The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, October 07, 1800, Image 2

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gating to repeat his blows, and a number nf other clubs railed agairft me. and being fur-mind ed on three Tides, I concluded to leruic a retreat upon the fourth ; I therefore made my wav through the p ffage of the houfe, and left the “ hand of hr rcri" to enjoy in exultation th« fruits of their bravery. I an fince told that the name of tht aflaffin abov# mentioned, i> George Peters ; he fhall be no tired in a proper manner. Thcfc, people of Man land are the n eafures referred to t \ the men who cannot withfland the pewer ot rcafon, nuth am inquiry. Here you can view a fpeci men of the conduct regularly adopted by that fadion who irn pioufly (file thcmfelves the friends of religion, and order / In Pcnnlylvania. during ftruggles of this falling fadion. the lame mealures were reforted to, hut the indep ndunre and good fen'e of the people of that (late tiiumphed over their vio lence ; —I hue no doubt but you will profit by the lame It t focs, and bite them, config thelc enemies of ail outer to their merited deteftation |AMES LYON. L O IM S V I L L E, TUESDAY, Of.J’u 7, 1800 Yffterdw came on the elec tion for two members to repre (ent tb s flare, in the cong»cfs of the Vnitfd States; alio *o» ■’ V»< iliv > 1T( ID bly I he following is a ftate of the poll for this county. For Congre/s. James Jones, 554 Benjamin Talliafcrro, 429 Francis Willis, 119 for Senator of this County. So-omon Wood, 39° R>ch rd Gray. 1 <52 hr huo h'epro/n Aativcs H«my ( . C-ldwell, 303 Benjamin W hitaker, 302 John Cobbl, 239 Robe it Em wood, 22 q Thomas Nca‘and, 11 John Moreland, 11 A ferics of letters under the fignature « f Burleigh, have ap prated in the eaflern papers, copitd from the Connexion Coutant: the charnder of w*i tings is frequently underftood from that of the author; and I ong John Allen is the author of the effays ligned Rurleigh This ]ohn Allen a fhon tmn ago .ddrclled a letter to the edr tor of the Aurora, direding th< paper to be forwarded ro him . and in the lette. the n an difplat s his charadcr—he fays, “ y, u know I am no fm n d of the An rom, ! admire the ability wuf which it is conduced, and alih. 1 do nof approve of its primi pies at po'fent. they may do goo hereafter " Th s man leads t* . Aurora confhmtly, and in a p.r per called rhe Parr a's Momtf 1, puhlifhed at Lichfield, is conn nually abufitig the editor as f . fool, and ’he as garbage. llydi cphobia ! A1 s ! poor long Jo n Allen ! —»when he e oied bis Burleigh 41 fcrics of paper” a faliv? of the fame nature poured in large quantities from his mouth, and be balked about the (freets, like. Hamlets ghoft, crying out, lifi ! lift ! oh lift !—that his relatives all concluded he was hit. and get on him a flreght jacket—the creature now lies on the fl rof his lark, with a plaifterof album fjraecum on his fbaven pate, con ftantly repeating " I am thr man tl at Jid r' c bottle brne * i'dtL bottle to the hrt'le • Ar,d of piefidcot d u» mad« ak ” That famous lory the Mayor, who, under the fignature of S. U. is advocating Burleigh I(»hn Allen, in the Mufeun of the 3d inftant fells us, that to not one of the honeft men who tep-efent Ceorpia in Congteb has (fie giv«n birth.” And as it is well known that brigadier Tawpit was not born here, and •hat peihaps it w-ould puzzle he old boy to tell where he was begot. Would it not fot once H better to join iftue with rhe fo rmandizer and lus Srotch tory •nends, and aeree not to fend the brigadier hock again bur by la'us, keep h>m at home, and find h:m to Coventry . More of poor long John Allen ! Th( flreight j ckrt happr ring ' get * little out of fix ; and the poor devil appearing (omewhat lane, his friends agreed to take it cfF entirely—that done, he immediately purebred himldf a thy mica 1 apparatus and hav ing leaned the plaiftet from his herid, is now (Id e Lean Sw ill’s ■h) mift of old) dually err ploy ed in the attempt to extract gold .t- and ca Ji >s o n his fti« nds I imothy, Oliver, onathan, et alus to take up the trade, urging 11 at after ihe ide-. of March, hev mud pav into 'he federal treafury all arrearages; and all peculators fbould try to be pre pared. For the Louifville Gazette , and Re publican Trumpet. Mv dear obby I piomifid in my in (l eflay, wherein I endcavoiido poitrai tome of the mofl promm nt icatuies in your deteltable cha ffer, that I woul in a fublc quent public ation, fhew fo the ivot'd, the motives that aduated vou in vindicating that tnamous ij» culation the yazoo In doing is, I pledge rnyftnf that truth fhall bt my guide, ane although at fornc diftancc from the thcaire cl adion (Augufla) yet I belitve my information rcfpcdn g you nas been genuine. V hen the bill hcie alluded to was pending before the legill turc, you can not deny, but that in cvety 1 ir e m whirh you then revolved, v ou gave your opinion freely and candidly as to the merits ard demerits of the bill; and puk >cly acknowledged, that it w s founded in Iraud and the moft b r faced corruption Your in omacy with a certain charaitß concerned in the ad, that frgmed then and fince in infamy, gave \ on an excellent oppommitx df bemgacquainted with the fini H«jr motives ot the majority, which conftilutcd that venal legiflatuM H< wev r, before this much talk ed of bill received its veto frciti the plaftic hand of the Governor, yourbufinefs called you up life country, and on your return from thence, upon being inform ed «hat his excellency G. M Had pofb fled frrmnefs enough to ar reft tbf infamous proceedings ot the legillature by refufing to annex the dragons tail thereto you expnfled much pleafure at his difinterc flednefs and threw up tour hat in the air as a dc morff • ation of joy This then proves my de.r fir. that, till your band had been tickled with B i tifh gold, or fomeihinp like o, y ou thought with all other good men ; but alas! what will money not do ? It poffefles magic charms! It is capable of turning vice into virtue ! or black into white ! with fuch as are under the in mediate influence <>f a bribe. Now as to the annulling a6f If my information be g od, and I believe it to be, you ex expreffed a wifh that this law nught pats, and oblcrved, that had you a legtflative voice, it fhould receive your fupport. Does this not ihen prove what is juft aflerted. 