The Weekly times & sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 185?-1858, April 19, 1853, Image 3

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Later from Washington. On Monday Governor Marry resigned the office of Seereiarv of State, and Mr. Cushing takes his plane. Mr. Dobbin, of North Carolina, takes Mr. Codling's place as Attorney General. Commodore Stockton is to be Secretary of the Navy. lion. James Baohanan, of Lancaster county, Penn sylvania, has been confirmed by the U. S. Senate, Minister to England. Hon. Thomas 11. Benton, it is reported, will be ap pointed Minister to France. Gov. Marry, is believed, will get a foreign mission. SKCON'D DISPATCH. The Cabinet difficulties have been healed, and no changes have been made. The Senate has finally adjourned after having confirm ed numerous appointments. Mr. Buchanan has positively been appointed and confirmed Minister to England. J. 11. Williams has been confirmed ns Chief Justice of Oregon, and W. T. Mersey as Secretary of New Mexico. The treaty with Switzerland, and the Copy-right treaty, have been left over by the Senate. \\ asht.NGTON, April 13.—*The Senate has adjourned. Rumors of changes in the Cabinet are declared wholly unfounded. Washington, April 10.—The Senate has con firnr and the following nominations : W. H. Carmll, Postmaster at Memphis Term. Thaddeus Sanford, Collector, lor Mobile Ala. Thos. Webb, Postmaster. Montgomery, A!a. Judge Walker Anderson Navy Agent, at Pensa cola, Florida. Alexander Thompson, Consul at Marr.nbam (2) (Marac.a bo or somewhere else.) J. T. Golding, Cons and at Laguyra. Judge Bronson, Collector lor New York, vice lion D S Dickinson, declined. Booator Borland lias been appointed by the President. Governor of New .Vexico. William CBellencourt, Collector fur Wilmington, Washington, April 3.—The Senate has confirm ed the nomination of Robert White as Collector at Galveston, and of Sturgeon as Sub Treasurer of Philadelphia. Washington, April G.—The Senate to day de ferred acting upon a large number of nominations, among them, that of Solomon H. Downs, as Col lector of New Orleans. Washington, April B.—Hon. John Slidell has derlined accepting the mission to Central America. Consuls—The folio-’ ing nominations ol C mstils have been made: G. W. Fletcher, of Mobile, to Ch ogres; John Hodgson, to Rouen ; J.C. Gal tings, to Laguyra ; Alexander Thompson, to Marauham, Brazil. U. S. Judge—Charles A. J. Ingersoll, has been appointed Judge of the District Court of the United States for Connecticut, in place of Judson, deceased. Conviction ot a Murderer. Atlanta, Geo., April 14. Elijay Birelon has just had his trial lur the murder of his Brother in-law, Dr. llilhnni, which occurred on the Ist of December, 1851. He lias been found guilty. The trial occupied seven days. The jury were out only sevent-five minutes. There are four or five other murder cases on docket, to be disposed of. New Orl, arts Cotton Market. New Okleans, April 9.—The sales of Cotton on Saturday were SGUO hales; mostly before the Europa’s accounts came lo hand. Prices are firm: M and ‘line- 9y to 9} cents. Stock on hand at this port 311,0,0 bales. Passage of an Indemnity Bill. Boston, April B.—The House to day passed to a third reading the hill to indemnify me sufferers by the destruction • f t ,e Ursajine Convent, in 1834, n, the amount of $30,030. Missouri Election. Kt. Louis, April 6th.—The entire Benton Demo cratic ticket has been elected over the combined forces ol Whigs and Antis, by about one thousand majority. Loss of the Steamer California. Louisville, April 7. —The steamer California sunk a few days since, near Shirt Tail Bend, on the Mississippi. The loss is $20,000. The Gardiner Case. The evidence for the prosecution in the Gardiner case, lias been closed except the oximir.ntloa of one witness. The affair looks “foggy.” (From the Savannah Courier.l Atlanta, Ga., April 9, 1833. Dear Sir: —l have just, relumed from the office of the Stale road, where I had an opportunity of in specting a beautiful service of silver, to be presenled to Mr. William M. Wndley, by the officers of the Western and Ailantie Railroad, as a token of then high regard lor him. The service consists of one massive pitcher, one large salver, one small salver, and two goblets, weighing in all 112 ounces. It was manufactured in Boston, by Jones, Ball &. Poor, un der the direction of Joseph S. Fay, Esq., of Savan nah, and cost $326 50. Upon the large salver, as well as upon the remaining articles of the service, is the following inscription: ‘'PRESENTED TO WILLIAM M. WADLEY, By the officers of the Western and Atlantic Rail Road, in token of their respect for his abilities as an officer and his qualities as a man, Januury, 1853.” The service will be sent in a few days to Savan nah, and placed where the citizens can have an op portunity of examining it. Yours. See., G. W. Columbus and Savannah. The worthy Mayor of Columbus, Joseph L. Morton, Esq., being unable to attend the festi val on board the new steamship Augusta, Tues day afternoon, sent the following letter to her agents here, with a sentiment which w ill he found below. We need hardly say, that the people of Savannah look forward with great pleasure to the time when the railway connec tion between the two cities shall have been com pleted, and when the waters of the Savannah and the Chattahoochee shall, “like kindred drops, be mingled into one.” The cars will he running through to Columbus in some thirty days from this time, after which we hope to see the two'cities bound together, not simply by bands of iron, but by the still stronger ties of friendship, ami the most intimate social and commercial relations. [W e may mention here, that Maj. John H. Howard, the former energetic President of the Muscogee Railroad, was warmly toasted at the entertainment referred to above.] — Sac, Rrp. Columbus, Ga., April 9th, 1853. P vDELi onn, Fay & Cos., Savannah, Ga.— Gentlemen: 1 have tiie honor to acknowledge the teceipt of yours of the 7th inst., inviting me to he present on board the new steamship Au gusta, at Savannah, on Tuesday. It is with unfeigned regret that I shall be de nied this pleasure by the pressure of engage ments at home, at that period. It would afford me high satisfaction to personally witness this additional enterprise ami spirit of yonr people, which is proving the means of drawing us clo ser and closer to the great metropolis of the Union. Out- city has already proven a bone fiefary, by that same spirit which largely aided onr connection with you by the iron hands now nearly completed. The interests of your fine seaport should he kindly fostered by till the citizens of our State, and the day is not far dis tant, I trust, when you are to reap abundant re wards for the unflagging energies which you have so steadily applied, and must entitle you to the well-deserved appellation of the “Queen City of the South.’’ 