The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, June 17, 1800, Image 2

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May 19/ On Friday laffi Ebenezer Saun ders, late deputypo/l mafter, George* 'Town Crcjs Roads, Kent county t Maryland, was indifted at the cir cuit court , held at Annapolis, for [ecrcting and embezzling a letter di ufted to Mr. John Chew, of Chejler town, and/or pealingcutof thefame. ten pop hank hills of 100 dollars each. He was tried, found guilly t 2nd fentenced by the court to receive thirty-nine lajhes and [even years imprifonment at hard labor. Af 'itr receiving his fir ft pffift °f h li fentence, in which he fainted at the lap blow, and continued fenfelefslor two hours, he was on Saturday lodged in the jail of this city to undergo the latter part of his jtntence. Thejufl jeverity of his punijhmcnt it is hop ed will long prejerve fociety fnm the repetition of a fimlar cud Jo flagitious a crime, ■' ,ST= T --3 LOUISVILLE, TUESDAY, jun t 17, 1800. \vHAT bcfidc the genius of envy and malignity could induce the Editor of the Augupa Herald , in his paper of the nth inllant, to make fuch an unprovoked attack or> the Editors of the Louifville Gazette , and Republican Trumpet , And what be fide the genius of falsehood could induce bis erring mind to infinuate that any one befides the fubferibers was ibe Editor of that paper. We will admit that the paper in qurliion does not abound with original matter [lt would require a talent equal to the Curtain Editor of the Herald , who can make (omething out of no thing ; and who, without telegra phic or any other kind of infor mation, befides his own never failing fourcc of forgeries, can conjure up the defeat and cap tivation ot Buonaparte in Egypt, and the total fubjugatioa of the Batavian Republic, in one week by his favorite Bifhop.J—Our lhi£l adherence to truth and interior filiation, circumfcribes our fund of that fort of intelli gence. Query Were thofe the milita ry tallies, and that the mode ot conquefl taught h»m hy his great Henrv ( nton during the ’ate 1 evolution ; if fo, Great Herald proclaim vour favorite nation f'he Britrfh) conquerors of 1) Republics, the Batavian, Liguri.'Oj Oil'a'pine, Roman, French, and laft of all the Ame rican ; hnr let their conqueft be only on paper, and in the Office of the AugvPa Herald. ! We deny his other Hohby-Hor fical charge viz, that of chufmg pieces for e-publicaiion, indif rriminately cenlming congref fi r,r>l proceedings. W> pieces from the belt ; ir.V-irrcV printersthroughoutthe Tt . < d States, and te-publifh |1 o(e we judge moft authentic ; ?rd we flatter curlclves that the extenfive circulation of our pa per, will lufficicnlly guard the public mind fiom the poifonous little tide of toryifm, emitted through his nauleous link of putrefcency. 1 We certainly do not borrow' much fiom fuch authors as wiitej: Volumes in defence of the BritifiT monarchy; ncrhackneyed hire lings, who write in defence of yazoofpcculations.* Andlafl ly we will rc-publifh nothing fet forth in the Herald Office, by Hobby , well remembering his having already punk one Auguft priming-prefs to death. We will take leave after men tioning, that notwithftanding ail his toad eating qualifications, we arc doubtful whether any military or naval commiflion iu the gift of the Prelidcnt of the United States, will fit his capa city ; neither admiral, geneial, captain or patroon of a tobacco boat—nay, but he (hall be (O enviable fit nation) the AuguPa Hoffy Horfc , for a few dilap pointed fpeculators, to mount as Balaam did his als, and fpur him on even againll the voice of Heaven. Ambrose Day. James Hely. # The Defence of the Georgia Pur chafe, by W. J. Hobby, and John £• Aederfoo, for General Guno. To the Editors of the houifville Gazette, and Republican . Trumpet. Gentlemen, 1 SEE in the Augupa Herald, a wonlon attack made upon your paper, and upon yourfelves, as the Editors ; neither have thofe detrac tors confined them]elves to the fubjeH ajorejaid hut in an indiretl man ner , bath tafl of their malignant approlium, againfl a certain cha red tr, the virtuous patriotism of whop life, is too Jvbtime for their imitation, and whofe fianding in this countiy. makes fuch attacks as futile as pop.guns difeharged againp mountains , in order to proprate their fummits on the voles beneath. .Gro velling fouls whofe perturbed difpo fitions like the waves of the fra, is always cuffing forth mire and tilth. 2 hey Sirs, have mentioned your extrath—Surely Sirs, the papers you generally have recourje to. con tains nearly as much truth, and can did information, as thofe the Herald hath recourse to, does of obloquy, ddiaflion and falfchood —as for inpcnce—What mighty plots (3 wen derfultahsof tubs, does the Herald not contain, i 0 fay nothing of the orthography of the Jaid paper, iho* God knows it is mean enough, and cs to the felcßicns, they are courtly tudeed— properly calculated for the meridian of London ; hut it is to bi hoped they will never Juit the Eorth American latitudes , or the meridian of the federal city, It is Jurprifing, that the friends to good order is /of end of deception , that they would uijh to cajlaveil over every abufe of government. Who, if not dead to every fnfe cj feeling, can read, without aponijh vient and indignation, an extract of a convex[alien between Mr, Harper and a certain General — Mr, Har per, cs a per fen acquainted with the lecretsI ecrets of the Cabinet , informs the general , that the two principal views of government was, to involve the United States in an irredeemable national debt, and to ejfeft the efa blijfimer.t of fome national religion ; these two grand points obtained, flatidirg armies, with the whole train of ether opprtffiive apparatus , would follow oj course, and I am 0) cpinion he judged right. It is to ■ the Louisville Caz< * avA IK* d-h* can Trumpet , end inch like \ we owe, and art indebted for the can did devdopement , of such nefarious schemes . let the sycophantic servile tribe of flatterers , bow down their necks to the opprejfive yoke.