The Weekly times & sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 185?-1858, December 20, 1858, Image 4

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Til* O-JUJABUj UAIUf til a U published every morning (Sundaysexcepted .f at Sit Dollars per annum, m advance en Dollar* it not paid botv re the expiration 09 the year. * THE COLUMBUS WEEKLY TIMES Is published every TUKSWAY S’ at f*o Doll i'-- 1 P** annum ,-rncjly m advance. on Randolph street, opposite tkt i’osl Office. ADVd.-t flsltfa HATB3. Advenir*men's of tiv- lines oi Iw i rtthertW Pai;v or Weekly Tiimsr, will “ inserted at Oil eeii.-i tor the tir.-t insertion and 25 cents hr eacti tu ‘seq leni in-erlion A vertii*ments exceeding five lines will m chaiaed-10 cents lot the nrot and five cents pel line fir each s'.txequent insertion. Displayed adveitireineiiu will be charged for the space thev occupy. The following are the contracting rates chango *.|e at pleasure: WEEKLY KATES. !T *i W <S S No Oi I | 3 5 = 53 i 3 O O 0:0:0 —3 3 O O X li'ii'l'i ] 250 4 1)1 5 5.) 10 00 15 00 20 00 2 500 800 11 On 2 > 00* 25 00 30 00 3 75*11 00 MSO 25 00 3> 00 40 00 4.. . . 10 00 500 19 00 50 00 400,) 50 00 5.. 1 12 (O 17 00 120 0. 40 to 50 00 60 00 6 15 00 20 00 i 25 00 50 00 60 00 7() 00 7 ... 17 00 25 00 30 00 60 00 70 00 80 00 8.. 20 On3 .00 40 Ofi! 70 (06000 90 (0 10.. .; 25 0040 00 5 I_<KJ| 80 00| 9.. 00 100 oO * DAILY RATES. O to i Cl ■ O CO No.ol 3 3 33 33 g . § | i .1 § Eqr3 ’ F =f t | ff 1 S(X 700 900 13 00 17 00 z ■ (.0 2 9 0 12 00 14 00 18 00 23 00 30 <d 3.. 12 0 15 00 18 00 25 00 33 00 10 to 4 . 15 01 19 0 22 00 30 0040 0 50 f 0 5 18 M 25 00 30 00 40 00 5u 00 60 (0 6".!.’ 21 ()I 28 00 35 00 50 On 60 00 70 ‘0 7 25 lu 33 00 41 00 60 o 70 00 80 1 6 8 30 0( 8 0(* 46 00. 70 0 1 ’ M) 00 90 (0 10.. 4. n 50 I Q 3d On 80 00 90 on 100 < 0 Sales ul Laud and Aegroea, by Admitiisirc tors,Execu ors and Guardmue, are required b,( law to be held o’n the lirst Tuesday in the nion.h between the hours ol ten in orenooo andthrre in tie literuiron, cl the Coart House in hecoun'.y in which the property is situate. Notices of th no mas m t be givei in a public gazet e lortv days orevious totheday ol sale. Notice tor the sale of Personal property mml be given at least ten days previous to the day if ■ale. Not ice to Debtors and Creditors of an Esta e mt-d he üblisbed forty days. Notice that application wd I he made to tie Court ot Ur unary lor leave to sell Lanu or No groes, most he p iblished weekly lor two months. Citations for Lettersol Administration must I e published tmrtv and rys-for Dismission from Ar.- ministration,moooi. y fix n.unths —tor Disimssicn fro n iu i.'dianshfp, forty days. Rules lor foreclosure ol Morgage must 1 e published nonth’y tor four months—for t-stab fuVn’ lost pi ier. for he lull space ol thne months—for compelling titles Irom Execute s or A i-nimstriiiors, where a bond has been givm by the 1 .ceased, the full space of three months. Publications will always be continued ae? cording to t rose, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered. TIMES aso© Jim PItINTINPr OFFICE, Rt i3o.pi Street, Cos umbu, Georgi; . UaVIN’G in successful oremtiun one oi HOE & CO’S CYLINDER PRESSES RUlfflflSG BY STEAM, VTe are prepared to exec Re, at short n rtiee.eveiy dcser prion if BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, iannsur|iaseil tyl-,as cheaply as can be dene anywhere in the South. We iiav-on hvi Ia Urge variety of NE if J O II T V P E, an I shall keep a emislani sup ply of PL UN AND FANCY PAPER, C UtlfS, Ac. t>ur lac.lilies for turning off this kind of work, tvi'ii prorn;> ness and despaicli, will make if great ly to the interest of persuas in want of POSTERS, HANDBILLS, * ClltC U I.ARS, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, BOYDS, DECLARATION'S. BANK CHECKS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS. DRAY RECEIPTS, BLANK NOTES, CATALOGUES, LABELS, WAYBILLS, Blanks of every description, &c. &c. Aim RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT Blank-. (wive ns a call. This Dsoiriineo’ of oar office is under the su penntegdenc-! d‘ Mr D 8 Portkr, whose long ptiierirnce ami acknowledged rejmiaimn as n Job Prui'er.are a sufficient gutrant-e that all work entrusted m bis rare will be executed withei ergy and fitiihfulaejw. Wt* Inve now in connection with the office a complete BOOK BIHjBIHY, and ho vine recently secured t he services of Mr.E. M. Clark (lateof Philadelphia,) in this branch c} our business, we pledge ourselves to give th roost i*erlect satisfaction in the manufacture of Ledgers Account Bsoka, Dockets Court R cords. Steamboat and Rail Road Blank B.oks, &c. We intend n**t to be oiitdoiie in the style and finish ot ur work, in either department, by an ■ establishment South, and that v\e maybe abl3 to in ikt* our pro-essatisfactory, we have adopted the CASH SYSTEM. S hi l<t. \***. R. f.U.IS & CO. MUSCO O-E BK, ~ IR_ CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON anti after 15th July I>sß. Hie Evening Mail Tr tin will leave Columbus at 3.45 p. m., and ar rive ai M i *n at y.lB p. m. L-ave. M icon at 0.45 a. m. arrive at Columbus at 3.4 > p. in. Tue Morning M til Train wi.l leaye at 4.00a. m. an arriw a> M i on y. 50 a. in. Leave Macon 11.45 p. m. arrive at Columbus at 3.35 a. in. g J. L. MUSTIAN, Supt. Columbus, July 15—dwtf. CHANGE OF BCHI DULE. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. MONTGOMERY AND WEST POINT KAIL llOtU CtbHI'ANY. MONTGOMERY, Nov. 19.1857. ON ®nd after tl is dale the Passenger Trains on tbit wi.i be g>verned by the lunovving richedule DAY TRAIN: Leave M ‘mgouiery at a. m. Arrive Wcm l*nni p. ni. Amve at Columbus 2.51 p. in, Rettirmm— Leave W*i Pcwt \>A a., in. L ave Lai.uiubiis il.du am Arrive at Montgomery 4.t0 pm. NIGHT TRAIN: Lnve M.ititcoaiery 5.20 p. m. Arnve ai \N I'.-int a m. Co.unhus 100 a. in. Retuniing—Leave West I*< hit 7 , p. m. Leave X.uaibus “U|uii. Ar.ivtf ai M *mg4mcry m. TLr ugii ticke.scan ne obtained (f.r Douh.e Daily Cm:f ttuns) n Atlanta, Cliauam oga and Nashvine. and dai.v to liuuuvide. Me:upl is and Kn. 8. G. JO.NEB Jui> it), —dltwid Engineer &. Bu,t. A GKFAT 13 Alt GAIN! THE Subscriber#* h.ivins now purchased the euu re property of the Coweta Kails Mauu laciurm j Company, otler the atine for sale. Il is o eotmcbesi situations lor Vhilmg and Manu factur ng purpo>es in the whole country, and will tie sol J on long credits, and tnem >.