The Weekly times & sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 185?-1858, January 05, 1858, Image 4

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EXECUTOR’S S ALE—By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county, 1 will sell ai Market House, on the firs: Tuesday in January next, a likely negro woman and cbiid, the property of Wiley Cannon, lat* of said county, deceased. Terms—One third cash; balance first November next, with small note* and approved security. RUFU> SHARPE, Executor. Dec. 15—wtds. Harrison 6l Pitts, Auc’rs- Administrator's Sale.—By virueof an order froir the Hon. Court’ of Ordinary of vferiwetber county, granted on the first Monday in November,will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, beio e the court house door in the town oi Buena Vista, Marion ounty, Oa. betwcei the legal hours of sale, Lot of land number two hunlrc<. and eighty three (283) being: in the eleventh (Utb) and strict o originaliy Muscogee, now the county of Marion, containing two hundred tto and one half acres, more or lees. Sold a: the property of Delily McClain (the orij/ninai drawee) anr late o’ Meriwether county, deceased, ,J and forte benefit of the hairs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMFS VV.CLARK, Ad.n’r Dec. 15—wtds estate Delilv Me lain. tecM. \ dmlnistrator’v Sale.— By vir ueof an order from xV the honorable Court .of Ordinary of Lowndes county, will be sold before ‘.he Court’ H. mse door iu the town of Blakely, Early county,on the first Tuesday in February next, within the leg.d hoars of sale, Lot of laud number two hundred and thirty two, in the twenty sixth district oi Early county.containing two hundred and fifty acres, more or less Boid as the § property of .James Newton, late <>i Lowndes county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased Terms made known on the day of sale. decß—wtds I*AA<’ T. A. NEWTON, Adm’r. Administrator’s Sale. T)Y virtue of au order from the honorable Court of Ordinary of Chattahooche county, will be sold before the Court house door in the town of Cusseta, in said county, within the legal hours of sale, ontheflrst Tuesday in Jan ary next; Two or ra *re Lots situate in said town Sold as th- prop erty of Thomas P. Wooldridge, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. wm. g. Wooldridge, * . . . N. J. BUSSEY, jAdmrs. Nov 26, 1857—w40d. GEORGlA—Randolph County: ‘■pWU months after date application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Stewart county for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging to the es tate of Eleazer Smith, laie of said county deceased. Nov 3, 1857. E. C. ELLINGTON, Adm’r. GEORGIA Chattahooceee County: WHEREAS, Adam P. Jones applies to me for letters ol Guardianship for the person and property of P. B. Jones,orphan of Daniel Jones, deceased All persons concerned re hereby notified and required to file their objections In my office within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters will be granted to said appli cant. Given under ray hand at office, this Dec. 14th, 1857. rDec-22—w30d] E. G. RAIFORD, Ord. TWO months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary poi Talbot county, Ga. forlaaveto sell thereal estate or Jordan Brocks, deceased. WILLI M H. TURNER, Adm’r debonis non with the will annexed. DecernoerH, 1857—w*2m GEORGIA, Chattahoochee county: Clerk's Office, Inferior Court. Dec. 2, 1837. ALL persons interested are hereby notified that Hubbard Vanhorne, of the 1108th District G. M. tolls before William Morgan, one of the Justices of the Peace for said District, asestray, a Sorrel Mare, a little marked with the collar; her right fore foot white; fourteen and a halt hands high; about eleven er twelve years old, valued by Win- Amos and A. M. Christian, freeholders, of said county, and decided to be worth seventy five dollars* Ihe owner of said Estray is required to come forward, pay charges and take her away, or she will be dealt with as the law directs. A true extract irom the estray book decß—w4t N. N. HOWARD, Dept. Cl’k I.C. Notice to debtors and creditors.— All persons indebted to the estate of i,Wiiev Cannon, late of Mus cogee co., deceased, arc requested to make immediate pay ment,and those ‘i.-iving demands against said estate are re quired to present them to me duly attested, within the time prescribed by law or they will not be settled. Dsc. 8, 1857—w40d RUFUS S I ARPE, Fx’r. BY virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Ste wart County, I will sell on the first Tuesday in Jan uary next, to the highest bidder, between the usual hours of sale, before the Court Hoase door in the town of Lump kin, all the land and negroes belonging to the estate o Eleazer Smith, late of Stewart county, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. Ncv. 17,1857. — wtds E. C. ELL'NGTON, Admr GEORGIA, Chattahoochee County: TWO monthaafter date I shall apply to the Honorable the Court es Ordinary of Chattahoochee county for leave to sell the lands and one negro belonging to Andrew \V Cannon, minor orphan of Wiley Cannon, doe’d. ANDREW W. SHEPPARD, Guardian. Nov. 3, 1857—w2ip GEORGIA, Muscogee County: Court of Oidinary , August Term, 1857. ORDLR NI SI. Ylf HEREAS Matthias Bar-inger, alministraor of the es tateot lohn L. Barringer, late of said county, deceased, having applied for dismission from said administration. It is orde ed, that all persons concerned shew cause if any they have, why said administrator should not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in March next. And that this Order be published iu terms of the law. A true transcript from them.nutes of this Court. Aug.29—w6m JoHS JOHNSON, Ord. GEORGI V—Talbot County: BY virtue of an order of the Ordinary of said county, there will bj so don the first Tuesday in January next, before the Court House door in the town of Talbottou, the negroe* be longing to the estate or Augustus Pou, late of said c uuty. de ceased, as follows, to wit: Jake, a man about 38 years old, Peggy, Jake’s wife, 35 years old; and their sons, Sandy, a boy, about 17 years old; Charles, 44 15 * 4 4 ‘ Allen, * J l u Isaac, 14 9 4 ‘ Also, Daniel, a man, 29 %t 44 Dave, 44 38 4 * 44 Gianuer, a woman 29 44 44 and her child. Monk, a girl, 10 44 44 Said n**groes will be sold on twelve months’credit. Nov. 17, 57- wtds EDWARD VN, POU, Adm’r. J a uardian’s Sale:-- \grei-ably to an orderof the Court \JT of ordinary of Harris couuty, Ga., will be sold on the Ist Tuesday iu January next, before the Court House door i u Ha nilion, said county, within the leeal hours of sale, Essex, a negro man and good blacksmith,about 44 \earßo'd, and Milus a uegr> man. about thirty years old Sold as the properly of MaryS. G. and John F.cone, minors of John