The Tri-weekly Columbus times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1850-185?, July 16, 1851, Image 1

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THE TRI-WEEKLY COLUMBUS TIMES. VOLUME ll.] THE WEEKLY TIMES. JOHN FORSYT H—E DITOR J. TORSYTH, R. ELLIS & CO., PROPRIETORS. Th WEEKLY TIMES i published every Tuet 4a, Horning, i $2,50 per annum in advance, or Tunic Dull , r at the end of the year. THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES, Publithed every WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Morning*, and SATURDAY Eveninps. Office on the West aide of Broad Street, nearly opposite Wiatars’ Eichange. TK It M I ‘ - Five per annum in advance, or Six Doi.LAas alter air mnntha. papsr wilt be discontinued while any arretragts are die, unleaa at the option of the proprietors. ▲.•ybktiscmcifTs conspicuously inserted at Ons. Dt.l\x per square lor the first insertion, and Fir it Chkts for srery snhsequont continuance. Obituary Notice* exceeding one square (or li■ •) will be charged as advertisements. THE TIMES JJOB PRINTING OFFICE. Reery description of .Tob Work, either Plain, in Colon or Bronte, elegantly and promptly execu ted . Such as Books, Pamphlets, Bmtneis Cards, Visiting Cards, Hill Heads, Notes, Receipts, Bills of laaiMiig, BankChocki, Circulars, Posteu, Hand Bills, Ball Tickets, Dray Receipts, dee The office haring been lately furnished with a Jorge stock of NEW TYPE, comprising some of the mest elegant designs, we are prepared to cxe ete all kinds of Job Work in a style not to be ex celled. We particularly invite the attention of our mer chants others who have* heretofore ordered their werk from the north, to our specimens. Her prices are fixed at the lowest possible rates. Orders from eur country friends will be promptly attended to. Wr Blank Legal forms of overy description, kept ee band iud for sale. THE WAY TO LIVE WELL i IS to call at Ellis, Kendrick 4* Red’s, and buy li packages to suit purchasers, at reducedpri ces f Extra Canal Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Goshen Butter, English Dairy Cheese, .Fresh Mackerel, Pickled Salmon, Codfish, Raisins, Citron, Currants, Preserves, Pickle*, Salltid Oil, Chocolate, Eve’s Apples, D* teß Prunes, Sardines, Fresh Lobst j Essences, Spices, Superb Teas, me Old Java CoTee, Sugar, Maple Syrup, s I ■ S. H. Molasses, Apple if W. Vinegar, j Hallibut and Salmon Sauces, 4>ou av say to our country friends vV e r*- \Ve r: ware, large, y/e are deter- to sell, and that our prices shall be an in - j ducement to buyers. dec.4 ELLIS, KENDRICK * REDD. FRENCH AND ENGLISH PERFUMES, Luhins, and Baley & Blues Gen uine Extracts, for sale by GESNER 4* PEABODY, 4w Successors to f u". \V INTER &Cos FOR SALE, A GROCERY STORE AND TIN SHOP in tu town of Cutbbert, Ga., and a good set of new Tools. There i| in the shop a good workman who •a permanently located, and whose services can be obtained. The stock consists entirely of ready mad* Tin and Groceries—no unaalenble goods in said stock—all under good and successful opera tion ; situated in a very pleasant, healthy location, surrounded by anew, growing and desirable coun trv. The Tin interest is desirable; the town and country is in a flourishing condition ; it is one of the most desirable interests that could he had for i man of small capital. It is the only Grocery store or 1 in Shop in the place. We are selling the rise of fifteen thousand dollars _ worth of goods a year, with a general increase o and that upon a small capital. I will ••II one ha'lf interest in said business, or the whole can be boughi—S fcood .tore-house, lot, and tin- ■ •Hop in the same. My only reason for wanting to s Jl,is to concentrate my capita* in the Hat md Snos business at home. For further particulars apply to the undersigned at Columbus, Ga., or to Win. Morgan, Cuthbert, Ga. Early application is desired, •• I am determined to sell. JinelO-wtf D. A. GARRETT. I PREMIUM COTTON GINS. E. T. TAYLOR & CO. Proprietors of the Columbus Cot ton Gin Manufactory, have the satisfaction te announce to their patrons anti the Planter* gen erally, throughout the Cotton growing region, that they are prepared to aupply any number of their celebrated Premium Gins. Where these gins have been once used, it would be deemed unnecessary for the manufacturers to ay a word ‘n their favor, as they feel confi dent the machines have been brought to such per fection, that their superior perlormnnce will re commend them in preference to all other gins new in use. For the satisfaction of those who have not used the Gins, and are unacquainted with their repu ation, the proprietors need only say that the First Premiums have been awarded to them, for the best Gin exhibited at the great State Fair, held at Atlanta Ga. Also, at the Alabama and Georgia Agricultural and Mechan'c’s Fair, held at Columbus, and at the Annual Fair ol the South Carolina Institute, at Charleston. The cot ton ginned on these Gins, leceived the first Pre miums at the exhibition held in Charleston, South Carolina, and at every Fair where samples of cot ton from them have been exhibited. The proprietors have in their possession, nu merous certificates from Planters, Cotton-Brokers, Commission Merchants, and Manufacturers o cotton goods, testifying that the performance 0 Gins and the samples produced by them, cannot be excelled by any Gins ever manufactured. All orders for Gins given either to our travelling or local agents, or forwarded to the proprietors by mail, will always receive prompt attention. Gins will be sent to any part of the country, and warranted to give satisfaction. A liberal discount will in all esses be allowed when the Cash is paid, and the Gin taken at the manufactory. Columbus. Ga. r>ec 4, 1850 tw& Gin Banda, and Machinery