The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, May 13, 1800, Image 3

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y lf Cn Day & llely, Gentlemen, PLEASE publlfh the papers herewith Tent in the order they „ rs numbered, from one to three, with the remarks thereon, and oblige Your obedient leryant, Abner Hammond. • - , Mr. Abner Hammond, To Pofner & Ben^dix. *7OB Auf 29- 1 broad axe 1 2 5 W. 1. 2 3-4 yafds caf finer 8 25 Half bulhcl fait 1 Dollars xo 50 GEORGIA, G Jefiferfon County . This day came before me, David Thomas, and being duly f«ro-n, faith the above is juft and true, as it (lands dated. David Thomas. Sworn to before me, this 27th of January , 1800. John Whitehead, j. p. THESE are thart{o*e in the name of the fate flnHly command ing you to take into your cujlSy the body of the faid Abnor Hammond , Efi and him bring before me or fom other juflife f wor n to keep the peas of [aid county , and [0 doing this /haul be your fojjifiant -warrant for doing the fame,' Given under my hand this 27th of Jemary 1800. JOHN WHITEHEAD , j. p. The above fum of ten dollars and fifty cents is then added info a private account of J, G. Pof ner’s, and a balance ftruck there on in his favor of twelve dollars fixty nine and three quarter cents, on which the oath (marked No. 2) is taken, and the warrant thereon iffued as follows* Georgia, Jejferfon county , This day came before me jfcfeph G, Pofner, and being duly fworn faith chat Abner Hammond is juftly indebted to him the faid Jofeph G. Pofner in the fum of twelve dollars fix ty-nine and 3 4 cents which is a of his account after giving all jult credits. (Signed) JofephG. Pofner. (''gned) John Whitehead > j, p. THESE are therefore in the Tame the j late flriftly command y°u to take into your cufeiy the °t the [aid Abnor Hammond yl' him bring before me or rfiejufifc a find to keep the peas of c °unty t and Jo doing this Jhall * )°ur fafficient warrant Jor Jo ; E l ving under my hand ‘f [ 2 7th oj January 1800. John Whitehead J. P. fi| U j ?°Py bom tbe original *d in my office, May 10th J ooo. Wm. M’DOWELL, Clerk . *° notice the illegality t “ f lrn pEopriety in the form of Tn they - are k ho u ■ * . ac me fame time by the ■fum U f^ Ce a nd for the fame iLi J he r *L ein g P lace<l in the 0 aQ officer who faw their 1 . ilN# " ho did not procerd as they directed hut left a copy of that marked No. 2, at ray houfe. on which I fome lime after filed my account againft Pofner, with a jufticc of the peace, who ferved him with a notice to appear at his next court for trial, but previous to the court, he Pofner propofed a fettlcment of our accounts be tween ourfelves, to which I did not ohjeft, and on which he acknowledges himfelf indebted to me the fum of ten dollars fix and one quarter cents, for which (urn he gives his due bill marked No. 3, as follows. Die Abner Hammond, ten dol lars fix and one quarter cents , which jhall be allowed in fart of a receipt for yohn Martins note, as witnefs ray hand this §th 0/ April, 1800. J. G. POSNER. Now compare the pofitlve oath of Pofner, with his acknow ledgment in this due bill (with out any dealings having taken place between the parties fiom the date of the one to the other) and if it docs not amount to a politive acknowledgment of per jury, I rnuft confefs I have not penetration to difeover the dif ference, nor can I fee any pof fible means of properly terming it, otherwife except by admitting that it does not conftiiute per jury for a man (by real or pre tended miftake) to take a falfe oath, although he