1 beg to tender you the following sentiment: Tie City of Savannah —The commercial en terprise ot her citizens reflects honor upon the State at large, and has strongly contributed to the name which now greets us, of “The Empire State oi the South.” May her prosperity be commensurate with her efforts. Very respectfully, yours, JOSEPH L. MORTON, Mayor City of Columbus. Arrival ol* the Steamer Europa. The steamship Europa, Captain Shannon, arrived this morning, bringing Liverpool dates to Saturday, the 26th u!t., three days later than previous accounts. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. The sales of cotton in the Liverpool market fur the week ending on Friday evening, wete 44,000 bales, ol which speculators took 30(H), and impor ters 9000 bales. Prices remained unchanged and the market closed dull. Breadstufft also continue unchanged. POLITICAL NEWS. The Turkish question has been amicably settled, the Turkish government having yielJed to the de mands of Russia. It was reported that the Russians had entered Buehaeist, which report was considered doubtful. A violent gale had occurred at Mat soil e*. The Madiai family were to remain there until Francis co’s health has been restored Spain has assented to the British reqttes', to lib erate the negro “emnneipadoes.” There is no hing new from Lombardy. Several executions had taken place at Ferrate. D Ist fleet ions among the Austrian troops find been discovered in some of the Hungarian garri-ons, FOUR DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. Arrival of the Aips. Advance in Cotton. New Y’ork, April 14. The British steamship Alps has arrived at Boston, bringing Liverpool dates to the 30th o( March, four days later than those brought by the Europa. The Cambria arrived out on the’2oth March, with favorable accounts of the condition of the American Markets, which imparted a more buoy ant tone to the Liverpool market, and sales were made at an advance for Middling and Fine qualities. The lower grades remained un changed. The sales of Monday and Tuesday, 28th and 29th, reached 19,000 hales, of which speculators and exporters took 10.000 bales. The business at Manchester was limited. A private dispatch reports the Liverpool ad vance at an eighth of a penny on Middling and fine qualities.—Eo. News. LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL O K TII K ST EAM E B AMERICA. Baltimore, April 14. The Royal Mail Steam Ship Amtrica, Capt. Lang, has arrived at Haiilax from Liverpool, which port she left on the 2tl inst. The Liverpool Markets.—The Humloldi's news had a favorable effect upon Cotton, end un der the Pacific's advices Fair and Middling qualities advanced a farthing, and New Orleans ami Upland Cotton below Middling Ironi a sixteenth to an eighth of a penny. The sales of the week comprise 82,09) bales of which speculators have taken 38,600, mill exporters 14.600 bales. The sales on the Ist inst., were 10,030, of which speculators took 3COO. Prices were a little un steady. The sales of the two days preceding the America's departuie, comprised 32 000 bales. The quotation are as follows :—Fair Orleans G£d, Middling Orleans 53d; Fair Mobile G4d; Middling Mobile from sjd to 5 13 161; Fair Upland 0; ; and Middling Upla, dsjd. The stock on hand exslusive of shipboard, amounts to 850,000 hales of which f52 oto are American. The Rice mark't is unchanged, and a moderate business was effected at previous rates, 300 casks having been sold at 21s. per cut. Havre Market. —The sales of Cotton during ‘he week ending the 30th nit.,comprised 9000 hales. Middling was worth 85 a 88 fra., and G od Mid dling 90 francs. The rice market was dull, and the quotations ranged from 31 a 33 francs. Foreign Items.—A dispatch from Paris says i that thd American Govenment consents to indetn nify the owners of the French vessels seized in Ca ifornia. A conspiracy has been and scovered at Berlin, and many arrests have been mru e. Arms and ammuni tion had been discovered. The insurrection atl’ale mo had been suppressed A doubt ful rumor was prevalent at Palermo to the effect that Persia had sought the protection of Russia against England. Southern Italy is represented to lie in an alarming state than it has eve- been. L tge cumbeis have been arrested at Naples. The European Democrats have sent, it is said, an addteas to President Pierce, hy Pulszky,'h's Secretary, which i3 supposed to contain a request for arms. The outbreak in Switzerland among the peasan try has been quelled hy the military. The American lady who was arrested at Heidel berg on suspicion of circulating revolutionary docu ments, has been sentenced to six week’s imprison ment. Advices from Bombay to the Ist of March, state that Rangoon had been nearly destroyed by fire Later trom California. 82,100,451 of Gold Dust. LATER FROM SOUTH AMERICA. New York, April 9.—The steamer Illinois reached her dock at quarter past 7 o’clock. She left Navy Bay on the evening of the first, and brings the California mails and two millions and ninety-five thousand dollars in gold dust. She also brings 375 passengers. By steamer Santiago, at Panama, we have Valpariaso dates to the 28th of February, and | Callao to the 12th of March. At the former place business had somewhat improved. ‘Lite bulk of flour was very small, and firmly held at $8 50 a $9. The political intelligence is unimportant. Congress had adjourned, and the President was still on his southern tour. Gen. Blanco goes to France as Minister. The custom revenue at Valparaiso for 1852 is one million of dollars in excess of the revenue of 1851. Australia dates to the 11th of January were received at Valparaiso, but they are anticipated by way of England. I business was pretty brisk among the ship ping at Callao. Peru was quiet and tranquil. The yellow lever was declining. The dispute between New Granada and Equador seems to have been settled in an ami cable manner. The harvest at the South was more abundant than ever known before. The mining districts continue to yield abundantly. The U. S. sloop of war Portsmouth has been ordered to San Juan del Sur, instead of Callao, the Chilian authorities having released the American (Stewart, of Baltimore,) who had so long been confined without trial. Serious disturbances, owing to some political appointments, had occurred between the in habitants at Tobago. It was put down without loss of life. Some insults were offered to foreigners, and the Portsmouth was detained there a day in consequence. The Young Many Tiers — We spoke of the Look called the ’'Young Maioneeis,” on its first appear ance a short time since, as a tlinldiiglv interesting volume for young persons. It seems ia a fair way to have a run on the other side of the Atlantic, as well ns on this side. We understand that a Lon don house is about issuing an edition ot five thous and copies of it.