Newspaper Page Text
j, H. WAITES CO., Proprietors.
i'uhlu Hr i Daily tAondays excepted) at the rata o'
g r >,no per mfintjivfcr sls lor three months.
No subscription received for a longer term than
t Iree month*.
Advertisements inserted once—s 4 per square,
Fir*! W*-«k- $3 00 per square for each insertion.
‘•’•'V >.ici Week— s 2 00 per square for each insertion.
, r d Week— sl 50 per square for each insertion.
Fourth Week—s) 00 per square for each insertion.
H»<-on<l Month—s3o per square.
Third Month—s2s pewquare.
Change of
’ fUmfleston and Savannah Railroad, >
Charleston, June 7,1864.)
9? i
,N TGIRSDAY, June 0. 1364.and until further
* notice, the Schedule of the Passenger train will '
\e as follow, vi/.:
Leave Charleston 9.45, a. in. j
arrive n Savannah. 5.40, p. in.
Leave Savannah 5.30, a. m. j
Arri vein Chariestoii 1.15, p. in.
fui Train makes direct connections, going north
and south, with the Northeastern Railroad atj'har
|(>,t - hi, and the Central Railroad at the J u notion.
id. S. HAINES,
j uic it ts Engineer and Superintendent.
('hsciiftc o£ Schedule.
S a ud after Sunday, June 19th, the Trains on
’ >be uscogee Railroad will run as follows :
i. Columbus 6 45 p. M.
rrive at Macon 3 25 A. M.
vo Maeon 8 10 P. M
Ur eat Columbus. 4 25 A. &.
Leave Columbus 5 00 A. M.
trriveat Columbus 4 55 A. M.
rnar Ri t,f Supt. Muscogee R, R.
Through to Montgomery
. COLUMBUS, August 27,1864.
. iN and alter August27th. the Passenger Train on
/ the Montgomery and West Point Railroad wiil
Leave Montgomery at 8:00 a. m.
Le: ve West Point at, 7:10 a. m.
Arrive at fJblumbus at 5:32 p.m.
Leave Columbus at 5:50 a. m.
Arrive at Mou gornery at 3:00 p. m.
Arrive at West'Potnt at 4130 p. m.
Preight Train leave.-'Columbus at 8:40 a in.
Arrives 8:2/ p in
I>. 11. CRAM, Sup’t & Eng.
ag271861 —ts
cuanuu of *riii:i>n,K.
Giuard, Ala., Oct 7,1864.
ON and after 10th inat. Trains on this Road will
Run Daily (Sunday excepted,) as follows:
I'StMNC«!£«!' TValll
Leave Girard at£ 1 30 p. jn.
Arrive in Union Springs 6 00
Leave Union Springs 5 35 a. ra.
Arrive in Girard at 10 00
Freight Train.
Leave Girard at 4 00 a. ru.
Arrive in Girard at 6 00 p. in.
aglfi ts Eng. & Sup’t.
1 N OVERSEER. One without family, wh* has
A lost an arm in the service, and thereby unfit for
military service preferred.
Beyuolds, Taylor County.
nov2l-tf Columbus, Ga.
C jiAO LBS. ofTALLOW, for which a liberal price
Jt'/UU will be paid. Apply to
sp7 ts Major and Q. M,
1M) HIRE—Four or Five able bodied Negroes.—
Good wages given. Apply a our Government
*c2Bt.f JOHN D. GRAY k CO.
Wanted to tlinploy
A GOVERNESf> in a private family for a limited
A number of scholars, in the country, a short dist
ance from Columbus. Address Box 16.
oc 312w’s W. G. W.
House and BLot lot* Sale.
'I’HE subscriber desires to sell a House and Lot in
. 1 Russell county, Ala., on the Crawfotd and Salem
road, about one mile from the New Bridge. The
House has two comfortable rooms, 'a fire place in
•aeh. There are on the lot also a stable and poultry
house. The l<>t coatains two acres. For further in
formation apply at the Eagle Factory, to
hot JO-lOt* W. S. O’BANNON.
SBOO Howard 2
STOLEN out of my stable, 2 miles from Columbus,
xv on the Crawford road, on Thursday night last,
•ne a small bay mare Mule, blind in the right eye.
The othor a black mare Mule, medium size, with
whith mouth aud white spot on rump. Both in gaod
1 will pay the above reward for the delivery es
the Mules Tvith the thief, with prool sufficient to
•onvict. or Two Hundred Dollars for the Mules.
Columbus, Ga.,Nov. 9, 1864 —ts
*#” Sun ■.lease copy.
lAjin BUSHELS CORN, for which we will pay
lU'" f cash or exchange Salt,
*R~Sun and Enquirer copy.
$25 Dollars Reward.
0 TRAY ED from my place in Wynnton, a dark
u bay mars MULE, about uiue years old, hair
rubbed off of both hips aud a large sear on the right
hindquarter. JOHN COOK.
oe 13 tt' ___
SIOO Steward.
\V ILL be paid for a negro boy named Henry, wh»
TT ranaway about two months He is abouts
feet 8 inches high; weighs aboutl id or 170 lbs.; c#m
plexion yellow; fine looking: t.hen laughing has
dimples in bath cheeks. It is probable he went to
Atlanta with some of the troops from this city,
ecb if H. M.‘ CLECKLEY.
