The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, September 02, 1800, Image 3

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iHftnance the fine ii twenty dollars* The party whole election i« oppofed, '• to he ferved with notice of lh'» intended nppofjtion, and of the time *rd place when tKef<* wine e* «re to be examined. If i’ ii faid he was not at fiome, pmof of a ropr "f the notifies tinn beW left ; g fuflicient, and the Judge or Juft cca are to proceed, ev parte to tfke the teftimonf I’ doe* not ap pear th moft >uen»’ve prruf.l of the aft, ’hat the officer* or perfona who ire to fertre the notices are to depe'd upon be or jufticei, or known puh lir olhccra ; but may br any perUo the party oppofirv* t* e e'eflion mar eboofe ; they mav b- f me of hi* own pmiru'sr friends or dependents, or pc fans he can direft as he pleafea. In rxanvninp this aift, we mud Immc d’atrly perccve, that it in extremely defedi.e, eeeo a* it rclpeft* the e'eflioo of members of houfe of reprefen a lives; but ’hat ftinu’d ir ever be relied upon in the decifion ol the eleftion of a Prefi lent of the Unted Stares, and the thrice of this important officer, that this ntmded mao of the peop'c wai to depend upon the lettimoriy, which, under the cover of this aft, fraud, or force, or bribery, mighf produce, the evils ro this country wou'd be moaftrrus indeed. By this aft we are presented from the viva voce examination of witoc e* before eongrrf* or me comtri’tee ; that eiaminitioo, which on the trial of the meaneft cu’prit and for the fmallcft offence your juft and rqu table laws rco der indifpcnfibie, that mode which a! low* you to look a witnefa fteaddy in the face, to view in it either the calm off* of confcious innocence, or the agi tatiomof falfehood, and the fear of dc te<h on ; m the prefcocc of an *nx’Ou and enquiring public to probe his fta’c mmti to the bottom, and if they arc fade to confront him wih thf tru h ; fcow farfuperior, fir, in fh s, to the regu lationa of tbr- aft: where exam nations are to be taken by comm ffi ,n, in a roan ntr 'bar muft for ever open a d' or to the gtoTrft mp fi 'on* ? If a judge of fame fup ror or inferior court is not to b" c rurcniently found, and in the in’c int'-r or and frontier parts of a number of the ftates this will frequently be tbe calc the #bole management nf th» tufinrfs ig to depend upon two fjihcf* of the peac *, who are to iflue the warrant of fummon* and ermine and reduce the tcft.mony t 0 writing am tranfmit it to the fear of govern m nf. I rruft I fhall be believed when ay, that few men have indeed thu no man ha. a higher refoeft or alkft on for the people r.f -he United I have; that I believe them ° ' e f . bc ® oft and eafi'y governed, znd at the fame dme , h e heft Xn ent \ People in the w rid I can ret ibereforc e fof pn ft cd 0 f -he »nft an «> fuppofing that in Ue of the fta’es. wb-re oLftions y be made to the elcftrmj or qualifi ,h: ’ 1 1, ,, r . , y to '■ke teftimony; lull ° m 0r c hancellor, or fome i v ° f L hC pCa " e ’ ma y he found, who neJoff ffi' m 'V f g °° d char,ctrr » or «« rfiuffi c , enl knowledge or technical T* be cn ‘rurted w ththet.kngof of »' ° r tbc cr °b c >r' C 8 0 wb °k ‘ffiertions may dc 1 , ° ‘ m P°rfant an election. Rccol V'dc. 1 *l* * ,lCre * rc ,n,e thnufandj of ' ' b J ,n «i l °’* ,nd juftict. of .ho lem V f ll " CnI 10 c, ' tc liv«and pepu : United States, if be wonderful indeed, if fotne of . WC ! e , n^ r of letters, or rot c oCli~V° m * nai ' e fod r it l r ,T- Care a < ev ammation as rhts u nr ■( u C ' cnt «cutencf» and ability ; ! ', *' th. id„, rod fup J a,TI did uumrroiu a body of ffijT K- 18 c f bal (ome of them fc, v - ? tampered wirh, »nd made fub ' ' purpofes of party to git r lmon y to wrjring >n a man *» rti r part a ' man ner, to omit or add, tempted, the ala r mmg 111 icon lenCf 8 * Bt nw f rom f^cir ed nrf car cciy need ob“ mention I cut .