Newspaper Page Text
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) at the rate of
per month, or #lO for three month*.
No subscription received for a longer fern than
A ret manta*.
Advertisement* inserted for $2 iff per square for
the fir.*t insertion and $1 s<t> for each additional.
Where adverti-ements are a month, the ,
charge will be S2O per square.
Announcing candidates;itl, which must ini at iabiy
b« paid in advance.
A deduction of 2t> percent, will be mad* on all
advertising accounts over SSO, when prompt pay- .
men; is made.
©fcOßGlA—Marion County :
KILE XI?I. Where**, AHi and A L Cattle, Ad
rAiria upun the estate of David L, Murry,
deceased bavins applied i*r IrtUn of
from said Administration.
These are tnerefarc to cite and uJm uGb ail and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said fiet-Wied,
t« :Ou« cause, if any they have, aby atd Adm mis
li atm should not ire dismis .ed from 'aid adminis
Given under my hand and official htßitare, Oe
woer stta, Mod. MALCOM HAIR,
dee Li mom . Ordinary.
GEORGIA--Marion County-
WHEREAS, B. A. St ary, Adm in iua tot n t >on the ,
esiate of Joseph X. fetary, late of said county, j
dc tx-cd. having applied for letters of discussion
from said administration.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
•insular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appeal at my office within the time pro- .
scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why j
said letters of dismission should not be granted to f
said applicant on the first Monday in October nest, j
Given under my hand and official signature. Jan. :
22d, 13W. HAIR.
jau2sin£m Ordinary.
GEORGI.4--Mu: lon County :
RULE NISI. Whereas Carrie James, Adm’x on
the estate of Daniel James, Jr., having peti
tioned this Court for letter- of dismission from said
These are therefore to cite and.’adini.uLih all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased
to ne and appear at my o&oe within the time |.re
scrihed by li»w, ar.d sho* cause it any they Lave
why said Administratrix should not he dismissed
from AdaiinuttaUun on the ain Monday tn
J uly, Mod.
divan under my hand and official signature, this
December the 7th, MALCOM HAIR,
«lee 14 mom ordinary.
Medical Card.
UK. E. A. RO**Y.
FORMERLY Surgeon to the New Orleans "Fe
male Infirmary,’ tenders hi* -erviees to the Cit
izen? of Columbus iu all the branches of fiisprotes
i-peeial attention will he devotedjto the treatment
of the disease! of wometn.
4Nr“ Surgical operations performed for Stone in
the bladder,Fistula iu Ano, \ Dico-V agmal fistula.
Hydrocele, Congenital and Accidental Phymosis,
V arieocele, Haemorrhoid.-. or Piles, Callous Impas
sable strictures, False Passages, Tallapesur Club
Foot, and contraction of the fingers, Strabismus or
Squinting, Aneurism. Yarix or dilated veins, Ptery
gium, Cataract and Hair Lip; also for the remov
al of all tumor- or abnormal growths from any part
of the body.
Diseases of tnsGemto-Urinary System, comorsing
the different stager of Ghonorrbiva, Strictures,
j ravel, Spermatorrhea, Syphili-. in its primary
sewoudary,tertiary ami uenUurary forms,will receive
particular attention.
References given whenever desired as wed a? the
recommendation of many years practice in Now Or
leans: Consultation hour- 1 every lay at his office
in the Masonic Hall Building, fr..m 10 to 12 o’clock
a, m,, and from 2to 4 o’clock p, tu. Patients wilido
welt to call precisely at inoso hours, as before and
niter that time will be devoted to visiting persona in
the city.
Address all commuieations to
Columbus. Da,
X. B. —Patrons from a distance will be visited
and treated r.t home it desired. I shall be thankful
to my prodessi-iual brethren for any favor they may
do me by sending me persons requirig Siirgical
«ir*l will also bestow particular attention to
tho treatmeut of the different forms of i Levs Rheu
matism, Gout. Scrofulous affections, Syphilitic erup
tions, and ail other ekrwuie diseases of the skin. —
Medicated Fumigations and Steaui .Sulphurous
Baths, as employed in the hospitals in .Europe and
America. wili n.rui a part of my treatment,
f* !! m K. A. R. _
Old Iron Wanted.
Air E wish to purchase a Urge quantity of SCRAP
Vt IRuN. cast and wrought,.for which casL
will be paid. HARRISON, Er.Dr.Li. S. c>-*.
jan 2T ts
Fine Sacking and (hewing Tobacco.
A For sale by J. S. PEMBERTON,
t v l 1j tt Druggist under c ok s Hub
oi .Hew Orleans,)
<OM Tfli( V («A.,
Staple ci» Fancy
ARE cor.-mullv'rrsvivirvj fresh inip- rtati ms, di
rt t front Europe, I taple an l fancy D itY
GOODd. which they offer cheap fir >.afih.
feb 5 am
Beaver U anted,
THE highest price will be pa.;l or P! W Steel given
in exchange for Beaver Skine, A targe number
warned. Enquire at ‘ ■,2
feb r. 4v. L. HAIM AN w BRO.
' Albany. Eulaula, Cuthbert, Bainfcridge and
Bi*s. cly paper s copy Aw and s en>i bills.
