The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, June 24, 1800, Image 2

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THE SLAVE. [From Anderjoris TCR* f o»n ev«ry f'fnr connexion, Fnrc’.f «rr<>fj thf w»:ive, Tl ■* flnnp bv ktrn rfflfftion. May exclaim man’* but a Have. In voutb pay lionr ilelißve fools biro, P ood hf voi'ry to deprave ; Jn age felf-iot''over iule» hiiS*—* Still he bends a willing Hava. The haughty monarch, fearing tealon, M ly her l"n» from ruin lavC, (.)< traitors dreaming, plmi and ntafor, Reigns at biR a ft«jH«icd Rave. Hi, minior, horeßy would barter, And become corruption's knave ; Won by a ribband, Itar, r r gnntr, • Proves h’unfcifambition's Rave. Von patriot boaß* a pure intention, And of rights w ill l« udly rave, Till file need bv a place or pci lion, Th’ apt. Rate lies a courtly Rave. In perch’d the pious pre chfr, Talks of confcience wond'rous grave, Rui not tnntent, the tithe nayed preacher, Pants to 101 l a mitt d l*i\c» The foldier, lur’d by founds of glory, l.ongt to (hine a hero brave ; ilnd proud to live mtuni'C <»oiy. Yield* his life—to fame a flave. Ms It yon poor mifer over his treafure, V\ ho to want a mi'e ne’er gave ; R*. Ruit out iron peace and plcafuie, Starves—to avarice a Rave. The Inver fo h»» miR rff» bending, Pants, nor dares her hat’d to crave ; Vainly lighing, lime mif, «rdirp, VTildom fvoms thr lettered Rave, Thus dup’d hy fancy, pride or folly, Ne’er content with what wi have i Yofi’d ’twixt hope and melancholy, Death at laft fets free the Rave. Some time Rnrc the kirg of Pru/Tn «r»- pointed a com million to attempt the mak ing of Sugar from Turnips. In their re port on the objciß they Rate that the rc fdlt Of their ewi crtnirnt* has been highly lati*fa<Rory. They prove that excellent ■white and brown Sugar can be made from Turnips. rh« wbi'e at one Ihilliug per pound, and (he brown at 11* pence. The Sugar is equal in qunllty to that of tire WcR-ItuMej. After the extraction of the a liquor equal to Brandy can be ex tracted from the Turnips. The enmmif. Run forrtier fav, tint a mil* and a half Iquare of ground will furnilU enough Sugar for all the Pun Tim States, hefnles twenty •milli*, ns five hundred thoufand quarts of Brandy, made from the Turnips alter the tfttradliou ol the Sugar. PETERSBURG 5. AN Ay P MR OF HONOR. YefteHiy morning a meetioj? took plscc between licut. Phillip Edwards, and Unit. beth of the marines of the United Stales, in which the for mer was danperoufiy wounded in the thigh. The ball entered a few -aches below the gro'u, and fplintered thr thigh bone, [sa/. Anitricd**’' V -yl AND ANOTHIR. A few months ago, two rams belong* *ng to two farmers, sbout twelve miles firm Philadelphia in Ph ladelphia coun* ty, wne ohfftvcd to look at each other through the rails of a fence which di* tided their owners farms, with urtcom" mdn fbrcenefii Bv an aceident,a pan* pel of that fence was broken tk»wn, which g»vc a n opportunity for tic two runs to have a meeting. They rufbed upon each oher with great fury. Qoc of them fell in conßqucnce of a blow which frasured bis (hull. Aa there wis ro fecond, nor furgeoo at hand, to alTift Ihe unfortunate ram, he inftantly expir ed, Both the parties behaved with the utrooft determination, firmncfi, and in trepidity. [7*> ue j4m(ri(*n, fc" ju: , x:" j.g«g=£j. a T By ah Watts, GEORCI A,f Ci,k oj the Court of Wiijhinctor; Courtly, ( Ord. nary, for ,ijb‘ j ingtev bounty* ■T )f THEREAS Zliazer Cummins hath ap- W plied 10 me for letters ol admivif (ration on the eftate ..f John Cummins, deceafed r thefe are therefore to cite and udmonißi all and lingular the kindred and c reditors of ihe laid dcceafed, to be and appear at my office, on or before the |R day of July next, to fhew caufe, if ar y tlifiv have, why Utter* ofadminifba* lion ftiouid not be granted. Given under my hand, this iR day of June, 1800, and in the twenty fourth vear ol the American Inde pendence. ]« clerk c. o. LOUISVILLE, TV RBI) AT, Jum 14, j 800. We learn from Chatham county, that owing to the almofl inceflant rains for this lait fort night or three