S3u Howard..
V E(i do bog. Oil A KLEY; about jo years old, yel
low complexion, half nearly straight, below or
dinary intelligence; left Mr. Nat. Thompson’s near
Box Springs, Talbot etfhuty. I bought him of a
Mr. Brown, a refugee from Mississippi, who now
resides in Tuskegee. Ala. lie originally came from
Charleston. 8. C. A suitable reward will La paid
for his delivery at this office, or in any safe jail and
information sent to me at this office.
Columbu’s fra., aitg 1 tt *
For Sale.
j N Macon county. Alabama, lying directly on the
l Montgomery and West Point Railroad. The
tract contains 1,200 acres—about 700 cleared. There
ii a com Portable Dwelling House on the Race, good
Negro cabins with brick chimnies and all the neces
sary out building*. The land is productive and
looat on desirable. Possession given in November,
for further information apply to
David adams.
•c 27 lm Columbus, Gs,. *
A (.Mniederate, Macon: Montgo
mery Advertiser:jVmstitutionalis, Augusta, copy.
To Resit,
A BLACKSMITH SHOP with six or seven Forges,
complete. Apply at ml g OFFICE^
THE undersigned would respectfully inform his
l old friends, patrons, und the traveling public
enerally. that as he has to be absent for a snort
time he has been so fortunate as to have associated
with him his well known and worthy friend Mr.
EDW ARD PARSON 8. late of Atlanta. Ga., whose
reputation ad superior t >ot for business is well
known throughout the Confederacy. This House
is luge and commodious, and no pains, nor expense
shall be spared te fit it UP in the very best and most
elegant style, and to obtani every thing in tb-> line
•f substantial eatable* und luxuries tha' this
market affoids, With tuese assurances wc most
cordially solicit all our old friends, and thet :avcl
m*. public generally, to give us a call and an oppor
tunity of rendering them comfortable.
oo 15 lm* THOS. E. SMITH.
Executor’s Notice.
rVOmenths after date application will bo made
Lourr. of Ordinary of Taylor countv. for
tue Negroes and. perishable property of
rs Sabeth T> John6ou - dweased, late
-lawo. SAMUEL K. JOHNSON, Ex‘r
o*t. Jo«v2m p er TUOS> D , BRAND.
YOL. Xl.}
33r. BACON,
HAVING returned to the city, maybe found at
night at the re-idence of Mr. James A. Chap
man, upper end of Jackson street.
Messages left during the day on the slate %this
office will bf attended to nov2l-2t*
l)i\ €J, IS. HEARD,
(Late Surgeon P. A. C, S.)
OFFERS hi.- Protes-ion.d Services to the citizens
of Columbus. Office at Dr. Carter’s Drugstore.
Can’ be found at night at the residence of Wm. C.
Gray, in Liu wood. [uov 10 lrn*
Dr. R, AOR EE,
T Pemberton k Carter’s old «tand, back room of
A Smith’s Jewelry Store, where he can be found
all hours, foe 186 m
i FEW Hundred Pounds of Sterling Exchange
A for sale in sums to suit purchasers by
To Wz*«i*si|>|»i Soldiers !
» Agency for the Relief of Mississippi soldiers in
the Army of Tennessee, has been removed from
Atlanta to Columbus, Ga., and is near Barnard’s
oorn< r, betwe.-n Main st., aud the Perry House.
Your baggage is there.
sep2B ts Agent.
(xoveruuiciit Sheep lor Exchuuge.
! O (1 HEA D SHEEP will be exchanged for Bacon
i O ’v/ or Beef. The Sheep rated at $2 00, Bacon
10c., Beef "2c. gross per pound. The Beef to be de
livered alive. Apply to
Columbus, Nov. 2,1864—ts
ID GUESTS GREEN. These teas have been se
lected in the London market, and will be found
equal to any ever offered for sale here. For sale at
Mulford’s old stand. novl9-6t.
To Reidf
’I'IIE Finest. Store Room in the city. Corner
1 under Cook’s Hotel. Call at
pot 1110 t CODY Sc COLBERT.
Vl r ANTED in exchange for Sheetings, Osnaburgs
” and Yarns, at the
nev 5 ltn EAGLE FACTORY.
Noticc--Lands for Sale.
THE subscriber offers for sale one oft 1 e most val
-1 uable plantations in Florida —cout-lining 1,882
acres in Wakulla county, Florida; about 550 acres
cleared and under *eod fence —the balance good
oak and hickory, and splendid hamoc land, suited
for short and long cotton, and tobacco. Good im
provements, dwelling house, two gin houses and
screws, tobacco barns, overseer’s house, and houses
enough to shelter 100 negroes; school house, black
smith shop, cooper shop, Ac., Ac. —lying near the
Gull, where fish, oysters and foul can be had at any
time. I will take twenty dollars per acre for the
above described lands, cash paid in hand.
I have a fishery also, in seven miles of the planta
tion, which I will also sell low with the place.
I refer persons to Major Alleu, of Columbus, to
whom I have written all about the lands and their
advantages. J. BRADWELL,
For Sale.
| OFFER for sale my residence in Whitesville, on
» the LaGrange and Columbus road, fifteen miles
south of LaGrange—a good and commodious house
with six rooms, four fir* places; all necessary out
buildings ; a good garden, aud forty acres of land
attached. Possession given immediately.