Warehouse Notice.
ON and after the first day of Mar. it ». ;t. the |
charge for storage on Cote •. - V, are- (
heaves will be ONE DOLLAR per 1 «■.* >-tr mot. it,
Culumbos, Gt., March 2d, IS64.—lui
«/. S. Marshal Sale.
WILL be sold -ntho first Tneadty in At :ti next.
» between the usual hoax 5 ■■: -»ic. ■ >:.« tee
Court 11. use. in Muaeogee county. a tne t- ve wtttvi
cnrri&*c. kvit l on to satisfy twer»i' L r
Beaii A Maiih,. ne fi fa vs A. A. u«aU .I**"***
U v- it. A. Murphy,g-armshcc 5 in ia\. r oi ue con
federate States of America tor interest due on
to allien enemies to theSnh-Wu b {^\- T - (V
C. s. MliT'b .1.
Columbus. March Ist td
\OTai '£.
CoLunuts, Jaruiary " , l v<s )
On the first of e3eh month. Ma» -r .0.. . E. Dave,
Po 5 t Quartern! i -ter. wiH make payment f ’.lt cat
plovees of thC departru&nt, A!- t .i .i- ut
slave? kind.and for property rented. I’-me 5 in
ter,-ted will present their bill- t» Mro-r Davis
monthly. . „ ,
The employee s of the Transport at run Department
will be raid by Capt. H. D. Cothran. All purchase?
a “ J T J wu m!° *
M . - r and Quartermaster,
jan 29 till ap! I
Orvio ' lAisrcNCE fxktvkvt, [
All parties holding claim again t this depai nuer.t
due, are hereby notified t« present them ■■ !•*»-
ment at this office on or bet ret .c - 1 *e's
- now due wiL act • 1 • tn u,. pre-vu.
aarrencT. -A. M. -ALLEN,
mar 16 ts '■ ; i,. C. >.
AV.luiuous March 14. I'-d.)
All creditors ofrhi- Deiiartnient are notified that
their aeeouut-ai.l a- ... . ruing de!q> the M’x
Jfarch. will be paid in the present Confederate
mar 16 till 31st inst Qairterma-ter.
Columbus. Gei.rxia, >
Jf&reh R IN'd. 1
Creditors of the Ordnance Department are again
notified to present their bills before the 2Stb in?t.,to
Lieut, Muidon, Disbursing Officer, at a?■ elaimtup
fa tkft lei of Ap. ,' ,i ( » ti isl be paid in the pr+n&tt
mar li til .sJth mar Majot, Ac,
(fntumte iimes.
» v
Voi. XI.
J. 4V. IVARREV & CO. Proprietors J. U. tv ABBEY, Editor.
Change of Schedule.
. AN and after Sunday, March 2f«th. the Trains on
j\J tne uaeogee Railroad will run as follows:
Leave Columbus. 6 15 p. M.
Arrive at Macon J 2 3$ A. M.
Leave Macon 9 35 p,
Arrive at Columbus 5 00 .4. M.
Leave Columbia v A. M.
Arrive at Columbus 4 3.', p. M.
mar 19 ts Supt. Muscogee R, K.
C hange of Schedule.
Office Fxslxeer and Scpebixtk.vdkxt, }
C'H alt I.F3TON" sSu SaVaXXaH RaILSOaD, >
Charleston, Feb. M, Ixd.)
OX and after SUNDAY, Feb. gist. Passenger
Trains will
Leave Charleston 7 15 A. M.
Arrive at Savannah 4 s> P M.
Leave Savannah 7 00 A. M.
Arrive at Charleston 4 <v P. M.
Pa.-sen.-ers by this route from Columbus, Mont
gomery, Albany, Fnfaula, Xc., pass througn Sav
annah without detention.
feb 24 lw eoadw Eng’r and Supt.
uf Schedule.
O' X and after March 13th. the Passenger Train
on the Montgomery A H eat Point Rail Road
Leave Montgomery S 00 A. M.
Leave West Point 7 10 .4. M.
Arrive at Columbus 5 22 P. 14.
Leave Columbus 5 50 A. M.
Arrive at Montgomery 3 00 P. M.^
Arrive at West Point 4 30 P. M.
Freight leaves Columbus .8 40 A. M, I
Freight arrives at Columbus 8 27 P. M.
mar 11 til Apl o Supt. X Eng’r.
Notice to Travellers and Shippers!
Office Muscogee P.ailhoad Company, \
Columbus, Da., Fob. 22, lst>4. )
On and after this date persons purchasing tickets ;
and receiving and shipping freights over this road,
will be required to tarnish the exact change.
. W. L. CLARK,
feb 24 1m Superintendent.
Girard. February X*. 13b4. /
On and after this date all parties receiving or ship
ping freights over this Road, wiil be fur
nish the exact change for freight.
feb 20 ts Agent
Notice to stockholders in the Bank
oi Columbus.
Columbus, Oi., Feb. 4th. lsod.
On the first MONDAY in April next, an election
wiii be held at the Banking House for nine Direc
tor- 1 of said Bank, for the ensuing year.
Daniel griffin,
let tde President.
jtymai .VMife iu Mufkliulilers.
