The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, July 15, 1800, Image 2

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his brother, then governor of this flare, he was permitted to return to the United States, by obtain ing a fpecial of aftembly in his favour. While in London, Mr. Adam's eldeft fon, on whom about half a fcore of lucrative appointments havcbcenlavifbed, married the daughter of M». |ohn(on, who, thereby becom ing one of the family compaft, muft be provided for ! National dignity, national good order, and regular government demanded a provifion to be tnade for Mr. [ohnlon. Upon* the circumftances of apparent necejfity , the eftablifh xnent of a general (lamp office appears to have been created purpo r ely for Mr. Johnfon. The motion was firft made in Congrels by Mr. Harper , then thewou/A piece of Mr. Adams. It was an office unknown before —and apparently unneceffary for any other than the purpofe of giving an appointment to the difpnfal of Mr. Ad ms. Whoever contemplates the magnitude of this office; the oppoitunity which it holds out, without detediion, of its occu pier making a large fortu ie in a fhort time, may enjoy whatever in'urance of ferurity ihat can be d rived from the reflection, that it is conduced by the father in law of Mr Ad im’i eldeft fon ! Since the cxiflencc of the ftamp aft, the citizens have foil no inconvenience from the want of a geneial ftamp office; the fupervirors have always fupplied the full d tnand of the public. W here then was the ncccffity of a general ftamp office, or of a ftamp-mafler general ; thole who read the fadl above ftated will readily find the anfwtr. l>ut if furh an offc** was abfo lutcly and indifpenbbly necelfa ry, could not a fitter perion be found in the United States to occupy it, than one who was a foreigner during the revolution, who canied on bufmeis in the country of our enemies, and thereby affifted them in luppoir ing ihe waragainft our liberties •—undoubtedly, (ays the readc ; a more (unable character might have bem fftefted— Du-, lays Mr, Adams, *‘ Chanty brgim at k^me." LOUISVILLE, TUESDAY, •July 15, 1 geo. •" A correspondent obferves that f r °m an early period of our re volution, the name of Pickering has been ocraiiona ly thruft foi ward by fomc fmgulanty, which commands no more than a temporary notice, by Come aft that was no way commanding cf admiration, but which by iomc new circumftances obtain ed a kind of body, that is more remarkable than agreeable He n ifties therefore to know if it be the fame man who on lo many occafions has been thus in the way of notice. It appears that on the 18th of A pul, 1775. a regiment, and the only organized regiment which was at the me morable battle of Texington, was commanded by a colcad Pickering, In the courfe of that day, the men cf that regiment were impatient for battle, and he was direfted to m ke a movement by which he could have cut off the retreat of earl Picrcy. Colonel Pickering evaded the movement, and fuf fered the flying Britilh to return to Bofton. By this a6t an op portunity was loft which might have given a fignal and more fpeedy iffuc to the war. Pray is this the fame Mr, Pickering whom Mr. Liflon fa miliarly betitledwith the double defignation of colonel Pickering fccretary ot ftate. In an infurreftion of fomc Conncfticui fettlcrs on the rear of this commonwealth, a few y ar* ago, the inlurg-nts were commanded by a perion of the name of Oliver Wolcott, and this officer took prifoner a colo nel Pickc ing, then command ing a legally embodied force, and he tied colonel Pickering unto the ftump of a tree; from whence comes he New-England phrafe of Mr. of ftump the democrats We fay he Oliver tied him Timothy to a flump, and left him there all night. Are thefe two gentlemen the late counfcllors of our firft ma gillrate ? In the early period of the French revolution, when Du mourier had not (allied the glo ties of Genlappc, and when