— Philadelphia Presbyterian. A man once asked a friend of his why he mar ried so littiea wife l “Why,”said he, “1 thought you had known that of all evils we should choose me leas!.” The man who attempted to smoke a pipe of branuy is troubled with dizziness of the brain, and talks of joining the daughters of Tempe rance. A gentleman perceiving the common crier of Bristol, unemployed, enquired the reason—'l can’t cry to-day, sir, as my wife is just dead.’ ifr When is money damp? When it is dew in the morning and mist ai night. Debt and Resources of .Savannah. Mayor’s Office, City of Savannah, ) March 29th, 1853. t. To the Editors, Journal of Commerce, N. York: Gentlemen;—l ou have given place, in a late number of your journal, to an article under the signature of “Prudence,” which, if it remains unanswered, may injure the credit of this city.— 1 beg leave to meet, promptly, through your columns, the insinuation oflhat article, bv a sim ple exposition of facts. The first bonds issued by the City of Savan nah in 1839, amounted to $590,000, payable in twenty years, the interest at seven per cent, payable semi-annually at the Manhattan Com pany, New York. They were issued for $500,- 000 Central Railroad Stock. The city has re deemed (before due) $279000. For thes22l,ooo standing, the City holds $285,000 of that stoete, which is selling in this market at sll9 for SIOO paid. The stock pays regularly eight per cent. The next issue of bonds was $150,000 for stock in the South western Railroad, The city holds stock for $150,000, paying eight per cent., and"selling at two per cent, premium. The next issue was of like bonds. $500,000 for stock in the Augusta and Waynesdoro Road which road will he opened next October. The Company pays the City 7 per cent, interest <m its subscription, until the road is finish ed. The City issued 8100.000 of bonds for Stock in the Columbus Branch of the South-western Railroad. 1 hat branch will he opened in a month, and will then be incorporated into the South-western Company, a stock paying eight per cent. „ Bonds to the amount of $28,000 were issued ns the purchase money of one thousand acres of land adjoining the City. About one bundled acres have been sold for more than the purchase money. A public Cemetery of over one hun dred acres has been laid out, and the residue of the land is worth this day, over $50,000. Five thousand dollars of Gas Stock Bonds have been issued. The City holds Gas Stock (now at. a handsome premium) to the amount of $17,000, paying eight per cent. Five thousand dollars of Bonds have been is sued (or stock in theOgechee Flank Rond. The road will soon he finished, and will pay eight per cent, or more. There is being issued a sum of $200,000 for ( ity V> titer Works, which the City is itself erec ting. 1 hese are disposed of here its the work advances, at an average premium of two per cent. In the aggregate, then, the City Bonds, now out. amount lo $7090,00, and they will amount to $909,000 when the Witter works are finished And the City holds Stock and Land purchased with those Bonds, \\ liiclt it could sell in thirty days for over SBOO,OOO, & will the Water Works built on fair terms, to represent the Water Works Bonds, when issued. The several issues of Bonds are fully author ized hy (lie Act of the Legislature of Dec. 24th, 1825, section 8, and art active City property of the viiltio of two millions is hound for their re demption. Can any Bonds of any City or State he better or safer 1 Very respectfull v, your obedient servant, ’ R. WAYNE, Mayor. The Memphis Convention. LETTER FROM GOVERNOR COBB. We find in the last Aiilledgeville papers the subjoined letter from Gov. Cobb, in relation to the proposed Commercial Convention at Mem phis, in June next. Executive Department, ) Milledgcville, April 12'A, 1853. j I have received from a Committee of the Citi zens of Memphis Tennessee, the following com munication : “The Commercial Convention, recently held in the city of Baltimore, having adjourned to meet in Memphis, on the first Monday in June next, the undersigned have been authorized to make ail necessary arrangements, that the same may pass off” usefully amt pleasantly. “The various important subjects discussed at Baltimore will doubtless he renewed and exam ined with increased interest, with a view to practical events. “We have been commissioned by our fellow citizensito invite you to he present on that inte resting occasion, and participate in its delibe rations. “In discharge of the duties assigned us, we have likewise to request your Excellency to ap point immediately a numerous delegation of your most prominent and enterprising citizens, to represent your State in the adjourned Con vention, and that you have the names of those delegates published. “We tako this occasion to tender to you and the delegation from your State, who may visit us, a cordial welcome, and the hospitalities of our city.’’ The subject hero brought to the attention of the people of Georgia is interesting and impor tant, and should receive their prompt and favor able consideration. In view of the difficulties which would attend an appointment of Dele gates by the Executive, and impressed with the conviction that a sufficient interest wiil he felt among the people to ensure their action upon the subject, especially in our commercial towns and cities, I have determined in response to the foregoing communication to request the people of tne several counties, to assemble in primary meeting's at such time and places as may suit their convenience, and appoint delegates to rep resent the State in said Convention. 1 would urge upon my fellow-citizens to take tlie necessary steps to ensure the attendance of a full and energetic representation. iltiwell Cobb. Whig Keating in Macon County Alabama. We learn that a meeting of the whigs of Macon county, was held at Tuskegee on Monday, and delegates appointed to attend a District Conven tion at Troy, for the purpose of nominating a whig candidate for Congress, according to im memorial usage. ‘Fhe whigs of Macon are of true met ie, intel ligent, faithful and firm in all times of emergen cy and disaster to the party—they have always come from the fiery crucible of trial pure and uudiminished gold, and have been stamped ster ling hy the experience of every patty contest since the county hits been formed. We, ofcourse do not affect or assume to advise such men.— We notice their action lor the purpose of men tioning that there will, while matters remain in their present relations, be no effort on the part of the whigs of this county, as far as we have ascertained opinion, to join in any Convention for the nomination of a District candidate. They deem it impossible, under the circumstances, and that the effect will only be to array friends and comrades against each other for the benefit of the common enemy. We are aware that there is much feeling among our Macon friends, from the impression that there was an implied understanding in the last canvass, that a dis tinguished and most estimable citizen of that county was to represent the District in the next Congress, flow fair that impression was found ed in any do •Hite understanding, we have no personal knowledge” VY’e learn from reliable authority, that Capt. Abercrombie is actually in the field and has no intention to await the ac tion of his friends in a Whig Convention. This of course, will prevent any whig nomination, and the election will go‘by default, as many will not mix up in it. —Alabama Journal. “I hope you don’t conceal anything from me, wife?” “No, my dear, nothing but your faults and imperfections.” COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. COTTON STATEMENTS. 