The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, June 03, 1800, Image 3

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LOUISVILLE, TUESDAY, June 3, ißco. i - Nothing is more evident, no thing more incontrovertible, than an increase of republican fpirit in feveral Rates in the TJnion. Some of the whigs of *n6 had already indulged an ap prehenGon that the genius of liberty was about to depart bom our land, and that efforts in the caufe of freedom would hence forth be ulelefs: hut look at fa&s, obferve the difplays of re publican energy which have been exhibited from Kentucky the New Hampshire. Thegenius of liberty is not dead, it has been keeping only, to wake with new zeal, activity, and the certain af furance of complete conqueff over that ariftocratic hoft which for feveral years pad has threa tened our country with deflruc tion. MeJJrS. Day & HelY, Gentlemen —By inferting the following, you will much oblige the fubferiber : I am induced to give a ffiort fhfement of the- following tranfaftion to the public, in or der to warn them againft the {hides taken by the friends to re gular government in everyplace where they can get into office. On Saturday laff, I went to nn ele&ion held at the houfe of William Herring in Louifville, to rhofe an enfign for captain ScMy% company of militia ; af ter the eledton was over, Wal ter Pobinfon, efq. one of the roagiftrafes who preffded, retired home in a decent manner; when Horatio Marbury, (I will not call fuch a fellow a juftice of the peace) forgetting the fo lemnity of the oath he had tak en to preferve the peace of this Gate inviolate, turned in to get two old men to fight, who were drunk. After making them fight two or three times, the combat ants both (aid that they were forry they had been made to difpute, as they had no ill agahft each other. Marbury took one of them by the ftirt, and fwore they ffiould again. My brother, James! Petfill, and myfelf, then inter filed, and requeffed Marbury llf>t to make them fight, as they v '’cre both a little hurt already fiv the fills they got, and jheir deaths confiderably Corn ; 1e damned me, and bid they ffiould fight, and that. 1c was n °t my bufinefs to infcer [ames Betfill, who was ending nearer to Marbury than faid they fhould not again, upon which Marhu buck him; my brother then J spared for defence, when •-arbury [flave-hke and coward ' f) Iheltered himfelf under the • ak of his office, commanded t 0 take us into cufiody* 1 d his warrant, and confined [ b other and myfelf in a. loath • *1 .• v,i ° me jail, until we were ‘ted by a judge of the Infc- f )r ° Urt on a writ of Habeas ; Vand Marbury's proceed- glared illegal. J.ODFREY BETSILL. was not drunk as he * l '“ ou y aon thofe occafions . Tobacco ManVjfa&ory'' WILLIAM FEE, rtfpcflfui’y infoiras the public, that he ha« commenced the above bufinffa EUi«' Street, Augufta, nppofiie Mi. yjnul Edwatdi, woere he iotenda keeping pood raatjufaftur'd tobacco for fale. by the iep or pound, which he will fell low for cafh or feed cotton. Jure 5. Jefferson Academy. THE Commiffoners announce with plea lure, that the Jejfer fon Academy is now open for the reception of youth, under the direc tion of Mr. James Armour* from wkofe character and abilities as a teacher , the Commijfioners have great exportations. T/wfe who entrufl to him the education of their chil dren may be a {fared that his utmofl endeavors will he vfed for their im provement, Jt having been notified fame time ago that the exercifes of this Acade my would begin , and a difappoint ment having taken place, the Com mijfioners deem it their duly to fay , that the delay ' proceeded from the non-compliance of the gentleman with his engagements , who they had then invrfled with the rertorjhip of the Academy, and not from any defeß, in the in filiation, or any cmifficn on the part oj the Commijfi oners* 'Terms of tuition /or Reading, Writing