rprtml iiHnVKi W«?{*»nhil M* thr :mmmi'H. ami iw «leis*s'tcin Ins nlßrr* which shall Iks given toll** publisher in rase of miscarriage." I.ISTTKIW (oaliownWs) must lie post paid, or they will ia>thetak<a out of flic olfice. The LAWS OP rilß UNITED STATES ye published iti Diih P'fter. Tn Ezrcntfaf, Aeminialrctnrs, and Guardians, fl VLEHofliANloir NIUHtOIiS* hy Administrators, Kxccmors, or rpc rcquiruil, hy i;»w, to lie liehl mi the first Tnoadayin the inontli, Isrtween the hour* of jj.,l jn the firenoon, npd three in I lie afternoon, at the Court house ofthe rouiitj in which the prr»|»eriy is tfiliNite.*—No lircofthescsakisianstlieglven in u puhlir gazette,SlXTV day* previous to the day of sale. Notice of the win of per tonal property, must he given in like manner, FOHW dnys the day of salt . Notice to the ilrhtnrs and creditors of «n cstnle, must lie rvihlislied frrFUKTV tlnys. Notice that ftprikation will he made to the Court of Or diiiarv fltr leavefA sell LAND or NIC SUOKH, inuai In p,hiisheil fbr Vmi MONTHS. Aimyi a; WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1831. •' h« nnd i udd* WASHINGTON’S lURTII-DAV. The Anniversary of thin day,so glorious to our Republic, and dear to tfiß hearts of its citizens, was celebrated yesferdny, with suitable demon strations of respect for tho memory of that matchless iuio and patriot, wlm so justly de serves the affectionate title of “ Father qf his Covtury" —and ttfio among a best of heroes, statesmen, and patriots, the most pure, and great, and glorious, that is recorded in the an- i rials of Tlftie, was still tile “first in war, firat i in peace..and first in the hearts of h.s country* a men." Notwithstanding the wetness of tho weather, n civil and military procession was i liirmcd in the! morning, before the United States Hotel, and uador the command of Captain A. resriMSA, as MatEiia! of the day, proceeded to i llio Episcopal Church, Whore, after the usual religious ceremonies, If'uskini’lnn'3 ftireinU > Address) Wipi read by (Ir.o. A. B. W alkkr, Esc), i and an Oration \vu* delivered hy SaniT.r. A. Ho/ITARV CONFIXE-ÜBNT. One 01/llie gradually progressing Improve- ' fniurts ofllu; present age, is tho substitution ot I solitary fonfinrinmt for all other modes of pun- t isltnonf; nnd so fan, wherever the experiment has been tried, it has developed the most salu titrr'results, both in the way of industry and ; aural reformation. 'Flip Report on (he I’cmi syhat'ia Penilopliaty, .ays; " .Such is the gen ercilßtdnslry oftlio jirisoncts, rosolling front soli* i (srfj that except in three or four instances, it 1 has Ween deemed inexpedient to tax them, n*id 1 so rfUcicnt a coadjutor is solitude, that Jitllo timejis required to teac h a convict a trade. TTro first prisoner, a negro hoy of twenty years of me, brought up on a farm, made a Shoe on tho forirfh day alter the eonunobeement of his in street ion in the trade, which passed wills the others, and was paid for hy the contractor.” Why is it that solitary confinement is not n doptod in our own Penitentiary I It has been urged years ago, by ourselves as well ns others; and we believe it is the only means of saving that institution from tho unpopularity which in its present condition it well deserves. As it is, it is little hotter than a College of I icc, where the mere tyro in crime cjn scarcely fail to bo initiated into all its degrees, or to return there from into society', a Hundred mid confirmed vil hin. What if man were to ho placed there, guiltless of ally crime (which is not impossible) can any one believe that he could possibly leave it imeorruptedt In all societies where vice is pre dominant, it is made as much nn object of emu- j htion, as virtue