Belting. PT. stretched Belting, best quality, irom one to fourteen inches wide j rubber Belting, from one to fourteen inches wide; vulcanized Rubber Packing, from one-eighth to six-eighths thick ; for sale low for cash or approved credit, at j'ine SO ■ WADE & CO,S. Rant side Broad at., S gn of Gulden Saddle! BACONIBACOVI / C 1 BAY k. VAN H’.I.T have just received a large lot of I\j- A con. Call and but. jnujJO—tw; * THEBRITISH PERIODICALS AND THE FARMER’S GUIDE. LEONARD SCOTT & CO. NO. 154, GOLD ST., NEW YORK, Continue to publish the four leading British Quar terly Reviews and Blickwood’s Magazine ; in ad dition to which they have recently commenced th publication of a valuable Agricultural woik, eallc the FARMER’S GUIDE TO SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE,” By Henry Stephens, F. R. S., of Edinburgh, author ,of the 4 * Book of the Farm,” sc., <sc.; assisted by John P. Norton. M. A., New Haven, Professor of Scientific Agriculture in Yale College, &c., <s*c. This highly valuable work will comprise twe •i large royal octavo volumes, containing over HOC I pages, with 18 or 20 splendid steel engravings and more than 000 engravings on wood, in the high ost style of the art; illustrating almost every im plement of husbandry now in use by the best (Arm ors, the best methods of ploughing, planting, Fkiy ing, harvesting, &c., &c., the various domestic an imaisjin their highest perfection ; in short, the pictorial feature of the book is unique, and will render it of incalculable value to the student o agriculture. The work is being published in Semi-monthly Numbers, of 64 pages each, exclusive of the Steel , engravings, and when not taken in connection with the Reviews or Blackwood is sold at 25 cents each, j or $5 for the entire work .n numbsrs, of which j there will be at least twenty-two. The British Periodicals Re-published are as fol- j ows, viz : The London Quarterly Review (Conservative), ? ’ The Edinburgh Review (Whig), j The fiorth British Review (Free-Church), The Westminster Review (Liberal), and Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory). Although these works are distinguished by the ; political shades above indicated, yet but a small i portion of the r contents is devoted to politica I uEjects. It is their literary character which gives them their chief value, and in that they stand con i fiet„dly far above ail other journals of their class Blackwood, still under the masterly guidance of Christopher North, maintains its ancient celebrity, 1 and is, at this time, unusually attractive, from the | serial \vt rks of Bulwer, ond other literary nota- I hies, written for that magazine, and first appearing , in its columns both in Great Britain and in the United Such works as * Caxtons” and 44 My New Novel” (both by Buhver), 44 My Penin- I , sular Medal,” “The Green Hand,” and other . serials, or which numerous rival editions sre issued ( ! by the leading publishers in this country, have ‘ to be reprinted by those publishers from the j pages of Blackwood, after it has been issued by j Messrs Scott 4* Cos., so that subscribers to the re- j print of that Magazine may always rely on having the earliest reading oEthese hicinuting tales. TERMS PER ANNNUM. For any one of the four Reviews, $5.00 [ 4 'er any two, do 5.00 j or any three, do S.OO or all four of the Reviews, 1 000 : or Blackwood’s Magazine, 3.09 For Blackwood and three Reviews, 9.00 /or Blackwood and the four Reviews, 10.00 For Farms r’s Guide (in 22 Nrs.). •. | do. and 1 n:::: i do ({ • • • fe.U r - * • do “...all five u 14.00 ( Payni ents to be made inall cases in advance.) CLUBBING. A discount of twenty Jive per cent, from the abov <■ prices will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the .above works, Thus : 4 copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to one address for $9 ; 4 copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood tor S3O; and so on. Remittances and communications should be always addressed, post-paid or franked, to the Publishers. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., 79 Fulton Street, New York, aptfwatw Entrance 54G01d-st. PORT FOLIOS, ALBUMS, &c. PORT Folios and Albums, of papier rnache , Dominoes and Chessmen, Brushes and Combs, Taper Matches, Italian silk Strings, for violin and guitar, [a new article] for sa/e by mayl4tw C. REPS & CO. LAND FOR SALE. ONE Section of good land No 16, Township 14, Range 28 in Russell county Alabama, will be sold on good terms. For further particulars apply j to Dr. Cullen Battle, Eufaula Ala, or tebßw6 n C M BATTLE, La Grange Ga. THIRD ANNUAL FAIR OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA INSTITUTE. FT*HE third Annual Fair ol the South Carolina In- i Jl stitute, for the promotion of Art, Mechanical Ingenuity and Industry, will be held in Charleston, j S.C., opening on Monday, 17th November, and continuing during the week. Specimens in every branch of Mechanism, Art j and Industry ; also of Cotton, Rice, Sugar, Tobac co and all other Agricultural Products,are solicited, for which suitable premiums wili be awarded. The following special Premiums arc offered: — : For the six best specimens of Steel made from Spartanburg or other Iron, the product of a South ern State, and manufactured into Edged Tools of : any kind—A Gold Medal, . B.