Newspaper Page Text
Published Daily (Sundays excited) at the rate of
33.50 per month,or 310 for three months.
No subscription received for a longer itrm V n»
hitc month*.
Advertisements ipterfed for 3- 00 i>ci «<ju*ro for
the first insertion and 4>l 50 for ea ( *h additional.
W here advertisements are inserted a month, the :
charge will be s2p per square. .
AnnoUm iug <*amlkUte*slo. which mast inv aria sly j
lie paid in advance. f
A deduction of 20 »er cent, will be made on ad
advertising accounts over W, wheu prompt pay
ment is made.
fiEORGIA-Marion County :
I.ULE NISI. Whereas. Amanda L Cattle, Ad
mininratrix upon the estate ot David L, Murry,
deceased, having applied for letters of disuinn- sion
ri >m said Adminimatiou.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to show cause, if any they have, why said Adminis
tratrix should not he dismissed from said adminis
tration. '
Given under my hand and official signature, Oc
tober otb, ISbJ. M A LOOM HA Hi,
dec ll mtim Ordinary.
ilEOßGlA—.Harion County -
WITEREAS, B. A. Stary, Administrator upon the
estate of Joseph S. Stary, late of said county,
deceased, having applied for letters ofdiaiu>«on
from said administration.
These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to he and appear at my office within the time pre
scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why
said letters of dismission should not be granted to
said applicant on tile first Monday in October next.
Hi veil under my hand and official signature, dan.
22d, food. “M A LCD At HA I K,
jan # ihduutiy.
(wEORiil A'-Miu ioii County :
RULK NISI. Whereas Carrie James, Adin’x on
the estate of Daniel James, Jr., having peti
tioned this Court for letters of df mission from -mid
Theseare therefore to cite and adnn>ni-h all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased
to be and appear at my office within the time pro-
by law, and show cause if any they have,
why said Administratrix should not be dismissed
from said Administration on the first Monday in
July, 18(54.
(liven under my hand and official signature, this j
December the 7th, 1833. AIA i.CuAI HALK,
dec 14 mbm Ordinary.
Medical Card.
am. su. a. ro*sv.
I FORMERLY Surgeon to the New Orienn; ‘‘Fe
male Infirmary,” tenders hi- mi vices to the Cit
izens of Columbus in all tbe branches of his profes
{Special attention will be the treatment
of the diseases of womein.
Surgical operations performed for Stone in
the Bladder,Fistula in Ano, Yisic > Vayinalfistula,
Hydrocele, Congenital and Accidental T'hymosia,
Varicocele, Hemorrhoids of Biles, Callous Impas
sable strictures, False Passages, Tallapes or Club
Foot, and contraction of the fingers, Strabismus or
Squinting, Aneurism, Yarix or dilated veins, Ptery
gium, Cataract and Hair Lip; also for the remov
al of all tumors or abnormal growths tram any part
of the body.
Diseases of ths.Genito-Urmary System, eompmng
the different stages of (ihonorrhcea, Strictures,
(travel, Spermatorrhea, Sy i'hili3, in it;- primary
secondary,tertiary and heriditary forms,will receive
particular attention.
References givon whonever desired as w. 11 as the
recommendation of many years practice in New Or
leans; Cousultation hours every day at his office
in the Masonic Hall Building, from 10 to Iff o’c-iock
a, in,, and from ff to 4o'clock p, iu. Patients vvilldo
well to call precisely at those hour s us before and
after that time will be devoted, to visiting persons in
the city.
Address all eommuications to
DR. E. A. RO3SY.
« Columbus. Ha,
N. B.—Patrons from a distance will be visited
and treated at home if desired. L shall be thankful
to my proffesaional brethren for any favor they may
do me by sending me persons requirig Surgical
hj*l will also bestow particular to
the treatment of the different forms of i leers, Rhea
ui%thi ui, Gout. Scrofulous affections, Syphilitic ,-t op
tions*-and all other chronic diseases ot thu
Medicated Fumigations and Steam Sulphurou*
Baths, as employed m the hospitals in Europe and
America, will form u p u i of my treatment,
fob 11 . in E. A. K.
Old Bi*oii Wanted.
llfE wish to purchase a large iiuantity oi’SCR AP
VV IKON. I( oth east ami wrought, tor whi. h cash
will be paid. HARRISON, BEDELL A tu.
jan VI7 tl‘
Fine Smoking and Chewing Tobacco*
A For -ale by J . S. MEMBERION,
t'eb 13 ts Druggist under Look s Hotel.
(Formerly of New Orleans,)
folias Hi*. 14.4.,
Staple cfc?
ARE constantly receiving fresh importations, di
rect from Europe, ot staple and fancy DRY
GOODS, which they offer cheap for cash,
feb 5 3tu
Beaver Nkiit* tVaniDil,
THE highest price will be paid or Plow Steel given
in exchange for Beaver Skins, A large number
wanted. Enquire at
feb22-iw L. IT AIM AN A I>KO.
Albany, Eufaula, Cuthbert, Bainbridg© and
BUtxgly papers copy 4w and send bills.