in an opposite sphere. There, all pretension, to virtue are abused and ridiculed, and he is ever the most inlluenlial member, who is the most dating and thoroughgoing vil lain. For an inmate of a Penitentiary, "horn —t-rtu. mingle together, as in ours, lomtiho pretensions to innocence and virtue, would be to make himself hateful to the others, as a ro groaeh against their guilt, and to ensure from them every inault, abuse and torment, that could he exercised against him. Human strength and fortitude could not bear up, for years of servi tude and degradation, against (lie continual per secutions of malignant villtmy, ami a resort »o | the common vicious language and habits of his romj anions, would be the necessary result. « ho would not only bo thoroughly corrupted rmciple, lint initiated into all the arts of vil knbwn or formerly practised by bis asso sfttes, and at last turned loose upon society a confirmed and dexterous villain, prepared to net singly, or in concert with other liberated con victs, in tba practice of all tho vicious arts he had learned,—Nor w this all. He Would bo obliged to act thus, in spite of any and every effort he might make, to live honestly and jfi dnstriously. Tea, the very institution itself, pretending at* it does, to mercy, cicilizatiov, and reform I would force him to !> all* runtivc to amler about, detested imd sliunned, }n his ■honest efforts at reform, till lie actually perish ed ot hunger 1 or, with a natural dojcsla'irm of those inhumnn and tyrannical laws which thus eat him off from every possible hope of respec tability or honest livelihood, revenge himself against them by every means in his power ? For our own part, wo have lamented the ac tive opposition which exists against our IVni tentiary—and contended and protested against it—because we are aware, that the evils justly obnoxious to the people, arc not the necessary consccpicnccs of tin Penitentiary system, as it ought to be, hut of our perverted pretensions to it; and because wo have looked forward to the adoption of such improvements (as circumstan ces developed their utility and necessity) ns would ultimately make the institution what it ought to be. Nor have these expectations boon altogether disappointed, though,,wo must say, hut slowly fulfilled. Hlpt if it wc'ro not that we still confidently anticipating .continual improve ment, and early arrival at tlmTstato of perfection which would make it a blessing to society, wo should not hesitate a moment, to oppose it to the utmost, ns an intolerable curse I If it be asked, Ilow can the object we antici pate be attained! we answer, Easily, in Ibc fol lowing mode! Lot Solitary Confinement bo adopted, altogether, by placing each prisoner in a separate cell, ami excluding him from tho eyas of any individual, except those of the offi cers of tho institution—give him suitable em ployment, and such moral and religious books is would tend to advance his moral reformation —mid at the same time, set aside fom tho products of his labor, to be given him when his time expires, a certain per centngo —or the whole above his expense to the .Slate; which would not only stimulate him to industiy, hut tel rclor. ■nation, by the hope it would give him, that when ho again entered into thy world, ho might therewith clothe himself decently, and in some distant country, pass the remainder of Ins life in honest industry, and respectability.—Attached to the institution slionld be one chaplain, or more, according to the number of convicts, whoso duly should he, to visit the prisoners regularly at stated period f, to instruct and encourage Iheaa in their moral and religious duties, and edu cate those who were ignomnt and illiterate.