The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, September 02, 1800, Image 1

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VOL. ll.] GEORGIA, LOUISVILLE;—Pubhfhed every Tuefday, by AMBROSE DAY & JaMKS HEI Y. at 3 dollars pc. aim. payable half yearly Where Kllays, Articles of Intell.gencc. Adveitifemcnts, &c. &c. aic thanklully received, and PRINTING in all its variety, is executed with neatnefs and difpatch. SPEECH Cf Mr Charles Pinckney, on the puffing of • he hill prefcrib iner the mode of deciding difputed tit* ions of Pr fidtnt and Vice pteftdent (Continued from ovr laft ) Thefe being the avowed reafens far jnfroduc ng this bll, 1 >n!wer them by obfa* ng that ,he unon having direfted that eleftori fh»'l be appointed in the manner the leg nature of etch ftstc (hall dir*ft it is to * e t ken as grinted. that the fta’e leg (latores, will perform their dot ca and make fuch dl* regions »8 that onlv qna'ified men wih be ic up ed as elefto a. The dilquali flca inos agaioft any ciuzen being an eleftor. are very few indeed. th<y are on y two The if* ’hat no officer of the Uo'fed Slate* (had be elector ; an then.her tha* no number of congrcfs (hall. The fi ft an ind fpeofaHc one, becruff every officer of the Vj n ted Mates is nominated by the prefidcot, and (e* crpt the judges) t«rroveah!e a f his pica fare. Tb" l»trc», tha* no member of corgrefs (hall, is a provifion which goes Dp>ti(w rab y 10 prove ti c (olid ty ot my oljttbons to this bill, and to (hew how extreni' y guarded the cooftitutmn is in preveo ing the members of corgrcfe from having any ageoev in the leftiun. cs cep* rrc r c yir "ouoting ■he votes* "They well knew, that to g ve to the numbers of corgitfa a tight to give tot sin fan elefti n or 10 decide upon llrm when «ii to defttny the in'rpmdencc of the iX'fUMve and to nuke h m d c rreeture f the legifla u c. 1 hig h- re’ore they have guarded agau fl and to ei.fure experience and attßchroeni In the country, they have determnci that no min who is not a na ural born citizen, or ci; zen at the adopfi- d of the conft; u ion of 14 y a r s »cfideocc, led 35 years of age (ha Ihe e'giblr Thefe are all the puv'fi rs >a the conftitut on, and he ng fpecifr al y de fined ard harly marked ou* is the nec> (Try of this bill? Is not the tortt ution the fuoreme l»w of the land, led mull not the ftatc leg H tures con form tbc.r dmft one in the apporntment of deffera »o ihe dircftioLi ot he con n» u* oc ? Have they not alwrys deter cured that perlrr* qualified se the con* “futon drefts (hail be chofeo si e’ee ,ot*; »nd in .the three eleftions which taken p ace, hat'here been a fmgle M ake < r enor in ft e vote ? Wap not '■ f lift cleft ion as much contefted a* the tcfuiDg, , ir any enc can be sod were tof votes regularly given ?W ! y ’his lr * "T why ihnfc unreerffarv rffoeti ! ske from the ftate legiflaruru' their ufive and mo(f va'uab e igh ? Why u d we be *fra d hai our rtf M IJ d be fa fcrgc’ful of 'heir fafrty ** r *'*'* for tnm hod ng ffices Ot d r , f Uoit-d '■Ts*e». or member* of c n |* fa ’ men who are no* only difqual fi r d Ui who mud trom their eouneftiona J k the government be i'waya uofafe tr K r fi srifa of 'his truft ' h °* when he reflrfta on ’he im f f p' wer be pr (idem p flrffes c*n J 1 moment fuppofe tha' s' y mao, O’orihfy fehfted by hie fd'ow ci 'Zens ■ %ii" *‘^ or - cru'd he fr, if ft *0 1 fenfe I j s own and his welfare, as I t \'. J f >or • 111 osa the fuj rerm* eveu Idrl k W ' c ‘ ,lZ * ip *r re fide' re were ■ , ‘ *t'd who was *or oh fuffic ent ■ 'cmen who fuppor the bill ■ bl** °'*'fTe'' they thi ught it >mpro’ »- W j| * 1 *hai it p jo happen once n E 0 *' y ; bu* ft !l they lay it is peffi- Co tto he guarded apam'f. I i tig' \ rf ° KBB cx,reme fT ’improbable I ‘a ailocifhcd they ire nacDiio^d. THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE ; AND .REPUBLICAN trumpet. . T U Fj S D A Y, September 2. 