The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, July 01, 1800, Image 3

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the subscriber jj.£ S ;re to inform fc»» Friends in oirticu ar. and the public in general, ibai he has returned from Charlcffon, with a large and general Aflortment of Groceries, Wnich he ia derertnioed to fell cheap for cafh or produce, at h s o'd ftand, f omer of Market fquare, near the Coffee Hoafe, Leuifville. Daniel Lcnilc* July f, 1800. GENTEEL BOARDING & LODGING. Tyij: Subfcribcr refpedfully inform? his Fnendi in particular, and the Public renl, that he intends KEEPING ENTERTAINMENT, for Gent emen in lhc country, a* » h « Ci, y> at h,s Houfe in Broughton-Street, formerly the C tr 1 it> ern— vilh good Stables for horfes. The greateft attention will be pud to tbofe *bo lavor bun with their cuftom. John Hart Richard, Sign of the Crofs Keys, Savjnnah t June io, 1800. Twenty Dollars Reward. rgßaej . 1) AN-AWAY |Ol j I\, from the fub feriher, on Sunday 1 \ evening the Bih inft. TWO NEGRO MEN, about twenty - ----- five yean of age : one it a very black fellow, vruh one tooth out before, named J nCK ; the other ii a yellow fe'low, marked on the bread in Fiench. fqTnt eyed, named Jofeph. Whocv.T will take up fa d negroes, and de.iver them to me, Hull receive the above reward. William Nd/on . Montgomery County, June 10, 1800. Notico to Dtftillers. 17 VE’AY perfon having a Soil or Stills L within the county of Jetfcrfon, are n qyeded to make entry of the fame before tic full day oF July next, at the office of Infarction, in L<'uifvillr, agreeable to ar p.(fl 'd Congrefs, T p pena ty to be inf] died on ihofe who neglect to m kc entry ai aforefaid, is two hundred and fifty dollars. If any have Sblu u>t intended for life they muff be entered accordingly. Thomas Collier, Collrftor of the Revenue, lor the rt*th djvifi rn of the f* .li furve), in fhediltrict if Georgia, louifvil’e, June 4, 1800. Jefferfun Superior Court, April Term, 1799. Prefent the hon. Geo. Walton. UPON the petition of Nathaniel N ; Mic- Richaid Curry, nnd Benjamin V> ir er, praying the foreclofure of the cqmi/ of redemption, in and to a certain of la id, comaintr g four hundred acres, fituateJymgand being in the laid county ot Jrffer (on, one hundred acres of which granted to F.edeiick Duglafs.and the oiner three hundred acres to If aac Auger, incrtgage,! t 0 the faid Nathaniel M Mickm, . hurt Currcy, and Benjamin Warner, Dy Ifaac./fugur, for the feeding the pay! jmof.nm of nwj co „* ail l" Vn c I t ITS c ia,e ,hc ,oth da y of July, f.-t rand f«ven hundred and ninety- upon motion of Mr. Carnes, attor . r it pctiti jners : it is ordered, that rt u« J-'K 1 - ’ “ Hereft and cofts bc into b» e f*' thlD l * clve months from the dare , thcrwife the equity of redemption fffdi' *,°! L Vfr * orCtl cfrd, and other pro b r tcc > agreeable to an a<sl of and th'l . uch calss and provided : O’ l . be publilhed in ere of lfl this Rate, at lead once in hid i Wpi )n ' h ’ l,r:tl1 lhe expiration of the fnort e n~ C J' C , rno S lhs > or fared upon the ttonths' flrZ h? f tCial a S ent » St lfia « T»* kid t*/ v ' 0, * to tbe expiration of the ‘* Cjv e months. L -r- tied this 4th day of OAober *99. __ Wm. M‘ Dowell, clerk . C, Irt R r I / *) B y 7° 91 AH Watts, m , ” -A, f Clerk of the Court of j ‘\ton County , f Ordinary , for IVaJb • 3 ington County* y\7KERENS Eliaacr Cummins hath ap tfi-jiQ P Cc l t 0 me for letter* of adminif -4*e eafH °f t,ie «ftaie of John Cummins, *'ittior 0/ i\ hefe Rr « therefore incite and Credo*- 4 r . and Tingular the kindred and ip ?e2r f * oi ’he faid deceafcd, to he and «ay cf t , n ? y on or before the ift 8 r 'h«vk Ecxt ’ t 0 cw caufe, if ban ft ' , UVr » % hy letters of adminiftra* Give ‘ JOt be £ ran r j- jn . my hand, this ift day fnuri Re ’ ,bco » and in the twenty IP«ndence? r °* thc A:nerican Inde ' ''"-J* Watts, clerk c. o. -^IMANACS Qr Sale at this Office* collectors sale. WILL BE SOLD, Ai the Court Hovfe in Wajhington County , on the. Second TUES DAY m AuguJ} next, at the v/ual hours , the J allowing Trafts c f Land* viz. One hundred acre# of Pine L»nd in faid county, on the waters of Big Greek, returned by Holland ; tax due> 621 cents. One hundred