The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, October 07, 1800, Image 3

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ch from you in contempt of ua j liberty. Wc (hall never fee you engaged in eiea j liberty poles with fuitable emblems, which (irooglv ch.v ra&crized you at Pctei(burgh. "What has produced this change ? Cm it he from the Scotch con juQion that has lately crept into vP ur family by marriage or can it be horn your being employed a fct of Tones as a writer rgainll the true intereft of your native country ? I.vt it be from what it may, I nray God to for give your apoflacy. An Up Countryman. £xtraft of a letter from New - York to a gentleman in Philadelphia, dated Se t . 5. “ A curious affair has tranf pired here. The Britifh packet, Earl of Leicefter, capf. Sharp, has been r eized in confequencc of proof having been exhibited that feme peifonson board have been guilty of Imuggling—the article, I believe, was (lockings. The package was landed in the night, and traced to the mer chant's (lore in wh’ch it was de posed, and taken poffefhon of by an officer of the cuftom houfe. “ The captain has made a greut fluttering about the bufi nefs, and declares httnfelf en tirely ignorant of theaffair. 7’hc anglo-federal merchants are buznng about the coffee houfe in c'ufters—muttering menaces —and tedk of the impropriety offeizing a King’s flrp;—that it may incenuprthf good un derflandirg which lubfifts with Great-Britain.; and with the bufi nefs to be fubmit'ed to the higher powers! The citizen who has detefted this bafe fraud, declares he knows of n# hiphe< powers than the law. The (hip has Bern given up on the Britifh confiri’s giving bail for the value of her, to abide the event of the trial." We find in th Baltimore Ame rican the following intereft mv le'ter. It was written by a gentleman of the firfl refpeft* bihty in Conne&icut, and w ho is in nomination for the legifla tu’e of that (late, eminent in 'he praftice of (he law. Our rea ders will do well to comp-re this letter with other document* which h -ve recently appeared in this and other papers. [Aurora, “ Avgufl 25, 1800, “ Dear Sir, “ 1 affure you the profelytifm the republican caufe is rapid cr e, and truly aHonifhing f he late affertion of Mr. Adams, that if the n regiments had <( been full, and Alexander Ha ' nfilton at their head two “ years, the United States would " have been forced to raife another army todifband the Handing army T he decla- Tat ion of Hamilton in Boflon, *• if Pickeil ng was not defied prefident, he would I lofe his head, or be at the head °f a viftorious and triunv ( armv within three ;** and the obfe’vadon ftacy to general Skinner of that “ it is liberty enough for the people to chofc their repre(curatives ; that the conftitution was not worth a farthing; and that we mud have a permanent and hereditary ex cufivc and fenate,” have greatly aided the grogrels of republican ifm. I relumed yeflerday fiom attending Litchfteld lupteme court, and have bad general in formation of the ftate of public opinion in every pait of Con nefiicut.” BEAD-QUARTERS , Lcuijvilte , pth Oflchcr, 1800. GENERAL orders. THE Officers of the Militia /rim (he Major Generals down , are ordered and commanded to fee the patrol law fully carried into execution . By order of the Commander in Chief , Thomas Johnson Secretary, treasury offd e. loui/ville, October 3d, 1800. Notification to Tax Collcffois of 1799 TIIA T final fettlement will he exfecled at the ' lreafur i for the Taxes of 1799, on or bfore the firjl day oj next month ; and thofe who fail will be proceeded agawjl as the law direfls Edwin Mounger, tteafurer, J. Meriwether, comp g f n . LAND Fi'P S\ E. \ \TIL Lhe fold , to the higheft V \ bidder on M 0 A DAY , the 1 yth of November next at the hour of twelve o'clock a TRACT of nine hundred acr>s of LAND , fituate about jive miles from Lemif ville ; being part oj a body oj fix teen hundred acres granted to pohn Bowman , ejqmre. Tams. cafi. Daniel Sturges. Cftohery, 1800. SHERIFF’S SALE. IT 