The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, September 09, 1800, Image 3

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ft,ll not permit any troops to re mm to France previous to their being exchanged. I alfo think it equally necellary to in form you, that all veffels having French troops on board, and failing from this country with paffports figned by others than thofe who have the right to £rant them, (ball be obliged by the officers of the (hips under mv command, to remain at Alexandria. Finally, that the vcflcls which (hall be met with returning to Europe with paff parts granted in confequence of a particular capitulation with the allied powers, (hall be de tained as prizes, and all on board confidcred as piifoners of war. (Signed) KEITH** Soldiers, we (hall anlwcrfuch jnfolence by vitlories—prepare for battle. (Signed) K LEBER. The general of divifion, chief of the rtaff. (Signed) DAM AS, On the 20th March, at day break, the republican troops commenced a cannonade againft the advanced ports of the Turks at Matueria (2 leagues from Cairo) at eight o'clock, the Grand Vizier appeared with his army and occupied the ground between the villages of El Hanea and Matueria. The French army, 15,000 men firong, including the cavalry and dromedaries, was ported in two lines extending within half a league of Boulac, having its right covered by a wood of D'te-trces The Turkifh cavalry firft made fome partial attacks, but with no effe&. The J miffarics ©pooled to the French left wing advanced with confidcraMe bra very, but being foon out of am munition. and badly funported bv their artillery, they were forced to fall back. Towards noon the whole republcan line advanced with a terrible fire of artillery and fmall arms. This rough at'ack fpread confufion and difordcr among the Turks, and 40,000 men fled in every direflion. The Grand Vi zier not having it in his power to (lop them, retired to his camp, but was foon obliged to aban don it, the French hiving ad vanced in two oblique lines to cut off his retreat The rout became general, ip pieces of cannon and a part of the camp fell into the hands of the con querors, whofe lofs was very trivial.—That of the lurks amounts to 8000 killed or wounded, befides thofe who pe rifled in the defert. At the commencement of the a&ion, Nazouf Pacha and Murad Bey, parted by the rear of th* repub licans with a few thoufand men a nd penetrated by Bnulae to Fairo, where they tmffacred fome Frenchmen, and the Cre tans and fome Copts. They w ould not have maintained thcmfelvcs in that place, if Ric her, willing to lave it, had not been fatisfied with furrounding We have reifon to believe *bat new negociations will revive ■be convention, as we are affured England has ratified it LON DO V, June 28, r e dated in a fccond edition of the Courier verterdav, that government had received a complete confirmation of the l.ifl news from Italy, We have this morning received by ex prefs, Paris papers to the 26th infl. They contain the impor tant and ample details of the battles in Italy, the convention of an arrnifTce, together with an account of a viQory gained by the French in Suabia over gen. Kray. PARTS, June 30. It is faid, that towards the clofe of the battle Of Marengo , Melas, furrounded by fifteen or twenty thou fand ■hiftrians killed or wounded fent a rnffenger to Buonaparte , with theft words —* For God fake. Sir ! put a flop to this carnage and I will confent to whatever you defire. " Bulletin of the irmr >f R. fertc. A Turkifh embajjador has ar rived at Genoa from Leghorn, on board an Englijh frigate lie has informed lord Keith of the events which have taken place in Fgypt , and of the dephrahle fitualion of the Grahd Vizier who was driven be yond the defart, General Wtllot and general Do nican, bribed by England , have tent eight or ten agents into the South , they e to organize afjaffinaiion and pil age. 7 heft two miferable men are now held in the greaiefl con tempt General Pichegm was ItkeWife to take command of a corps, which was to have been led into France It is lamentable that a man who has ren dered /nek femces to the republic , fhould di(grace his glory by min gling in fuch miferabie mtnguts. General Souchet arrived at Cam