The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, October 21, 1800, Image 1

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Vol. ll.] GEORGIA, LOUISVILLE:—PubIished every Tuefday, by AMBROSE DAY Sc (AMES HELY, at 3 dollars per ann. payable half yearly Where Eflays, Articles of Intelligence Advcrtifcmcnts, Sc c. &c. a»e thankfully received, and PRINTING in all its variety, is executed with neatncls and difpatch. ■ the address mj the general conference of the i Methodift Epifropal Church, I i) all their Brethren and Friends I i n (he United States, I WE the members of the gc fccral conference of the Metho- Idifl Fpifeopal Church, beg leave ■to addrefsvou with earneftnefs lon a fubjcft of the firft impor- Itance. I We have long lamented the ■great national evil of Fegro flave- Irv, which has exifled for (o ma |bv years, and does flill exift in |rr»any of thefe United States. ■We have confldered it as repug- Icant to the unalienable rights of ■mankind and to the very cffencc |cf civil liberty, but more e(pe- Icially to the fpuit of the chrillian Irel'eiou. I For inconfiflent as is the con ■dufl of this otherwile free, this ■ independent nation, in rcfpe& ■to the 0 very of the negroes, Iwhen confldered in a civil and IpolhT'J view ; it is ft ill more fo, ■ h'he f ~ examined in the light of thegolpid tr 0 , fj, e whole fpiritof the new Tf (lament militates in the (Tongeft manner igainft the prafrire of flave v—and the in fluence of the gofpel wherever it has long prevailed (except in ma’-v of thefe United States) has utterh ahohfhed that fnoft crimi nal part of flavery, the p flelhng and ufing the bodies of men by arbitrary will, and with almoft uncOiVrolable power. The ?mall number of adven turers from Europe, who vifit the Weft-Indies for the Idle pu r pofe of amafting fortunes are hardly worth our notice, any farther than their influence reaches for the enflaving and decoying of the human race. But that fo brae a proportion of the inhabi tants of this country, who fo tru ly hoaft of the liberty they enjoy, and are fo juftlv jealous of that iaeftimable bleflirg. fhould con tinue to deprive of every trace of liberty fo many of their fellow creatures equally capable with fhemfelves of every focial blc fling 2nd of eternal happinefs—is an tnconfiftency which is fcaicely to be paralleled in the hiftory of IfiankuH! Influe nce( j fey thefe views and feelings, we have for many years ourfelve by the iftrong- regulations, from partaking of *be accused thing/* and have a ‘*o laid fome very mild and ten reflri6lions on our fociety at * ar ß e * But at this general con brence we wilhed, if poffible, to 8‘ ea blow at the root to the en ormous evil. For this pur pose we maturely weighed eveiv r cgu!arion which could be adopt within our own focicty. All THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; AND REPUBLICAN TRUMPET. T U E S D A Y, OctroßKß 21, 1800. LJPERTr IS OUR MOTTO AND TRUTH OUR GUIDE . Teemed to he infufficient. We therefore determined at lafl to ronfe up all our influence, in or der to haflen to the uttnofl of our power, (he univerfal -extirpa tion of this crying (in. To this end we palled the following refo lution:— “ THAT the annual confe. rcnces be direOed to diaw up addrrflrs for the gradual eman cipation of the flaves to the le giflature.s of rholV flafes, in which no general Jaws have been palled for that purpofe : that thefe ad drelfcs urge in the mod lefprft ful but pointed manner the nc ceflity of a law for the giadual emancipation of the Have.'; that proper commit!* es be appointed out of the moft refpeftable of our friends for the conducing of the bufmefs; and that the prelident ciders, elders, deacons and travelling preachers, do procure as many pioper dena tures as prflihle to the addrefles, and give all the afhftance in their power in every relpedf to aid the committees, and to further this blefled undertaking. And that this be continued from year to year, Till the defined end be ful ly accomplilhed.’* What now remains, dear bre thren, hut that vou coincide with us in this great undertaking —for the fake of God, his church, and his holy caufe, for the lake of your country, and for the lake of the miferable and Give your flgnaiures to the addrelks ; hand th< m for fignaturcs to all your acquaint ances and ail the friends of liber ty ; urge the juflicC, the utility, the nreeflity of the meafuie : perfevere in this bleffed work, and the Lord, we are pt tfuaded, will finally crown your endea vors with the wilhed-foi lurccfs. O what a gloiious country would be ours, if equal liberty were every where elbblilhed, and equal liberty every where enjoyed. We are not ignorant that fe veral of the legiflatures of thcle flates have mod generoufly flopped forth in the caufe of li berty, and palled laws