The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, June 10, 1800, Image 1

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Vol. ll.] GEORGIA. LOUISVILLE:—PubIiIhed every Tuefday, by AMBROSE DAY & IWI-S HFI Y „ H„"ii ~ T 1 " **-*•«£ SX *""■ ami 1 R-NTING in all its variety, is executed with neatnefs and difpatch. WASHINGTON, April 14. Ihe following petition and rtmon f}rance to the fenate of the Unit ed States is now in circulation throughout this county for ftgn crs. To HE SENATE or the UNITED STATES. With the Conflitution of the United States before us, we, the citizen^of Wafhington county, in the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, prefer this Petition and Remonprance, As citizens of the Union, we cxercife a right guaranteed to us by the confutation, and have aficmbled “ peaceably, to peti tion the government for a re drefs of grievances/' We ad drefs our representatives, and in the name of the fovereign of the country, the People demand to be heard. Wc have viewed with anxious folicitude, the proceeding of your honorable body in the cafe of William Duane, Editor of the Aurora, a citizen of this com monwealth —We have felt alive to the hufinefs, and have waited in anxious hope that your pro ceedings would not have im pofed on Us the necefllty of ad drefling your honorable body a point, in which the liberty of the prefs, and the rights of the citizens are fo intimately con netted, Perfonal Security, prote&ion of property, and the trial by jury, are facrcd rights Secured «o us by the confutation—That compatt Rates, “ that the frial of all crimes, except in cafes of impeachment, (hall be by jury; this is only a protean fentence, cenvertihie at the whim of an individual, or the caprice of a iegiflative body—what is the ptoipetl held out, or what '-.iance of a fledfafl adherence to other parts of that conftitu tion of equal, if not fupetior con sequence ? Congrefs, in whom the pow er * s vofted, has paflfed a law for the punifhment of “ certain enmes againft the government of the United States'*—but your honorable body, wc think has tr?nfcended the conflitution, innovated upon the law, and fet ‘ novel and dangerous prcce ent» by cretting yourfelves in- f ° a tribunal which the confli f lf <oe does not fanftion, and the perfonal fecurity of citizen will not warrant, •though to us the Sedition is odious, and in our opi °n unconditional, in as as it 41 abridges the free n* of fpecch or of the prefs," ail its iaiperfettions, it THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; AND REPUBLICAN TRUMPET. TUESDAY, Iu n e 10, 1800. rrpEarns our motto — jnd truth our guide is to us far preferable to the pre cedent fet by your honorable body, which eflablifhes a new jurifdittion, and radically flrikes at the conflitution, as well as the liberty of the citizen: \Ve would rather fubmit to that law however odious, bccaufc the trial by jury in it is prejerved in violate, than the new code efta blifhed by your honorable bo dy, although our confidence in your wifdom and juflice is un diminifhed. As freemen. We wifh to fpcak the language of truth, unfettered by a new and under fined power, termed ** privilege/* Wc wifh to call your attention to that compatt, you have individually fworn to Support; in doing that it is not our intention nor wifh, to impute motives finifter or dishonorable; but whilfl we pay due deference to your legal a£ls, xve cannot voluntarily give paffive fubmiflion to atts, which in our opinion, will eventually fap our political fabric and tend to the of law and ronliitufon. In that conflitution, we fee that the arcufcd (hall have alpedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of his country. By your re Solution, we find that William Duane has been accu/ed of bringing the government into difiepute ; and that your hor o rablc body has become the jury as well as the accufer and the judge:—-In the conftituti'n, wc difeover that noperfon fhall be held to anfwcr for a capital crime, without a presentment nr indittment by a grand jury ; by your refolution we find, that a committee from your honorable body, who are the accufer and the judge, have been fubflitutcd for a grand jury. If an alien law vefls in the chief executive of the union power to accuSe, try and Send out of the coun try an individual, we are willing to obey it, becauSe it is the law of the land : But, whilfl wc thus intimate our intentions of Supporting Laws, we hope your honorable body will expli citly underhand us; when wc Say, that we cannot tacitly receive the acl of one branch of the legil lature