F. • one, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale ALCEY F. POLLARD, Guardian. November,2s,] 1857—wtds BY virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of the county, of Randolph, 1 will sell on the first Tuesday in January next, to ihe highest bidder, for cash, during ihe usual hours of sale, before the Court House door in Cuth bert.a likely mulatto boy. about fiiteen years of age, be longing to the estate of Daviu B. Kirkland, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, and to effect a division. JACOB SMITH, Adm’r. Georgetown, Ga. Nov. 17, 1857. wids EXECUTOR'S SALK. BY virtue of the last Will ana Testament of Samuel Ste phenson, deceased, will be sold on the first Tuesday, in January next, between the legal hours of sale, at the Court House door in the town of iithbert, (Rando/pb county, one Lot ot Land Number Fifty Five (55) iu the Ninth Disirict of said County, containing two hundred .two and a half'acres, more or les?, some n uety acres cleared on said lot, and 25 fresh; sold as the property of Samuel .Stephenson, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made kuown on theday of sale. PHI LIP CAUSEY, Exe iu Nov. 3,1857.—wtd5. GEORGIA, Chattahoochee County: WHEREAS es>e Norwood applies to me (>r Letters of Administration on the estate of Jesse Lisle, lateoi said county, deceased: These are, therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and) creditors o( said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. and show cause, if any they have, why letters should noifbe granted to said applicant. Given under ‘my hand, at office this 25th Nov. 1857. Nov. 26, 1857—w40d E. G. RA i FORD, Ord. VTdTICE TO DEBTORS & CREDITORS.—AII persons lx riving demands against Robt H Dixon late of Talbot Couuty, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, prop erly attested, to me within the time prescribed by law, or they will be rejected, aud allpersons indebted to saidde’d are hereby requested to make immediate payment. ROBT. E. DIXON, Ex’r. Nov. 26, 1857—w4d Administrator’s hale. TIT ILL be sold on the flrstTuesday in January next, be H fore the Court House door in Newton, Baker county, Ga, One tenth interest in Lot of land number one hundred and thirty one, in the ninth District oi said cou ly Also i t the same time I will sell before the Court house door in the town of Clarksville, Habersham couuty, Ga. one tenth interest iu lot of land utmibers eighty in the tenth district of said county Sold for the benefit ot the heirs aud creditors of John M Glaze, late of Marion couuty, deceased, Terms made known on the day of sale. TILMAN. D. FRENCH, Adm’r. Nov. 24, 1857—w40d. RIFLE NISL Talbot Court of Ordinary , September Term 1857. TITHEREAS, Stephen Howeil ? Executor of Wjlnam Howell, * ’ applies to me ior letters of Dismission from said Execu torship: Bait ordered, That all pers ns concerned be and appear at the >iay Term next e‘ suing of this Court, tben and there to shew cause. *f any they have, why said letters should not be granted. A true extract from the minutesr! this court, Oct* I4th. 1857. Marion bethune,o*m. October 29th w6m G EG RGIA—.M use ogee Cou n t y. Court of Ordinary, September Term , 1857. RTTLE NI 81.—Whereas, lohn A. J ‘hnsm. administrator >n the estate ol Ceieta Bauis, deceased, having appli ed for Dismission: ft is therefore hereby ordered, That all persons concerned shew cause, if any they have, whv said administrator should not b° dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to be held in'and or said county oa the first Monday in April next, and that this Rule be published in terms of the law. t true transcript from the minutes. September 30th, \F5 n . oct3 w6m J- HN ‘HNSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Harris County: TVA r > months uter tale application will be made to the Honorable ourt of Ordinary of ‘1 arris county for leave to se'l three Negroes, viz: Essex, Milas,and Annabella, be longing to Grant and John F. Cone, minors of John F.Cone, deceased. A F. PoLLARD, Oct 20—w2m Guardian for said Minors. GEORGIA, Muscogee county. Court of Ordinary , July Term 1857. ORDER NISI.— Whereas William W. Shipp, administra •atoron the estates ot John Parkma . dec’d, having ap plied for dismission from said administration: ito therefore ordered, that all pers ns concerned, shew cause, If any they have, why said administrafor should not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to beheld in and for said county on the id Monday in January next.andthat this >rder be published in terms oi the law. A true extract from the minutes, July Btb, 1857. July 11,1857—w6m JNO. JOHNSON, Ord. Executor’s Sale. TTITILL be Fold on the first Tuesday in January ne VV beloie the Court House door in Hamilton, Hams county, Ga., THIRTY NEGROES, belonging to the es tate of [lardy Crawford,* late of said county, deceased The fiell hands are equal to any iu character and value ; the cooks arid house servants cannot be excelled Persons desinng to buy Georgia raised negroes, would do well to be present, as the legatees will not be particu aily in the market. Terms of sale 12 months credit, with interest, and good personal security *4 AR - PIN J* CRAWFORD. Lx r. N >y. 21, 1857. w^ds GUARDIAN'S SALE BY virtue of an order of the Ordinary of Chattahoo chee county, will be sold at the Market House in the City of Columbus, on th first ‘Tuesday in January next, within the usual hours of sale, Lot of land No. 62 in the Bth District of Muscogee, whereon Wil y Cannon, dec and, lormerly lived. Also a negro man about forty years old, —sold for the bendfit of Andrew vV Cam-on, minor. ‘Terms—Credit of 12 month:- with *o,-d security Nov. 17—wtds ANDREW M. SHCPPARD, Guardiam GEORGIA, Rndolili County. TWO M >nii.h O’ .r tile application will be made tothe ou*rabv. ;>utt>i ; imaiy of Randolh county for leave to sell one of * .r- >ea >e-ongingto the estate Dav and B. Kirkland, late of- ;;d county, ece&aed; for the pur pose of pa dects. and effecting a division of sain es tate _ J AOOB .7MiT!I, Adm’r. Georgetown, Ga. Nov 3, 18.57 w‘2m. GEORGIA — TaIbot County. EXECLTOK’B SALE.- Agreeably to the lust will and tea lament of R >bert Duncan, ol said county, deceased, will be sold be ore the * ourt House door in sail county, during the iawh 1 hours of sale* on the first Tuesday in January next: The Tract of Land near Valley Grove Church, containing about eighty acres oi Land; a part of Lot No not kuown, ad joining lands of Doctor the west and south. D. R. Russell on the east,and Thomas Smith on the north, in said county, belonging to said estate; also, the following negroes, to-wit: —Lazarus.a man about twenty five years old; Mariah a woman about twenty e ght years old: Lotty, a woman about eighteen >ears old; Amo, a boy about fifteen jearsold; Mary, agiriabout thirteen years old: Ann, agirl*boui twelve years old; Elbert, Sam and Al!