weeks, their prof pe£l of crops is very unpromil- Ing—And we are informed that the fmali-pox ftill rages in Sa vannah ‘ and is more particu larly fevere on children. Col. Stallings has 101 l one child, and Mrs. A. Bulloch, two children out of thice, I he regiments to he disband ed by the resolution of CongreTs, arc the sth, 6th, 7th, Brh, 9th, loth, nth, i2th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th. The permanent army eftablifbment will then con fill of one regiment of ca valry, commanded by colonel Watts; two regiments of artil- Icrifts and engineers, command ed by col. Burbeck; and four regimentsof infantry, command ed by colonels Hamtramck, Strong, Gaither and Butler. TO FARMERS. Pieces of rags dipped in a mixture of train cil and bruifed gunpowder, and hung up on hedges or poles, will effectually proteft newly fown corn from the depredations of crows, rooks. See, VERMONT. At the Circuit Court of the United States, held a few days fmee, at Wind for, Mr. Anthony Hafwell, editor of the*Vermont Gazette, was tried on a charge of feditionj convl&ed and re ceived {entente of fine and im prifonment. The particulars of this trial have not come to hand. Mr. Hafwell is confined in the gaolat Bennington. “His prifon," he fays, * has four fquare holes, formed by an iron grate, each hole about fix inches by five, which admit light fuHi rient to write by, He hasclcanf cd and white-wafhed Iris Icne fomc cell, and pofiefled of a dear conference, would not ex change it, with his conlcioufnefs 1 of iuffering in a virtuous caufe, for the moft elegant palace in the city of Waftnngion.” VIRGINIA. The trial of James T. Callen der, charged with fedition, came on before the Circuit Court of the United States, fitting in Richmond, on the 3d of June. We have not been able to obtain the particulars of thr trial, but are informed that the jury have found him guilty I Knowing, as wc do, that he is fo receive judg ment from Judge Chafe , however innocent Mr. Callender may be, there is no doubt but the defpi cable and nnconfiitutional Jedi tion law , will be fir etched to its utmoft extent. Citizens of Vir ginia— Paufe ? NEW-YORK, May 28. War, bloody and remorlelefs is the general language of the belligerent powers , t prepa rations for carrying *. on. are making with fucf v g~v and a&iviiy as if it wct-j j l ed to ” fl~ut the gales of mercy on mankind.*' Buonaparte continues the fame conciliatory meafures which have hitherto diflinguilhed his conduft in the confullhip,. and which have had the elFe6f of reconciling parties and relloring public confidence. A confidcr able number of the ex-noblellc volunteer their fervices to aft under him at the opening of the campaign ; among!! thefe the youngefl (on of the ci-devant dutches of Santa Groce makes a part of the general Raff of the Italian legion formed at Dijon. We notice an aflerlion in the Pru’lian Weßphalian Gazette, which is confidently mad«, that a negociation lias been entered upon between the French go vernment and the court of Ber lin, the objeft of which is to give a much greater extenfion to the annual line of demarcation, and to comprehend in the neu trality feveral new Rates of the German Empire. Extra SI of a letter from an Ameri can gentleman in Paris to his friend in this city , dated the gifl March, 1800. “ Our commiflioners began their negoriafions on the yth, and I fuTpeft will frnilh in a month or fix weeks. I have not vet learned the propofitions they Have made. The firlt con fer 1 leaves this for Dijon on the 16th ; biit it is not expected the campaign will be very aftive, and many believe in a peace, which I think very probable the flocks have taken a rapid rife, within a day or two. T his go vernment have palled an arrette forming a court of admiralty to fit at Paris, which will try all velfels taken as well by fhips of government as piivatcers; thole who are unfortunately captured, will now have a better pioipeft of obtaining juflicc.