The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, July 15, 1800, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; AND republican trumpet. VOL. ll.] GEORGIA, LOUISVILLE: Publifhed every Tuefday, by AMBROSE DAY & [,v\US HELV, at 3 dollars pci ann. half yearly Where ElTays, Articles of Intelligence, Advertifenrems. &c. &c. aie thankfully ict eived, and FRIN lIMG in all its variety, is executed with neatnefs and difpatch. NEW-YORK, June 20. Fpom the Centinel, Blue Mountains , 1 6th May , 1800. Millions for Defence—Not a cent for Tribute. FEDER XL TOAST. And a graneftoaft it is, fays I to my Tons. Millions for defence it is richly worth an amhaffa dorial outfit to the Sublime Porte; and the inventor, no doubt, has obtained a patent for it ; of perhaps an equivalent, in a pod in the army, or revenue at lead. Thank Heaven, Tys I, however we rnav differ in the mode, we unite in the great principle of independence, and fcorn to be cither dragooned or cajoled into fubjeX.on by any foreign pow er on earth! Millions for defence! Here Robert, fays I to my deleft Ton, juft take the pencil, and fee how much it makes in the whole—there is for the jlanding amy; hold fir, fays he—be aware of the fedition law ! well then, fays 1, t he provifional army, yes. fays Robert, fnatching my catalogue out of my hands— how much for our corps of offi cers in leading firings , every one fit for a colonel at lead to com mand an army yet in embrio ; for a military fchool —for fortify ing our harbours againft the Brcft fleet and the Hamburgh ; Ms —for our frigates ; our 74V our forefts of live oak, for our five millions at eight per cent, for our—hold Bobby, fays !. you have fet down a lit t c to begin with.—No doubt the preparing of thefe bills have cod ourfederal members MefTrs. Smith, Harper, Dayton and ethers, a gteat deal of time and hbour;—granted fays he—but time and labor muft the farmer (pend, ere they be paid ? What Ggnifics that, fays I, ’tis a lj for de/once and aot a cent for tribute. Rravo! cxdairned I, 1£ is well (pent, were it as much rnare ; and thus, MefTrs, prin ttrs» I went on exulting and psra iRg your laft paper, till I came to the paragraph that an nounces the threat of the Uey of Algiers, againft our commerce lor delaying the annual fhip of *’ ar , we have to pay him it feetnc for liberrv to navigate the f ! ed<terrancan I How is this vs I, running over the article a b a,r * a (hip for the Dev ! what this m£an ? Act a cent for tribute! we do not owe the Dey a billing, then what is this fhip loi ? And where, fays I, riling *rh indignation; where is , ru xton ; but hold fays I, — *‘ ] ' s muft be the ca umny of lotne democratic piintcr, who T U E S D A Y, July i 5, jßoo. LIBERT"! IS OCR MOTTO TRUTH OUR UU!DR. merits the fevered lafh of the (edition law, for allempting to raife a clamour againft our go vernment, at the cxpcncc of truth; Has not our patriotic prefident drank the toaft ? Was he not pledged in a double bumper by honed Timothy ? Has not gen. Hamilton drank the toad, next after his beloved Maria ? Has not gen. Dayton, and every officer of our army and navy, honored their liba tions to the toad ? Has not the majority of congrcfs drank the toaft ? Have not all the fedcra lifts and all lories, tag-rag ai d bob tail, nay all the country drank the toad ? How then is it poffible wc pay an annual— foh! ~ 1 cannot find a word for it—to the Dcy.of Algiers! it cannot be, where, I a<K, is 1 rux tOD ? My dear fir, fays mv Ton. this horded defence, fo finely calcu lated to tickle our national va nity. was ever believed to be nc cclTary by thole that railed the cry about it, ft hat fcdcial g ime was darted to lead us on another Tent; and the toad in quedion, and federal fentitnents, the catch-words of the day, with all their frivolity, when tranflated into plain language, meant no more nor lefs than the loaves and fifhts\ and a fervilc copying of the Bruifh government, as the (horteft; road to obtain them. An army eftablifhment, we all knew, would require a number of officers; and as our patrio tifin never contemplated the idea of ferving our country as privates at 5 dollars a month, there were 15.000 applicants for commiffions to officer an army of i 2 s ooo !! Our navy too, is a feeding place for another clafs of the idle and profligate ; here our great men in office can procure ftations of profit and diftn Xion for their connexions and def cendants ; and make this a dan gerous means of drawing a ftrong andalmofl imperceptible chain of ariftocracy round the yeomanry of our country, from which, it will hi well if they can free themfclvc:., without a new revolution. Had our country's wrongs excited a true (pint of refentment and defence, would the famous Rntifh treaty that hot bed of difgrace, and French aggreffion, ever have had an ex ift