for the Supreme law of the land, cSpecially when we con ceive that the rights and perfo nal Security of the citizen are involved. As citizens of a free Rate We feel doubly affetted; having a conflitution and a bill of rights, which tells us, that 44 printing prefles fhall be free to every perfon who undertakes to examine the proceedings of the legiflature, or any branch of government, and no law fhall ever bfe made to rcflrain (he right thereof,** that " free com munication of thoughts and opinions is one of tire invalua ble rights of man ; and that the people fhall be Secure in their per Tons, papers, and houfes/* For thefe reafohs, and others which we have not mentioned, we humbly pray that your ho norable body will reconfider the reSolution adopted againfl Wil liam Duane ; nor let party pre judices, or political animofitics, hvenre from that line of eon outt which will comport with the dignity of the enlightened representatives of a free people. And your Petitioners, (sc % , ***** > . From the AURORA . PARE! LEL; Dr, Johnfon defines the Sub flantive 4 ‘ Parallel/* to be •• a relcmblancc or fconfofmity con tinued through many particu lar —and the fon of Sirach— -4* By their works fhall ye know them." In Great-Britain. . , From Dec. 1764 to July '65 —in the s*b year of the reign of Geo r ge HI. the following piofecutiofis for libels were tiied. , • . j. Mr. Wilkes for republifir ing No. 45 of the North-Britain. 2. Mr, Wilkes tor printing a poem , , ' * , 3. Mr, Corbet for an adver tisement in the White Hall Evening Poll. 4. The celebrated D’Eon, for publishing a book in French, entitled, Letters, See. 5. Mr, Wilkes again for the oiiginal publication of No. 45 of the North-Biitain; , 6. Mr. Williams for publifh ing the Same in a book. 7. Mr. Kcarfley for publifh ing the fame in a book, jM In America , In the third year of the Pre fidency of John Adams, under the /edition law —alias the indem nity law. 1. Abijah Adams, printer of a republican paper Bolton, for an alledgcd libel, under the Eng hfh common law. 2. Matthew Lyon a member of Congrefs from Vermont, un der the ledirion law, for a letter written before the law was made, and publilhing an extratt of a letter written by Joel Barlow, on the public affairs of the nation. 3. Anthony Halewcli, a prin ter in Vermont, for publilhing an extratt of a letter written by James MTlenry, Secretary at war, to general Dark in Virginia, recommending torics for officers in the (landingarmy. 4 Charles Holt, printer at New London, Conncflicut, for publifhing moral arguments the vices and abufes of military eftahlifhments, and an army ronfedcdly ufelcf«, and fubfcqueptly abolifhed. . 5* Themes IrolhingJicTn, a jour ney’man printer at Ncw-York, for republifliing an aniclc from a ncwfpappr dating that Alex* andcr Hamilton had endeavored to defiroy the Aurora, where the Englifh common law was aflertcd, and the accufed not permitted to bring evidence to prove the truth. 6. Luther Baldwin of New* Jerfey, for wifhing the wadding of a cannon fired on a day of rejoicing were lodged in the pre sent's poftcriorg.* 7. Benjamin Franklin Rachr, grandfon of Dr, Franklin, for publifhing an article declaring that a bribe had been taken in the ferretary of flatt’s office, although the fa& was acknow. ledgrd and the clerk who had taken the bribe was ddmiffed for the fa6h 8. 1 homis Cooper of Nor thumberland, for publifLing a Dumber of truths about public men and ncafures, of which the followingaic the Jubilance given in his pica, but upon which 9, jury found a verdidl of guilty ? 1 ft. Mr. Adams, cither by himftlf, or by the officers of Hate a6iing under his authority, has given the public to underftand, that he would beftow no office? but cn perfons who conformed to his political opinions. 2d. Mr. Adams has declared, that a republican government may mean any thing. 3d. Mr. Adams did fanflion the alien law and thereby the abolition of the trial by jury, in the cafes that fa'l under that law; 4th. Mr. / dams did fanflion the fedilion law, and tlmcby entrenched his public ebaraaer behind the legal proviGon of that 1 aw.. 51!]. Under the aufpiccs of Mf. Adams, the cxpence of a permanent navy is faddlcd on the people. 6th. Linder the aufpices of Mr, Adams we are threatened with the exiftcnce of a (landing army. 7th. The government of the United States has borrowed mo ney at 8 per cent, in hme of peace. Bth. The unncceffary violence of official exprcfTions ufed by Mr. S darm, and thole in author ity under him, and hisadherents, might judly have provoked a war. | 9th. Political acrimony has [No. 71.