'ill be fold, at the court-houle, in Montgomery county , on the frf Tuefdax in November next, at the ufual hours for fate , the fdlowmg Property to wit: One mate, «oh *rd faddlr, as flic property of Wili am Johnfou, to fati Bfj two fxeru’inr e o! rained by John How aid. ayainft laid Johnfon AKo, 700 acres of land, as the pro per y of Rruhm Nad, lying near tl e Alatamaba, with an eiCfUcnt mll feat thereon. Two Ccwb and Ca'ves, one and faddlc bags, to fariafy a judgment obtained l.y George Walton, for the ufe of James Rorkmore Alfo. f rr head of Hoga. sa the pro perty rf Lewis Packer, to fmsfy ■ judgment ob aieed by Georgr Bullock, ,-nd n'hers, A.'fo. 222 acres of land, lying on B'g creek, a* the p-oper'y of Sberrard Deen, for hia fine as a defaulting juror, for May r crm, 1800. Alfo, 2CO acrcil °f lan( l’ afl the pro perty of Willtam B. Carter, ly ng on the L ttle 0!>oop : c, for fr.| fine as a defaulting juror for May term, 1800. AID. 300 acres of land lying on tbe Ldtle Ohoopie, a* 'be properly f Jacob Ricks, efq. Dr Ivs fine as a deLulting juror for May terra Alfo, three bead of Cattle, es the pr perty of Thomas Summerlin, o f iefy his fine as a defaulting juror. May term. 1800 Conditions, cafh. H. Fulgham, D. S, Sept. 30. 1800. BLANK DEEDS for Sale at this Office . A lift rf letter! rethaiiii' g la the Poft- Office it Lf'U'ffille, od the firft day of i3oo ; which if not tak en out before -he firft day of Janua ty next, will be fent in the General Poft Office 19 deid letteri. T OILN ALL Eft Gedion Allen, J Thomas Afkexv Stephen Burn lev, Abram Baldwin, John Bag gi(, John Black , Andrew Colvin, P. J * ornrs, 2 John Cobbs, 2. William Craig, Thomas Cofhrittain, J/aac Coleman, Mifs Anars Fleming Samuel Fouler, David Fluker, fteal Furgvfon, AlUn Gordon, Tl kitehm/e Gofon, David Glenn , Barrack Gelhons, George Herndon 2. Mark lh!ton, William Hatten Lewis Herndon , Ruth Hudgens, David Holmes James Hud [on, James Johr/on Mathew Knight, John M'Kennon Seth Kelham, Andrew Kennedy George Kelly, JoJJtua Kennedy Alexander Love, Manus Lemle Jhn Lawrence, John Levis, Jtj/e Moore, Thomas Monjord , DoHor Maxwell Stephen Mathews Anguis M Millan, 2 Jirnrs Mitchell , tchn Moore John Mackey Fhjah (Junes, John Philips . Jojeph Payne, Philip Pipkin George Purvis, Scarify Pouinel, Edmund Fevilles. recorder oj deed', Mon gome>y county. Then ezer Sta'ke, James Certain, Tho mas Shields,junior, Henry Shaffer , Benjamin Tarver. 2. James Fer ry, Aron Tomlim/on, Thomas Wood JiJlma Wells, capt. John li hithead . 1 S BOZEMAN, P ill OFloher j 1800. State of Georgia, Warren county. W HI RE XvS w,,ra " & rry & * » Ja rrs Ml'chcll la* appl ed 'o me for letters of adm-nift-ar-. n on the goods, chatties md cri oof Abner MirchHl, decraftd. late of this county ; I'hrfe arc rhcreforc to r fe ard idrroi fir all ard fingul r »he kindred and creditors of Ind deca.ftd, ro be and appear hr fore the bonorib'e ju dges of the c< urt of ordnary, on the fe ond Monday in FeKuary nrx’, o fhew c.iuie if any th year, why laid itt ctD ffiould not tc grau ed. Gi*en undc r my 'and and fen', at office. *h 0 24 h day of b’rp'tm her, n the v " of onr Ivrd, 1 fco ’n( : 26 h year cf Amcri can Indep nhnce. Septimus Weather by, C. C. 0. GIORGIA, / U'aJ'tngton County. V TV H E RE AS J remah K'ndall hath V V thin d»y applied ome for ler tere »f adrr’niftration, on the rPa’c or W1 tft.D Young deceafed ; are 'herfore t<, e ’e and admmfli all and firg Ur the kmdred and creditors of the bod deceafed, to he ard ajp-arat my offic, on or before the iorh day of Ofttbcr next, to fhew laufc If any thiybave, why let'ers of udm niflraiioD fhnnd not he granted. Gven under my h..rd, Bub ic h day cf 8 p’ember. 