The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, August 26, 1800, Image 1

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VOL. ll.] GEORGIA, LOUISVILLE:—PubIifhed every Tuelday, by AMBROSE DAY & |AM b S IIELV, at 3 dollars pci ana. payable half yearly :—v\ heie ll.iys, Articles of Intelligence, Advcitdements, &c. &c. ate thankfully received, . and PRINTING in all its variety, is executed with ncatnefs and difpatch. proceedings CJ the Senate of the United States , IN PHI LAM LPH I A. On the fubjebl of the hill preferring the mode of deciding di(fitted elrblions of the Prefident and Vice Prefident of the United States It has already been mentioned in the papers, that Mr. Rofs, fenator from Pennfylvaria, did in the latter end of January move for a committee to be ap pointed on this fubjeft; that notwithftanding it was unufual to oppofe references to a com mittee, yet that the appointment of this committee was warmly oppofed, on (he ground of un conditutionality ; and that it was a fubjcdl Congrefs had no right to a6t or legiflate fuither on, than they had dot e by their aft cf 1792 The oppofnion produced an animated deb te. which ended in the appoint ment of a committee. It con fided ot Mr. Rols, Mr. Liver more, Mr. Laurence. Mr. Charles Pinckney and Mr. Dex ter. Some weeks afterwards, the majority of the com mittee reported a bill, which underwent a vaiicty of difeuflions, and the publications lefpr&ing which' in one of the gazettes, produced fome ve-y interfiling deha’es and mealures of the hnate, on the fubje£f oj the defined privileges f ('ongrefs , and ihe liberty cf tk? pefs. After various dif uffions on the fubjeft of the bill, it was recommitted, and on the 27th of March, 1800, it flood in the following words, as agreed to be amended in the fenate : d BILL prefcribing the mode of deciding dijputed elrblions of the Prefident and Vice Prefident of ihe United States , as agreed to he emended in fenate % March 21//, 1800. tac. 1. Be it enabled by the fc and heufe of reprefentatives of fa United States cf America , iji affemhled , That on the day before the fecond \Vedn<T in February, next following Vt day when a Prefident and Vice Prefident Jhall have been voted for , c 'tftors 9 it fhall be the duty of fenate and houfe of repre sentatives of the United States. choofe, by ballot in each *_ G Uie, hx members thereof: the J r Mte imm diateiy after this choice , i f nominate , by bal ot , three of members and tranfmit their 71 f (s to the houfe of reprefentatives hall, by ballot chnofe one of 1 fhree; a n d the thirteen perfons ( hojen, fhall foim a Grand °' h *ittee, and fhall have power Xarr nne and finally to decide * put*-* -I*lati\ e to the eleftion C nd Vice Prefident [liZ United States, as is herein* THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; AN D .. REPUBLICAN trumpet. 1 U E S D A August 26, 1800. LIBERT? IS OUR MOTTO sfSD TRUTH OUR GUIDE after limited and preferred : Pro videdalways. That noperfon fhall be cap«b‘e of ferving on this committee, who fhall he one of the five higheft candidates , out of whom a Prefident of the United States may be chofcn by the houfe of reprefentatives, in cafe no perfon fheu’d bo found to have a majority of the whole number of the votes of the ele£lors appoint ed h\ the different fates. Sec. 2. And be it further enabled, That after the members of the committee fhall h .ve been ap pointed in the fenate and houfe of repiefentatives as aforefaid, each houfe, before it adjourns , fhall proceed to choofe bv ballot, • j two members thereof as tellers, whole duty it (hall be to receive the certificates of the cle&ors, from the Prefident of the fenate, after they fhall have been open ed and read, and to nMe in wri ting the dates of the certificates, the names of the ele&ors, the time and place of their meeting, the number of votes given, and the names of the perfons voted for; and alfo, the fuhftance of the certificates fiom the exccu live authority of each fLte, ac companying the certificates of the electors: and the minutes thus made by the tellers, fhall be read in the prefence of both houfe?, and a copy thereof en tered on the journals of each. Sec 3. And be it further enabl ed, That when the certificates tranfmitted by the eleftors cf the different ftates. fhall have been opened by the Prefident of the fenate, and read in th'* prefence of both houfes, and the minutes of the tellers read and compared, the prefident of the fenate fhall admmiflcr the following oath to all the members of the grand committee appointed in pu fu ancc of this ad. "1,A.8. do fwear'or affirm, as the cafe may be) that I will impartially examine the vo f es given by the eleftors of Piefident and Vice Prefident of the United States, together with all the ex ceptions and petitions again ft them and a true judgment give thereon, agreeable to the confhtu iion and laws qnd according to the evidence—So help me God. The prefident of the fenate fhall then deliver to the chairman of the grand committee, all the cer tificates of the eledors, and all the certificates or other