The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, May 20, 1800, Image 4

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The Bachelor's Comfort, BLEST ia the man who fhuns the p'acc Wh-rc ladies fete to meet, Who Lara ti-e«J t' e dangerous way, And hitrs the tattler's feat. Bnt in the fvner§ of finglc life Ha« p!ac*d bis whole delight : By day ne'er figh* to have a wife, To plague hia foul at night. He like sPn oak of ftoutrft kind, Id feme rich paflure fet ; Safe from the ftorm an no fy wind, Lives like ■ prince in ftafe. Car ■ pifturc— and at fair, His countenance fhall fbme / White femes on every fide appear; So clever and fo fine ! Net fo the man that's crot a wife, He lives— pour foul i forlorn, He’s 'riven thro' ttmpcft din and ftrtfe, Like chaff before the ftorm. Hufbandsmuft never dare to {land, And fpar it face to face. When wives with broomfficks in their bands Would! teach the clowns their place. Their ryes behold the paths they tread, They fcold their hnfbandi well / Bui hatchciors, with no e to dread, M*y keep it up pell nocll. To he fold at Public Sale, On Saturday, the 31ft inst. AT FENN's BRIDGE; TWO valuable LOTS, in the town •*- of Lotlifvlilc ; one of them is an improved LO V, wh-rcon Horatio Afarhury, Ffq. now I ves ; the other a vacso' LOT adjoining the fatre. Alfo, (tree very valuable LOTS at Fenn’s Bridge t me of them it an c*ce!« Lnr ftmd fi.r l-ufincft, urth improve ments thereon. They will be fold, on a credit of twelve month* the purchafer giving bond with approv'd f ruruy. BENJ. MANNING. IT ay 10, lBco. The following Eflray?* Will he /old, on the fecond day of June next, at the hour of twelve, o'clock at the. Market Houfe , in Louifville , A red and whr'e pied cow, wi h a vearh’ng ; taken un in capG Cafweli’e diflrift, by Mathew C.rfwcll, branded EC. 1 wo re" a: d white fteurs. fix ot fever yea's o’d, marked under flopc in the right ear, fw* M ow in the left ; taken up hy Douglafs Hancock, dq. in capf. V nlri ’s diftrift. ' t. . i ,ay mare, about fourteen hard* • (> , appear* to b? vetv old, bl n i In M e left eve; talon up by r f! orras Worthy, iu capr.'s diftrift. A frndl forrel horfe, L>rr feet fix inches h ch, feven years o'd, three white feet, fwab ta 1, and ft me faddlefpo's; t?ki*r np k y Thomas Harvey, n capt, Kf' ’« d drift. One Ha*k cow and calf, Tmtclhcrop in the left ear, under keel ?n the right, or.e red and wh’te row, marked in the lc r t ear. w>* ( a fmoo'h crop, one tw r year oM. dim co’ored, with a be 1 ! on ; one ditto, red and whi e, both marked up above ; taken tip hy William Daw Jens. Key's d’ftiift. A brown l av ms e, about four feet tiTf nchrsh gE twelve or ihrteen years old, fhod on her forefeet ; taken up by Solomon Woo*!, in capt. Coward # diftrift. A forrel mare, about two yest# old, four f-cr feven and an I alf -nebes high, a larpe ftsr in her forehead, a colored [pot f r her )c‘t loin ; f,k' n up hy Gto. VV , Cb’fo'rr in rapt. Carfwelt’i diftrift. A rhefput forrel mare, blste face, fiai'p main ard tsil, two white Let, ff me lpeck> z\ over her body, fi* years old, rnd thir’ren hrnds high ; a fmalj bell on, f«h-red with a leather collar; uken up by Robert lunch m cr-pt. Key’« dlftr ft. \ May 6. NOTICE. TRfAT on THURSDAY the t*.vcnly» feventh day of .day ne*r, wil) he fold, a' ihe lioufe of Mtry M‘NAIR, AIL THE PERSON A L ESTATE Oh GILBERT iatc of (his county, deceafed, confiding rf Hnrlei, GjU'C, Sheep, Hogi, a Negro FelLw ; Alfo, HoufehoM Furniture, and a far cf tmall Tools. Conditions, Calh. MARY M'NAIR, AJm' K . Samuel uTnaiu, Aumr* 29, 1800. for s a At this Prtnling-OfJice i cheap [or cajhy a collection of BOOKS. viz . Brookes’s GazcLeer Nugent’s Ftcoch & EdglifK jDiftiontry Hiftory of the Heavens Hargrave* Law Ttafts Hthiefer's Practice of the L»w Spirit of La w# Hiftory of ParaguSy Gordon’s T’acitus Addifon’s Work# Spencer’s Works ■Adventures of Peregrine Pickle Adventures of Jofeph Andrew# Gulliver 1 # Travels Brifibt on Commerce