and ninety nine and an half seres of pine land, in faid coun ts, on the Ohoopic waters, adjoining /'owler, returned by Robert Hadon ; tax due 68 cents. Fifty acres ia faid county, on the waters of Ogechce, adjoining lands of James Walker, returned by Brink- Icy i tax due, 42 cents Cornelius Murphy, E. C. Wafhington County for the year '99. JW 7 7* 1800. COLLECTOR’S SALES. WILL BE SOLD, On TUESDAY\ the 2Qthof July next, at the Market Houfe in the Town oj Louijville , ai the ufual hour , the FOLLOWING PROPERTY t to wit. qco acres ad quality land, in fon county, on Qgcchee river, joining 1 homss, and others, granted to Stubbs and .others. Taken as the property of Dlafiingamc Harvey, jun. in drfault for his tz» for thc year 1799 Tax doc ftveu dollars fevenly fwo cents. One LO7 at fens’s Bridge ; taken as the piopc-ty of William Statbam, m default for his tta for the year 1 759. Tax due forty feven centa. 100 acres p ne lat\d, efferfon county, on Reed Creek, joining Joel Darfey ; taken as the properly of Elizabeth Po k, in default for her tax for the year 1799. Tax due twenty cenis. 650 acres 3d quality land, in Rich mond county, on B'g Creek, joining Moore ; taken as the propery of Ebt nezer Folefomc, in default for his ta* for the year 1799. Ta* due, two dol lars twenty fix and half cents. 250 acres 2d quality land, in Burke county, oil thc waters of Big Creek, joining Wiifon, granted to William Crciey; taken as thc property of Daniel M‘Murphy, in default for bis tax for the year 1799. ax ue lwo larß ninety tents. 23* acres 3 ! quality, Jackfon coun ty, on thc waters of A ppaiachc'’, join ing Scott, granted to Barbary Fraiztr; taken as the property of Jofeph Spi'ctr, in default for his tax for tbc year 1799 Tax due forty nine cents. 400 Acres pine land in Jtfferfon county, on Big Creek, joining JoTpb Allen, granted to Robert Allen, in by Jofeph Allen as agent for William Allen J taken in default for tbc taxes for the year 1799- Tax due forty.three and three quarter cents. 200 Acres 2d quality land in Bur ke county, on Rocky Crtek, join rg D x on, granted to Robcrre; taken as the property of J°bn M'Cullers, in dclault for the taxes for the year 1799. fa* due one dcjler fourteen cents. 1200 Acres 3d quality land in Jack- Ton county, on Currey Creek, joining John Gorum, granted to William Gib bons ; taken zb tbc property of John Moreland, in default for the taus for the year 1799* J®* due 6vc dollars feventy-nine cents. 100 Acres p'oe land in Jefferfon county, waters of Big Creek, joining Willis Howard, granted to Waiktr ; taken as tbc properly of Thomas Bailey, in default for tbc taxes for the year 1799. Ts* due forty-nine cenis. One houfe and lot in the town of Louifvlllc ; taken as the property of William Evans, in default for the ta*es for the year 1799* T* x due ooc dollar and ten cents. 5087 .Acres p’oe land in Montgomery enunty, Oconee river, joining Michael Harvey ; furveyed for Robert Flournoy, taken as the property of Robert Flournoy, in default for tbc ta* for the year 1799- Tax due fory-niac dollars fourteen ecu's. Gailand Hafdwicb, T.C.J. C . M* lltby 1800. for sale, At this cheap for ca Jh% a collet!ion of BOOKS) V I Z. Brookea's Gazetteer f "«1i & En R !ilh Diflionary Hiftory of the Heavens Hargraves Law Trad# Sehiefet'i Pradicc of the Law Spirit of Lawi Hiftory of Paraguay Gordon’s 7'acitu» Addifon’s VVo?hs Spencer’,* Works Adventures of Peregrine Pirklc Adventures of Andrew! Gulliver's Travels • JBr Hot on Commerce Arthur M rr vjn ; or Memoirs of the Year i 79 3. Domtliic Memoirs Myftefica of Udolpho Romance of the Furtft Haunted Priory Kcafc's Sketches from Nalori Caroline of Litchfield Offspring of Ruffe! Eden Vale Civil Officer Franklin’s Life The Remembrancer The Decameron, or Ten Days Enter tainment rf Boccace Elements of Fortification Hayes’s Negotiator’s Msgsrine The Other Side of the Qncftion Tale of a Tub ConftitUiions of the U. Statei Hi»e. a cohesion of Thoughts Nihell on the /*uirc New Eogli/h Difpcofatory Complcat Letter Writer Hayes’s Invertii American Accountant Wilfon’s Arithmetic Tutor’s Affiftant Schoo’marter’s Affiftant Complete French Maftcr, for ladies 2nd gentlemen An introduction to Geography, prln cipal'y defigned lor the ufe of