The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, October 21, 1800, Image 4

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From the Bahimore American. Bv an’bo of * Lord Cave us, fl e ConpreTs a»r fighting.*' 7vne —*' Uric the bnfk old drnmmer," or * l Good morn ing to your right cap." 7UF Tories Babel *alls huzza, Info compleat ron'vjlon, T7 eve HveJ fo fee fhe Jay, That* *h la fled Iher delufion 7he wrecks of dark con/piracies, Confuted tn chaos jumble ; Bribes, threats, fraud' id royal fees. To hell in concert, fumble . Give reward to all my hoys, Bv plar' and profit (way 'em: Send X Y Zed' s to cw> envoys t Damn Bathe and Duane fay ’em Porcuoine fup port and cheer . C ram ! yon fate in pi if on ; Bid Callender take rare next year. For truth flail /hen be treafon. Tfi-rt war. war and black cockades , \V>fh brick bat 1 ami iddrefjrs ; Tub plots and treafon vow pervades, Find cm evil prrfjes Eafl md pray and fwear and fight Ye Feds, mob, rob & he >f 'em ; Baif a dwt exlinguipi light, J hen 7 m & Co. Jhall cheat 'em. Now M Kean, and then Monroe, With joy we fee flrHed ; Suw arrow to the Devil go. And Rnfs's bill r*jetted. 7he alien law is d'ad f> ? d nd. 7 ories in flew- York fouled ; Exil’d fate rats in rerun's cram'd, The flanding army routed. Thus you fee the form is turn'd, FYe check’d it in mid whey ; 7he wrlkm that /o ferrely burn'd , Has fhrwn the feds their folly. Jack n/fy tho they gallop taft, I heir careers, quickly ended The I ones day ts and paf, And liberty’s/u/pendet. Cheer up, cheer up. Republicans, C od days are fafl approaching. s fku/k in dens A’r w i nmes a r e daily broaching Each rxfmg fun fhall alls difclofe, ' Fill they are all detected , Then Johnn h m k Braintree goes And J: FPERSON'S eleH'd. TREASURY offi. e, I ow/ville, Oftobe' 3A, 1800 Notification to Tax Colle6loi> of 1799. TH \ T final fettlnnrnt will be expefttd at the Ireafurr for the Taxes of i 799, on or before the Jirp day of next month ; and thoje who fail will hr proceeded againjl as th• law duetts. Edwin Mounger, treafu*er. J. Meriwether, comp grn NOTICE I hereby given , that on the frfi day of the Superior curt in Jefferfon county will be expo fed to public (ale in the town of Louifville, a number of Academy lots. Terms will b made known on the day of Jalt By order of 'the Board, (imfs Bozeman, clerk . Ottober 14, 1800. TV 0 7 / C E. ALT »hofr who m«y he in wsnt of flamp paper c»n be fupp.ied f y applying at Mr Jaou-a Boreman** Store. John Bof wick, of the KcecnuCi Sept. 50, iB»q. Executive urpartmrnT, J ouifville, 2()tfi Sept. 1800. ORDERED. That the clerks cf the fuperior and inferior courts of the refpeHive counties of this fate, do within one. month after the fir ft day of the rvfuivg month Ottober, make a true report to this department under their hands and fenh of nd officers of this fate, who have taken and fubferibed the oath, to fvppnrt and maintain fhe conjhintion thereof % in purfuance of the aH of the general a/jembly >/ the flaky paffed th* rfh day of Dccemhn 1799, entitled, “ an itl to give further time to the officers of this /late, to take and fubfenhe the oath required by the aH, entitled an aH to compel all officers, civil and military within this fate, to dke and fubfenhe an oath to jupport the conflilution thereof , paffed the 1 6th das of Feb nary, 1709 ’ * nd, I hot they do further make return in Ike manner , of all officers refiding with n their refpeHive coun ie who may have neg’eHed, or re lufed to take and fubfenhe the fame. Thomas Johnson, Secretary. PROPOSA L S By WESTCOTTand LYON For puhlifhmg a Paper, calculated for gen ral circulation through out the United States, entitled THE NATIONAL CABINET IT