* n, a babe about five months old; the last tour all the children ot Mariah. Terms made known on day of sale JOHN S. DUNCAN, ) Executors CE< >RGE M. DUNCAN, i Lxecutors Cusseta,Ga., N0v.17 —wtds. DR. JOKES’ mm iiiiipp The best Medicine for Piles & Costiveness Ever offered to the Public- See the following extract of a letter just received: Americus, Ga., August 28,1857. DR. JONES—Sir: I have sold nearly all your Pile Syrup, and it seems to cure every time. I sold one bottle to a gentleman tha*, had been afflicted with Piles tor twelve years, and he could nurdiy get about at the lime he got the botiie, outheisnow perfectly well • MOL AIR Druggist. READ AGAIN: Columbus, Ga., January 10. 1857* DR. JONES—After being troubled with Piles abou? three years, l was cured by taking three of your justly celebrated Syrup. ISRAEL F. BROWN. AND AGAIN: Russei l County. Ala.. September 2,1857 l)r .0. II lONE4—After suffering about four years with Piles, and sometimes very severely, 1 am happy to state ! was cured y using one bottle ? of your Pile Syrup. It is theonly medicine that ever did my Piles any permanent good It does not leave the bowels costive, as most other chathartics do T. K 1 A vl IS. This and much other testimony on hand, and accompany ing each bottle, ought U induce'every one havin ‘ tueseob st in ate diseases to try one bottle, others have been cured aud you cau be Price, $1 per Bottle. in Columb :s by Messrs. Brooks te Chapman, Pem berton & Nucaolls, Nance & Gesoer, Damorth, Nagel & <;o-, and Da. id Young. Merchants and Druggists will bo supplied by sending their orders to Dr. C. H. JONES, Columbus, Ga. Sept 15 1857. w&twtf PI'OF. DeGHAT'H’> CDO.II . BENJAMIN FRANKLIN AND PROF..DEGRAI H. tpifANKLIN brought electricity from the heavens to earth, but it remained for Prof. DeGrath to app v that electricity to the relief of diseased aud suffering mot tals—diseases that heretofore baffled the physicians old treatment, such as Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Pains, Stiff Joints, Deafness, Swellings, Palsy, Piles, Skin Diseases &e , are now cured by Prof. DeGrath’s electric oil, in one and two days Read this letter from a physician who ha? practiced since 1812—(too well known for comment:) Prof. DeGrath, Philadelphia. Sir—At irtervals, during thirty years past, my wile has been subject to Rheumatism of the most violent cast—say four times a year—sometimes so severe as to render it nec essary to administer large doses of the tincture of guia cum and morphia, and to rock her like an infant in a large rocking chair, to induce any repose. Having fre quent correspondence with my son. (No. 103 Chesnut st„ of your city,) I informed him of an attack she had about the middle of lastmonth, (January) which was of such se verity, as to completely paralyze the system. He, in his anxiety for his mother’s welfare,sent me a bottle of your Klectrie Oil; but as I am one of the practitioners of med icine in our place, and not a proselyte to any kind of pa tent medicine, 1 did hesittate to give it a trill; however, on reflection, I concluded to try it, which I did.ef petmona, directly up to the le ter, and after the third or fourth appli cation, she became rather passive, and before one third of th. bottle was used, not a single vestige of the disease re mained in the system,and shestill continues well, although .he rode out a distance of fourteen miles without a renewal of any of the symptoms. I therelbre teel it my duty for the sake of sufferiug humanity, and also fully believing that merit, under all circumstances, should be rewarded,to lorwatd this testimonial. I am yours, truly, JOSEPH P ELKINTON, M. D. New Gretna P. O Burlington Cos., N J. P. S. —Any communication for me will be received by addressing to the care ol my son, (merchant] 103 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, May 16.1856. Prof. DeGrath —I have been the victim many years ol a R lieumatic affection, and 10-t the use ot my limbs. I could not raise my hand to my head, in short, I was total ly helpless I applied your Electric Oil,and before 1 had used one bottle I was perfectly ret sored” You may re fer any sufferer to me. MRS. E. HUTCHENS, Seventeenth and Thompson street, firs. Hutchins is well known in Philadelphia, and can be addressed on the subject by any one. CAUTION. There are numerous imitations sprung up on the reputa tion that my article has acquired. The public must be ware. They are worthless. Sold Wholesale and Retail by BROOKS At CHAPMAN, (sign of the Negro and Mortar, corner ot Broad ana Ran dolph Streets,) sole agents for Columbus, and by Dr - gists and Country Merchants Generally Nov. 15, 1857—wiSrtw2m. ECONOMY ITSELF! I WOULD most earnestly callj the attention ot the public to the use of this well tried SOUTHERN REMEDY for all Bowel Diseases,in any aud all of their forms, Flux* Dysentery, Diarrhoea. Chronic or Accute; the result ol Mea sles, &c.,or Children Teething, or any derangemei t ot the bowels. As much hinnhuguery as there may he in the world, I know the citizens of * olumbus and vicinity have used this medicine time and again with more success than an 4 remedy nowin use. My neighbors shall make the verdict. I only ask atrial; that will tell for its merits. Please call at Gunby &. Co’s, orner, or at ray residence by day or night, Sunday or Monday, and I will take great pleas ure in stating to you such facts as will satisfy any unprejudi ced mind of the above facts With fevers or inflamation, no danger. Innocent in its na ture, iileaves the system aid bowels in a healthy condition, aud leaves no bad results to follow. I am only asking the people to give ita fairtrial 1 only ask you to use it and use it thereis no danger in it,, ft is the cheapest remedy in the world, at least in this country. Liberal reductions made to dealers; or to any one taking it oy the dozen. All or ders will meet with prompt attention. Very Respectfully, JACK SMITH. -it Gunby 4 Co.’s Corner,Columbus, Ca May 22. 1857—w&twtf FOR nALE. Subscriber has on hand a few STI LLS for manun tu i. ring Peacii Brandy or Whisky, which he will s"Fvery low. ALSO, Tin, Sheet Iron and Japan Ware, tivery iescription, which can be bought at the low es rates, one *n short notice and on liberal terms. J. B. HICKS, Agent, juviH wiwti Next door below 4k Sans Souci” Rroad-s- BACON!BACON! 