-t Tiller of Wauantr© will he made. SEABORN JONES. fALLJ. SEM VIES, JOHN i,. MUS IT AN, Jane 10. —wtwtf JAHB-i vV WaRRF.N SEED OATS, A LARGE SUPPLY constantly en hand, from the Middle Suites, where the Ruet did not prevail 00(30 w2tp GUN BY A CO. SCHOOL NOTICE. /aj. The Female School at Waverly Hal!, for the ensuing year, will be conducted by Mrs. Foster, aided by Miss Black.* Tuition per yevir <>/ Ten Month*. For Spelling and Reading, . . $lB 00 The same with elementary Oeography and Aritbmefic, 20 00 En£. Grammar, Geography and written Arithmetic 24 00 The same with Nat. Philosophy and Chem istry, 28 00 All the higher English branches, . . 32 00 Drawing and Painting wiith water colors, also, with oil On Canvass, . . -24 00 Music with use of Piano, . . . 48 00 BOARD for Misses and young Ladies can be obtained of the subscriber at 8 to $lO per month, Lads under 11 years, cun he sent to the above school if desired, school will commence Ist Mon- May in January. W. FOSTER. Dec. 6, 1858. wet* MARION HIGH SCHOOL. BUENA VISTA, GA. Tmrr school will be re-opened for the reception of students on the third Monday in January, 1859, under J. R. PARKER, principal, assisted by B. W. KEXNERLY, A. B formerly of Tennessee. The subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to the public, that there is no longer any necessi ty of sending younginen to Colleges to -have their morals and manners corrupted —educate them at or .near home . We are now prepared to give a thorough col lege course. Rates of Tuition per scholastic year of tan months: 18, 24, 30 and S3O. Board at from $8 to $lO per month. J. R. PAIIKER. Dee. 0, 1858. w2m SOUTHERN FEMALE C iLLEGrE, LaGRANSB GEORGIA. FACULTY: f ’/CtJX° 0KS ’ j Proprietors. Ilcv. 11. E. BROOKS, A. M. rrtor. or MORAL & MENTAL SCIENCE A MODERN LANGUAGES. I. F. COX, A. M., IROF. OF MATHEMATICS, AND ANCIENT LANCI'AGES. H. C. HOOTEN, A. M.. PROF. OF NATURAL SCIENCES. Miss ELIZA R. STITT, * PRESIDING TEACHER AND GOVERNESS. Mrs. IL E. BROOKS, LITERARY BRANCHES, . Miss ANN E. COOPER. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Miss EMMA E. DENTON. CRN AM ENTAL DE PA UTM EN T. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Prof. M. Stacy Johnson, Principal. Mrs. 11. C. Uogthn, j. Aseiftants . Miss Emma E. Denton, j #THE FACULTY of this Institution is composed entirely of experienced teachers, most of whom are favorably know'll to the public at large: and be ing furnished with the proper facili ties for imparting instruction in every department of study, it is hardly necessary to state that the advantage offered here are seldom found in a fe male College. Prof. Johnson is a popular teacher and distin guished composer of music. For six years pi evi ous to his connection with this Institution, he had charge of this department iu a flourishing female college. His superior excellence as a vocalist, energy and tact in teaching, tit him especially for his position. Ymjng ladies wishing to give tho polish to a musical education, will find the proper advantages at this place. A neat uniform dress is the young la dies of the College, on public occasions. Any neat, plain dress for every day wear. (For de scription sec Catalogue.) The Spring Term will open the first Wednesday in January, and close lirst Thursday in July. EXPENSES: Board, (including, washing, lights, Ac.) per month, :::::: sl2 50 Tuition in Literary Branches, and Music, (each) per month, : : : ; 50 00 Use of Piano, per month, : : : 500 For particulars apply for Catalogue to BJIOOKS <4 COX, Proprietors. LaGrange, Ga., Dee. fi, 1858. wit. LiTIAG’A COMPOUND FLUID, Bxtract of Budiu. ISAIIOSMA CRENA TA.” A Sovereign Ileraetl, for Diseases of the BLADDER. SfINE. 1 apt 4 IDNEYS, URINA RY OKGAXS, GRAV-i y. jIJL, BTO.NE in the BLADDER, UIRON-; jIC CATARRH of the BLADDER, MORBID i|“ | IRRITATION of the BLADDER and L’RE- j 1 BHRA diseases of the PROSTRATE, and RE) TEXTION and INCON TI.NENCE of liUINE J t*. f fr,,m a loss of tone in the ’parts concerned,# bh ( Also. DYSPEPSIA, CHROMC RHELMA j and AFFEC TIONS ot the SKIN. £>.) * * S The above Medi cine is earnestly re-1 j commended to Physi cians and pranition > ft* I ere of medicine and the public generally, J ** )as it can be used by persons of all ages and) wr habits, is pleasant to the taste, aud can be i [ readily taken by any patient no matter how adverse he may be to taking medicines. CAUTION. None genuine without the names of Epping and L. Pierce &. co., blown upon each bottle. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY BROOKS & CHAPMAN. DRUGGISTS, COLUMBUS GEORGIA. And sold by all respectable druggists throughout the country. sept? dwtf. Freight Arrangement BETOEES ATI,AfiTA&CLUMBIIS. BY an arrangement between the Railroad ompanies composing the two routes from Atlanta to Colum bus. concluded at their con eiition at Savannah onthe it-ili instant, it was agreed that the following rates between,Atlanta and Columbus shall govern, taking effect from tlie Ist day or May 1857. VIA WEST POINT. Com per bushel llc Wheat 12; Oats 8; Bacon Whisky, Flour, ia sacks or barrels per 100 lbs 35c:_ — Bagging. Rope, Lard in cans or bids per 100 lbs 45c. Coal, Pig Iron, by car load, per t0n,58.75. VIA MACON Cora per bushel 14c Wheat 15c. Oats 10c. Bacon, Whiskey. Flour in sacks or barrels, per iOO lbs.. 44c. IJagtring, K Lard in cans or bids, per 100 pounds, 55 cents. Con!, Pig Iron, by car load, per ton $4.68c .1 MIS'HAN. Superintendent Muscoeccß R GEO VV ADAMS. Superintendent Southwestern Railroad. EMERSON FOOTE. Superintendent Macon and Western Railroad. GEO G HULL. Superintendent Allania and LaGrange Railroad, SAMLG JONES Engineer and Superintendent M & VV P. R. R. May 3U, 1858 ri&AVtf. MOBiCii AND lii&AiiD R. A. rpilE Passenger and Freight Train will leave.Gi JL rard ai 2 p in. daiiy, coimeamg at Bnver Run with a daii\ line of Stage* to Vi.nna. Uiennvme Eutau la, Fri Gaines and Marianna, Fa. And at Guerry tovvn daily wiili lire siagos for lichee, O.ivet, Eu-hi, Ctmnnennuggec, Midway, Hardaway, I'erute and Umon Springs. Leaving Guerrytown at 4 a. ni. daily, the cars will reach Girard at 7 a. hi., connecting with the Opelika and_Muscogee Trains. (L/'Dup.Lut.e receipts must aecoinpany all Freight Shipped. |U/vT Ail freight must be paid before Goods will be dis tiarg'd. Freight delivered at the depot before four o’clock, p. in. wot be si.ippedJLhe lollowing day Freights l*ir s.aiions Number i (Fcrt Mitchell) ami Number o (Uiersons,) must be prepaid Way freight tuusi, mail cases, be paid in advance. JOHN HOWARD, mar2s, ’s7—lwtf. Engineer & Supt To LNUHBI Eli. E hereby give luriue that all claims due us. and mit paid or satisfactorily arranged, prior to next re uni day of tine respective counties in which the par ties n side, will be sued. None will be slighted, nmrgo- dvvtf E. BARNARD 6c CO Bacon! Bacun! YITG have nowonhand and willbo cotistnutiy rw ** cetvinu- Prime Tenneseee Hac<i!i-H;mst ide aod Should* re, which wo will sell at the low e&* Coma House prices. E. BAIINARD & CO. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE—WiII he sold a* Fort Games, Ga.. on Ist Tuesday in February next to the highest bidder, four Negroes to wit: Kitty a wo man 40 years old; Maria a woman 20 years old, and her children Job:; 6 years old, and a child 2 years old, as the property of Wni. Toney, deceased. ROBT. G. RICKS, , W TONEY, \ Adm re November 29,1858—wtds. Notice to Pebiora and C diiors.--All persons having demands agaii j; the estate of Thomas Bush, deceased, are hereby notified to render them in to me, duly proven according to law within ;he time prescribed, or they will not be paid; and Dersctu! indebted to said degassed are requested to make imme diate payment. HEP3EY ANN BUSH, Ex’x November 22, 1158—w-ibd. mugs, dlugs, drugs, BROOKS & CHAPMAN, WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, SIGN Os THR NKURO it MORTAR. A col um n us, a e or gi a. Have on hai i are c netanlly receiving a ] iarg and well se.edeo stock oi DKUU3, ME I til NFS. (HIMI ALS, Ll NT At. AND BURGIG -iL IN c TBU vi FNTS. PAIN f B,Oi i,, DVE STUFFS, And ill other articles pertaiuine to Ue r b i?i iness, which they offer at the lowest prices, aoc warrant -hem fresh ami genuine, FAMILY MEDICINES, . As weii as Physicianj-* bills, put up with neatness and dispatch. FinsLiip ions accurately prvpareo at ail times of the day and night. FANCY GOODS, LUBIN’S Handkttrcltief Extrac's, linn Co'omi!- Waters, fie Eli ans and |Kima tte, also Ilat and Too h Bttithes ol 4-I.>£lis. and Kren fi nt?nu lacture Eoldby BROOKS At-CHArMAK dept. u— i’ ERANDIES AND WINES. FOR .Vledieinal and nnltnary purpose... Sold by BROOKS dt UiAPM.vN. Sept. 23 d—!f. TOUTER. AND ALE. SOLD by BROOKS & CHAPMAN. Sept, S3, d— ts TOBACCO AND SEGARS. CtOLD by BROOKS &, CHAPMAN. Sept. S3, d—ts. BURNING FLUID. CIOLD by O BROOKS !*CHAPMAN, riep.. 23. dfr—tf. GE.EY POTASH. INjarsorothervvi-e. Sold by BROOKS &. CHAPMAN. LEAD AND OILS. ’ Union White L ad, Linseed Oil, Sperm Oil, Wbale Oil, Lard Oil. NeaWoot OH, Tram 0.1, &c. Sold by BROOKS & CHAPMAN, fctpi. £3 and- ts. “HAILEY ARE now in receipt of one ol the best and most carefully selected faUstocks, they have ever offered to ibeif'eustonieri', prices low , audriyiee choice- Robe ales Silas in jgreat variety. Robe ales Delaines Rob * ales J.erinoe's Flam worsted Dechines • Hik Silk Robe ales. 7-8 aod 10 4 TABLE DAMASK, Linen Sheeting 100 inches wide, Pillow Linen 40 and 45 inches, Napkins, Doylies, 6cc. A Superior L- tof GERM W A \i EN iL! -ri t! iStiVdY. 10 11-12 and 13 4 M QUILTS, bupsi ior E-i.d Blankets, NEGRO BLANKETS. V\ O E II VI S, *c. VELVE TANARUS, Bft USSKLLS. 2 and 3 FLV CAR PE US, RUGS . <S'C Our f-U)ek ol Will TE GOODS and UMDROI DERIES was never better. MANLEY LODGES. Sept 24, d— ts. FIFTY NEGROES WAK !ED, £M AVI\G made Mir a-ranjements for the Fall irad^/we dt-sire to purchase 50 or Sixty Likely Negroes, Ol Rood Character, co.i.-i Hug ol young iiien t womn i; yl'ugli hv s,.und tii Is, f*r whom the his ie>frna ketpru e will ne paid Pe Bns ha ving negroes i'*r ?-a!e wriifiud it to their interest to fiive u* a call. VV e wd n and sell Ne groes on Commission anti uo effo. ts will lu- .'■pared to make satisfactory sales, for those who may pi c* thetr i*roes i t oiir chance. Liberal advances always made on negioes when desired. Call atthe Auction nnd Negro mart of HAKIiISON A Pi PTS. au2l—wtwtf 50 v 61 Broad Street. 1000 ACKKS OF Flint River Lands, for Sale. THK uudcrsigneu beiiiii MeairouD oi wmd up tneir buHine.-, offer lor sale, on any sun purchasers, a valuable settle im*n: of One Thousand Acres of’ Laud, yiiig on ue VYeai ui oi D*e Flint River, Lob miles uortn o * and ten'nules o.’ icey noltis Two nundred acresoi tine sen lament is num ber ODCpine land, the balance (him acr.-s; entirely iwainp. die swamp land is less Labi* to he mnui:- laied by the River Lijan any lands on said River in Macon county, and will doubtless make from •it) to • tibusliels of corn per acre, and from l.Ytu to 2000 lbs oi cotton TbereareiiO acres ot pine land, and !50l isanip cleared aiul in a slate of cultiva tion* Water, health and society cannot be excelled in South VVestcri Georgia. Apply to COOK 6l MOXTFORT, Jnlvll—w&tvrtf. at Urj^-thorpe.'ia* FOR ‘ALE. THG Subscriber nas on hand a few STILLS for tnanuu ’luring Peacli Brandy or WSiia ky, which he wit*'’ very low. ALSO, Tin, Sheet Ir n and Japan Ware, every description, w tef can be bought at the lowes rales. cu 02.0S onou gh 1 notdr aud uu liberal terras. • J. B. IllCKS,Agent, iulyjß v Next ioor below “Sans Souci’ Rroad-treet. THE subscriber is now manufacturing the real Irish Poteeo Whisky, at hispDee one and a half miles Irom Columbus, which he warrants to be pure and and equal to the best Poteen Whisky manufactured under ground in Ireland. Apait from its being a healthy and pleasant be verage, it is an excellent remedy tor Colds, Diarrhoea, Worms, &e For tale by the bottle at Brooks fe Chapman’s Drug Store, at Brassiil &, Co’ the drink or otherwise, and by the “alien atthe distillery. marfi—wtwtf A. BUANNAN F. LAN DON, IS STILL AT THE SIGN OF THE HAT where may be found all kinds ports, -crintionsu'ia lilies ani < f ‘IA IS AND CAPrf,aoJ the prat e.-t ChildrenY Ilats Sl Caps C EE E A. I J . Columhus. Ght.,Oct 5. 1858. w/tdtf i. mm&m & COLUMBUS, GA. WHOLESALE AND RET AI L GROCERS & PROVISION* DE ALERS HAVE on hand and will continue to receive a large aud weU selected stock, e.ubra ing eve- Kjjj ry ar.icle in theiriine, whi li are offered to IT’ friend a and the pub.iG at market pries- Come and see u*. sept 29 1857—dwtf EARLY SHERIFF SALES. VX J ILL be sold before the Court House door in the Y\ town of Btaius.y, Early county, Ga .on the first Tuesday in January next, Within the legal hours of sate, the following proper.y, to wit: Lot of L ind number Jhree hundred and forty nine in the 2dth dtstrictot Ear.y tjomr.y, containing 2/uarre more or Less, levied on ac ibe proper.y of John Fi Babb in satisfy one fi fa issued from the Superior Court o; Ban; -county, in favor of Uobt VV Sheffield, Adm’r.— -property powfted out bv Plaintiff'. Aiso lot of land number two hundred and twenty six. in the 26th district of said county, levied on as the prop erty of Charles Powers, to satisfy one fi fa issued from Stewart County Superior Court, in favor of Jacob Dennard,—property poinied out by PiainiitT’s AtPy ANTHONY HUTCHINS, Sh’tf. November 30, 1858.