Also, one fine HARNESS HORSE.
Address me at West Point, Georgia.
novlS-lOc Capt*iu W. A. ANDREWS.
S3O Reward.
TilE above reward will be paid for the apprehen-
I sion and coniinement in the jail of Muscogee
of county M. L. Patterson, about forty years of age,
mi hair and red whiskers. He was furloughed Aug.
12th, 1864, for 30 days, and has failed to report. He report to me in this city on Wednesday,
the 16th inst,; but instead of doing so has sent me
a legal document, of no value in his case, as he is a
deserter. W. L. SALISBURY.
nov!8-3t _ Major, dec.
j iN the 16th instant, between Columbus and Bull
" ", Cieek, o.i the Talbott on road, a large russet calf
skin POCKET BOOK, containing between seven
teen and eighteen hundred dollars in old issue and
about three hundred and fifty of new issue, and a
number of valuable papers. A liberal reward will
bo paid for the pocket bo*k and contents, delivered
at the Times Office, or to me at my residence, nine
miles from Columbus. A. MAGRUDER.
| novl7-3t.
iroia SALE.
C’ 350 open—nearly all fresh —in splendid repair—
excellent fences. Gin house, lets, gates, cabins;
healthy, well watered, nice young orchard; every
thing new; 12 miles bslow Auburn, near Society
Dili, in Macon county, Ala.—all conveniently ar
ranged. with fins outlet and range for stock. Land
fertile, soft, and easy of cultivation ; an excellent
neighborhood— out of the reach of ordinary raidt.
Will take Negroes or Cotton in payment for half tho
piice if purchaser desires it.
Also. ten open Sows, three ordinary Mules, and
five Milch Coirs, that will have calves between this
tune and spring. See me at Auburn, Ala.
Sun copy and send bill to me.
rlfi-dStw t
/'J.RAND and Petit Jurors summoned to appear at
' T the May Term, 1861, of the Scperior Court of
Muscogee county, are hereby notified to be and ap
pear at the Court House in said county, on the
Fourth Monday in November next.
Witnesses and parties interested are also notified to
appear on that day.
By order of his Honor E. H. Worrell, Judge of
said court.
Oct 31. lS6t-td F. M. BROOKS, Clerk.
Enquirer and Sun copy until day.
SI,OOO Reward.
CTOLEN frsm the promises of George Kidd, in
m Troup county, on the Bth instant, a sorrel roan
mare, about five feet high, five years old; three
white feet, two behind and one in front; left hind
leg newly scarred between the hock and ancle
joint, four or five itches in length. White spot on
the forehead about the size of a silver dollar. Scar
under the left eye.
One thousand dollars will be paid for the detec
tion of the thief and the mare, or fire hundred for
the mare, and no questions asked.
nov!4 7t GEO, KIDD,
House and Lot for Sale.
.• IN the Ist Tuesday in December next I will sell
v ' (unless previously sold at private sale) in Ham
ilton the house and lot in that tow* known as the
late residence of Dr. Gibbs. The lot contains about
one acre, and the house has ten fin# rooms. If not
sold on that day, the premises will be rented to the
highest bidder for the ensuing year.
novl9-6t L. M. BIGQERS.
4 BUNCH OF KEYS, which thoownercan get by
A calling at THIS OFFICE and paying for adver
tisemept, n#v!9-tf
WILL be sold on the 22d of this inst, before the
’* Court House door in the town of Newnan,
Cow#ta county, Ga., by consent of the heirs inter
ested, a portijn of the
belonging to the estate of Harrison McLarin, dec’d,
I names as follows: Bill, a naan 35 years of age ; Su
! san,3s >ears; Sarah, In y oars: Edmund, 14 years:
George 10 years; Jennie. 8 years; Lou, 6 years;
I Lizzie, 3 rears: Lela, 2 years; Sarah, a woman 26
! years; Laura, 10 years; Roscoe, 8 years; Fannie,
5 years; Cal ie, 2 years; Furny, a man 48 years;
Linda, 48 years: Dave, a man 40 years; Perry, 24
years; Calvin, 18 years; George, 13 years. The
above property sold for the purpose of division.
Terms Cash. W. H. McLARIN, } E _,„
nov!6-6t* W. B. SWANN. S** rr
rURK'S Island or Alumn, Coast, and Virginia
Salr for sale, or exchange for country produce.
n ,,v15-lw J- R. IVEY A CO.
lotion Notice.
* LL Storage not paid in Ten Day3, the Cotton
A will be sold to pay it,
nov 8 lot CODY Jc COLBERT.
To Printers !
TPE offer for sale a complete J- >OK BINDERY T ANARUS,
* - (except Itui ng Machine,) tw .* hand PRESSES,
and about
1,000 Paunds of T}pe Metal.
