The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, June 24, 1800, Image 3

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GENTEEL Hoarding & lodging. Tj«• Subfcriber refpe&fulljr inforrmbi* Friend* in particular, and the Pub ic in .enenl, that he intend* KEEPING ENTERTAINMENT, for Gent emen in fhe Countrv, at well as the City, at his Hmfe, in Broughf- n-Street, formerly the L t , y’av err —wish good Sublet for horfes The grcateft attention will be paid to thofe %»Lo favor him with their cuttom. , John Hart Richard, iign of the Crofs Keys, Sovannah, June to, 1800. Twenty Dollars Reward. ■,*l- -,i— TJ AN-AV/AY I ® j xV. from the fub-» I feriber, on Sunday ' evening the B'h inft. TWO NEGRO M E N. about twenty - - ' J five years of age ; one a WC ry black fellow, with one tooth enl before, named the other , ,ellow fe low, marked oD the brea.t in French, fqtrnt eyed, named Jofcpb. Whoever wtll take up fa d negroee, and deliver them to me, fhall rccewc the above reward. William Nel/on . Montgomery County, June 10, iB#o* SHERIFF'S SALE. On the FIRST TUESDAY in July next , at the Court Houfe , in Wajhington county , will be fold, the following Trails or Par m cels of Land , 500 acres in the Lid county bound ed by Brown’*, and Walker’s land, and BufLloe Geek, being part of two fur »ejB, the one 14,47 12 acres, granted lo Andrew Frazer, the olher 575 acres, granted to Sanders Walker. 203 acres in the faid cenoiy, oa Bufia'oe Cictk, hounded by Samuel Hawkins, and vacant land, at the time of f urvey, being the fouthwert corner of a traA of 1000 acres, granted to Benjamin Jordan, The above I and taken by execution ai the property of Jofcpb Oncal, at jhe ioftance of William SanLioo, Conditions, cafh. 11. Breazcal , 5. W . C, May 37. i8»o. SH ER I FFs SALES. * On Jhe FIRST TUESDAY in July next , at the Market Houfe in Louifville , between the hours of itn and three o’clock , will be fold, to the highefl bidder , TWO NEGROES and one RI LING CH AIR ; taken as the proper ty of jrffe Newton, to fatiafy John LsamatUad John Burton’s execution. Alfo, two Horfes ; taken at the pro perty of If M , Auger, to fatiafy Wilfi eiccutioa. Conditions, cdh. William Paulelt , D. S* 27* 1800, SHERI FfTsalES. Cn t'IRSTTUESDAY in July next, at the Market Hou\Jf 9 in houifville , between the hours "/ ten and three o’clock, will be ! °ld to the highe/l bidder, in pur :*uce of an order of the honor fk Superior court at April term ¥> Ail the GOODS, remaining in the l■ f . Manus Lerale, at the time of • teifing thie Bate, and on which at ./ rTIPDt « wcre levied by Saul Simons, L -‘ f fj. Conditions of fair, calh. the • ?’ 45° acres hnd on Ready Creek* , / ul, P'-pers arc in my band, and fold ati.fy Jofrph G Pofrer, and other* c CUtloni ; Former cooditionfl of falc f o«plied with. Conditions, cafh. ef r°l *: nc fc °ufc and lot in the town knovn by the number the 1' ’ ronlin g feventh ftrect, adjo ning «ot- ° l w^* rcoQ Mi, James Lamar’s lc * ch ' nc Hands. Taken as rhe °f Samuel A/‘Kec, to fatiify Bowcli’g eiccutioa. John Paulett , Jheriff, 2 7. 1800. ALMANACS Sale at this Office* COLLECTOR'S SALE. WILL BE SOLD, At the Court Houfe in Wajl.ington County, on the Second TUES DAY in Augufl next, at the ufual hours , the following Trails of Land , viz. One hundred acres of Pine Land in laid county, on the waters of Big Creek, returned by John Welland : tax due, 621 cents/ One hundred and ninety nine and an bait acres 01 pine land, in faid coun on the Ohoopic water#, adjoining Aowlcr, returned by Kobcit Hadon ,* lax due 68 cents. iitiy acre* in faid county, on the vvaters of Ogcchce, adjoining land# of jsmes Walker, returned by Tohn Brink ley , tax due, 41 cents Cornelius Murphy, It. C. Wafhtngion County for the year 'O9. JLj 7, 1800. COLLECTOR'S SALES. IT ILL BE SOLD, On TUESDAY, the 2 gtho/ July next, at the Market Houfe in the Town of Louifville , at the ufual hour , the FuLLCWISG PROPERTY t to wit . 