will be prio <1 at chi' iVs* of 'he f -era! government, every Tuesday,, Thurfday anr' Saturday —pr r. f ut dot iart p»yMe hslf yea’-'y in «dv.mre. It w’ll cKtan a coirfft a ,d Jm. part «l ■rcount of the proceeding* o oongrefe, aid the fpceches of he m m bera <>■ qu-iUone f national mpnrtauce Tl ear y publicaf-on of eveote of etnf q.tenrf which may tra fpirrlnEu r<-pp. ai d of Hi meft t t>-currenc?9 and tra-by which ti e feel ngi or uiterc' i of the people arr i»{Fedrd, will be ftrichy atteoHed to. It will aiweyi be open »o the tdmjf fio of li’crary an political efT p on either fi c of a qneftion, written wit: temivrame and hcrahty } an it will <v;r be confide d by r* c -di-ora. rfiaf the olfn ul conduct of public oflicers ’nd ni afum o f me *air •nd mportant fubjeda of ferutioy atkl Mcnflioo. E'rdped to the United S a'eebv the •h ir« of 01 iyi'y iotereft am’ a I r c 1 -m *• n , we fhall it ?»» ably -onfub, in h* dife! of owr pub c «'ufy, wh»t we helifte to be her true ore efts, can nvftrd #ir> the prefervation t he tt 'cal conttitution h flu-need by futh raoi vea and «ui cd by (uch pr-onplu. we (hall proceed wi h a Confcioufi-r fa ff •.tc»?rity, and un?w e H by the frowoi v mena. a of power o- trobitinn o the ml.ab a- ts of the L nit«l S , ets we look w> h c nfidence for mi id fo eiperifnre an uoderr k nfl, may, if well conducted fubferl he political inieieftg of he people, anj if t.ooHucrre to the general h-pp nefa UT country. JAMES D. WESTCOTT JAMES LYON. (FT Subfcriptionsto the abovi Faper will be received at thi Office, NOTICE. A LL Perfoos who have Hemantji againft the Ettafr of B fincan : Harvey, decealcd, ate defired io brin them forward, proper,y »?teft d ; an thofc indeblro to fuc efta'e. are requefi ed to make mmcdia:e payment to Drufiller Harvey, Executrix Tandy C. Key, > John P.ulett, i £xt Uors Sep tenter g, I SHERIFF'S SALKS; < On 'he FIRST TUESDAY in November next, at the Court Flou/e , in Wajhingtcn county, will be folds Three hundred and fifty acre« of land in laid county, on Floy•)*§ trerk, bounded by Comm. Seized as the property of f«»d Com ns, at the intlaoce of Politer and Ecocdix. Alfo too icrea of land, in fa»d county, on Stephens’s creek, bounded 1 y W cker ; one n-gro man, by the more of S’tnhreck ; one mulatto girl, by the a*r,e of Mimey, and one valu able iru c I'd colt. Taken by vir ue of a hfa J >lhua Lacy agsmft Robert Jackloo. Conditions, calli. H Hreazeal , S- \V % C* September 30. SHERIFF* SALES. On the FIRST TUESDAY in November next , at the court Hofife , in Wellington county, will be fold t Two hundred eighty feveo and half acres of land ir faid county, on Willi mb n’a Swamp adjo n>ng Ifaae Ram by »nd others Seized as the property o John Roberts, at the inflaurc of John Brett I’brcf hundred of land m faid aoun y on warcri of Wiliiamlon’a fwamp, adjoining A!l<n Roberfoo and others ; 1 ue I undreo ot which 'B under cubtvatir n, the plantation whe eon Simon Salter now lives. Seized by four execufi' n» an the property of fa* ’ '-aber, ai the I- (la re of f veral p!*>n»ifTs this ftflh 8 pt. 1800. ( ondition*, caih- U. Hreazeal, S, W, C, September 30 Si 1 KIFF’s SALF~ R ill he /old, at the court-hou/e, in Montgomery county , on the fvj} Tutfdax in November next at the vfual hours for /ale, the following Property to wit: ! One mare, • o!t and faddle, as the j proper ty oi Will »m Johnfou, to f tisfy two rxecu'u 1 g obtained by John How sid, gamff fmd Jobnlon Alfo, 700 acres of land, as the pro pery of Rr-uMn Nail, lying near the Alsttmaha, with an exceilcct mi'! feat thereory Iwo Cows aud Calves one Caddie and laddh, bags. to fstisfy a Judgment ot tain-d by George Walton, for the ufe of James Ro< kmore -ilfo. 1 rrhead rf Hogs, rsthepro petty nf L'wis Pa ker, to f*tisfy • judgro**n» ob amed by George Bullock, and o'hcru, A 10. 