*7 ft'ike tbe fuperfi 1 obltrvfp ij r Under .k- ’ eaf T ro °’ »• ,f 10 J * f ° r ,bc contf ft ir, g P art l ffijy / ’ <it P (n denis of hi» own, w o liwtry crtnfmiffi n rf de tor 0r e notices, a* that 'he elec dc^.q n P rOO q ialificatioos or ihem | ,* Con teftrd, m y not receiv meJt e jj* ’ or receive them foldte as o jaflice. '* D P eir anc«f in time before the P°ffiblc, Iq ffiort, if we TiCir »t.e difueuTtie, it,., , h( .(te'rpt 10 rbta'o on lhil fobjea ,b„ c.n be it ,!| depended op ott. the door.h.t it „i|| opfn brfhf and . P"J o, r- «d fr,ud .very defcnption, „ rau ft „ o„ce , r .„ r ,U -the .oo«„ u , ;on cou | d Dctfr " t( con temp tied pi.m,, , nrprrf . thorny on the fnbjeft ; they k„„ I, *M totpoffible f, om thr of fome of the fl.tei. , h . w , e.,n,,0,.,0n coold p'«e hefo . . •! body i that on ,hi, ocrofion .1 , other, were to.dmiflible j , h . T thrrr f . r determmed rh„ lhc f ■ inlo , K , elea.oD W d qu.lific, J th , fltc ton, and the conft of rheir vorer, ffiould be g ven m Pn d reft .* clufivcly with the Jlafe (fgl/laiures ; , n that the certificate of the executive of a ftate, of the ccfto.a appointed, am 1 the votes of f U rh elect r 8 regularly tra. f mfted, mull be rccc ved and counted , * a * Bo * f 0 Be the cafe, and t c bi efura you was to berome a aw, a* you have now ’’erprrrined • ha the 7 thfea.§n fould le flruci cut and t ; ,at .. thc c-nimtree HiaiJ | ave power Jinady to decide without repriaion ; 1 * 1 h to be "'formed, where are the committee to (top their erquipr. ? I ftate. where the eleftor. .re chofen by a general vote, or by d.ftrim, and where thr ufaod* of voters mav billot for a candidate, are the commi.fte to examine mto the return of cve’y dee tor. aod into the qualifications of rve ry vo er . Or in other*, where the dec tor. arc chofco by the lepina'ure, are the committee to rrquu-e into the leg* I'ty Of the return* 0 f every mrmb -rof a ejite legiflature ? Or how i* it p, ffib'e tor this committee, or f ( r conger f 9 itfdf ei her to have time or the mtans to ™ake thrfe rrquiries. f 0 as to be «’d r f * cftr "i | nc with rorrcctncf*, or with justice to the parties. But let us fuppofe that this committee, or even congrefs it felf, are determir ed to exerrife this power, and fhould receive memorials and and collea teftimony, and fhould be of opinion that one or more ele&ors of a ftate have not been duly clefted, or are not conftitu onally qualified : how are ron grels then to ptoceed to find how thefe unduly or difqmlified eleftors voted, particulailv if they ftiould belong to a ftate having a number of electors ? As the conftitution dire6>s they ate to vote by ballot, the votes of the eledlion ought to he fecret. ou have no right to require from an eleftor how he voted, nor will you be able to know for whom he did vote, particularly if m the return from that ftate different candidates have been voted for. in this dilemma 1 afic, what is to be done ? You cannot difeover for whom this disqualified or improperly re turned eleftor voted; and you would not certainly, in a ftate having 16 or 21 votes, rejeft the whole, becaufe one or tw»» illegal votes have been Tuppofed to be given ? From the rnoft attentive con fideiation of this part of the fub jeft, I believe no fatisfaftory anfwer can ever be given to th< queftion 1 afk; that the objec tion I have ftated can never be removed ; that if there was no other pood reafon for fuppofinp the confbtution did not intend to give to congrefs any controul or examination into the eleftion, this of itlelf is fufbeient and proves the wifdom of that inftru mem's vefting it exclufiveiy in the ftate legiilatures. Another feiious objeftion to