The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, August 26, 1800, Image 4

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v.-rrv-'wn '*'*iuM*y-‘ u ‘‘***-*r*'*~ -f^itni-snLAi K£W v i OR>C # July *5. Cap?. Stanwood. arrived here yellerdav in 10 days from St. Bar tholomew's, informs, that he left Martinique on the ift of July in ft ; rial on the afternoon he failed from thence, a Britfh packet arrived there in \ 8 days freon Falmouth , the captain >f which affured him that on his pa flare he fell in with a l<n tiflf frirate, the captain of which informed, that he. wa hound to the fir hi tint tin England , with di]patch es from lord St. Vincents, fla ing that the Breft fleet was out, ccnFi/l ing of 5 i [ail of the line. It was added that another infii reftion had broken out in Ireland, which had aflumrd a formidable afpdl, and occiifioned c(mfiler able alarm to the Britifh government. Capt. Stanwood further informs, that on the. day he faded from St. Bartholomews [the injl) a French gentleman gave him n writ ten article which fated, tha 1 hr. had juft received information froih Point Pet re, Guadaloupe of the arrival there of a trench corvette in 19 days from Bourdeaux; and that the news f he brought is as follows: “ That the negotiations between the American commiffioners and the French republic had terminated ami - Cdhy ; all differences fettled and peace concluded ; that gen. Buona pi.rte had arrived before Genoa in time to relieve grn. Maffeva; that Buonaparte had made prifoners 0) three fourths of he luflrian troops und>r command of grn Melas ; that Italy was entirely in the pffef- If/ion of the French ; and that the French general Moreau, had, in a third battle, defeated the luflrian troops on the Rhine; and further, that ord'rs had arrived there by the corvette , p ohihitnig the capture of American VfJJels .” From the Instructor. Confillion of Faith of the Fc deraliQs and ( Id Tories. I believe in George the third , my tnojl gracious monarch and protellor of the faith the'firft horn fon of Geo'ge Ihe ficond, king of Great Britain who was conceived from a tyrant, born out of a fquandrefs of thrb bodieft fzoet of her fuhjefts, who (up r d though the rebrlion of Geo. VI afhington, tiefpifed, rem unced, and wholly reprobated by the fednious Americans, depended to the lone ft fleps 0/ helhfli temptation—ln the twenty four ih y. ar of American Jn ■ d(pendence atofe again in Columbia, though the c.ajty cunning of the old lories and Porcupines where he jitteth cn (he right hand of Adam, porn whence he will judge his rebelli - Ous jury f?s, and by the hc j p 0/ my J rini i lf r(d-coots hang u p a \[ foe °f C °hmhia, and eftabltfh his kingdom forever and ever . May this become true 1 y I NOTICE. 'THAT Dill? months from the due hcrroV application will be mad- to the Honorable the Infer or Court of J <*flerfon c un y, for perm fti u to fell a iraft of one ' undred acre* c f land, lying OQ Crcrk, in county joining Cunning and Whigham’s pari nfthe leal eftate of Bea? iy , i - f ° L r n hC bCDCfit ° f lbC hcif B of laid /olcpb Beatty. William Beatty, 13, Whitaker, Executors, > w - 5* TO he SOLD on the 19‘h of Sfptrmbrr nt* , at the houfe of M r . Samuel Ca'ter, r, n Dry Cret’t, bttween the hours of 10 arid 1 1 o’, lock the following articles, being pan ot the prrfnrii I‘etfa e of Wil ton. tieccaf J, cor,lifting ot