Muscogee Railroad Comfaxy, I
Columbus, Ga., March Ist, 1 '*>4. j
All persona to whom Dividends arc due are re
quested to call for the :&uie on or before tae 2kich
All .i!E (ants not called for by that time will be
Held in Confederate Treasury notes 01 the fuesent
issues as special deposits for these to whom the same
may be due.
By order of Board of Directors.
mar i till 2bth Sec-, and Tveas.
Cv.LUitBUo, Ga„ Feb. 25, ivA,)
Notice is hereby given that,all depositors in this
Bank are required u- withdraw their deposit; by the
twenty-filth day of March next, in order that they
may choose for themselves between funding ami
taxation under the new currency act, before the
first day of April following.
And that all persona having claims upon this
Bank lbr Deposits, Bank Balances, Collections,
Cci ificates of Deposit, Checks. Dividends or other
due accounts are required to settle them by the 25th
next, oihwise the amounts due them re
spectively, will be funded in four per cent, B mb,
according to the act ol Congress ol l.thinst.,
their accounts, unless especially directed to tho con
trary. D. ADAMS,
feb 25 till Ist April. • Cashier.
Sun and Enquirer copy.
\ LL kinds of DYEING done at my residence,
A opposite Uaimau s PUtcd Manufactory. Pro-
TU, - ! “’ ' ,t4OS “‘VOICHT.
mar S lui Dyer.
Flautaiioii auti Shovel Iron.
* HAVE on consignment Ab'ov lbs. of Plantation
X Iron, and will receive next week some
Iron, which I will exchange lor_Baconior wj
Confederate tuouey. ”. P. Tt K.NtK
mar 31 in
IM. A VI'ATIO X U I \T»:i».
ONE that will accommodate sixty hands.
Inquire at THIS Oi 1 IcE.
feb 36 ts
Columbus. Ga.. Moreh 10, ItsbA. V
Scrap Copper,
delivered t.> any Quarterinrster in this State, for
shipment to me.
Ptot vuartexmasters are requested to buy all that
is « tfered. a? I want it for Shoe Rivets.
mar 111 api 1 Major XQ. M.
Notice is hereby given to all partie s having fund.*
in -ur hands, that theeamemust be withdrawn prior
to the I- t ■ : April next, or under the .law we shall
be comp.died to return it. whk-h will subject them
t a of?ih> (M» /a t/ard per cent, on the
Guiuorbit'. Ga.. March 2d, tt
The urdcr*igne*l respectfully give notice to all
parties hsv ing claims upon thtoi p.r Deposites, Bank
Balance 5 . Culleiiions; L'ertiticates »f Dep-cit,
Checks. Ac., to eonte forward and receive payment
far them on or before the _'th day of March, 1564:
failing to do so. the ronwits due them, respective! s -,
willbefundedm Four Per Cent. Confederateßor..D.
a--.- .tiling t.. the res t-nt act of Cv>ngre ss , for their
a.-i-unt unless specially uiroctetl to the contrary.
We will continue to receive and pay out C nfede
- it.- Treasury Note s of all denominations until the
fi th of March next, after that day only tho<e of the
denomination >.f five ••••liars and under, will be re
ceived ar t paid snt until fortber notice, and ail ttie
new Treasury Notes intended to replace ihe present
i-- ue will be received in payment and on deposit and
paid out. J M. WATT.
Agent B'k State Ga.
Agent U ntcn Bank.
Columbu!, Ga., -tfwrch 2, lh p-t mar 'A
Columbus, Ga., Monday Morning, March 28,1864.
£itD fllilitan) Director!).
Up Stairs.
’ CoL J. W. Robebtsox, Goin g.
Gapt. Chas. Wood. A. A. G.
Capt. J. S. Smith. A A A I G
W. T. MeKhtn-iiEg. Cbiei Clerk.
Capt W. S. Wallace—rear of .Tones’ Building.
Cor. Oljretb >rpe as-1 SL Clair Sta.
Maj. F. C. Humphbevs, Com’g.
Capt W, Latham. Ex. Offi. err
Lieut, J. M. Mulhex, Military St.-re Keeper
At X.j. 15 Broad Broad St.
Maj. F. V. Dillard. Com’g.
Maj. Johx E. Davis. Post y. M.
Capt. H. D. Cothran, A. y. M.
At King, Alien A CamakC Warehouae.
slaj. A. M. Alley, Com’g.
Capt. J. H. Gray bill. A. C. S.
Capt. Thc.'dore Moreno.
Lieut. \Y. A. Han-tell .
G. B. Douglass, PostSorgeOa.
(Office at Home.)
J S U hue, General Hospital Snrg. iu Charge.
J P Moore, •• •• Surgeon.
L D Carson, * 4 *• Surgeot.
R Fowleh, *• “ «•
W W Dickie, “ “ “ ••
Office near the Old Bridge.
J. H. Warner. Cbf. Engineer.
Capt. Geo. X. Kxtght, tßael = f the Bank of
Examiniisg Boar<l.
J S White. Senior Surgeon.