Arthur Mervyn } or Memoirs of the Y«r 1793. Domeftic Memoir# Myttcries of Udolpho Romance of the ForcS Haunted Priory Kcate’s Sketchc* from Nlture Caroline of Litchfield Offspring of Ruflel Edea V»!c Civil Officef Frauklia’a Life The Remembraarcif The Dccamcroo, or Ten Day# Eater* tainmcnl of Boccace Elements of Fortification Hayes’s Negociator’s Magazine The Other Hide of the Qucftioo Tale of a Ttib Con dilutions of the U. State# Hive a cotlcft’on ot Thought# N.hell on the Puife New Englifh DifneofEtory Co rp fit Letter Writer H yes’s Iruert-ft A mvr tau Acrountant Wdfon’e /Arithmetic Tutor s /iffilianr. Scboolm.ftcr's yfffiflant Compile French Maftcr, for ladies lod gfcmlemca An introduftion to Geography, prin cipal'.y defigned for the ufe of fchools Msfon on Self Knowledge Flays Colvinifm Improtted « The Religion of Satan, or Antichrift delncaUd A new H ; croglypbical Bi »le, for the Emufemcot and loftiuftion of chil dren, being a felt ft: on of the nmft tifeful Uffons, and mod ir.tercftiog narratives ; (fcr.ptU a’ly arranged) from Gen Tis to the Revelstiona, emhilhlhcd with familiar figures and hr king emblems, elcgsatly engraved A Defence of the Old Teftamcrit, in a Fries of letters, addfeHcd to Thomas Paine, au'hor of a book, entitled, the of Reafon, part the Lcond, being an invefiigation of True and of Fabalor.s T beolngy~By David Levi, author of letters to Dr. Pricft ly, in anfwertobis to the Jew#, &c. Love and Patriotifrti ! or the adventure# of M. Duponai), late major general in the armies cf the United States, iiilerfpcrfed with many lurpririug incidents in the life of the late Ccuot Palsufki A Diftionaty of Love; wherein is the dcfcriptioD of a perfeft beauty ; the pidure of a Fop or Macaroni j and a key to all the arch phrafes, difficult terms, and peculiar idioms, ufed in that umveifal language Greek and Latin School Books French and Dutch Books Merchant Account Books, tad Blank Books of all kinds MUSIC BOOKS, for the Harpficord, Guitar, Violin, Flute, Clarinet and Hautboy* Together with a great variety of OLD BOOKS, too tedious to mcn t’°u. ALSO, Pencils, camphorated Sealing Wax, *nd bell BLACK INK by the nnari bottle or fniallcr quantity. GEORGIA. By his Excellency JAMES JACK SON, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this /late, and of the Militia ihertof. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS I have re ceived official informa tion of a mofl barbarous and cruel murder having been com mitted on the body of Ifaiah Hailey, in the county of Frank lin in the faid date, on or about the feventh day of January laft, which appears by a certificate of the verdift of the inqueft held thereon* from John Collins, cfq. coroner of the faid county, and returned to the Executive Department, to have been per petrated by a certain John M'Kcc, of the faid county of Franklin* who has fmcc ab feended. In order therefore that the faid JohnM‘Kcemay bebiought to exemplary juflice, I have thought fit to ififue this my pro clamation, hereby offering a re ward of One Hundred Dollars to any perfon or perfons, who will apprehend the faid John M Kee, and lodce him in forne fecure gaol within this (late. And I further charge and re quire all oificers, civil and mili tary, belonging tb this date, to be aiding and aflifting in appre hending and fecuring the faid John M‘K ee, fo that he may be brought to trial and condign punifhmcnt accordingly. Given under my hand, and the great feal of the faid date, at the State Houfe, in Louifviile, this fifteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thouland eight hundred, and in the twenty fourth year of the independence of the United State* of America. JAMES J ACKSON; By the Governor , Horatio Mar bury, Secretary of date, « ; ■ JstFerfon Superior Court, Oflober Term , 1799. Prefent the hon. Thomas P, Carnes, Robert Watkins, 6? John E. Anderfon , j for the ufe of John Forcdofure . Fore, vs, [ Thomas Collins , J BE it known to all concerned , that a petition was prefented to the honorable the Superior court of the county of Jefftrpon , held by his honor Thomas Fetters Carnes , one of the judges of the jaid courts , praying the jorechfart of the equity of redemption to one lot of land fituate in the town of Loui/ville, in the county of Jifitr/on, and known hy number two bandied and fifty two —he it therefore Ordered, That the faid Tho mas Collins do come into court within twelve months from the date hereof , and pay the faid Robert Watkins , and John E. Anderfon , for the ufe of John Tore, the prin cipal and intcrcfi together with the cofls, in terms of the flatute in Inch cafes made and provided ; ctheruife the equity of redemption will be forever irom thence forward foreclcfed. PETER J. CARNES, Attorney . Jeffei Ton Supciior Court, April Term, ijgg, Prefent the hon. Geo. Walton. UPON the petition of Nathaniel N‘M r kin, Kichaid Curry, and Benjamin Warner, praying the foreclose of t! ie equity of redemption, in ami {0 a certain traft of land, containit g four hundred aerri fituatr, lying and Icing in tic laid count J of Jcffcrfon, one hundred acres of which was crimed to Frederick Duglafs, and the oiher three hundred acicstwjfaac mortgaged to the faid Nathaniel M‘Mick n* Richard Currey, and Benjamin Warner* by Ifaac Wilgur, for the feturi, g ih e pay! mcnl of a fum of money contained : n * bond bearing date the loth dav 0 f j u l v one thdufand feven hundred and ninety eight. iiport motion of Mr. Carnet, attor ney for the petitioners ; ii is ordered that the principal, intereft and coftj be paid mm court, within t el ve months from the date hereof, otherwifc the equity o' redemutioa Will be for ever foreclofcd, and other pro ccedir gs take plfce, agreeable roan aft of allembij, in fuch cafes made and provided • and that this rule be publifhed in rr e of the gazettes of this Hate, at lead ente ii, every month, until the expiration of the faid twelve months, or frrved upon the mortgage, or hi* fpecial agent, at leali fix months prcvioii* to the expiration ol the laid twelve months. Certified this 41b day of Cftober Wm. M‘Dowell clerk . SBy Jouah WaiTs, Clerk cf the Court i 0rd ‘™'V fir the County of Wafting* ton, WHEREAS George Ifemdon hath thrs day applied to me for let ters cf admiuiftration on the eftate of Jofcih Stacks, dtceafed : thefc arc therefore to cite and admonifh all and ftngular Ibe kindred and creditors of the faid dcccafcd, to be and appear at my office, on or before the 4:11 day of June next, to fhew caufc, if any they have, why letters cf administration fhould not be granted. Given under my hand, this i«th day of May, 1800, and in the twenty* fourth year ot the American Inde pendence. J. Watts, clerk c. o. - ■ - 4' A Lift of Letters remaining in the Pojl- Office at Loufville , on the fir ft day of April , 1800, which if not taken out before the firjl day of July next , will be fent lo the General PoJl-OJfice as dead letters* Major james arm strong, John Addi lon, David Bryant, fames Boyett, John Buckner, Samuel Benedix*, Mrs. Bclomworth, or Mr. Holmes, 2. Nimrod Burke, feremiah Caldwell, John Cobbs, Deaclcsion Davis; Alexander Gordon, Samuel Garrett. Mit che'l Griffiin,; Mark Holtor, 2. George Hargrove, William Hooks; David [amerfon; Wil liam Kennedy; William Leg get, Peter Leafti ; John Man lon, Sarah Mnlryan, or Mrs. Holmes, John Marlhall, John Montforf, Mr. Mackisick, Ti mot by M‘Kinney; Elijah Ncl fon ; Reuben Rogers; Eliza Smirh, Rowland Stone, Hugh Wilfon, John Weft, Spencer Wilfon, Henry Smith. JAMES BOZEMAN f. m. N; B, The Northern mail will be made up at half after feven o’clock on Sunday even ings, and the Southern mail at ten o’clock, a. m. on Wed nesdays. All letters intended to be conveyed on thole days, mull be delivered at the poll office by the time abovemen tioned, or they will lay till the next poll. April 15,1800. almanacs FOR THE YEAR 1800, For Sale at the Office of tho Louifvillc Gazette. January 28.