—wtds. EARLY MORTGAGE SALE. \T7ILL be sold on ihe first Tuesday in January next. VV before ihe Court House door in Blakeiy, Ear ly county, Ga. the north cast half of lot of land number one hundred and sixty six in the 2Sth district of Early aunty, to satisfy a Mortgage fi fa from E trly Superior Court in favor of Thomas B. Andrews, vs. Isaac Lay ton—propacy pointed out in said Mortgage Fi Fa. nov 30—wtd A. HUTCIfINS, Sheriff. Notice to debtors and creditors.—ah persons indebted to the estate of George Gullen, late of Muscogee county, Ga., deceased, are requested to make immediate p ayment; and those holding debts, claims or demands against said deceases, will present them duly authenticated to me, within the me prescri- j bed by law for payment. Deo. 10—wtde WM. R. TURMAN, Adm’r. | T- J. G U N N, attorney at law, HAMILTON, GA. WILL attend promptly to all busiaeoesentrusted t to him. I>nuarv 26. 1858 —wife , ‘ It. A. TRUNIPSEED, A T rOR NE Y A T LAVV , C V T H'b E RT, Randolph County,Ga. HAVING removed irom ..Cuaeeta. loCuthbert. Randoiith cunty, will ttive prompt atten tinn to till bittiness entrusted to his eare. ap27—wtf. IpiEIDMaS’ W. (SDii, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PKSSTOJS, Webster County, Ga. WILL practice in the counties ofClav, Chat lahoocnee, Webster, i'.ariy, Uandolplt : Stewari and Sumter. I‘arttcular attention giv en to i olleetina and retnittina. lanuary 27. 1857—wtl. ELAM & OLIVER, attorneys at law, BUENA VISTA, MARION. COUNTY. G. 4. 1 tTILL practice u me countieaol Marion Ma >V co i, .ewaa. Taylor, Chattahoochee and any of me a (joining counties when t bfeirserviref>*ma\ required. Ai.-o In vhe Dfairlct Court ot the Unit* and r lor the Di .triot ol Georgia. VM. U. CLAM. THADDKITB OLIVER. Sf*; lumber 10—wtf WM M. CHAMBERS. WM. M . ROBBINS. J.A ROBBISfi. Chambers, Robbins & Robbins, attorneys at law, ETJFAULA, ALABAMA. WILL Dracticeintlie counties of Barbour, Pike, Henry, Cotiee, Dale and Russell. tab I—wly S.S STAFFORD, ATTORNEY AT L As’, BLAKELY,EARLY COUNTY,GA. Kpi Wtf. JAMES A. CLENDINEN, ~~ attorney at law, and SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, 4BHEVILLE, Henry County, Ala. Jnly 20, 185H.—wlv. J. B. & W. A. UOSS, Wholesale and Retail DRY mm 4 GR JIERY MERCHANTS. II a cn, Georgia. Also. Agents lor Wheeler’s and Wilson’s Sewing Machines oetll—wtl. l&.o & !Sir\lLi£i.| ATT u ll N E Y A T L A VV, HAMILTON GA. Will practice in the cuuntie* of Harris, Musco* gee, Talbot, .Vleriiwether and Tr up. Particular ittenriou will be paid to collections Octobeiß—w itdly. HOWARD & W&EfiES, ATTORN KYSATLAW, CEAWrORD, ALA. ROBERT . HOWARD. WALTER 8- WEEMS. CraWiurd, Ala.,Juneß—wtwtt. VV. S. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT I.A W . C U S S E T A, riiuttahoechee County, <^h. ; ‘*. htf irv anvil! ton to tbs practice tu (Jhat ttahooctic ni'd Hmuiuti conn lit .. ar WILLIAM TAVLOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ui|ilil>e<t 9 Kat)tlol|Ji Couu y, <4corcfH. t\/ILL practice in the cumnes ot Randolph, * ’ Calhoun, Terieli. E; rly, Clay, Baker, { Dougherty, Miller and Stewart. REFERS TO We*!h,-ri, Johnson *Sg Sloan, Attorneys at Law, I Columhus, Georgia. All business intrusted to Lis care will receive •mmediate attention. June 6. 1858—wtw ti MAkW DEI iI LANE, A TTt UA E Y A T L A W , Talbot County, Ga October 24th. 1856. wtwtf MOSES & LAWES, ATTORNEY’S AT LA W, ! COLUMB US, GEO li GIA. ttyOffiie next door to the Post R. J “OSEB, WILLIAM A LAWES. Sept 21-t—tl. W. F. LEE, D. D. S. j DENTAL SURGEON, * OFFICE correr of Broad and Randolph Streets, Colambuß Georgia. Dec. 17, 1856—wdotwtf jJ. FOGLE & SOM, DENTISTS, Office on Randolph Street, near Broad, Colum bus, Ga. * Columbus. May 9,1857. wtwtf i DK. W: W. WILSON, DEALER IN DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Books, Sta tionery and Fancy Articles, Talbotton, Ga., Sept. 24, w—ly. Land Warrants Wanted- TllEsubscribertarepayinothe highest market price tor Laud Warrants. Cali and see us. J. ENNIS cV. GO. Coiurnhne, Juno 27- wtf A CARD. HAVING wiihdrawn from the firm of HUGHES DANIEL A GO., I cheerfully recommend rheni to ail our former patrons, and the public generally. JOHN R. EASTHAM. THE Subscribers will continue under the same name and style—a general STORAGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS AT THE ! FONTAINK & LOWELL FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES. Thankful for the past liberal patronage of onr frie-ids. we -olicii iis continuance, and pledge nut individual e*eriions to ple-ue ail who may entruar their bn.-iness to us We are pr. par* and to grant usual laeilit es t r our customers HUGHES, DANIEL & CO.. W.M II 11 VOI!ES, Wm Damel. • Wesley C. tlouoES. Aug. 5, if. WiUPPM & NEWS PIPER, OF ALLSIZES AXUOIJAUnES, FOR LE AT Rock Island Paper Mil! Office, IN FRONT OF PALACE MILLS. TV’MIn \*ifl melfiwiut’ ALABAMA WAREHOUSE. COLUMBUS, GA, \LLFN Ar. </.4M \K huvine purcha-pd the i iieieM ol B. A- Sms*i*y id a'><ve w*II iiitiwn FIRK PROOF BRIt K WaKLHOUSG, • di Ll b- alad to their •*!* liend*ami pairons i ih**i’ nt-w jda*-* of Uu-i*es!j, whore they have da co p irnx*t*lip w’jth J. VV. Kiue under he naiHn and *t> ot KING, ALLEN & CAMAK, or riie transacti ‘n <ri a eeaeral S FORAGE Al'iD COMMISSION BUSINESS Special attention paid to the Sale ol Cotton and Prod me, and ihe Receiving and Forwarding March ndiee con.*ig’ ed to ur care. Libe ul Advanc e made on <-oiton in Store or forFhipment o our friend* in Savannah, Ch tries tun, New Yrk or el ©where. Bagging and Rope Itit niahed our customers at market p ices. We solicit a shara of public patronage, and Udge ourselves, by attention to bu ioecs to merit it J W KING A VI. ALLEN. THOS. CAMAK. THE undesigned, in renring from the Ware house business, takee great pleasure iff re-; oommenrline to his triends a continuance of their lavor and patrouageto ihe new firm (Signed) B. A. SORSBY. Columbus, July V>, ISW-dfim- NEGROES! NEGROES! 