Hkadq’rs Army of Texxbsskk,\
In the Field, Oct, 28th, 1864. j
General Field Orders 1
No. 133. j
11. Each District Commander in this Department
will assign to duty, with his headquarters, a compe
tent officer, as District Provost Marshal, who shall,
under the orders of the District Commander, and
the Provost Marshal General of the Department,
have entire coutrd of all matters pertaining to the
Provost Marshal department. He will report to the
Provost Marshal General and be subject to his or
ders in all matters relating to passports, the arrest,
custody, and disposition of officers and soldiers be
longing to the Army of Tennessee. In all other
matters he will be subject only to the orders of the
District Commander, except that the Provost Mar
shal General may call for special reports in regard
to any matter i» any way affecting the Army of
Tennessee, to be forwarded through the District
By command of Gen. Cobb.
Official: 1 apt. and A. A. A.G.
E J. Habvil, Col. and Insp’r General.
Official: LAMAR COBB.
Major and A. A. G.
ano Military District op Georgia, >
Macon, Ga, Nov. 14, 1864.)
General Orders l
No. 28. S
I. In compliance with the above order Captain C.
W. Peden is appointed Provost Marshal of this Dis
trict, to whom all Provost Marshals will report,
By command of
Commanding, &c.
novlß-5t Major and A. A. General.
Insurance Notice,
U ROM this date the rates of Insurance upon Cot
: tan in Warehouses in this city, until further
notice, will be as follows :
1 month, %; 2 mos., V/i ; 3 mos,, \%; 4 mos., %/i ;
5 mos., 6 mos., 3.
D. F. Wilcox, Sec’y and Agent,
H. 11. Epping, Agent,
H. W. Edwards, Agent,
L. Livingston, Agent,
John Munn, Agent,
A. Pond, A^ent,
Greenwood & Gray, Agents,
David Huds«n, Agent.
Columbus, Ga., Nov. 19,1864. nov2l-lw
Columbus, Ga., Oct., 29,1864.
M 0 Freight will be received at the Southern Ex
i v press Company’s Office after 3'4 o’clock ?. M.fc o
go East on that day, nor will any be received to go
West after 4o’clock p m.
oc 29 ts S.H. HILL, Ageat.
List of Grand ami Petit Jurors far the Not.
Term 1861 of Muscogee Superior Court.
Win Mi/,e11,’ J P Manly,
EM Clark, W G Wool folk,
L F Watkins, E Schle.i,
James Cooper, JC Moses,
John B Baird, J McPhilips,
J A Strother, John McGough.
J J Grant, R C Pearce,
A Hunter, P J Philips,
Wm Snow, A B JBostick,
F C Tillman, Emanuel Rich,
JS Colbert, S Rothschild,
J W Sappington, C E Dexter,
fill Betz, Samuel Johnson,
WG Johnson, H T Hall.
John Roquemorc, Watkins Banks,
A H DeWitt, J J Bradford,
W A Beach, S Woodfield,
Thos C Ruse. L G Bowers.
E C Burns, W Kicker,
H P Miller, James Lovelaee,
EW Reeves, J F Tillman,
S Smith, T M Hogan,
J*hn E Lamar, Thes Kidd,
L J Harris, Thos Cary,
Wm Jones, H A Garrett,
W P Coleman, S B Hodo,
N Miller, D Walstan,
M C Wooten, J L Clark,
J ohm Durkin, George McGinty,
Jerre Jones, AG Celeman,
J M Armstrong, W H Harris,
James Clem, H T Hood,
John Jenkins, T J Willis,
S Wall, J T Campagniae,
T J Doles, N Culpepper,
J T Langford, A Silvers,
G W Crouch, Henry Newsom,
G H Srihith, Robt Massey,
James Dent, Wm Jones,
W B Ledgar, J W Pardons,
C E Johnson, J M Craven,
John Wamack, John R Hull.
A true extract from the Minutes,
novl9 t.f F. M. BROOKS, Clerk.
War Department, Ordnance Bureau, >-
Richmond, Nov. 11, 1864.)
All officers on Ordnance duty are required
by General Orders, No. 70, Adj’t. <t I. G. Office,
Aug. 29, 1864, to report without delay to the Chief
of Ordnance, Richmond, by letter, stating
First. —Their rank,
Second. —Date of commission (or appointment)
giving date from which their rank takes effect,
Third.— Arm of service.
Fourth.— State to which they belong.
Fifth. —Date of assignment to Ordnance duty.
Sixth. —The authority fey which assigned, furnish
ing date, and if possible, copy of order of ass'gnment
to which will be added.
Seventh. —Present duty, and order of assignment.
Officers #f the Regular Army will report both thei.-
regular and provisional commissions,: or appoint
ments, conferring temporary rank.
Failure on the part of officers on Ordnance duty
to report immediately as above, will be treated ,aa
a delinquency. J. GORGAS,
nov 22 eed4w Chief of Ordnanee.
B. W. GRIGGS, engaged in the Empire Hospital,
takes this method of informing his Wife that the
Hospital is ordered to Meridian, Miss., at whioh
place she can write to him.
nov 24 2t*
Columbus, Ga., November 23,1864, /
Theformer members of the Dawson Artillirt,
and all those who have volunteered into the hiew
organization, are hereby ordered to report to these
Headquarters at 4 r. u., on the 24th inst.
nov 24 3t SCol. Com’dg Reserves.
Hrad’qrs Sot. Works, (Ord.) I
Columbus, Ga., N«v. 23,1564. j
The hands employed in manufacturi-.g small arm
Cartridges, at the,Laborat#ry, are notified that work
will be resumed en Friday, the 25th inst.
nov24 2t ___ Col. Cbm’dg.