ibis bill, or to the cxercife of this power, either by congrefs or a committee is, that the exe cutives of the ftates and the ftate legiflatu»es ate equally bound with congicfs, by oaih , u to lup port flic tonflitutlon it is an oath they all take at the com mencement of each new legida tJire. IF therefore a number of the legiflaturcs of the mofl im portant Oates in the union, mould be of opinion with me, this is a right cxelufively veiled in them by the rnnOitu tton, which they have folmnly fzvormn preferve, and that con fillent y with tlicir oaths they ram or quietly acquiefre in a diminution of it, or f„fp e r . ny inva (ion by a body having no conuitutional autho’ity to inter fere, might not (uch fentiments, himly exprefled and adhered 10, unnccedarily give rife to a com (lift of opinions at leafl, that had better always be avoided j We know the lorce of religious opinions in this country, and how tenacioufly oaths are in ge neral adhered to; and finely, nothing but feme (bong and prefling mceflih rould ever ex rule, if any thing can excufe, an interference on fo delicate a lubjVcl ; and where, fir, is this necefliry at prelent ? Have not the Bates, and their lepiflaurrs and executives, alwavs pundlu ally & faithfully executed every duty the conflitution required of them ? Have you any docu ments before you to prove that h me of them mc *n to misbe have, or any proofs to juflify your adopting a meafurc of this kind P Are the opinions of indi viduals. or peihaps unfounded annonymous publications, to p’ecipnate ) on into diflercrccs with the Bates, at a time when harmory is fo eflVntial to our general welfa’e? Do you recol lett the cotitefls (hat are now prevailing in the < Id world on the (übjedl of government and its principles, and how import ant it is to us fo avoid a clafhrng of opinions between congrefs and the Bates on the fubjedt of their rcfeivcd rights, at a tivie when not onh this, but every con flitulional principlefhould be touched ■with the gnaiejl deluacy. Wc Bintdd rccollcdl that if is alio highly necelfary at this time to imprefs our citizens with the mofl favorable opinions of the integrity of the government, particularly as it rt (pedis the elcdlion of their prefident; they now know that chofen by elec tors, eli died under the exrlufivc diredlifcn of the Bate legidaiurrs, within only a (hort time ot the elcdlion and voting on one day throughout the union, it is irn pofliblc for foreign or dormflic gold or fadlions, to influence the elcdlion ; as it (lands now', cor 'uption mud ever keep at a dif ♦ance; it can never aflai) your eledlors, or fully the purity of their choice. Give, how' ver, the power of deciding on their and of rejrdlirg, or re ceiving them as th( y pleafe, o 13 1 mtn, all cf the (ame political defcription, all widiingthe lame man, fitting with doled doois and w'hole delibr rations are re moved from the public eye, and you will find it difficult to lull (u'picion ; yourjealous citizens will remember, that feerecy always accompanies corruption , ar d that even if this committee were to adl in the me fl honorable man ner, yet Bill that the friendvof the candidate whole votes have t)ffn refund, if fucb refnfal rn ft him his elcftion will ncvr* reafc to fulpttl that ail has nor hfen fan. and that fomc improper rcdfon has influenced the dcci hon. I could urge a variety of other objections againfl this h T ||. hut I am afr id I have a r, a j v h'og t re {palled on your ratien.'e. I will thrtelorr here conclude nay femarks. with entreating the li' iilr not to deftr. (heb/auti! tul harmony and iafe-tv which ti'e conflj.'urion at prelent m j (u,rs » both to the flares and rhe 1 general government ; a ( defy | "huh muff depend op a flnft I adheianre to its p-incirles ,nd I to d'c jud'cious diftribution