—*A Specimen of the S;cel in Bars to be sent with the Tools. For the largest quantity of Cocoons raised on one plantation, not less than Ten Bushels—A Goid Medal or SSO. For the largest quantity ot Spun Silk, the pro duce of any one plantation, not less than Ten Pounds—A Gold Medal or Premium of SSO. For the best Sea Island Cotton Gin, on some new principle, superior to that now in general use ; or for any real and important improvement on the present one—A Gold Medal. For the invention of a suitable machine for Pul verising Red Pepper—A Gold Medal. For the best Steam Engine —A Gold Medal. For the best model Steam Fire Engine—A Gold Medal. A large and commodious building has been se lected foi the Exhibition, and every care will be paid to the reception and care of Articles sent to the Fair. All Specimens must he in by the 13th November. Contributors to the Fair arc respectfully reques*- ed when they forward Speciments for Exhibition, to B*nd full descriptions of the Article?, and such information in general as may be ol use, and pro dcr for publication. Address J. H. TAYLOR, Chairman of Committee oil Correspondence. junc2B-tf $lO REWARD. miles east of Talbotton, Talbot county,Ga., a Negro Man named ALECK, twenty-thre j : years old, of dark complexion, with a bt*ck I ‘ spot under one of his eyes, and a sinal l scar on one under eye-lid, a jaw tooth out, and <t scar | about one inch long on the back of the nc-k. He I uses an axe left handed. When in conversation ! he wads hi head to some extent. When he left he had on a suit of blue satinet,roundabout coat and black fur hat. He may try *o get work | to do. He left me once before and obtained work. ! The above reward will be paid fArjtbc apprehen i sion and confinement of'tho negro, and SoG will j ce paid for the apprehension of any person who may have decoyed him off, with proof to convict ihc rogue JOSEPH HOLLIS. £ June 10, 1851.—w4t-pd. “ TI,K OF T,,K STATES ATI, THE SOVEREIGNTY OP THE STATES.” COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 10, 1851 ! BULL’S SARSAMRILLA. IT is put up iu full quart Dottles, and contains the strength of SIX TIMES as much pure Honduras Sarsaparilla as any similar preparation in America. Price one dollar per bottle, or six bottles for five dollars. It has been a well established fact for years past, that Sarsaparilla, when pure and properly prepared, wes the only true panacea for all diseases originating from an impure state of the blood, the use of mercury, intoxicating j drinks, evil habits in youth, barrenness, &c. We ?>o!diy j assert, that JOHN BULLS i Flui.l Extract of S:ii s:i|>aril!iL j the only preparation before the punTi*-. *} tis j on strictly scientific principles, and of unifr-rm strength. 1 The Sarsaparilla is purchased without regard to price, and i every pound, before being used, is subject to iliu stri test i chemical tests, and its genuineness ascertained before Rung j used 1 > 45 Bull’s Sarsaparilla also contains tlie virtues of several ; other valuable medical roots, together forming the best i compound, and producing tiie greatest curative a*>:nV in t/ie known world! This Medicine, when used j to directions, WILL CUBS WITHOUT FAIL! j Scrofula or King's Evil, Cancers, Tumors, Eruptions cf the Skin, Erysipelas, Chronic Sire Eyes . Ringworm i r j Tetters, Scald Head, Rheumatism , Pains in the Bones or Joints, Old Sores and Ulcers, Swelling of the Glands, Syphilis, Dyspepsia, Sdt ‘ Rhe.nm, Diseases of the Kidneys , Loss of Appetite, Diseases arising from the use of Mercury, pain in the Side and Shoulders , Gene ral Debility, Dropsy, Lumbago, Jaundice, Costiveness, Sore Throat, BranchV is, Coughs, Colds, Weakness of the Chest, Pulmonary Ass- o tions, and all other diseases tending to produce CONSUMPTION, * Liver Complaint, Female Irregularities and Complaint *, Sick and Nervous Headache, Low Spirits, Night Sweats, Exposure or Imprudence in Life, Chronic Constitution;.l Diseases; and is a spring and summer drink, and general tonic for the system, and a gentle and pleasant purgative, far superior to Blue Lick or Congress water, Salts, or S-*ii litz Powders! GOOD TESTIMONY. The Louisville Courier thus speaks of Bull’s Sarsaparilla; We have been shown, by Mr. John Bull, proprietor of that world-renowned preparation, “Bull’s Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla,” an original, genuine, and beautiful letter, addressed to him by the accomplished lady of one of the most cminout old physicians in the West, giving a detailed account of one of the most astonishing cures on record, per formed alone by the use of “Bull’s Sarsaparilla.” This most excellent and charming lady had long suffered from prolapsus uteri, fluor albus, piles, and chronic diseases of the stomach and digestive organs, and derangement of the whole system, attended with distressing cutaneous erup tion, sick headache, and violent attacks of cramp. After exhausting all of her husband’s skill, and applying to many celebrated medical gentlemen, both at home and abroad, and also using quantities of “Townsend’s Sarsapa rilla,” without the slightest relief, she was induced to use “John Bull’s Sarsaparilla.” And what was the happy result? After the use of a few bottles, a perfect and won derful cure—the lady restored to perfect health, and her usual flow of spirits. Such letters as the one we speak of, must afford Mr. Bull more real gratification, than could the possession of count less wealth. And whether he accumulates wealth or not by the sale of his truly valuable Medicine, I*dug its author is glory and honor enough; and he can say to the w /a, without fear of contradiction, “ I have in my poverty human sufferingj than did Stephen Girard or y-;o, i,,;i lions.” 1 RHEUMATISM CTJRED-j"— : 7.. who are suffering uu*i'*r the agonizing torture Rheumatism rend tin 1 following, and see what may be fur them, if they will use the infallible remedy: Uniontowx, Ky.. May 12,1848 j.