po M'irnne before Genoa , early on th 30 th Prainal if ter many conferences with general Hohenzol lern he ftgned a convention , the terms of which were fim lar to thofe of that for the evacuation of Ale/- fandria. On the 2 s th of June , the Auf trians completely evacuated the Gri fon country and retired into the Tyrol afraid left the French fhould cut off their retreat. General St. Suzanne was a• Mentz forming a new a>my of 30,000 men , who it is faid , are to enter Franconia, which is the only retreat left for Kray. A telegraphic difpatch of the 20 th of fun ' fated that the french continued their viftones over Krays army. }u ! y 8. The Americans who are in Pa>is met or the \th of this month, to cele brate the anniverfary of the indepen dence of the United States. At this meeting many toafls w‘re given in honor of our invincible armies, and to the fpeedy eftabhfkment of good harmony between the two re publics. The Americans viewed with much emotion Gen fa Fayette , who was prefent , and wh > fo powerfully con tributed to the eftahh/hment of thnr independence They fiewed him the moft imprtjftve maks of refpeH and attachment. In one of a femes of letters writ ten in 1780, by John Adams, now Prefident of the United States, is the following paragraph : “ I have heard the common far mers in America fay, feven years ago , that if Great Britain could buTd a wall of brafs a thoufand fed high , all along theJta CQa/l t at low toaUr mark, xvs could !tvi and h happy. America is mofi mioxlht• f h capable of being the mofl inde pendent country upon the fl produces every thing neceffarv for tne comfort and convniencs of life, and many of the luxuries too. So that if there vane an externa! frpe~ ration between Europe and i inert ca , the inhabit :nts ''f America w ufd not only hve but multiply, and for zvhat 1 know, he wifer. better , and happier , than they will be a* it tsP See a PrafUcal improvement of thefe fentiments, in (hr appointment o embaffiies to Confl anti nopie. Pe !erjhu'g t and almofl every court in b urepe; the creation of a navy, and cherijhing foreign commerce at the expen e of dom jhc manufactures and agriculture. [W.I mington Mirror.] A flray cow is advertifed in the Raltimoic federal Gazette—we do not h c the neceditv of adver lifing it, while Judge Chafe was in that city—the cow now adver ted has both ears cropped, another cow had the tail cropped —-but there mud b< fomc joke in the advertifement—-better un derftood at Baltimore ; perhaps the cropt t rs is an allufion to the punifhmcnt of old, inllidcd on ccw-/lealers. T O B E S (> L D. On the f.rp. T ucfday in October next, at (he Hiufe o] (h Subscriber I he PER ON L ESTATE of Robert Miller. 1»«c of the county n* JffTc fon H ccafcd, confiding of a (mall nock cf Hotfcfl. Cattle, ard Ho,;* , a fo Hnufchold Furn turf and Faimm Urenfila Conditions—A credit of fix month*, the pur.ha(er« giving (mall note*, with approved fcetirty. PATSEY MILLER, Jdm'x. September g. N O T I C E. ALL Pcrfom who have demand* •’gjioft the Eftafe of IT* fin ame Harvey, dec»aftd, a*e difirrd » briru> them forward, proper’y a'lefi d ; and thofc mdchlrd to f«'d cftaie, aie r. qu ft cd to make mtnediate payment to Drufiller Harvey, Executrix. Tandy C. Key, } r i u n i ’ } Executors John Paulett, ) September g. Duties on Carriages, and on Retailed Licences, DiflnH oj Georgia , Collettor's office , Sept, i, iSoo. NOTICE Is hereby given, that the Subfcnber will attend from the twenty cigh'h to the thirtieth day of »his month, at Jame* Boz man El qu’rc’* office. for the purp fc ofrrceiv ing 'he entries of all Cm age*. for 'he c nvcyance e,f perfons, owned or pofTtf f d by inhabitants of the -own ot Lou 'f»il ! e, and c un r y of Jefferfm —and of i'luing liceofes of the United Sates, fo thofc who may commence the Lufi nefs of re ailing Wines and Foreign Spirit*, witb’D the fat’d and coun ty ; alfo to thofc whofr prcfcut liccofra (hall cip re w thin thi* month. All per • lon* concerned are earoeftly folicltcd to pay attention to thii notice, and are in formed that the penalties incurred h r omiffioM, will in every inftancc be ftndtly exacted. JOHN BOSTWICK. CotteSor. Lcuifi)llle t September 9. National Magazine* 6 At Suhfcribery to the \at>onal Magazine, are refpeftjully informed that the 1 fl, 2 d 3 d and 4 th numbers are jufl received , and ready to be delivered at this Office , September 9. Ttunly Dollars FewarL Ran away from cSu icr *f, » n fh« night of the yih ir *»t t. Tft l> NfcoHOES ; one t amfi Dlt L, ih>u 5 feet oor 7 inches h;g*, flout ■* d welt nude, very Urge eyes, and a little lot t k k red.