The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, July 15, 1800, Image 4

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ON THE DEATH °p / GENERAL SUWARROW. JOY to the ziorld—let fame’s loud trump be blown, From death’s flrong bow th’ un erring arrow flies , Wild murder fhneks —the fiends of battle moan For lo ! the bloody chief , Suwar rovv dies, Ida! as his fpirit feks its dork abode % How frighted fpeftrts from his prefence feel Tyrants , who dipt their feet in hu man blood t Start at the man , fupreme in cruelty, Nero, aghafl averts his horrid eyes ! And pale Caligula afiomjhed flan 'j, While burfis of hlafling execrations rife . From mangled legions,/laughter ed by his hands, Thy reign was long , [courge of a bleeding land — Too long thy fabre did forget its Jheath ; But io ! th’ avenger lifts his awful hand , And thou art [wept into the gulph of death. Dreadful Suwarrow / fare no for mer funs , E’er faw a murderer half [o Jell as thee ; Plunderer of Provinces , thou fed'f on groans — Jhv [pint laugh’d at mans ca lamity. Oh 1 may no day that henceforth gilds the earth , See thy tefemblance its bright circuit fain. Nor Jcenes , may War from all her fores bring forth t Likethofe on Ifmacl and War law’s plain . But Jhould fome future wretch thy crimes afume, t And wafle the peopl'd world , Oh then may fame , Snatch his black memory from oh hvwris gloom , And brand the monfitr with Suw mow’s name. Trejh Drugs , Medicines , (3c , DOCTOR HULL Informs his friends and the public, tbit be has received a large lupply of Drugs, Patent Medtdncs, Ef (cnces, &c, &c. Which be will fell cheap for Ci/h, He has a quantity oj Colors: White Lead G Id and Silver Red Lead Leaf Verdcgrife Pumice Stone Rofe Pink Copa 1 VarnifK Umbre Caouls Hair Peo- Whinng, Ac. &c, cils Prufllan Blue B als and Compo* Pa mt YcPow J fition Mortars Kin, i Yellow Tooth Inftrutneni* Yellow Ochre Laoeeli. Vermilion •> Country praflilioners and ftore keep ers can be fupplud, and they may rely on the Medicines being of the very bed quality, and put up with accu acy and ncatnefa. Augufla , June i, 1800. A ffW COpiCf of Ccneial Wafhington’s WILL* May he had at this Office , P-mcc 2 $ cema. Ainii 2Q, Twenty Dollars Reward, j**--*™-, TJ AN-AWAY | from the lub «, ® (cnoer, on Suncay 1 evening the Bsb inft. TWO NEGRO L, MEN, abr ut twenty ll five years of age : one is a very b’tck fellow, wi'h one too k out before, named J CK i the other is a yellow fe low, marked on the br«aft n French, fqu nt eyed, named Jofepn. Whoever will take up la d negroes, and deliver them to me, lhail receitc the above reward. William Nel/cn- Mcntg mfry Coui ly, Juuc 10, lB®o- JelFerfon Superior Court, April Term, 1799. Prcfcnt the hon. Geo. Walton. UPON die petition of Naihani*! N‘Mic kin, Richaid Curry, nnd Benjamin Warner, praying the foreclofure ol th equity of rcdempiion, in and t a curtail frai't of landjCnntainirg four hundred arret fitnate, lying and being in the laid count> of Jcfferion, one hundred ac?es of whirl *a» gr rnied to F ederick Duglafs, and tht O her k'fe hundred acres to ffaac Auger, •r.rfg >ge I o 'be faid N uhaniel M Mickm Rth ird Turrey, and Benjamin Warn*', by Kaac yfugui, for the fecu ir g the pay ment of a firm of money conlaired ?n h 'nd bearing date the 10th day of July, one rhoufand feven hundred tnd ninety «i hr. A d unon motion of Mr. Carres, attor ney for the petitioner* : it i* ordrred, thru •he principal, inhered and coftt be paidint court, within twelve month* from hr dai* hereof, othcrw'fc :he equity of redei p ion will lie for ever forcclffid, and pth f pro ceeding* take place, agreeable t< an ao afTcmbiy, in fuch cafe* made and provided ; and