-r Mr. John Bull: Dear Sir, —For the last three years, I have been afflicted with Rheumatism of the severest char acter- I was at times iu the greatest agony of pain. I tried every remedy I could procure for the disease; but found no permanent relief until I w as induced to use your prepara tion of Sarsaparilla, which has entirely cured me of Rheu matism, and greatly improved my general health more than any medicine l ever used. I have been free from pain for several months, and have no doubt the cure is perma nent; and I recommend it as the best medicine in use for Rheumatism. . ISIIAM BRIDGES. It is useless to produce further testimony in favor of this great remedy. It lias only to be tried and proved, to cqu vincc the public of its superior efficacy. Notice to Females. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla is one of tho greatest female medicines now in existence. In those numerous cases where the constitution is debilitated, the nervous energy ia lessened, when the efforts of nature are weak and deficient, or are profuse and overwrought, when the face is pale and colorless, the strength feeble and yielding, the spirit trou- . bled and depressed, the health broken, mind shaken, and consequently the happiness destroyed—then Bull’s Sarsa parilla is a sovereign remedy. It assists nature in the per formance of her duty, braces the whole system, renews permanently the natural energies, removes obstructions, checks excesses, creates pure and healthy blood, and health and happiness. Were ladies generally to adopt the use of this Medicine, we would see far less suffering, disease and unhappiness among them than now exists, health would take the place of disease, the rosy check would succeed the pallid face; we should have smiles instead of tears, and per haps a happy long life instead of one cut short by disease, or made miserable by continued suffering and affliction. _ At that critical period termed the “ turn of life,” which is often attended with so much danger, Bull's Sarsaparilla is j found to exert a most beneficial effect. All ladies approach* A ing this crisis, should be apprised of this fact, and avail themselves of this valuable Medicine. A BEAUTIFUL CLEAR SKIN. How we all admire a clear, beautiful, white skin, and a rosy colored cheek. llow often do we see persons, not pos sessing this “desideratum so devoutly to be wished,” sorting to cosmetics, lotions, washes, paints, and colori# I materials, to restore to them a semblance of what diseJ~-M has deprived them of, and that, too, with great injury the skin. Hull's Sarsaparilla is the best Cosmetic known. It beautifies the skin by removing every particle of morbid and diseased matter from the blood, making it pure, heal thy and vigorous, giving activity to every minute vessel, and changing the yellow and dark countenawe i> Gfo f bloom and freshness of youth. Ladies, abandon the use of paints and mixtures, and use Bull's Sarsaparilla , the only effectual remedy. “ A word to the wise is sufficient,” and a hint is enough for the ladies. - RET TER TESTIMONY’ THAN WAS EVER OFFERED IN FAVOR OF ANY MED CINE. Brad the testimony of Dr. Moore. ** Mr. .John Bi ll, — I have no hesitation in saying that I believe your Sarsaparilla to be the best article ever manu factured, for the cure of Scrofula, Syphilis, and many other Cutaneous or Glandular Affections, having used it with entire success in numbers of the above cases. Louisville, Dec. 26, 1847. JAS. M. MOORE, M. I). From Dr. L. P. Yanddl, Professor of Chemistry in Louis ville Medical College. I have looked over the list of ingredients comprsiogp John Bull’s COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLAT and have no hesitation in saying that they form a safe com- | pound, and one that promises well in chronic diseases, to which it is applicable. L. P. YANDELL, M^D.. Louisville., June 6, 1848. 1 From Dr. Pyles , Physician by appointment to the Louisville Marine Hospital. Louisville, March 20,1849. I have examined the preparation of the prescription of JOHN BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, and believe the combina tion to he an excellent one, and well calculated to produce an alterative impression on the system. 1 have used it both in public and private practice, and think it the b<st artWe of Sarsaparilla in use. M. PYLES, M. I>., Resident Physician, Marine Hospital. Buli/s Sarsaparilla.—Go whore you will, to steamboats bound for Nuslivillc. New Orleans. St. liouis, Cin/ irinati, Madison. Frankfort, or for the Green River and you will find immense supplies of this being shipped on board. But few merchants visit our city, in whntevei branch <V£ trade soever they may be engaged, but have orders ti c mo? * or less of Bull's Sarsaparilla.— Louisville Democrat. Manufactured at Dr. JOHN BULL'S Laboratory, 81 Fourth street, Louisville, Ivy. r ITKor sale b> DANF.ORTII A N AGUE, - Sob N ‘sCnO, Columbus tin. j ll mwfun . HOSIERY I” A DIES’ plain, open work and wbjitc udk ; j How; plain black |lo‘oi linen land I 1 -l colored mid m , colored b'-e. !'Cv c - - THE BROKEN BUD: OR REMINISCENCES OF A BEREAVED MO THER.—“How many mothers am bereaved ! A et j who hut a mother knows the sorrows of a mo i ther’s heart? The very record of maternal cx | perience in these trying scenes, is itself a relief, J by breaking the strange illusion by which many | suppose tiiat none others suffer as they. But then such a record shows how those afflictions may he improved for the highest good, they con. tain the pearl of great price, in a casket of grief. Let those who know the anguish of a mother, read ’ for their benefit and comfort, these reminiscences.” j —Quarterly Review, Methodist E. Church South. Fur sale bv | ma y l3 b. f. wilco c. &E. S. KERRISON, &CO , ~ DIRECT IM PORTERS OF FOREIGN | ‘ JJ R V GOODS, Ciiarleston, South Carolina, j OULU respectfully inform their friends and j i t those who purchase Dry Goods in their city, i thaf.ihcy are prepared, and are offering a very i large and well assorted stock of FOIiLiGX and nosmsTlC, STAPLE and FA NCI BID GOODS, seloc r ed for, and