The#ffice #f Capt. B. A. THORNTON is removed
t# Ageney Bank #f Charleston, ever Spencer’s
Store. novls-st.
Produce Wanted,
In exchange for Iren suitable for plantation pur
poses. Apply to SHERMAN k CO.,
nov!4 2w. Masonic Hall, up stairs.
AT the Theatre on Monday evening, a GOLD
TOOTH-PICK, which the owner can hare by
applying at this office aq,d paying for this adver
tisement, nev 23 It
Friday Evening.
We take the following items from the Tele
graph & Confederate of the 23d:
It was rumored in town yesterday that
Hood had whipped Thomas and captured large
numbers of prisoners, wagons, kc. We trust
it may prove true.
Yesterday an engine and car went up to
G-riffiu and back. A train leaves this morn
ing on regular schedule time, o’clock.
There was a slight fall of snow in torvn
yesterday 7 morning, early.
We understand that every house at Gris- i
woldville was burned by the enemy, with the
exception of the residence of Mr. Griswold, i
All of his outhouses, however, were destroyed.
Atlanta has been evacuated and completely
Lieut. Gen. Dick Taylor arrived in town
yesterday morning. He seems in excellent
health, and will doubtless add new laurels to
those already won.
About 800 yards of the Central Road was
burned two miles from the city. We learn
that thi* has been repaired and it is probable
the mails will go through in a day or tw*.
We learn that Gen. Wheeler, on Monday
evening, attacked the enemy in the neighbor
hood of Clinton, whipped them badly, killed a
large number and captured three hundred
prisoners and forty wagons.
The Yankees, on the late raid, passed
through Indian Springs, but, wonderful to re
late, committed no acts of vandalism.
The Battle of Griswoldvilie.
On Tuesday afternoou our forces under*
command of General Phillips came upon the
pickets of the enemy this side of Griswoldvilie.
Our forces immediately deployed in line of
battle and skirmishers were thrown forward.
They drove in the pickets and then advancing
upop their skirmish Hue, drove them steadily
backwards the town and two miles
beyond, where they came upon the main body
of the enemy strongly entrenched. Our men
advanced boldly to the attack and a severe
and protracted fight continued until dark,
when our troop3 were ordered to fall back,
which they did in the best of order. No at
tempt was made by the enemy to follow.
We learn that the militia force behaved with
distinguished gallantry, advancing upon the
enemy’s breastworks in perfect order and with
no straggling. They charged through an
open field to within fifty yaids of the Yankee
works and maintained their ground tiil or
dered to withdraw.
The Athens Battalion, commanded by Maj.
Cook, and the Augusta Battalion, under Maj.
Jackson, both under the immediate orders of
the former officer, were distinguished for the
cool and steady manner in which they bore
themselves in the battle. These troops, as
well as the militia forces, acted like veterans,
aud faced the destructive fire of the enemy
with as much firmness a3 could have beeu dis
played by the heroes of Hood or Lee.
We have heard no estimate of the enemy's
loss. We gi v e below a list of our casualties as
as far as ascertained. The remainder will be
pulished to-morrow.
VILLE, ON THE 22d NOV. 1864, GEN. C. D. AN
The General received two bullets through
his clothes aud was badly wounded in the
Captain Adams, of the staff, slightly woun
Lieut. Hamilton, of the staff, slightly woun
7th rhgt., col. a. f. redding commanding.
Col. A. F. Redding, killed.
Slightly Wounded—W. Sikes, in leg ; Sergt
Thos Dumas, in arm ; Privt Wm. Evans, in
Missing—Privt Wm Banks.
Wounded—Capt Fulgam, in leg; Sergt D.
H. Henley, in thigh and leg seriously ; John
L. Anderson, in thigh, seriously; John King,
in thigh, slightly.
Wounded and missing-r-Lt A. C. McPhail.
Killed—Corp’l T G King.
Slightly Wounded—James White, in foot;
Obadiah Edge, in ankle ; T L Turk, in arm.
Killed—Sergt Geo A Gardner.
Slightly Wounded—Capt C C Hightower,
in foot; Jack Bussey, in shoulder; Jas Cop
page, in thigh.
CO. I, CAPT. D. F. M’itAK, C'OMD’G.
Killed—J C McLoans.
Wounded—D F Mcßae* in arm ; Lt J Pow
ell, in ankle ; Lt T J McDuffee, in shoulder:
Corpl Thos Mi Rae. in hand ; Sgt Wm F Wil
liams, in breast.
! Missing—J H Londsay.
Wounded: R A Gibbs, in shoulder; Allen
: Marshall, in thigh.
Wounded and Missing: G W Young, J A
; Gibbs and Darling Grain.
Killed—Groves Conner.
Wounded : Lt W Wilcox, in thigh ; Sergt J
| W McArthur, in side; Sgt Wm R Ryals, in
; knee; Thos B Adams, in hand ; W D Penick,
: in foot; M K Wilcox, severely and supposed
Missing: A C McArtliur.
Wounded: Capt W T Morgan, slightly;
I Capt S H Singleton, severely in head ; Arthur
Newton, slightly, head ; Horton, slightly,
I le°\
! Missing : E Erwin, H Jokngon, Sergeant B
Nance, D Wartz, Wm Warren.