one bed, b liter, aqHI tw * blankets; one bed c ver, ore bed bolder, p'How, matrsfs, and 4 blanket* one ebeft of death#, one lot of pcwtcf. one let of cartfun ware, and a let of knives and forks. ot;e men wine!, one tea kertla, one pur of 1 ooti, one liver watch, one mare and faddle. Augufl 19 x 800. r | O he SOLD by jatntg Dnghv X admmidrator of the tfiate of Jw ' y ing dr ceafed, at the houfe of I li> ma V'tdng. m the 'afl d y of September next, defer* Ikcy Nr r es, named J*vn s Bet, L moo, jLk Abe, H\ try P .e: c, and four Children Alfo one waggon fomc cattle, (beep and geefe, togetur wth houfchold <u n* ure. Conditions rf file will be rmdc known on the day of fa c. A l perfons holding any part of he ertftte of the fa d cr Vmm , decc fed, arc requefted to deliver th fame on »lv lift iottant, at the houf ot Thomas V n ng Augufl 19 1800. (efferfon Supetior Court. OFlober Term, 1799. Prefent the hon. Thomas P. Carnes R >bcr Watkins and John} E 'nderfon. for the uft ft- , r 1 t , p >rorcclofurc ol John r o»e, vs. T Thomas Collini. j BE it known to all concerned, that a p titlon was prefen cd to the hon. the Superior Court of the county of Jffff rlon held by his honor, Thomas betters Carnes, one of the jf^\ ligesof the Lid court, praying the forcclitfure of the equity of 'edemption to one lot of Und »n the own of Zomfville, io the county of Jt ft rfon and known by num cr two hundred and fif y-two—ac it tf.* refi re OrDi RED That the faid Thom.e Colima do come into court within twefvc months from the date hereof a* H pay the faid Rob rt Watkins, an ’ Jh* o E. Andcrfon for theu e of J )hn Forr, the principal and together w h the c'fts, in terms of the flatute in fuch cafes in<deand provided ; o h r w.le he eqm y ot rcdemp'ion will be fortw.-r from incoce forwaid foreclofeu Peter j, Ca*nes, Attorney. STRAYED OR STOLEN from the Sub/eribcr. on the night of Monday die 4 th inft. from near Gates 5 bridge, on Rockey Comfort, a cream coloured Mere, four and an half foot high 8 years old, her feet black, with a black m ne and tail, and was branded on the mounting fide with the letters T. E. If the above deputed mare be ftolen, whoever w'll appre hend the thief, and lodge him 11 any jail in this ftate. fo he may he brought to condign punifhment, [hall receive a reward oj Thirty Dollars or Ten Dollars for the Mare and no quejhons ajked. Wm. WOOD. Angufl 12. NOTICE. TP HAT nine months after the date hereof, application will he made to the honorable the Inferior court of the county of Warren , for leave to fell a trail oj land , contain ing two hundred acres, cn the Dgechee river adjoining Lewis Braday and Kingery: it being the the real eftate ot John Curry , de ceafed, for the benefit of the heirs oj faid ejlate, Benjamin Warner, Richard Cutry, Adminifirators of faidcliaU. Tthuary 20, 1800. COLT.ECTOR's SALE. Will he [old on the Second Saturday in Ofioher next, at the Market Houfe in the Town of LomjviUe, at the ufual hours, 977 h Acres lard in J'ffrrfon coua j. on Will amfon’s Sw rap, idpiniog lands fnrveyrd lor Golph n, framed to foftpb Woorirough, and John BrTcrell, aken an the property of i hanker Vi vimq, Efq in defaufi for his t*in for the year 1799 Ta* due 16 dollars 39 remi. Garland Harwich, t c. j. C* /fuguft 5 1800 A LIST of LETTERS, Remaining in the P. ft Office, it Em dv lie on the iftdayot Ju y 1800 which it not iaken out before .he firrt day of September nexs will be Lot to the General Poti Office, as dead letters, PETRK 7. Carnes. 