2 2 |f| S I ? if |1 £ £ , “a a g 3 g £ i*Si “2: -=’ H on [Ts J 2.11 2- ! ~ 1 -3 ;23 3 I hand U £f : |.S. ! iS. §- this _ r 9 day. * 1852. 860 365 41363 42588 1315 37051 38368 4222 i853. i6, 229 i 217 54663 54880 404:4993150335 4770 Columbus, April 16. The cotton market since our last quotations, has bten firm with an upward tendency, although there is hardly any quotable difference m Good Middlings which gen erally govern in this market; but the classifications of the grades are much slacker than at the commencement of the season. We would quote as approximating prices: Good Middlings 94 a 93 Middling Fair 10 a 10 Fair Nominal. New Orleans, April 13. The receipts at this port since Ist September, (ex clusive of the arrivals from Mobile, Florida and Texas,) are 1,4 69,622 bales, against 1,189,085 bales to same date last year ; and the increase in the receipts at all the ports, up to the latest dates, as compared with last year, is 3*9,2 0 bales. In the exports from the United States to foreign countries, as compared with the same dates last year, there is an increase of 148,239 bales to Great Britain, and 18,668 to other foreign ports, while to France there is a decrease of 37,719 bales. CLASSIFICATION. {Assimilating to that of Liverpool ) Inferior... . 5£ a 7 Ordinary to Good Ordinary... 74 a 81 Low Middling 8} a 9i Middling 9* a 10 Good Middling 104 a 101 Middling Fair 11 a— Fair nominal Good Fair nominal Good and Fine nominal Bacon.—The stock of Sides being quite light and with only trifling receipts for a few days back, prices have improved, and sale- -o a limited extent have been at 7 3 8 a 7 1-2 cents per lb. for prime Ribbed, oid 9 cents per lb. for Clear. Shoulders, however, continue dull at about 5 1-8 a 5 1-4 cents per lb. Plain and bagged Ilams are in very limited request, at 8 1-2 a 9, and Sugar Cured 9 1-2 a 10 1 2, and occa sionally 11 cents per lb. Arrived during the past three days 907 casks. Cleared for Boston 15, Balti more 55, Florida 139, Savannah 90, Havana 31 casks. Freights.—ln Freights to foreign ports business has been more active, but in the rates for Cotton there is no change. Seven American ships have been taken for Liverpool at 19-32d for Cotton, and ss. per barrel for Flour, and two for Havre at 1 1-4 c. for Cotton. Five British ships for Liverpool at 9-16, and a bark for Cork at 15d. for Corn. A number cf ships have been taken for Boston at 3-4 cent for Cotton, but as it re- j gurds other coastwise Freights the market is dull, and the rates for many articles of Freight have declined, as will be seen on reference to our table of quotations. Exchange.—The demand for Drafts on England has continued very active since Friday last, and quite a large business has been done at our quotations. Francs continue in good request, without change in rates. We quote—Sterling S 1-2 a 9 1-4 and 9 1-2 per cent, pro tnium. Francs 517 1-2 a5 22 1-2 per dollar. New York, sixty days, 1 1-2a 1 3-4 percent, discount. Bos ton, sixty days, I 1-2 a 1 3-4 percent, discount. Sihgt par a 1-4 per cent, premium. MARRIED. On Wednesday evening, 6th inst., at the residence of General A. Abercrombie, in Russel county, Ain., by Rev. John F. Daw -Bon, Mr. KmvisJ Bet.skr, of Montgomery, Alabama, lo Miss Josephine H. Abkuckomuik. ‘ SPECIAL NOTICES. SCHOOL ASSOCIATION OF Ml SCOGEII A meeting of this Association will bo held at the Lec ture Room of the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday night next, ai 7$ o'clock, 19tl inst. An Address will be deliv& ered by the Rev. Mr. Scott, and an Essay read by Mr. James J. Slade. The public generally are invited to attend, WILLIAM F. PLANE,SccVy. Columbus, April 16-twltJhvlt ICE, ICE, ICE! The fee House is now open for the sea-on. The price will be fo-all amounts less than fifty lbs., three cents per lb. Over fifty and less than two hundred, two and a half cents; two hundred lbs. oral over, two cents. Hours from 7# to 12# A. M., and 2 to 6 P. M., except Sun. j days, on which day the house will be open from to 10, A. M. j only. Tickets can be had on application to Columbus, April 13—twtf W. J. CHAFFIN. CW It always gives us pleasure to notice any article that confers a real benefit on the community, and it is with con fidence we heartily commend Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral to our readers as possessing extraordinary virtues for the cure of diseases incident to the Throat and Lungs. This may account for our frequent reference to this article which we feel fully justified in making known to the public,—iV. Y. Tribune. LABORERS WANTED. ONE DOLLA , PER DAY, Will be paid for good White laborers, or stout negro fellows, nt the Water Works in this city. Columbus, April 15—w&twlm GAS FIXTURES, THE subscribers having engaged com peteut workmen, will hr I prepared to fit up Stores nod Houses with pipes, burners, and all I necessary apparatus for the use of Gas. This work wiil be war | ranted, and done under the superintendence of the Engineer of i this company. WHITTELSEV CO. j According to the by-laws of the company, the houses and ; stores wiil he fitted up iu the order of their application. A Register JBook is now ready at the store of Messrs. Whittel sey Sc Cos. C. E. DEXTER, Sec’ry. April 15—w&twtf Columbus Gas Light Company. GUANO. I STILL HAVE ON HAND SOME FORTY OR FIFTY TONS OF GUANO, AT GREENWOOD’S WAREHOUSE. The season is fast advancing when it should be applied . Those wishing profitable investments, would do well to avail themselves of this opportunity of obtaining it. Ex perience has proven that it. adds about one hail’ to the pro duct. Alter th corn is up, many think it as good a time to apply it as before. See the Soil df the South. March 25-w&twtf J. R. JONES. TRIRLTi: OF IU2*IJECi\ Georgia Military Institute, ) Marietta, April 12, 1853. J At a meeting of the corps of Cadets held to consider the j death of Cadet L. A. Mitchell, who departed this life on | the 11th inst., Cadets J. Bradford, A. L. Hartridge and I It. M. Howard, having been appointed a committee to : prepare resolutions relative to that event, reported the Ibl i lowing: I Ist. It having pleased the Almighty God to remove a : friend and brother from our midst, one who by the correct ness of his deportment, and kindness ot his feelings, had en deared himself to many, and won the respect of all; we teel the solemnity of this dispensation, and are deeply af flicted and impressed thereby. j 2d. That lor consolation in this affliction, we have the L gentle character of the deceased ; and the reflection that ! this melancholy event is in the order of God’s Frovidetice. 