Wounded ; Corpl A Colrard, toot slightly ;
Corpl JAG Phinazee, breast, slightly : J T
; Childs, foot; R Whatley, thigh, severe; John
Winn, missing.
i Bth regt., col. w. b scott. comd’g.
Cos A, Lt B F White, comd'g.
Wounded: Lt B F White, both knees : W
T Braswell, both lungs . Jas Bryant, slightly :
Jas Fry, O T Mynch. shoulder, (missing.)
Cos B, (in detached service.)
Cos C, Lt 11 Joees, comd'g.
Wounded : Sergt B F Fenney, jaw : C Tan
ton, through leg, slightly.
Cos D, Capt E Cunning comd'g.
Wounded: D E Adkin3, mortally: J J L
Smith, through left side ; A Ogburn, body and
: leg; O P H Rawls, thigh, slightly : Andrew
; Chambers, through thigh, flesh : W L Smith,
; hand, slightly.
| Cos E, Sergt Beekom, comd'g.
Killed : Elias Champion.
Wounded : J D Tharp, arm.
Cos F, Lieut G W Thames, comd’g.
Wounded : S F Bryant, slightly.
Cos G, Lt Hollaman, comd’g.
Wounded . Corpl W R Gilbert, both thighs ;
J Harris, leg; M Dominac, arm3; A Vinson,
through leg, and missing.
Cfo H, C*pt R H Barrow, comd’g.
Killed : W H Jolly.
Wounded : Lt John Baker, wrist, severely ;
N Morris, right arm : J Humphries, through 1
left hand : Wiley Vinson, side slightly.
Cos K. Capt T M Hunt, comd'g.
"Wounded : W D Darin, side and arm : J
Hawkins, hip, severely; J Vanxandt, both
knees, slightlv : W Oarrv, hand, severely.
Adjt. Bth Regiment 3d Brigade.
9th ukg’t, col. j. v. hill, com'u.
Lt Col T S Sherman, slight in sh*uld*r ; Major ;
W A Turner, slight in leg.
Cos A—Killed: J C Forbes, A W Phillips
Wounded: L Shell, thigh; Z T Crawford, thigh :
S L Longer, left arm: R D Smith, elbew.
Missing: John Leaker.
Cos B—Killed: Jas Callaway.
Wouuded: Corp'i W T Ba/say, both foot aud
arms; John P Ooain, shoulder, slight; Thes Hat
taway, mortally, since dead ; John B Pope, slight
iu shoulder; P Str97.ier, slight, iu hip aiul skoul
der; L M Chunn, slight in shoulder.
Cos C —Wounded : J W Hammock, hand and
head; Lt J B Chambliss, severe in fo<»t : Serg’t K
M Canton, slight in arm: W r Rotbermel, mortally,
in body; II M Smith, mortally and missing.
Missing: 11 M Snead and-A. Teal.
Ce D—Killed: Lt L Farmer.
Wounded: Lieut Setarns, mortally; Lieut Swint,
slightly; Ist Lt Lee, iu hip; Corpl Dykes slightly;
Dr J S Henry, slight in leg ; Johu Anderson,
slight, Ira Scroggins, severely.
Cos E—Killed: Capt E F Strezier.
Wounded: Sergt Thomas Mischain, severe in
arm; W D Mathews, severely in thigh M C W
Stewart, slight.
Cos F—Killed: Lt J W Spirev, H T Butts.
Weunded: Lt R F Patillo, slightly ; B G Mo-
Kenney, slightly; G W Childs, thigh breke ; W I
Cole, mertally; C H Green, slightly.
Cos F—Sergt R B Lyle, Corpl H M Jackson, T
A Dallaa%missing.
Cos G-*M A Harris, B V R Buddie, killed ; J R
Copeland, mortally wounded; W S Saxen, George
Cook, John R Hubbard, David Evans, slightly
wounded; C M Grant, severe; J II Freeman, J
Blew, C W Grant, C Williams, missing.
Ce H—Sergt A N Cauap, killed ; Capt B Gray,
Lt J D Thurman, Sergt J B L Watson, Corpl G
Rail, J W Odom, J W Moere, slightly wounded ;
J R Cotton, severely.
Cos I—J W Davidson, J A Clouts, killed ; Wil
son Hargett wounded mortally; JT Dillemer, se
verely iu wrist; J A Hulling, slight in leg ; J R
McDaniel, slight in hand; A F Tuett, nose, slight;
J S Geodman and T J Deloach, missing.
Cos K—Capt W C Wimberly, slight in arm, leg
and thigh; Lieut Jas T Phillips, slight in hand; S
Beckey, severely in thigh; T Castleberry slight iu
leg; J H Willis, severely iu shoulder and arms,
slight in hand; J M Procter, slightly in knee and
bath arms; Sergt J P Leonard, JL) C Billigein,
Charles Togily, missing.
Adjutant 9th Regiment, 3d Brigade.
Official :
A. B. Hendrbn, Maj A A. A. G., 3d Brigade.
The Situation.— A portion of our force last
night occupied the battle ground of Griswolds
ville, and the advance picket line of the enemy
was three miles to the eastward.
