The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, October 07, 1800, Image 4

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- F) F) M, ' Injrih I under a ren il emenis fail! In ? pss'Vn in F n fidand. WUYpart P—The cefe is jour’s. or xv'll be foon ; More \rar\ pprhahs ; prrh t ano iher moon • Lift at its utwnfl length, Is ftiU a I <n h, And tfwfr xvho longefl dr'am muft a vaki in death, L\h yai I once thought every hills ftcure Ajkd gold o> n’ry Idtke certain cure, 7 ill fle * d m firry w, and hr fist'd ■with pain , X#o ’ate I fsund all earthly riches vain toipafe with [earn threm h»ck the fordid fee A/J d'aih pi’d anj war’d Whal is fold to me f Mam l , honors, neat 1 vainly Jwght, And fools, olf'(jy’*vs, nws’d the (hIhHJJI t\( Vghl ; tore d Tilth brib d apdlaufe end pu* chaf’d pro lie I hui t on a%dUfs grandeur tud efs dns ; Mul d<>Hk evoke me from my dream 0 * pride , And laid a pfs*dar beggar hy my fide, flea jure I cm* led, and obey’d my iafle ; 7hr banquet fmil’i , amd fa I’d the gny y*pnjl ; A loath ft me ccrcafe wap m* conflimt care ; And worlds WHt rarfgck’d hut for yr.e to p a* e. €0 bv vain man. »» Vfy Ip t,,m ; y d kw tv — I /eajlcd hut io /anll a v o> m I Alrea-r, jure Ufs irriFe fr*m. Ant you, /Me me. con cum that life’s a dream Fa' exv' d / 1 ($: / h&r my zc ■ t efr delta ft , 7he afy happy are Mie early wife ~ v Xleprs Printers, T haif* often obfervcH the »S furdrfv wfveh hmi* of dm repub lican *rd a’l the federal . dbtorn car ruilty of’, >n jpo« firvtr>*r the wo rci h ifiorrhle to C e of all the rers ot gorer; rrent anti members of indd •riminately. Mv d6U>nar> f though I have not Noah Web fcer, jun. f fq'ii,) tells me that honorable me* fts noble generous, reputable, horeff virtuous, icr. Now if thefV difiniiion* are juft, kow would the following para graphs found in the ear ot com* inorx fet'fe ; “ he honorable Timothy Pick arinc e\.f fC ret ry of rtaie. has b'en Ltelv rouvihbd before the oou t o? public ox inion, of pe oijl.itior', fraudulent prafcliccs, aod oial onduß, iu the txecu tian of h s office ’* “ Ihr honorable fonathan Dav'on, fenator <1 om N>w-(er /ey h*t been convided K fore the upright and impartial court of unjudifiable fperula tions, ungenerous fiions, un gentleman- condud, »nd un principled romance,while ipea kcr of the houle of livcs; and of unconffitu ional attempt* to lupptf I* the firedom of mveff igatioi* fincc be became a fenatur." ei The hrnorallt Uriah Tracy, fenatoi o'rn theffale of Conncc urut, piopofed to arm the men, women ard children of this ccuntiy agamfl the men, wo rn- n a» d children of France ; and thus prnfecute a war of ex terminat on 0 “ Ihr honorable Robert Gnod- Ice Harper, h<fs hrely pubhftied his valedictory addtefs to his c nff: ue- ts, in »vhtrh he tells more lies than there arc fenten ct- ; and attempts to vir'dicate his official con off with as much afhjiame and effprontciy as tho* he h*d adfed agreeably to the d»ff ftes of policy, realon or con fcienre.” I hr honorable Samuel Chafe has (übjcfted himlclft » ccnlure, for his arbitra*y, tv ran nirai, and mjudi ial behaviour to r« publican authors and n:in ters dudrp his Lift fedinon hunting tour; as well a* for his hiow-beating inlolenre rh" genti m«n of the bar and the jury; as al!o fo> fr* attempt ?o pi«vail upon a jury to mafe fe el» ion of a d- mot>anc pap*-r which rontained none" Ai The honorable John Pr wn, repiffcr.tative from Rhode If l<‘*d, atcly declared it r o be improper arid impolitic fo* ihc people of thefe ffiirrs to be de h» ied the privilege of ffiaring in ihr profit and -dvantages of the