3rd. That we deeply sympathize with the bereaved pa j rents and friends in the irreparable loss they have, sustained I in the early withering ot the fond hopes lo: the future, which I had gathered aroaud him. | 4th. That in testimony of our sorrow we wear the usual • badge of mourning for thirty days. These resolutions having been unanimously adopted, it was ordered that they be published iu the .Marietta Advo cate and Columbus papers, and that a copy ot them be for warded to the parents ot the deceased. Cadet L. WEEMS, Chairman. | Cadet £. L. Baxter., Sec’ry. J-S. WOODBBIDGE, • PRACTICAL ARTIST & DAGUERREOTYPIST COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Rooms over Foster & Purple’s Jewelry St e. Broad Street. Columbus, Jan. s—lw& INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. r undersigned respectfully informs his former friends and 1 pupils, stud the puoiic generally, lhat he has returned to this* city where he proposes to establish himself in his profession as a Teaher of Music. He is now prepared to take a limited uumbei of pupils on the Piano Forte and i u Vocal Music, to whom his regular and undivided attention will be tri\eo. left at the Music Store ol VVhw.elsey At Cos. will re ccive prompt attention* Jpril23,lßsl—wittwtf RUBSEL E.HARRIS COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED TK.I-WEEKLY BY J. K* REDD AND CO. BAGGiNQ —Kentcky V yard $ (m 15 India AOPE Vlb 9 <£ 10 BA<X)N—Haras V It- 13 (gi 14 Sides Vlb 10 (§t H Shoulders Vlb 9 © 10 PORK—NeII Vlb ® BUTTER 25 © 30 CHEESE Vlb 14 @ 14 CASTINGS Vlh © .* CUEEKE —Rio V lb! 11 (&t 12^ Java SP IF 12 © J 5 CANDLES—Sperm Vlb 50 @ Wax iu Star Vibi 30 @ Tallow V lb; 18 © 20 FEATHERS V lb‘ 40 © 45 ElSJl—Mackerel No 1 ‘F'bbi! 14 uu © lu 00 Mackerel No. 2 bbil 13 00 @ dackeiel No. 3 V’bbl! H 0!) ® u 00 Shad V bblj J 8 00 © Herring box 100 @ FLOUR—W estern hbl 700 © 800 Canal V hbl 750 @ 900 City HP* Lbi 600 ©. 750 FODDER....’ r- 100 lbs- 125 @l4O GRAIN—Corn bushel; 75 © 80 Wheat V bushel: 100 © 125 Oats V bushel 50 © 60 GLASS box 225 @ 700 GUNPOW F.R V keg 500 © 650 HIDES 4? n< 8 @ 9 IKON—Swedes s lb @ 6 English -t* lb @ 5 LARD i* lb 1214 LEAD ft 9 @ 10 LIME I s * bbl 3 50 @ 4 10 MOLASSES gallon 33 @ 40 ■ NAILS ib 6 @ 7 OlL—Lamp 1 50 © 2 00 Linseed 1 100 © 000 irniii gallon 75 @ PAINTS 4? ke* 200 @. 275 PEAS bushel’ 75 @ 80 HiC E ib 5 @ 6% >Vh UP— Lei non per gallon 125 @ Raspberry HP doz G flu @ SALT sack © 1 50 SHUT bu: 000 @ 225 HO A P H* !’ 5 © 7 STEEL—Cast Vib 20 © 22 German ib 15 @ American H** ib 10 @ SUGAR—St. Ci o:x <p!b © New-Orleans Hf Ib 7 @ 10 Loaf, refined V ft. 12 @ 12# Lump V !t> 8 @ 10 SPIRITS -llramiv, Cog Hf* 1 00 © 4 00 Wnericon ‘Pa:*! 40 @ 100 Peach Pg*d 100 @ 162 Apple Tka) GO ( 75 RUM Jamaica 2 00 @ 3 50 New England - 50 WHISKEY—Irish rrn! 400 © Mononaahela HP gal 100 & 200 Western HP*I 30 © 40 GlN—Holland HPnai 150 @ 2GO American Vtrai 40 © 50 TAI.LOW 4? tt) 10 <& 00 VINEGAR— HP gal © 50 WlNES—Madeira, HP gal 125 ® 400 Sherry HP gal 150 © 300 Champagne Hark 15 00 6: 20 00 ( Malaga HFgal! Port ! 250 ©, 400 'laret 3 00 (a> Guano $3 per him ired lbs. pmisTprim fashions GREAT NOVELTIES! j. jw.TTaum, No. 61 Broad Street , next door to the Marine Bank, RESPECTFULLY soliciisthe attention of the l.ADiKsof < o . lumbus and surrounding country, to his JtTF.W S TUCK of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which will be opened for inspection this day; consisting in part of Rich Tissues, Bareges, Grenadines, French, English and American Jaconets, Embroidered Swiss Muslin Dresses, French Sc American Calicoes, of the rnoft recherche styles and patterns. 200 pieces Jaconet JVAi.ilim, \nrd wide, and fast colors, nt 12X cents per yard. 5 0 dozen Ladies’ Hand kerchiefs, all Linen, nt 6 V cents apiece. 1 ino Kmbro dcred ilmidkercliieisof all kinds. Cl>*-mi setts, Flouncing-*, Collars ala mousquitaire, Cuffs and Undcr sheves. Lubin’s celebrated Extracts for Handkerchief?; German Co logne distilled from flowers; iu fact every article necessary lora Lady’s Toilet. DOMESTIC GOODS. White and Unbleached Homespun, Linens, Table Cloths, Tick ings. Denim- and Cottonades, all of which can and wiil be sold twenty per cent less than tl v are offered for in tills mar ket. ‘ J. V. UADM, Columbus, April6—win* 64 Rroad street. SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, jmTxYLE, A RE now prepared to exhibit to the public, the largest, most A varied, and be*t SF.BF.CTKD STOCK of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, | ever opened in Columbus; embracin'’ every stylo of new and | fashionable goods in their line. A Iso, anew and direct importation of IRISH LINENS, SHEETINGS, DAMASKS, &e„ kt. Also, a complete stock of HATS AND SHOES, including 5000 pair iVegro Slioe*, of a superior quality. Coiumbu*, April 13—2niw&_U\ lm ANOTHER MUSIC STORE.” WILLCCX & CARTER, SO. 92, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA., i ARE now receiving, and will keep constantly on hand, SHEET MUSIC. PIANO FORTES, GUITARS, VIOLINS,! ACCO It DF.OXS, BANJOS, TAM BORIN ES, FLUTES, FLAGEOLETS, FIFES, &C. ■ Strings for the V IOLIN AND GUITAU. ALSO Instruction Pooka for the abo\e Instruments. Also, Exercizes for the cultivation of the Voice. Orders are solicited from t eachers and others. I). F. WILLCOX. WAJ. ii. CARTER. ‘ N. B. Mr. Carter will attend to Tuning and Repaiiing Pianos as heretofore. Columbus, April 15 —w&fwtf HAItNDEN’S EXl’iim kEM of tic tu o.N Randolph street, rdgSresSsfo V\TE respectfully beg leave to iniorin the citizens of Columbus VY and its vicinity, that we have concluded our arrangements with the Central Railroad Banking Company, nud are now run ning messengers daily from Macon to Savannah. Uso, forwarding g. ods daily over the Muscogee and South- Western Rniitend to Fort Valley, Oglethorpe and Macon, thence to Milledgevilie Savannah ;:<■ u’l intermediate places Also, lo Montgomery, A* . We. would also say, that our re presses by tire steamers to New York aid Philadelphia enable us to forward every description of merchandise and valuables. Notes, Drafts, and Rills collected in every town in the Northern and Eastern stales ; also, to California and Europe. Omens and Auknts— Rando’pU street, Columbus, opposite the “Corner Hone” printing office ; C. A. El s it Son, uacon ; Mr.Kendrick, Fort Valley; G. it. Clayton, Wgietherpe; 153 Bay street, Savannah ; 74 Broadway, AVw York; 43 and 45 South- Third. Philadelphia ; 8 Court sirect, Boston; Exchange street, Providence; Montgomery street, -sun Francisco. Livingston, Winchester & co. Columbus, April 13—twAw VEftNOY & EUTOli’s () MNI BU S LIN E . Fare —In Proportion to the Distance. WE return our thanks lo the traveling public aim the citizens generally, for their liberal pat ronage, and would inform them tnat our splendid new UAL W- Tl’ssks, with FLYi: TF.JIMS ai.d caretul will continue to run for the accommodation of the citizens and per son-* slopping at the Public Houses. Calls ieit at the Hotels or at our stable, strictly attended to. Columbus, March In—w&iwly FAIR NOTICE. VLL Persons are hereby notifi and that iny wife, ELIZA UETII .1. TB KKK.ha. uil inv bnl miU board, ami her eight children, the youngest oi.e about live months old. I therefore, forbid ail pci son* iroiu boarding