The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, October 07, 1800, Image 1

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THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; A N U REPUBLICAN TRUMPET. Vol. ll.], GEORGIA. LOUISVILLE:—PubIifhed every Tuefdav, by AMBROSE >A Y £ [ AMES lIELY, at 3 dollars pci ann. payable half yearly ;—Where EfLys. Articles of Intelligence A dve*t dements. See, See. aie thankfully iccetvcd, and FRI\ T I INC in all its variety, is executed with ncatnefs and dilpatch. NAP PER T *NDY In the trial o f the celebrated James Nap'tr Tandy Efq. m Dublin m May laft his coun fcl, Mt, Curran, flaled as fol lows : Vr. Tandy was arrefled on the "4 f h Nov. 1798 and clcfe until the ill December in vir ue of an o»der from the ferrate of Hamburgh This or der was ohiained by Sir James Cr-wftrd, the IVitifh refident, who had been dirc&ed by lord Gr -nviiic to demand as the al ternative of wai his delivery. It {tewed as if Mr. Tandy, in the feventy fourth year of h»s ape, wss a man of tor much confe rence tothr moia) and milita ry I* fhm of his majefty's minif tei*, and the powers of Fwiope, to be allowed common indul gences, It teemed as if the wildom of the whole continent of Futope, the diplomacy of Germany, wtre pur in **qui{iiioo agiiril this venerated man ; even the eirperor of all the Rullia- s kis m jeftv's glorious ally, *gainft uh<m it would b« a mifprifon of t»ea!on to fpeak diOefpe&ful ly, d»d rot difdMn to interfere ; this conftellation of (he North with whom the Urfa Majr>r was but a flow wo*m) «bove all viritu flood forth to combat and enchain 'his for«ni dahle old man. In fbnrt, Del hgesnl and civilized Furope leigued together r G tender the itndn mercy of bis majvfh’c mi ■if Ur's inoperative i n hi* ka!f or lather the gibbet of his kody snd lo\al ravens of his country, the feafl of picking bones In purfuanee of fuch a mighty confeder cy of tht hurortean powers an order aas itfued from his majefty** f*- cretary of flate, and th<» miHra e inhabitants of Hamburgh v ' fre obliged, in compliance 'Wh fuch u combination of king v 1 influence, to trample the hws or common juflicc and hu- Jrar 'flv, and to give up Mr. Tandy to thofc pre-eminent Pylons that demanded him at a price. He was thrown prifon, and as if the evils hich wrre accumulated upon iis aged body, did not fufficient jy the reverence and bumumty which is due to age. °s if Tfligi on magnanimity, 0r which ifii glorious war was Undertaken, could be exempli- and pourtrayed by afls worthy of the mquifition '"" r;e was loaded with chain, 1 — ! Va, nfcot room or a boarded . of,t would have been irdulgen c,es unworthy of the cotnbincd f c ft’crs tf Europe i.hca^oppof- T U E S D A Y, Octobf. « 7 iftoo. iibertt is our motto — jsd rh\ i n or v cuidh ed to fo formidable a rival, as this prey-’ ended man, whofe ho ry looks vibrate net with the trcmu’ation of fca r o’ t* r repro? rh* sof conf ierce buttle fenfible evidences of a life vrrg ing on eternity ; tbi fo?rridah> f ge was 'hiown into a vaub 01 dungeon—two loldier, p* or wretches whofe poverty or ignomnee perhaps wh< ft* crimes had drefled them up n the live ry of murder, and given with their hands the protection of entombed virtue, two of thefe w r e!e flanon«>d in his cell wi h their naked fwords; as i the venerable age of the (uur we»« likely ro ft-ffen the hearts of thefr ; iwno hfis we»r Rationed omfide his door, as checks upon rhe humanity of their fe’iow flay; s, and the formidable pow e* of this man of four-,(core years. Out of motives of n eie humanity no doubr no peifon I ur thefe myrmidons of tyranny •;*!« lu(F«ia<t In |rr 1 -r» , tl*» applications for that purpolo al ways piovco in vain—by m genui.y which heretofore was confide red as peculiar to the vaults of thf irquifition. the baflile, >nd the raffle of Mag deburgh, thofc chains which however intruded, carried back to thefe who m p f (fd them ah the hono» which they were meant to confer, were fattened fror; the ijgh' arm to the left I- g; no doubt to lave him the mortification of w riting ; but he rngenui'y was rot limited even here, for they were Tolbert as to bnid the body already bent b* age; and his limb were in cr.r fcqutnce fev-icly -,nd blondi’v !ai eiated by hb fettc»s; hi* dungeorr wh’ih would ferm 1 v its flzf to have b-en in fenced for a grave, meafnred c’gb r f by nine thr walls w.-re moifl, grren and fogfcv ; and as t<> re pofe, nature exhaufled, was deemed fufbeient ’o fupply fhe •bferCC of a bed—none was pro vided, not even a fo itary ftrnw nothing but the hare moifl ftones to reft his w a ied carr'a'e —mangled and galled by fetrns. His fmd, for who would fuppofe in fuch a flate that delicacies would he provided, was flrved to h’m in that fty 1c of pomp, that lervircof jjnld and precious fauces which obliterate in the remembrance of emperots and kings the fympathy of humanity —no place, not even the folitarv humility of eaithen or wooden ware his meMs— no knife nor fork entered hos dungeon—bis meat was cur and thrown to him on the foiled floor, at if it were to a dog nay, teo limes more humanity would have been (hewn fo any Vafl ! I< bis the order which •he combined powers *ilL to promote ?