for the emancipation of the Haves. But many of the members of our (ociety, even in thefe flates, n ay be highly ferviceable to this great caufe by uGng their in fluence by writing, or otherwise, with their friend* in other flates, whelk r thofe friends be Mc rhodifts or not. Come then, brethren, let us join hand and heart together in this important enterprise. God is with us, and will, we doubt nor, accompany with his blcf fiegs all our labors of love. We could write fo vou a vo lume on the present fubjeft; but we know that in general you have already weighed it; and we have great confidence that your utmoft afliftance will not be wanting, and we promife to aid you with zeal and diligence. I hat our gracious Cod may bid's you with all the richrs of his grace, and that we may all meet where perfed lib- try aad perfeft love {ball etemafly reign, is the ardent praver of Your affVaionafe brethren, Signed in behalf and by order 0/ thegrnn a-conference. Thomas Coke, Francis (bury, S- Bifhops. Richard W hate oat J Ezek, Cooper, "j The Wm. M'Kcndrec, commit- Jelfc Lee. J tee From lie iURORI. A inomer t’s difp.iflionate at tention is due by every Ameri can, of wlatever pa*f V) Federal or Anti-Federal— Democrat or Afi/ocrat, to a (uhjcdf in which ali a?c alike core* rood, ; nd in which cvciy man, who feels the Icafl regard for national charac ter, or for the indepeme of Ihc country, muft read with concern and for row. The Editor was yeflerday fa voured with 'wn letters one in cloied within the other. Lorn whch he will barely extmft what is of a public nature, and leave rhe fa6fs to the comment of (h< public, and the notice of thofe who are fworn to adminif terthe conflirution and the laws equally and 'aithfully. Extract of a letter to an officer 0} government in Pennjylvania , dated on board his Britannic mafe fly’s Jhip (arnatic. Port Royal July 19, 18000. “ Dear Ccnjin , u I write fo advtfe vou, that I am in health, but unfortunate 1\ imprefled under the Bntifh fbg, and have no rcfource but in applying to you, wiih a hope ongrefs may by taking the cale cf myfclf and fcveral more Amc nrans, who are in the lame ftuation, and having their pro tQions with them, into confi ieration, contrive to extricate is from this ftate of diflrefs I he Ameiican frigate Conjiella ion, lay here fame time ago —and fare werefme AmericansukoJwam m board that /hip, and carried their • rotections uith them. I he t ext morning captain Tf v xto n, erried them back to the {hip ufucli hey jwam f\om., and faw them (e- Krcly pumjhed % which kept the tpO of fhr Ametiransfiom doing the fame— • # * ♦ Stgnrd, STEPHF* FRIfKER. The letter m which fhc fore* going was inclofed, and deliver ed to the editor, fays, ‘ Fucker is the fon of Artho. m Pricker, who for many years kept a public houfe in Reading, and was married to the widow Hengleman a litter of general Muhlenberg's mr.fher, Young Fnckef was formerly in. our ar my. I d n't know how h■* got into the clutches of the B itifh, hut general Muh'cnbeig knows ail the family, and can give lull information The latrci part of (he letter deferves fenous no . * 11 tire. The original letter of Frickcr, with the Norfolk and Philadel phia poft marks on it ate in rho poflefhon of the editor, and the former will fv (hewn to any nti xen who may entertain a doubt cf the authenticity of the fafts Is it not p' tfeflly fidnulous to talk of national indfperd nce % or of the glories of our navy 9 when fuch outr. ges are counte nanced by pci ions in public trull. C HAR -}SI ' , OftohtY 2, ( n Friday evening iafl. ahe ufc nine o cli ck, a hie was d<(ro ve red nn ( harleftcn net k whicli proved to be in the va uahlo faw mills eieffed at a Itioif dif tance from the hve m Je Pone, on Cooper river, a lew \<ars ago, by Mtffrs. Martin, r< rg neuf and Deporf; there brong no a IT] fiance at hand, the whole was dellroyed. I hefe mills cofl Upwards of 6000 l fterling, and were laid to be as complete aa ary ever erefcied in this ftatc. Wc have not leatnt whether the fm was the effeft of accident or defign. —-.-.-T—-r-.v^r-rar; —rrsr.-y~i nrn& Stale o / Georgia , Jl'arrrn county , \AI HE REAS Wifliam B-rry « * * James Mitchell fat -pplicd • o me for let'era of admioift at n on the geo a, cbattlrs and credi a of Aboer Mitchell, deccaftd. late of this corny Tbcfe are therefore to cte acd admonifh all and fiogaUr the kindred and rrrditot# of i«td deccifed, r o be and appear b fore the honorable ja ges of true c* urt of ordioaijr, co the fe ond Mr nday ia Frbratry next, to (hew caufe if aof thry can, why laid Icl'ers fbould oot be grau ed. Giten under my band and feal, tj office, th • 24 h cay cf Septcm ber, D the >r*t of nnr Lord, 1 too and 26S' y<ar of Amen can Independence. Sept>mis Weather by, C. C.O^ BLANK DEEDS fer Sate at tkii OJficQ [No. 90.