10,000 lbs. Choice Tennessee Bacon, Just received and for sale by JEFFERSON & HAMILTON. September 2, )856—wtf UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. Athens. Nov. 13, 1857, r l"'hc next term ot this institution wil] commence on the .1 15th day of January 1858. For admission into the Freshman Class at that time, an applicant must be able to read with ease Cicero’s Commen taries, Cicero's Orations, Virgil. Sallust, and at least two books of Ovid, Greek Reader, Greek Testament, two books of Xenophon’s Anabasis, and first book of Herodotus ; and have a correct knowledge of Greek and Latin Grammer, including Prosody, English Grammar, Arithmetic, and Geography, Algebra through equations of the first and sec ond degrees, powers and root.. For admission into the Freshman Class next August, candidates will be required, in addition to the above, to have read two mo e books of the Anabasis, two books of Homer’s Iliad, through the subjects of Ratio and Propor tion in Algebra, and three books of Davies’ Legendre’s Geometry. The Fac ’lty consists of the following officers. A. Church, D D. Ptesident and Prof. Mor and Ment. Phil, and Polit. Eeom. Rev. P H. Mell, A. M. Prof. Ancient Language and Literature. Wms. Rutherford, A. M. Prof. Mathe. Astronomy and Civil Engineering. John D Easter, Phil.-Dr Prof. Nat Phil, and Ghent. Richard M. Johnston, A. M. Prol. Belles Lettres, Evi dences of Christianity and History. Jos Jones, M. D. “Prof. Nat Science. Daniel Lee, M, D , Terrell Prof Agriculture. Hon Joseph H. Lumpkin, L. L. D., Prof. Law. Wm. H. Waddel, A. M., Tutor in Languages. Wm. D Wash, A. M,, Tutor in Mathematics, Novt 21 1857. vv6t SASTMIS & ROONEY’S FUIiNITURE EMPORIUM, COLUMBUS, GA. c liiSlimillSllK; i S SAIAMISB. ROONEY’S - rifiiiiiafiDMiliSii * - ISgiiiHllißi’lga: 3HHI PIANO FORTES, FROM CELEBRATED MAKERS FrRNITFRK OF ftVfcRY INSCRIPTION, CARPETTING AND CURTAINS, Constantly on hand and for sale. Columbus, April 14. wtf PAINTS, OILS, &c. &c Tlie National Wlitte Lead and Zinc Col OF NEW YORK. 4 RE prepared to offer a full and complete assortment ot jTjL White Lead, Zinc. Oils, Window Glass, and articles in the Paint line generally,of prime quality andon most favor able terms The well established reputation o the Company and the particular attention the quality of articles manufactured, together with desire to fill ail orders on most favorable terms to customers, present inducements to pur ebasnrs not Generally offered el sew here. t >rder-* addressed to t v *e undersigned will have prompt at enlion and meet with immediyo- despatch. “ HRIBTAL & DONAHUE, augl—wfim i.J6 Pearl Street New York. ohantokr’S MAGIC COM & COB MILL. rHE undersigned having beer appointed agents for the & above celebrated Mill,call the attention of Planters to ts| great superiority overall others. The friction rollers, the spiral spring and the lever, being attached to the shell oroutside. give* it a steadiness of mo tion, possessed by no other mill of its kind, and we have pro ven to the satisfaction ot all who witnessed its performance, that it requires less horse power Purchasers can see the mill in successful operation by call ing at our Warehouse. GREENWOOD & GRIMES, uolumbus,Julv B—wtf KEROSENE OILS. DISTILLKD FROM COAL (NOT KXRI.OSIVK ) SECURED Y LETTERS PATENT. a HE ifferent grades of these Celebrated oils, suitable for machinery of all kinds, Binnacle and Family use, can be bad ot the undersigned, aiso of the Wholesale nil Dealers, and Druggists in the 'ity of New York, and of the authorized Local Agent ot tue Company in this place. AUSTINS, GENERAL AGENTS KEROSENE OIL OOMP’Y. No. 50 Beaver-sl, New York. Local Agesicies granted on application as above, orders should specify the description >f lamp or machinery for which the oil is wanted. June 9—wlv. LAND FOR SALK. .ggJF Til L Subscriber offers so • sale about 4:000 acres jggfcol’ Land,comprising 700 acres bottom land, about acres fertile hammock, 600 to 900 acres now cultivation, in good repair and welt watered—the balance good oak, hickory and pint-land, with an < xcellent range for stock. The improvements are a good dwelling h< useand all nec essary buildings for plantation purposes- These lands are located on Pci River, in Barbour and Pike Counties, on the Roud leading from Louisvilh to Monticeilo by “Hobdy’s Bridge,” aud will be sold LOW FOR CASH,and in jiantiiies to suit Purchasers. Also the entire stock of cat tle, hogs and sheep,are offered for sale. Persons wishing to purchase, can gam all information by examining tbepremises ana consumi.gine su scriher. h.HOBBY, Jnlyl—wtf Ptk. 1 ounty, Ala. PARTNERSHIP. rpH E Firm of J. ENNIS feCC., will be continued at the old 1 stand by the undersigned, who have this day entered in to Partnership.forthe put rose ot carrying on tin HARDWARE TRADE, under thenameand firm oiJ. ENNIS sl UO,,aud where they intend to keepconstanth on hand a genera! assortment ot Hardware) Cuttlcry, 4kc. Thank'ulto their friends ana customersfor past favors, they would solicita continuance of the same They also invite the public generally to givethem a call J. ENNIB, J• A. FRAZIER. Columbus Ga. Oct 1J855 wtl Great Bargains! 91 AM offering for .sale in Pike Conn ty A1a.,9u0 acres of good *>ak and Hickory land interspersed with long leafed pine. There is 3ooacresot cleared land. The place isin good condition.withtwocomfortable frame dwellings, j two store houses,(the storehousesform a portion of the vi 1— i iage of Monticeilo) gin house, etc. I will sell all together or in quantities to suit pnrchasi rs | lam aiso offering for sale 240 acres oi th< same quality of | land,three milesfrom Monticeilo, about sixty acrescleared.- j For particulars address me a! Monticeilo, Ain septß—wi f B. J. WEBT. A Splendid Cottun Plantation, FOR SALE. l'offer for gale mv Plantation, lyingon Mill Creek partly iu Baker and partly in Earlv counties. Th = place contains Two Tlioiisaiici Acres of the very first quaiitv .i Land; 400of which is cleared and in a fiuestae oi cultivation. It also has on it a geod saw and ~opuUr gris: mil l , as new gin house and screw, and all necessary cabins, Ac The place is weii watered, healthy and in a fine neighborhood. For terms app'y to Bamuel McC’ary, of Foil Gaines, Ga.,or gto the subscriber ai Cataula, [Harris county, Ga. BENJAMIN T. . OWE. November 3d, 1857—w2m. PLANTATION FOR SALE. “ r T'' H E subscriber offers for sale his Plantation in Russell A County, Alabama-distant from Columbus 16 miles, and about lour from the Mobile <fc Girard Railroad. It contains 1280 acres, a portion of which is cleared and is well adapted to the growth ot corn and cotton. It ad joins tlie lands of John Billups, Thomas Anderson and others. The improvements consist of a framed dwelling, with two rooms, a very large framed barn, gin house and screw, overseers house, &,e. Th e neighborhood is as good as any in Alabama. It will be sold low. • For terms apply to Col. James A. Turner, of Oswichee, Aia ,or to the subscriber,at Augusta, Ga. Mr. Read, the overseer on the place, will show the land to any one wishing to see it. WILLIAM J. HOLT. August 29, 1857—wtf. FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE. RVyVVNl'he subscribers will continue the Commission Busi sjgß&Sness at the old stand of Greenwood Hardaway & Cos. Particular attention will be given to the sale of Cotton.