- By excluding them from the gaze of visiters, they would ho the more encouraged, in the re formation of the future, by lh#'roflcction that their disgrace was less known ; and tho neces sary industry and 'mental and moral cultivation incident to llieir situation,—which would un doubtedly be pursued with alacrity, as the only means of making llieir confinement tolerable, Would in the end necessarily enforce upon thsvn MTTti rtTcirKrtTiTls us orurtct -mit r.licrwnnl-trc cash ly shaken off. Ami wo doubt not tlio reader will readily agree with us, that vice Or virtue is often as mill'll, (if not more,) the effect of estab lished habits, as of inmate principles. Solomon says, “Train up a ebibl in tli« way he should go, ami when lie is old he will not depart it." And so, if you train him up in the way he should not go, when he is old ho will hot depart from if. What does this provoin a greater degree than (he ] ower of I nihil—of the habit of both thinking and acting t The child has no fixed habits Oliver of thinking or acting, and therefore childhood is of eourW’lho best of nil times for training. Hut when the habits of life are once fixed, end fixed in vice, no method of changing them can he conceived so effectual a* that of the solitary confinement stated above. Is, evidence wanted of the power of habit over piinci, lu? let the reader look abroad imho world and see it in thousands of individuals. See it, for instance, in the drunkard, Who is sensible of the danger of bis habit, and strives S 6 often in effectually, to overcome it.—Let every man who would he virtuous, look his habits, or, while Ins principles, Imwevcr-good, lie dormant, they will load him so farunrclleclingly into error, that his principles may at last weep over them w ithout the power to restrain .them. Who is there, while habits of vice are growing on him, that dons not resolve again and again, to correct them? What forms the .resolution ! Principle. And what is it that breaks it, hot the power of j babill Wo do not believe that vice,'nr the habit ( of it, is more pleasing to man than v irtue, on!) : that he is inconsiderately taught to believe so, I from his cradle, and is tlmr/are the more strong ly toipptcd by his thoughts, to vice than to virtue. Who has found a pleasure in any vice ‘equal to that which his own imagination had anticipated from it ? And who lias not repeatedly, while in pursuit of it, f om the cradle to the grave, won dered at its gross deception, and his own deln ,joni with resolutions to quit it, which were broken only by the power of babil ? Pail mark the good man,—he who is in the habit of doing good—and will any one say that his -nnlieipa tions of pleasure are deceived, or that his virtue is a delusion?. His innate principles may some times be no better tlmn those of many who re peatedly weep over their follies, without the power to correct their habits; but bis habits arc fixed, and therefore, the ways of virtue arc easy and pleasant to him. Wo do not mean to ...h -mate in the least, that virtue consists, not in pi m ciulc, but in the power of habit, but that be whose principles arc good, may find them insufficient to preserve him from vice, unless he watches carefully and continually over the his habits. ________ Wig ft Oil Monday evening the [ Brigand, wu* I' r "' 1 ‘ our cnterprisiiigMwjjj^K,' loci than that exhibited in* the opening scone. The sleeping Brigand— his frifo, with all n wo man’s watering o'er bis slumbers— the sentinel on his duty—the break ing of night to morn—combined with the music form a picture that words cannot pourtray. The succeeding scenes arc full of life and in terest. 