AVa4*e* Atijicih
0“ N and after the first day of March next, the
charge for storage on Cotton in o*.r .
house ' will he ONE DOLLAR »ei bah; o> r oi i. u
Columlms, (la., March 2d, 1564. - Im
t'. *». Ha'Ss',
WILL be «old on the fir.A Tn -lay in April v vt,
\V between the ti-.iai hour; of- , ••• the !
Court House in ifo.-v...gee county, a tine «•.•»• i •••.-peel
carriage. loYte.l on to satisfy twenty ix a i*v
Beall a Murphy,.one fi fa vs A. A. B«.tt anuoyc- fi
fa vs R. A. Murphy, garnishees in ti*« >r_«*t th- * vn
federate States of America for inter.- i due on debt
to allien enemies to the 30th August.
PHILIP A ci, v\To v.
i'. S Mrt V^
Columbus. March Ist til
CoLtTSBXTS, January z In A. j
On the first of each month. Major Inn, f is.vL.
Quartermaster, trill make payment to a;I em
ployee? of this department, Also .to ownc. of
slaves hi ml, and for property Ti nted. Parties in
terested wiil present their Lilli to .Major Davis
The employees of the Transportation Department
will be paid by C&pt. 11. D. Cothi m. All partdiases
of supplies sad payment? there! 'r will be made by
myself. F. W. DILLARD.
Major and Quarterma ter.
ian 29 till apl 1
Office Si'b.-1- : rrrtrE Dep tun-EXT, f
Cidun.i.u .via.. March L. InA. i
All parties holding claim a ain?t this department
due, are hereby notified to present them for pay
ment at this office on or before the ;h u t.
Amount? now due will fee paid onK in thej>r>-vut
currency. A. M. ALLEN,
mar 16 ts M aj. C. S.
Column.!-, March 14, Isjl.j
All creditors of t his Department are ie •l * tied tnat
their account? and all ac.-rulu-i aebt- to the ■ -t
March, will be paid in the present Confederate
E. W. DILL IRl).
mar lb tiir ilst inat Qua. trimaster.
c. S. ARSENAL. )
Columbus, tie-a as,
March 10, 13**4.1
Creditors of the Ordnance Department are again
notified to present their bills before the 2r'th inst., to
Lieut, MutdonJDisbursing Officer, at all claim*up
to the lA of April next will la paid in the present
mar 17 til 25th mar - Major, &e,
Vol. XI.
J. W. WAMttEX 4c CO. Proprietor j. w. « VRKE\, Editor.
Change of Schedule.
i jN and after Sunday, March ?flth, the Trains on
]* ’ iMuscokcc RairToad will tua as follows:
Leu vc Columbus •;« 1* P. M.
Arrive at Macon ff off A. M.
: Leave Macon 935 P. M.
{ Arrive af C. dumb us suuA. M.
Leave Columbus f. 30 A. M.
Arrive at Columbus 4 35 p. 11.
mar 19 tl upt. Muscogee R, R.
of Schedule.
Oi-Kicr: Fxuixkkr'and Scpekintendkn't, 1
Charleston, Feb. 18. 1*44.)
ON and after SIN DAY, Feb. fffot, Pa'- ? en?er
Trains will
Leave Charleston 7 15 A. M.
; Arrive at Savannah 4 fffi P. M.
Leave Savannah 7 00 A. M.
Arrive at Charleston 4 30 P. M.
Passengers by this route from Columbus, Mont
gomery, Albany, Fuiaula, Ac., pass through Sav
annah without detention.
fob ‘24 Iw eoa-iw Eng’r and Supt.
Change of Schedule.
{)N and after March 13th, the Passenger Train
' 1 "a the Montgomery A West Point Rail Road
Leave Montgomery 8 00 A. M.
Leave Wept Point 7 10 A. M.
Arrive at Columbus. 5 32 P. M.
Leave Columbus *5 50 A. M.
Arrive at Montgomery 3 (X) P. M.
Arrive at West Point 4 30 P. M.
Freight leaves Columbus 8 40 A. M,
Freight arrives at Columbus 8 27 P. M.
D. 11. CRAM, |
mar 11 til Apl 5 * Supt. A Eng’r. !
Notice £0 Travellers and Shippers!
Ofi ice. Mvscogee Railroad Company, \
Columbus, Ha., Feb. 22,1804.)
On and after this date persons purchasing tickets
and receiving and shipping freights over this road,
will be required to form ;h the exact change.
fob 24 Im Superintendent.
Ut iuec. February 2U. ISG4. }
On and after thi date ail parties receiving or ship
ping freight.- over ihis.Road, will be rcquireCtofur
nu-h the exact change lor freight,
feb 2i) ts Agent
Notice to Stockholders in the Bank
of Columbus.
Con. mbits, G.v., Feb. 4th. 1864.
On the first MONDAY in April next, an election
will be In. Id at the Banking*Hou-o tor nine Direc
tor- oi jaid Bank, for the ensuing year.
feb tde President.
Special .WtitT lo Stockholders.
MCSI'OtiKK Uallruu* Comp'.vn V, t
Columbus, Ga., March Ist, ItiiU. j
All persons to whom Dividends are due arc re
queated to . all for the same mi. or before the D'-th
UK t.