African fla-'e ” Ibe honor able *• lexandf! : is, 1 y his n rorreJ fron an adulterc —his wruirgs have unifo'ndy d claudbimto be amx narclnff ; n ) pub ic r ■ ini» o has itrxbib» d a behef cd h’sbcing an unpiint iplcd a h rn turer, and Hutilh p rriz n:— Y«t the horora'.le fohn U! ret thought piopei, hv ai'd wi h the advice of the honorable ten xte | to appoint him let ond andej n tmue him fill! in command, of an tiny ofie fibiy laifed for the protetHon of ou' fir e dom and from -hr in vtfiun of the infidt I French ; in which if was of fuch p unary importance to our t anamiits lint piety, rroiality and reebb livanifm fhould bemcu>c«ted bv precept .m <-x mp'ff ’* 4 1 he Jenor«£/*thelegiflafk;pj( of M fUrhub ttt and H.unpfhi e, at their biff lcffrt) nBk thought prop* r to de?) ivc lh. people of thofe ftates of the elec tive f an? h !«, in its m,,ft impor tant < prratinn and 10 a/!urrt it themdeb es. Vet they are all honorable men /*’ *' The treaty which the k<Ho~ table John lay concluded with the right honorable Mr. Grcnwlle is peih ps the muff difgncdul to which a free nation everid femert. It has nearly invoiced us in an exterminating war wth the g’rateft nation and only Re public in the old world, withcpt affording us the leaff or prote&ioe, either in pnl>n or property, from the deprecations of the nation w th whom it was concluded." I fay, VI Ifis. printers, fuppdfe thclc paiagraphs Jhould appear in a nrw'papf'r (and as great ijes xou know have appeared) urotSld not the good people (»fthecmki trv exerci'e flwir lifible faculty at fuch a glaring mif apph of the term, and foolitb pervj !■ of language f I I cava oft tficß, this abCuril, degraded, menial pra&ice; write and (peak of cadi o*h«r in terms of confident equality; and lef no tittesor dif'indions, but thole earned and conferred by virtue, er rx ft in this land of native free dom and equal rights. [I’VENIS. In the fxamc adon of the char ders * ho are candidate | for rh- prefid/mi'il chair, it » nerrftary th t this prominent feature fhould br conftanfly in view ; our government is republican, it is founded or the princip c of political juftire it rcc gr ’zes the original pro* o ties r f human ratu'e and forms the law in o a coincidence with this fundamental idea. In pro poi Mon as the conftitution, or the 'aw aband ns this round, tl ey are nnjuft and dlftiuQiv<* to tlie «fo6inne r f equal rights 1 he principle of equality, or in other words, equal and recipro cal juflice is the b‘fis of eveiy t-ove nment Tl e Sentiments of individuals of the United Sfa'e l , which a’r hoflile to this d' Or »<“, ought to he examined, a- d the mthoig and advocate • onfid*red unworthy tbc luffVa g« s of » tn« and independent people, f < narrhv is (hit deleft abb rrrnft- hat dreadful violator of every rhin? juft, in the cha »r.6(er of mar-—o» every thinp uftful ;rd ho? orable in his *x <ft< nee. S'rvilrs itfclf oupht to be afhstned to bow before its throne, < r b- (low adoration upon is yocarie* ; the n - n in America, who h*s once ‘ xp efted rin opinion in favour of mo- a• chv is no lo gt*r woi »h} of 'be orfidme of n repub. ! p. i j: Ic ; hi* injurious pro* ouftio« ought «o he consigned •o cvetiaUißg oblivion *nd cor tempt, Balt, itnertetm. From the Biautiij or Feuiealism lohn W Ike- K ttera, b mem h*r of C 'ongrcl.s from I anci tfr, Pcnnfylvr* ia, lately d le ter to lv*« c <oft; uems, wher* in democracy v js found below a< t e o hmy of foul epithets, arV the a glo federal *. Hem, in thecT' an<i ff*athce t ex led abcoc h perhole, Mt. Kitleia had form leafcn to diftik** democracy, h. was indebted