*' The lafl wordsanddying Speech of Robert G. Harper. Jt is proper to inform thefe rea ders who are nut acquainted with the cinumflancts , that Harper, a number of Congrefs from the weft ern part of South-Carolina, was a few years ago a violent democrat— that he became a member of the De mocratic Society in South-Carolina, and in order to effeSl his eleSlion as member of Congrefs, he clad hin ftlf in the plaintjl habits , confifling of a pmt tailor’s jacket and overalls made out of common brown linen , and that in this dre/s, and under the pretended guard of republican ifm. he went forth upon eleSlioncer ■- ing fehemes. The Simplicity of his external appearance , his freienfions to re public ant fin, and ius vocifera tions in the pine bar rens of Carolina, invoking the Genius of liberty to accompany his (forts, had a rnojl powerful l fedl upon the honefl and un/ulpefling citizens of the dijlnfl of Ninety-Six. Harper was defi ed from a belief that he was attach ed to the republican interejls of the United States. His ccvfiUuentS have dfeovered their error, and given frong intimations that they could in Jutuie difpehfe with his fervices, and that at the next elec tion this fentiment would in all pr o bability be conftituticnally exprrfled , Such have been the cavfcs which have produced the lad word 0 J .. fpeech publifhed in Brown's Pfigf drlphta Gazette of the 20 th vh. an ,j in the papers in this city. In tf publication Harper takes a cur f or review of the adminifrative lions of the federal government w * a defign to aid the re-eltßion 7f John Adams . A want of* dence however in his own offer tic,-, and the principle which he tv is indicative of a mind in a pate 7 political defpair. Infhort,he o p. pears io pnffcfi that tempararncut of exigence and for tor mef of con::, lion jo flnkingly defcrihcd by Mg* ton : “ Around he cajls his ha If id eyes, mixed with obdurate pride and jhdjafl hated* Harper after a'l htsfederal plans feems determined now iO retire from the (jlorious fplenior of that fccnce of action which for fveral years paji ha j [wallowed up his whole foul, and 0 tfftniially engaged the affiflmsof of his mind. The brown linn fcheme of deception exhibited k Jhort jacket and overall fafhivn, could not m/wer his purpofe, 7u mim/lerial phaianx being routed by the current 0) events., the profp-H of federal honor conjlanily dimvjlL ed t and Harper, like many other converts to monarchal defigrs, feems nozo difpofed to declare that the whole is a bad bargain, and that it is high time to attend to his own private concerns, Ihe following fentences in this famous Idler of Harpers will ferve to Jhew the tp m hticalconditioncj his mind. “ Eng* land , who notwith/landing the great expenses of the war, has gained mere by U than any other power ■ will then have no objefl for its con tinuance, and will viofl prehahh avail h erf elf of the firfi fafe cr.i favourable opportunity of making peace.” In another part of ids valediHnry and lanvntahlt addnj\ we find ike following paffagt • “ Jhofe who have been in the ecu* flant habit 0) oppofing the prejai admintfiration from the morrevl when it was fir ji adopted by General V/aJhington, its real author, to the prjent time, will no doubtfrmife a great many good things to the nation if they can at length obtain the ma nagement of its affairs. It will however he remembered by cf jenje and reflection, that thy hen: been employed f 'or ten years in find* ing fault with end oppofing tv n viea/ure oj the federal government. * 1 htfe paf]ages prove inmtejivf the defpair of the anti, republican party in this country. Why is it thot Harper, vie na hitherto been the friend of ah " * tration, abandons all Us projects ,) — HAy after advocating a jiandvfi army, fo fuddenly ahandonit? h' v give up the idea of re election w South-Carolina ? IMe au fig b born falls that f eak for and combined with the idea of othtf federal plots and failures, they £ ue a clear and unequivocal [elution the whole bifinef , and prove m the anti-republican party areahea dy in their own eflim ation, twi-‘ plvjfed and defeated . JUST RECEIVED And may be had at this Opj *• A fear copies of The PiofpeS Before Us, A political public* l ' oo * JSj JAMES T, CALLENDER A pi ll