The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, September 16, 1800, Image 3

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f rn tbcpui- v.rlue, T rrflrr to lift vuh the l r ]] wifhes of ail Winded New Poland enthufiafts. I there, fore will and bequeath to the following per Tons of true arlfto cratie pii r^r-inles, fuch of my niialificatfons, as may ferve Tome f igure fa6l ion, in fupprefting a republican government, and the fjvereignty of the people. jmtrimis —l give and bequeath unto* John Adam*, the prefent prefident of the United States t } jC friend of monarchv, and hereditary government—the ad orer of Great Britain, and dc fpifer of France—the provider for his Ton and fon’s fathe' in law, and the New-England jun to, with places of piofit and Jionoq in preference to well tried republicans. I fay, I give unto him all my duplicity , together with my eltflicneenng talents, that they combined, may aid and a [lift him in his approaching eleftion for the prefidential chair, jf per adventure they (houM ftear him through fuccefsfully— I may again come forward and live to fee a [efferfon, a Nicho las, a Gallatin, a Baldwin, a JLivingfton, a Jackfon, and a long train of fuch dangerous democrats 4 * humbled in dull and afhes ” Item —l give and bequeath unto my well beloved friends, iointly Alexander Hamilton and Jonafhan Dayton, all my talent for [peculation upon the public funds, well convinced that they will never let any opportunity pafs them, where they can purebafe up rmblic fecurities, and acquire to tbemfelves immenfe fortunes, to the entire rum of many away worn foidicr, holplcfs orphan and widow, and to the injury of the government, fo as to reduce it to the nccefhty of borrowing at eight per cent. Item~~l give and bequeath unto the unfortunate Timothy Pickering, who was (lumped of old by Oliver Wolcott, and late ly by the Prefident, all my bil lingsgate language, as a reward for his noble exertions againft republicanifm, and to fupply all vacuums that have been occafi oned by too great an overflow ingof fcurrility and low abufe on the citizens 6f Prince Edward county, (Vir.) and the French. Item- I give and bequeath unto my well beloved friends, Bayard, Dana ?nd Otis, all my fiptrior arguments in favor of tax aim of flandmg armies , of the chen law , of the fedition hill , and nan y other things that tend to ad - VGnc ' ariflocracy and deprefs demo- Crac y—that lead to a total derelic •icn of the peoples fovereigntr—and entire debafement oj the nation, fern —1 give unto my virtuous T:f nd fudge Chafe—forhisgreat fXeni ons in hurrying on to trial, Un der the fedition law, thofe dc- writers and printers, y 0 Bave dared to (land forward of the rights of rmn. p tebv the views of our party r O p d for comp'eat fuccels— Wv knowledge of illegal prnceed- ln Ca fes where the fortunes and . [■(ifwrn or the pnfoners at f [ '~' n< nd all ?7?v art for jpeewa p0 'ghb,cr t c'JUy. r I give unto an Augufla n l ‘ Cr , under the fignature of,j\ a ry hrwliUe of tie /azvs c f t\ cUn • ted S(a f cs , that h e rnny thereby with more facility conjure up hobbling (lories, with a view to aid Mr. Adams in his elefiion. and enforce a belief thar the ledition bill has expired. And finally, I recommend to our party throughout the United States, ro perfevrre in their rn dea vors to eftablifh a hereditary government. And (hould Mr Adams furcecd, to let no oppor funny pafs where the people can be humbled by oppreffive taxes —and never fo loofe fight cf an immenfe (landing army, the on ly method, by which, the inha bitants ran be overawed, and due obedience to unconllitutronal and unwarranted mcMurcs cn forced. From the AURORA. The great and gallant major general—we do not mean the brave, bur the amorous hero who has prorlaimed his adven tures with Maria, he. it Teems, has laid that he would loofe hrs head or he would febvert the prefent government at the head of a triumphant army. 1 his is plain laying, and looks too much like jacobinifm for the head of the federal pnty. A declaration like this, from the month of a democrat would have fmellid of trealon, and the author would have expolcd himfelf to proferipfion and per fecution. But coming from the gallant major-general, it is right arid proper. To fubvert the prefent go vernment would require more gallantry than that of fuch an Alexander. He might triumph over Maria; but his gallantry in other irftances has fq nted towards baftifulnefs Would not judge Burke and governor Munroe Imile to hear the major general make ufe of fuch big words ?