1 o Mr. I\ Brows, as Massaroni, fro accord tho praise which ha* been hi* mood, an.l truly well deserved, from first to last. We enn only say, he teas the Brigand ! Tho drosses are characteristic of that hind of “sunny skies.” Iho band of Brigands, Messrs. Do Camp, (whom wo arc happy once more to find among us) Hardy, Smith, Schinotli, Lyons, Preston, and Mr. Scflon, ns Xicola, deserve every praise for their acting, and more so, in the elocution of die music confided to them. I he Overture and music of the piece, by Mr. Clements, is one that will do credit to any com poser. The JJligand wo find, and arc glad to find it, by desire, is again to bo pe formed this evening, with tho new [ ioce of Where shall I Mine, and the afterpiece, which needs no com mendation, of Ab I S. A verdict of Guilty was rendered, at the trial on Friday Inst, of the hearo slave Surry, indict ed for the murder of another negro, on the day of the late snow storm, by slabbing him. (OiWTI KWeiAti, Monn,r, Fob. 14. COTTON.—Tho mnrkot is rather in nn unsettled state. very little of wbat has been offered lately lias brought overo rte. choice qualities in ernfia of reputation are generally held at 10 cents, but it would be diiiicult to find buyers at any thing:over cents. There have been sides of very inferior at 7 cents. Our quo tut ions limy be considered ns tho asking: rates, —a reduction of Jc bus heea fre quenily obtained of laic by purchasers. Commercial Ilegistcr. Xlttv -On r .Rass, Feh. 12. i COTTON.—SIock on hand 61.1585 bates Business in general has been thill this week, though some holders have made large sales: quotations predienled on thoiu are at nenr } rent less than the prices of last week. —Price Current. IffAPBTTm, In Millnltrrvllle, on lire 17ih Instant, Mr. HENRY M \N(JII AM. 10 Ml* ELIZABETH 1,. TIAR \ irri’. In IMpctlrid V illmrc-, S. I’, on the nth m-1. Mr. M \ RHIIALI, FRAZIER, to Mb-s E.UE- I,JVL UEARDEA. DIED. On Snwlav ovrniiuf la*/, in On* T.’iih yrnr of her xp-j&ssM&r known, nndhnf kft miiiuirinio friends, who npi»rcdiito her Sv.-rth f uud luiumt her death. coMHUNicArrp. Drpnrtod thin lift*, In llir \illn£r >.f Hurriibnrgli, neor AntniPln. on ttundnv niortdns tin* Wfh Instant, liflrr n few dny« Sin*. IIUK UIUTII PHIHIIIOHR In tho OPiliyohr of her mr**. dilm iva« u luemoer of tnr !*rrrrhvtfrinn <’tmiTh ofAo~tt*#fr, middled in the A»II Ik*- li*»r»fn hnpnv hnmiirtiiHfy And hi flic «nme villnurr, on the‘i7tl> til/* Mr II VKDV IKKW JKHMUAN. (UroUitT of Air*. IViinroHt*,) in lliettflh year t»fb|« nye. lie won n resident ori*oiii.'iunn, find nunc to this plnuc somr ft \v month* Hnee, on n visit to Mm Miner. In Illurofi, on Hie l&h In-lm », Mr. THOM AS Pa CAHNKN. 21 yenr*and 11 months. In Z' bnlon, I’ike roinnv, oil thflklinsl. Mrs. MAiri'HA \V* «- tml 21, iviV of Hr, Jtdm I*.-IllfM'khnni. In Wilkes family, on IhelOlh Inst, Col* AltC'HPljfsftS II All- Rlrtt KJ. In ChrtrlrMon, mi tin* 7th insuio*, Mr*. SI'S ANSA. Wif«* <>f John JnthiH IVlnple- nurd ti:j. Nnr iirmiby, r 4. C< on tin* 17th nit. Mr. JOILX W. j, HANK* /i|f**d til. In tfonth.Cundinfl, on the Ist in*r. ■ M sC VI 111 HIMI !(• ilmwhicr offcuac , IWr.her, llKt|. of Pd. Johns, fieri ley, ngndSO. RIC E IXOUlir 4 Bushels of lUcc Flour* n cheap and excellent lood lor Horses and Cattle, will be land ing at the Wharf To-morrow. For (Side, in quantifies not less than SO bushels H old the Boat. CL B. LAMAR. Feb 23 it 41 U(K ATBKEBS’S* COMIHXATIOX XV.VH FJt*. 10-20-20 in the Virginia Slate J.uUcry, Xu. 2, A PRIZE OP 1.000 DOLIiAUhS, SOLD AXJ) PAW .47’HUEliSt Porliinnte Lnltrry Office, Official Prise List, VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY. No 2 34, 30, 20, 33, 17, 10, 13, 0, 40. UNION CANAL LOTTERY, No. 3, 10, 2, 49, 27, 18, 41, 43, 80, 29. I¥ISXT LtilTilßY. drawing to we received NEXT TUESDAY- I) Ll. AW ARE AXP SOUTH CAtIOUSA S UiViPu'W&'Xo „ (50 Xumhrr Lottery—- 10 Vraun Pullott. 