particularly adapted to the Southern Trade. Importing direct, they feel assured ofbeing able I to sell Goods, as low in CHARLESTON, as they I can be boughtin any other Market, in the United | States. Thoywould call particular attention to JLIXF.X GOODS of every description, the make will by’ I found of best finish, and perfectly fiee Irom any j mixture of Cotton. Also, to their stock oI'DRESis j GOODS, which will be found second to none in he Market. Terms Cash, or City acceptances. ’ c. & E.S. KERRISON, & CO., No 209 and ehSwatwtf N W cor of King& Market sts. ROCK ISLAND FACTORY, IS now manufacturing Writing Paper es all the I various kinds,—such as Letter, Fools-cap, Flat ! ; cap, Folio and Commercial Post, (ruled and un ! ruled,) Mediums, Demys, &e. Also, News print Hook and Colored paper, Post Office and News ■ Envelopes and Wrapping paper of all sizes ; all of ‘ which will he sold on ns favorable terms a3 can he I purchased in any market. Orders for any of the above kinds of paper ad dressed to D. ADAMS, (Treasurer) or the under signed, will meet with prompt attention. G. 11. CURTIS. Secr’y. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A kL persons indebted to the estate of 1 Martin J. late of Muscogee coun- j y, deceased, are requested to make immediate \ payment, and those holding demands are request- I ed to present tli3in duly attested iu terms ot the law. may 20, lSol-w6t WM. A. HEDD, Adm’r. i Lavengro, 2S Y the author of the Bible in Spain. This : j&worlt is a republication from an English print, great has b-en its popularity, that two ri v i >ed ito ns have been issued in this country*—Just rt#;eived and for bv sale by A g.fuswf.llEfrdfc co. u, xi iiUloO.t AND COMMISSION MERCHANT V Broad st*, Columbus Ga., ■Will attend promptly to all business consigned tShiin. janfltf | .TAMES W-. BETHDXE, } ATTORNEY AT LAW. Vomer of Broad and’ Randolph Street f COLUMBUS, GA. {Office -uf.r Brokaw, Cj.f.mons & Co.’s Store. I jm26-lytw WILLIAM I. . FLETCHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Greenville Georgia, Merinetlier County, mar26-watwly CHESLEY B. HOWARD. A 7 T 0 R X E Y A T I. .1 W, COLUMBUS, (.A •v \ (iItUi.MVOOI) et MOIUIIS, CO MMI 8SI()N M ERCIIANIS, li No. 113 Tclioupitoulas Street, NEW ORLEANS. m m greenwood. josiah morris. ™ct 1, ISSO vv&tw—Sm MERCHANTS’ AND PLANTERS’ i-UTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. NEW-ORLEANS, LA. Eire and Marine Risks, I E. S. GREENWOOD, Agent. || C|oluinbus, Ga. Dec 20. ISSO twly H. R. TAYLOR, Commission anti Forwardino Merchant No. 22 W A TER STREET, AFAI.ACHICOI.AFI., S. S. STAFFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Blakely, Early Cos., Ga. apSwatw v DR. J. C. ROOSEVELT. HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Columbus, Geo. Office Randolph Street, —near tho Post Office, apr.ihl—tw IN FANCY ARTICLES OF all kinds, and to suit all tastes—such as Pocket Hantl- I orchids, Cravats, N ek Ties, Stocks. Socks ‘every qual ity aid color, silk and coliotO, Silk, Cotton and Linen Tu dor Biirt>—and in fact everything necessary to a gentleman's Wan robe, can be found at aprila-wtf WILLIFORD & DAN NIL’S. SHIRTS. fOilN M. DAYIPS and JONES’ PATENT. aeknowledg fl edlo be superior in style, finish and lit. to any in the world—a general variety of plain, white and tanev, at apt'! 6—tw If WILLIFORD & DAN ILL'S. CLOTHS. I>L.V'K, blue, brown, green, drab, olive and olive brown, J hrenze d’ore, bronze muse, and aniclie - French and Knglish —to be found by the yard, read) made, or made to “trier, in the most elegant and fashionable style, and war ranted to please all, at aprilO—twtf WILLIFORD & DANIEL'S. LINEN DRILLINGS. PI MN awl figured white Drillings and Ducks, fancy Plaid i.M bano^ tfrioty at eppfoill A | GEORGI Y—MARION COUNTY. | Inferior Court qf ijuid County for Ordinary Purposes, Febru ary Adjourned Term. Feb. sth. 1851, present their Honors | —Martin F. Riven, Chapman F. Maddox, William Itevis. j George (.’lmtnpion and Charles 11. McCall. Judges of said j Court : r PO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN—Whereas Benja ! min F. Hubert, Administrator upon the Estate of Ma ! th‘*w A. Hubert, late Os said county, deceased, applies for I Letters of Dismission from the A<imlnistration ofsaiil Estate i therefore, the kindred and creditors f said deceased, are j hereby cited and admonished to file their objections 'if mo-- they Have) in my office, in terms of the law; otherwise ) ters Disrnissionary will be granted the Applicant at the\ t. mber Term next, of the Court of ( mhnary for said *i’ By order of the f’ourt. this Fehruarv 7th,’.1851. ( fcb2s wUin WM. YVILi.IA.MB. C. C.\ GEt >IU iIA-E ARL V COl NT Y. [ YY herons Alfred Move, Adminisirator on the Estate f Win. i Moye, deceased, applies to me for J.ettera of Dismission j Irom said .Ydminisiration, he having fully administered Ihe i same, as will in* re 1 wily appear by referencetthe records I of my office: r j ’’H I SE ar* dier*-for* t** rite and admonish all and singu -1 lar the kindred and cre<litor< of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the lime presi-ri bed l>y law, and I show cau.-e, -if any hcv have, why said Letters should not be granted. Uiu-n under my hand* at office, this 21st Janu ary, 1851. jair-M—wtiiii] S. 8. STAFFORD, C. C. <. the eagle MANUFACTURING CO. KNOYY “Y 1!. that we—Y\'. H. Young. Samuel Citssin.J. McGough, YV. .1. McAllister. YV. 11. Hughes, R. M. Gun by. J. Rho<les Brown, YY'. Porter & Cos.. YV. 8. IVhM. J. YY . Potter. J. YY . King—have associated ourselves together as a body corporate, tbr the purpon.- of engaging in the bu siness of Manufacturing Cotton and YVool; and that we have adopted as our coa|>orate name, by which we will sue and be sued, “Tm: J'.aglk Mam i.vtuking Company.” and bv which we will be known and designated—that wi have sub scribed as our capital stock, the sum of One Hundred mid i Ten Thousand Dollars, which v. iil be employed in the busi ness belbre nieiitioueil.