The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, May 13, 1800, Image 1

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VoL. ll.] GEORGIA, LOUISVILLE:—PubIiHied every Tuefday, by AMBROSE DAY & JAMES lIELY', at 3 dollars per ann. payable half yearly Where Effays, Articles of Intelligence, Advertifementj, &c. &c. arc thankfully received, and PRINTING in all its variety, is executed with neatnefs and difpatch. PHILADELPHIA, March 29. The public mind is at length awakened to the danger which menaces the public liberties and the only quertion which now re mains to be decided, is, Whe ther the conflitution (hall be re linquifhed. and abfolufe power placed, as in the Athens of old, in the hands of a majority of fairly men or fuch conflitu tional meafures taken as (hall refiore thofc parts of the confu tation v/hich have been violated, and cflablifhed by new and pre cife additions ? But it will be afked, how can meafures fo obvioufly neceflary be accomplifhed ? 1 he confli tution has not been fufiiciently explicit in reftri&ing branches cf the government, from tref psfling on the fun&ions of others —the men who fccretly lead and publickly a& in thofc unconflitutional meafures, have the public money at command, 2nd lavifh it to purpofes the mod deflru&ive; the aggran dizement of a few is foie ob ject of a party, a great number of which are inverted with pow* er, by intrigue, influence, pre judice and terror; this party hath lulled or intimidated a preat part of the peonle into a rtupid filcnce, and thofe who fee the progrertive ruin, look on I with numb aftonifhment, at the I d;ring flrides that arc making to I defiroy the form and eflence of I our government. I J he plain and pra&icable re- I fnedy for thefe evils and dangers I I'es in the people—and if the I people do not apply the remedy I uifv sre fit only for flaves. I r 1 remedy is a total change I cf men in the ftrrt inflance, by I Ue conflUutional refort to elec- I tion, I } cliara&ers of thofe who I introduced, countenanced, I c mnived at or fupported arbi- I J| ar ) r an d ruinous meafures I be examined in the ftates I to v/hich they be- I !’ n y’. every man of that I cia P t 'on fhould in his diftrift I : e . ca^e d upon to account for ■ 1 as a fervant of the ■ people. ■ But the great and primary I in fuch a neceflary change I r at which would go to the H Wcc of the evil. ■ rK P r cpenfity of man to I [ ? a hufe power, has I] : e . mc common to all po ■ writers. Our conflitu ■c-v v ent^art^er to guard againft ■ *it\ n than any other; but wc Tf 3 experience of an ‘ fh rnoc^ern times to guide l< \ power has proved potent for the precautions THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; AND REPUBLICAN TRUMPET. T U E S D AY, Ma v i 3, 18 00. LIBERTY IS OVR MOTTO 4ND TRUTH OUR GUIDE cf wifdom and experience. It was early forefeen in tbe convention that the influence which the executive would hold over the army and navy, a mul titude of appointments to civil offices, foreign embaflies, and patronage in various other branches of the public fervice, would one day render the pow er of an individual not difpofed to preferve the freedom of his country, too great for the o’her branches of the government. And it was alfo apprehended that making the fenate at once legiflators and a branch of the executive, and in a particular cafe a court of juftice, would place them in a ftation fo tempt ing tomcn of depraved ambition that they might from the mere want of controul, endanger the conflitution, and ufurp every power that belongs to the dirtri butive parts of the government into their own bands. How far experience has jufli fied thefe predictions thofe who have fludied the fubje£i may determine. To a few fa£h, however, wc may yet fafcly advert, and the people who are yet the fovc reign will do well to confidcr the circumftances while they have the means of redrefs in their hands. Ever fince the perpetration of the Britifh treaty, that Pandora's box of America; the public profperity has been finking, and along with it the charr&er of our country —if the evils were confined to eventhefe aflh&ions, the cafe would not be fo dep’o lable, becaufe a free people can at all times by their mere ener gy, renovate their natural means of profperity by wife and pru dent meafures, and they can re ftore their chara&er by confin ing to obfeurity the authors of their difgrace. A free people have thefe means always in their power — and the period approaches when the people will have to choofe between the deftru&ion of their liberties as a nation, and the