117 E are constantly receiving fivmVir ’ VV aima arid Norifi Uaruiiua a large JStP and well ael cted stock’ ol Men, troys ami Girls, including field house servants, mechanics, Ac . bO"ghi by non ■>* Jft, rhe firm expre sly Inr this matket. Our friend, may rely on getting negroes of good charactei coining up fully to our representations— as we sell none on commission HATCHER & McGEHEE. July 26, 1858—wtf mmm EATING S A DO ON. / —a WILL be opened by the ( tt JilU ot October. Boarders will be taken by ‘the inonlh, wm kor day. Meals at all hours flat orni -ht. 33* T II I S B A 1C will alwi.ys be suppl ed with tie (. hotee-i Liqifors and Cigais. Th s House is two doors, below the P. O. oct4—wtf. F. WILHELM, Proprietor. SPiIOTT’B CELEBRATED VERITABLE OLD ETSTGDISH, AND AMERICAN BITTERS, AN INESTIMABLE TONIC, DIURETIC, . . AND ANTI-DYSPEPTIC. SCIENTIFICALLY prepared from tne original recipe of oU Dr. Sprott. and ‘emlueiitly enecess lullamt highly , popular physician of Shropshire, England. These highty palatabb aud agreeable hitters being composed of PURELY VEG’ FABLE EXTRACTS, judic ously selected = iff skillfully compounded are confidently recoipm :ided to Ibo public lor their Valuable Medicinal Properties. For Loss ot Appetite, Nervous [Debility, Ennui, Dyspepsia, they sire i dispensable. In functional derangements of the Liver and Kidneys, as well as Jam dice. Rheumatism, Gout and Gravel, ihey are arsine qua non” For Female Complaints preparti on ia pecu liarly adapted. For children harrassed with the Colic, and the pains of Dentition it is asoo hing assuager. Asa stimulus to Invalids, the and sick the*ehitters arc unsurpassable iiml free from Alcho hol aud, are a sure preventive of < ’hills and Fever. D! K LOTION B A wire g ass two or tbreo timesaday. For ladies tw thirds: <fi.ildren in proportion. ery weak glom chs one third water. Prepared at at Fair’s Laboratory, ?tioutgoir.ery Ala To be had ot Druggist’s and country merchants’ generally. Sent.2—wtf HULL. DCH'K & CO. j. s PgMBI RTON A co TROY FACXaKY, Coliiinbus, (a. STT E.the undarsi</..d, have thisday purchased | \ * Irom James Haraffton, the • roy Factory I and en tiro stock, and will continue the bu-iness i under tho name and st\je ol Troy Manufacturing Company and will manu'ac ure and keep con s atulv OU hand, at wholesale and retail, Chairs, Bedsteads* Wardrobes, Tubs, Buckets, Safes, Tables, Bureaus, and other Mouse Furid-hi-g arricles. All orders add res-e I to the Trov Manulaciuring Company, will receive prormd a^ontion, JEFFERSON Sr ll \MILTON. Joseph Jessi rson, John 11 Hamilton Colwmb B,Ga, April 10, _ OPPOSITE THE PASSENGER DEPOT MACON, GEORGIA. E. E. BROWN, PROPRIETOR, B. F. DENSE, Superintendent %NP° Meals ready on ‘he arrival of every Train. M;i<'..n,(;a., Ap'd 1 K ’x g * • wH. I’lGAifs DiRETNA!i'ORTAI’ION, 4 AA BOXKS Havana Cigan of various brands iUU lor sale at small advances I r Ca-?h by Jan 19—wtwtf E. Il ARN A IU) (V CO. ouiTcumomks” Y\T HO I do id like to be dunned” will | -ave the mortification and us the i trouble hi and *xi euse,by paying up, or we shall sue oniour claims, nd close all business connec tions with such parties. YVe did believe your promise, INowoelieve ours REDD, JOHNSON *CO., Columbus,Ga , Aug 7. 1858 wilijan dim. PIMChSTUSnTTiI! TIM S. THE HI ZSI.CS-X_.S3 MANUFACTURING CO, OFFER thvir various styl, ‘8 ol Good .compri sing OSNABURuS, YARNS, PASHION, lorstripea,) PIN'"-KNOT PLAINS NEGRO KERSEYS, SOII I'll EliN LU'SEYS, “TRUCK FOR | TROWSKRS,” COTTON ROPE, ao. ic. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. They invite the special attention of the Trade to their Slock which is complete in every respect. J. RHODES, BROWNE, Agent I Columbus. Dec. 5, 1857 twltwtf. Impale. JWI LL sell on the first Tuesday in November next at the Court House in Buena Vista,Marion coun i t\,Ga , Eight Hundred Acres oi Land lying six miles west of BuenaVlst.a. and eight milts from Pondtown. On the place is a first rate dwelling aud negro houses j —also a first rate gin house aud screw. The place is well watered and lies between the Muckalee and Wat icy creeks 1 will sell the place to suit purchasers. Temis —one half cash and the balance in twelve months with approved notes. septlS—wsm ELIZABETH ADAMS. VALUABLE MVFR PLANTATIONS FOR SALE. T n E Subscriber now offers for Bale his valu fcsgKgJk able river Plantation, eight miles above Fort Haines, containing 7i. acres, of which 615 i-vriß-ri are i ,, Kiver Bottomand the balance high Pine Land of good quality, embracing a good and comfortable dwelling, with a well ol excellent water, anew Ootfcon Screw and Gin House and all ne cessary outhouses and fixtures of the bottomland 360 acres are pi pared, one tliirdof which ia /resh. in my absence apply to Samuel A. Grier or Bemis & Prescott, at For; Gaines. January ’6. IPsh. wm JAMES GRIER. PixAiMTATIOJi AND MILLS FOR SALE. H WING determined to remove West offer lor sale my Plantation and Mdls in county. The body ol lands contains about 1 300 acres, of which there 13 a considerable portion open and in cultivation. Thr- mills (Grist and Saw) are in„good r< p r, al most new. situated on the road leading l orn Co lumbus to Buena Vista, via Glen rita, on tin* Ochilj Creek, are operating advantageously. Per.-ons wishing to purchase this most desirable place, ar*- reqne-ted to call and examine for thonselves. as sured ihat a great bargain may he had During m\ absence the premises will he shown to purcha sers by G. P. Gordy, who may he found on the SAtiUKL D HARP. July 12—wtf CANDY MANUFACTORY, On Randolph S reet, near the Post Office, COM Mill s, UA . ESTABLISHED IN 1346. Where is kept onu&pu.tiy -n hand and or sa’eell kij os f uiinp EuTl * N l RV, meb as plain aud r'. trey i'andlef*. Syrups, i ordia r, Preserves akes, VViuts, Nut-. I’ruMs, >e.ars. Fire Works. 4cc.,&c. 4 very Iraeral diec ui.t made lor cash order j. Bei 113- will first ju uj. Lsi' 3 jsa [RKUf iil.lil.lL mss. r | - 'HL BLRIAL CA”-E, ie.jrensent -1 ed by ‘he above engraving, is beautifully fin i-hed in imitation of polisi ed Rosewood, and is the inot tasteful and appropriate metallic ca?e n**w used, it parm <6 a view of the entire body after it is enclosed, the top being compost'd of thick plate glass, protec ed by elabora e y orna me ted caps one ot which may ho seen in it* place in the engraving. All fixes from 27J to 75 inches in length, constantly on hand NAME FLXTES fumehed, neatly engraved. N* B. —No Choree tar Druyase or Delivery. DILLINGHAM &, DENSON. Sept. 15th, 1853. *d4twtf PEKUVIAK GUANO! THE undersigned are daily expecting a largo supply of this popular fertilizer, purchased Irom ihe ag-mt of the Peruvian government and warranted genuine Price four dollar* ier one hundred pounds, or S7B per ton of 20u0 pounds Terms each m ail eases. j Ott 14—wtf Gs NBT k CO. LUMfKIN HoUsE. LUMPKIN, STEWART CO. GA. j MTHE puhsctiber, htvmg imrihawd thr ab. ve resolved 10 in worthy the patronise of the trv. liny pohlio If apod Crre cnivirnte ph"nl* entitle a Hotel to custom, the u. ddrsivned fla'ier l-.imeelf, tint th ise who irv him once, wi.l eonn nanin < onne led wi h the lloiei, are comrno dioirs Siai lea with irnnv eilers Oct 19 wtf. JOfl> YARBROUGH ’ HANDS WANTtiD AT THE £3agie Factory, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA FIFTY hands can find regular employment at this Factory. RT* Boys and Girls can earn from 7 to 20 dollars per month, .according to age and skill. Nov*. 