1800. LIBERTY IS OUR MOTTO .ISO TRUTH OUR UUIDE. So far from having anv apprehenfion of thi’e forr w- m*y be affured, rhatwli' C the office of ia «ccompa r ied by f»> much power and patronage ; while it is fo honorable to its bolder, and io flurnrial to b’a friends; 'here can be no doubt hat only fuch men willrve* be fpoken of or even thought of or nomi nated as candidates. *a are of the moft confpicuous talents, and whofe experi ence of ou» pubh'c affa'ra ia geneta'ly arknowledgcd. Nor need w* ever be afr id that in this country too young meo will be broui/h* forward as candi dt'es. There i» a j slouly sgamft young mm, or meo not rouvh advanc'd in y are, which will forevc* forb d <hrir brinp noroina’ed for this nffi e w ; *h much h? pe of fucrefa Men d>' not hke to fee their junicre or even thofc of ihe fame ape, trk ; ng the lead or being more confpicuous for talenta or know ledge *han th mlclvea They erroneoufly confidcr it aa « rcflcftion on their own di fici n< iea » they wft there! >re invari ably uni*e in prtferiog a man much ad vanced in y. ara w ofe honor* will occa fi"D them no invid'ous fmfationa. lad whofc age and long employment in pub lic 1 fe ha? accuftomed them to hi* ele vation. Repardlefs of his errors, or capacity ro govern, they will more cor di?lly uni e in promoting him, than one whole rife they will confider aa 'oo rrp<d, ind whofe political exertions have given them paw. Be affured, fir, »hcic *»n never be any fear of oo young men being promot dfo hua fi uanon. The danger ia entirely on the o her fide of the quel tioo • that none but meo too o d will be brought forward > men whofe miud* have loft their energy, and whofe age and infirm tics render them mcppable o f fuftai' ing the great and incrcafing weight of ao impona'it, bu r arduous fi ua ion. To prevent therefore candida'es of doubtful refidsnee or citizec (h p or at de; the rtqu.fite sge be ng eltftcd as pr»*fi dco r , can never he fuflicient rcafonswith the * oufe for adopt eg tha b li *n the face of the conftuutiOD, even f they had the porter. I fuppofe there rouft be more wc’gl t in the other rcafon*. or tb'y w« uld not agree to it T> cf vrr, h»t fuppofe a ftvife legiT lature (hru d fo far forget it* duty, ss rot to pafi fome legifla’i?'” aft o* rcfolu t'Dd, drifting the manner, 10 » hich, within the proper rime ei?ftor» of s prcfident ffiould he elefted, and the people fhru'd hotw ’h.ftinding cit mblc and clfft under a d fferent au’hotity ; would the votes of the defter*, under t v efc circumnanre* be receivable? Or fuppof that two d.ffcrcnt fe so' eleft.ore fhou d nfift that they were conftuutii n ally d.fted, and hat douhlr tfturn* ihou d be tranftaitted. one cer'ifi d by thr governor of the fta*e, and theo'her not. wb ch are to he r<ceivr , d, and who 8 to have he power to deed* to which the p’efercnre is to he giver. > Od tl a fubjeft I am to remark, that ihe conft tu'ion fuppofes * mutual con fidmee *0 eidt b'i we-n he federal and ftatc governm n* ; that not only in in formation, bu' in 'be ft* ft aud honor* ble performance of their relative Junes, there will be the gr atrft punftual* y «nd exaftoefs: that ncglcft ao *■ particular y refufai, on the part of cither, muft en danger the e> iHence of both; and that unlit the caf docs aftuaily arife it is extremely in'pn’if c m either to fufpeft ji. and part cu’ar’y to adopt rresfurea in ant'c paticc, < r (ufpie o. e unfuppoit ed by proofi ; to meet fi uatioos that have never vet rucumd, or prohibly never w i ; that it ought to be a fcccra! pr m pi", and a rule with 'be govern men mv-r »o drub* the attachment of Ihr fta’ca, *n the performance of their coQftuuuonai duties; that