net ? There we pay our tribute; not in a paltry annual fhip ; they feize them in con voys, daily feize them almofl in our harbours, in fpite ot treaties, and who hears us murmur ? You afk where is Iruxton? aye where is he? by nr he is cruizing againft the Frencn, who have chafed all aggreXons; and he will (like ont forts)po litely falute the Rritijh fag while American commerce is linking to it—here wc may pay our tri bute, in the pro (bated honor and intcreft of our country, and nobody frorning defence, wc have trufted (o the magnanimity of the monarch whole armies have laid our towns in afties, and whole fleets, in forte of ticaties 1 4 continue to plunder our com merce, and imprefs, nay, mur der our citizens ; —while wc arc peaceably di( banding cur ufclcls army, nor would 1 be (urprized, now the French icfpcX out commerce, to lec an order from the fecrctary to call in our emizers Truxton and all, and to fell the keels of cur 74*8 at auc tion ; fincc our good fedcralifts have refined on the Britifh Max im, the king can do no wrong and applied it to the whole nation. You know (ir, it was not always thus, there was a time when wc felt Hiitifh wrongs—but fome thing, I will not fay what, has blunted our feelings; French invafion is now fcouted as a fa ble. and what new mode of ex pence will be conjured up to fleece the people, is wi ll worth watching. Though Hamper's clues, his tales of fhe tubs, &c. have brought him nothing but execrations, yet the genius of that leech will be induftrious to plan !ome other political hum bug, to draw the country into new cxpence, the handling of which, is the harveft of more fedcralifts than one—hence the filly toaft, millions for defence —fuppofe the people ft ou!d humbly pray fome of their re prefentatives juft to point tothe items that compofc this enor mous expence, and they fliould be gracioufly (hewn that article, among many others equally tifr fut, that ariles from the pay and relations of a ufclcfs army, and a corps of officers without a fol dier to command, or fcrvicc to perform ; I afk you, fir, if the (edition law could ftifle their (welling indignation ? and yet this is a fmall item of our ufclef« expenditures for defence. My Ton, fays I, you alarm me exceedingly wrh the piXuie you draw of our fruition. Theieisno great danger now, fays he, for the people are look ing around them, to fee what has been done with their mo ney, and they are learning how to appreciate the fcmces of the men, who in the lace of decen cy could paT a vote of cenfure on an individual, who at bis own expcncc, has been the chief inftrument of averting a war with one nation, and at the fame tune, can hear the min of out commerce, made double bitter by the unprovoked tnfulrs of another; and all this I fa}', without complaining, there may be feme freret rcalon for this, but a change of fuch mea fares may be reevfTaty indeed, and the pet pie contemplate that change with certainty, in a change of the public fervants frem the prrfident of the Unit ed Slates, down to Koheri G. I'aypcr inclnfjvc. with the ex ceptions of thole who arc well known to he the inends of the people, I a them then attend to their duty at the next eledion and choofe inch leprrfrntativcs as wi I direft our millions to their \ roper ufc, and not fquan dcr them again on an a my of officers without mm, on expen hvc foreign embaflies, and other gewgaws of ro> ally, highly in compatible with republican oeconomy. 1 am really- thundcr.fhuck, Mdl s. printers, at the letluro my lon Kobert lias giver, me. I liHve a g eat may f. ns. firmly attached to the conffitution of our country, < v cry one of them, I am peifu dtd, would, at my i od, ;ake bis mufket. and follow' me to repel any invader, or to fupport our laws and I find the above to be the fenttment of every one of them. I am yours, Old Man oj Ike Mountain , Freni the Baltimore American. It is well woith one’s tine to obfervethe ingenuity with which John Adams makes piovi lions for his relations—frarccly a branch of the family, however diftant, but enjoys a rnoft furnp tuous Tare on the fede*al loaves and bfries.—When I fir ft Taw the mine of Jofhua John lon mentioned as fuperintcncUnt or ftamp-maflcr general at ihc Fe deral Ci?y, it did rot occur to me who this Jofhua was ; or tho magnitude of the office, or the contrivance cf Mr. Adams in making provtOon for h:rn. At this period, when the citizens are making up their minds f:r the important rledbon now ap proaching, it is rrqmfite that they (hould be in pofleflion of fuch f?♦ ors. JoJhua Johnfon is an Ame-i ->ari by birth* —hut about the time of the American revolution went fiver to C»rrat Britain, where he became a Bntifh fub jta .—ichdcd in Europe during the whole of the revolution ; and it was not until a lew . ears pall, that thro’ the influence of [i\o. y 6.