and Arithmetic—three dollars per quarter , Mathematics in all its branches— four dollars per quarter , Latin and Greek Languages— fix dollars per quarter. By order oj the hoard, James Bozeman, Clerk May 27, 1800. Jeffcrfon Superior Court, Ortober Term , 1799. Prefent the hon. Thomas P, Carnca. Robert Watkins , C? John E Andeyfon, j for the ufe of John )> Fore do fare. Fore , vs. | Thomas Collins, J BE it known to all concerned, that a petition was prefented to the honorable the Superior court of the county of Jeffcrfon, held by his honor Thomas Fetters Carnes , one of the judges of the fdid courts, praying the Jorcclofure of the equity of redemption to one lot of land fituate in the town of Louifville, in the county of J(ffe*fon, and known by number two hundred and Jijty twe —he it therefore Ordered, T hat thefaid Tho mas Collins do come into court within twelve months from the date hereof and pay the faid Robert Watkins, and John E. Ander/on, for the ufe of John Fore , the prin cipal and interef] together with the cofls , in terms of the flatute. in fuch cafes made and provided ; other-wife the equity of redemption will be forever from thence forward foreclojed. PETER J. CARNES. Attorney, National Magazine. Subfcribers to the National Magazine, are refpertjully informed that the firfl, fecond and third numbers are jufl received, and ready to be delivered at this Office, where fuhfcriptions for the work , will be received . May 27, „ \ .f NOTICE. nPHAT nine months from ihe date hereof, app'icafion will be made to the Honourable the Inferior Court of Jefierfon coan’y, for permiflioo to fell a tract of One hundred of land, lying on Big Creek, in county, joinng Cunning and Whigham’s, part of the real eitate of Bent'y, for the benefit of tho hein of faid Beatty. William Beatty, B, Whitaker, Executors, June 3, ISOO. SCREW AUGERS Of all kinds, cod of the firft quality, fnperior to any imported ; particularly large Angers, fit for rafting of lumber, for fale, in Louilville, by job Tounfley, K. B. Order* from any part of the country will he llriaiy attended to. May 27, 1800. COLLECTOR’S SALES. WILL BE SOLD, On TUESDAY, the zgthof July next, at the Market Ilouje in the Town oj Louijville , at the vfnal hour, the FOLLOWING PROPERTY , to wit. 4c® acres 2d quality land, in Jeffcr <■ fori county, on Qgccbee Tver, joining 1 horoas, and others, granted to Stubbs and others. Taken as the property of Blaflingamc Harvey, jun. in default for his f?x fur the year 1799. Tu due fr *en dollars fev<*nty two crtni. One LO'Tar Fern's Bridge ; taken as the properly of William Stadiam, in d-fault for his tax forth* ycat 179a. T*x due for'y (even cents. 100 acres p ne hod, Jcfferfon county, on Reed Creek, joining Joel Datfey ; taken as the property of Elizabeth Polk, in default for her tax for the >car 1799. Tat due twenty cents. 650 acres 3d quality land, in R;ch frond county, ou Big Creek, joining Moore ; taken as the property of Ehc nezer Folcfome, in default for hi* tax for the year 1799. la * due, ,wo dol lars twenty fix and half cents. 150 acres id quality land, in Burke county, on the waters of Big Creek, j ining Wi'fon, granted to William Crofley; taken as the property of Daniel M'Murphy, in default for his tax for the yiar 1799. a * due two dollars n nety cents. 232 acres $1 quality. Jsckfon coun ty, on the waters of Appalachc'*, join ing Scott, gran’ed to Barbary Frazer ; taken as the property of Jnfcph Spicer, in default for his tax for the year 1799. Tax due forty nine cents. 400 Acres pine land in Jtfferfon county, on Big Creek joining Jnftph Allen, granted to Robert Allen, giwn in by Jofeph Allen as agent for William Allc . J lakvn in default for the taxes for l he year 1799. Tax due forty-three and three quarter cents. 2CO Acres 2d quality land in Burke county, on Rocky Creek, jo n ng D x od, granted 10 Ko errs ; taken as the prop rty of John M'Cullers, in default for the taxes for the year 1799. Ti* du* occ dollar fourteen cents. 