40® acres 2J quality land, in JeTcrr iou county, on Ogcchce river, join ng I hotnac, and others, granted to Stubbs *nd others, 4 Taken aa the property «f Blaflingamc Harvey, jua. in default for his ta* for the year T*i due feven dol ars feventy twocen’S. LOT at Fenn’g Bridge ; ttken as the property of William Statham, in default for b s tax for the year 1799 Tax dueljforly feven centa. 100 »crt§ pnc l» n d, efferfon county, on Reed Creek, joining Joel Darfey ; taken as thepr- p er ty of Eiicabetb Po'k, in defaulf for her tax for the ycat 5799. Tax due twenty cents. 650 acres 3d quality land, in R’ch moud county, co Bg Creik, joining Moore ; taken aa the propery of Ebe Drier 1 olefome, in defau t for hi# for the year 1799. 'l aw due, two dol lira twenty fix and half cents. 3 50 acres 3d quality land, in Bu ke county ca the wateri of Big Creek, joining Wilfon, granted to WilLm CrrJcyt taken as the property of Daniel M'Murphy, in default for bis tax for the year 1799. I* l due two dollars ninety cenie. 331 acres 3 i quality. Jaikfon coun ty, on the waters of Appalachc«*, join ing Scott, grauitd to Barbary Frazer 4 taken as the property of. Jofepb Spier r, io default for his tax for the yt*r 1799- Tax due forty nine cents. 4.C0 Acres land in |effcrfon coumy on Big Creek, joining Jofeph Alien, granted to Robert Allen, giv n in by Jofeph Alien ai agent for William Allen i takvo in defiult for the ta.'.es for the year lax due forty-three and three quarter cents. 309 Acre* 3d quality land in Burke County, on Rocky Creek, jo n : ng D*• on, granted 10 Koberrs ; taken as the prop riy of John M'Cul'ers, in default for the ta*cs for the year 1799. due one dollar fourteen cents. 1200 Acres 3d quality land in Jack- Ton county, on Currcy Crerk, joining John Gorurn, granted to William Gib bons ; taken aa the property of John Moreland, in default for the ta»cs for the year 1799. Tax due five dollars fcventy'Diue cents. ICO Acres pne land in county, waters of Big Creek, joining Willis Howard, granted to Walker ; taken as the property of Thomas Bailey* in default for the for the year 1799. Ta* due forty-nine cents. One houfe and lot in the town of Louifville ; taken as the properly of William Evans, in default for the ta*cs for the ytar 1799. Ta* due one dollar and ten cents. 5087 /crci p’oc land in Montgomery county, Oconee river, joining M’rhael H*rvey ; furveyed for Robert Flournoy, taken as the property nf Robert Flournoy, in drLult for the ta* for the year 1799 Ta* due fony-niuc dollars fourteen ecu's. Garland Hardwicb, T.C.J . C. May 21th, lBco. F o R SALE. » At this Printing-Office, cheap for ca Jb t a colie ft ion of books, v I z. Broottl’l Cazrtterr Nugro,’. French Sc Eoglifli Diaioo.r, Hittory of the Heaven# Hargraves Law Hchirfer’i Praaicc of the Law Spirit of Laws H ftory of Pataguiy Gordon’! Tacitus Addifou’s Wo.ko Spencer’s Woiks Adventures of Peregrine Piciile Adventures of Jofcph /'udrcwf Gulliver’* Travels 13 ri(Tot on Commerce ArthOr Mervyu ; or Mcaioirs of the Year 1793. Doiurftic Memoirs Mytterics of Udolpho Romance of the ForcS Haunted Priory Keate’d Sketches from Nalur? Caroline of Litchfield Offspring of Kuffcl Eden Vale Civil Officer Frackliu’s Life The RemembrnAtcr The Decameron, or Ten Days Eaten tammrat of Boccace Elements of Fortification Haycc‘o Negotiator’* Magazine The Other Side of the Qnellioa Tale of a Tub Conftitutiens of the U. States Hive, a colleAion of Thought# Nihcll on the Tulfe New English Difpenfatory Comjrcat Letter Wiucr Hayes’s lotcrdl /American Accountant Wdfou’s Bft I Tutor’s Afliftcut Scbob'mafter’a Complete French Matter, for ladies and gentlemen Ao introduction to Geography, »nin cipal'y defigned lot the ule of fchoola VCafon on Self Knowledge Seiv,& Pbys CavDifm Improved 1 i The Religina of oilso, or delineated A new Hicroglyplfra! Bible, for the amufccaent and inllruition of chil dren, being a feleftion of the moft ufeful leffons, and mod intcrelliog narratives ; (fcriplurally