— Cash advances made. Bagging and Rope supplied at mar ket rates. Also, a heavy article of Cotton Osnaburgs, Cot ton Rope and Mattrasses of the best quality. We have on hand a few of Gtanger’s Magic Corn and Cob Crushers, for which we are agents. Aug. 8, 1857-wly GREEN WOOD & CO. Lands for Sale. rHE Subscriber wishes to sell his Plantation in Webster county—Bso acres where he lives, well improved; 180 acres in a high state of ‘cultivation, with a good merchant’s mill just finished, gin house and screw, al! on the same stream, ,/iil necessaty ’outbuildings. ! also have ont sepa rate lot of land, with asmalljimprove.uent on it, The whole possession is on Briar <’reefe, four miles easi of Weston, 33 miles west of \mericus. Persona wishing to purchase a place will do well to make application soon. Sept.B—wtf JOHN BOYD, dacon Telegraph will copy till forbid and forward account, . Land Warrants Wanted- THE subscribers are paying the highest market price for Land Warrants. Call and see us. J. ENNIS <V. CO. Columbus, June 27- wtt COMPOU D FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU A reliable remedy in all diseases of tlie Urinary and Gen ital Organs. Persons suffering from Pain in the Bade and Loins, Infl imation of the Kid neys or Bladder, Strangury, Leucorrhcea or Whites, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Gravel, irregularities. Ob structions or Discharges, Indicating more or less disease of those organs, should use RISLEY’S BUCHU, according to the directions which accompany it. There are probably no diseases so destructive to the health and happiness, and everything appertaining so cially, morally and especially to the human subject, as some oi the diseases of these organs. The attention of physicians is especially invited to this most convenient as well as effective and pleasant remedy in the many delicate and often difficult cases for which they have to orescribe. Every physician will readily ap preciate its value, and no one who has ever used it in his practice will ever do without it Sold in Columbus by Dr. D. Young, and country mer chants generally. Price $ I per bottle. Sold at wholesale by BARREL, RISLEY& KITCHEN, 72 Barclay Street, New York. dec!7—wtw3m Wholesale Druggists. HATS! I|||J| HATS! M HO HATS. F. LA HD ON, TN addition to his usual full supply ot Gentlemen’s and Children’s Halt, of all the latest styles and qualities ; has now an extraordinary supply ol NEGRO HATS, of very excellent quality, aud very cheap. <’all and see Nov 18. 1857. w,Uw6w ~ DiSSOLUroN. ‘O’ c<‘parlue. .’ p m “id i.p txistu u under (lit and I *f Mrtrr.sun .v M • • hee. was this day dissolved by met j.ilc r, nt. Tho*** indebted t<- the firm wil* utease make im i -aia:. i aym-i.t, ami those holdi. g claim* against it are recue-Vc:., to pteser.i thvtii wi bout delay. 0. S. HAKRISON, \ r M c.BMEL. Columbus, June 23,1857. —wtwti A. K AYER, General Agent, Auction, Commission, Re ceiving, and Forwarding Merchant, xVO 131, WEST SIDE BROAD STREET. PARTICULAR attention given tothe keeping, pur chase and sale of Negroes. Administrator’s and Ex ecutor’stSalesattended toon reasonable terms Columbus Ga ,Oct. 13, 1855, t_wtl__ THE GREAT ENGLiSH REMEDY. THORN’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CO PAIR A AND SARSAPARILLA, possesses advantages riot enjoyed by any other medicine for She cure of sexual diseases, which must with an enlightened public render it assuredly highly popular, and a desideratum long sought for in the medical world. It needs no confine ment or change of diet. In its approved form, that of paste, it is entirely ta-t iess, and causes no unpleasant sensation to the patient. It has acquitted the utmost fame in almost ev ery part of Europe ; it has been examined, approved of.and sanctioned by the lacuity of medicine, and recommended by ihe most eminent of the profession. Prepared byJ.B THORN, Chemist, London, and for sale, wholesale and retail, by John A. Tarrant & Cos , Agents tor the Uuited States, 278 Greenwich street, New York As the above valuable preparation lias been extensively counterfeited by unprincipled parties in the United States, the proprietor has adopted, as a precaution against imposi tion on consumers, a Label, of which the following is a tac simile, and which will be found burnt in upon the bottom ol each pot of the genuine intended for sale in tlie United States, Canada, British Provinces, West Indies, and South. Amsrica. / CHEMIST.rX h LONDON \ / J JOHN.A.TARRANT •] l - NEW YORK. ij AGENT. 7 V7> v FOR THE The stamp around each pot will also bear names of the proprietor the United States at/ents Druggists and Dealers will observe on each dozen pack ages the 101 l owing label : Important Caution. The increased reputation and grea enu o ompmiu uxtiaet -f Copaiba and Sarsaparilla, have been inducements for others to offer imitations of this valuable medicine. Venders are particu larly warned of this fact, that, they may be on their guard, and not dispose of any impure article, calculated to injure their reputation, and destroy the. merits of the original pre paration, to obviate which the Subscriber (successor to James Tarrant, by whom it was first introduced into the Uuited States) has attached his signature, to this caution, to counterfeit which is forgery John A. Tarrant. Address orders for tlie above article, with full directions for shipment to JOHN A TARRANT & CO., Druggists, No 278 Greenwich, cor. Warren Si, N. Y. Oct 7. 1857 —wtwly. CINCINNATI DISTILLERY. ~ f PIKE’S \ / Q/tagno-lLa j I WHISKEY i \Cincinnati / OHIO.y/ /jSJ <A jo no | S.N. PIKE’S J CELEBRATED jj \Q/KacjitoUa7f/Liskey/J COUNTERFEIT, CAUTION TO PARTIES PURCtIASINe S. N. PIKE’S MAGNOLIA WHISKY, Cincinnati, Oliio. I>H F. undersigned, m liulaeturer and sole proprietor of the above u ano oi Whisky, would respectlully inform his customers and purchasers o*( this celebrated brand that there has appeared in the Charleston and other Southern markets, a counterfeit o? the above lfthi*ky. being a poisonous imita tion, branded similar to his brand. It passes under the name of S. N. Dike’s .Magnolia Whisky, Cincinnati,Ohio, and oth er names similar to S. N. Pike. As there is no party in this city by the named S.N. Dyke,it is intended to impose and ueceive those who would purchase the genuine brand, I make thi- statement to put parties on their guard, as there are several persons in the east-and west makingan imitation, ana using my name with asi ivht alteration. I have analyzed sev eral samples of this counterfeit, brand, and found that if con tains a deadly poison. This fact clone in pels me to cau tion the public to protect those who ere liable to be deceived, and prevent tlie evil results attending the u.e of this poison ous imitation. I also hereby caution the counter'eiters ol my brand.that I will prosecute them to the full extent of the law. T-egenuine B.N. PikeV Magnolia Whisky is distilled trora the best qualifies oi Ryeand Corn, and is wammledlree from deletoriousorobnoxious compound, it being a pure, and healthy beverage. ‘•'any parties have recently commenced making a brand of Whisky called Va ‘*<•>.