1200 Acres 3d quality Isnd in Jatk fon county, on Currcy Creek, joining John Gorum, granted to William Gib bons taken as the proper yof John Moreland, in default for the ra-ci for the year 1799. Tax due five dollars fcrenty-ninc cents, 160 Acres pne land In Jefierfon county, waters of Big Creek, joining Willis Howard, granted to Wa'ker ; taken as the properly of Thomas Bailey* in default for the taxes for the year 1799. Ta* due forty-nine cents. One houfe and lot in the town of L' uifv lie ; taken as the property of William Evans, in default for the ti*cs for the year 1799. 7a* due one dollar and ten cents. 5087 uteres p’ne land in Montgomery county, Oconee river, joining Michael Harvey ; furveyed for Robert Flournoy, taken as the property of Robert Flournoy, in default for the ta* for the year 1799. Ta* due forty-nine dollars fourteen cents. Garland Hardwich, T. C. J. C. May I’jtbf itoo. SHERIFF'S SALE. On the FIRST TUESDAY tri July next , at the Court Houfe, in Wajhington c> :n’y, will he >'/, the following Trdtfs or Par echo/ Land , 500 acres in the faid connty bound ed by Brown'*, and Wa'ker’i Imd, and Buffdnc Creek, being part of two fur veya, the ore 1447 1 a icrea, granted to Andrew /ra?, er, the other 575 acre#, granted to Sander* Walker. lots aeres in the laid connty, on Buffalo? Creek, bounded by Samuel Hawkm«, and vacant land, at the lim« of furvey, being the fouthweft corner of a trail of 1000 acre*, granted to Benjamin Jordan, 1 he above land taken by e»ecutlna •• the property of Jofeph Oncal, at the inftancc ot William Saofom. Condition!, cafh. IE hreazeal , 5. JV. C. Miy 17, 1800 SHERIFF'S sales. ’ On the FIRST TUESDAY in July next , at the Market Hmfe in Louifvilte, between the hours 0/ ten and three o'clock, will be Jold , (0 the highefl bidder , TWO NfcGROES and one RI DING CHAIR j takm aa the proper ty of JnTe N'-wton, to fatiafy John Hamrmland John Burton’* execution. Alfo, two Horfea ; liken aa the pro perty of Ifaac Auger, to fatlafy Willi am Smith’* execution. Condition*, cadi. William Paulelt, D . S. ADy 27, iSco. SHERIFF'S SAi7e<L On the FIRST TUESDAY in July next, at the Market Houfe, in Louifville , between the hours of ten and thee o'clock , will bt Jold to the highefl bidder , tn pur j(nance of an order of the honor able Jupenor court at April term hfti AU the GOOD'}* remaining in the ftore of Manu* Lemle. at the time of hn leaving this tta’e, and on which at tachment* were levied Ly Saul Simon#, and other*. Condirion* of fair, cafh. Alfo,4y© acre* land on Ready Crerki the titl* paper* are in my hand, and fold to fafs/y Jcfrph G. Pof fr, and others execution*. Former conditions of fald Dot complied with. C< edition*, cafh. Alfo, one houtc and lot in the town of Lou.fville, known by the number* fronting ftenth Hreet, adjoining the lot whereon Mr. Jamr* Lamai’s cotton machine (land*. Taken a* rbe property of Saxud Af‘Kee, to fat Nathan Powel 'a execution. John Pauletti fheriff. May 17, 1800. COROi' KR’s SALE^ On the FIRST TUESDAY in July next , at the Market Houfe tn Louifinite, between the h urs of ten and three o'clock , will be Jold to the highefl bidder , One Trail of Land, containing five hundred and fifty five acre*, lying on the water* cf R-ady Oetk, joining Pur? 1, Flournoy and Bradfhaw, Taken as tlie property of John Pauletl to fatifify Fluker and Blacfhear’s execu tion*. Condition*, cafh. Wm. Goold, coroner . May 27, 1800. COLLECTOR S SALE. " WILL BE SOLD, At the Court Houfe, in IVa fling ton county , at the v/ual hours , on the firfl MONDAY in June next, ONE thoufand Acres of Pine Land , in the name of Dalzal Hunter , in /aid county on hloyd's creek. Taken default for the taxes for the years sycj'j and 1798. Tax due 77 cents , Sam. Robilon, t. c. w. c. November 13, 179^. BLANK DEEDS - For Sale at tbit Office.