of ; Its authorities; that while the Itaus are wilely prof ihired hom interfering with thofe redly na tional powers which can a'one be lately exerefltd In thrgrne t9J B<)V8 <)V( ’ rn n ,r nt for the pun Hes r,a,, °nal defence and protre non, iha' govemu cm is in its tun- clinked fromover-fle ( , p , nK the bound, lies of the con ft it u *'* h, hy (he refened powers fo the flatcii and rfu people ai d by ihnr excluhve lights of elpflion, as I have fully flared to yr u ; mfletd of injuung, lei it he our eoeto pieieive unimpaired this valuable f\flem. I (bould be fony that any part ( f fl,, g 0 verriment flu uld he chaigc ble with a wifh to violate it; hut feeling as we mufl always do. a Particular affrdion for that h-andiol it to which w e be’ong, 1 fhould he extremely lOiry | indeed 'hat this bill fliould pals j the lenate I Lri VI MB.mbf (ha. rhe elcfti. r> ,1 j in,n r ‘ l 1 y thc < ftMUion, or tn ry-rr ) n> I 'Tin tin u e.l i n t ( if p ~p f j | the.,, re I, tiling , h< - , rctf d n r a Him (.ration. If i c con. orr rf j u f, u ‘ ve ha» been wile, film r-rflrd and ni ' al, rhrtr <an rno difU 1 .) .• he * fe ir i»f of It- ( I IZ , w ,u coitimr hni nofti.r, r f hr * ft,, to ilrclme elect « fucceflor of fimi ar j. P'c, O thee i) »ar ,i( h» t (roved hurlflf ah ran j 'dicious, ml the mea (nrr ,1 his ailn i 1 0ration do not accord Wl h ,h '* puhlu fcminiert, tee wilt have V? ° r u,, ’r- m ’ dl r «n«< Br•>8 r •> I ihruucli hf • rcc ul ihr elective e i. ie mo e him nrd l« cc i h , fled f man «> (1 Hr nI po pical rooHucf ami , |,>ns, T’lisa pen; however, can never • e fairly a d m >pe <cm v m dc i<* the eo ( le it c nftifls are i have tlx lira eft enn ioul »>r re ill n of the elr-lion. hcaulr, the myxjtjpof herr mnft a! wav < be int ac- I •t nected wth rhe mealure* . a (rJlior, The Prcll.le cun ne er rucred wtinoiit rhe <u f jo i f c n £ el • their a prob Hon mull f m ion al2 he | H ’, ai j all -he fu. pliei which his vie m hi -co* a (loner ; ~r,d the pn r> j fl |Hn e , by the e etlj. r, rlujr ,r n ‘ inicn i v .. f he con duct of iiir rHr rise maO, at the (am t nn-f net eft r ,J y £IV ea, 0 j n , on 0 „ hilt o: (he U u.e. This it another r a o-» Ur ,rj:av the i il» ; an-l ns it . H< r ilie 7 ih lee i.■ bus beer, ftru’ k. u * (rvera) f,' Ileuien ha.eal r e hen o in’ ions | m not wiih.m h -e , he 'the qoel’um it .ken, we /ha.* fimi.urfe s (l i a ma/.'ify, that .t will net ~ at ,d • lie r t u/ive .i K , j of the fUie .eg (U urci w II bi , rriervrd in violate. H«' I* . ailed'he fei.ate 16 to i 2. I hi* bill ha irg prlled the !«.»-«, ieil {fl the hen 'r of repre (enitttivei, «h.> u . c ed fh# niiinbrr <-l (he c ii.mrtre end £a v f t<. • hem the power f collet tit r te< - one <oly, but refe V d in rr,q el ,tl r fhtfi any of fLutfe, 0f tie t !efhrt ihn iktuthi fit/ite. VS hen (h«4 uram . i 4 (enC 0«. kto the fenate, who ate ed h n c d ment of the reprel«ntm,vei, c r lifted u i on of *he r own to ■ ; I c t v g if., that r# */„m eltihr jl ulj it until agreed to . r .. • b b< vilti Ot CO. grefi. At this, :n the o, m <.m t f many of the members <f h houle of r «Me entativcs, made the bil. mnr* i (_#■ c ticnable than when it went lr m he f«i are in in f rft form, they (the re ire (email vei) • ejected tl e afnenr.rtirnt o 1 ih 'tialr, a nt j fo thc bill fell through tor th t fellicr An in cafe of a cod «Oed or dilute, ectli, n .. •hit queHion may be renewed 'he re*r ieffion, aid as a rumbe of rnnabe.i a rcf of Otir citizen hold a fl>e o. u alter b>e °i inion, that «oni-re( l nve n. corftitu^ • >n«l authority to reject is •- o ei regu r tranlniitred by the e .tn ri, atd tr f; • y ib# of he hue »hf‘ * if ha» been tb< uy? • i rnj e t 'hi-, view o! ftc >h J* nriant queftion it aga n-f r oitizenj m y Keve lonic sn iikc fiven ihcai to tv •, ;