The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, August 26, 1800, Image 3

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? fr#. who <*ith a rha'rnjan to be ap'ett by the latter fro'ni a nnm na lon 0 f rhe former. (hniM form a grand corn , n if r ec, who thoaUl, frting with c ofed /i:ort- have a right to exam ne a'i. the •ot«ag : *‘‘tt by 'be cleSora in the fcveral rtatea for prcfident and vice prcft.leot, an d all the memorials and petitions ref *>esi r g them ; and have power fina'ly to Jer.i le refperting them, and to declare •»hat votes of different dates (hall he re »nd whar admitted ? and m fh >rt, that this con mi;fee, thus chof u, and with clof d doors, (hall po(T fs compost, unconfrolahle and irrevocable power to d crce, without app al from tlcir dedfion, who has aod who (hall be proclaimed prefident of the United States. As long aod as rmi~h as I have been aceuftomed to eaamine this bill, and con fiJer its contents, I cannot recapitulate its snd ca cot, without new graoiious of furprizc I am aftonifticd, {hat a mcafurc fo complerety calculated Co deprive the ftate leginatntcs of their ■od important and exclufive rights in the election of the chef magiftrate, jfh uld be at once brought forward, without paving the way by fome milder prcpßfft ory mcafure, of he fame ten deucy. It ia true, the fed » on law, by by g v ng to the federal courts a power to decide on libels, a right which we contend be’ongg e clufivc’y to the ttate cour s. aod of which wc »hlnk they cannot couttitutionaHy be d vetted ; and the on enable do&nne avow d by (he federal judges, that there is a common Jaw. inch as in fo»ce m Gicat Britsin, coa.raou to the courts of the Unite ' States, may be fonfi'ered a* pr parartve. Ha.i the p o r le qu etly nequ tfeed in thefe dodtines, and generally e*prefled no dil pproba'.ioo of them, there might have been fome reaf n 'o (uppole bey bad drt-.rmiiieo filcnMy o fuomit t# eve ry thing, and evenwthouta murmur pu p with th 8 dim u ion of the cu tl.orry of the ftafe legifl tures. Bui wen we recoiled the unanlwc-able ar gumtrts that have bc-n ufed tb-oughout •tery pa>t f t c uu on, againtt them ; when we fee no r only individuals, but Iry ila'u tc» of ’tnportant ftate*. ufiag the m lu ana coofti.iuional modes of rtroon ferancc and a r gument ; when we have found not only the tab-es of the ftate /fgida ure. Hu* of congrrfs itfelf, cover eJ with mem* rials again(t them, lament rng in the raod affediog language their adoption and execution *, 1 cannot under ibefe circumstances fuppofe that we are tmhor'zcd to believe the public mind fo much under the influence of implicit con fidence as to thirk that a meafure which •trikes fo forcibly at the rtlervcd rights •f the states, can be received by t era without particular emotions It '8 my" duty, ho w ver to examine it with freedom and ibis I (hall do with candour and deretence to cher gtoilcmen’s opinions, who uiffer from ma on the fubjedt. fcntwing u,at it v ai th- nienlioh o the conftitution to make n,t Pieiieei r corn plfteiy inde,rn<cnt cf the federal Jegfia luic, 1 well remember it rai the cljcft, fcj t ’i at prefent noi oniy the spirit but the intir of that mfti umant, to io copgrtf* B< ’ interference in or conirou; over the dei'ion of a Piefirient. It ii made 'heir du y merely to count over the votes in a Cl nvention of holh hcufci, aid lor the J’lclidcnt of the feuaie to declare who ftps •l"e majority of the votes m thcelffton *“ tranfmit ed. It never was intended, r.or c. uld it have been fafe, in the confti *ution t to have given to corgrefs thin £ emb ed in conventi-n the right to rcjtft !ln y votc,oi even r, queftionwhether they r f c conAirusiona'ly or properly given. *lii right of deternij: ing on the manner in which the e eftors ih 11 vote j the en 9uir% into the qualifications ; nd the guards neceflary to prevent clifqusJified < r in*. |' ro ' tr n ' cn v tit'g, and to enlute the votes f o n legal!v given, refis and is txdujivcly \n the fi:,i C j f g flotures. If it i* nc sr l yy to have gnaid. agair ft improp r «leMots of c cfto*s, and to mliitute tri 'mi,, ro ♦ q , ir j n(o (he r qua'*fi atioiu, W//i the 'fiait IcgJljtureSy and xvi/h them alone 'h # .'o**r m mfti ute mem, ao<i 'hey ru • e e cife it. To give to congrrfs, •ven when vfi-nib ed in convention, a righ> I* r, J or a lrnu tie votes of ftases, w--uld , Ve t,ee 1 f • gr .f, und dangerous an a fur -v> as -rntners of the conftitution co uld have been gui'iy of. Kow . hey that in ,1. tiding on the f t on cf a , refidrnt, parjticularlv where ta i'/r'^' 00 W S nron «'y conteft.rd, that ' 'Pirit ovid not prevail, and govern v iierifi (. _) jy ;t i ; j lC y not l( noH - Jj w V(>„ 1 v ' lis tc taile obj'fti* ns ?.gnnft