8, 1858. w3m Sale of Real Estate and Negroes. AT the Market in Columbus will he sold, on the 21st December next, 13 likely negroes,and 300 acres of land, lying on the road from Columbus to Talbotton, seven miles lr< m Columbus, 250 acie9 cleared and balance in wood A two story dwelling house, in good order, anew giu house and screw, and all necessary outhouses in good repair, aie on the premises. Good water, healty location, and a good neighborho> and. Ihe property was the residence of the late T homas Davis, and needs no recommendation to those w ho know it. It is sold for division among the heirs, and terms will be made known ai the time oi sale. THOMAS J. DAVIS, OctSo..wtds A/4-nt ‘nr lb H i . NOTICJB^ \ LL persons indeoteu to the estate of Thos /~\ Davis,late of Muscogee eounty, either by note or account, w’.ll please caL and set 1 ‘ tuem and those holumg note? or accounts * ill presen them. DAvlri. Aueut. October 23 1858... w4od Great Inducements to LAND BUYERS! I offer the following areniirtie bargains to those who wish buy L.and in Barbour ‘tlS&sS cAa ly ’ A ’ H > U i will sell my home place, situated miles South of tne town of Glayton, at $8 per acre. This place contains One Thousand Acres,HfclOare cleared, 250 fresh,lies well, aud isone of the handsomest pistces in the country The grow ing crop, which purchasers are invited to examine, will speak for the productiveness of the land. The woodland ia heavily timbered writhoak and hickory. The improvements are os the best character, embrac ing a two-story hoase, with eight rooms, well built and in good rep:;ir The health of the ; ia-e ib ex cel ent, beyond al’ doubt; and fhere is an abun dance of th© best water I’ences in excel!e.u order, and the plantation improvement&as good could be de-ired. 2 In immediate connection with this place, I will sell a body of 500 acres, 3**o acres open, first rale 1 fences and the other improvements pretty good. Price 8b pe- acre t*'o!d separate or in connection with the home piace as preferred ; 3. Alsooooacres of lano three miles distant from the other places, known as the mi l met. <>n this place there are 300 acres land open, balance wei timoered. Health and wale excellent and ihe ia:u! strong and productive Price six dollars per acre. } 4. ALo, several Desirable Bui.ding Lois, iu the town of Clayton soon aud buy bargains. J<>HN H. A/ILLER. Clayton. Ala. Aug. 20, 1858— wtf. Timber Cutters’ Bank. ‘ EXCHANGE AT SIGHT ON NEW VI) li K , LONDf X, PARIS. F iißkfnrt.on tlu-Hlain Ha MBUtt G, LIIV, UUE >lg\,Ac Ac i For sale at this Bank iu sum to a itt purch as ers. J.B. UUITON, cashier. Pavannan, Sept f), JBS-*. wfim. i CH3AP AND VALU/ BL3 LAND., -ji* TdE !-übse her offers for eale hi- avtile j f 980 a* r sol land in 7ih Dis* ! ol Worih t’ouniy, 130 acres cleared raAfc. together witu 10 lie id oi cattle, 70 bead of s'her pai ri about one bund head ot llog>, lor the sum of iy3 00 cas-h, or good paper with in terest tr< m and ne ocrM. wGr THOS. W. KFNDALL VAi.UAB E Chattahoochee River Laixds. 1 OR SALE, AT A LOW PRICE. THE subscriber offers lor sale*. 3200 acres p&jjljP ot land lying and fronting two miles on she River in Henry county, Ala., 15 miles below Fort Gaines, Geo. (to which place ihe South Western Kail Road is no* being ex tended) and 5 miles above < ojumbia, Alabama ‘l’be tract is of division into two very deei , ruble setfl nients—lies very level, iswell water* and , the location remarkably healthy, and ihe pureba i ser could have the corn, fodder aud stock at a low rate. Being determined to sell, those desiring a bargain, will not be able to find one more dis posed to give them one than I am. I shall keep this advertisement standing until I sell. Come and look for your?e}ves,or for particulars address me at Columbia Term easy t.i the purchaser. angus McAllister July 20 1858—wtl. Augusta Constitutionalist copy weekly till forbid \ dmlntatrator’a Sale.—Will be sold on the lA. first Tuesday in January next, the house and lot in the town of Lumpkin, known as the residence of Ma li ala Welch, late of rttewart county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms made known on the day of sale. Nov. 17,155S —wtds E. F. KIRKSEY, Ad’mr. i GEORGIA—TaIbot county: RULE NISI. Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1858. lAfHEREAS, John S. Duncan, admin strator of ** Fraiuliu Duncan, petitions this Court ?or let ters of Dismission from said admini. iration: Beit ordered,That all pers ns concerned be and appear atthe February form next er siring oi this Court,then aad there to shew cause. If any they have, why said letters should not be granted. A true ex tract Irom the mlnutesof thisOotirt,July24th, 1857. July26ih wfini MARION BDTHi NE,o*d GEORGIA) Chattahoochee. County. Court of Ordinary July Term , 1858. RULE NISI.- Whereas Samuel D. Harp aad Henry J King, administrators on the estate of Joshua R. McCook, deceased* apply lor Letters of Dismission from saidadmiuietraiior:: 4 is therefore Ordered, That uUperson?concerned ■shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted at the Court of 1 >rdinury to be held in aud tor said counfy on the 2d Monday in January next,audit is luriher ordered, that this Ruie be published in terms of thu law. A true transcript from the minutes ut said Court July 7,1853 July I :> wfin E. G. RAJ FORI). Ordinary, GEORGlA—Chattahoochee Con ay. r ourt of Ordinary , October Term 1858. iIJHEREAS Hilliard ,J. Williams, administra- Vv u.ion he estate of John F Williams,dec’d, petitions this Court o letters of •su iseion from said administration: ItM therefore ordered, that ail persons concern ed, be required to shew ause. my they have, within trie time prescribed by iaw. why said etter should not be granted. A true tra script from the minutes of said Cour. this October 4 n. 185-, _ 7 8- ” Fr. r\r * t>t\ o r and NOTICE TO COTTON PLAN 1 Etfsj WB, the underi-ignfd, i : ventois of he Iro Scrctv Pr4 a take pltMeure in calling a teminn t” thi - Press lor w rich e have o uau ei Lexers Pattern From exp riruce weave sati?h u that this P< s-i is not only capable ol p e-ring co - to riie u ti •! size, >u wuh a smalt add.ioi al cost ol com e si >n at th* Gin to a rize9uit;rle ’or sh pmem ly e g i gvest's T e cost now for compre-s tig is Irom 7 ) to9o r>entFp-r bale, wlncn tndi-ec ly comes out ol tin p au'er. Th > Press is durable, as all ol rts hearing and trailing wreot Iron.