The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, August 19, 1800, Image 4

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From the Farmer's Inflruftor. An Alphabet, in which Children of every description fhnuld be daily inflrufted ; being pari of a new Political Cnfs-Crofs, A wai an Adannitc in title* no nnvire, B wai indebted to A for an office. C wai a Cohhett, the devil'* aonornted, D was a Dcrer, by Johnny appointed. £ wai for England, a Icing wi§ hi* theme. £ w?* a T'ed’ral and nearly the f*mc, Q wa B a GnfwolJ who a Lyon com hared, H w?* a llarollton, for knavery ha'cd. 3 wj ■ £fe«t mao .to republic* no friend, K ««• a King, joined T hand In L Ml I Liftoo co partner with Swcejcy M wai a Marlhall, in p ditlcs crazy. N wai a Navy, the cure of the nation. O wai wai an Otit, the friend of tax* f* tion. P viai »• partial, a* the plrui fudge Chafe. was f* n Qj ncy, and got a good pi e*r, R wbb a Rofi e, and Inft the elc&ion, S wai (edition, the fcd'ral proteAion. 1' wai flv Timmy and held a c tnmifTioo u 'till Jyi nry dilplacrd him without hio perti'rflioti V wia a Vulture and liv'd by the arnjy. W was for war till the people grew II rmy, X T Z rliofc great men of Trance, with the reft in the fcd’ral di'Dce. GEORGIA. By his Excellency JAMES JACK SON, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State , and of the Militia thereof . A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, In and by my Proclamation bear ing date the fourteenth day of June laft, I did in purfuancc of an aft of this date entitled “ An aft to oblige vefficls and perfons coming from phccs infefted with epidemic diftempers to perform quarantine, and to pre vent the bringing into and fpreadmg m lignant and conta gious dilordcts in this flate,” palled December the thirteenth, one thouland feven hundred and ninety-three, and bv autho iify of the lame, interdift and prohibit all and every perfon and perlon.% except as the ein excepted, h >nj coming without the boundaries of Chatham and Bryan counties, into or within the limits of any other county within this Rate, the Small Pox having been introduced into the city of Savannah, and inocula tion admitted in contravention of the laid aft, and which epide mic difordcr foon after Ipread throughout the faid counties of Chatham and Bryan—and the further communication whereof in the interior counties of the R ite would have been attended in all probability with great mortality if not famine. And Whereas I am now informed from report made to tnc bv a confidential o‘hcer ap pointed for that purpolc. (the Corporation of Savannah not havng given that fatisfa6lory and regular information to the Executive required of them bv fhe Lid ptoclama» ion) as wed as from the opinions of fome of the moll eelebta cd phylicians of the f.»id city of Savannah, communicated through the faid officer, th it lit! e danger is to be apprehended of the infection's being communicated by perfoos leaving Savannah, in cafe of a removal of the interdiftton; and from the report alfo of the faid confidential officer, as well as from the information of the honorable [ohn Pray* one of the juftices of the Inferior Court of ihe county of Bryan, given in obedience to the faid proclama tion— I am alfo informed, that little or no danger of the faid difordcr’s fpreading is to be ap prehended from a free inter courfe between the citizens of the counties of Chatham and Bry an, and thofe of the other coun ties of the (late, 1 have therefore thought fit to iffue this my Proclamation, hereby declaring that my former Proclamation laying a prohibi tion and interdiftion of intcr courfe, between the counties of Chatham and Bryan and the other counties of this flaie, (hall not continue or be deemed of force from and after the twenty fifth inliant; hut that the inter courfe (hall, aftei that period, be as free and lawful for all perfons whatfoever, both in going to and returning from thofe coun ties of Chatham and Bryan, and to and from any part or parts thereof, as it was prior to the laid Proclamation’s being iflued -—any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithfland ing. And 1 do hereby recommend to every delcnption of citizens within