The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, November 19, 1800, Image 3

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'vhicli I ?iave been bartercufy cpprejfed. JOHN BERRIEN. Louifville, Nov. 4, 1800. Note 1. Col. Whitaker of 7efferfon, and the Rev. Mr. Hutchifon of Camden, though not perfonally acquainted with r-ny father, know that his charac trr both in private and public life flood as fair as any other man’s in New-Jcrfey. Further teftimony on this fubjeefb, fhall he produced in due time. 2. Col. Melton of Greene, now in the legi flatnre, command ed the party. —His afiidavit and others arc in rhy poflefTion, for want of room are not piiblifhed. 3. Capt. Sewall’s letter by way of certificate is alfo omitted for want of room. 4. The report of the com mittee on finance the laft year on my public accounts, is thus— <f The joint committee on fi nance report in part' that they have examined the monies, llc fee urines, and other documents rn the treafury, which they find agree with the abftraCl and en tries in the books of the treafu rer, which they find to be kept in a fair and accurate mariner." If then the entries were fair and the books accurate, how could any fraud be committed ? If there was a deficiency of public mercy, the treafurer and his fureties were accountable—but it is true that there was no fuch deficiency, tmlefi. in violation cf the ccnjlitu ticn the yazoo depofit is called public money. c. A certified copy of Maj. Adams’s teflimony is alfo emit ted tor want of room. 6. The report of the com mittee on finance the a ill Tan. 1788, lofephl laberlham, chair man immediately after the feizurc of Munroe is as follows*— 1 * They here obferve with pleafure, that the receipts of the lafl year, has more than doubled that of any preceeding year, which they at tribute in the firth mftance to the tonnage having been reduced, and in the next to the attention of the collector to the duties cf his * appointment " A CARD—A to B. IN the name of God, Major, find of Holy St. John, what could poffefs you to come, at full length, forward ? Is it the conjuncture of the prefent fef fion of the general aflembly ? during which you want to be cxpoled ? And want to turn a torrent of abufe down upon me ? F that is your plan Major, tho* really I wifh to be more tender t° you, than you are attentive toward your own reputation — fifuc is joined, and you may bc gin in the fuperlative degree of tnat language which your prefa tory addrefs leads to expeCl— m my mode of laying open your public conduCr, Major, I fhail tie difpafTionate—and as this is n crifis when our fellow citizens kom the head of Tugaloo to fybee, and from Point Petre to Tackfon, are collected, I will 'ndeavor to ufe moderate, be coming language. In the Louifville Gazette of vv ednefday laft, you “ announce that (in a piece yet to come for ward) you have pronounced the anonymous writer, A, an abac doned unprincipled liar, and bafe aflaflln of the memory ot the dead”—pretty curious ex prefhons !—The laft rather high down Major, but meteor like flint, and fpent. Your full fentence we will, juft go halves in—and the being <f abandoned” to the pradife mentioned, I will freely give up to you, either by pre-emptive or ab original right. Whilft I will openly and freely acknowledge that I am, not only, “ unprincipled” but untutored, unhackneyed, and un praftifed, even in the prcvarica tive) which is called the intuitive flep to the art. If you look again at A. of . o October the 14th, you will fee that reference was had to the people of New Jerfey—and could my rounfel be taken, 1 would moll lerioufiy ad vile you to keep back the new certificate, for the motive is flill left afloat, and believe me I never fliall fay a word more on that fcore—For fir, fir, very far indeed from my difpofition is it to plough up the allies of the dead. Your docu ments, <Nc. have been handed about fo long that they are com mon and futile—and after your virulent and moll vindictive at tempt at perfecution for eighteen months together—fo compleat Major was my triumph, when you were difmifled from office by the lafl legiflature, that I wi{bed you (as you then told that body you wi fined) to retire to your farm with your family— had you retired, my pen never would have harrowed up your feelings, much lefs theirs—but your own truly unaccountable conduct has b-ought it down on you —my refort, againft ycur private calumnies was the public paper, and if you review me there you will fee that after giv ing you the alarm by the refolu tion of the 19th Nov. 1799, I went on in the different grades, of corrective, lenient, corrofive, and at lafl the cauftic. I et me afk you one queflion Major— has there, a perfon for upwards of thefc laft two years arrived in town, that you could poffibly get home with you, but you did ? and for what ? Why every one of them will fay, for no other purpofe than to abufe the Go vernor. On the night before the election (and that a Sunday night too) I believe the allufion will hold, that you fathered the beating up for volunteers to drink, at a public grog fhop, a toaft of “ damnation to that raf cal the Governor” —A man, Major, whom his country, in the moil trying hour, has never found, lacking either in the ca binet, or the field, and whom the people delight to honor — for he is an honest man, in whom no guile is found —and who from the year 1776, his country never loft fight of, nor has ever withdrawn her confi dence from.