Ait amounr not called for by that time will be
held in Confederate Treasury notea of the present
issues a.- special dcp.. ns t..r those to whom the same
may be due.
By order of Board of Directors.
mar 1 till 26th Sec. and Tien -.
CoI.VMM Ga„ Feb. 25, 1864.}
Notice Is hereby given thai all depositors in thi-
Bank are required to withdraw their deposits by the
twenty-fifth day of March next, iu order that t hey
may choose tor themselves between funding and
taxation under the new currency act, before the
first day of April following.
And that all persons having claims upon this
Bank for Deposits, Bank Balances, Collections,
Cci.T6ea.te* of Deposit, Check-, Dividends or other
,tue r.ecimn! - arc required t,» setfletbeiu by the 2-Mh
March next, utbwtse the amounts due them re
speetiv ely, will be funded m t««ur per cent. Bonds,
according to the act of crt..,*,-? oi ITtii iu-.-t., tor
their accounts, unte -s especially directed to the con
trary. D. ADAMS,
feb 2r> till Ist April. Cashier.
Sun and Enquirer copy.
\LL kinds of DYEING done at it) residence,
1 apposite iiaiman’s Bi-ad Man u Pro
! visions oliwav kind taken hi payment,
mnr 8 1m Dyer.
Piantaliok aut! hiiQYTi ir«ai.
11l AYE on consignment 20,WM) lbs. of Plantah..o j
lu>n, and wilt receive nest w-.-efc some Shot el -
Iron, which I will exchange f.;r Bacv.n or sell bo •
Don federate money. n.P. 11 RNh,rt •
t .NE that will accommodate sixty hand.- ._
U Inquire at. Tiils> Oi I’ICE.
i’eb 2fi ts
rf© vice.
Columbus, Ha., Moreh id, 1864. S
feici*ap Copper,
L:A cred to any Quanermrster in this State, for
shipment m me.
IV- i Quartermasters are requested to buy all that
, i= offered, I want it for Shoe Rivets.
mar 111 apl 1 Major AQ. M.
To TSio«e SDleri'Mfd.
iLe is hereby given to all parties having fundi
in our hands, that the same must be withdrawn prior
to the Ist of April next, or under the law we shall
be compelled to return It, which will subject them
to aV •i • hrer a-. J u third per cent, on the
Columbus, 0.1.. March Ah ts
The under h-r.o.i respectfully give notice to all
, panic- hat us > Ulins upmuthem for Dtp.-sites, Bank
Bai.iuci , Collection?. Certificates of DepoTt,
Cheeks, Jtc.. to c--me forward and receive payment
for them on or before the hath day of Jfareh, In'.4 •
failing to do so, the amounts due them, respectively,
wiilbe furide.i in Four IVr Cent. Confederate Bonds,
according to the recent act of Congress, for their
i.. nun* unless specially di•• e.-ted to the coutrary.
We w di continue to receive and pay out CVrtl-de
j-j.tP Treasury Notes of nil denomination'until the
..<h of March next,a£t« r shat uay only lh.»se A’the
denomination y< five do -a: :m«I under, will W ie
-1 ceived and paid <*ttf until further, and all the
new Treasury Notes intended to replace the present
issue will be received in p.ij meni and »>u deposit and
paid out. * J. 21. WATT,
Agent B’k State (fa.
U. H. EPPINti,
«, Agent Union Bank.
Columbus, fx&., March 7, IS 4~t mar 25,
Columbus, Ga., Tuesday Horning, March 22,1864.
Citn fliilttary Director!).
Up Stairs.
Col. J. W . Robertson, Com’g.
Gapt. Chas. Wood. A. A. H.
Capt. J. S. Smith, A A & T G
W. T. McSkowef, Chief Clerk.
C'apt. )\ . S. Wallace—rear of Jones' Building.
Cor. Olgethorpe and St. Clair Sts.
Maj. F. C. Hi mHiiKf vs. Com’g.
Capt W. La ill am. Ex. Officer.
Lieut. J. M. Malden, Military Store Keeper
At No. 15 Broad Broad St.
Maj. F. IV. Dillard, Com’g.
Maj. John E. Davis, Poet Q. M.
Capt. 11. D. Cothran, A. Q. M.
At k iag, AHen A Camak’s Warehouse.
Maj. A. M. Allev. Com’g.
Capt. J. FI. Graybcll, A. C. S.
Capt. Thus. Moreno.
Lieut. YVm. Hassell.
G. B. Da ('glass, Post Surgeon.
{Office at Wayside Home.)
J S W hite. General Hospital Snrsr. in Charge.
J P Moore, “ u Surgeon.
L D Carson, “ '*• Ass’t Surgeon.
R Fowler, “ “ « - <•
WIV Diceie, “ “ “ “
Office near the Old Bridge.
J. H. Warner, CLf. Engineer.
Capt. Geo. N. Knight, (East of the Bank of
ElxiiMiißiurr Board.
J S White, Senior Surgeon.