-imnle and suit-bo tor reg manage me *f We aio making arrangements to put u the ai all mi tnble p iit- f r m-pec-ri n For tur her i-ri’ rina'ioH,address us at Sel na, Ala or D A Hobbe. J >tirn 1 Ossie, Vloutgomery Ala*,or L. CCtr et, C-lu nbusGa W.F.tvC.J PROVOST ‘~ 8 ’57 w*j ‘BWi) months atrer niblication of this no'icf * application will bo made to the Con t of O - dinatyof ti use ogee eoufity, for leave to seli ts e interest wh ch Jhith- Ij Gtrrard held in and up m the following named nogr->eß to wit; .Vlmgo, Ishmael, Hemy, Silvia and daught r. HOW ARD BARNAU, Adm’r Oct 22, 1838—w2 n. ADMINISTRATOR’® SALE.—WiII be sold before the Court House door in the town of Butler Tay lorcounty.on the'first Tuesday in January next, all ihe negroes belonging to the estate of Catherine Daniel, lain of said county deceased, being about ten or twelve in number, and consisting of men. women and children all voungaiul likely. Hold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased by virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county of Taylor. T. J. RILEY, Adm’r. November 22. 1858—wtds. GEORGIA, Hi A rrAIIOOCHUE cu WHERLAS Samuel D, Harp, Guardian, lor the per eon and property of John C. F McCook, applies lor letters of diamicaion from the same All persons concerned, are hereby required to appear at niv office, within the time prescribed by law, and how cause, (if any,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, the 2d day of August, 1858. E. G RAIFORD, Ordinary. Aug. 7, 1858. w6m OJKOIAGIA Chattahoochee oouutyi *V HERE AS, Seaborn W. Ellis applies to me for ’ ‘ Letters of Guardianship for the property of his daughter Sarah A. Ellis: All persons concerned are required lo shew cause within the time fixed by law, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, the 7th November %r. U. IW-wU., K ° BAIFORD ’ De WITT’S JEWELRY STOEE, At the Old Stand, next I on- id J. Knnis Su o. && Broad. St., Columtous, Ga. 6Q VVHkRE ri a m per •i-.M.iiu ei.i . i \Vh i|,.> j. -,. u rv. Silver Whtk, Fn cy Hn r I'.lir, Ur ar< On ail;- i I Cm.., P,.,nls, t,e.t qua). > . i Gold IVi ►, at..i tve) diMiqiui.i. . • jP/*V MKf n.Uill) k* |>l IU fi I> <•!■> btWifl.n*i I. lot <;M < i ; • * l tHk Credit. Every nrtu Ip wild will be w rrar 1< and i.h it pr • mi.; ol Ailliiot be, allowed 10 be sold any Ollier way. jj r . j h. BRAMHALL, a practic-ai Watc|i-na'cef, and Mai tor turer of fine Chronometer Duplex L'-ver and other V\ ritetnie in r b irgo t t;.o Watch Work. I will add that Mr. BV reputation in New lirk a- a tin- < i ■ Wwii is beyond qupption. He will bt; happy lonee all who have pood W ntt.-io .-.nd’ iire hem kept so by having them properly repaired, also who h oei.- i I. rn.: r in having hnd their watches injured try incompetent workmen,and dec-re ti mu m,; in as good condition as when first made, and at reasonable rat*'.-, t ampics . - ... work will be shown at any time. Mr. GOLDSBECK is on hand at his post, ready to set dune rids, tnnk ; . j .... :rv. engrave neatly, ail kinds ol Hair Braiding, in a mat and artist e style. Thankful to my triends and the community at large lor thvir ld.-t ral p. rr er t— fore we hope to merit a continuance ol the same. <> tO— A. H. BkWJTT. T. E. SPE AS,” | PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AM) JEWELER, j feLaßcccssor to fj. B. Purple,cor. Broad vc iiandol] h OOXjUMBIIJS, C3rS3<Z>3^L€3rX-^.. wmm mmm STERLING SILVER WARE. work, A beautiful variety of Patterns. I will make to order any design aad style and ; lattyou may request. WATGHES, CLOCKS Repaired by competent and experienced Workmen, and warranted. CANES ! CAXI iS ! Gold, Silver, Ivory Loaded Heads—Hickory Crooks aud Swore!.-. SPECTACLES, Gold and Steel Frame , of tho best quality manufactured. Glasses set in ol 1 frames u auit all eyes. I invite the attention of all to iny Stock, and will show it with pleasure, whether you pure! m old Stand, Corner Broad aud Randolph Streets. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 30, 185S.—dwtf T. S. .^PEAIi. J.EDANIEL & C 0 Have nowin Store and will be constantly receiving during the Fall months, the most Fashionable and approved sty les of READY MADE CLOT IKQ I entirely of tire ir own manufacture, which they claim to euriiass any Leo.. i * Southern Market. -*sesj3s*> 4^ A LARGE AN D CA . EFULLY SELECTED ST* iCK Or GEVT’B FURAiSIiIAG (iOOD, Hats , Caps , Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Car] < l iia^'s, Traveling Blankets, Shawls, &e., &o. They Uo Ke. p conmautiy on lurid mu ii.-i •rlmetit ol YOU i iJ’.S CL*)THL\G. of ‘!• i wn maiiuf. c ir , ranging from 10 U. 18 y, ara. ! CLOTHS CASSI.VIEKES AND VEsTLNtiS, O'’ the latest, styles and g-ene t variety, manufactured to order iu stvies to suit patrons. A large Slock ot SUBS IWNTiAI. GuOD.S tor Inborn g m . SSapt X 9, 1858—dwtf. J. It. LUviMi L & CO. 12i Bror-d otieet, Coitimbu-. Gecrg a. CLOIHIAU! CLOIHiAG! CLOT 111 AG ! i miffi i xia 135 ei*o;u( Street, COLUMBUS, \. Are now opening a large and extensive stock of Fall and W :nh r C In, : . :• wn munn facture, and made up m the most deniable styles worn this season. Vosr ot ti.r • .\. ai, n purehased for CASH, it will enable ua to re 1 (hfrs.inte tor CASH at lowvr pr. an ary o r tlouae in the city, tor the same quality of goods. Goods sold t thh establfolm cut wji nd a? j represented. I We would call pariicuiar attention to onr stock of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, it is extensive aud embracing every variety. BOYS AND YOUTH S CLOTHINGS, ’ a full assortment in Store. Large lot of 1 TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS LADI: S BONNET BOXES, and TRAVELLING TRUNKS, GENTLEMEN’S SHAWLS MUFFLERS, COMFORTS, RAIL-WAY RUGS. 400 Suits Blue Satinett for Traders, r 300 “ Kersey for Servants wear ■ As this is the Only Cash Clothing Establishment in the City, Buyers for Cush will find it to their interest to give us a call before making thei-D"mi,isec POSITIVELY NO MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS kept agaT sUrnrcTLl mad.