3 Row land Slone , 2. James Hunt , col, John Cobbs. Mrs. Mary Fox t Major Odam, John Philips DoElor John Pugjley , capt. Ijaac Hand , Daniel I wig, John Eubank John MarJh all, Samp [on Carver Haris Nicholjon, Mrs, Ann Brown, Hugh M Nelly, David Word, Brun/on, Elijah Padgett, honora ble A, Baldwin , A a than Barr, John Britt Darling Peebles , Da niel Eubank , James Eludjov; Solo mon Mojjit, Mifs Ann B ourquin, Mathew Knight, Willi ams, Gardner, Henry G. ( ■aldwell Levy I ovary Edmond Reviile, Ma>k Holton Elias Hodge , John Allen , honorable Dawd B. Mitchell, General Jared Irvin , 2. John Lawrence. James Bozeman, P. M. Waflimgton Superior Eourf, April Term, 18 00. \ BILL being fi ed on .he equity fide <>l 1 his Court by Cornelius Murphe , .ravjr.g the cflablilhmcnt of certain L A ■aper , to w» ir A fet lenient an 1 receipt thereon for the ■’•m ot thirty ponnds current m nev f the date of N->nh Carolina, in full of al accounts relative to the cr-patt cifhip be ween Cornelia Mur 'hey, and» Fletcher, dated the da; of Augoh 1789, in the Slate of Norlh-Carolina, " Montgomery c umy, lublcnbcd by fa id jLtme Fl«tch-r N><. 2. A receipt in favi u r ofCarneliu' Mu ”hcy fur the amount ot fi'teei; pi unn curr iit money of N-r-h-CaroJiha, in ml) ■1 all account*, b rds, See cued 4th J • uaty 1-90; lubfcribec Samuel No. 3. Aiknowiedg.ment 01 receiving iniul'v n<*tr#, bonds, &rc. foi v.hieh pa en y hn Shankle eoligeci liimfell to ac count ihe fan e beaiing date l'a e ot corgia. Washington count' 13d hay f October 1790, a d fubferibed J hnSha .kle. N> . 4 A receipt in favour o( Come iu Murphey, fir eight pounds money 0 N r;h Carolina, tageiher vtrh Ic tral ro\c 1 accoun s rhereludt lignatcc, amount rng in the wlio’c to ore hundred and fifty, two pourds fifteen fhi lings, like money, d-1 receipt ! ->eai mg dae 18 h September, 1789, and fubferibed William Woo ley, £ ecuior. No. 5. An undertaking promife or ac *nuwl. dgement by the E.ccjtois of Mark Aifen, deceafed, uni » Cornelius Murphe , it- entc as n credit on his bond 111 their pofleflton, of fix hundred and nil e ty fiw pounds, cur.ent mo. ey of Noth Ci 1 01 i. 13, for lei vices rcndcied by Curnc hus 10 faid Mark Allen in his file time .1 d to his Ewecu or* alter hii difeafe, tor he etlatc, to amount of one hundred and uncty Chicc pounds eghteen (hillings, lawful monev of north Garo ina, bearing ate the 27th cay of June t 789, and fub cribed Ciiarlcs jf<»ncj, William Wo ic^ * tutois of vidi k Alien, deceife i. «' N . 6. A pr tm<fory not# in tavour of Cone IUJ Murphey, payable to him or his Hi s, for the turn of fourteen pounds i*lul money of North Cai < I na, bem mg at« It h day of October, 1789,300 lub diibed y leph B wen. Where u on, it i ordered that the defen .1 am 1 s in the (aid b:>l do fhew ciufe ou or ctore the fir Ada * otncsi term, oilier wile n at the bill be taken as conf.fled' and ihc paper* therein ftaied to be loll,ellablifhed. And it is further ordered,ih .