222 acres of land lying on Big < ret k as tf’C property of 8 1 errard Deco, for his f' r <“ aa a defaulting juror, tor M*y te-m 1800 A To, 200 • cre» of land, as the pro prr y ot Wuliam B. Carter y;ng on the L ttic Onoop c, for hi| fjnr 28 a defau'ti g jur r for May term, 1800 All |o>arre*of land lying o» r>e Ldt;c ( l.oopie, a* he property • fJ, t ob R ks c)q. f 1 h s tine as a defau img jur r fo May >erm. Alio, thtec head of Csftlc, as the property of I borms Summerlin, r 0 1 iflfy his fine as a defaulting juror, i May term 1 geo Conditions, cadi. H. 1 ulgham, D. 5. Sept. 30 180a __ t TO BE SOL D. 7 o the highe/I bidder, at Louifville , j on the fecond Saturday o) No - j vember ncxt y between the hours j oj 12 and 2 o'clock, ATRAC Tcf LAND in Jrfferfon county about ro or 12 miies from Louifville, containing about eight hundred acres with about 60 acres of frelh land under culliva'mn, now in occupation by Chefley Biflick, fenior. I erms w.Il be made known on iLc day of fair, by Arthur Fort, R. Abercrombie, T. Pcrfons, John Mathews, Abner Flewelling, Cmmiffioners for the Academy of Warren county. SHERIFFS sals On the firfl TUESDAY in Nj, next , at the Market Hovf' t m Louifvillt between the hours cf ten and three o'clock, will br Jr, d t ONE SULKEY. t-k-a «• propery of George Earned, to fa: e fy fun jry cxccuriona. Alfo, one traA of land, con an ng 300 acre*, taken by the Cooflabir i Q t apt CarfwelPa diftrid, and returned > y him to fadefy an ete< u ton Willum Bond, va. Zacbariah Grey, pointed our by ihe defendant. Conditioni, cafb. William Wright, D. S . Scptcmbet 2® LAND FOR SAI E. W1 LL be fold, to ihe highefl bidder on MONDAY t the \jth of November next, at the hour cf twelve o'clock, a TRACT cf nine hundred acres of LA SO, fituate about five milts from Louif villr; being fart of a body of teen hundred granted to ohu Bowman , efqui'e Terms . cajh. I aniei Sturgcs, CBober 7, 1800. TO BE SOLD, On the 'fifteenth of November ext, at the plantation of Charles Stew* art , All the PERSONAL FPOPKR T Y of the eftate of Hcrry Woodj confiding of one MARK, form CAT TLC. one BED and FURNITURE, Wearing -Apparei, &c. Fve ha credit uill be given the putchaLr, giT« mg bond tv'tb fuflicin J fecurity Charles Stewart, admr, Oftoher I^. HEAD-QUARTERS, Lomfvillc , 7 th October, 180®, general orders. THE Officers of the Militia fiom the Major Gen rals down , are ordered and command'd to fee the patrol law fully earned into execution By order of the C l ommander in Chief , Thomas Johnson, Secretary. ————- N O I I C E. A PPLICATIOV wild be LX made to the Inferior Court oj Jefferfon county , after the expi ration of nine months for an order to fell the following lands, v'Z. one thoujand five hundred and five acres, more or (t/s . joining Richard Gray, efq and others; one other traß con taining one hundred acres , more or lefis , joining Robert Bradty. and others: which were of the real of William Stevens , late of the fail county, deeeafed , Jo) the benefit of ihe heirs and creditors , in terms oj the ail in fuch cafe provided. Nathan Powell, Benjamin Bryan, Atiminiftrat'MJ* September 9, 1800. _ - NOTICE. TP HAT nint months after thi date hereof , application wM he made to the honorable the Inferior court of the county of Warren , Jcf leave to fell a traß of land, contain ing two hundred acres, cn the Cgechee river, adjoining Lewis Bradoy and Kingery: it being the the real eflate of John Curry, dt ceafed, for the benefit oj the heir* of Jaid ejlate . Benjamin Warner, Richard Curry, Adminifty ators of Jaid eflo*b February 20, 1800*