The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, November 05, 1800, Image 2

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h'rocs who fell in defence of American liberty, 16. Confufion to aridocratic, ami difTafion to democratic principle*. VOLrNTFFRS. [After Mr. Confer and Dr. Lrgan retired.) Thomas Gooper—die favorite of frienrr. wit and liberty— conft >nt to each in fpile of op preffion. Geo T ogan—the man whofe life exhibits wealth without arif tocran—worth without vanity -—and ‘he love of peace for vir tuc’s fate. Thomas JefTeifon — f he gteat affer'er and reftorer of the Arr e lican rhnr 61er. Thomas McKean revered for his c r cmplan frtmnrfs and ho nefiv ?ryin<r nrrafions. M;iy the I fro elites lift up them voices and their enemies fall before them like the walls of Jericho, The French republic and the fovere icm people May every oppreffed Ameri can Teaman follow the example without meeting-the fate of Jo nathan Robbins. Equal law to republicans— cannon law to their enemies. May the United Itifh fpeedily break the chains which bind them to the foot-(fool of Bri tain. May the hardv Caledonians Food forget one reformation in another more generous and ho norable. Poland fpeedily regenerated, and our own Kofciufko honored in Ins native land, as he will be diftmpuifbed inhiftory. The memory of Theobald Wolf Tone—brave even among the braveft. Another United Irifliman, ge neral Montgomery, An United American pro claimed a traitor by Britain— the venciable Samuel Adams. Honor to the perfccutcd, fhainc to the perforators, A faithful reprclentativeofthe people, Stephens 1 homfon Ma lOD, FOREIGN NEWS . There are I ondon da»es to the 2.Bth of Aupuft, and Glah grw d *tes to the 30th. The attention of the T'uro pran politician would appea*. bv thefc accounts, to be princi pals occupied bv the mo' cments of the powers o the north, viz. Knflia, Pruffia, Sweden and Denmark Thefe powers were fuppofed to have entered into » league, whofe avowed obje£f was the protection of neutral commerce. 1 uch an objefl could not fail of exciting the jea Joufy of Britain, and was un doubtedly the caufc of the fubfe quenf depredations on Danifb commerce. lord Whitworth was dif patched as envoy to Copenha gen, to enter into explanations with Denmark. He ai riv ed there on the 10th of AugnO ; and according to a Copenhagen articlt of the 16th, had he d feveral conferences with cour t Bernfl<irfF but nor yet affunud his uublic charac ter. A britifb fleet as a ncccf- fary appendage to the trillion, bad anchored inside the Danifli fleet Difpatches were reccired in 1 ondon on the 28th of Auguft, from lord Whitworth. A cabi net council was immediately held, and the refult forwarded to Copenhagen the fame evening. On 1 he 15th of * uguft, or ders were iflued for fitting out mmediatcly all rho fhrpsofwar then in harbour; inconfcquence of which, a hot profs was carried on in Copenhagen. Four Ruffian Blips had ar-iv ed off M sincur; and 22 fail w ere daily expelled in the north feas. The L ondon papers mention ns a Cft, that a treaty of alliance has been concluded between uflia and Prullia. I () U I S V 1 L L E, JJ’EDN RS DAT, Ncv r mfe> 1800. Monday laft being the day -ppomted by law fur the rneet •ng of the legiflature of this Pate, a number of the members .flembled 'X the State Houfe, and 'ook the oaths required by he conflitutior—but there not being a quorum prefent, they adjourned until Tucfday. Tuesday A ; - vemhrr 4. The Houfe met ago cable to adjournment—there not being a quorum prefent,they adjourn ed until this day, Wednesday. November 5 The H ufe met agreeable to adjournment. The Senate have re-elc&ed the Hon David Emanuel Prefident, and William Ro bertson, Ffq. feerctary. The Houfe of Rrprefrnta bves have rc-elc&ed die Hon. David Meriwether, their Sp raker, Sc Hines Holt, Efq. their clerk. His Excellency the Gover nors communication w»as receiv ed and read, which we w ill lay before our readers as early a.', podible. Guzzle, (o the o ! d gentleman, George Swig it h id, is at the reque (1 of one of the patties poil poned—umi; after going the rounds. A has duetted us fo keep his rod in leak. The w’orfhipful Tom Guzzle down of Catham, intended to have his name up. but its Paid when his friends on the day of ele&ion, came to peep through the legs of the candidates, they could julf perceive Guzzledown at a monflrous diftance. tain port~~ and immediately quit the ground. Major Beirien is informed that his reply to an anonymous piece in our paper under date of the 14th Oftober, frgned A. has been received but is too late for infertion in this day’s paper—thaf this reply together with the affidavits and other documents accompanying (hall be inferted in cur next and fu fmc papers. We announce at preienC that major Berrien has pronounced the author of the r.fpcrfions contained in the faid piece, againft the reputation of his father, an abandoned urprm ctplrd liar , and bale cjfajfmcj the memory oj the dead. An Up Cminfrvrrav. to the author of the letter addrejftd to his £x cellency. Sir, A true friend of Or dr having triumphantly anfwered »o our gig<n(ic letter inferred in the Augufla Vlrrald, I can make