The Board meets at the General Hospital on
Tuesdays and Fridays
I am prepared to furnish a superior
article oi’
made of the REST COMPOSITION, if
iVFOirijllS nnd STOF-K*
are sent me, and ship them neatly and
ouiely packed. Or L c-au furnish
m quantities wLL-h only requires to be
to insure good R i )L LERS.
All bills are cash on delivery here, üb
less shipped by Express, then C. O D.
mar lf> Im
Cline .n j? as aafa e ior j\
T« } E UNDERSIGNED isprepareu to till all orders
1 for
€3r Xfl XT IE2
of a. superior quality. All orders must be addressed
to the undersigned wiiii'rhe money unclosed, unless
ordered b> Express, when orderr, will he tilled and
shipped with C. <>. D.
mar Id Im
Confederate States Depository*
ConvMBUS, March set, 1864.
Holders of Treasury Nates (except, those bearing:
interest} *.;an n»iv obtain Cerciticai es which will en
title them'to four per cent, Bonus, which privilege
will continue until first day oi April tor notes ot Mi
denomination:’, alter rliat date, all notes above The
denomination of Five dollars cau only be funded a
sixty-six and two-third cents to the dollar, except
One"lLundiv.l D-dhii Note: which are no Imager re
ceived after chit data for public dues and can only
e funded at a further reduction of, .en percent per
month. The Certificates issued, as well as the Ronds
or which they will be exchanged, are receivable in
payment of taxes for the y ear 1864, and are not sub
ject to the tax imposed as on other Bonds.
Come forward promptly and obtain your Certifi
cates and nut run the risk of being excluded by the
pxesure that will take place inn ards the end g>t the
month. IV. 11. YOUNG,
mar 3 till 1 . April Depositary.
'lnquirer and Gun eopv till 1 t April and -end bill
to me.
Assistant Qraut vbi asxe a’s Office, )
* Cluoibiu, Georgia, v
March 10, ts 64. I
Partie-: hiu-Uiiy (.’«.i.VtDate'gof Purchase or liu
[jie: ?nirßt, uiuJe by ii .* ■ J. t . \\ addeil, will pre
sent their claims tar payment b> the 25tu 'mat.
mar 10 2w Capr. .v A. Q. M.
Sun copy
Land lbs*
\ TRACT of EIGHT HUNDRED acres land, ly
h ing near Sprise llill, in Barbour 'county. Ala
bama. Between 260 ami -iO acres cleared, all fresh,
having been in cultivation, only two ,»r throe years-
This section ot country i J among the best cotton pro
ducing lands in Alabama or Georgi ». Parties u izh
ing to invest in such property may ail on me be
tween this and tbe 20th inst.. after that it will bo
withdrawn from market. Apply to
Win. C. GRAY’,
at Greenwood and. Gray’s Office,
mar 10 til 20th mar
TO 1018 SI A \ 3 LAS!
E»Y* order of the War Department, I leave to-day
> for Eastern Louisiana, to oneratein that district.
My regiment «.lst Louisiana oa. airy will ren*iezv<*u.g
at Selma, Alabama. In addurm, a splendid battery
of Sawyer guns, presented !>t*o»w comm.ondcf, Licat
Gen. Polk, will accompany tfic expedition, under
the command of Captain N. T. NY Robinson, of New
Orleans, an experienced and skilful officer who
formerly hadcuarge of my old bultt-ry of H*,r?e Ar
A greater inducement cannot be offered the ex
iled sons of Louisiana to rally around our country Z
and avenge their manifold wrong? and . > re?-
-ioB: u;...n the-oilof their own State. H r. = and
equipmenre will be, fi#nirhed all rec-i iiit- who re
r*« rt to me at Selmi.
Let there be no delay. Triido-armed with justice,
reven-c and eourase, let us strike t'ii not a foe be
let*, in Louisiana to tell the story <-f their L- nominy.
Colonel Ist Re t La.. Cavalry. •
Dalt* n. Ga.. March 17 rt
For salt*,
" BALE COTTON. I.oo* Lusha.* Corn, 2»> cole
*.’ each F.-id*.r and Shaekr, .-At- >, w uu.i: Rio*- and
2uO;basheD Millet r-Vod. Ap*dv at
marlott ' THIS OFFICE.
Foss ia«l.
A FINE GOLD WATCH. :\jaL'h the v-ao
A irate Ly proving }.ruperty and t tying l\*r thi
advertisement. * W. j*HiNSON.*
mar !*’•'« Mobile A GirarU f!. S.
• OF
Barnett, Chapman i Co’e Old Stand
max 10 lw
-Tfoikdav fvFiiing
Personal.—c are pleased to see in our
city Col. L. Q. 0. Lamar, of Mississippi. It is
well known that Col. Lamr.r has recently re
turned from Europe, whither he went as Con
federate States Corumis loner to the Court of
Russia. He (ltd not reach that destination,
hut his stay in Europe was sufficient to ac
quaint him with the sentiment of its people
in reference to}the revolution on this side the
ocean. He has recently spoken at .Milledge
ville and Macon on this interesting subject
anii we trust he may be induced to give the
people of Columbus an opportunity of hearing
his views.
[Special Cdirespoudence of the Times. {
iiforgia Legislature--! ailed Session.