to Tome democrats to a con*.d urable amount ; bankrupt lan' was palled at the laft feffion of congrcb, wherein it was declared to be meant tc comprehend perfons in trad* onh-—Mr Kitten u an attorns by profefli< n, we did not know before th,r it was a trade. Mr, Kilters h.s taken the benefit of this 1 w as a trader This is genuine Dayton Jrh, for Mr. Kiiirra has paid hi d»b, $, bv a Jaw of his own making Who would not fupport Inch men and ihcir friend* ? Mr. Kittcra has very compla cently notified fomc citizen* of Philadelphia,of hit having ak? n he banefir of tht bankrupt lau , is it furprifing that he ihouio be the fupponcr of thoie who hav* withhaid the public monies, who Uavc betrayed ihcinroft, of ifcof? who broke their •atLs, acj rn. plied the money of their c * l<n s to private ufe ? Is it h,r pdlir g that he ffcould friend of Dayton ar.d H.opi of I racy and S* agwick ? Fxscutive Department lomfviUe, 29 th St pi 1800. ORDERED, That the citib 0) the fuf trior and injtrier court* cj the u/pttU ie counties 0) this /late , do within on month alter the firjt day cj in en/uing month Utioher, Truth a hue ref 01 1 to this lit far linen t uniei their hands aid feals 0) all office) s 0/ jj s fate xx ho have taken and jubf rittd the oath ,0 faf perl and maintain the conffituticn t/uiec >/, in pur fume of the 0/ the gcnnal aJffihUy of the /late, faffed th, s th cay of December 1 799* fntit'ud , “ an aft to give fui ther time to the officers of this fair, to take and /übfcrtU the oath required hy the aPi, tn it led an ad to compel all officers, civ. I and military within this jiaU , U lake and /ifftribe an ra hto jvptort the conjhtution thereof, faffed Ihe 16ih day of Fehuaiy, 1709* nd y ! they do further moke relut nin like manner, cj all officers refiding with n their rejpefhve e.un nes tuho way have neg:cfled, or is tujed to take and juljcnbe the a me, Thomas John-on, Secretary . s HERIFFVS AI SS. * On the firjl TUESDAY in Not*. next % at thi Market Houj:, tn LomfvdU between the hours of ten and three o’tlock, will be fo d, ONE .U1 KL.Y t .k-r, M !, c p oprr y of George Earueli to (u tly luo iy ctccu i. ns. A I , on* trad of laad. oen i o’ng JO© irre*, Ukn. y thr torflabeia p C*rfwcli’f diftift and r-turned Y ’l* l fo fat ;|fy in exec u 1 ion WiiAai Bnd vi. Z-cUiuf. C«*y p» cu by 'hr defendant. Cooditimi, tafh. Willi aw Wright, D. S, Scptc«hc ?,% SHERIFF* SALKS. 0* he FIRST TUESDAY in November next, st th: Court Hou/e in WaJhingLn coun'r, will be fold, Tbr«r hundred and 6ftyr tim af and in Uid county, on Foy ’* rr-k, ".nunded l y, Seized as *h« p r>p."ty of faid Cora ns. at the of Pofocr #nd Beucfiix, Alio ico tcr<i of I*nd, in LM ■tinty, <>o h tphera*! c:frk. bcuaeed y Vf ckrr ; ere «iao, by the name of S inbreak ; one g ri, E iht name of hi mry, rad one vs!** ? * Bare and coir. Taken by virus • fi<« Jofhua Lacy »g*i. I Robert j-<-kfoD. Condlfi'ns, csih. HHrcazcJ, S W. C. •September s®. SHERIFFS sales. ' o the FIRST TUESDAY in November next, at the Court Utufe. tn Waffling ten louniy, will he fold , T wo hundred eighty feven acd half acrca of and ;c faid county, on Wi!U . c’s Swsnap, adjoin ng Ifa-< Ly and olben. Sfzed zt the prop itf 0 John Robcrte, k the inflauce ti John BrctC I free hundred acres of la 'd in 1- I scanty on waters of i fwaatip, adjoioing Alhn R bnfin * ' olhcti } i nc hundred of whict is uc cuKivstu a, tie p autat on whe»eoa turnon Salter now !;ves. Se zei by tr.u, (Xccutioni as the ptcperi> rt i*id 'taht 1 at the ioftancr of f-veval pl» n ids t-* 1 Sib Sept iSoo. Cood t on», ca,T!. H, Bieazcaf S, IV, C. September 30