The Board rceets at the General Hospital en
Tuesday- ami Fridays,
I am prepared to furnish a superior
article of
made of the BEST COMPOSITION, if
Jiot and STOCKS
are sent me, and .-.-Lip them ueatly and
safely packed. Or I can furnish
OO ivT ir* O 2iS
in quantities which only requires to be
to insure treed ROLLERS
All bills nre cash on delivery here, un
less shipped by Express, then C. 0. I>.
maria 1m
Crlin* lianufUclOTV.
THE UNDERSIGNED i spreparai to fiii all orders
1 for
cf a super, i quality. Ali orders must bo addressed
to the undersigned wifuithe money enclosed, unless
ordered by Express, when orders will be filled and
shipped with C. 0. D.
mar lo Im
Confederate States Depository.
CotntEVS, March Ist, 1564.
Holders of Treasury Notes except those bearing
interest) can now obtain Certificates which will en
title them to tuur pe r cent. Bond-:, which privilege
will continue until first day of April for note? ot ail
denominations, alter tfiat dote-, all notes above the
denomination ot I ivo dollar? can only be tundei a
sixtv-six and t'vif! cent? to the dollar, except
One Hundred Dollar Notes which are no longer re
ceived atur that date for rubtie dues andean only
e funded at a further reduction of.-on percent per
m-.nth, ihe Certificates issued, as well ss the Bonds
or which they will be exchanged, are receivable in
payment »f taxes for the year l*o4, arid are net sab
ieet to the tax imposed as on ocher Bonds
Come forward promptly and obtain yotu Certifi
cates and not ran the risk f being excluded by the
presuro that will take pL. -e towards the end of the
month. If. H. YOLNG,
mar i till Ist April Depositary.
Knquuci and sau till Ist Apra and send bill
to me.
Columbus, Georgia, v
Mareh lt», lVd. 1
Parti.-' hoiding t -rtiti ates ot Purchase or lni
piß.s*tntni, itiade b .w a *. f. F.*Waddell, will pre
-sent their i.aiUi- f . payment by the ia*th m s t.
mar lo Capt, A A. Q. M.
San copy
Lahti for V'A£• .
4 TRACT of EiGHi HUNDRED acres land, ly
A ing near Sprine iiiii. in Barb .ur county. AJa-
Lama. Between . t .••j a- re? cleared, all fresh,
, haring been in eulti< atn-u >&K tw . r three years.
This section c.fe.umtry i 5 among she bt-tool ton pro-
I dueing land* ia Alabama -r Georgia. Parties wlsh
ing to invest in such property may call .»n ere be
tween this and the Ahh iusr.. after that it will be
withdrawn from market. A; . . . to
Win. C. GRAY,
at Green wood A Gray’; Office,
mar 10 til 20th mar
Hou«e Wanted,
I nunedLately. -Any per; -n Oaving one to iet. will
1 pisa-c apply at 1. S. Spear’s Jewelry Store,
cur.ii al-tf
La«*i Yotiee.
Mrs- arc R < fprvr. >
* ydumhus, yiarch U,st». i--A.)
AH c-Ih’ui s f whatever kind against this Compa
ny must i * presented by iast. If not pre-
I seated by that tiu. • • : in Qm
' federate Trea-i.i n- ' the present their
£rce or in Confederate :..ur percent Ifiin-Ls, at the
I option of the company.
mar l s * til 2Sth irea-arer.
OFFICF P..?T Qr..r,TFE!f iSTEE. 1
i; ;«-u ; Marx-a ieth. IsoS. f
AH deman if jg.iinst tni . »r ay iii.q officers
j of the P st, payable by me. must be pre-eated onor
before the 2Ath inst.
JN*». K. DA ATS.
m ,M ’tf V i. A V. i Q- M.
BY order •-f the War Department. I leave t- .-dar
for Eastern Louisiana, to operate in that dist
Myregjment Isr L. uisiaiia . avalry»wi’! rer.derv u
at Selma. Alabama. In addition, a splemlid baa ex v
of Sawyer guns, nrt- exited by u: commander, Lient
Gen. Polk, will accompany the yii-edUi. n. under
the rt-.mmand >*f Capraia N. T. N. R* binsian, of .• ew
Orteut*. an experienced and -kilful officer who
forixi.-riy had el-, h-.t- . smy id battery - t H--r*e Ar
t tilery
Agceater indu- i-mei.r cannot be < aered the ex
-1 c-ar counti
color? and avenge their mjaifuid w« <i»g* anuoppras
f akm? upi'a the s«jii ot their own •'fate. Horses and
equipment s will tre i-arm;bed all rteruit; who re
port to me at Seima.
Let there be no delay. Tripie-armed withjustice.
revenge and courax?e. let us strike tili not a foe to
left in Loaismna to tell the siory of their ienc miny.
. Colonel Ist't La- Cavalry.
Dultor., Ga., March IT i\
Saturday Evening
For riiaflahcocliee.
The jtearner Indian, Captain Fry, will leave for
the above ar.d Lnterme-date landing! .nto mcrr.w
[Sunday] at 9 o'clock/
Rev. Dr. A. B. LoxCiißUEr will preach in >t.