The Yankee infantry are still moving in the di
rection of Augusta.
General Wheeler yesterday afternoon fought
aud drove the enemy frem the Railroad a f'ow
miles from Griswoldsville, capturing fitly priso
We are glad to state that our authorities relax
none of their vigilance, and are perfectly confident
ia the ability of our troops te repulse any attempt
the enemy may make against the city. We think,
I however, that the Yankees are satisfied with their
experience of that portion of onr forces they en
countered at Griswoidsville, and have become sat
isf »and that the road to Macon is indeed “hard to
travel.”— Telegraph & Confederate, 24 th.
The late General Conference of the Methodist
Church in the Nerth elected three abolitionist
bishops, about eight abolition editors, excluded
all slaveholders from the church, without the au
thority of law, extended the term of th® pastorate
to three yoars, created eight new Conferences,
made anew ritual and remodeled ihe discipline,
made trustees of churches members of the quar
terly c#nfarenceß, re-enacted the rule making at
tendance upon class-meeting a t*3t es membership,
and provided fer the organization of the baptized
children of the church iuto classes.
A Geen Chancb. —Upea the approach of the
enemy towards Milledgeville, Gov. Brown assem
bled the cenvicts confined there, and informed
them that these whe were willing to volunteer
could do so; and that in case they made good and
faithful soldiers, he would pardon them. Out of
126, but feur refused the offer. They immediately
organized into a Company, and elected the noto
rious Dr. Roberts as Captain. Seme five or six es
; the worst characters were, very properly, denied
the privilege of volunteering. A good chance is
j now offered these men to redeem their characters.
! Telegraph & Confederate.
From Milledgeville. —The enemy occupied
! Milledgeville on Sunday evening. They doubtless
! burned the town, as the reflection from large fires
were seen ia that direction on Monday night.—
| Tel. & Gonfed.
| Traveling in Mississippi. —The Jackson
correspondent of the Uniontown Herald
The railroad from Meridian to this point ia
in excellent condition, and travelers arriving
here can be accommodated with everything
that is good and substantial in the eating
line, at the hotels or at private boarding
houses. I would recommend, among the lat
ter. Mrs. Hardy and Mrs. Overmann, both
! estimable ladies, and keep excellent houses.—
The trains leave here three times a week for
Canton, where, if you wish to continue uji the
Missiseippi Central road, you lie over one
j night and can be accomodated with the best
of fare and bedding, by my old friend, Cal
houn, es the Pearce house. Taking the train
on the Central road you arrive at Grenada, at
4 p.m. The latter place, since Smith and his
i Yankee follower* left it, i3 ofie mass of ruins.
They were not satisfied with burning th*
town, stealing negroes, cattle and poultry,
but all that were not carried off by them, were
killed and left to rot on the road.
I would advise strangers visiting Oxford to
oarry at least tnree days' rations and a blan
ket with them, and not get caught as I was. |
It being my first visit, I fared badiy. I was i
laughed at by the negroes aud boys about the ;
railroad when 1 inquired for the hotel. Some
even said, ‘-there goes one of Gov. Clark's tax
in kind to report to Col. Denis."' I felt rather
sheepish, but learned a lesson. I fell in with
a Missouri captain, who very xindly showed j
me the way to a lodging house, where I was '
accommodated with a bed. but nothing to
eat, the landlady saying she had scarcely
enough for her own family Your readers ,
will also acknowledge that Oxford is a poor
place, when I was told, in asking change for
a huudred dollar note, to pay my bilf, ihai
there was but one man in ’the "town who
had so much money in six months, and be
was the aseistant quartermaster.
Slave Tax Bill. —The House hass passed the
bill recommended by Comptroller Thweatt te
equalize the taxon slaves. The bill propose- bat
the Inferior Courts shall assess the value upon all
slaves and make a return to the Comptroller Gen
eral, and after the Comptroller General shall have
consolidated the returns, he shall then strike an
average, and that sha'l he the tax value through
out tho State, he notifying the tax receiver of
each county.
Entered according tw act es ComrreM in the year
1863. Yy J. S. Thra her. in the Clerk s effioeof
the District Court of the Confederate States tor
the Northern District of Georxia.
Mobile, Nov. 24.—A special to the Adver
tiser, from Senatofeia, 24tb, says :
The Yankee Government is said to be de
termined to make the rebels feel the force of
the war.
An amnesty proclamation is to be issued.
The State Department is engaged on Florida
A Nashville correspondent of the Cincinna
ti Times, of the 15tht says :
One column of Sherman’s army left Atlanta
on the 7th, taking the Macon road, and will
pass through Milledgeville and probably try
to release the Union prisoners. The second
column left ou the 12th, taking the direct
road to Augusta, which would be reached in
fourteen days.
The two columns concentrated at Augusta wili
move on Charleston, Savannah or Beaufort at
deemed proper. Beaufort was the original desti
nation. The Macon and Augusta railroads are t >
be destroyed.
Sherman carries fifty days rations of beef on
foot, and bread, and will depend on the country for
further supplies.
AH the buildings at Atlanta useful to the Con
federates were destroyed.
Sherman’e army consists es 4 corps and 10,uO®
cavalry—total, 47,000. The blockading force oh
the Southern ceast is to be largely increased.