MiLupDcriville, March lrf, p. m., 1864.
The consideration of the resolutions on the
habeas corpus ijict was resumed. Col. Wright,
of‘Cow eta, hud the floor, hut being too unable
to appear in lijp seat. Col. Lawson of Put
nam. proceeded to an argument against the
resolutions. He maintained that the act dm
not deprive the citizen of arrest by warrant,
and according! to the usual constructions of
law.does, not therefore rest iu the President,
Secretary of War, &e. Judicial powers, ns
maintained offences, cannot often come to the
knowledge of t hose officials without evidence,
and it is therefore an assumption to say that
arrests are intended to be made without war
rants. The act provides that parties shall be
detained for trial. How is a man who has
committed no pifence to lie detained ? He did
not approve the bill in all its features, but
defended its constitutionality, 0.1 which we
are called to vote. He replied to the statc.-
ment of Mr. Linton Stephens, that Washington
had never used the arbitrary power intrusted
to him, by shewing that he had ordered dis
loyal citizens 10 take the oath of allegiance or
be banished. If our fathers trusted Wash
ington, who was at that time little more than
a brave young adventurer, why nil Ibis alarm
about trusting our experienced, and wise and
tried Executive? He argued against the pro
priety and taste of Legislative action on the
subject, which belonged properly to the courts.
Mr. Lawson is a young man of decided i
ability, and nlrade the 1 >est speech that the j
discussion elicited on that the of the qne**- j
turn. He seldom appear j on the floor, and i
commands marked attention He is in feeble j
health, and declared his groat reluctance to j
make an effort to speak.
Mr. Barnes, of Richmond, followed in sup- j
port OI FTTi’ j7*Wlii , - ~ 'a* -V. „
amended. Reference had been made to the
late position qf the paper with which he is
connected —the Conatilullou-al.e.i —which, in his
absence, had deprecated the agitation of the
question, lie would speak for himself. He
was ready to make any sacrifice for the cause
—would, it' necessary, be willing to cast lots
for the aerilliee of any number necessary to
secure independence —but he believed dan
gerous conflicts could only come by tempor
ising. 'The danger is that, by a silent acqui
eseace in irritating legislation, we rouse spir
ited citizens to resistance. He alluded to
high authorities for declaring that the right
of habeas corpus should only be suspended
when judges become corrupt. He alluded
eloquently to the origin of the sacred rigid of
aiagna charter, and reviewed the discussion
on the suspension of the writ in the United
► •Itates Oongfe-s in IftoT.
We ureadvised t . suspend our liberties in order
k-, be free, jjdm -Randolph had said that this
w:te like going to jail in order to be free. We
u.G' - cripturai authority not to do evil, that good
cuay c..;ne. He thought the lute law wo- the otl
?q>rins; of an intemperate zeal, and that »ye ought
Oo place on record our calm and (liberate jadgro-en
against it. Mr. Barnes made a very creditable
speech. His allusions to the old B u m- of Eng
land, who had given us the - icre-.t right of the
Tiahta* in terms of such glowing
He urged the House, if they would adopt a policy
be-t . s.Lculai. ito commend respect abroad and
sc-i c., .- cocN.-.luK-nt and harmony at home, to purs
*ne re - lot; -n-.
Mr. Hill, >d Dougherty, followed in : up| .it >-f
Mr. Moore’s substitute, lie deplore,l th -Lit or
to arise from distracting- is'iies, and a-T. . ue i a
cordial and barxnoneous support of the ji.uiey ~f
the govermnent.
Mr. Moore, of Thoma-s. spoke fcriefir in scppirt
of liis resolutioc •- —thought we should avoid the
expression of Legislative opinion or. a judicial
question, and believed that such expression would
do much harm, and no possible good.
Mr. Dußosa maintained that if 1' our laty to
speak when public liberty is endangered, and ar
gued against the suspension of the writ, a? lone
by Congress, as a dangerous and unconstitutional
interference vrith the right of the citizen. At ihe
conclusion of his speech, the House adjourned un
til 7f o’clock, P. M.
Friday, 17th. Might Se-.sion.
Tlic H -lists reconsidered ?.,me Stn.oe soa nd
laents to me general appropriation bill, and other
measunjs of.po general importance.
A resoil and m, by Mr. MeCurry. for a tri-.,- Ady
rnail ;i«vva Eiberton an-l Hartwell.
Mr. Larne-: offered a re.: da;ion autlmrizing the
Govemor to i*sue a comm; • -i. .i * V, m. A.. Melton
Ksq.. ftgent forthe ■ .jftUin.s for deoea - d
soldiers, which was ad. pteu.
The foUotjfing mcfsage receive 1 from the
Jfij; t; .8 tPTf.JN OP UFTU*>m>T V : PRKA- i i .
ExEctruvi: DUMP.™or.
Milled ine, March i- IVA. .
r Pn thr ti<*i 'i* ft/ aV i*i'f:* rtttitit‘
In e. iu|d.u:t* e with your resolutions, I herewith
t van:suit a lector of the Adjutant ami Inspector
GeneraL up* u tie subject * ! die exemption of the
mini lets *>i the Methodist Eio il i. bi.rch 1 r.-m
tailiLir . together with the order looted
li him up. n lilt—abject. .