Paul’s Church to morrow Sabbath; morning, F G
Our compositors failed to give credit to the
•‘Montgomery Advertiser ' for an article on
ihe “ The Tiuies ' copied in our mornings
Bi-HuP Socle.—Tpe Southern Ckritti ri A Y
cc-cuG lec.rns that this venerable father i- at
home, but in feeble health. He is affected
with paralysis, but not so greatly as to con
fine him wholly to house. The Yankees
have, of course, tried to win him over to thsir
cause, by proposing -'the oath." but be has
uniformly answered ifiat he would ‘-suffer any
evil they could inffict. rather than submit to
demand. And so ijhey let him alone
m ] zm
A Meeting of Friends of ihe Confederacy
in Manchester, Ext,land. —A meeting of the
friends of the Confederate cause was held ir. Man
chester, England, on the 2tsth of February. We
take from the Index the following summary of
this meeting:
The Right Hon. Lord Wharnclige occupied the
chair Lord Campbell, andT. B. Birlev. T. Birgss
C. P- olty, James dponce, and J. H. Clarke, Esq .
were present. There was also present some offi
cers in the army, clergymen, and many Sadies.—
Letters were read fr..ta Beresford Hope. Esq., and
Sir J. Bowring, expressing their inability to at
tend. The Secretary then read the report, which
stated that during the few months that the associa
tion .bad existed, it had acted upon public opinion
in Lau. au shire. Yorkshire and Cheshire, by means
of the platform and the press. ••Papers for the
people,” conveying argumentatively the fullest in
formation in regard to the origin of the war and
rights on which secession s*as based, had been is
sued to the number ol sj.i-u; at least 2od,ohd
handbills had been circulated, and 10,v0fi placards
and reports of speeches
Lectures had been delivered in nineteen towns
of importance, and others were iu a uve prepara
tion. In twenty-seven oi the great towns, branch
associations ha t bc-eu formed, A London associ
ations-had been formed under the presidency of
Mr. Beresford Hope, and would take vigorous ae
tion daring the ses-ion of Parliament. Public
meetings had been held with -access at Oldham,
Stockport, Ashton, Boilington, Burnley, Preston,
Glasgow and t • : p, and in each case the Chair
man had been autt... .iued to sign a memorial to
the F reign Secretary, -r petitions to Parliament.
Lord WLurncliffe first addressed the meeting, and
dwelt on the boastfulness and mendacity ol the
Northern character, and the Men 1:. Ati„n of the
feelings and qualities cf the ?outbc-rn and English
pec>pie. The courage : the North c insisted in
destroying where there was a » fear 01 lesmancc-:
their conduct was savage and vindictive bey. ud
ail precedent. The object of the N >rtb was to re
tain a name by extent of territ ry. at the
cost of the subjugation ot me rrouTr, -
the best thing for the peace -.f the world would be
the establishment of tv- well r lered t? .vermnunts
on the American Continent.
L.-rd Wharneliffe was succeeded by Lori Camp
bell, who ais aia lea speech. Alter a few words
from Mr. BirU-y. .n favor of immediate recogni
tion, Mr. J. ?pence made an address to the meet
ing. He exposed the mistakes and fallacies con
tained in Mr. Milner Gibson s speech at Ashton
under Lyne, at considerable length. He the., re
ferred to the cruel manner in which the X -Hh a = i
waged war. sinking stone fleets, c-' nn,ra .0:, 0...
rights, shooting men »u cold blood, sn-uUlng and
exlumniating the best ‘ the nati r. Public* op in -
ion m England was for the South, and the South
itseit c uld nc.t have maiiitaioed the straggle
against the p <wer of the X rth, unless :he had been
supported by the conviction that her cause wa
just. The result of the reconstruction ; the Union
would be a wa: with England. The a.-'-oebGoa
desired peace, but permanent peace, . . i p
could only be permanent when based n tne inde
pendence of the fbjUtfc.
Geueral Price.
It is stated that Lieutenat General Ih-Iriics
Las been ordered to report at Richmond. «wi.i
that llajxji General Sterling Price will assume
active command in the field west of the Miss
ssippi. This statement i 5 made very posi
tively I v t correspondent ot the Atlanta In
itliicicfifi;—a paper not in the habit ot circu
lating false rumorsr—and yet we are tempted
to discredit it. Too goc-d to be true, we fear.
But President Davis has. of late, nranife tc :
so decided a disposition to ov.-rlook
ed antipithies that we can but yield some
shadow of credence to this most agreeable
it hit; been asserted that Mr. Davis was un
friendH to Geiretai .Johnscou and had no cen
fidt-i -c in him. Nevertheless he has placed
Johnston in (otninand of the nto?' diiportant
army ia the C>-ntedjeracy. next to «•. n.''s.
Many have believed; that the Presi.L.A e -j? in
imical to Gen. Bc-AijM giii.l and y.: i; whis
pered that the close jot toe campaign in Florida
s which cannot be Very long- v-iav. i —
Giilmore suffers himsc-i: to be beseiged will
find Beaarega. i mce more ia the vicinity of
the Great River -and among a people to whom
his name, more than any other, is a tower ot
With Lee in Virginia, Longstreet in Tennes
see, Johnston iu Georgia. Beauregard in MG
sissippi. what more is needed to fiii the meas
ure of public content than the supremacy ot
Price in Arkansas and Missouri. We can as
sure the President that this arrangement would
produce the most complete satisfaction. Ali
our great Generals would be then in the field.