—The other, .. ye I w VSemb, nau ed ANNA, ib wt ;y )#»r* f i dimple in her tight check, ore ft red hv > b°>l o» he tooth ache. Wh e>crwil)d«» li\er the laid i eg- r» »- the Sit bfcr.bT, l,v "'K '> he Half wit H off, n h,« road lea m H 'fron; L .utull.e t W ynrfc r< u.k, Inali . eceivc the above rew ini W I.LI M MUKPHY. Align/} *5, 1800 JcfTcrfon Sapenor Court, OHober Term , 1799. Prcfcnt the hon. 1 bonus P, < arn n Rober Watkins *rd Joh E *nderfon f r the ule( ~ , , ol John Esse, *, >Forrcfofurc Thomu Collin* j ’I known to all cot terned, that ■ p ’ ition wii prtfen ed to the hen. the Superior Court of the county of frtf, Hon held by hii honcr, Thomas Pc""* Carnes, one ol the;e* of the faid court, praying the lured ’furt of the equity of redemption to one lot of land >n the rown of Loutf* lie, in th« county of J'ff.’rfon and known by uura • ber two hundred »od fif y-twa—be it there i< re Ordered the faid Thom»| Collins do come into court withm twelve month* from he date hereof, * d pay ti e fa d Kob rt Watkins, and y * n E. Anderfon for the u e of John forr, the prim pal and 'nter.ft ft gether w h the fc. fta <n tenna of the flatnta in furh cales mule and prnvi ed ; o h w fe <h- equi y of redemption will be forevet from cncc forward fore lofed. Peter (, Caines, Attorney « Superior ourf. Afrit Term, 1800. \bILL t’fifig (i ed on the equi v fidfl "t hit C»'itr(hy C-rnclius Mu j hey, vrayi 'g the cfli.blilhmcnt o! certain li.fl paper , to wit A fetdement and receipt thereon for the (mn id thirty mnndi current nn nev . f the ftaie of North Carolina, in full of nil accounts relative to roe rn.pati erfh.pbe** tween Cor .rliu M r hey, and nea Fl-tchei, dated rhe da; of Angnfl hi the State of North-Carolina, to Montgomery e unty, liib/cribed bjr laid yanie'i Fletcher N 2. A receipt In isvt ur of Came lint Mu hey for tlic amount oi fifteen pi unfg urr 111 moriev of N r h-C.troliba, in ull I all accounts, h ft!*, ire 4th nary 1 90 J fubferihe ■ Samuel K,'uy. S ’. 3. Avkiu.wlrdg<"iTifhi «* receiving 1 mi v notei, bonds, lie fo- which pt -1 * y hn Shackle Obliged h.mfelttnac* couni 1 lie (, e bcanftf date t’a 0 of jenrg a, W ;fh 1 gion to v 13d ay of October 1790, a d fubferihe j hit Sha »le. N . 4 A receipt in favour .1 C ■iue Mur; hey, fur eight pounds money of N nh Carolina, tage her with fevcral ir c acc«Un s therein it* fignatec*, urn unt mg hi the who e to • ne hundred and fifty, wo (t«iuid fil ee. (hillings, like money, lii recci >t ea-irg da elB h September, 1789, and fubfcrfi'Cd William Wooley, h-cunr. H • 5- An undertaking rromife or ac kn wl'dgemcnt by the Executors of M»rk Aden, deceafed, unf • Cornclits* Muiphe , t > en.e ai a credit on hit bond 111 their pofl-flioi , of fist hundred «nd nn c• ty li* pi m di, current mo ey of Nor h Carol! .a, for fervices rendered b> Come liul to lafd Mark Allen in hit life time, *■ dto his fc-rccu o's alter his dif>sf fj for he eiiatc, to amount of one hundred artl ninety 1 oundi r ghtcen (hillings, lawful rni.nev of north Ca.o inn, beating; date the 27th *ay or June 1789, and fub fcr.bed C’.arlei J ,tte», William Wooley, h m •cuto. s of Mai k A lien, decesfe *. S". f>. A pr miTory note in favour of Cone io» Murphe ..ayableto h m or hi* alii.,' r» for the fum of fotartecn pounds money of North Car lina, bearing date ii'hday of Oftober, t;Bi/, ana (ub Id.ibed y.;feph B .wen. Whereu on, it i ordered that the defen darts i» the faid bi t do Hiew c«ule on or i;cfor« the fir (I day of ne* term, rthcrwife tl at the bill be taken as corfefTed, and the paper* thefein Hated to be 1» ft,effablifhed. An it it further ordere I, th*. :h j order b« uolifhed for fi« mort't in mi of ■ l.c übviazritri <>f .his djte Exlnfl jrtm the Preo'di, (lb Jtt.y 1800. Thomas ti. Huiheifo d, clerk, BLANK LETTERS OJ ADMINISTRATION, AND BLANK BONDS, v r*r file st this Office. BLANK DEEDS for Sale at this Ojftct.