I also lr,:tJ tui. of letters addressed by
Cul. M. C. Fulton, my ai.le-de camfr, by my direc
tion. iii persons who have .-uLmiitcd
whetb. r 10. ad urinistcra of that church are exempt
under the statute.
While the language of the tatute does not em
brace ordained local ministers, not in charge of a
$3.50 Per Month.
church or synagogue, I was ©f opinion they came
within the spirit of the act. as many of them spend
a considerable- portion of (heir time in ministerial
service ; and I, therefore, so construed fhe-Uitnte
as to exempt them
It will he seen by the letter of Gen. Wayne, that
his order to Col. Pottle wav never submitted t>- uiv
approval. I will add that l never beard of th>*
order till complaint was made to me ahvot it, on
the night of th§ 15th inst., and on the next morn
ing I directed the Adjutant and Inspector General
to issue the General Order, of which I enclose a
copy, which h.ul been done before F had auy no
tice of your resoiutiens, which ware passed the day
after the order had issued.
So far from having any intention to place a
c -n-truetion upon the statute, whieh would sub
ject the miuisters known as Circuit preachers and
Eiders of the Methodist church, to military duty,
I had on all occasions, when Hie subject men
tinned to me. stated that they were exempt.
And I now here state that I have constantly ex
pressed my opposition to the passage of auyjiet of
Congress or the State Legislature, which subjects
the ordained ministers of any religious denomina
tion to military service. Their avocation is one
of peace and u -t of war. and I think that no Leg
islature should forget the command—" Touch not
mine aunninted.” JOSEPH E. BROWN.
The House then resumed the consideration of
resolutions upon the suspension of the writ <>t k i
e;is corpva.
Mr. Hardeman addressed the House in favor of
Mr. Moore’s substitute, aud spoke with much feel
ing and force again -t (he agitation of this question
by the Legislature.
Judge Stephen: followed in^.conclusion iu ;t
searching review of the positions and sentiments
of the different speakers, and closed with some
vary pungent ridicule of the resolutions of Mr.
Moore, which he declared to be a cat in the meal
tub, ingeniously expressing an opinion in defence
of the act, while they did not pretend to do so.
At the close of hi speech, Mr. Brock called the
previous question, aud the vote was on*the substi
tute of Mr. Moore. The ayes and nays wt ie
called, and were, ayes (15 : nays 71. .So it was
The vote was then taken on the resolutions of
Jndgc- Sleiiht-us, and taking the aves and nays. '
they wore ayes 71 : nays 69. So- the resolutions
were adopted.
Those who voted in the affirmative, were : Aired,
Aw try, Barksdale, of Lincoln, Barksdale, of
Wilkes, Barnes, Bell, of Jackson, Beall, of Ran
dolph, Berry, Blake, Brewster, Brock, Burch,
Burney, Barlton, Carswell, Carter, of Appling,
Collins, Cook, Corbin, Dußose, Edwards, i auli.,
Fowler, of Greene, Grogan, Hawkins, »t
Forsyth.' iiioc . Hutchings, Jaakson of Wbitficid,
Johnston, of Mclntosh, Johnston of Spalding,
Langston, Lo:u->nds, Loft, Loveb McConnell, Mc-
Cnrry, YlcDaniel, McDonald, ol Banks, McDon
ald. of Lowndes, Oakes, Onto.-, Pvillips, of Mer
iwetlier, Pittman, Poole, Rawlston. Sedwine. Raid,
tTuww ■. a~~ai. af Chatham, Reiman,- Sbaipe,
Shovkly, of Columbia, shockley, vt a-■ Simms
Smith,.of Berrien, Smith, of Laurens, Smith, o*
Tatnall, Smith ot Walton, Starke, Stephens, Sut
ton, Tomlinson. Trammell, Underwood, Wiggins,
Weils, Worley, Zeigler.—7l
Those who voted in the negative were : Messrs
A.dams, Brady, Brown of Houston, Brown oi
Stewart, Brown of Washington, Bryan of Quitman.
Burt?, Carter of Stewart, Crawford, Davenport,
Dari-, Dover, Dixon, Dwjtudi, Elam, Ezzard,
; ci. uiiug. Fraser, Gay of Early, (iartrell, drain m,
! Grunt, Grove.?, Gue of Chatham, Hawes, Hawkins
j of Baldwin, Hawkins of Oglethorpe, llill, Holt,
Hooper, llorsley, Hoggins, Hunter, Jackson of
! Clartc, Jones (jf Burke, Jones of Newton, Kennedy,
i Lang, Lawton, Lawson, Leonard, Long. Love,
i Manson, Matthew -of Oglethorpe, Matthews of
I Striven, McDonald, of Thomas, AlcKenncy, .Miller.
! Moore, Mitchell ot Pike, Nicholson. Ugletree.
j Parsons, RauioO, Reese, Roberts ot Miller. R'obia
] ».,u, Roper, Russell of Muscogee, S’cru Sier. art
Walla*-. Warren, Whitehead, U illiam-, Wil-.u
I Wood.—69.
lLiiiSU4‘ 5X‘ O2S S A54: A a CO.