11l GUEST PRIZED. 15,000 DOLIiARS, 5.000 doliaiis, 2,o<M)’ OOIiIiABS, 1.000 DOIiUBi, FI UIMTI RK - AT \r(TIO\. by l. hull at co, THE SFBBCKIBEIS, IHH Sell ft Auction, OJ[ TLESDAY, MARCH IST, AT HIS IIKSIDEVCn. ALL HIS HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN rrK\niuE; Comprising almost every article neces sary fur housekeeping. The Furniture .was all made in Xew York, by one of the most approved Cabi net makers, of the best materials and workmanship, and has been hut very lit tle injured by use. Avfo'o Tin: auti*i,::s a nr; "i Brussels Carpels and Bordering, Ingrain and Stair Carpeting. Witte Boards, Dining anti Ten Tables, I I very splendid Centre Table, with mar ble top, t dozen mahogany Chairs, , Faney Chairs, Sofa, and Work Stand, t Sells Moreen Window Curtains, with ornaments, Astral, Hall, and Mantle I,amps, I Mantle Clock, a lirst rate time piece, I Piano Forte, of Bound's make, a supe rior instrument. The Sale will commence at 10 o’clock, A. M. For sums over SIOO. notes with ap proved endorsers, payable lirst Novem ber, will be tuken. A. B. WALKER. Feb aa 2t_ n grAßTuait'VrAftzi! CHINA at GLASS. HE undersigned rcspee.tfidty ftirftr the attention of Country Merchants mid othema, lolheii Wtock of Hoods in the above now very complete, and Patterns, A 'ruble bi nn bnnonihlewny^THe^^W-mrt I .repnr<'d to ffhe tiielr goods nwuy, nor do they of fer in the public newspapers, lending arti cles Letov their value to induce disjoin, and depend on making up the loss, on guilds, the value of which may not be so well known. r They nre nlsjpJetermined not to be dri - ven from thiHmirket, to again allow a monopoly of the business in which (hey are engaged P R. TAYLOR A Co. Georgia Courier, Washington Krwt, Mllledgcviilc Journal, ami Athe mia at Athens, will please insert the above three times, and vomit their uc coltinls llir settlement. Felt 8 __ Si* _ A THE OHAItbLST«i\ CROCKERY STORE. Subscribers well known in ■ Georgia, *fc» Ljaleis in Eurthen wnre, Cliina, Wkgfj leave to in form their nunurjrtyWstomers, ns well ns others on IbeiMvay to Charleston, that their stock is now complete, and pro nounced by judges to be the best in the United Stair*, which they are ottering to nicjrehunts ut ns low a rule us any mar ket In America. 'lliey are well aware that promises un less supported by facts, are useless, and. worse than .useless; they make no pro mises, nor appeal tojnihUcri/mjmtliii iignilJfcl poiperfvt enmhivatiuhn or private niomq/jjli/, they are well satisfied that the public know how to appreciate such appeals,— iNo market is flosed against ua, but 'on the reverse all nre open, and bur busi ness solicited by the nmniifictarer; oiu friends are many and powerful, and -with numerous other' advantages, our (heililies for doing business are nut eijuaMiit !>y any dealerin Augotta, orsurpasscd by any in ,\ew- York. VJ* . . W« wov>d say. In conclusion, Unit we intendipnuiug'H the inter,*t ofpurelmsers to buy from us; oar prices shall he low, and terms liberal We refer to our cus tomers in every .tillage in Georgia for the respectability of our house mid rec titude of our business principles. H. 11. GLEASON A Co. . ,Vo. BGI King Street, Charleston. Feb If) >f ■TICK. tier Intending to leave 1* Georgia for the city of lereto transact basinej*' y.c (and such nay present thggfa ( .| v ,. 