docu ments tranfmitted by them, or by the executive authority of any Rate, and all the petitions, ex ceptions and memorials againfl the votes of the eledors. or the perfons for whom they have voted, together with the teflimo ny accompanying the fame. Sec. 4. And belt further enabled, That a ter the grand committee fhall have been appointed and fworn in the manner herein di »ed‘ d, the perfon chofen by the houfe of reprefentatives out of the nomi nation made b\ the fenate, (hall ad as chaiimm ot the committee; they fhall meet on every day, (Sundays excepted) from the time of their ppointment, until they make then final repo 1 ; they fhall fit with doled (fours, and a majonty of the members rnav proceed to ad : and if any member of the committee, ap pointed by cither houfe, fhould die, or become unable to attend after his appointment, the com mittee hef re they proceed far ther, fh ill notify borh houfes of fuch death or inability, and the houfe by which fuch member was appointed, fhall rmnv*di itcly proceed to choofe another mem ber, by ballot, to (upply fuch vacancy ; and the member thus cholen, (hall be Iworn or affirm • ed by the prefident of the Dilate ; and if the chairman cf the com mittee fhall die, or become unable to attend after his appointment, th e committee, before, they pro ceed fa ther, fhall notify both houfes of (uchdeath or innhihtv ; the fenate fhall then nominate three of its members , out of whom the houfe of reprefentatives fhall choofe one , according to the provifions of of this abl, who (had be (worn or affirmed by the prefident of til'* fena Cj and fhall fom thenceforth he the chairman of the fold grand committee : and the perfon or per form, thus appointed and fwom or affirmed , fhall, from thence forth, have and exeirife the powers ncceffaiy to lupply fuch vacancy. / Sec. 5 And he it 'urther enabled, ff hat the grand romrnitfee fh ill have power lo fend for perfons, papers and records, to compel the attendance of w'tncfles, to admimfler o*ths or affirmations to all perfons examined before them and to punifh contempts of vvitnelfes icfufing to anfwer, as fully and abfolutely as the fuprerne c <urt of the U. States may or can do in depend ing therein : and the teflimony of all wiln ffes examined before the committee fhall be reduced lo writing by the jecretary of the committee, and jhall be figned by the witnefs after his examination is clofed. And if any perlpn, fworn and examined before this committee, fhall fwear or affirm falfely, fuch perfon, being thereof convicted, fhall incur the pains, penalties and difabi’itics, mflitted by of the United -Mates upon wil ful and corrupt perjury. Sec. 6* And be it further cnacl* ed, i hat it (hall he the duty of the tnarfhals of the fcvcral dif tnfts of tlie United States, and of their deputies, to (ervr all ptoctls dueled to them, and figned b\ the chairman of the! grand committee; and for fuch fervirrs the\ fha'l receive tho fees allowed for fervices of firni laj piocefs, iflurd by the fuptemd court of the United States ; and all witnefffs ittending the com mittee in con equenre of funw nions oi c the? procefs fhall re cove the fame compen* lion as wifnefles atfe dm » the ftlpremo court of the United States. 7 And be it further enaH fd t 1 hat the grand commute fhall have power to enquire, ex amine, decide and report, upon the confti utional qiial fications as pej Tons voted fo as pre fident and vi< e*prefident of tho United states; upon thr rornfi tutional qualifications of tho electors appointed by the diffe rent (fates, and whe’hcr dn-ir appointment was authorised by the Mate legiflaturc or nut, OT wade nc orttfig to the mode prc~ fenhed h\ the legiflature ; upon all petitions agamlf corrupt, hlegal condudl of the electors o fo ce, menaces or improper meins uled to influence their votes ; or againfi the truth of ther rc «ums or the time, plac' or man net » f giving their votes ; Pro vided always , That no etifion, or extep'ion, (hall be granted or allowed by the g»and com mittee, which /hall have for its ohjCtl, to draw into qu ftion the number of on which any elec tor in any of the pafes t Jhall have been declared appointed. Sec. 8. And he it further enaH - ’ ed, I hat the grand commi tcc (ball appoint a clerk, who fhall keep a journal of their proceed ings under thiir dirr&ion, and after the grand committee (hall have made their final report, he (hall depofit with the lecretary’ of the feuate this journal, toge thcr with all the certificates* written leffimony and docu ments, which were under the conhd ration of the gtand com mittee, where the fame fhall re main open for the infpedion of the members of b >th houfes. Sec. 9. And be it further mo ed t Th«t on or before the fiill day of March next, afier their appointment, the grand com mittee fhall male their final re port to the fenate and houfc of reprefint lives, (fating the num , berof legal votesfor each peifon, j and the number of votes which j have been rejected ; the rcpoit of a majority of the (aid Com mittee fhall be a final and con clulivc determination ul the ad- [Mo. 82.