- ‘ 1 hanklul lor past patronage, we hope to merit a continuance ol the -cmo. ROSETTE, ME LICK & CO Mr. S. E. LA WHO A, Having taken an interest in the above establishment would be pleased to see his old friends ni acquaintances, and will be ready at all times to serve them. Sept. 20—dw6m. A dminlstrßtor’s Sitle—Agreeably to an or jM. der of the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chattahoochee county, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Ctffcseta in said county, on the first Tuesday in January next, within the Wal hours of sale—One Negro man Alien, about 30 o 35 years of age. as the property of Samuel C. Dodson, - ceased. Sold tbr the benefit of creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN S. DUNCAX.) . , , W J m ( Aitmrs. November 8, 18. L w4od Sale ot Personal Properly. A T the residence of the late Thomas Davis, o Muscogee county, will be sold ou *hv. 15th D cemher next, ail the j ersonal property of the deceased, consisting of corn, fodder. hor-es,mules, cows, hogs, &c . also household aid kitchen fur niture, and a good assortment of farming utDsiie The property is sold tor ad vision and terms will he made known at the time of sale, THOMAS J. DAVIS, ct2o. . Agent l<*r the Heirs GICOIIGIA, OhattalioocUec County . Court uj Ordinary, Jutv Term 1858. k hr; \t i. %TII RRKAB, tt idumi J. Mcßride, T. <'m-.s H. .V. m Bride, Hid M. *Vrdiav, i.xecufforaoi tit tsi will and iestament*f .Vil itm deffridr, Jecease . iviug futly sellled the busiuc-oOi the esi-aivui s,. 1 ieceas and. apply lo me for nailers oi Distnissioi ••om the same it t 6 therefore orde el, that all persona coi ierned shew cause il any they nave, why -aid crtn houkl not be <>* uit:d at the Court of Orff*nar. i e hel 1 hi aud lor said co inty on theseoo.d v!ci lay iu Jauuar m*xt. And it is lu trier • hat this Km be published in teno- <>i tin :aw ’ true rt-iacript from the m.iiulesot this Dour uly 7, ie:>B ill I J worn r K KAIKoKp. Orrlltnr VdmluistratorS Sale.— cxreeauly U* tt iruor i t.te n mor tbie ourl ti Ordinary Jlarke c<*uut>, will be a->id before ihe Court H *u*i door in the l-'Wii ol B kely, Kirly couuiy, .a, on the drst Tue.-daj in D comber next, within tbe leg .I hours of sale, ad the Ja> da, consiMlna ol Timber one tiuiuir and and iw ity six (U‘fi) Known as th- Hartieii ioi. a< and u t umber < ue tmiidrtd aud firiedn (f 15) known as the Mfft.ew I, w.s lot. bo.b .1 the sixth district of Kiri y county,(each lot con a uing 25u acres more or les-: a large p riion oi vnic.. i9 unde Cultivation.) T ttherwlb ihe egn*es tw longing oih. e.-iaie ■ R >bri <i T Ttylor tecM. Sold lor lira benefit >i thehe*rs and cit-di or> •i said estate. Terms made known onthe day > ! +aie. And on the'lay 101 l >wing will he Id on theprta. iui.-es,nU the pensh&t>te property ol sad ert e. L‘°nsi Jug O'c-ru. I'od ler, mutes, t.oises, wag hs urns Ut;>ld inririture an*i p art gi* n mensiis dull <tuds. Hul l t->eon ll n te tri m Jay to day mud ih properly is 111 .sold. 8) id for the beuciit o. the heirs aud credit* rs. RK'HAItO D. B.TAYLOR, Adm’r. October 2, I*s-—wtd. (.fci(MlC*lA—i-ffHiihhooches Conn( y . TITHE RE AS, Jacob Pafker applies for Letters of / ‘ Administration on the estate of Thomas J Bacon deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased lobe and appear at my office w ithin the time, preembed i, v law, and shew cause, if any they have, why said Let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, Nov. Ist lS3g. L. G. RAIFORD, Ordinary. XECUTOtt'S HALE.—WiII be sold on Mon fuy X-i tlie 29th instant, at 12 o’clock, in trout of Ham- j son &. Fitts’ Auction Room, the House and Lot in the city ot Cokunbti*, belonging to the late Mrs. E R - Crook. This house is delightfully situated on ilryun Street, and is on part of lot No 343, with eight large i rooms; halls above and below, and collonaded on ail sides. Bale positive. Terms: Credit of one and two years, with 7 per cent, interest. Nov. Iff, lB—d!2 wit M. J. CRAWFORD. Ex’r j N. B. The above sale has been postponed, in con**. { thttiseef ruclemtat vrsathtr. t W*t \. (* iHO RGIA—>I u Hcosres’ Cou n• v. Court of Ordinary, June Term , 1858. RULE NlSl.—Whereas Timothy < Me*'rarv h< minisirntor on Ihe caltue of W iey w tod. deceased, havingapp! ed for Lettersof Dismism : ft is therefore hereby ordered. That ailp.r.- conceriwso any they have, win sb: administrator should uot be dismissed at the <\>r.i of Ordinary to beheld in and for said on firet Monday in Jam*. **v next, and that this Ru t t published in terms of the law. A true i “anatripl from ihe minute*. o‘ said cour ‘BBC lit. i 5- J* BN t ■ HNSON . * ‘re’r CHERRY PECTORAL. Ko the Citrr •*# <OH.HS. rouw, UUXR'sFNESS, 6KOV4 HIT9S.U IDoriM: i OU.U* CHOI P. isTinu. A.\D (O.VMMPTIO^. | Brimfibld, . . *c . D*. J. C. Ay::r i —I do not hcM.aie to say the b-s, lemedy 1 have ever i found for Coughs. Hoarse: es*, luthierza ard iff ! concomitant symptoms of a find. y ur CBERK\ ] PECTORAL Its coi.start use i!i my praetkeauri n:y , family for the iast ten years has shown it to superior virtues for the treatment of lhese compiauffe. EBES KNIGHT, M D j A B MORTI.FY Esq. of Utica. N V writes: ‘ i have used vmir Pectonti myseif and in my famii-y ever | since you invented it. and beiieve it the best tnedi.u t* | for its purpose ever put out. With a bad fold I should sooner pay twenty five dollars for a botiie than do j without it, or take any other remedy. I CROOP. WHOOPfNG JJOUGn’ INFLUENZA. Springfield. Miss. Fei*. 7, 1856. j Brother \yen l wd! eheertuuy cerffty your Pectoral |is the -t remedy we possess for the cure of #f. ! Couph, c up, and the chest diseases of children. We oi your tr. \ m the South apptvia.e your skid id commend \v. i lueuicine to our people. ill RAM CONKLIN, M P Amo9 Lee, F.-o : Mmst*rev, la.. \v:t e> fftl J it uary 135d, “I bad ate lem-i Infftienza, wliuh confined me | in doors six weeks; took many modi, ires wiibont re i Let; finally tried your Pectoral by the advi.e of our ! clergyman. The first dose relieved the soreness in my ; throat aikLludrr; less ihah one half the Itqute made : me completely well. Your modi, iuva :*reth,e cfie.fpcst as well as the best we can buy. and we esteem you ; Dr. and ymrr medicines as the poor man's friend ASTHMA OR PHTHISIC, AND BRONCHITIS West Manchester. Fa. Feb. 4, ISSO. Tour Cherry Pectoral is periffnnmg marvellous ! cures in this section. It has relieved several from | alarming symptoms of consumption, and to 4iow curing a man who has labored under an affection of the lungs for tho last forty year*. HENRY L. PARKS, Merchant. A A Ramsey. M. D . Albion. Monroe County.lown w rites. Sept, fi, 1855: “During my practice ot many years. 1 have foumLnothing equal to your Chern Pec toral tor giving ease ami relief to consumptive patient? •r curing such as are curaul?.'* We might add volumes of evidence, but the mo?t .convincing proof of the virtues of this reined} is found in its effects upon trial SOLD BY Dr. David Young, and Danforth 4c Nagel, in Colum . has. and by Druggist* and dealeri ia Medicine* g*n*r aftv •▼**! where. #*••*