Everything will have been done to ensure suc
cess : and whether! the campaign end happilr
or not, the Prc s ld -ni will fin i him- elfsustained.
With single exception. ,all these Generals
will ■ West Point iseu. Rut the confidence
of tt.- pecpdc and so! Hers is .-.lmc-sf. if not
quite, of as much vo.-rth ns military t la«-i
lion. Sterling Price has mote of the «%
den- • s the Trans-Mississippi people rha, ;
any other-living man. He can attract more
soldier s to his army and keep il :-m there
longer than any o :,rr m The population
west of the Missis-ii; rlove him. and Price
understands them; t it-.-; and has tn influ
ence over them than -I: c.ther General? pat
The President seem: li«p..?ed to do n
hi? power to snudr thv ;. ople and strengthen
hi- cold ujvtn ti.« :• the. lions. The manner •
in which he ha? » r ! itued Gen. ' >husloS.
since he assumed • iiamand of the Army of
Tennessee, imiicaty? a firm purpose on hi ls
teirt to ignore all i s t dissension? and to con
cede everything within the bounds of reason
which the public mav desire. We haie
reached a crisis is in- war wh-.t it t - -otnc- :
u 5 to put forth onr wh.jle streusth. and to
have that trengtl* direvtr.j b> the a : - ■ mil
»tarv intellects in the land. General Pis.e t«-«-n til the Ue! i three years. No Wiii
deny him the gift of a naturally strong mind,
and he has now s;een more of war and has
more of military jt-xperieoce than any of our ,
Generals had when the contest began. By ail
raeans. then, let us have the bentit of his dis
tiuguished abilities and bis unrivalled infiu- .
ence ovei* the people of Arkansas aad Mis- j
$3.50 Per Month.
souri. The President has hut to sat the
word to the- Trans-MHaissippUus to the
highest degree of enthusiasm, confirm the
eonfiJem e of the whole Confederacy and as
sure the triumph of the Great Cause iu the
coming campaign. WIU he refuse to say that j
word?— Richmond Whig.
f rom tbe North.
Zuicoin Calls foe 200,000 more .V-— E.dana- '
(toil ff/thr ( til— Th* C-.ii. fS of thf Gloom c*
ts« Xortk.
Linoeln having failed to get the men alrea
dy called for. made another cal! tor two
hundred thousand. Tbe following is bis proc
lamation :
Extcrtivi Mansion, [
Washington. March i•# ISG4. j
General Orders, )
So. 190. j
In order to supply the force required to be ;
draft air the navy, and to provide an ade
quate reserve force for all contingencies, in ■
addition to the five hundred thousand men i
called for February 1. 18C4, the call is here
by made and a draft ordered for two hundred
thousand men for the military service, army,
navy and marine corps of the United States.
The proportional quotas for the different
wards, t. v, nsuips. precincts or election dis
tricts or colon iea, will be made known through
the Provost Marshal-General's Bureau, and
be taken of the credits and defi
ciencies of former quotas.
The loth day of April. 1864, is designated
as tbe time up to which the numbers required
from eacu of a city, town, &c., may be
raised by voluntary enlistment, and drafts
will be iu’ide iu such wards of a city, town,
sc., which shall not have filled the quota as
signed to u within tbe time designated for the
number required to fill said quota.
The drafts will he commenced as soon after
tut 15th of April as practicable.
Tbe Government bounties, as now paid, con
tinue until April 1, 1c64, at which time the
additional bounties cease. On and after that
date SIOO bounty only will be’paid, as provi
ded by the act approved July 23d. led.
(Signed; Abraham Lincoln.
Official: £. D. Toi. mend. A. A. G.
The New York TANARUS, m- thus explains the rea
sons of this call:
This cal! is not entirely unexpected. It may
not be generally Known, but it is nevertheless
strictly true, that under the last call tor two
hundred thousand additional men iu February,
the Government has actually received a far
less number of men than it called for though
most of the States have filled their quotas.
The resoa is plain. It was announced that
the last call was tor the purpose of squaring
up accounts, and thereupon an extensive sys
tem of research and figuring was begun in
every State; ail loose accounts of I’rovost
Marshals and State authorities were balanced
up. old credits, not before allowed, were
brought forward and allowed on the new ’
quota : scattering men. who bad enlisted and j
uever been credited, v.. c anted for tbe first i
time; enlistments ut the naval service have ;
been credited as recently allowed by law; the
veteran enlistments, which came in largely,
.vere credited, and aided many localities to
escape the ctrari . ’■tit- —ve.rtion, and mans
systems of figuring, some of which
were not as straightforward a- they ought to
have been were used, until many of the
State hive announced that their quotas were
full under oil calls, with •» surplus.