Early is reported en route alter Sherman. Farra
gut is talked of as Secretary of War.
Everything at Rome, Ga., useful to the Confed
eracy, was destroyed by Sherman.
The winter campaign around Richmond is to be
active; n® cessation of hostilities, without the to
tal defeat of Grant or capture of Richmond. Aa
important movement of the Navy, under Porter,
is expected. Its probable destiuatiOß is Wil
mington. Burnside has taken command es the
9th corps. A. D. Walker is to be Secretary *f
The Philadelphia Bulletin contains a state
mentthat Peace Commissioners will be sent
to Richmond.
Tue N. Y. Word says if Brazil demands tha
surrender of the Florida, the U. S. will hate
to give her up.
Tiie ram Switzerland was sunk in the Mi*-
•issippi near Commerce.
An Austrian force of 70U0 is to be sent to
Mexico this winter.
Gold is New York on the 19th closed at
— ♦ ■» . .
Captain Semmes.— Captain Serames, accompanied
by eight ofticers of the Alabama and one hundred
men, left Liverpool October 13, to be transferred,
with guns, etc., to the steamer Ranger, recently ly
ing at Madetia.
The Liverpool correspondent of theLendon News,
of the 11th of October, has tho following:
“ Captain Nemmts, of whom, since the sinking of
the Alabama we have heard so little, and that lit-'
tie so erroneous, sailed from tho Mersey on Sunday
last, on board the bark Laurel, in ‘command of
Captain S. F- Ramsey. The destination of the
Laurel is rather mysterious at present, but, as far
as the custom bills ot entry show the vessel hue
certainly cleared for ports where Confederate pro
clivities predominate, viz: Nassau, Havana and
Jfatainoras. Her cargo is of such a mixed nature
i that no belligerent State would have the slightest
doubt of its usefulness. It consists of some large
guns, small arms, shoes, leather in balk, ammuni
| tion, clothes, blankets, drugs, etc. But the Laurel
must not be supposed to be intended for a cruiser :
she is merely a tender, and carries out to a certain
lati'ude, guns and ammunition for anew screw
steamer, es which Captain Semmes is to tike com
mand. This vessel is suppose to be anew screw
steamer which was lying at Madeira on the 3rd in
stant, and was there known uuder tho name of the
“The Ranger is large and very swift. To show
that Captain Semmes ’does not go unattended,
we may here state that he took with him on
board the Laurel eight officers and one hundred
men, most of whom served with him. en beard the
Tho following is from the London Herald of the
12th of October, on the <ame subject:
"We have reason to know that Mr. Adams, the
American minister, is aware of Capt. Semmes’ de
“Capt. Semmes’ log, while in command of tho
Sumter and Alabama, is having a great sale in Paris
in a French dress. A cruise of three years, in defi
ance of a fleet of five hundred sail, could not but
j have its moving and exciting incidents, and tho
j French public lends a willing ear to tales of daring
| and adventure.”
I By Ellis, Livingston & t o
ON TUESDAY, 27th inst., at 10J o’clock
w« will sell in front of our store
j A Likely Negro Boy, 15 years old,
' Two Negro Women, 35 years old;
good Washers and Ironors.
Two Likely Mules, <fce., &e.
nov 26 sl2
Headquarters, 24th Dist. G. M. )
Columbus, Ga., Nov. 25, 1864. \
All men subject to the Governor’s Proclamation
of the 19th inst., who do not belong to Captain
Wilkins’ or Capt. Cheney’s Companies, and who
have not reported at these Headquarters, will be
| arrested during the day and sent to Macon by the
evening train. B. A. THORNTON,
P°q 25 It .A. D. C., 24th Dist. G. M.
All letters, packages, Ac., for any of the Reserve
forces sent from here to Macon, should be addressed
Care Col. Leon Von Zinken, commanding Col
umbus Reserve Forces,” Macon.
jmv2s 3t Jfaj. Com’dg Post.
On Consignment.
-Lly KEY, and for sale by
novl9-3t IIANSERD <k AUSTIN.
A large lot just received and for sale by
EDWARD BLTT, At 114. Broad St.
To Rent,
-For Confederate Money,
TWO PLANTATIONS in Sumter eounty, five
* ten milts from A*iericus.
For further particulars apply to
h©v7 I2t Americuo Ga,
Oaibxs Hospital, 1
Nov. 21st, 1864. /
THREE GALLONS MILK per day, delivered at
the Hospital. BYRD C. DALLIS,
nov 21—lw Clerk.
Sun copylw
By James IT. Taylor.
On W ednesday, Dec. 6, at 9 o’clock,
W be sold at my Store, corner of Broad ami
tt Campbell streets,
A large assortment of
Foreign and Domestic <*oods.
AS” Particular-- : n a future advertisement.
Conditions Cash. nov2l-eedtfd
11 OUSE and LOT, the lot contains one acre, tho
11 hoose 11 a good framed building with four room*
out houses, etc. A great bargain can be had if im-*
mediate application is made.
nov23 3t* J. W. WELBQRN,
K IX ** N * w ,? rl ? anaSc (UR. Shisol* Nam.*
-and N ails ot all sizes, j*t reduced prices, ffe'
sale at J. U. AfULFORD’S old stand,
nor 22 ot.