Jourdan humbicd the Briulh and Auftrians near L harleroy, a man of the name of Pickering, who was fome tune poft-nufter, and thereby had earlier than or dinary information, was accul tomed to run about our (fleets, and from llore to (lore, bellow ing forth exultations on the gioiious lucceflcs of thejacobin armies Pray is this the fame Mr. Pickering who behaved lb well at Lexington, and who war flumped by Oliver Wolcott, and whom the prefident flump ed again recently. Mr. Timothy Pickering who was iome time (Vcretary of ftate, famous for talking about oaths and public virtue and about national charafter, and the law of nations, and for praifing the Britifh, and tor concealing the number of our imprefted fellow citizens, and for countenancing a (peculation to St. Domu-go, and for numerous other things. Pray is ibis the fame colonel Pi kenng whom the B itifh mi nifter delighted to honor, and with whom Uhifholm the Bii tilh agent with the Indians cor relponded under the name of “ Timothy Pickering, Efq fc cretary of war in America." • Fromthe Republican Watch-Tower, On reviewing the changes which have within the laft fix months taken place in the afpeft of public uffaiis, it appears won derful that the enemies of our countiy had not in fome degree foreleen that the day was ap proaching in which they could no longer infult us with impuni ty, Providence feems to have entirely given them up to their own wicked hearts and forward di (no ft‘.ions, and to have blind cd them to the confequenccs un til it was too late to evade them. The* puniQiment has theiefoic fallen with ten-fold vengeance, becaufe it was as unexpected as it was fevere. Virulence and abaft, falfe hood and rnifreprefentation, de ception and perfidy, all united in the laft breath of toryifrn, will ftand as a monument of difgracc over its afhes. One at tempt ha* been m »de by one of the foul fpirits of the call, to raife thole drooping (pi 1 its and fet thrrn into aClion In this attempt the author has had the face to allert, that there could be no doubt of the re-cletlion of Mr. Adams or Pinckney. Republicans be not afraid, you may ealily perceive that this is the Lft gafp of expiring arifto cracy—that it is as impotent as it is inTulting—that he who joins this party now, from inter ell, is a fool ; and that he who unites with them from principle, has a heait as debated as his principles arc bale. The time fervers are weil aware of this, and arc now preparing away to flip out of their clutches and enter into a more fate and lucra tive employment. We will permit them to aflifi u>, but ne ver to (hare in offices which they have already too long difgraced And although we pity the weak nels of men who put confidence in their balencfs, we cannot but tnjoy the juft punifhment thole have received, who have encuu raged treachery,- and lavished the honors of this fUte upon the meaneft and moll contemptible of mankind. TO BE SOLD. CHEAP FOR CASH, A VALUABLE Tenement in the town of Louifville, containing one half, of 1 ots No. 162, 189, and igo, with three fronts to wit:—Market ftreet, Seventh-ftreet, and an Aliy, on which there is an ex cellent Dwelling-Houfe, fifty feet long, and thirty feet wide, with five rooms on the firll floor, befides a (lore room very conveniently (helved; a good kitchen wdth two rooms and two fire places ; a very good liable, forty-eight feet long and fixteen feet wide, and a corn and fodder houfc - they are all new and well incloftd—-here is alfo an excellent garden con taining one-fourth of an acre.