}-,. hut they are an imitation of y trade brand g-> ue careful and gel the only genuine Magnolia Whisk* made in the United Ftates, and distilled only by me. SNMUEL N. PIKE. 1G &• 2ft Sycamore Street, Cincinnati. Ohio. J une 24 1857—w&twly. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benovolcnt Institution, established by sj)ecial endow ment for the Relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. TO all persons who are afflicted with sexual diseases such as Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gon orrhoea, (Reel,: Syphlilis. the vice of Onanism, or Self Abuse, &c. fee. The Howard Association, in view ol the awful destruction of human life, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a charitable act wort hy of their name, to open a Dispensary forthe treatment of this class ot diseases, in ail their forms, and to give medical a . vice gratis, to all who apply by letter with a description of their condition, (age occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in case of extreme poverty, to furnish medi eines free • f charge. It is needless to add that the Associa tion commands the .highest Medical (skill of the age, and will furnish the most ap]-roved modern treatment. The Directors, on a review ot the past, feel assured that their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort, have (.been of great benefit t the afflicted, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important but much despised cause. Just published by the Asso nation, a Report on Spermator rhoea, or Seminal Weakness. the Vice of Onanism, Mastur bation or Self Abuse, and other diseaes of the Sexual Organs, by the ConsultingS rgeon, which willbeseDtby mail (in a sealed letter *envellope,) free of charge on the receipt of two Stamps for Postage. Address, for Report or Treatment, Dr. GEORGE R. (’Ah- HOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, Number 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Penn. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. HARTWELL, President. Cborqe Fairchild, Secretary. nov3—wtwSril. CARROLLTON SMS® OffiMFLlTOTril;, JOHN H. LEAK, A. 8., Piesident. THE Exercises of this Insitution wiU open on | jgffi first Wednesday iu January 1858. have a commodious|buildihg,*good socie and a healthful a i cation as any in Georgia. The course of study will be thorough and exten sive, both in the Male and Female .Departments. Board eight dollars per month, tuition reasonable. We hope to receive a liberal patronage from the Masonic fraternity an<l the public {generally. VVewill makeit tothe interest of all who patronize Institution. For particulars, address John K*Leak, Oxford, Ga.or the undersigned at Carrolton, Ga. D. B.THOMASON, W.M. J.T.MRADOR, S. W decs wst J. M. REDWINE, J. W. Kentucky Bagging. A HEAVY article of this desirable Bagging is offered I for sale at the same price of “India.” Oct. 27—w2m By KING & SORSBY. ‘ PIANO FORTES, ■FROM CKLF.H'I A TED MAKERS. WRAPPING and news paper OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES FOR Sx LE AT Rock Island Paper Mill Office. IN FRONTOF PALACE MILLS Es lis CASH. iuneJ6wtwtl PILES! PILES! PILES! This hitherto intractable, disease of every form and in every staye Cured by External Application only. Dr. Cavanaugh's • C: and U a-i n/s^ \ \riLL neverfail in giving immediate relief, and posi VV tively curing the worst and most obstinate cit es of Hemorrhoids or Piles. It is the ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDY KNOWN here or els where for the Piles, and is the result of years patient study and investigation Sufferers from Piles now have a remedy at hand, which will STAND THE TEST OF TRIAL, without a fear ol failure on its part, to do all the proprietor claims for it. Full directions accompany each box; arid that all is re quisite is strictly to observe them, and a cure is certain to follow. The proprietor refers to the following testimonials trom gentlemen of character and standing, who have voluntari ly given their certificates in its favor, in regard to its effi cacy in their own cases. ‘ Read them. The following is from one ot the most reliable citizens of Chicago, the late Treasurer of Cook county,llf: Chicago, July 25, 1855. Dr. Cavanaugh—Dear Sir: 1 wish hereby to make known to the afflicted that I have been troubled with the Piles for twenty years or upwards, and at times most se verely. And during a recent and most painful attack, a friend procured a box of your Salve and asked me to give it a trial. I did so. Not,however, with the expectaiion of benefitting my disease,lor truly, I have tried so many applications I had lost confidence in all. But in making use of your Salve, I soon found that it was doing me good; and really it is incredible to myself, that with only about two weeks use of your Salve, 1 am, as far as I can judge,a well mail. I most cheerfully make this statement, believing it is due both to yourself and such as may be afflicted with this most trying and painful disease. Ido not hesitate to say that I consider your preparation an invaluable remedy for the Piles. Most sincerely yours. N. H. HEALD The Hon. Richard Y ates, late member of Congress from th. Springfield (III.) district,says: Jacksonville, 111. Nov. 15, 1855. Dr. Thomas H Cavanaugh—Dear Sir: The preparation Cavanaugh’s Pile Salve, which you furnished,! found of great service, producing an easy and speedy cure. I do not hesitate to recommend it as an invaluable remedy for the Piles. Respectlully, RICHARD YATES. The following from Rev. B. F. Bristow, is a sufficient recommendation in itself: Jacksonville, 111. Dec 15, 1854. Dr Cavanaugh—l conceive it to he a duty 1 owe to the afflicted to make known the invaluable virtnes and reme dial efficiency of your Pile Salve. I was for several weeks afflicted with that psinlul and loathsome disease, the Piles. After having exhausted my patience in trying various pre scriptions of physicians and others without receiving any benefit, by the st-o-gmeommennat on of your Salve by my friend, the Hon. Richard Yates, I was induced to try it. 1 am happy in saying an application ot your salve for three days, perfected an entire cure. Respectlully yours, B. F, BRISTOW. The