6 ies nil peiybbs who tony in fei peeling the snb f Mr. ,1. I*. Hktzr, Mer where he will give siitrlien as to his new rre lie may be found. WM. C. WAV. nl nf Savannah, C cor fin. si at* ii £B. WAITISD. bat can tench the Eng lish Language, and can come re commended, muy find employment ns a ; TEACHER, by applying to Guonim XV. i Hvhiiwick, or I*kti.ii livox, scveafceii j miles frbrti Augusta, on the Washington i Blond, Columbia eounty. I [" February H), 2t ] THE SUBSCRIBER ? *—Hus received in J P pOUCE, addition to his for * BOOTS :m ' rstocki AND I®o PACKAGES SSSS& boots oil Arttf RETAIL, M comprising' as good on assortment ns ” can lie found in the Broad-Stroot, city, among which Aumsta, Gcoruia. is 4 coses Gum Elas tic or Watcr-l*rool Shoes. A1.30, Wax. & Hollows LEATHEH, Call* Eining. and Hinding SKINS. Hoot and Shoe TREES and EASTS, of all descriptions, and nil articles usually used to inairttlaclure Shoes and Tranks £c nil kinds, which will be sold low, by .?. i*. force. 100 Kearns WRAPPING PAPER. I>ec 23 tvtf 2J L.OST the subscriber, a smnl! RED MO ROCCO OJI.T POCKKT-BOOK, with n STEEL CLASP, containing n bout $(!() and some palters ofno value, ll was dropped in Hroad-streot, Augusta, or between that anti the Quaker Springs. The subscriltor’s name is written on a paper in said book with the ago of three of his children. Whoever may find and leave it with its contents with Mr. James Hynes, at the Quaker Springs, shall be handsomely rewarded. JAMES SPEED. Dee I |H A BARGAIN. undersigned wishes to dispose I of his Household A Kilelien Fur uilure, whicli consists of every article necessary to the comfort nnd conveni ence of a small family. The purehnser will ho allowed the use of the house and hit until the first of next October gratis. To a person who wishes to commence House keeping he olfers an inducement seldom to be met with. A credit of 6,l)and 12.months,will be allowed. VfM. G. MMMflfc CnimibelCs Building. Felt li? fit 10 AlftlKl’A , GIT7 SHERIFFS SALE, i J- l-e-, <■——«» --f f t in March next, at the Market- House, fin the oily of Augusta, between the usual hours. 1 pipe of Holland Gin, levied on as the property of James McDonough, to satis- ( fy two li. fa’s, issued from the Court of ■ Common Pleas, viz.: Elias Hliss vs. Jus. McDonough, anil A. Hoggs vs, James ; McDonough nnd others. AT.SO, ( fil pair Emiles' Morocco f-dioes ; H 3 pr. ( Misses Morocco Clippers; H pr. Hoys Shoes; 83 pp. Emiles' Heather Shoe*; j :H pr. Melts’ high and low quartered lin ed and bound Shoes ; fsTpr. Endies' pru- ncll Shoes; 112 pA Negro Shoes, and 10 j pr. Men's line Hooters: levied on ns the ( propert y of Joseph I*. Mnharry, to sptis- j fy a li. fa. in favor of Aaron Shipman vs. , Joseph P. Mnhnrry. GEO. \V. EAMAR, Sheriff; c. a. February 10. '<o stkaveh . l?y(y\ the Suhseriber’s lAfontufion, n few days ; yfwf,. 'since, nenr Wriphtsbo- ! m> '* rough.n likelv young bay JOL HOUSE. between nine ami eleven years el’ nge, five feet or npwardsin height, well made, with a small scnrTUi ejt<-h side of his upper lip. supposed to have been caused fioin a string. Any Tensorinble satisfaction will he given for | (ho delivery of him to the Subscriber. > EDWARD WADE. Feh2. _* w;h:k» Wo REWARD* , Ranaway or Stolen . Out of my pension, n- < Bp bout I ire 10th or 111 b rtf De- ! K/jEijlt eeinher lust, 2 Negroes ;a 1 Hoy by the name of Jfis T O Iff, __ nlx.nt 15 years old, TOdpj yellow eonud(PPu ion. and quite Intelligent. Girl, by of other a BETJft son to believe they 1 hnve 11,0 b^‘ ro « „„ wcre persuaded oft, I I f by sumo white person, .. J (or some time in the where they were, token ( Jjmm, after they went eft’. 1 will give Sfr 10 for the delivery of said Negroes to me; or confine them in any Jail in this State, so that ! mntkget them, if runaway ; or if stolen/ I will give £3O more, for such discovery us may lead to the conviction of the thief. IE REMSON. Llnrohdnn, Cn. Feh. 2. fid ~ NOTICE. 