ihat ihis rule be publifhed in ore of the gazette* rf this ftatc, at lead once in every mouth, until the expiration of the laid twelve momhs, or ferved upon the mortgage, or h i factual agent, at lead fix month* prrvio i to the expiration of ih< faid twelve months. Certified this 4th day of O&ober *qq Wm. M‘Dowell clerk . THE SUBSCRIBER Begs leave lo in'orm bis Friend* in particular, tnd the public in general, that he has returned bom Charlefton/ w th a large and general Aflortment of Groceries, Which he it determined fo fell cheap for cafh or produce, at b 8 old ftard, corner of Market fquare, near the Coffee Houle, Louifville, Daniel Lemle, July 1, i8o«. N O T I C E. rHAT nine months from ijir d*ie hereof, application will be made to the Honourable the Inferior Court of Jefterfon County, for perm ffi n to fell a (raft of one hundred acres of land, lying on Big Creek, io jcfferion coun'y joining Cunning and Wbigbaoi’s. part of the real eftate of Bcat’y, dec. for the benefit of ifco bein of laid Beatty. William Beatty, B. Whitaker, Executors, June 5, I 100. NOTICE. To Garland Hardwich t tfq . tax colUHor of Jefferfon county , and all others whom it may concern, THE Suhfcribrr hereby forb ds Te tax lolbflor county, and all other perfona liom felling and d fpofi 'g of a ttaft of land, advertifed in the Z,ouifville Gazette* and defenbed as follows: » 1200 acres jd quality land, in Jack ion county, on Curry C-eek, | -ioing John Gorum, graottd ;o Will am Gib bons ; taken as (he property of A/orelaod, n default for (he taxes for the year 1 ypg. The Subfcriber has not conveyed the fsid Trad to the faid foreland, nor ary offer pcrlon, and ha* regularly paid the tax for (be f id land annually as the fame became due, tor which pavtntot he holdt the receip - of the rcfprdive crllcdots of the c< uuty, in which he refidea agree* ably to taw William Gibbon?, jun: Savannah, 4 18©©. BLANK LETTERS Of ADMIHISI RATION, 1 For laic at tbi&O&cc. Tepfeksom Academy; r TT , HE Commiffiioners announce X with plea/ure, that the Jefficr- Jon Academy is now open for the reception of youth , under the direc lion of Mr, James Armour, from whofe character and abilities as a teacher , the Commijfioners have great expectations, Thojewhoentrufi to him the education of their chil dren may he ojfired that his utmofl endeavors will be ufedJor their im l>rovemcnt. It having been notified feme time ago that the exercifes of this Acade my would hr gin, and a di[appoint ment having taken place , the Com mijfwneis deem it tlyir duty to fay t at the d'lay proceeded from the non-compliance of the gentleman with his engagements i who they had then invefled with the redo»Jhip of the Academy , and not from any d feß in the infiitution , or any omiffiton on the part of the Commtffi - oners. Turns of tuition for Reading. Writing and Arithmetic—three dollars per quarter. Ma f hematics in all its branches— four dollars per quarter . Latin and Greek Languages— fix dollars per quarter. By order of the board , James Bozeman, Clerk. May 27, 3 800. ~ ------ - A LIST of LETTERS, Remaining in the Poft Office, at Lru iUille, on the iff day of July, 1800, which if not taken out before the firft day cf September next, wfll be fent to the General Pott Office, a» dead letter*, PETER J. Carnes , 3. Row land Stone, 2. fames Hunt, col , John Cobbs, Mrs. Mary Fox, Major Odam, John Philips, DoClor iohn Pugfley, capt. Ijaac Hand , Daniel 7 wig, John Eubank John Marfhall, Sampfcn Carver. Han is Nicholjon , Mrs. Ann Brown , Hugh M Netty, David Wood, Brun/on, E ijah Padgett, honora ble A Baldwin, Eathan Barr, John Britt , Darling Peebles, Da niel Eubank, James Hudjon, Solo mon Moffit, Mifs Arm