• 1 his ord<r be •mblifhed monthly foi fir mortl 1 in mk ot he , üblic Gazettes * f mis irate. Extra ft Jnm rht RetorJt, ttb Ju!y iBoo. Thomas B. Rulheiford. BLANK LETTERS Of ADMINISTRATION, Tor tale at this Office. A BARGAIN. TWO HUNDRFD acre-m Ja . H ihree miles above Coi , r | c.r> f *. plantation, en he Wift»i-nMn Wilke* couoiy ; whereon is • c>v » J Dwrlling Houle, and out H. ufr*. * l fl , P acies ot cleared land, untie* a j. 0 i < fnce . the foil is equal to any ir .hut f« (ir . iv J the cultivation of Tot' ccr eld uheat indifputable titles * iiit iniroe ue p G n \v*U he given to ihc ; u< ci-;.f?r. Al>o, two hundred acre-, nci it tt , e former, to he rtmed cheap f.,r Uit ler , . IX or M vears. Fo term-, a Pi 1/ , 0 \L fubfeuber to Louif tile. , John Houfiley Ju/y 2Q, iPoO- * pHoposa l7s" FOR carrying the mails, of the United Slates , on the fdlouirg pnfl reads , will he receive a at the General Pcfl Office, in Wojhing . ion City , tmft/ the fifteenth day of Augufl next , inch five. A; feveral per Jons have been m the habit of attending perfovady at this Office for the pu*pnfe c f handing in propofals . it is pro , per to mention that fuch atteiu dance is no way ufe/ul , £5 the b u . Jinefs (an be conveniently per formed bv letter. IN GEORGIA. 61. Fmm Ausufta by Lincoln c. b. to Pe 'erfburgb once a wttk. Leave Ugufta evety Tuefday at u A. M. and arrve at Wafhington on Wrdnffday at to A M. L care WaHiin7ton cvry A/onday at 5 v A/. and arrive at Augufta oa f U'fday » 8 4 M. 62. F r om Fr nkl nc.b. to Jackfoa c b, once in two weeks. Z.-stc Frai klitt c- b. every other Afnrdsy at 6 4 M tod arrive at Ja, kfon c b by 6 P. AI. /.ewe jackfon c h, every o.ber T uefdav at 6 A M and anirc at Franklin by 6 PM <*3 From Fouifvillc by Oglethorpe c b, Gcor P c-Town, Warrenlon nod Sparta to fort WiUduPm, and fu m fr r W. k nfon by Ssudcrfvdk to Z,ou fville once a we<k /.pave /.ouifvllle rvery Thurfdry at 6 a m and arrive at fort Wilkmfoueu F’ day by 4 p m, /.(■avp for W Ikinfoo every Saturday st 6 A M. and arrive at Lc u (villc OS Monday by 6 p m NOTE S. Note i 7*h r poffmafter g-nrra! may a.icr the time* of amva'and deparrurc at anytime dur ng the continuance of ■the comrade, be pr viouflv ttipuafing an n quate compeufaiion f r any <*r» expcncc that may be occ.fioucu there* by. Note 2, Fifteen minutes (hall bed lowed for opening and clofing the mail a: all offices where no particular t me is fpecified. • Note 3 For every fifteen mi nutes d- lay (unavoidable acc dents cxrtp cd) in arriving after flu ( roes preferred in any contracts, the ton* ttador (ball forfeit one dollar; a dif the dc a/ continue until the departure of any mail whereby .he mails or fuch depending mail lofe a trip, an addi tional forfeiture of five dollars (hall be incurred. Note 4 Newfpapers ss well ar fet ter s are to be fent in the mat e and if any perfon mt.king ptoptfale. dflroi o carry oewfpcpera other than lb<»fe con veyed in the road, for hisoun cto a mcnc, he mult ftate in f»r what fum he will carry it with that em dument. and for what fum w.tli ut that rrao'umeut. Note 5 Should any perfon, mekiog propofa's, dtfjre an alttration of the times of arr.val and depsr ure above fp-cified, he muft ftate iq bis propofalsi rite alteration dcfjrcd, and the d ff tcocc they will make id the terms of hie c°°* Iratt. Note 6. Perfons making propoh» arc defued to tta'.c their prices by lie year —Tuofe who contrad will re their pay quarterly, in the month of jacumy, pnl, Ju y and Odo-cr. Note y. The cootraAs for the p f e* fenr route arc to be in operation on the bid day in Odober Oc»t. JOSEPH HABF.RSHAN) Pojlrnafter - General , General Pcft-Offce, Wafhington City .