re jeftion of all thofe from public fiations who have been aiding and abetting in thofe meafures which have brought the nation and the conflitution into tneir prefent jeopardy. Ler the people but for a mo ment recolleft the lafl; eleflion, and the atlifrces employed to trick the people out of their choice, I them remember that one of the mofl atrocious and impudent libels ever written by man was published by a per fon now holding an embafly in aforeign country* Letthepeo- pic rcfleft on the profiffions made by Mr. /dams in his inaugural fpccch and the ap plauic which its apparent tem per and fnnplicity called forth from republicans too ready to give credit where proftflions are made. Lot the people compare the ronduft of Mr. /darrs with thefc proftflions, let them compare indirect menaces of laying a Hate in duf and afhes — let them examine the edition of addreifes, and anfwcrs during the fcajon oj terror, in 1798, and remember that the Futfome compiler of them has judged feme of the anfwers to bad to be publifiled. Let the people examine what was then ptotnif ed, have the productions oj the country rift n or jalien in value? Have the public taxes encrea/ed or diminished ? Have the public rights been pre/erved or diminifhed ? Thflfe are ferious confidera tions, and they demand more than a cold perufal—the people mufl aft upon them at the ap. preaching clfftion, or prepare therftfclvcs for the calm of dejpo iifm. ] 00kat themeafures agitating in Congrefs—the Bankiup: Bill gives a patronage ot nearly tuo hundred andfifty office’s great and fmall—the judiciary HU,gives the nomination of twenty-five new judges , befides mar dials, clerics- See, to the amount of one hun dred officers in all! Why are thefc meafiues pufhed forward now ? Is it for the public good —or for party purpofs, NOTICE. HP HAT nint months, after the -*•- dale hereof application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court cf the county of Warren, for leave to ftll a trail of land , contain ing two hundred acres , cn the Ogechee river , adjoining Lewis Braddy and Kingery : it being the the real rjlate of John Curryde ceafed, for the benefit oj the heirs of Jaid fjlate . Benjamin Warner, Richard Curry, Adminiflralors cf )did efalc. February 20, 1800. N O T I C E. my wife, Rhoda V V Coleman, baa left my bed and boarding againft my will ; thefe arc therefore to forwarn all perfons bom dealings with her on ny account, ae I am determined to be the d'fpofcr of my own property, and to pay no debts, but tliofe of my own njr. John Coleman. Jefer/X r “S Ftb. 25, iBo©. To THE PUBLIC. TIIK Editor of the Louifi illt Gazette reJpcßfully informs the public in generaland his Friends in par titular , that he has this day taken into co-partmfhip, Mr. James liely. The bufmefs will in future be conduced under the Finn of p A Y AND H E LY, Vi'hofe at Uni ions will be rxercifed to render general fa (isfabhor — And they pledge them [eves /or tht con/I ant exercife of their hejl judg ment in the dijpo/ition of fuck effayS and intelligence as may be prejented for publication . Ambrofo Day. fames Hely, April 20, iSoo. lothe Pations of the Louifville Gazette, The Editor of this Gaze tie, reqnejls all tlwfr who havi any De mands cgninjl him , to prrfnl them for payment ; and thofe Subfcrtbers who are in arrears , are particularly called upon to pay them as early as poJfibU , as it will be neocfjary to clcfe all accounts immediately. The public and Sub/cribers wilt pleafc to aeapt the exprejfion of the viojl Jincere gratitude , as a jvfl acknowledgment for the very kind fufport the Editor has received price, his commencement in bufmefs . Ambiofe Day. April 29, 1800. BATTALION ORDERS. * Louifville , April 1 4, 1800. THE Captains of the com panies belonging, or at tached to, the [cffcrlon battalion under my command, with their fubalterns and firft ferjeants, in conformity to regimental orders of the 3d mflant, will properly armed and accoutred, be on pa rade by 10 o’clock in the fore noon of Friday the 16th of May next; and By the fame hour, of Satur day the 17th of May, being the day followirg, they, with their respective companies armed and equipped according to law, will be on the regimental mufter ground, whete the ufual infpec tion will 'ake place, and the men be further inflmGed in 1 lie du ties required of them in a6lion. The commilhoned officers will have their rommiffions on the ground, and thole com marding noops or companies will he prepared with exadi nmf ter rolls. THOMAS JOHNSON, Majori BLANK. DEEDS For Sale at this Office, [No. 67,