the tjf.. . i’*r.icular r 1 c<sV* rs, aud that in ,n X «p n thefe, it v/B' m re than ti lr , ? ,hc rrembers would rcc'UeC lr Ue, y theii favorite raodid tc, an/, M “* thfir own it.ierefts? Or mu ib f i have fouroied, thut in rutting of |f. £ ''J"’*’ B fd fmai deeiiton of the vote in who were lo decide IrrcvcraVy and without nppea!, •hey would lender the prehdent r.VV f,,d rye} . n i prevent his aftnming and exernlirg iL,t :nJ. ften.tentf in the petformantC of h„ uue/ unon wnich tho Jaf* t y and honor of be government muft forever reft } I’ut it is laid, are congrefs bound to re ceive every v te of wf ether it i conftiuirioni'U given or net > Su i olt ' otr * are lf Cl for a perfon not a citizen or >4'eai* a rrfi enl of the United S'atcs t <’ r virder 35 yea-s of age ; or thut the c C tld urc « i a ftate has r of auiliorile< b» •«' aft he votes of the eliftrr*, oi iftm aouhit returns arc made: who are then n de< i c ? Ur has not c< ngreli, under ihrfc c rcum ances, a power to eiermii e v,|nc(i of i hr \ otes fhall I e received or rrjc ft-d ( To be concluded tn our next.) LOUISVILLE, TUr-SDATy A vguf jfi, jBco. Want of room obliges us to polipone entc»ing upon the pub lication of fundry letters to the committee of finance, and their report, on the (late of the mo nies in the treafury at the fitting of the lafl legiflature, Mrjfn, Day &. Hily, 1 OBSERVE in one of your late papers, jhat a wdter terms the digefl of the laws of the Rate of Georgia by Metis. Watkins fpunous. Accidentally opening it I could not help ob lervrhg how much it merited the epithet beftowedl on it, when 1 found it contained laws dated as if they had been palled in Sa vannah, in 1782, when the com pilers ought to have known or could have been informed by their Gpient or lappy uncle that here was then a tintrih garrifon in the place. This ought to be the means of its not being in troduced into the courts in this flare, and to damn the falc of it forever, DETECTOR. The friends of order, the ene mies of French defpotifm admit that Callendei's trial was to the lafl degree tyrannical and inde cent. But then he was refufed that relpite which would have been granted to a horfe-flealcr, or a parricide, becaule before the fitting of the next federal circuit court, there will be fo gr cal an alter ationo/ affairs, that he could not have been tried at all. This, to be fure, is a pretty confeflion I it was upon the fame do6hme that Robelpierre chopped off peop!e*s heads, as faff as rotten turnips, becaufe he durfl not give them time to p c pare for their defence ! And now, citizens of Virginia, think only what an army of Robcf pierres is entrenched in the vi tals of this commonwealth. And fo ! a Judge is entitled fo do wrong, when circumftan ces make it probable that- he fhall not have leifure to do right ! Arc wc Cherokees, or Negroes that fo brutal a do&nne can be ferioufly defended ? If this be our fyfiem of jurifprudence, with what pungency muft a more enlightened pofterity com inifcrate the intellc6l of their an ceftors. Quid leges fine mcribus ? fays Horace. 1 he beft laws are of no confequence among a nation of rafeals. His obfervation is very juft, and it has been mod wretchedly exemplified in forac of the towns of Virginia. For inftancc, at this moment, the chief magiftvate of Peter fburir, is one Harnfon, a lame Scots Par fon. When Cornwallis, in the laft war, approached that place, Harrifon went off to meet him, and a&cd as his guide. And now this fellow, who, by every law human and divine, (hould have been hanged, officiates as Major ot the town which he wanted to dcHroy. (Examiner.) Vi c arecrcdibly informed (fays the /• xamincr) that in one ot the poll-offices between this place and Norfolk, on the (outh tide of the river, a praftice exifts, of tearing and deftroying all newlpapers, the temper of which is not perfeftly accordant with the views of adminiftration. It ,s ft f ange that the reftraints of the ledition law upon the repub lican printers, and the advantage thereby given to the minifterial dependants, will not (atisfy their propenfity to obfeure the truth. They are fond of order and good government: th it is, the cider ot things which protefts them in dijorderly outrages ; and a govern -i ent under which they may puy upon the trea/ury % for the (mall tervice ot bellowing at all public places, French invafion ! demo crat ! jacobin ! &c. &c. Vir. Republican . It is a curious fa&, that capt. John Fries, who was feme time ago tried and convi&ed at Phi ladelphia, of treat* n, for his cun du£l in the oppotition which was made to the laws of the union, in the counties of Bucks, Northampton, and Montgome ry. in Pennfylvania, and who was lately pardoned by the pre fident of the United