or coutruci-.rig debts With heron iny account, ns t do not lute and : pay them, or be uccoumabie lor her conduct in any sha; e or form hereafter. Cuihbert, April 19—lUw.U TUCKER. Sana way, fritOM the subscriber, a negro boy, tvrenly-five years old, five feet six inches nigh, deep copper coior, a nine inclined to be bow legged. A liberal reward will be paid for the apprehension of said boy, lodged in LOine.jail where 1 can get him, or de livered’to tne at my plantation, live mi es west of Cba> tauo3:iee, Florida. April 19— w3m‘ RICHARD RANKIN. GEORGIA, 1 COURT OF ORDINARY, Stewart county, i April Term, 18-3. T TPoN the petition of \\ illiam 11. House, Executor of the last CJ Wid and Testament ot i houms liuuae, deceased, tor letters of dismission from his said execuiorsh p: It is on motion, ordered by tne court that all persons concern ed, shew cause, on or before the next term oi sad court, why should not ihen3be granted. A true extract trom the minutes of said court, April 12,1853. April 19—wun J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary. Administrators Sale.— Vgreeabie to an order of the Court oi Ordinary of Early couu y, w ill be sold beiore the court door in Hie town of Blakely, on the hr t Tuesday m .1 itne next, ail the real estatejof F. Grirtnii, deceased, situated in the said town of Blakely. Apr.l 18 —wtds FRANCIS GRIFFITH, Adm’r. date I wall apply to the X Oramar* of .iiuscogee county, for leave to sen u negro child (uoau) the property oflleury AI. Jernigun, (idiot.) April 19—w2ui * ’ a. B. uA.AN, Guardian. Look at This! I FOREWARN all persons from trading for two promissory notes made by mo payable l< John P. Copeitn, bolli givenou the thirteen h day ol March, 1853; one lor lour hundred amt Huy dollars in do payable the thirteenth day of April next ; the other is lor lour hundred and fifty do.lura made payable the twenty filth day of December next, bearing interest from dale. The consid eration for which these notes were given having failed, lam de termined not to pay l&eut unless compelled by law. Haunahatchee, April s—wit* ii.WmIF-c HORTON. Mexican Mustang Liniment. AT Nc.V ioiK prices, vv e nave tvceiveu a large invoice oi the above excellent medicine, lo be sold at the luuuuiae turer ’s prices. Cali at the B 1 UK DRUG STORE, March 2—iwfitwly Sign of tks Negro and Mortar. If EVER 11E WITHOUT IT. So certain is the fact that Dr. Little’s Vermifuge will relieve children from w orms, if they have them, that hundreds of fami lies now do not pretend to do without it. it is also trite, that children are frequently physicked for several days, without much j improvement: when this remedy has been used they have got- , ten well immediately. For all bowel complaints the Vermifuge ! is excellent, and if at all dependent on w orms, as iteften is, it is a sure cure at once. When children are pale or languid, at tended with the usual symptoms ol bad health, uothing more is necessary than to give this remedy a few times in order to restore them. The following statements have jist been received: * Amkricus, May, 1819. As I hive used Dr. Little’s Vermifuge in my family, I take pleasure in say lug 1 have found it to be a most excellent remedy lor worms. In one case it caused the expulsion of forty two, an J some of them were over a foot long. (aHsrned) Jonathan Stanford. Amkricus, May, 1849. II tvingused Dr. Little’s Vermifuge, l am enabled to say, that it is a very excellent reinedy % to cure children ol worms. Wm. B. Guerry. August, 1849. Dr. Little— D.-nr Sir: After having used several VVrm.fuve medicines, and even calomel, without success in relieving our child of worms, we then ave yo* r Vermifuge according to di rections, which very soon caused the expulsion Os a large quan tity of worms. Alter that, the child got well immediately. (Signed) E. Ezkll, of Houston county. I When a child is loaded with worms, or prossrated wilh their effects, it is not always safe, by a,y means, to give caloiuvl, be cause it excites too much notion, and together with the displace meat of the worms, whl often sink a child before much else can be done for it. On the oilier hand my Vermifuge is perfec ti> sale, and produces no such excitement, is much more destructive to worms, and at the same lime gradually expels them. Talbot county,Sept., !84 a . Dr. Little—Sir : In a few enses, I have given your Vermifuge to children when they were puny, bad health, enlarged abdomen, fever occasionally, &c., and the result was, they soon got well, although no worms were discharged—giving this medicine occa sional!}, I find, makes children more healthy. Respecttuily yours, &e. (Sitmd) M. T. llullis. BEWARE OF~~IMPOSITION, AND AVOID TIIE USE OF SUBSTITUTES. The facsimile of the signature of Dr. VV. G. Little will be found upon the outside wrapper of each of his medicines. Sold wholesale and retail, by the proprieior, at his manufac turing depot, number 264 ‘Marketstreet, Philadelphia, and also Macon, Georgia, also for sale in Columbus, by DAN FOR ill& N\G ■„L, GE.-’N ER & PEABODY, L PiERCE and R. CARTER. B. VV HI i’U.'.Giraid, Ala. April 19-wit B. F. COLEMAN HAS returned to Columbus and resumed the use ot the TROWEL,—is prepared to no Bftil.K WORK, plain ot ornamental PLABTERLNJ with dispatch. Just received :,nd for sale, FRESH THOM ASTON LIME, BLASTER OF PARIS AND CEMENT. or Wanted, tw hundred bushels oi cow hair. Columbus, Ga., February it>—Bw3m FOR PHILADELPHIA. THE U. 8. Mail Steamship ST.iTF. OF GEOh G/.s lei ves havannali the following Wednesday f„ Philadelphia: Der J‘ and 39th,January 12thaud 26th, February B*h 'bd -3d, > arch 9th and 23d. Aprd bth and 2Ulh, May 4th ;:no 18th, June !. Anew steamship m> building, in every respec uiptal to the Bia'<* of Georgia, will take her place in theTinc dur ing the mouth o June next, and with the Georgia make a weekly line. This ship has been built with the strictest regard to tin. safety mid com tort, and her accommodations for pa.-sencets an unsurpassed by those of any other .-team.-hip on (lie cost. Fare to Pniludeiphin £-5; th ough io New York ft. s; Steer P.'/DKLFl>lvi> FAY, Agents. Savannah. Deo 7-49wtf H! ■ ftt ’ i:. \ 1 ARLN. Phil,uUs!;h SMITH. TD BROTHER, DEALERS W. DOMESTIC LP K 0;D U(I E AND PROVISIONS, OF ALL ft'TVDS, No. 20!) Duane street, New York. Folicit Foullimi oKti-rs tiir theaame; who will pack uud slili in the best loaouer, nod aell at the lov t-.l cash pr ce. S. B. SMITH, N. York. Jan. 29, i853.-sw3m J. F. SMITH. Georgia Military Institute. THIS INSTITUTION’ HUNT INTO OPERATION* IN jaS. BEssi .