—May 5, 1851. YY m. 11. Yoi no, j R. M. Crvfsv. Sam. < vs.- I v. j J. Rhodk Brown. •I no. McGoi uh. | YV. (~ Fortes &CO. Wm. J. McAllister, i YV. S. Beall. Wm. 11. Hi'oiiks, i J. M. Potter. J. YV. King, Signed in the presence of wDu JOHN J. McKENDREE, J. P. EARLY SUPERIOR COURT—APRIL TERM, 1851. Caroline Yin son, i VS. > LIBEL FOP. DIVORCE. I James YTnson. ) I T appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff, that . the delendant resides out of this State, —It is therefore or dered by the Court, that service be pertec’ed upon said de ; feiidant. by publication of this Rule once a month f..r four months, before the next Term of this Court, in one of the public gazettes <*f this {State. YY M. C. COOK. S< >l. for Plaintiff. A true extract from the Minutes of said Court. tb> Mav 13. 1851. may2o—vv4m JAMES B. BROYY’N, C. S. C. RULE NISI. Elizarkth Green, i Libel f*r Dlvore, &c.—Ta Early VJS * > Superior Court. April 1. rtii. : Thomas Green. j 1851. IT appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant does not reside in this eountv—and it fur ther appearing that he resides out of the limits of the State— It is on motion Ordered, That said defendant appear and answer at the next Term of this Court, or that the cast* be considered in default, ami the plaintiff allowed proceed— and that service be perleeted by the publicatii*n **i this :n *ne i the public gazettes ot this State, once a month four months next preceding the next Term of this Goarr. BA.MCEE STAFFORD, Sol. for A true extract from tlie Minutes of said Court, this 13th. 1851. iiiayJU--w4iu r JAMES B. HHOYW, Acunmistrator’s Sale. J> Y virtue sass order from the honorable the Conn ei 1} diiiary of Muscogee c ounty, passed at the January Term thereof 1851, will be sold at the Market House in the City of Columbus; on the first Tuesday in Aligns: next, between the usual hours of sale—A half am* Lot, with the impr cm -tits Thereon, lying in the said city of Columbus known by N<. tiffff. situated on the nortn-eas:’ corner of Mclntosh and Early streets, to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Man 15. Travwick, deceased. June 3, 1851.*—whb JXO. M. TRAYWICK. Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A be sold before the Court House door, in the town ‘ \ ‘ of Buena Vista, in Marion county, on the first Tuesday ! iu August next, tlie west half of Lot N". 225, in the 31st dis trict of said county,—sold as the property of Charles Bhevv bart, <leceased, late of said countv. April 2ft. 1851.—vvtds BA.MUEL ANDERS. Kx’r. NOTICE. \ AS Daniel Me Donga Id. did. in his life-time, make ami execute a deed of trust “t property to Seaborn • Jones and Hubert B. Alexander, for the benefit ofhiseredi ! tors. For the purpose of enrryingout the provisions of trust. will be ’■••ld a! jiblicoutcry, on Thursday alter the tirs! Mon ! day in Ofltphor next, in the town of Girard. Ala., all the in ■ interest of saiilAleDougald. in the following properly,to wit: West }<. section 9, township 11. range > ; -a>t . section 12; east sec. 26; east . see. 25; east .• see. 2*3; east : see. 36, township 12. range 2c 1 ; n<rih h. sex*. 9: h. sec. Ill; north Y; sec. 11; east ... sec. 15; west hah >ec. I'*, mwu i ship 13. range 20; n<*r;h sec. 7. township 14. range 25; j east sec. 32. township 14. range 30; east : see. 15; north j sec. 18; south hi sec. 1.-; north sec. 23: south -ee. 36; east sec. 8, township la. range 32; Casl 1 sue. 27, ; township 15. range 24: south 1 see. 36, township 15. range ; 26; north L sec. 26; north \. sec. 14,township 15, range 27 ; north V see. 8. township 15. range 28; south V sec. 18: ■ north sec. 26; north V. sec. 27; north V >ei\ 28; sec. 29; ! south sec. 33: west V see. 3; west sec. 17 : south \ -ec. 23; north % sec. 27 ; sec. 2. township 15, range 29: south see. 8. tow nship 15, range 29; soiiih-wes*. . 30; sec. 8. township 15. range 3U; north sec. 17; west . sec. 15. tow■ a>hip 16. range 25 ; south sec. 8. township i6. range 26: north V. see. 15: west \ si*e. 2, township 16, range 27 : north ’.• sec. 2, tow nship 16. range--; sec. 3; nor!, see. ti; east’ v >ec. 8: south J-.. >cv*. 13, town. 17, range 22; e:i't . -ec. 22 town. 17. range 23; north s r ,-. 22, township 17. range 24; east see. 2ti; south v sec. 7. township 18. range 2t‘.; north see. 11: north V sec. 21: south .S s.r. 22: north see. 11, township 19, range 26; west 1 -ec. t. township IP. range 27 ; north see. 13; south sec. 14; south sec. . 21; north ,'v sec. 24 : north sec. 25 : north ‘ . sec. 26; east sec. 33; south sec. 25. township 17, range 25; -ec. 22. township 17. range 27: east V of north-east . sec. 21; east h. of soudi-east sec. 21 ; south see. 25 ; >• c. 2*3. township 17. range 27 ; south . sec. •. 28; ; ■ t: f -. c. 2. : township 17. range 28: south see. 31: north . see. 36; north \ see.3o, township 17, range2o; sotui. .. -i*c. 7, town i ship 17, mnge 30; west . undivided -ec. 21 : west . -ec. 6. tow nship 18, mnge 23: north f. six*. 3, towtislrp 18. range 27; south L. six*. 2*3 : smith sec. 31 : north . see. 33; ,Huth east k; sec.JP, town.-hip 18. range 28 ; west . sec. 14, ‘owu ship 20. rang, 24 ; west h. sec. 8. township 20. range-25: west of south-west V bnuiiviiUxD sec.: east of south east l , l undivideih sec. 27, towusliip 24. range 22. Interest in the follow ing, v>ccuj>i<*e bv Daniel Me. Dottgald : east sec. 23, tow u-hip !7. range3l: n.-r'b , ->v.27 : n >rth \ see. 25: north H see. 26 ; fraeiion sec. 24 ; i< :> and inter est in Gerard ; lots and interest in Cusseia. Tile terms will be cosh. Sale to continue from day to day, until all the property is sold. —.March 4th, 1851.