Bourquin , Mathew Knight, Willi ams t Gardner, Henry G, Caldwell, Levy Lowry , Edmund Reviile, Mark Holton Elias Hedge, John Alien , honorable Dav d B. Mitchell, General Jared Irvin % 2. John Lawrence. James Bozeman, P . M. WILL BE SQLD, To the highefl bidder, Jor ready money. On the SECOND MONDAY in Augujl next, at the plantation late the property of Mr. William Stevens, dectafcd, in Jefferfcn county, at ten o'clock in the Jure * noon, All the PERSONAL PRCPER -IY, hcl cgmg to the faid deceafed ; confiding of Negroes, Horfea, and Stork of ail kind*, Houfehold Furni tnre, together with Plantation Tools, Ac «Sc. All prions who may Lave any De mand!, are rtqoeftrd to bring them fo ward for feitlemcnt ; and tfofc in debted arc called on for immediate pay ment , to Mary Bryan, admx . Nathan Powcii, admr, July 8. ~|US r R ECEIVE S, " And may be had at this Office , A few cop e* of TUt Profped Before Us, Fo R SAL E, At Ms Printing-Office, d'cpfy ‘*» coLeCu nzf B O O K S, I 7 / z. Brooked* Gazetteer Nugent's French k Eng ifc D AV's>* Hiftory of the Heavent Hargrave? Law S«hief(t , « Predict of vLc I»wr spirit of La (A b H ftoiy of Pa; a usy G rdon’s Addifou’s Wok 9 Spencer’s Worko AcvcMurea of Peregrine P,VXfe Adventures of • Gulliver’s Travc.s Brffot on Commerce Arhur Mervyoj or Memoir* of lb Year 1793. DoncjelPc Memo'rs Myfteries of Udolpho Romance cf the Forcft Haßß'cd Priory Kcate’s Sketches from Nature Caroline of L tchfieid Offspring of Kuffcl E cn Vale Civil Officer Fianklin’s Life I bc Remembrancer The Decameion, or Ten Days lainmcnt t f Boccace El meets cf Fornficction Hayes’s Negccistor's Magazine The Other i - ' tie of the Queftion T Ic of a Tub ConftitutioDß of the U. Slates Hive, a colkftion of TfcougLli N bell 00 the /Vfe New Englifh Difpmfatory Coir pit at Letter Writer Hayes’s Intcrcft Acn rican ccountant Wiifoo’s y/rithm-tic Tutor s Affiltanl Schoo'maftcr’s Complete French Matter, for la'uiatii gentlemen , An introdudion to Geography, prin cipal iy defigoed tor the uie of fchoola Mafon ou Self Knowledge I Sclcft Plays Calvin.l'm Improved The Rel gion of Satan, or delineated A new Hieroglyphics! Bible, for ibe amufement and loftiudicn of chlH dren, being a fcledi'on cf t he meft ofcful leffons, and moft interefliog oanaiives ; (fenpturady arranged) from Gencfis to the Revelations* ernbrllifhcd with familiar figu'es and fti.king emblems, eiegsafly engraved A Defence of the Old Tefiamcot, in 8 ferics of letters, addrtffed to 1 hcnoaJ Paine, author or a book, entitled, the r ge of R( afon, part the fecond* being bq invtfl.gaiioD of T ruc tiff cf Fabuloos 1 heology—By D»™f Levi, author of letters to Dr. Adb ly, in anfwc rtoh 1 • to the ews, & c< Love and Pat riot Ifm ! or the idveatuftl of M. Duponail, late major general in the armies of the United S'*'«• interfperfed with met y fti'P’ 12 a t|B incidents in the life cf the late Out® /’ulsufki a , I A Didtionaiyof Lcvf; * herein is dcfcription of a pcrfefl bc«u'y ; V pidure of a Fop or Macaroni ; a key to ail the srch parmieo, terras, and peculiar id'.oms, ofeii that umveifai language H Greek and Latin School Bocks ■ French and Dutch Books Mcr bant Account Books, and I Books of all kinds H MUSIC BOOKS, for the Guitar, Violin, Flute, Cancel Hautboy* Together wth a g rea * v " r OLD BOOKS, too tedious lion. ALIO, Pencils, camphora-ed ?c3oog v aodbeft BLACK INK, by ibt bottle or fmaller quantity- BB April 29.1800. Tobacco M anufafloi v* WILLI AA/ FEE, r ip«> ]■ infoims the puboc. hi jH commenced the above bufin*f^ Street, Augufta. oppoQ e In* J ‘ W Edward#, where he iolendi ' > good manufadf ur- d tobacco for C the ieg or pound, which he law for cafh or feed COUOO. June }.