We tiave in memory at present New Hampshire,
V ermont, Rho te Island. Connecticut. Indiana,
Hlin is. i.,wa, Minnesota, and Kansas, and many
l-aits : Michigan, New fork, and Massachusetts,
all «.t w:,i. h have nlicd tfaeir quotas underbill
• ’>de. sn 1 liiu.-t of them have a surplus left, which
i* bemgr.-ustantly increasoi Ly veteran and vol
unteer enlistments heretofore not credited. The
army has, notwithstanding, been iargelv and grat
ityii.glv augmented, but not. by an ■ means, to tbe
ester.; th«r last call. That call, as we have said,
h.v- i r-t: iarg-iy exhausted by the credits for old
erJt—.mei. - never betorv counted. Hence, (hi- new
• all. to ugh succeeding so rapidly !•* that ut Fefi
tuaty , . an ..mi will be promptly met in un-d of the
Btatea ivithoat any hardships whatever. Many
localities have a sin-pin- already to toe credited on
the new quota, while tl»e ne«-e>sitsea ot the naval
Seri. e, ;o. lulling the Marine corps, offer a larger ,
field in an heretolore for the choice of the volnn- !
teer. Only in those localities which have been
habitually behind in every quota will the new cal!
be considered a- a hardship. Tib* quota tilled
promptly and honestly, aud the artov will be •oi
strengthened that »« think all future calls bo
dispensed with.
The same paper, in another article, attempts t*.
give the causes of the general ci,om which it -ays
now pervades the North:
The fact that rrobably gives rise to the tn»-f wide
spread despondency is, that we have as yet ac...ii,
piished nothing in our spring operations. The Flor
ida expedition ended in a disaster: the grand cav
alry rail m Alabama, under Gen. Smith, was inter
rupted l>y apparently a very interior force- the
mysterious invasion of Gen. Sherman's flying col
umn :.rotor at hack only a lew thousand males and
necr.—and wasted the enemy’s territory. We see
liCii c• ; the *ou?e-•-ofeyG in all thi- which was
exacted. Chariest >n, too, is as liar front .or grasp
as eve;. M ie l-a- hardly been attacked. Wt
near u* : <jt any succe-s iu Tex„s. Gen. s
great „.toy lies inactive in Virginia.
Beh.nd nil those anfav raoic aspects —as they
seem tv tee popular imagination —i..vuu upth* per
ilous question of finance. The debt i« -een to be in
creasing enormously every day, while (bogie - is
not awake u. iheduty of increas
ing thetas iti..-n. The currency, besides its ap.-at
en: expanse, n. believed. to be expanding in in ,Je~
vrhit-h are r. t by the constant paying ,ut of
■‘certir.iatc- ot indebtedness” and "Jive j-.r cent,
notes.” And. vr rst sign of all. the extxaviganee of
the people is growing at a frightful t ate.
Letter from Mr. FaUandtaabi»
Retaliation Advised.
The following letter from Mr. Vallandham !
is published :
Wdtdsor, C. W.. March 7. 18S4.
Messrs. Hubbard k Brothers, Dayton. Ohio:
Geniiemea —I read several daysaro the tel
egraphic announcement of the “riddinjr of
the E </■;-?office by : furlongbeu soldiers.' I
offer yon no sympathy, for will avail
nothing now or hereafter. I do express to
you tnv profound regret that yon were not
j.iv|-... .1 to inflict on the spot, and m the midst
of the assault, the complete punishment which ■
the assailants deserved* but I am to !
learn that some of them did soon alter receive ,
! their deserts. 8.1 these cowardly acts cannot
always be garde l against. And they do j
' not primarily come from the soldier 3
There is, therefore. bnt_one icuirdy fiu past
ml preventive of future inj-irie et ! i1..-«t is. i
instant, samnir.ry and ample repri-ul- upon j
the fen, n- and property of thr men at home j
who, by i #gu-:ge and condnare always j
inciting t rhtse outrages. No legal or miii- -
tary j , ishment is ever inflicted upon the im- ;
mediate instmmente Retaliation. therefore, j
is Uit only ad the rightfni remedy in times |
t\.rir. 1 speak advisedly, and recom
mend it m all cases hereafter. It is oi no ;
avail to announce the falsehood that -both !
parties condemn, it. alter the destruction has j
been consummated. The time has sr.-ne by |
for .Cos ..once without p.ote. lloa. 1 sjieak
decided language; but the contitiued recur
rence of these outrages —frequently attended (
with murder, and always without redress — j
demands it. They must be stopped, let the j
consequences he what they may. Repri-als
in such cases are now the only way lett tor a
return to law and order.
C L. Vallasiusham
I % From \ashTtiie.
The Chattanooga Rebel had an inter
| view with Capt. Carnes, of the 31st Ten
i nessee regiment, who lately escaped from
Yankee torture in the penitentiary at Nash
ville. The Rebel, says:
(. apt. Cames informs ua that there is
no doubt that the Yankees are concentra
ting a very heavy force in front of Gen.
Johnston. That large reinforcements are
! constantly passing throtigh Nashville
! Ixiuntl for the front, and that no one there
j doubts that the great battle of the war is
. to be fought in Northern Georgia.
Greenhacks were selling tor gold in
t Nashville when the Captain left at three
j to one. Conlederate money had advanced
very rapidly under the influence of the
* new currency bill, and was selling at 30
cents on the dollar. It had before been
as low as o.