is thiy have hitherio repuiarly appoin’ed e’eftors and frnators.ind memher* of the o’her branch tha? they wll c< ntirue t" do fo, and cheerfully to contribu’e to the rxpenres ; that in return rhey will ef peft from the government complete »nd sdc qua’C pr. trftion in thrir public and pri va c rights and aco ftitu*uuia ancniion to fu. h as are caphciVy refi rvcd to ’he pec.p'e and ihe ftatc le iflj'ur-a : that they will govern thrmfelves by ’be eon (Elution, and fnffer no fufpicions, j a'ou fiti or unfounded repora *o hurry tli’m into afta invading the date tight : 'hat as it is fo much the inter. ft of the dates to ex p rdfc (heir r’gbt io 'h*- cleftion of a prefident that it is to be prefumed eve*y fts'C lcgiC«ture will feck, wth svidi y each returning opportuniiy of doing fo —that whatever they may fuuntfe nf three -n. th»t whrn t me arrives no fetu men <t nil to offofc a numerous a i d im ortsnt ft te expreffi g their opuuon, or giving their votes on fo m ureft ng an tleftion , particularly wh'-re the rp nion linn been fa recently and decided y exprcff;d on queftiona of ’he fame poluiral reodenry , hat there wss 00 d"Ubt af cvc r y ftafe fair’y a> d honor thy vot ng, and of every executive con ftitutionally d fcharging the d • • lea of hi# nation : Ini we had no more rfahl to fuppofe from what has hitherio happen eft, that an t ecutive or date government would break eonftitnrion than rbey had to think that congrrfs and the pre fidenl would do fo ; and thar it the general gutter omen' wtn' imo meafu’ea 'O -eftram or controul the flares io the exercife of their dun’et, might it not uoncccffariiy nfc to t fpirit of dif cnid, deltruftive of the ha'monv which ought ever to e-ift be wren them ? Tbit t every view -n t* c fiftj-ft pre fetiis .tb it, it io c< Mainly m .ft wTc to fnfTct th tigs to remain aa <hey ere, «nd to be content w .h the rcgulatir>DB of the aft of 1752, which is far, and p rhapa in one or two particulars n( no important even further ihau the coulti tution warrants. I • (hew the extreme Impropriety of adopting this bill, I will even far argu ment fake fuppofe ihat there might be feme Tregularit’es in the votra of the eleftcrs or cv. n in the conduft of the r ccuuve of a date on this ful jeft ; and aflt, whe her even under thrfc c'tcum diner* it would rot be fafer. and lefs injurious to »hc intrrffte of the people, that thi-f" few Irregular rot'-s, if »ranT mined acd cer.ifird by an executive, fiiould be rccciv d »nd coun'rd, than that 2 n;w and unknown power like this diou d be created, under whofr controul not a fr w, but eve-y vote that ia given, mud he revewed aud rcce fed or rtjefted as they decree ? If the bill i* net pided, we are to depend, ss we have hitherto done on the attachment of the (tafrs. and the good fenfe and intrgiity of their execu tiv"9 We have particu’ir'y on ihe e eru* vr of a flare the ffrong hold of pubhc o'inion He wi I recoilcft that ti e cha*aftcr is at ftike, and that if he fuffers party v ewa or private in'ereft or rclcnimcot ro gov-rn his conduct, tha’ he ftar.ds aline and ii indivdus'ly ref ponfiblc. That fa far as »efpefta hi agency in the authcn'irati'.n of th" cleftion of the eleftors, he htsn • body of mm und'r the cover of whole advice he can dueld himfeif ; hu’ 'hit in c«ft cf mifbcr.aviou', he muft alone meet the public rcofure—That io dtfctvc the confidence ot his country, he ought n ver to (übm t to temp rary expedients, or court the fleeting breath of popuUr app'aufe ; he muft recoilcft whit are h i conftitutirnal du*iei. and to thofc and thofc only- he muft conform. Tt at this bis always been the conduft of the exc fut ? b of the ftat'g, and uf'd'f that conduH we have been (iff—. I’ha- flie rnnttlmt on ni*krs this dependence no *He Hares nec* sry, srH wp ’see nc * er ft* bren d'fappo’n'rd, w are to hope w- never (hall. But lure , it* 'r en'a r fvrf*ould lave onfiHere I'he extent and d'tiger of j* n to »h s com mi tree (f>en to nag f/} ♦he ri, l t TO decide on dnublr rtturns or they malt •turned a c'y «vr fe- the rsr» f enae inn propriety of attempt n,> it. I is, in ibort nothing lefs Hjd lin'd oat to 'be m I'.nfy ip a i 'hes'atrs a temp'* non to ci'lpj e rry eletf- -o. and (o always bring forward »’ou le returns. Ip every state where an el«-d on is strong ly M-n vi-e \ the e will f cou fr be • mioon-y, t’ Wll be rsfi y known by the m -fores of rongrris owr ich i«n .ids' fh M rpnjonty of >iia body i dints, and whole f'lenda will rompr ft <hr com mt ee tha l are to he 'bus pa< ked and .'cleMed It a minor ty n<♦ particular • <atc fmd that he c'ndtda e•• cy have unfucfclsfully fupp rt•-<J IS tire favnntC ore with the major i*y of or thc;r committee, they #ill eaft'y d foover the means of raifjng ohj-rt-ons o 'he ity of the return of -he dcAtvs, li fts' 'hat liny arc I cmftlvc- c fded* proceed lo the leti ih of acj votitg,. stud iianftnil to congd fa a doit ble mum It wII oot be t* fTv n t for them to aeiompanv th- r r'lnro m h panlihe rcafo s, a 1 d perhaps «Mh fuc u found ed n/Tc ions and fpecous al I ough faife dofumcii i as ;o give t'j rhe c m mit’cef me colorable re*( o« f r ij*diirg the remrn of the rj e et m-f.rd by the governor, and a mining ibe other. Knowing rhr ft ~aoon <-f i c uni'’n ; hnrv d Herently form sib s 'h i.fc from others on political quernon* , ho* divj ded congrefs have been ( or form- yesrs, on certain gnat and try n/ fobjefts j woo chat is a friend ’0 harmony >[)t J rbe f ongt ut on, and to ihar eafy sud ira'qi* mo eof deciding .Kef- c!cdi»n* whien boa hitherto pri vailed, can wlh to go into a mcafure f calculate to produce unccsfjog d fpu eg, and to ihmv almost ev ry »ut< n o feeurs, which can qi ver anfe but hum this bill ! C*n there hr any o. e ..hi would thus hn '.ird (be refer v«u rights ol lie (ts e e g natures end the people, *n»t commit them to n bodv nnkn w> t<* and nnau ho rized by the > Wh> IhonM wc <:i ppofe that tha congrrffVt which ba-c preceded ns did not ut.drrl’anH th i InLjtft 4> well -• wc do, or any that may furevad us > ia 1792, being the firfl rime rhe cxercifr of this power wii necei'ar», C o grrfj ~a ( T;d » law « Mt ltd, “An at r t rel ut v r -o the eledioti o! j and vice-u'i tlidrn ” be. «Ji r amg ho -a h'ftaiei fhpuld s’pw po 01 elector* for the elect, on, whr they fhould meet and v te, that they b« n 'hree cenifirares » f all >he voter giv« «u, <ii.citing how rhe vo ei fhould b’ pmed O', detailing the dutT o» rhe e»<cu« live r.f each <\at« in cerrif>j he hdi of elector* chofcn, of rhe fecret’ar i Date nih* non.recnpt of v tei, rha' r rtgref* fliall a 1 w■» /» he in fcfHon na rhe leconr! W ednefd y Pc ruarv in ' % '■r f > rrh * thr fiwfift cf op'*mf and t',untt g tie vott>, < in Jenr'ngthc jlrr/idiil uud v.te-prtkm dent el tled ugruably t'j tht e’.ejUtuti.n ; aKrr- lie du ■'■j il fi t »c* , and pt ia tii on pe fors feut with the votes; ■i d inilcing provilion in c,fe of the death ■f prefidftit and vicc >/rclident, or their to ferve, and firing the ti re whsn tiieir coximanrer. It is very •mporiarn in deciding on the b f before you, to penile shit alt w:ih gr*at attention; to resolleft by whom, ami when, «i>d under **hnt cir• ainflarees jt war made- Thi 1 law wai p».(Tec* in 1741, when a number of ab'e and «tl|*i '• tred men, w!io have been lirce app w i»d to fnm? of your mod refpclf ile lit aliens at hone and ab-oad, and many -*h< h ive voluntarily rcire.i with drier *0 I( fi earned h' nor to ; nvjtf ,fc fil ed the fea’s of h iih h ufes t f congrci*. Ahea tn« s»c olive au’horitv wai held br ge neral Waihington, lor wtura your wlioi9 [Vo.