By an arrival at New Orleans r*n the 6th
ii,-t.. the papferg rity have ad .ic = from
the city of Mexico to the 15th and \\-ru ilvm ;
to the doth nit.
Zacatecas had not yet Ueen atUmke.i. but
loree? wnv reported to be marching against
it and only twenty one miles troro it. Gen
Afejia had .-main taken the field and important
v. : uit - were expected.
The guerrillas had been defeated ut vaiious
points, and the country Police had cuptuiv.i
prisoners who would he shot.
The Estalette believed that Sit* Bias had
Already been occupied by the lmperiali u
The stage had been attacked m tlie port or
ihGnnlaipHH, between Tepeji del Rio and Ar
royozarc. by 250 or TOO guerrilla -. who hft 1
captured eight men accompanying the cue;!
turd taken posse?;;tor* .of everything.
Mejia - division. 3.“*On -Aronor. left an Tints
?)n the Huh. and on the _4th v» as at Laguna.
The Juarisr* forces in the vrhob- 'Gate ol
TamaaGpas were said to mimL.-r one tl»o*i=-
nad wen only, and the From h were on*
thousand strong in Gsddajara. Gen. Mira
liinu we - drilling the •onservative gaer.Ah:
tn the department, .vv: iiaayiiica.iy t*.o
?&nd iiifti iu *
In Vera Git-, on the 44 h I- *-> .-*•*>.• ' (be
■citizens c(d i»r.?o <i, with •tit*- -ob-m: ty. ::;c
iinportant o-tvs that Prince ilaxin.?liuo leal
accepted the Mexican crown and w.>. - d> tre
mitted to Cuosc- to the country in xmret, n
-Ui t the same day a convoy with- l.nbn.ouo
from the capital reached thr* city.
ktord .do and Antilion, who had ma*n- their
>vppearanee -G El Z.*Ltd.j had been t .sup. \
Lai Lack haAily Duraug*.
bavin-' ‘ >-t i -*o men. who had -pronotmef-*!.
Tnhit* tit/*.
EsnyA M. i ruLr..—-Since the otii. Lal dej-it r
; r r r„u •.c.igr ,t Pickett, ann-.ancing the or- a* G. u
I uff-.i'K » • jenerai Ranrcni we have r- -w i
iiot .rther p&rtienlar? beyond wnat arecofalau.*. .
the Petersburg paper* *»f .-aturd v.-t -L .r,-
tclligence wax derive*l -tom t by tb
train from Ivor , Fridnv cvruu.jr. Tneiigh*.
ih th*e tom -oi vi-.a-k. - - . ••• *th a regim.nt ?
Ufcgro cavalry. !; unc-d in th treet-. the
ne.- uating ay the dp: nrwn-l D: '
:u e* try direction. Several wer--- -kLo iu
, ... _ aianv ; ,)k smuter ; .V * ,; ■ ? I
.1 I&e’t.v.vr, ~n'the east. The house w.t -eh arg and
! Ta i ,ir mer,. and J 1 but four of the negroes
,-ipturc.L The resuse*! to surrender, and the
t itu, iiZ >'■ tne were well
under, *nc came -ut, firing upon our men,
Iwa ►.! .-*l. The other three remained and
I vi e:**: oow-offii-d *n the dames. Tl»e camps anti
.qua ;.q *>y r*. in the tewn iltd at Bernard'.?
pjAts .? T. weri* destroyed, and some line
.-•vses, a pdea ot artillery, and i>t.ioy small ant
We lost three kill. J and live or six vr unde
Xv wa • *1 reeorf«*l ttiai General (. a.- n- f 1,1
fatten ha k ..iK»ut nine iuik-3 th.- ~'- i- l .
and on Tuesday firing was heard in !lr m . "
* f Gowlinv'.- Landing, on the river, tw- m..e
--1 , ..JtLi K insom has been re
sr “V i a,.
. I E return, and manv were
ijj dse town <m tu tl *
- „ leave rating their movable prop
The Suspension of the Habeas
Oorpus-The Extent of Power Claim
ed by the Government.—Tbe instruc
tion* of the War Department with res
peet to proceedings under the law making
a limited or quasi suspension of the habe
c, remo , ve pounds of clamor,
and propose what may be considered as a
very moderate execution of the law. Par
ties arrested, in the cases specified in the
law, will not be denied a trial, but their
case will be investigated by commissioners,
who will be appointed for these duties in
the different military departments. In
formation of all arrests under the law will
be given by the department commander
as soon as practicable after they are made,,
and the commissioner will proceed to in
vestigate the same. If, upon examina*
tion, a reasonable and probable cause for
detention does not appear, he will certify
the fact to the general or other officer iu
command, who will immediately discharge
the prisoner from arrest. But if a rea
sonable and probable cause does appear,
the commissioner will forthwith transmit
to the War Department a copy of the evi
dence taken in the ease, with his opinion
thereon, for instructions, and meanwhile
the prisoner will remain in custody.