fchools Mafon on Self Knowledge Srltft Plays Calvinifm Improved The Religion of Satan, or Aatichrift delineated A new Hicroglyphical Bible, for the ami .meat and iuttiudion of chil dren, bong a feltdion of the null ufelul Itffone, and rood interefting narratives ; (fcripturally arranged) from Genifis to the Revelations, embelliffred with familiar figures and finking emb'ems, elegsnfly engraved A Defence of the OM Tellament, in » Fries of letters adduffed to Thomas J\ioe t author ot a book, entitled, the Age of Reafon, pa»t the fecond, being an invtff'gatioo of True and rf Fabuiore 'I beology—By Dat’d Levi, author of letters to Dr. Pr eft ly, in anfwer to h ; s to the lews, She, Love and jPatriorirro ! or the adventures of M. Duportad, late nujor general in the armies of the United States, interfperfed with many furpn'z : ng incidents in lie li/c cf the late Count Polaufki A Dictionary of Love ; wherein is the defcnptiou of a perfect beauty ; the pidure of a Fop or Macaroni ; and a key to all the arcb phrafes, difficult terms, and peculiar idioms, ufed in that uoiverfai language Greek and Latin School Bocko French and Dutch Booka Merchant Account Books, and Blank Bocks of all kinds MUSIC BOOKS, for the Harpficord, Guitar, Violin, Flute, Clarinet and Hautboy, Together wth a great variety of OLD BOOKS, too tedious to men tion. ALSO, Pencils, camphora'Cd Sealing War, and beft BLACK INK, by the quirt bottle or fmallcr quantity. April 29, 1800. National Magazine* Oft Subjcnben to the National Magazine , are rejpettjully informed that the fir/l % jecond and third numbers aiejuft received , and ready to be delivered at this Office, where jublcriptions for the work , will be received ♦ Drugs, Medicines, i3c. DOCTOR HULL Informs his friends and the public* tbit be has received a large lupply of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Ef« fences, & c: &c. V hich he will fell cheap tor Ciift, He has a quantify of Colors: White Lead Gold and Silver Red Lead Leaf Verdecrife Pumice Store Rofe Pink Copa! Varnifh Camel* Hair Pen* Whiting, Ac.&c. cil* Prnfliin Blue Brafs and Compo- Patent Yellow fition Mortars Kini’s Yellow Tooth loftrumcotl Yellow Ochre I Laocctf. Vermilion I Country ptaflltioners and ftore kcept erg can be lupplied, and they may rely on the Medicines being of the very belt quality, and put up with accuncy and oeatoefa. Avgufla, June 2, 1800. Jefferson Academy. THE Commiffoners announce with pleafuie, that the Jejfer- Jon Academy is now open jor the reception of youth , under the direc lion <f Mr. James Armouk, from who{t char after and abilities as a Leader , the Commijfioners have g real expeftatwns. Theft xvho entrujl to him the education of their chil dren may he affured that his utmcjl endeavors will be vfedjor their in:~ provemrnt. It having been notified feme time ago that the exerci/es oj this, Acade my would begin , and a difappdnl merit having taken place , the Com mijfior.ers deem it their duty to fay , that the delay proceeded from the non-compliance of the gentleman with hi> engagements , who they had then invr/lcd with the reftotjhip of the Academy, and not Jrom ary djeft in the wfiluiton, or any cmijfion cn the part oj the Commijfi* cncrs . Terms of tuition for Reading , Writing and Arithmetic—three dollars per quarter. Mathematics in all its branches —- four dollars per quarter , Latin and Greek Languages —* fix dollars per quarter. By order oj the boards James Bozeman, ClefJt. May 27, 1800. NOTICE. HP HAT nine months after the dale hereof , application will he made to the honorable the Inferior court of the county of Warren , for have to fell a trail of land t contain ing two hundred acres , cn the Ogechee river , adjoining lewis Braddy and Kirtgery : it being the the real efhte of John Curry , de ceafed, for the benefit of the heirs 0) Jaid rjlale. Benjamin Warner, Richard Curry, Admimfrators of Jaid ejtalei lehr vary 20, 1800. SCREW AUGERS Of all kinds, and of the fitft quality, fnperior to any imported ; -particu'arly large ugers, fit tor rafting of lumber, for fale, in Louifvilk, by Job Tounfley. N. B. Order* from any part of the country will be ftridiy attended to. May 7.7, 1800. BLANK. LETTERS Of ADMINISTRATION, For fate at this Odicc.