their refpeftive neighbour hoods toule and exercife all pro per means to prevent the fuither Ipreading or communicating the aforementioned epidemic dilor cicr, the Small Pox. Given under my hand, and the great /eal of this Slate, at the State Houje in I.ouifville, this thirteenth day of, in the year of our lord eighteen hundred and in the twenty fifth year of American In dependence jAS. JACKSON. By the Governor. Horatio Secretary , God jave the State . TO BE SOED, CHEAP FOR CASH, A VALUABLE Tenement 'tn the town of Louifville, containing one half of I ots No. if>2, 189, and 190, with three fronts to wit:—Market flrect, Sevcnth-ftreet, and an Ally, on which there is an ex cellent Dwelling-Houfe, fifty feet long, and thirty feet wide, with five rooms on the firff floor, befides a Bore room very conveniently (helved ; a good kitchen with two rooms and two fire places ; a very good fiable, forty-eight feet long .and fixtecn feet wide, and a corn and fodner houfe they arc all new and wellmclcltd—there is alio an excellent garden con , laming one-fourth of an acre.— 1 fid fputable titles will he given Co the purchafer. For terms apply to CHESLRY BOSTICK,juo. July 15, 1800. BLANK LETTERS Of ADMINISTRATION , For fale at this Office. PROPOSALS FOr tarrying the nails of the States , an the following pnfl roads, v>ill he received at the General Poff Office in Wafhivg - Mon Oity % \mbl the fifteenth das of Augvfl next , ivrlufive. As feverat per fans have been in the haht of attending pe*ffonalh at this Office for the pv r pofe of handing in propofals it is pro• per to mention f hnf ffjch alien .danceis'no wav vfeful , as the hu ff nefs eon he conveniently per formed hv letter . IN GEORGIA. fit. From Anpnfta bv Lincoln c. h to Pe nnce a wer-k Leave Aupufta every TVfd«y at if A M. and arr've at Wafhington on WrflncL'py ft t fo A M. I. fare Wafhington every Afonday at 5 * M. and serve at 4 ugufta on 1 irfday ar 8 /I M. 62, From Fn.nkNn c. h. to Jackfoo c h. oner In two weeks. /.-are Fra'klin c h. ererv other 71/onday at 6 1 M and arrire at Jaekfon c h by 6 P. M . /.cave jaekfon c h, every other Tncfday at 6 A M and arrive at Franklin by 6 PM 63 From /.ouifvillc by Oglethorpe c b. Gc or/c-Tnwn, Warrentoo and Sparta ro f rt Wi klof< o, and from F-rr W k'nfon l»y Sandcrfville to Lou fvillc once a wef k Lea re Loulfvlllc every Tburfday at (a m and arrire at fort Wilkinfon on Friday by 4 p m Lrave for; W Ikinfoo every Saturday at ( a m. and arrive at Louifville or. Mji.dij by 6 p m NOTES . Note 1 7*hr poftroafter-gcneral may alter the times of arrival and departure at any time during the continuance of the comrafta, he ppvionfly ftipuiatlng an ndc quate compeofa'ion fro any rttra expcoce that may be occtdooed there by. Note t. Fifteen mit ute* (hall be al lowed for opening rod dofing the mail at a1 * offices where co particular tme is fpecifird. Note 3 For every fifteen mi nutes d lay (uravoidtblc aeodects excrpipci] in anivirg after thr times preferibed in any contract#, the ton trattor (hall forfeit one dollar; and if the dc ay continue until the departure of ny mail whereby .he mails d'ttn ed *or fnch d epending mail lofe * trip, an addi tional forfeiture ot five dollars (hail e incurred. Note 4 Newfpapers as well as let. tcre are to he font in the roars and if any prifon making piopefais. d fires »o carry oewfpapers other than tl tie tv n veyed m the road, for hi* own e«: olu men;, he mutt (fate in his propofols fro what funa be will carry it with that cm Inment, and for what fura without that rmoluneor, N. tc 5 Should any perfon, making propofale, define an alteration ot the times rf arrival and departure above fpecified, he mud date io bis propofals, the alteration dcCrtd,Bnd the diff-icuce they will n ake in the terms of his con lr»6t- Note 6. Prrfoni making propofals are defireh to Hate their prices by the year—Tl-ofe who cootraft will receive their pay quarterly, in the month of janua y, pnl, Ju y rod Ofto er. Note y The founds for the pre* fen- mute are to be in operation on rhe 61ft day ro (Jifobcr orat. JOSEPH HABER sHAM, PoJlmcflef-GeneraL General Pnff Office, Wt/htngUm (ity. Fight Dollars Reward. RAN nw"y from « he fubfen ror on the 1 nh inft. e Negro rran named H AR K¥, aboui fie feet fro h clroi high, iwcniyfii vear: of pge, has both h’S ears f-roin t ff, ai d is a very good fhrermKci ; hv carried a fet of fh emaker’i to Is r.nd a >:iir <<f ( not finifh-d. Any per fon ap 1 reher.dlng faid Negro, and 10. ging him in an* jail in this county, fo that I may find him, lhall receive the above re ward. lames M Biidc, July 22, 1800. A BARGAIN. Two hundred acre? of la, rl Ihrec m:U* 10 ve Coktcl Crav .