States, has been chofen a lieutenant-colonel in the militia of Montgomery county, wheic he rcfidcs. Mr. Thomas Cooper, now confined in Philadelphia gaol, has alfo been chofen a colonel of militia for the county ot Northampton, Counter jut Bank Notes Have recently been dete&ed in Norfolk, Virginia. Itisfrom the Alexandria bank, originally a good five dollar note, but al tered by a freffi (lamp to fifty dollars. The words FIFTY are much blacker than the reft of the copper-plate; and on holding the note up to the light, the words FIVK are plain to be difcoveied. The note dete&ed is numbered 288. drawn in fa vour of John Ports, and dated s'h April, 1798. forged notes of the Charlef ton Branch Bank of the Unhcd States, are alfo in circulation. They may be difcoveied by the word depofit being fpelt deposit In one of the Paris papers we find the following ac count —“ The cafhier of one of the principal banking houfes in this city (hot himlelf on ac count of an error of 25 thoufand franks which appeared in his accounts. T he oftner he ex amined them the more terrified he became, and the lelsablc was he to difccvcr whence the ciror arofe. After his death, the bankers with whofc affair? be was erttruAcd had them fettled and found them perfettly in or der." Such uncommon fcnfihi lity for the charaftcr of boncfty merited a better fate. A N EC D OT E. A bailitF clapt a man on the fhoulder, and laid, I arreft you, fir, for a horfe (meaning the money he owed for a horfe.) “ Why, replied the defendant* thou coxcomb, thou art nor cer tainly Inch a fool as thou makeft thyfclfp Pray, look upon me again, whv do you take me for a horfe ? Then tripping up his heels, faid however, Til fti-w you a horle trick ; and after giv ing him (cveral kicks, left hilts in the kennel and ran oIF, A YANKEE HULL A profound Kallcrn editor lately announced, that a youth of 10 years of age lately died of canine rnadnels, who had been bitten by a cat. What is re markable, the New-York editors have all inferted the bull , without noticing it. The Members of the Unwn Society, are requefied to meet on So turday, the 30 th 0/ Augujl, in the Lodge Room , at the Union t Loiuf* Vi lie. Chair taken at 7 o'clock. William Wright, Jeer clary, Augh/l 26. CORONER'SS ALeT On the firfl Tuefday in September nex f t at the Market Hou/e in Lovi/ville, between the hours of ten and three o’clock , will be fold to the htghefl bidder , One I’ratt ©f 'end, containing five hundred am) fitly.five acre*, lying on the watcre of Ready Co. k jim ng Pur».| Flournoy and Bradlhaw—L. ke* wi(e 00c hundred aerra lyirn? ou the George I own road, adjoio’Og Charles Harvey, and Coleman, 'Taken aa the pro perry of John Panlet. and Jam"* Har vey, to fanaff Flukcr and Bla fhrar'i ju fgementi obtained agaiufl ihern. W m. Goold, Coroner, Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the Siil'lcrio r, rq rlie night of 1 lie yih infant. TWO NtiROFS ; one rained OK JC, aboui 5 On 6or y niche* high* flout u,d well made, vfc< y large eyes, and a lill Jr kn«ck k eed.— The orher, u jt l w VN enth, named ANNA, ab. hi 77 'tart of a dimple in her right cheek, occ,Timed by’ a boil or Ihe tooth ache. Whoever wiM de liver Ihe fai l r e fo ,y, c Snbfcr.bsr, living -T f he Half w«v Houfe, on the road leaningjfrom LouifvjlJe »•> Wuynefb /hail receive Cite above reward. Wlll/M MURPHY. An fin [I 25, 1800. Jclfcrlou Superior Court, April Term, 1799. Prcfcnt the hon. Geo. Walton. TTPON the pennon of Natl anitl N‘Mic- C/ km, Kichaid Curry, and Benjamin Warner, pitying the foredofure ui lha equity of redemption, in and t a errtaia I art <>f, contamii g four hummed ncrer, fit'iHte, lying and dicing tn the aid rounty of* Jf ffer (on, m t hundred aciet of which war granted to Frederick Dugiafi, mid tha other three hundred acre* te Auger, •n. rig .ge I o the faid Nmhan.*i M Mnk:n, Richard Currey, and Benjamin Warner, by Kuac WUgur, for the fecu i g the p»y mctu ol a fuin f tonne* contiii ed |n a bond hearing date » he toth day of July, one thousand (even hundred arid ninety eight. /#iid u on motion ( ffJr. Carres, atror ney tor the pctiti-men ; it ii ordered, that •he principal, tniereft and cofti be paid into court, within n e!ve rmnih* from the dai« here f, otnerwife the equity of redemption will be fur ever forecloCed, and other pro ceedings take 1 l*ce, agieeuble r- en art nr allcmbh , in fuch cafes made and pnv uitc, ; and that tfn* rule be pub.iflird in < i e cf the gaaette*<f this ftaie, at leaf* once in every month, urtil -he ca.iratini of iho faid twelve month*, or f rved upon the mortgage,or fin f ccial agent, at lc ft {,« nonthi previo * to the e»; iratiot. ot the (aid *welvc month*. Certified rhit 4th day <'f OcT her ’q<j, Wm. M‘Dowcli 4 c/fri,