declares in that oath pofitively that he has made no miftake. This however, 1 think would be a dangerous doctrine to admit for the wretch who will take a falle oath for the paltry fum of twelve dollars fixtv nine and three quarter cents, 1 have no doubt may cafily be fuborned by a more confiderable fum or prompt by malice or prejudice, to fweara man’s whole property or his life away, and after (by fuch an oath) the property or life of a citizen may be taken, I would afk how fuch miftake could be re&ified. Dilclaiming all refentrtient at the man who has taken this oath (he is far below my refenrment) 1 have placed this to public view for the benefit of my fellow citizens, and to put them on their guard in dealings with fuch. Abner itammond. May 13, 1800. Wo t I c e:~ That on THURSDAY the twenty feventb day of May nr*t, will he f id, at th« heufe rf Mary M‘Naiß, ALL THE PERSONAL ESTATE OF GILBERT M‘NAIR, late of tLis tei.niy, deceafed, confining cf Horfes, Cattle, Sheep, Hops, a Negro Fellow ; A’fo, Huufthold Furniture, and a fet tf Imadl Tool*. Conditions, Calh. MARY M‘KAIR, Admu. Samuel M‘NAih,-&wr. yf/ri/ 29, 1800. SBy Josiah Watts, Clerk of the Court cf Ordinary far the County 0/ IVajhing ton, W A E R E A S George Herrdon hath this day applied to me for let ters of adminiflration on the eftate of Jofeph Stacks, deceafed ; thefe arc therefore to ute and admonifh all and Angular the kindred ard creditors of the faid deceafed, to te and appear at try office, on or before the yh day of June next, to fhew caufe, if any they have, why letters of adminiflration fhould not fit granted. Given under my hand, this itch day of May, 1800, and in the twenty fourth year of the American Inde pendence, i J. Watts, clerk c. o. Nat tonal Magazine. t* Subjoihm to the National Magazine, arc refipeftjvily informed Uiat a Jem copies a>e jufl received, and ready to he delivered at ikts Office, where J\ub/criptions for the work, will he received, Ap>il 29. fOR SALE, At this Printing-Office, cheap for cajh, a coll eft ion oj books. Viz. Brooko** Gazetteer Nng.nt’i. F.,wh f, Englifh D^looirj riftory of the Heavens Hargrave* L a * Tuft, fcchiefcr'i Prrfticc of ihc Law f'pnt of Laws H'liory of Paraguay Gordon** Tacitus Addifon’s Wo ko Spencer's Works Adventures of Peregrine Adver>tui«« of Joicph Gul ivcr'i Travels Er (Tot on Commerce Ar hur ft-riervyri ; or Metaoin of the , Y<ar 1793. Dcmeftic Mtmoirs Myfferits of Romance vf the Foreft Haunted Priory Kite's Sketches from Nature, Caroline of Lie! field Offspring of Ruffd Eden Vale - Civil Officer Fraaklin’a Lift The Remembrancer The Decameron, or Ten Daya En*e:* tainment of Bocracc Element* of Fortification Hayes’s Negociatoi’n Magazine 1 tie Other Side of lbe Qncltioa T ile of a Tub COl ftitutiona of the t J. Stares Hive a coileftion ct Thought! Nliell 00 the Pu'fe New Eugl fh Difpenfatoiy Co op eat L tier Writer Hcyefc’s luerell Aromao Accountant Wilfon’s Tutor’s Affiftant S-boo-msftet's yj'ffillaiu Complete French Matter, for laditi *nd gehtlcmeo Ao Introduction to Gograpby, pna cipai'y deligocd lot the utc of fchoola Mafcn on Self Knowledge Schd Plays Calvimfm Improved The Religion of Sttan, or Antichrift delineated A new Hieroglyph'cal Bible, for the arcufcmcßt and inttruftion of chil dren, being a fchdioo of the mod tfeful Icflins. and roofl interesting narratives j (fcr pturaily arranged) from Gencfis to the R vclilions, cmbtllilhcd with familiar figures and ftriking emblems, elegantly engraved A Defence of the Old TcflamCnt, in a furies of letters, addrtffed to Thomas .Paine, au hor or a book, entitled, the fge of Rrafon, part the fecond, being an iovtftigation of True and of Fabalon! Theology—By David Lev , author of letters to Dr. Pneft* |V, in tnfwrer to hie to the Jews, &c. Love and Patrlo ifrn ! or the adventures of M. Duportail, late major general in the arm cs of the Dimed States, irterfperfed with meny furprizing incidents in ihc life of the laic Count Pulaufki A DtCtionaiy of Love; wherein is the defeription of a pcrfcCt beauty ; the plftorc of a Fop or Macaroni ; and a key to all the arch phrafes, difficult terms, and peculiar idioms, ufed in that umverfa! language Creek and Latin School Books French and Dutch Books Merchant Account Books, and Blank Books of all kinds MUSIC BOOKS, for the Harpficord, Guitar, Violin, Flute, Clarinet and Hautboy. T ogether w;th a great vanity of OLD BOOKS, too tedious lo men tion. ALSO, Pencils, camphorated Sealing Wax, and beft BLACK INK, by the quail bottle or fmallcr quantity, April ajy. COLLECTOR'S sales. WILL BR SOLD, On the fcmd SATURDAY in 7t> h n'xt, the FOLLOWING PROPERTY, to wit. . , 400 Acres pine land in J-fatfoU county, on Big Creek, joining J ,feph Alien, granted to Robert Alien, giv n in by Joleph Al'en as agent for William Abcn » taken in default for lie taxes fof ihc ynr 1799. Ta* due to ty-three and three quarter cenfi, 2CO Acre* jd qualify land in Burke county, on Hocky Creek, jo n ag I) m* 00, granted to Koucrs ; takru as the prop rty of John M«Cul!cm, in default for the ta«es for tlic year 1799. Ta* due ©dc dollar fourteen cents. uco Acica td quality land in jack* Ton county, on Currey C'e»k, joining John Gor urn, granted 'o William G'b bons; taken ts the progeny of Joha Moreland, in default for the ta'es fot the year 1799 T*« due fife dollar* f v.-n:y*ni*c ccns. 100 Acres pne lard in Jeflcrfoo county, water# 0 f Big Creek, jirnlng W lln Iloward, granted to Walke*, take 0 a# tic property of Thotna# Bailey, io default Lr the rates for tl e yea* 1799 Ta* due forty-nine centa. One heufe and lot iu the town of JLnuifaTe ; taken at the property of Willu-m Etani, in default for the ti»ef for the year 1799. Ta# due one dollar and ten cen's. 5087 feres pneland in Montgomery couhty, Qcoqee river, joining granted to Mitehell Harvey ; si the prop*ny of Robert Flournoy, in default for the la* for the year 1799, Tl* due for'y-uine dollanfourtero ceuii. Garland Hardwi.h, T, C. J, C. May yh 1800. cbelector's sale. Will he fold, e* SATURDAY, the 31 jl infant, at the Market Jloufe, in the I zvn of Lomjville p at the njual fuur, S1 X N EGROES, To wit: Pilly , Tom, Lucy, Henry, Green and Cherry. TaUn as the property oj Nathan Powell, /or taxes due m one £ 0 Table and other proper* ty relumed to vie in default by the receiver of tax returns for the county oj f tjferfun, for the year xyqq. Tax due, 640 dollars . Garland Hardwick* t. c. j. c, May 6 thy 1800. , COLLECTOR’S SALE, WILL BE SOLD. At the Cowl Houje. in Wofhington county, at the ujnal hours , on thi firji MONDAY in June next, ON E thou fond Acres of Pint Land, in the name of Dalzal Hunter, in /aid county, on Lloyd’ l creek. Taken default for the taxes for the years 1797 and 1798. Tax due 77 cents. Sam. Robifon, t. c. w c. Novemlwr 13, 1799. A few copica df General Wafhington's WILL May be had at this Office, Fr ee 15 cent*. April JUST RFXEIVED, And may be had at this Office , A few ccp’es of The Piofpeft Before Us, A political publication, By JAMES T, CALLENDER, April 29. ALMANACS FOR THE YEAR 1800. For Sale at the Office of thd Louifville Gazette, January 28.