In cases where person* not belonging to
the military service shall appiy to any
court or officer in the Confederate States
for a writ ot habeas corpus , it will be the
duty of the officer having the command
or custody ot sueh person lorthwith tore
port the ease, with all the relevant facts,
to the A\ ar Department, for instructions
;is to the proper answer to be made to
sueh writ. * Rich. E x . 17 th.
1 lie N» w \ urk Nows states that
a large additiou is now being made to the
tfeet of Admiral Farragut, and adds:
W hen all the vessels arrive, they will con
stitute, we are told, the largest fleet, in
point ot numbers, that lias ever been fit
ted out in this country.
Brevity the soul of Wit.— So it
is ot the telegraph, which recently con
veyed the following message Cincin
nati merchant from his partner, who was
on his tfay to Circleville with a bundle of
notes for redemption. “Circleville Bank
gone to li—ll, 1 will be there to-morrow.’*
The Spring Campaign Opens Dia-
GOURAGINGLY.— The New York HrmUi,
of the 2d, says:
i iu* developments of tlie spring cam-*
paigit go far ar<* not altogether encoura
ging. {’resident Lincoln’s experimental
Ilorida expedition to begin with, has
turned out one ot the most stupid and in
excusable blunders oi’the war. Next, the
return to funnel Hill of the advanced
forces of General Thomas from the moun
tain gorge iu front of Dalton, Georgia, is
explained as due to their discovery that
Joe Johnston, in superior strength, had
massed his army at Dalton, and was rea
dy for a general battle, and we were not.
Next, the early retreat of Gen. Smith's
cavalry expedition from Northern Missis
sippiback into Tennessee, pursued by*
Ihe enemy, does not look well. Next, the
Sherman Alabama expedition, by the fail
ure of Gen. Smith to effect a junction
with it, is we fear, placed in a position
somewhat critical; and next, as we hear
nothing whatever from Mobile, we must
* cwxflixda that Admiral Farragut has found
that ne can do nothing in seven feet wa-
ter with vessels drawing fourteen feet.
I his is not a very interesting picture
tor the opening of the spring campaign.
♦- -
if erel Currency a vr> Resource.—
In reply to the assertion of one of the rad
icals, “that because the rebel currency is
•depreciated, therefore the armed resis
tance of the rebels must soon cease ” Mr.
Nesmith, Senator froru Oregon, recently
said in the United States Senate:
Mv ith their present resouices they have
the ability to resist out military power for
f ire next ten years, and, indeed, to pro
tract the war indefinitely/’
fripeeial to the Advertiser Y Register.]
Senatobia, March 18.—The Chicago
Times of ibe 15th, received here, report
great excitement in Kentucky.
The officers of the State have held a
meeting to take into consideration the con
dition of affairs between the State and
Federal Government.
Gov. Eramiette urges resistance to Lin
i. .In’s negro enlistment in the State, and
lias dispatched Lincoln to that effect.
Col. Woolf Ik has made a speech in
which he said that if Lincoln’s course du*
rrn ; the war is Unionism he (Wooffolk)
i a rebel. WoolfoHc’s arrest has be or
ijutlirie Is said to -idri with the opposi
The 'l imes also says a gentleman trojif
Washington reports that France has recog
nized the Southern on led era cy.
lien Grant has been made chief in
c-Aotiiami ot the Vaukee army, and Flal
i* i U iiz= been appuiirited Adjutant (Gener
al. ‘ J •
Si* /.His, Liviugstoii A Cos.
,I'l.lillH. B»MK
j i lurLy, Ld Afareh, util o’clock, we will
v it. front of our . ore,
So.COw t miiidnate *i per cent.
march al- • J
f lii’iieißztely. Ar.y j-ei-son h iving oue to let, will
t ~r . ...r•, ly at 4. S. Spear '3 Jewelry Store.
noau'Cti ■* i
Mt:-.t'ji;r.E R vii aoxn UompaXY, F
/••lumbar, March 19th, 1364.)
Hi » Utm3 of whatever kind against thi? Cbmpj
.., :1. orci’cnted by the zSfn ir.-t. Ifnotfpre
f. r * ; time they will be paid «»nly in t'oß
. 1 :,**■. lrc^ ; urj notes of the jueserA A-ue,st their
fu ..i iii c onfederate four pereent Bitud**. at the
.-pi.-ji, the company.
murlytilZUth . Treasurer.
f all and Let I our Money.
tidier?’ famille? who reeMvt. aid from the [ üblt3
fund are requested to . alt for March In«tailment# a t
oneeasitwill be paid in **».,- P«*..-:ent cujrr%aey.—
Th. ie who « • -ivctheir P *V i’r »m >'r. Bradford will
call on him.
T her who have claim? on the educational
fund"' Muscogee county, aie also notified that
L«- wUI bo paid in the present currency, and they
are r.‘qu««tcd tocall and gen their money before the
tii ; ..•[ April.
u.. r. hi Alt* JOHN JOHNSON, Ord.
Ofxicf. Poet Qt AHTEBMaaTEH, l
Columbus, Mjvreh 19th, 1563. >
AH demands against this office or against officers
of the Post, payable by me, must bo presented on or
before ihe 24th inst. •
mar 19 ts M aL & Fo#t Q. M.