—-Would they not think of captain Bobadil ? The likenels that fome of our anglo-federalifts have found in him to Buonaparte, has pethap inflated him with an idea that h« really is Buonaparte j and this is juft as true as if is of the ma niac in our hofpital, who fan cies himlelf a king. Buona parte has a heart as Well as a bead : ufurper as he is, he has the virtue of moderation and courage ; and although we can not blit abominate the ufirpa tion, we mull admire the quali ties of the ufurper. Can the daftardly tyrant who laboured to luborn evidences to bring Hamilton, Findley, Smilie and Gallatin to the Gibbet and who wifticd to fee Pittfburg in flames, that he might drink the blood of innocent men, be compared to Buonaparte ? Can the wretch who ftole under cover ol the night, to the chamber of another man's wife, be compar ed to Buonaparte? Can the pi tiful fcribblcr, whole only ta ’ent confifts in the quantity and mphtudf of his witings,com pare wrth the mind of Buona parte ? Infolcnt and rnfulting comparifon / As well might the mulquitoe be compared with the eagle, or the toad with the elephant. ff n'iY lire was a iiir.t that caUed Jor the I audible ex n lions rf Ihe th lightened citizens of theft fates, it is the pre/ent. We fee the over-ruling hand labouring in the cavje that nature as well as our hn • r an declaration of rights hare or dained : nr. that ell men are boin jiee ; this axmri it is incumbent on every well xoijhtr to /.is country to fufportwith all his might. Ihe ia ‘e fuccrf of the republican aims throughout ine theatre of war, and more e/pecuilly the brilliant vie tones chained by the arms of referve u' der (he aujficts of the invincible Buonaparte, frengihen the belief that the caufe of fne om will , foon er or let. r t expand to the nimofl verge of the habitable g ] ohe. ihe meft of ns have fecn this country involved in the calamities of a direful war and compelled to de fend die exijlrncc of their new born and inrflimable rights agamfl an arm\ of hireling mercenaries, wherje foot fiefs were imbrued in the hood and tvhofe m/aftable hearts thirjied for (he /pods of cur difirejf (d and harrajfed countrymen We feenour fellow citizens tahrn by this banditti and immerfed in the dun geons of gloomy prtfons, end the flul more frightful cavities of pr fen /Infs and tlur '■ prifined and far ved to death by hundreds. We have fen the fertile plains of America dr inched in the blood of cur fathers and brothers whefe lafl fighs were excited more by the vu fries of their c Pf rf J! ( d country , than by the agony oj their gaping wounds. Who can recur to theft gloomy retrofpeftions without the blended emotions of ccm m’JJerntion/or their unmerited woes, and abhorrence of the perpetrators of theft atrocities fr cm which they on ginated ? But reft fatisfed n:y coun trymen ; a time will foon arrive when they fhall no longer exult at their fuccefs/ul villainy ; the dav of retribution is at hand, and ready to overwhelm them by its juji reward When cur finances are r^haufed and recourfe is had to every fpecics of taxation , which the fertile inven tions of our rulers can fuggejl, we are told they are necefary to defray the exfences incident to government ; ff it behoves us to enquire whr ther there has been proper economy praftifd in our nntiona expenditures —and if we think there has been a wcjte of public movies, then if, be comes neerjjary to revert to the cha rafters and condvft of thof men t who appear to have been accejjary to thefe enormities ; let us fcontinue their aftiohs with a watchful, hut not a jaundiced nr, and if from this ordeal their char afters are clea > fed from (he which have en gendered fufpicton, we ought to pay them that tribute which jufbice clams. But on the contrary if they derive nothing hut infamy from this fervtiny ;if ip nr principles are found to be inimical to the hap'inc's of the people ; if to promote their eleftion to office, they have been guilty of bribery and corruption ; */» while (here, they committed them fives by peculation and /peculation at the nations expence , unmindful 0/ the honor of their country which is indifpvtably annexed to the con duft of its refirefentotives; and in fine, if they, in order to frure them /elves from the nmmadverfo' s cf an injured and ahvjed people , infinite j edition laws, and fortify them (elves with jlanding armies , they ment cverf epithet of effretium which c*:i K iejlcii'cd cn ihanly heir in* dip ant (ivninrrtn, (me for ward, then, Americans; / or am repeat, if there iitr was a time that demanded ycur <xcrt:cns u in the prefent; if there if a (park of that liberty in embno which in ’j6 emitted fuch celefhal refulgence, ci low vie to kind- it into a daze by (ailing )cur attention to this emit /at enfis. who ft hapty termination is the excels of cur defi'es. Jh n (Iel) f ' rxuard and with ne accord , confer hoppmefs enrvur aunt' (J proclaim the virtues of I ho: .as Je/ferfcn . ly (lifting him to (he pre fidency. j Newark Ccntincl. . NOTIC E, Application X vUi ha made to the Inferior Court (j J'ffnjon county , after the expi ration of nine months (or an order to Jell the (m owing tanas, viz one thou [and Jive hundred ana five acres, more or U/s joining Rithard Gray, e ; J. and others; one other [rail con taining one hm d'ed acres , more or lefs, joining K bert Rradiy and others: which were of (he realeft ate 0/ William Stevens, late of th■ (aid county , deceafed , Jor the ben fit of the heirs and creditors, in terms of the aft in fuch cafe provided. Aathan Powell, Benjamin Bryan, >•-rnmilti at m September g, if? o. \ty ft>HA H a I Tl- E o RCf I /,/ Ctrl "/ Ik, Curt iy ,} ... . V of Ord'Harv I* If C aunty [ / . . * \ County ' g IV\tjitngm 3 tot, WH t R F e * F/f'eru k Cu Ii n nr<J Hen < W irnbe J;, h»'h this day* a led me for >• ,ies < f mb fl 1 I ion <n be eflaie t Frederick Winr decealed ; thefe a e thtielorp m -j * and Bcimor ifh all arc* the kin< reel >• nd c eriitoi» ol the fa id drccnfecV. 1 ><• and a 1 f«r f n v fl. cr, nr »» beto r he 101 h clav < f OCR her 1 ext, to fh t\% caulr, il an' ile have, rvh) icnci» o( adminillra rution I,he old not he gii'Otcd. Given under my hand, ch*i 10th day of Sept, itfco, ai ii In li t twenty fourth year of the /meric n lnd«* pendencr. J. Watts, cletk c, o. Sly jtrsiAH Watts, OFO R C, I/ , / Cl I\ of ikr Court tf HujJi.nglon County. t OrJ.nary f>,r Wajh* j ingto 1 County. WHEREAS f za Cmiimi % hath ap plied to,me t< i J*r er 1 nt sdn f :f -tral.ou on the «f>- f« n( f) vtd O mmi j # deceafed: 1 fir le a>e there ore 10 cue unj admoi ith aJ! and Dog ar the lit drto and creditors nf Ihe (aid elect fed, to he a d ap| ear ai m> r ffic e, on or before ti e icuti Oay cf Oc'fnbsr l.ext n (hew caufe, if any thc> have, why Irtee »o. acimit.ift a lion fhould not hr giar ed. d-iven utder my haul, 'hi* to:h dny» of Sr t 800, and in ll>c twenty fourth >cir ul the Amer can ludo pendencc. |. Watts, clerk c. o. Jcfferfon Superior Court, April Term, 1799. Prcfcnt the hon. Geo. Walton* UPON the petrior ol Naihatiel R‘Mic ktn, Rithaid Curry, hi ci Brijan iij arner, ptaymj! the foreclofore i t th« equity of redemption, in and r at rtam t ac.‘t 1 f Irinu cojjiainii 01 r hum red m res, fituare. lyirg and beirg in the aid •ot niy of Jcfferfon, ore hundred bdes cl which v at ted to F-edei ck am. rhor oihe three hi rdred acres (• It ar / tip/r, t 1 rrg;gc< io the faid Naths me MMtkn, K chard Cunt , :nd Bet jin in V> 0 by liatiC ytfugur, f« r the feco i g rhri«)* merit of a fum < f nione> ed ;n u tioiid leatiig date ihe lotli day c July, ore thoufand feven huntred and ninety* eight. st 1.4 u on morion of Vr. Ctrres, a tor ney 1 Uic peflH ten nt» ordered the rii.cipal, imereti and c< fit be paid mtu rr urt. * ith 10 tvel ve flu nibs from lie da *c here f, otuerwife the equity o' rcdei*)(ion will be f<*r ever forec lofrd, and pro ceeds gi fake |-l»re, at ecablc tai of aHemhi* , in loch eales ma< e ? nd provided 3 and that ibis rule i>e pub»iff.ed in c1 c r f the gaif'tri < f Oa e, at leaf! once in every month urtil he e»i iratioi of f id twelve moi ihi, or Rrved upon mr rig ge,»■! hu f ecia' agetit. al ] e „. Tionth* previo 1 t« *he t* i iratior cl fmd twelve months. Cert fled pi- 41b day m her Win. M‘Dowell, clerk.