7 U months alter date, application will be made to the hunoviihle the (’onrl of Ordinary of Kiehinoad county, for leave to sell a mulatto girl railed Ju dy. for tlie benefit of the bells and eredi- 1 tors ol’David Clark, dt*e'd. 1 WM.McOAR, i AJmitiiitralor of D. Chirk. 1 Dec 25 32 JOB PRINTING NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE , TIAEATHE. second night or 1 toe buiuano: Received on its first reprcsenlnt-. ■. with the most distinguished murks of appro Inition. THIS i: VE\I\G, WEDNESDAV, I'KIiRUAki 28 i, , Will Ijo presented, for the 2nd time, the interesting Drama of THE KKK<A>», Tho Roman Baadittic___ Aflcr w hich a new Interiiido, in one Act, called 0 Where shall Z Dine { To conclude with the Xrw Farce, caUo» NO!.! Mademoiselle Hcloise, Who is engaged for a short period, will appear To-morrow evening, in thf cha racter of JULIETTA, in the hew Melo- D i nmn of • The Dumb Girl of Genoa* THE BANDIT MERt HANT. »' i. a; ii JUST PUBLISIIEII, AND ro» SALE AT TM BOOK STOBE OF LDOI BRI X* EXAMINATION OF EVIDENCE AND REPOBT. Most itev. James Whitfield, Jl 11. I>. Archbishop of Baltimore, Ac. Ac. upon the miraculous restoration of Mrs. Ann Mattingly, of the City of Washington, I). C.—By the Ht. Itev. John England, I). 11. Bishop of C'hnrlev ton. Together witli the Documents. “/hi/ they goingfnrtfi preached every where? the Lord working teitheu, and confirming the. ward with eigne that /allowed. I”—Murk, 1 ”— Murk, chap, liitli, ver. 20. I Vh 12 4w 3fl HOTICE. AN Election lor fSECUETARY to the Commieeumrre nf the dlugnta IntU penaent Fire Company Ixitleey, will lake place on Friday, 25tn Instant—amount Wnlary Om» Tuoiisisn Don.a ns, ii ton. Applicants are B ''iiUflflHililPWffltnu ss i ~ A. SLAUGHTER, Chairman. 11. Pattthso.n, Sec’y. pro. tern. IVhnmry .It*. 2t 40 Savannah River Navigation pemtA&x* of said Company, having * been In to n close, witli tho exception of /£ Rkg the Stockholders, the notice to nil con cehrsJpilutfiTltnoi One Dol lar und Forty-Six C’« .yfr per Slmi'o, (on. nil Shares on which ifrSlMnil been paid) ivill be paid to the Stockholders or their legal representatives, awonipanicd by the proper vouchers, on first Brick Building West Market. Broad street, Augusta. tSMHf &-ii:i j. w. miiDtwff Ansusln. Ort. HO. l*fJo. OK. A. j. iiodgl : HA TIN U located in Augu poses to Practice Surg*-ry. He may be found n lew inGHH.'. hove the upper Market, on the North side of itr ad Strct. Fell. It! * 3tw W» "WAMTED, A Smart Ullil.. M or 10 years do Chandler Work in a private family. Apply at L. llcu/s Auction* J Store. JM Felirunry If). _____ ~—' "" FOBsSJjE. I'fHHE IfOt and Premises on Brand 1 street known in tho plan of the city, ns No. J 2, extending S2h feet Reynold street, a edWiT tho EaVthy lot t>eloa g iiia#^ ,lin,l ~ Johnson, J " l"' Bones slot. J ™ MACKY. February 2. .. U-'i JLINCOEN SHERIFFS SALE. 11/ ILL be told at Lincoln Court f | House, on the first Tuesday in April ucxf, between the usoaPuours of sale ; One hundred and eighty six I,and, more or leys, on me wuleraßgS' Siivnnnah River, joining Henry Nnlljv Tims. lUcCiill, ulul others, taken ay tho property of James Lockhart, to satisfy ten Executions from a Justices Court, ill favor of Robert Reynolds; levy inndo and returned to me, by a Constable.— Terms Cnsli—tho purchaser to poy lor titles. .mux McDowell, ■. v. c. Feh S 3 3t\V 41 'VO vvv^v, .-I in A large DWELLIN'n, I JIT. M Ac. and A LARUE STftKE. ")[H well calculated for Dry-Hood* •WBA and Groceries, opposite thy store of Edward Thomas, liwj. U'V (leP end of excellent, smnd for business. Possession wifi op fi.en on the first of October. For berm*, which will he liberal, apply toM';. Jusi ru C**- am, at the above place. , . WAtIRET ;a\VBE.\CC July 31 tyg /?'■? -yl tJ*