£ji© j£L o P AT their session of 1851-’2 the Legislature Incorporated it as a College; by n nuisition on the General Govern- fti meat furnished it with arms, both lor hf /l INFANTRY AND AKTILLKHY ; n and provided for the education of a certain number of State Cadets. The legislature also directed a P.i ard ol Visitors obe appointed, of whom the Governor is ex-officio President, wnose duties are to inspect tiie Institute, attend its examinations aud report on its condition lo the Legis ature : and in conjunction with a committee ot the Board of Trustees, to establish and de clare proper regulations for its government. These Ueguialions have b°en published. The course of study, met hods teaching, and the discipline which they prescribe, areas nearly as possible, those ol the United tS tales Military Academy. Any person interested may obtain a copy of them by applying to the {superintendent. The next Academic year will commence on Monday, June 10; and ml who desire lo enter should be present on that day. •Marieta, Cobb county, Ca.,inarch 29 —l3wtloj Fiaaos Tuned and Repaired! j tj umlersigned take pleasure in nnnounci|ig in Araus Celebrated Estaoiishiuem in F.tris. ;ir. Kunim comet j to attend to all orders for amt repairing, in the must thor ough manner. We hold ourselves iepoiisible tr ml work I done by Mr. Kmnm, believing that he will give entire t-atislac turn. Ail orders addressed to VYiiittklsky Sl Cos., or Trua.x &l Fkasjc, will meet With prompt attention. WHITT LSEY & CO. Columbus, Feb. lC—tw&wtf TKUAX &. PKA&'K. TO TEACHERS. ! TIIE undersigned offers for sale, th j Jfcflbs CUTHBHttTRALB INSTITUTE, j i V To ny nothing of the present prosperous state of jqPodßfr this Institution, its location aad future prospects ! cannot be surpassed, n equalled, by any in the State. For particular apply to A. L. O’BIHF.N, Principal. Cuthbert,Ga., April 12—15 wit FAMILY GROCERY. C. OGLETREE, ’ Oglethorpe Street, opposite Kentucky House, \\TOULD say to his friends, that lie has just received a VV fine assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES FOR THE CITY TRADE, viz. : Bacon Sides, Shoulders, Sugar Ham>, Sugar cured Beet. Ix*af Lard, Lamp Oil, Brundies, Gin, Whfekey, Rum, Wines, Cider, Mackerels, Sugar, Rio and Java Coffees, Tobacco, Powder and Shot and various other articles too numerous to mention. Columbus, Ga., March 3J-vv3in GtiOBE HOTEL,, BURMA VISTA* MARION CO., GA , , THBsabiwrlber respectfully announces* to i* friend? ard thv public generally, that he has taken charge pp o. this well know n JJtL e TAIS L ISAM ENT. The house is commodious and well finished; and no pains will be spared to render those comfortable, who may favor him with their patronage. Dec3—if F„ TITCOMB, HOTEL FOR SALE. ? a TIIE subscriber offers orsale his commodious and well finished Hole*, situated on Ihr east side ol the public square, in the town ol Buena Vista, Ga., and H J if known as the “GLOBE HOTEL.” 11 is furnished with all necessary conveniences, aud has pertaining to it, a go.. kitchen, smoke house.siuble, lot, 4tc., all in good repair. The house is conveniently situated, and ismvored with a liberal share oi boarding and trail- eut custom. Buei n Vista, though new, if a large and beaut:b n. Its chools.and varied merchaniiU and mechanic interes. ire iiepori umency and rapid growth. Nt. one need feardeprecf. n property lor many years. Persons wishing to purclm*. h property, would do well it* call and examine. Reasonable im • ill be allowed ’or payment. For terms apply to the undersigned Z VViL..i AM3. or to WILLIAMS Sc OUT Eh, March s—9wtf Buena Vista, Afariou co. Ga. For Rent or Sale.; , j House and lot in Summerville, Ala., immediately d ---joiub.g Dr. Lockhart’s residence. The houses and ofti H- q Ices are of the best character. ■ ‘ lAI For inlormation apply to me, or to G. W. Dillingham, at Haii& Moses’ Hardware Btore. Columbus, March B—low3m8 —10w3m F. A. CAIICNt?. Rich & Co.’s Salamander Safes, At Manufacturer 8 Prices; Freight only added. IN no ii stance have these safes failed in preserving their con tend, in the fiercest life?. The price of a safe, from fllty dol lars upwards, is but a small premium ot insurance on valuable Hooks and Papers, against Fire and otln r accidents, lor a series of vears. For sale by lIALL &c MOSES, J/nrch 22—w3m Columbus. Georgia, Metallic Burial Cases. ca.-ea have been univei.-a iy approved wherever I. used. They sre much superior to tho.?e of wood, and combine within themselves ail those qualities so desirable in a riouthern Climate. Tin y are composed of several kinds of Metal, but principally of iron. They are thoroughly enamelled inside aud out, and thus made impervious to air and indestructible, and can be sold at aoout the rales of covered coffins. The public are inv*. : t to call and examine them for them selves, and at agUu-'-r- they will see the great advantage of this article over any miter ever offered to the public. Columbus, Feb. 23—w4Uw6m Sc RQOaEi. PUBLIC MEETING-. VT a meeting of the. citizens of the 4th district of F.arly county assembled at their Justice Court Ground on the JOth mat.. the following preambl. and resolutions were submi.trd and uuauitnously uj.provvd : v uerejus the citizens of this district, and ot certain other ad joinlugdkwricii in this county, and the counties ol Baker and Randolph labor under manifest inconvenience on account ol the distance ol their county capitals. Rkmolvk : , That we, the citizens of the 4th district of fSriy county, will use ail honorable exertions to torui u new co miy. Bb it further Rksolvbd, That the citizens of the 4th,nth and 6 it districts of Early, th 3rd district ol Baker, and the sth and 1 7th districts of Randolph, be nottfled by publication of these pro ceedings in the time# and Hcntinel and Albany Patriot to meet the citizens ot the 4th district of Early at A B N JEK DYSON’S, in said district,on tho third Saturday ftn April next, to take into consideration the importance and propriety oi lor in- J mg, through the proper authorities, a now county from the said ’ districts. * JOSEPH D. HARDY, Chairman. A. Dyson, .Secretary, • January 18. 1853. 3wt2oap, MEDICAL NOTICES. PERFUMERIES, &c. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK, Dft. R. A. WARE, n IS now receiving a much larger supply than ha ever been i efore offered in this market. All wishing to purchase pure and unadulterated articles in this line, will do well to call and examine. PURE BRANDY, OLD PORT AND MADEIRA WINE, lor Medical purposes, to he bad at .JSBk R. A. WARE’S Drug Store. PERFUMERIES AND COSMETICS— Lunins and Bazins assorted varieties, for sale by R. A. WARE. LONDON PORTER AND SCOTCH ALE.