'hat when left to yourfelf in the exerrife of your natui 1 powers, (which to give the devil his due arc great ind ed) vou viewed the thing in its p»o per colons, and judged on the equitah'e fide of the cafe ? A write* in the Herald, under the hgnature of B has challenged the Up Countryman to prove r« the world, wherein you have received either dne&ly, or incii refth , anv pecuniary ronfidera non for the fupport that you have long giv< n in V' u 1 various public nons to this junto,orwhat m vritli more p*op ic'y t# termed, the vultures O'f their ourtry To effect this, Iffid' firft call the ahen'ton of the pubbc to the A uguft poll office ; at the head of which department you are pi red It w:l! be here propei io rcmaik when it plcafcd i our worth* predeceftor to re fign, it was kept a profound ! e c c* from all, excep t you»felf and the gentleman T C by whom your name was made k' own to the Foil Mafter General ; and by this mooe of proceeding ev ry Tung like oppofition (which ;s elhntial in every chftion) was precluded’. By this 1 do not mean to in er that the flighted cenfurc attaches it (elf to the cha ra£b r of col. Habcrfham ; no man can entertain a higher fenfe ot his p'obity than rnyfelf. But had it been knowui that a vacan cy in that depaument cxifteci, the names of men'equally meii torious with your own would have been fent on as candidates, and in this way the Poft Mailer Grneiai would have had an op portunity of exercifmg a choic . The qualifications that rendered you a fuitablc character for the office, in the eyes ot the ci-devant o ayot are the following. * i» il, that y ou have in ail your writings uniformlydifeovered an i-repub lican principles; gdly th at you have for paft reprobated our executive magiftrates and their meaturcs, and gdlv* that vou have been the avowed ad vocate of the ufurped ft, not only as an anonr mous writer, but alfo in the form of a pamph let, to which your n*mc, and that of your brother, john K. Anderion ftancH annexed. This t^rn 1 fay, formed the palladium, to the appointment that v ' r ,j row enjoy, and has beer ro r f dered br you, Ya zor . patrorira : ■he price of your labour in tb fir raufe. The off ce is r ow * 0 nearly 500 dollary, per annum and permanent; and here j mull Cibffrve to your vendirator B. if this fum is rot a diuft corrpenfpt ;on for ye ur toils in the gord r ufe, it is rrmfl or r . fainly a handfome inrbreft OCP Yourfteble fupporter B. h?s la boured to imp els this much upon rhr community, that while the iniquitous bill was in itg pafTage »bro' the houfe, th, t on from a perfeft km wledge of th e * bribery and rorruptic n that was fharrefully praftired to airon pi fh the great objeft, opp .brl ir ; rhat after it had receo ed iegiflativc far ftmn (corrupt as it was) it th< n fc( came you; duty to fupport it as a law of the land, I n lift hne beg It a \ e »o obfeive m eppobtion to B. w ho we well krow to he an interefied vn ter. that notwithstanding this law as he improperly terms it, has puf fed through the ncceffary j< rns, yet it is bv no means ob ipro>y 0 >y upon the people; for the con ftuution exprt fsly declares (hat the leg fl ?u fba : l have power onlv to en ft laws “ p o hono pubhro,” whereas it if m to ious that this .ft was intended to aggrandize a tew, at the rxrrrce of the great bod- of *he ri iz m; and tho infamous poneding that lias Damped dilgtareupon the maionty of tba legifla tire, (hat ought never to be loigonen by the vu 1 uou>, b«!Is to the ground. bo ufe the word of a great writer, • it is a fn cifrn m theory, and a nullity in p?f»c lice to b y, that the people, the natural fountain of power, has nor a right to rept a- an oppref- Dve ; ft calculated only to Tub eon their natural r’gh’s." If this max in' was onm DaMiflied, revolu ions, or chang-s b go vrrrtrem would be t an end. Wt uld the Amt ir n revou tion ever have been efb fteo but from a principle of this kind ? 1 he people r< le up and p r petly 100 in oppohtion o the tyrant's wr 1. aid completely overturned the •■ppteflive laws that were fram ng for them, fy » c harge, an iir portant <•! 1 gr in their government. We may next refoit to efl abl ifl 11 he right, that a revoluti n fid I greater % has been accompiifbcd upon tins g'ard principle. 1 mean that of the French, where a d.ipotic monarchy, »hat bad la lie ft for ages, has been overturned at ihe wil of the people ; and the fur toundirg nations of the eath are about to acknowledge the propriety of this chan-e. If the people has a right, which certainly cannot now be denied, to do t lie ft? great rhing , furcly they have an undoubted right to repeal an unprecedented a£h puffed by a venal and corrupt body Now my dear litl fi Hobby, before I conclude, f muft fpcak a ft w wo*ds to you in p'ain truth ; what has become of the prime republican fenn ments f bat y u once entertain ed ? I fear rhe\ hayevanifl ed. We hear much from you in fa vour of Regal government, and