-mniaticu, on .he W->ftiirgtf>n rt W ke» county ; whertrn u a ~,r i, ,* Dwi l.irg Houle, and out Houfts, *.* •ocrci o! cleared land, uadf. ag. od f CI f ■ he foil ii equa' to any in that c b*i; y *V be cultivation of Toh.cco ai d he ■ Jndifputacle titles with imnoenatr ~ eT Con will be given to tfce purthafrr. ' ALSO, two hundred acres HdjMt r„ ,p former, to be rented cheap for ihr terrp of *V 14 Fo tCf,n '» £ Pr*y to the fubfeuher in Lruifvil e. John Houftlcy, July 29, tBoo. Wafhingfon Superior Court, April Tcrm t 1800. A BILL L't ng fi cd on .hr equity of his Court t>> C«• t nelius Mu - f h» praviig the .-liablilhmeßl of certain pf paper-, to wit A let ement am receipt thereon frr tb* f rn o* thirty '.c nnds current n i t y c( thj Mate of North Carolina, in fu I 0 1 all accounts relative to the o -pam erfhipbe. twe-n Cornelius Muri hey, and 7au;t» Fletcher, dated the ish da) of Ai.guft 1789, in the State of Montgomery c uniy, fublcnbcd by fatd y imev Flclrher. No. 2. A receipt in favour ofCarre im Mu hey for the amount o« fifteen p umi curr ur money cf N r h-Caroliba, ir Ml of ali accounts, b- rds, &c deled 4th t uary 1 50 ; fubfcrlbe.* Samuel Icily, No. 3.AAcknowledg ment c; receivi-g findiv note>, boi ds, Arc lot which pa. ,cn y hn Shankle ol i o ed himfelf tc«c. coun> he liri-i.e bear rg d >tc f’.a f e of '-•eorgia, W ifljirgtnn counv, 130 oay of October 1790 a d fubferibed J> hr. Sha, kle. No. 4, A receipt in favour ol Cc. nc iut Murphcy, for eight pounds money of N' nh Caroiira, tagethcr with fe ttsl pro\cr> accoun sthereindeflgnater, amount ing in the who'e to ot.e hundred ano hhy. two pourdi fifteen (hi,ling*, like money, laid receipt bearing oa e 18 h Scpttmbir, 1789, and fubferibed William Wooley, tutor. No. 5. An undertaking prnmife or ae kmiwlrdgenicnt by the Eaccutorj of Mark Allen, deccafcd, unto Comfits Murphc', t«. erne ai a credit enbisbmd in their polfeilion, of iix and nre- I y lije p« urds, cur.ent mo- ty of Nrh Carolina, ior ler.vices rendered by Ct,me lius to laid Mark /lien in his life time, ai d to hu E*ecu on alter his difeafe, for the eilatc, to amount o' one hurdicdarf ninety pounds r ghrtcn fhiliirgs, lawful money of north G. ro ina, brorirg date the 27th cay ol June 1789, and (üb* fenbed Charles J nei, William Vt’oolty, Lx cut o. s of Mark A Men, dcce.ifed. No, 6. A pr miTory note in favour of Come iu-. Mu pl.e>, i ayablc to him rr bis alii for the fum of fourseen pounds uwful money of North Ca. i na, bearing date n 1 day of October, 1789, ano iub idiibed y feph B wen. Wlur. u on, it i> ordered that the defen darts i. the faid bil do /hew- c?u(r on or before ,hc fir ft da> ol nr«t term otherwife Kat the bill be taken rs corftfled, and .be papers (herein ftaied to be loft,clfablifhed. And 5 1 i: further ordered, ih • h.sordsrb* uhl’/hed mor'hly (or ft* mor th» in • Cl *f he uhlic Gazeller > f this f’att. Extrafl Jrcm tit fitter us , tti July 18dO. Thomas B. Ruiberfoid t clcri, Twenty Dollars Reward. away from the fub trnber, on the tiighr of the 17th inft. on the mad leading to W ifhington from Louifvillc, a bright bay horfe, had on a bridle, iaddle, pair of holftcrsA fandle-bags, containing fun dry valuable papers; the horfe, hd* die, bridle & holders, was found the next morning near captain Neal's, Warren county. Any perlon who will deliver the Sad dle-bags and papers to h dwin Mounger, Efq. in - nuifville, or captain Neal in Warren couo* y, fhall receive the above re ward. B. HARRIS. July 19, 1800, A CAUTION. \ LL perfons are forwarnei /a from purchaGng a g’ven by me to Jofeph Marlbail. dated the gorh day of Janna 1800, for the fum of 402 do la As 1 have received no value-*' faid note, I will not pay 1 amount of the fame. JOHN LOW£* Juh 22,