—bs this, O f. d of Mercy, i«j thisthy rrligt >n ? * r T.*nd\ w s attende * in court hi h’S frn, |..mcs Tar dy, Flc T J omas 'f’aud\ , ffq md [ }nhr Tandy fer ior and junior, lot the d un r v of Meath, and fe i veral oth of h;s rebuives, men of » f>e ru>fl d'flirguiiht d virtues, and .ill men of v. ft ivopcr'v. Mr T n U was - C OUITTFD • X/ < on ti*rs tii I but rt-m t ded or , a further Mai. at 1 oneg (h/,rs for accepting a C* >mtr-iflion of gen ral of hiigade in lb# French le vie;. KF DF>* A L C’TY, Sept. $ Mori cf j o:\i rrdcr and regular I tcv^nment. Vv her bi b md or violence jby irtugiie or flatterv, a fel ot { m'T p'’Hcfs tl'.emTelvfs of un rrnd u or unlawful povy v ' t n lUr mi IvCS 1H i tfiejr 'r-iis of corruption, till Iheif fer-ings heroine callous to 'njuflice, 01 ft n e to brutality or violence thrr flop at no mea fines, however rafh, or means, b< Aever conrru T'l'bie, to waid ( ff th& blow, wli'th jnflier and i ip/on art prep org f<* conhgn them to their original obf u itx anc infigmficanrr This poft tior we have frequertly fet o iflulratrd from the font idahle Tphfre of u ( 11 rpir; *? govrrnm < -nts, dr,l n to h.o d,' of bnnal “ fh uis; and in no ir.flarce mo»c gl.niug ly rnd for »eM< vs rmi'C appa ler. th.«n in the ir.flance I am a been to retrion. When I contemplated 'he cflabhfl.ment he Cdbinet in the d flndl of Cr urrhia. I was fenfilde that to lo rny duty to rnyfeif and t«.» r. > country, it w s neccflaty nofordy to puhl fli what fliould rr unafe in o'her papers but wh.lever fhould fall under my ow', obferva’ton, tending to ex pr»e to deleft tion that party whch b undern ining ou ccr ftuurion ; this plan I ha*f adopted and »•» keopii g truth for my guide. I waj fenfible that a profs, upon the principles of the Cabinet , would have m my enemies here ; ber i was aware of the many femes of corruption and villainy wiich hud been pra£lifed at the intended feat of a defpotic ern pne. Tbe publication of (he proceedings of a fet of men in Giorgetown, on lat, gavi great offence to them and their particular trends Tlreats were thrown out againft mi I prpaicd uiyfelf with airs which I noticed on Satut d;y laft, On hunday evening I was inform* d by a trie * 1 that fie thought lr(s ir»if ition <» Ofd on the part < f rnv encores and fhaf be believed ilkv were noC then inclined to a emnt ufcio* rute thei* rafl\ thr ats. In con- Icqneocr of this m oitmtion, I wet to mv dinner at the City Tavern, v. r imprudently uo armerl ; ’ Inv no appearance of viol cnee or hoffilt* intentions. Alter Hmner, ! nnfufpefl ; ngly w iked to the pou h of the fionO dooi and !af upon arh »ir wi k m\ a»ms folded ; I I inn obferv cd levrral per phr, w olr f cr» were 11 r n e fo me, g'throng round ; and I was 'non if rr -t -t»rked wuh abufor 1 rguigo for he pi bhc »t?ons whi f had n.- tJe ; t r. plied thai h .rlf» epi f lifts of no fcrvh.o u» any code, and did not *lw;«vs injuro the man on v horn they wer* hcHowed ; that if I had jmhf.fh cd falfchoods, the civil |.iw was ready to dmmillcr fa isfaflioa iv • y •"'»n I'vuil llirlUliiji* and by th .I I was willing o be iM'-d Infbad of aiming, h* irritation jeemc* l to im rraf#, and ft m fh< nuuib«> of fl uig cis (to me) that h d colletied, ! beg n to (u'peft that lome la. nous evil was irnendtd, lu calling my qes aiounrt, I ob ejvrfl .» pc lion at my Igfo band, who u is aimed with a Cub ah u ■("ui fen lo: g. nd two m< bes in diameter ; I dim caft mv eyes u, on the croud b loietne oblrrved aimolt «v«ry rr,.D to he umrd in a manner lomet jir.g firnilar ; c*ccptinj two young men, apparently ba longing to the nnvy, who wot* i.lieu di ks. began to be a lirtie -1 rmed at mv fnm’ion, mo,c particularly as I cou'd not lee a rn n arnunglt them, whom 1 could call fiend. lam told (Wr that there were luni: f'n tlrmen prclent, who did not be long to the conlpiracy, nor (uf pctl ~ny violence; but thu I was ignorant of at ih» time. At this inHam, an allafTin, m gen rletnanly appearance, began the allau t ; be pretended to bo wdkmg by me into the houfc, to c quire for one of th« pipers mqutdion; he flopped hidden iy by my fide, and railing his r ‘nb, unleen bv m*, levelled it with full force upon my head, I was very mud (h-cted by the bio , but 1 inflan ly p*aag up, and aiming a blow ,t Mm with out .*ny weapon, f-inodycd him from the finall pouh oa whicii w fat ; I then caught hold of my chair. nd was iait mg it to defend myfc f, when it was feized by fomc of the gang ; i then, tinning mylelfwi h*uc any weapon and pcceivi.-g the Lmc mltant the *llaiUn pic- [No. 88.