—wOm BFABOHN JONF.S, Surviving Trustee. pom Months after date. 1 will apply to I” the Interior Court of Muse-gee county, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell a Negro Bov belonging to the Estate of Martin J. Kendrick, deceased, late of'slid countv. —Max 20, 1851.—w4m VYM. A. REDD, Ad mV. EXECUTORS’ SAI.E. l l “ ILL be sold before the Court House of Marion com ;, > > on the 1-t Tuesday in September next, lot of land N . 463, in the 3lst District of said county M)u the Ist Tuesday in October following, before the door of llu* Court House of F.arly county, lot No. 62, in the 28th District, and No. 116 in the 26th District of said county of F.arly ; On the Ist Tuesday in November next, before the Court House of Leo county, let No. 171, in the 14th District of said county of On the Ist Tuesday in December next, before the Court House door of Montgomery county. No. 103, in the 6th District of -aid county :—all of said laud sold as the property of {Stephen Weston, late of said county of Btewart. deceased, for the ben efit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, agreeable to an order of the Inferior Court of Btow art county, wlie.n sitting for Ordinajy purqoses. Terms: Notes well secured, payable the 25th of Dtx*embcr next.—June 26, 1851. JOSEPH L. WESTON, T. 1.. WILBURN, J. G. M. BALI., jiilyl wtd ■ f . GEORGIA EARLY COUNTY. Whereas Lazarus Goolsbey. Guardinn for Henry Goolshey, lunatic, of said county, applies to me for Letters, of Dismis sion from said Estate: r IMIESE are therefore to cite and admonish all ami singtt -1 lar the kindred and creditors to bet and appe tr at my of fice w ithin the time prescribe<l by law, to show cause (it any they have’ why said Letter- should net be granted. Gpco under my band at office, this 21st day of January, 185! jauij7—w6m S. STAFFORD. C, *’ RANDOLPH SHERIFF SALES. WILL be sold on the Ist Tuesday in August next, before > > the Court House door in the town of Cuthbert, Ran dolph county, within the usual hours, of sale, the following j property to-wit: Lot of Land No. 221, in the 4tli District of said esmity. levied on as the properly of Jackson to sat isfy one fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said coun ty. in favor of Charles Huckaby vs. Jackson Lee pointed out hyxiefentlaijl- Loi <f La ml No. 233, in the Bth District of said county, levied on as the property of William Orr; to satisfy one fl. Ca. issued from the Superior Court of suid county, in favor of ’ V ‘Nfcindhtf vs. William Orr. ‘Htf lA>t of Land No. 241. in the 7th District ! t 4 .and on # lite property of Benjamin D. ,: 'W . ne fi. fa. issued out of a Justice’s Court y v ” *- favor of Charles T. F. Carden vs. B. D. / -de and returneil to me by a constable. of Lot of No. 113, it being in the south wi-r said lot ; levied on as the property of Samuel Iligsby, t >> Vitisty sundry fi. las- i.ssueil out of a Justice’s Court oi said county, in favor of Daniel A. Garrett and others vs. Samuel Rigsby; levy made and returned to me by a constable: property pointed out by said Rigsby. Lot of I-and No. 198. in tin- 4Ai District Os said county, 1 v i*.*d on as ll.i; j>r*q* rty of Mack Daniel, to satisfy one n. fa. issued out of a Justice’s Court f said county, in favor of Nathan G. (Jhristoe v.. .lack Daniel; levy made and return ed to me by a constable. on.- Negro Boy by the name of Mom, about 17 years of age: levied on as the property of Mary J. Jones, to satisfy ! noe ii. la. issued from the Sup;rior Court of said county, in favor ot the < nffeers of Court a Mary J. Jones. Lot ol Land N<*. 2l)<, in the tit h District of said county: ! levied on as the property of R*ibert D. Jinks, to satisfy two Ij. las. issued out of a Justice’s Court of said countv, in favor •*t Janu*” rimith vs. Th*>m > H. Bell and Robert b. Jink ; levy made and returned to me by a constable. The f.>!l*.wing Lots >f Land : No. 5. iu the 7th District, and N<*. 307. and west half of Lot of Land No. 308, and w est hall Dot of (arid N". 277. in thetith Di-trict of.said county ami three Negroes—Rachel, a woman about 27 vears of age* Matilda, a girl about 18 years of age. and Jack, a boy a bom 1* years of age; ajl levied on as the property of Lemont Dumu to satisfy 1L fas-issued from tin* Superior Courts of saiil county —tw* iu favor of William Hammock vs. said Dunn, one J. 15. Smith and John Crosier, vs. 1,. Dunn, Y\ olfe Bisliop vs. L. Dunn, and LD. Price vs. said Dmu and sundry others, one in favor of Case & YY'arren vs. Lo nion Dunn. Two Negroes. ti>wit: Bam. a man twenty-one years of age. and loin r man tweiffy-two years of age, levied on as the pn-perty of 8. A. Smith, to satisfy a two fi. fas. issued troin the Superior Court of said county, one iu tavor of Delaware Morr; . .8- A. Smith ami Duncan Jordan—se curity on appeal. Lot <>t Land No. IT3 in the 7th District of said county ; le vied on as the projM-rty u! Daniel D. Eldridge. to satisfy one ii. la. issued from the Bujyri*r . < *urt of sad county in “favor *>i John L. Lewis vs. Daniel D. Eldridge: pointed out bv A. Iverson. RICHARD DAVIS Sheriff. June 2ff. 1851. [Julyltd.] G EORGIA—MARION COUNTY. Inferior Court of said county for Ordinary Purposes, March D-rm, 185L—Pre-cat ihe honoraba* Martin F. Biven Chapman F. Maddux, and Charles 11. Mi-Call. Judges of said court, March 3d. 1851 : IT appearing to the court by U petition of John Chap man. that Austin YY . Wa L deceasetl, iid. in his life-timo make and execule in due ffrra by law. his N;ud. condition ; • <1 to make titles in fee-simple to said John Chapman, for lot j ot land No. tfti the ‘3O) iluriietb district of originally now Marion county; and it further appearing that said Aus tin YY . all, departed this life without executing titles in confonnity to s.