arranged) from Geocfis to the Revelation#, emhellifhed with familiar figures and ftnking embietns, clcgsntly engraved A Defence of the Old T«flam«nt. in a furies of letters, addruTed to Thomas Paine, author 01 a book, entitled, the Age of Rcaf <n, part rhe ftcond, being an inveftigstioo of Trur and of Fabulous 'I heology— By David Levi, author of letters to Dr. Priett* ly, in anfwer to bis to the lews, kc- *'j Love and /’atriolifoi ! or the adventurw of M. Duponail, late major general in the armies of the United States, interfperfed with many furptizing incidents in the life of the late Count /’ulaufki A DiAionny of Lorre ; wherein is the defer ptiao of a perfeft beauty ; the pidurc of a Fop or Macaroni ; and a key to all the arch phrafes, difficult terms, and peculiar idioms, ufed in that ua vcrfal language Greek and Latin 8«hool Books Fieach and Dutch Books Merchant Account Books, and Blank Bocks of all kinds MUSIC BOOKS, for the Harpficnrd, Guitar, Violin, Flute, Clarinet and Hautboy, Together with a great variety of OLD BOOKS, too tedious to mco- I'OU. a t a o, Pencils, camphorated Sealing Wax, and belt BLACK INK, by the quart bottle or linaller quantity. April 29, 1800. BLANK LETTERS Of ADMINISTRATION, AND PLANK BONDS , For lale at this Office. BLANK DEEOS~~ %/t?r Sale at this Office* CORONER'* SALE, Or i the FIRST TUESDAY m fay next) at the Market Houle vi Lout /vilie, between the h an of ten and three o'clock, will be pld to the htghefl bidder , One 1 raft ot Lard, contain'np five hundred and fitly five acre** lying oo the water* rt Ready C'*tk, joitrog Hurt a, Flournoy aud Br»dtb»w. I’i.ketj ■a the property ot John tWeti, ta iattafy Fluker and H'acfhear’a execu liona. Condition*. falh. Win. Go old, coroner . May 2J t ISoo. ** " ■'■■■■ .i ■ ■ ■ i m a in iaJ To the PUBLIC. pH K Editor of the LouifvliU A* (fjzette refpellfully informs ine public in general, and his friends in particular , that he has this day taken into copay tnerjhip % Mr. James Hely. The bv/inejs will in future be conduced under the Finn of day and hely, Whofe attentions will be exercifed to render general Jatis/athon— And they pledge them [elves for the con/lant exercife of their bejl judg ment in the dilpo/iiion of fuch ejfayo and intelligence as may be prejented for publication , Ambrofc Day, fames Hcly, To the Patrons of the Louifvillo Gazette. 13" The Editor of this Gazette „ requefls all tfw/e who have any De mands againjl him , to prefent them for payment ; and thofe Sub/cribers who are in arrears, are particularly called upon to pay them as early as Pffblc as it will be recejjary to doje all accounts immediately. Ihe public and Subfcnbers wilt pleafe to accept the exprejfon of the me [I Jmcere gratitude, as a jufl acknowledgment for the very kind fupport the Editor has received jinco his commencement in bvfinefs. 4 Ainbrofe Day. April 2n, 1800, Jefferson Academy. TH E Commi/Jioners announce with pleajure, that the fejjtr « Jon Academy is now open for the reception of youth , under the direc tion of Mr. James Armouh 9 from whofe character and abilities as a teacher, the Comr-iijfioners have great expectations, 'Thole who entrujl to him the education of their chil dren may he o[fared that his utmoft endeavors will be ujed for their im~ provement. It having been notified feme time ago that the exerci/es of this Acade 7/iv would begin, and a di[appoint ment having taken place , the Con • mjf oners deem it their duty to fay % that the delay proceeded from the non-compliance of the gentleman with his engagements, who they had then invefled with the reftorjhip of the Academy , and not from any de/eft in the infiiluhon , or any omijfon on ike part cj the Commifji oneis. Terms of tuition for Reading , Writing and Arithmetic — thrv* dollars per quarter. Mathematics in ail its branches— four dollars per quarter, Latin and Greek Languages— fix dollars per quarter . By order of the board, ]ames Bozeman, Cltrh , May 27, 1800,