The stories told of the re-enlistment of
. the old troops are barefaced falsehoods,
published for effect. One Indiana regi
ment which was guarding the prisoners
. was reported through the papers to
re-enlisted almost entire. The Captain
says that he had frequent opportunities of
conversing with these men. and they were
unreserved in their expression of their de
termination to go home at the expiratiou
of their term, which is in Way, and stay
there. Not fifty in the regiment had re
The Captain reports that the people
have plenty of provisions through Middle
Tennessee—corn and bacon Leiug very
abundant, and the wheat crop is locking
uncommonly well. The people are almost
universally loyal to our cause and bouyant
and hopeful of the future.
Proclamation by the Gover
nor to the People ol'iicsitucUy
Fellow Citizens: In view of the
disturbance of the popular mind, produc
ed by the enrollment of slaves for the
army in Kentucky, it is deemed prudent
to make the following suggestions, for the
benefit and guidance of the loyal people of
Your indignation should not move you
to commit acts of violence, nor unlawful
Standing as wo have stood, and will
ever stand,-for the Constitution.
Union, and the enforcemertot the -
we must repel the eff rt> f rebel"
overthrow our Governu > > r
lant soldiers in the ti_ . .. t el
unjust or unconstitutional kg fiance il
legitimate appeals to the constituted tri
bunals of the Government; aud through
the ballot-box displace, in the constituted
modes, those who pervert or abuse the
trusts committed to them. This is the
only true mode ot maintaining -the Con
stitution, the In ion, and the enforcement
of the laws.”
The mere act of enrolling the names of
slaves does not affect any right of the
| citizen. No draft has been ordered, nor
:do we know that a draft will be ordered.
It may or it may not.
We should abide by and maintein the
law; and pursue, in the modes provided,
the remedy itafioids. If and violence or
wrong to the person or property of the
eilizen be committed by an officer or sol
dier, against the known laws of the land,
make your “accusation" in the mode pres
cribed by law; and, if the commanding
officer refuses or neglect to use his utmost
endeavors arrest the officer or soldier
under bis command so accused, and hand
them over to the civil magistrate for
i trial, when "officially advised of the facts,
the executive of the State will prefer
charge and demand a court martial.
In the union, under the Con fburion.
and in accordance with law, assert and
urge your rights.
It is our duty to obey the law until ir G
declared, by judicial decision, to be un
constitutional. The citizens wh se pr op
erty may be taken under it, for public use,
will be entitled, under the imperative
mandate of the constitution, to a iust com
pensation for his private property so taken
tor public use. Although the present
(.’digress may not do us justice, yet it is
safe to rely upon the justice of the Ameri
can people; and an appeal to them will
not be unheeded or unanswered. Peace
restored, will drive to ignominious dis
tance those who in the agony of our con
flict perverted their sacred trusts to the
base uses of partisan end- and fanatical
i phold and maintain your government
as constituted, and obey and enforce it :
»u»t demands, as the only hope of perpe
tuating free institutions
Thus. E. Bramieitl
Frankfort, .March 15, I Q O4
Siege Matters— Two Hooked asd Fist? -
-iistu Dai —TheSirng on Wednesday was chiefly
irom our batteries i-n the enetnv's works.—
The palisadoe.- in front of Gregg, w -re broken
down yesterday, for c sp.tce t a-:.”ut three hun
dred yards by the surf on Tue-day night. A lar
ger nasni-er >f tents than usual appear to hepit-.bed
on isia.k I;laeJ. The enemy were engaged
Wednesday repairing Gr> gg ana erecting T-aiisa
does in front of the Middle Batterr. Our batte
-1 rie? .-peued tire on the enemy - working parti#*,
. which was kept up for two or three urs. Two
of -ur pickets, privates Scott of the Wiiiingtou
Kaugrrs, were captured, with their horse- and
equipments, by the enemy's scenting pa-tv that
! came up t Lv* .re's on Tuesday,— * . ~W<
i 24tA.
IHF. MoCSTAIS btr if.TMETT. The Bristol
Gazette &r,n .ant es ?bat General William E Jones
! had entered Kents- hr, through Fulkerson’s Gar.,
with *< n.e hundred teen, mrinding the
Eighth Virginia cavalry «tnd Witcher's battalion.
, Hence we presume ihe rsc-eai -eport of the re-car
‘ tore of Cumberland Gap, which is -rill a set •
i of anxious speculation..
We learn that last week a cavalry sfctrsr.i- h t k
pi*-e befow Morristown, resulting in .ur o.r, -
[ driving back the enemy. A force of the enemy's
cavalry appeared a* Whitetburg, twenty-two miles
below Greenville, on .Saturday last. It is said
I that our forces drove them back. In this -kir
tnish we are reported to have lost eight ki F
A general engeineof is expected.—// • 7 ..—J £
u miner.
4 DLSCHARGF: from the Third Gt- re-, fsulr).
f» Company''ll 'and an Exemt ;. ia ' -Rh
February. 15*4. R. H. Bl LLc»« li.
mar A> It*.
By Elli«. I.i. iua-loi. A to.
OX Monday, -SthMarch, All el.ick. we will soil
in trout of Rosette, Lawhon .V Co.'s auct! '!i
.4 Light One-Hoise Rodianjsj,
but little worn,
mar tb Zo
I am instructed to receive the preset Currency in
payment of Taxes until April Ist.
J. A. L. LEE,
mar 25 til apllet Collector.