-.ui bond : and it further appearing That John < hapman ho> fully paid the purchase money for said lot of land,—Therefore ordered that notice be given in terms of Ujo law. for Boloraan YVall, f Administrator of said Austin W. i to make and execute ;< John Chapman titles to said in ‘■ : -rn.'ty v.vh binl. for all perjSo** T* • Ti’ - - .Jt iUi} -4**** J**v*>e-"* HH ‘’tliee. W !•> Slid iwlupA % ~f, d. should not exti* v..i c> ..r . this March gS|i^b2s—w-.m YYM. WILLIAMS, C. C. O. “ GEOR‘; 1 A—EA RLY COUNTY. YVhereas Franc. A. Grirtiih applies me for Letters of Ad ministration on R..- I'siute ‘tjfcwderickGriffith, lateofsaid county. dece:;.M*d-: y r r , HESE are t!.i re ore io • <md admonish all and singu -1 lar the kindred and ci vtor.- of the saitl deceased, to t* and appear at my office, within if-* imo prescribed by law, !• 1 slew cause, if any tin y have, why ...J Leto r- should not be granted. Given umler my hand at office, this ’7;h day of June. 1851. june2h—wst 8. S. STAFFORD, r. c. O. G Ei >I!GI A— E ARLY O >UN*T Y. Whereas Stephen Blocker and Josiah G. Jones. Ex- ctitors of Margan-t H. Jones, deeeasnl. applies to me tor Letters of Dismis'.iun from said Executorship: TMIESK are therefore to cite and admonish all ainl singu -1 lar tin* kindred and credilers of said deceased. tt>file their objections in my uffi- c. .if any they have.i within the time prescribeil by law, to show cause* why said Letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand and x-al ‘at iffice, this Mav 5. 1851. may 10 —feu * S. S. STAFFORD, C.* C. O. J. M. RAUM. I \F.ALKR in F ■ \ and Staple DRY G< ‘ODB, Ijices and 1 * r.riibroiderie**.—Freud stn-et. opposite the Times offi. e april23—w6m _____ MERIWETHER WARM SPRINGS. , I'*Hlß establishment will be ready for the reception of the 1 public, on and after the first day of June next. Meriwether springs are situnu-d on the north side of the P'. ie Mountain, about 1800 feet al*>\ e the level of the sea— a fount: ;n forth 1406 gallons of water per minute, ot ‘3O degrees temperature, supplying six pools, or baths, 10 feet square, each, three of w hich are kept exclusively for ladies and three for gentlemen, and a separate bath is kept for servants. The proprie’or deems it unruxvssary to viy more in rela :• tion to the me bc aai proji-rbe- these Bpriugs. as they are well known to hundreds of invalid- who have been benefit ted by the u>e <;'th;> water in the cure of Kheumatisiu, Gout. Dyspepsia. Bronchitis, .bmndice. Diarrha*, Dys*‘ntary, : all di-er -i tile skin and knltieys—in fact, most all diseas es *,o whiah the human family is subject, for the proof of w lreb be b;.- -eor.-s *>i .vrfifieate- of individuals, as well as ot''some of the most eminent Physicians of the State, lu ad dition to the W:riu Springs, there is line Ch;dylx-aie and Sulphur Water on the prenr-es. \ is'iors w aa: a times find :. ready t>.nveyanceat Green ville. or a: Pleasan’ Dili. :ake tl in to the Springs at modt rate charge-. Tin-re will be a regular communication by po-t coaches, between Columbus and the Springs dur ing tin- season. Those who may prefer tnivelluig by pri vate conveyance, can at all times _;e: tine .xcctMiitnodations at either of the livery stables in the city of Columbus at moderate charges. Then* will also be hacks and other con veyances kept at the Springs so the accommodation of the The siihsori’ > r takes t!;s K*eas to return his thanks to the numerous patrons of the Warm Springs and to assure them that he will exert himself to pleas*—that he has made ample arrangements for more aecimmuH hit ions, and hoj>ee to receive and merit their patronage. J. 1.. MI STI AN. may 10-w Ntwtb ProprieUr. COTOOSA SPRINGS. •’pHIS popular and fashionable Watering Place, w ill be 1 opened i< r liie iveeption oi Visitors on the 16th day of June. The Proprietors would inform the public, that since the h;-: - ; m. they have added !■> their vstablislnm-nt on hun dred ■'paeious and oomfortable room-, with other improv.v meats ; and as it is their purpose to devote their unittxl iht soiial attention to the uceoimno*lation of their guests, they hope to make it delightthl and pleasant res.rt toaal as well tliOM* in pursuit of pleasure : - health. Tlte Water from several f the Springs hasNen recently . aimaly-ed by that accomplished Chemist, Professor A. Mean-, of tin* Mixlieal College of Georgia, whose ivtport of : the same will shortlv be given to the public. The-< Springs, the mineral properties of which are unsup> passed, are situatixl in Walker Countv, tin-, within two miles of the CohH>-a Platform, on the Western and Atlantic Railnvid. one hundred and ten miles from Atlanta, and twenty-live from Chattanooga, in a most delightful anti salu brious mountain climate. The company's hacks will always I be in waiting at tin* I'-pot on the arrival of the cars, to con vey visitor* and their baggage, to the Springs. RATTEY, HICKMAN & McDONALD. may 20—wlOt. ATTENTION MASONS MECHANICS! SEALED Proposals will be received by the Justices of the Inferior Court of Early county, at Blakely, by Con tractors, until the second Monday in Julv next, for the build : ing of a Jail in said county,—to ‘be built of good brick, 20 ! feet square, and walls 20 feet high, basement story 3 foct thick, upper story 2 feet thick, basement floor to be 2 fee', thick, of brick of rock, overlaid with plauk (all heart) 2’* | inches thick, upper floor to fo* of yfQcv* sufficiently strong overhead, to be made secqjs hv ’arge hewed timbers 4 win dows in the l door and 3 windows la tho ujv [h.t story, \q N m<M | c M cu‘ro by double gratings; to be coin plvto*’ , g month—undertaker to be bound in bord with good socuritv. For further particulars apply to lame® B. Brown, BlakVlv. (4a order ofi ourt. „ >;n .*,v_uh;’ IWIB K. [No. 28