following is the voluntary testimony of an eminent physician with a large and extensive practice: Jacksonville, 111., Nov. 13,1854. Dr. T H. Cavanaugh—Dear Sir: Having for some time heard of the cures performed hy your Pile Salve, I re commended it to many persons to give it a trial; and they have reported themselves to me as entirely cured, or great ly relieved by its use. Yours truly, E. J. DUNLAP, M.D. Chicago, August 30,1855. Dr. T H. Cavanaugh (Present.) Dear Sir:—When I arrived in this city a few da-’r ago, 1 was suffering intensely with the Piles. I mentioned my condition to you asking your advice. You recommended your PileSalve,saying it would cure me. I tried it—the effect w-asimmediate,and lam now well. I believe it to be, as it proved in my case, an invaluable remedy, and a sure curelorthat disease, the Piles, and as such, recom mend it to others. Yours truly, JOHN W. HANSON, of St. Louis, Mo. Price 81 per box. For sale in Columl us, by J. S. PEM BERTON & CO., and by Druggists aaj Dealers general ly. Dr T. H. CAVANAUGH Sole Proprietor. Febl4—wtwlv. St. Louis. Mo Clear the Track for the GE OR GIA ALCAH ES T. DUS. T. & N. L. GALLAWAY, HAV E invented a medicated compound lor the cure o all diseases of the Skin and Hair, which they honor with the name of the GEORGIA ALCAHEST ! A nienstrnm lona sought for and never obtained until now. It is a remedy of the South, and we ask of the South a fair trial of its virtues and effects on all the diseases we claim ior it—as a specific. Each week brings us tidings of cures perfected by it, that exceed our most sanguine ex pectations. It has no equal in preserving, restoring and beautifying the hair; eradicating Scurf and Dandruff’; pre venting Baldness and Grey Hairs; curing diseases of the Skin, Glands and Muscles, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, Stings of insects, Irritation and Swelling caused by poisonous plants, Erysipelas, Ringworms, Scaldhead Inflamed Skin, Prickly heat. Pimples, Scrofula, Tetters in all stages, Salt Rheum, Sore Throat, Shingles, Rough Hands, Periodical or Nervous Headache, Chapped Skin, Chilblains, and all external inflammations. VVewill give a lew vouchers to what it has done, and trust the Alcahest to herald its own fame when used. Monroe, Walton county, Geot* Alabama, Randolph County, J January 10th, 1857. \ Drs. T. ty N. L. Gallaway —As you requested me to state what time my hair began to fall off, 1 take pleasure in saying to you that in 1852, my hair began to look dead and fall off; the surface of my head became an entire scurf and all my hair dropped off by the time I saw you in Geo gia, 1855 The one bottle you sent to me while at my sisters (Mrs. McCurley’s)made a permanent cure of it.— The Scurf and Dandruff’ all fell off or disappeared, the se cond bathing, and before I left Georgia my hair was four or five inches long, and is this x ly as full and beautiful as ever, and more soft and lively; e ery person that beholds it thinks it oiled. It has been over- ighteen months since the bottle of Alcahast gave out. ld(. wish that all the afflic ted would give it a trial, as I hadt ied many remedies be tore, from eminent physician* - , all ithouteffect. JANE CARSON. O eorgia Walton County We, whose names are undersigned, do certify that we were witnesses to the above case, that it is true as Miss Carson has stated, when she left here her hair was as beau tiful and full, covering the whole head, as before diseased and resembled silk velvet. OVERTON G. McCARTY, SARAH McCARTY, SILAS RAY, PHENNIAH RAY. Georgia, Gwinnett County: Drs. T. b; N. L. Gallaway —My daughter, Mary Eliza beth was attacked with a Tetter on her head. I applied to three or four eminent physicians, each application only ser ved to aggravate it. She was so afflicted that she was compelled to sleep on her face. Her hair had nearly all fallen off. The one bottle of your Georgia Alcahest that I paid one dollar for, made a complete cure, and her hair instantly commenced a fresh growth, and as soon as natu ral laws would admit, she had a fine head of hair and is low as full and beautiful as ever; it has been well over two years. You are at liberty to use this—as all my neighbors will testify to the same. Yours truly, FIELDING HAMILTON. Georgia, Walton County. Drs Gallaway b; Son —My wife has been afflicted with Chilblains all over her neck and shoulders, in large lumps under the skin, none of them ever running as com mon biles, which threw her into a high fever, headache, &,c Hearing of your Georgia Alcahest, I procure la bottle, and to my great joy, it, in a very few days, made a cure, for which accept my best wishes for your success in so valuable a remedy, lhear its fame spoken of by every oerson that uses it as a specific for all the diseases you say it will cure Yours truly, W. W. PETERS, J. P. For sale n Columbus by D. Young, Danforth & Nagel, and Brooks &. Chapman. And also by Druggists gene rally throughout the country. June 24,1857 —w&twtf. Till Jl TY NEGROES FOR SALE. AGREEABLY to an order granted by the Hon. Court oi Ordinary of Stewart County, the subscriber will sell to the highest bidder, at the Court House in the town of Lumpkin, on the first Tuesday in January next, the fol lowing described negroes, to wit: Isaac, a good plantation smith, 70 years old; Milly wife ol Isaac, aged 55 years—these sold togeiher. Billy, a faithful and honest hand, aged fifty years; Rosa, Billy’s wife, aged 45 years—sold together. Sam, a first rate wagoner, aged 45 years; George, a good strong field hand, aged 24 years; Morgan an extra good hand, aged 38 years; Alfred, a strong hearty man, and pretty fair smith, aged 38 years; Jim, a smart man and good shoemaker, aged 36 years; Kob, a likely fellow and shoemaker, aged 29 years; Ambrose,a field hand,ag ed 35 years; Henry, a field hi nd, aged 32 years; Hilliard, a hoy, aged 12 years. Sarah, an extra smart young woman, aged 23 years; Ephraim, Sarah’s child,about 4 yeais old, Sarah's child at the breast,*6 months old—sold together. Rosette, a woman, 30 years tlld. Charlotte, an extra strong woman and good hand about 30 years old; Isabel, Charlotte’s child, a very smart girl, 9 years old; Doctor, Charlotte’s child, a boy, 7 years old, Charles, Charlotte’s child, a boy four years old, Maria; Charlotte’s child, a girld 2 years old, —sold together. Susan, Charlotte’s child, a likely girl, 15 years old; Em ily, Charlotte’s child, a girl about 11 years old. Sally, a woman, about 28 years old; Isaac, Sally’s child, about 4 years old; Augusta Ann, Sally’s child, 2 years old—sold together. Caroline, a young woman and good hand, 17 years old; Ellalair, a very good girl, about 17 years old; Phillis, an old woman, about 70 years old; Nancy, a woman, 65 years old. 1 he above described negroes, belonging to the estate of Joseph Sessions, late deceased, of Stewart county, and sold for the purpose of distribution. Terms cash. I W, L. MANSFIELD, Adm’r. Lumpkin, Oct. 29, 1857. aovlO-wtds J BEAD? MADE CLOTHING! 