— Indifputable titles will be given to the purchder. For terms apply at this Office. July 15, 1800. NOTICE. HpHAT nine months after the date hereof , application will he made to the honorable the Inferior court of the county of Warren, for leave to fell a traft of land , contain ing two hundred acres, on the Ugechee river , adjoining Lewis Bradny and Kingery : it being the the real eflute of John Curry, de cea/ed, for the benefit oj the heirs of Jaid eflate, Benjamin Warner, Richard Curry, Admim/lrators of f aid ejlale, February zo % 1800. A CAUTION. AT L perfons are hereby forwarned fiom purchal'- ing a bond given by me to Nathan Powell, dated the fi r ft day of January 1799 for the fum of two thoufand dollars as the conditions of (aid bond has been fully complied with, I wil! not pay the penalty of the lame. ZACHARIAH GRAY. July 15, 1800, COLLECTOR'S SALE. WILL BE SOLD. At ike Court Houje in Wa/hington County , on the, Second JUES DAY in Auguft next, at the ufml hours , the following Trails cj Land , viz. One hundred acres of Fine Lind la faid county on he waters of Key Creek, returned by Holland ; tax due, 62J cents. One hundred and ninety nine and an half acres of p : oe llhd, in Lid coua-s t , on the Ohoopie waters, adj lining; Towler, returned by Robert Hadoo ; tax due 68 cents. Fifty acres in faid county, on the waters of OgeCbce, adjo mny lends of James WV:k«r, returned by Brink ley | tax due, 42 cents Cornelius Murphy, T. C. Wajhingtcn County for the year '99* Ja ne 7, 1800. ' By Thom 5 Davi:, c.crk GEORGIA, f of the co1:r; of drdina (l. s ) \ ry for he county of Thomas Davis. C Montgomety, in the ' ft ite afore laid. WHEREAS John Alien, of Boric* conn y, hath depth cd in my Hi e a paper writing, pur or ing 'o Pc the 1. ft will and teftament of €atier Eric«, late «.f Montg mery county, planter, decfalcd. Tlicfc are the efore to cue ai.A adinon'fh ail and fingular the kindred and creditor* of the fail) deceased, to fi'e heir c bjration* if any they have, ugainft the cftablilhmcnt of the faid will in nr' >Hice, on < r before the aßih d«y of Ja !y nrw, otherwife ■letters tcftamen’ary will be graned he '♦executors, named in the will in the ulual f rm Given under my hand and leal, in the co nty of Montgomery, the 21 ft clay of J me, 1800, and in the 24 h ysor of American ludcpeiKlence. } Bv Thomas Davis, clerk GEORGIA, t of the court o! r.rlina (t. J.) / rv for he county of Thon at Davis. \ Montgomery, in tb* tla'c alurefaid. WHEREAS Jnne Pnph hath depoffted in my office, a paper writing, 1u » u * mg o be the aft will and reilamrnt of Francis Pugh, late of the county of Monr gomcr , deceafed. Thcfe are therefore to c te und admonifh a I a' d lingular the kindred and creditors of the faid atecaled, ,t file their objections (if any they have) the ellablifhmeut of the faid will, in my oftec, on or before the 28 h day of July next, < therwife letters te ft amen tar y will be granted to the executors named lu the will m the ul'ual lorm. Given under my hand and fc*l, in the county of Montgoir.e y, the 21ft day of June in the year 180 s, and in the •24th year of American independence. \ By Thomas Davis, cleric GEORGIA, / of the court of ordina (l, s.) Vry for flic county of Thomas Davis, 1 Montgomery, ia the ftatc a'crc'aid. WHEREAS the following perfons ha h made application to me for lett n of adminiftralion on the eftates mJ eflefti ni the fevcral perfons hereinafter named, late of the county of Montgomery, der eafed, to wit : E iaa.rc h G.hnore and Jhn Gilmore applied for letters of adniiniftntiun on the c(fate a..0 c.ietfls ol Samuel Gilmore, de ceifed. Sufanah Bulb. do. do. on ;he eftate of William Bulb, dcceufcd. Jonathan Wat for, do. do. on the cftalt of Henry Wood, dree^fed. ja ne* Fo.d, do. do. on the eftate of John Ford, fen. deccaled. Cotton Rawls, do. d«. on the edate of VI irtha Gooden, deceased. Thcfe are therefore to cife and admonifh aU and li gular the kindred and creditors of each and every of the faid dectafed pc foni, to file their objections (if any they or either of th:m have) agaii ft the graat ing of faid letter*, in my c ffic", cn or hclore the 28th day of July next, other* wile the court will proceed as by law di> reeled. Given under my hind and fra', ?n the county ot M ntgomerv, the 2tftday si June, in the year 18:0 and 111 the “4’j year ol American independence*