1800. aud in the twenty fourth year of ludepe n -enre [. Watts, clerk c o. } By Josia 11 Watts. C O R G I A, f Citric of the C'.urt of IVfhington County C Chdinuty fo> the roun j iyof rVaJhnu ton HE RE AS. George Hendry. V; hu'h ih'B day applied to rue tor Ictcrßof a.miniftra iou on this rfta'cof jaoh yy- nd:y. dcceabd ; the(e are therfore to cite and adm< n:fh all and kindred and credi ora of the fail deceafed, to be and appear at my offc, on or before the to h day of next, to ffiew raufe if any .h« y hi- why letter* of adm niltralioo (hon.d no ibe grarned. ji»m under my band, thil loth day of Sept iBcc* and in th~ 'wroty fourth y ir cf American Indepen dcoce. J. Watts, clcik c. o. A jj, I’ntjvw Va'p, C [' 0 R C I Citrk of I'lf Court '■/ Ordin.try Jor tn* If'ajt; ngton Ctumfy, Cou’/y of if njh *•* \JU HEREAS, £lizab«'b Smith, ** I timer Mafon, and l)af d Blaek Htctr, huh this day *pp ed to me for Irtten ol admHiirtraimn on the eftate of Samuel Smith deceafcd ; fluff are therefore to cite and admomfh all and the kindred and credit r» of th laud dreraied, to he and appear at my office, oo or before tf e ioti d-y of October next, to *h' w raufe it ary they h rre, why letter* of adminiftraiiuO fhon'd not he granted. Gutrn under n.y hard tti>• io*h day ot "ept mher, ifoo and m the iwemy fou-t year of Amcticiu Independence. (. Wa ll s, clcikt*. o. \Py los as Wait', GEORG!,*/ Cirri '/ tkr Court of \ or.liN.ry for I-'if H.rjhtngi n County i C w.ty oj IVayrung -7 /•». WHEREAS, John Smihr, hath • hie day t,ppl ed to me for let tera of adminiHration on th* the rftate of Jo n Harr a deccafed j t* cfe are therefore to cte and admon fh ah and lingular the kindred and creditor* rfthc f**d dic-afid, fc l>e and appeii at my mff, on or before the i#*h day of Oftoher neat, t> (hew < anfc if any they have, why leiters of admin ft atioo fhould he i ran-ed G ten under my hand, *hi« ro f h day of Sep . i 100 and in <lt• twenty fourth year of ' merican Indeptu deuce, (. Watts, clerk c. o. ~) Py J siam Waits, Gh-ORG' A, / Cl >k of thf Cowt of iVttJh. ngfon County, C Ord/rury. for if jjl* j ingfov County, WHEREAS f z.i Gun oii' » hath np« >if .J t.« nr l r le* ell ot edn i if ir ... ■on the all ten( D \ i Cummin*, ileif led : ihf(p hie there I re ,• c *ml admo i(h nil »ncl lo j> at il e kind- • and ce< itors "i hr < ul deiefetl, 10 he a d a<•e. r a mv oflice, on or bet'ore *1 r ioih ■ta • I OftolKf ii lliew ranle, if a y ill tv hav r, why lr t e j to ad no: iliifi run il>iiuin not hr j>i..n ed iven under m> hand, (hia to h day »t Sept ihor>, and in t. e wenty f unh Co t I lie Aue r can Inclo pendenre, J, Watts, clerk c. o. "S by /('SIAM V AIT % GEO R G I / (,I'ik of the u< t If - n , r , of Ordinary f ' tht Ir.t/hington 1 uunty ( , J * ■ L County of IVufting- J ton. 1 I T H F, II F. Frederick t a lin and V V Hen 5 lit he Iy, ha I in rtny a, p led me fur •ri r. 1 mil’ dratioit on il»e eha'e i I Fredcritk Winderley, d ceai ed ; ihele aif (herrlorc to cite aid admonilh all ant finpular ihe kindred and ci editors ol ihe laid dec raff d, l Ic and a, \ car I n y c Ihce, on or belore ihe io h cliv of UCt her irx l , t»« fhrw catiie, il an> ihev have, why letters of adnunillra* raiion thonld not hr panted. Given under rny hand, this toth day , o» Sept. iBco, aid in tl.c twenty fourth year ol ihe American Inda { Clide in r. J. Watts, rlctk c, o. COLLEC 1 OK's SALE. IVifl be /rhl on the Second Saturday in Uftober next, at the Matkct II u/e in the Town of Loui/viUe , at the u/aal hours, 977 h, A Cff# | an( j ; 0 Jtfferfon coun ty, on Wilhamfou’a Sw.imp, land* furreyed fer Golphio, grauted to Jcfcph W at d John Brafwcll, tiktu as the property of I ha ktr Vi eion, Lfq. in default for hit t»i> • for the year 1739, Tai due 16 dollar* 39 ten( a, , Garland Hardwich, x.c. j. c. /ifugult 5 igco. r I G be SOLD by jamrg Du^li*, X admioilirator of the eltac of t i V • ny deresfer!, at he hotife of i hi mu V' m Warr-n county, on the 2lft d y of Gather ru*!, cleeen 1 kcly Nrvr ta, named yam.* Bet, L moo, y»k Abe, //sny P‘ c e, and four O ddren fl Ifo tine waggon, forac caule fhf'-p and geefe, »r with houfeho d foim'Die. Condition* 1 f fa! will he made k' own or the <ay cf ft'e. All peifon* ho!d>ng rny part of the efttte of the fa d y p'cr Vininp, c’eceafcd, ere requeHe-' to de ieer the farre on the 17 h at the houfe ot 1 homaß V ntng Augvjl 19, 1800.