4T COST FOB CASH!!! i, &. -m 012 JBf UK. Wishing to reduce their stock, are now selling a large ami w oh-selected assortment AHD YOUTH’S MOT EMM C? LOTH 11’ J O-, AY SiiMYy fOF CASS. Our Goods are new and made up with the greatest cure, and of tue best material.-, THE EXTii.AOiilfliMAilY iJ VV I'J.E c>- at which they are now selling for CASH, afford unusual facilities to persons in neeu lyaAmasisi to get their WINTER’S SUPPLY cheaper than ever before in this section of countr Call and examine our Goods and Prices. I- -A. LROK.iA\ A CO Columbus, Ga., November 8, 1857. DiLLifyoHAifi t? omsom, ilave on hand and an: in oonHluid roceipt o! the late.-: .styles ot 35- XT 3F*. 3S2T X •OP* XT 3RI 3SS to which they now call the particular attenrioii of the citizens ot Columhu? :-1 adjacent countn yaWM-ft.’ Their FURNITURE, for excellence of t-t-le mm wmkmamhm.CJ. JpßHßcannot lie surpassed, and they fee! confident that all purchase! s .! will feel satisfied in the relation between the price and the value oi the article >: ni lor. TH KIR STOCK OF is large and these they offer at unprecedented low prices—cheaper than any other house in the city, (hall and satisfy yourselves of the faet. A large lot, of WALD PAPERING, of great, variety. A general assortment of MATS —some splendid <-ner- BASKETS, of every description, Window Shades, Gilt Con A-. C>:taii: L.-nds, V. illov Wa gons, Children’s Fancy Carriages, Looking Glasses in Gilt and Mahogany !'r„n.<also I t. Glass of all sizes. Large Square and Oyat Gilt Frame Minors, Feather Lusters, Health Brushes, ana Brooms, Some beautiful patterns of OIL CLOTH 1 ART E COVERS and Oil Clot: ( ov ers in the Piece, of several varieties Gilt Moulding for Picture Frames, Rosewood do do REPAIRING done expeditiously and substantially GEO. W DILLINGHAM JAMES M PC'SON Columbus, Ga., December 10. 18ft tv,! liijS a? aaaaaoaa, xt s u-rj, it IS NOW OFFER ED AT LHE in ©otisii iif mmm OF TLOB'BTTB, MEMOS & CvSop -125 Broad Street* Columbus, In consequence of the scarcity of money, ami their large Slock’ on hand, ‘mssjsi & Will sell, for the next sixty days, their entire Stock AT COST. The Goods are all new, of our own Manufacture, and selected with great care during tlie Summer and Fall. 11 tire invited to call and ex amine and judge for themselves. ROSETTE, ELi l K&. CO. Columbus, Ga, November 8, 1857. wtwtf 545*000 WORTH OF BEADY MIBB CLOT3IN&, TRUNKS AID VAUISES, Carpet Bags, Hat Cases, Umbrellas, Gent’s Traveling Blankets, Shawls, mmMmmim mmm SELLING OFF AT COST, FOR CASH AND CASH ONLY, BY J. Mo DANIEL & €©., 123 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Owing to the tightness of the Money Market, the subscribers have determined to offer their large and well-selected stock of goods for Gentlemen’s wear, at Cost for Cash or current Bank Bills, for thirty days, thereby enabling those who are in want of such Goods to supply themselves with the best articles manufactured in their line, at lower rates than ever before offered in any market. Tm@ is wo mjsjflEßoo. I FOH GASH ANB GASH O2OXYI Call, examine, aud see for yourselves. J. H. DANIEL. & CO. Columbus,?Ga., Noven ter 3, 1857. wtwtf and others wanting Goods for servants, would do w ell to call and examine our Stock. J. 11. D. &• CO. THE CITY MILLS. HAVE had thorough repair, and can now make as good FLOUR AND MEAL as any in the world, and ate ready for any quantity ot WHEAT AND CORN For which the highest prices will be paid. CUSTOM GRINDING ’ SOLICITED, and done with despatch JOHN JONES. Agent- Columbus, Au. 1 . 1857. —wt1. BUOWiPS HUTU, OPPOSITE THE PASSENGER DEPOT, MACON, GEORGIA. E. E. BROWN, PROPRIETOR, B. F. DENSE, Superintendent, t jr*Meals ready on the arrival of every Train. 2 Macon,(la., April 15,1856. wtf. PLANTATION FOR SALE, lofii-rlor sale the plantation owned by the late jsdjpT Mrs. Cook. It is 13 miles from Columbus, on the road and contains about 1,000 acres, of which about 400 acres are vto.odland. The buildings con sist of a substantial two story dwelling house, excellent barn, Gin House and Negro houses. 1 will take $6 50 per acre in two payments for it. II not sold before, I shall sell it in Hamilton on the ‘first Tuesday in October next, to the highest bidder. MARTIN J. CRAWFORD. Columbus, Aug. 18th—wtt. NOTICE. ALL persons holding claims against the estate of Geo. D, Moss, late of Muscogeecoumy, Ga., deceased, arc requested to present them to nte as early as practicable. ! Nov. 17—w4Ud JAS. F. BOZLMAN, Admr. A VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER having come to the con- to change his occupation, offers lor sale bis valuable tract of land, containing I*2lo acres more or less, lying in Jackson county, West Florida, and situated within one mile ot the Big Spring, and bordering upon the public road leading from Marianna to Tallahassee, aod upon said lands there is a quantity of lime and marl. These lands may be graded as follows : 600 *cres oak, hickory, and pine hamoc,64o acres good pine/and interspersed with oak and hickory, and 170 acres c/eared, nearly ail fresh and in a tine state of cultivation Upon the premises there is a good dwe ling, a splendid gin house and screw, new and in first rate repair, and all necessary buildings tor plantation purposes, and by wav ot accommodation to suit a purchas er, these lands would be divided so as to sell six or eight hundred acres or the whole, and in case of a division the improvements and best lands will be Deluded. The above lands are iertile, producing fine corn and cot ton, and situated m a beaut itVrl and healthy region of coun try, with fine water and a delightful atmosphere, and can be purchased at a moderate price, and upon accommodating terms. For further particulars apply t*> the undersigned re siding upon th* premi es, or address him at Marianna. Fla. Aug. 8-wtf JACOB H. POOSER. r pVO MONTHS afterdate application will be made 1 to the Court of Ordinary ol Talbot county, for leave to soli the Negroes belonging tt> the estate of Matthew Howell,late of said county, deceased J AMES HOWELL, Adm’r. Oct. 20,1857. w2m. KULE NISI. Talbot Court of Ordinary September Term, 1857. \\ f HKKEAB, Stephen Howeil, Administrator on the estate t t of Elisabeth Howell, applies to me for Letters ol Dismission from said administration: Be it ordered, That all persons concerned be and appear at the May Term next ensuing ol this Court,then and there to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should no f * granted, V wue extract Trom the minutes ol raid Coun* n October, 1857. MARION BETH UN E, Ordinary. oct2o—w6m