—But Jhall republicans , who faced death and dangers multiform t imitate them t even before their wounds are cica trized. which they received in the cause of freedom ? I say no* We have got a confutation secur ing to the citizens of the United States, liberty of conscience , the free dom of sf)(C\.h and of the press, privileges we will not eajdy or care * lessly abandon. It is not the thr *ats of the mighty or the sareafiic jargon of the would he wits, that /hall de m tack us from the cause of our coun m try , which we conceive to be th c cause of Gcd and poflcrity, C. State Houfc, Louifville, Beard of Vi fit or s of the Unmrjity, Monday, June 16, 1800. Present—His Excellency fames Jackson , his honor Thomas Fetters Carnes , and his honor George Wal ton, Judges of the Superior Courts ; and the honorable David Emanuel , Prefident of Senate. — The minutes of the laft board were read, by the Secretary of the Executive, under the imme diate order of the Governor. The Governor aftced thole members of the board who be longed to the board of truftees, if that board was formed—when Judge Walton replied it was not. And Judge Walton abruptly withdrawing himfelf from the board—thc Governor adjourned the board of vifitors until to morrow morning ten o'clock. Tuefdsy, Jaoe 17, 1600 Present^His Excellency James Jackson , his honor Thomas Fetters Carnes, thc honor able David Ema nuel\ and the honorable David Mf riwethcr , Speaker of the House of Representatives . Thc minutes of yeflerday weic read and confiimed. His honor Judge Carnes from fevcral members of the board of truftees, who,though infufheient in numbers to form a board, had convened, presented their opL nion that another meeting of thc two beards be propofed to take place on thc third Monday in July next. Resolved unanmovfy t That it be recommended to the board of truftees of the Univerfity, and it is hereby recommended that the fourth Monday in Novem ber next, being thc 24th of the fame month, be the day appoint ed to convene the Senatus Aca demicus at the feat of govern ment, that the prefident do noti fy thc fame in the papers of Louifville, Augufta, and Savan nah, for the information of all concerned —'and that the board of vifitors do now adjourn to that period. Taken from the noiouiei of the board, lodged in thc Executive Chamber, where the board fat. Thomas Johnson, Secretary E , D. BLANK LETTERS Of ADMINISTRATION , AND BLANK BONDS , Lor fale at this Office, IvlcijVs I)«y & Hei y, I i itcft puHiJh the Jollouiro / v | trablfiomthe Jcurnalof of Repnjonalms of this \ at their iafl jj/ion—And oblige i A Subscriber, fl TucfJa/, NoTcrabcr 19, " On rroiion by Mr. Doolcv Refolved. 1 hat it 15 the r cn fe of this houie that the monies in tfc 9 tteafuiy of this Rate arc i n , dangerous fituation from thi condua of the prefent tre a l U r cr . and that the committee of finance he, and they aie hereby authorized and required to demand and take into their p o i ftflion Ihe keys of the treaL of this Rare ; and before they proceed to examine and count up all the monies that now re main in the treafury, to requeft his excellency the governor to give his attendance on the com mittee of finance, and that they proceed to take an exad fchedule of the Rate of the treafury, as well as the Yazoo depofit; and that this reToltition be font to the fenate for their concurrence,'* From the AURORA, Philadelphia pri/on , May 16, To thi Editor, Sir, I heard fome days ago, that my Federal friends of Northum berland, and the neighbourhood, with whom, notwithftanding our differences of political opinion, I have always lived in habits of kindnefs, are promoting a peti tion to the prehdent, to procure a remiflion of my lenfence. I thank them : I am not infenfi. ble to reftimonies of kindnefj and eflccrn, and I am glad thev think that they Jiave deferved them, I have frnce heard repeatedly, that this meafure is generallyer* pe&cd here alfo, to take place on the part of the prefident; and I am rot fo attached to my prefent lodgings, but I fhould be very glad to quit them, if I could do it under circunftanccs of propriety to my own charac ter. But I am of opinion with Mr. Adams, that “repentance fhould precede forgivnels” and until I receive myfelf, arc! hear that Dr. Piieftly has received a fatis fa6lcry acknowledgement from Mr. Adams of the impropriety of his condud towards us, may be turned out from hence but will not leave the placa under the acceptance of a favor f lom the prefidcnt Adams. Nor will I be the voluntary cats paw of electioneering cle mency. I know the late events have wonderfully changed the outward and vibble bgns of the politics of the party, and good temper and moderation is * c order of the day with the fedc ralifls now, as it always has been with their political opponents* But all Ridden converfations are fufpicious, and I hope the t publicans will be upon I guaid againft the infidious or interelled defigns of thole * 0 may with to piofit by th ’ t( common credulity of honeli re tention, THOj. COOPE v,