but very little addition to Ins judicious observations. I (ball rot take trains in por trailing /owe prominent features of your charaEler . Such inane lifdefs piBnrecould not afford the leafl fatisfaftion to the public, as a corrupted hear*, a guilty covfctence, i 'our tabor in expofvg ]our own depravity, the turpitude of your conduft, your intoxicating draught, the poignancy of your feelings , and finally, the defry ft ion of your rea fon, are Such ridiculous and ab* ( urd common places as can never fill :he loom of Jolemv truth that ought to he your guide and mine, I ibaM not take pairs to demon ft ra e rhe falfehood of your afler tior.s. wbirh only prove you*' Itvgfhx piece, lo be a piece of calumny. I compare it to a rrole hill that was ronfbufted with great labor and exertirn, but is as foon fratteicd about by the carelefs native who cafts an eve of contempt upon i', and con fines it again into its dijmai man fen of oblivion. ! fhall only anfwcr to the ex pofuion you made of a fa£f re lating to his Fxcellency, whole political life never deviates from the path of rc&itude. and whole fleody fame can forever repel your vain attacks ifl. His Excellency fames farlclon docs officially refide in {cfhifrn county; bur the chi zen James Jackfon, individually icfides in Chatham, ibe only rcurty in lit flare (f Georgia (ns the curhor of the anfwcr ob fcives) when in a civil luit could be irbiruttd agan ft faid James as being the peimantnt place of his refidence. 2d I can fairly ftate, that when the rerfus we e taken by rapt. Boftick, the «.rlwei of his bxcellency lo whom he applied was. that I hatbam fbculd be confidcud as his previous and jeal place of refidence, and that the proceeding could only have a conftilutional cflt& in that county. 3d. To the tax receiver a fimilar anlwer was returned. 4 K The afliftant affeflor who vifjted the Governor for the fame objeft found the claims to be fatisfred in C h. tham and no fet th ment n ade in U ffeifon. His tax returns being made into the firfl county, this is the place wherein he truly abides—Thus rol. Veltcn nho held a public office at the feat of government, did corflituiionally and effectu ally ieCde in Burke county, where he made his tax returns. This fir, fully evinces that the Governor, you fo unjuflly flan dered was pf rfe&ly right in plead rag that he did not rcfde in jeffer fn} end in Jwtanvg to the truth of his plea, that the Unit tj tic •, min who ruled the pka was net cent ncr their knowledge p'f[ lU and that the judgment c/ the court was ]uflly reversed. You hr, whole feelings were long ago extinguifhed, have a: Icall a (enle of fhamc, that C awaking remorfc in your call ( , (; heart, may bring you to p av :m homage to that folcmn trn you have fo openly and geoufly violated ; this is the fin, cere wifh of an boneft Up c cir iryman* " j» § From the A ezv- York Gazette, F* w events h-ve exerted great er condernation rmong the mer cantile part of our citizens than the late elopement of Nathaniel Olcotf. This young man. hy habits of alhduity and JineJft, had addrefs enough to procure a credit of between two and thiee hundred theu/and dollars , with which be has finally abfeonded. When we trace his conduft in its various confequcnces and probable refults, wc can with difficulty believe that fuch infa my could exift in the bread of a human being. Had he preyed only on the property of thole who cculd not have been mate rially affefted by U, the public fyrnpaihy would have been lefs exqurfite and extenfive. But he has done mor —hf has betrayed the confidence of his warmed friends and reduced to milcry thole previcufly diftreffed, The evert, however, whir h excites the greated horror, and fills the meafuie of his crimes, is the untimely end of the amiable and unfortunate Mr. R { Altho’ it-is impofliblc to lupprcls our indignation fer Clcoit ard his deeds, it is with extreme reluft anrr we do it, when we refleft on the wounded feelings of the truly lefpcdiable family with which he is conneQed. Nothing but a fenfe of judicc could in duce the mcafurc. /• reward of scoo dollars is offered for the (windier by the bank of and wc have reafen to expedl that he will be apprehended and freu'ed, as many have gone in puifuit of him—feme for the fake of the reward, but more from nobler views; thofe of having their fa milies from threatened ruin. It is now time that a fatal Mow fbould be given to the fpint of fraudulent fpeculation, which has, in many indarces, been crowned w’lth fuch fuccefs a* mongd us, that Europeans have imagined we have reduced it fo a fcience. In order to accomplifh this defirable «rd our laws rela tive to bankruptcy and (wind ling fbould undergo further revi fion and corretTon ; that we may the better didinguifb the unhappy debtor from the defin ing /peculator. And thofe who refit on the duties to fociety, and w ho are zealous for rational rclpeQrtbility, fbould rather fa rrificc their lives, than place in the legiflativc councils, charaft ers of bladed reputation, how ever eminent their talents may be for political intrigue. Olcolt, the fwindlcr, has been caught near Cat ! de, in Fenn lylvania, with 8000dollarsfouod upon him.