—V&y best quality. For sale by R. A. WARE. FINE SEJARS AND CHOICE CHEWING TO SACCO, can be had of K. A. WARE. THREE HUNDRED SWEDISH LEECHES, just received and for sale by R. A. WARE. BRUSHES AND BROOMS of every kind, forale by R. A. WARE. WINDOW GLASS, from 8 by 10 to 20 by 24, for sale by R. A. WARE. Columbus, Ga., April 2, 1853-w&,twly DRUGS AND MEDICINES. AT TIIE BLUE DRUG STORE, Broad Street , Columbus, Georgia. r>. JUST received from New York and Philadelphia, a large supply select Medieinos, consisting of pure and select Powder, and Extracts, lor saieat tho lowest market prices •US* un 1 warranted to give entire or we shall count Physicians’ country bills and plantation medicines put upon the lowest terms; every attention will be pa-d lo their quality, aud they will be securely and speedilv packed and forwarded. GESNr.R & PEA BODY, Druggists, March 2—tw&wly Sign of t e Nfgro end Alortar. Pure Medical Wines. PORT and brandy for Medical purposes, for sale at the r lue Grvg store, r March 2—tw&w ly GEBNER Sc PEABODY. Paints and Oils. I3UREand Ge:;m Lead, Linseed, Lamp and Machinery Oils, I for sale cheap at the Mine Jjrug store, March 2—twSLwly GESKF.K Sc PEAB DV. Dr. Thomas Hoxey, ij HAS united with him in the practic of Medicine and its collateral branches his son, jHk DR. BRICE A. HOXEi, who has had charge of a Mii.tary Hospital in Mexico r.d the Marine Hospital at Acaipulco on the Pacific t*r two years ; din ing which t.iDe he successfully periormed someol the uk>*ldiffi cult operations in Burgery. They feel competent to attend to all cases in Medicim Sur gery, Sc c., and resnecif *lly otler their services to the. tbli Column is. April t —tw3ni Drs. WOODRUFF & TRACY. q Dr. M. WOOD BUFF would respectfully give notice to Ids patrons that he bus Sss<tcialed w ith hiui in the practice Vj|j of Medicitte, Ur. D. TKACi, a gentle.neu ot -’large expe- LIS* rience in his profession. DRS. WOODRUFF & TRACY, Will r.ttend ail colls in their pr.ifessiou punctually. Columbu**. mareh 26—tw3in DR H. M CLLCKLLY HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. q POLITEIjY tenders ins prof, nsiotiai services to thedtl &RC* zonsol Columbus aid vicinity. He may aiways beiout.d at bis office on Iboad street, two above the old L2e Bank of St. Mary’s, or at Captain P. T. residence, on g eliiorfie street. October 13,18>2—twtan MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD CO. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Only 10 miles ol Stasrint; heitveen B Columbus find Macon. On and after the 15th inst. the Passenger Train will leave and ; run by the following schedule daily until further notice: Leave Columbus al 5 A. M.; Arrive at Butler Hi* A. U. Leave Butler al l>j P. M.; Arrive at E. F. RICKER, Supetimendent. Columbus, March 5, 1853 D. B. r HOMPSON & CO., (AT THE SIGN OF THE HEART,) Below Hill, Dawson & Cos. IMN, Copper, Snett iron, Steam Boat work, all manner of Gutters, loping, Conductors aud Roofing done to ! order, substantially and warranted. | Nov. 2 49—ts New Tin, Sheet-Iron & Copper Manufactory. ‘■pHE undersigned haveopened a store on Br* :id street, opj o 1 site Hill Ac Dawson’s old Min and. where they are prepared to lurnisli tveryihingm their line of business. They have a large assortment ot Stovxh on hand, tucludiog evt*r vnriity of shape aw d pattern. XfltT I’iti Hoofing and •uttering, neatly executed. Columbus. I eb. 23—w3ni ’ C. SAI.VO A CO. Printing Presses For Sale. TWO large and very superior Washington Printing Presses, 1 with 29 hy 44 beds, will be sold low for ensh, or on time it preferred by the purchaser. H arrante In* good as new. Apply to LOMAX 6c ELLIB. Columbus, Ga. February 4 —tw&wtf City Hotel. EAST SIDE BROAD STREET, OPPOSITE THE MARKET HOUSE. ■ a Til E undersignetl deems it unnecessary to make anr | puffs in r -sereiM e to this (louse, as it is customary with j jnjglfj house.-oi this kid; he has but one remark to'make c±aßE=£saiu rele ence to this house, a ;d that is— < OME AND TRY IT, and be you rot. judge : believing that the best puff is in realiz ation and uotenanticipation, so tar as public houses ;re con cerned. D. A. GARRETT, Proprieto ., Ca. march 23—w4ctw3m For Sale. A small farm about one and a half miles from Col tun bus. It contain 15U or 160 acres ot land ; about a third of whic is cleared, end in suitable condition lorculuva lion. The remaining portion is well timbered with pme It is a Jesirab’e location for any person, wishing a small farm i or summer residence in the vicinity of the citv. App vto Columbus, .March 9— twtf _ V.T. T.CVI.OR. Ladies’ Silver Plated Sewing irds. A N indispensable and beautiful article, without which, no Indy should ew. For sale by D. F. WTLLCOX. Columbus, April 15—ti OLD RAG NOTICE. IT'IiOM and alter the 20th of this month, Rock (Hand Factory I will p.y lor Cuban Cotton or l.inen Rags 3 ceuls a iuui.-d Cash, or 3 J-; cents ill paper at CaSU |mces G. P. CURTIS, Agent. Columbus, Jan. 1!, 1853 Iwu J.V* AP paper* that udverti e us, will please site their advertisement to rea<l as above. Xvles-can Mustang Lininient. THIS invaltbo le preparation has been but a fev months before* the people of me bouili, ; many thoasKitds tf bottietf have been >oid and used iu a great variety of diseases, and it has g veti universal sat-sleet on. We have heard of not e that were dissatisfied with it. We ofter it as a remedy in the various diMfises and com plaints lor which it is recommended, with iu!t confidence in curing them, as over lour millions of Bottles Lave been sold and used for a great variety of complaints, both of men and animate, and it lias always given satisfaction, be cause it has performed just what we said it would. It has healed Cancers and scrofulous sores and uhere tht had resisted the treatu.ent of the Medical Faculty. A child n Fredenekton, N. li., a few days ago bur 1 led its legs severely against •< sieve. The mother im mediately applied Linseed OiJand Cotton V\ 001, with a tight bandage over till; iu a short tinw the screams of the child induced the mother to icmovethe bandage, when it was discovered that the cotton wool had taken lire by spon taneous eoiubustiou and had considerably increased the size of the burn. The mother happened to think that she had part of a buttle <f Mustang Linirncnt in her house-, which she got immediately and applied to the burned hmbrt of the lit;le auftercr, and as so i r.s it was applied, tiie child ceased its erics and soon after fell asleep in its mother’s arms, by the soothing of th.s valuable preparation. This is to certify that the Mexican Mustang Liniment has been used quite extensively in the stables of Adams & Co.’s Great Southern, Eastern and Western Express, for (<ails, Chab-s,Scratches, Sprains and it La*:- proved very effectual. Many cf their men have also used it on theinselv* sand their families, and they all speak of i’.s healing and remedial qualities iu the highest terms- One of our hustlers got. kicked, and bmliy cut and bruised on his knee—. e usual, the Music.ig Liuimeut was resorted to, and the soreness and Uuneness was soon re moved, and it was perfectly well in three <ir four days.— We have no hesitation in recoinntending it as a valuable preparation, to be used externally on man < r heart. 11 J. DUNN, Foreman of Adams bt Co.’s Express Stable, N. Y. Rheumatism.— Ih.s is to certify _ iftat my wile wasaf tlicted with severe chronic Rheumatism ; she had suffered lor months with the most excruciating pains; she had tried Rheumatic Compounds, Relicfe and almost every thing recommended lor this dreadful disease. None of them relieved her pains in the least. She used a fifty cent bottle of Mustang Liniment, and it cured her entirely; she ,s now perfectly well, and rwommends all of her friends to use tiu* Mustang Liniment. (Signed) James L. Oliver. Savannah, Georgia, January Ist, 1553. Principal Offices, 304 Broadway, New York, and St. ’ Louis, Missouri l A. G. BRAGG <fc CO., Propnetora. Sold in Golumbus, Ga., by GESMER & February 5, tw^fcwly