—And pray, where the devil, Major, were you all the war ?—As its nonfenfe, to think of waiting for an anlwer to this fiiort queflion, I will go on, with reminding you of that crying fin, which for thefc two lull ycur, not content with ever aving at the end of your own <>ngue, you even taught you* nfant Ton to lifp, againß anothe* —it is Major int.ratitidf. On it I will not now lay more, all Georgia undcrfland me, and ts well known through whoß exertions you tirll became Trea hirer—tor decency’s lake Major dont ule the harfli expre Dions or liar, affafTm, &c. You mufi remember the morning of the 6th Auguß, 1798, when you receiv ed, and very icolly pocketed , the hard terms, of JceundreU liar, coward and poltroon*— And fhould ever the idea of an aflaf fin come acrofs you, you will recoiled!: that on that day, ami in the afternoon of tire 6th Sep tember following, yeti a tied the d[f a JJ n ‘i an d planned it lb as u have two potions armed, and fhooting (on the laR day) at a convalelcent if not lick man.— As the printer on application told you who I w'as, and all Jef ferlbn recognize me, I Ihalfßiii put down the old fignature, am I hope our good countrymen when reading this card, w ill take it as the plain tale, of a blur man, in a fort o’ pretty good durable blue and white homefpun kind of language. A. Loifuille, Nov. o* 1800. L O U I S V I L L E, IJ-LDKr.SDAr mitt 19, iBco Yeßerday came on the elec tion ot a fenator to reprelent this Rate inCongrefs, and four elec tors of prefident and vice-prefi dent of the United States—when it appeared, Governor fnckfon, had c 8 votes out of 67 forfena tor —John Morrifon, Dennis Smelt, Henry Grcybill, and )ohn eSquires, were chofen electors. It is now reduced to a certain ty, that Mr. Jcfferfon will get the four votes in this Rate, for prefident. Benjamin Skrine, Efq, was chofen folicitor-general for the middle dißridE Died on the eighth of No vember inff. at this place, Mr. William Pollard, merchant, at the advanced old age of between fixty-eight and feventy years. Jn the character of this venera ble old man, the benevolent mind is amply gratified. Me fupportc;l with dignity and up’- rightAtfs the feveral Ration which were afTigned him, and carries with him to the grave, the regret of the virtuous and the good. DIED.] On Sunday evening laft, after a lingering illnefs, Peter Johnson Carnes,Efq. folicitor-general of the middle circuit of this Rate, aged 28 years. In this worthy man w r ere united thofc qualities of the head and heart, w hich com mand refpeft, and infpire eßeem —pofTefling talents which pre faged future greatnefs, endued with fenfibility which engaged iffeftion, blefTed with a placidi ty of temper, which fweetens , fecial intcrcourfc, and endeared to Ms numerous friends by thfc n.form uprightncfs of his con duct, their finccre forrow for hi early departure from tempo ral enjoyments, is only ale via red by the firm belief in that happy exchange, which is the lure re gard of a virtuous life. Died, at Sf. Simon’s Ifland, Hmry OJhcrnc , F.fq. of Augufta, who has left behind him an amia~ hie family to deplore his lofs. Died fuddenly, on Monday the 17th inflant, Mr. Littleton Harris . ■■ ■ fsictrat 7 of a u tter from a refpec* tuhk gentleman in Charlcftcn, Svuth-Carolinn , to his friend in Georgia, dated Char left on, Oficber isth, 1800. tl The republican party have iofl it in the capitol, it is but as .4 drop in the bucket; I'uch a conreft, I do not believe, has ever happened on the continent; every Ipecies of villainy and rafcallity was tiled to enable them to carry their favourite objeft.~--The Tick, the lame, the blind, the crippled, and men in their dotage were brought in carriages to vote; the influence of the banks, the federal treafu fury, federal officers anti Hntilh. influence combined in otic mate to hipport the federal ticket— they trade a daring attack up» < n the facrcd right of ballot— for at a lute hour (when it was impoffibk* to coufiteraft it) they nud tickets printed, on blue, green, red, purple and yellow paper, and a hord of federal officers,, bank directors, and Britifh merchants and their cmiflarics flationed at the poll— to make them as victims who dared to prefume to put in any other than a coloured ticket; it has opt ned to my view a feene of treachery and corruption hi therto unprecedented; this city had more the appearance of a Britlfh garrifon town than any thing elfc; they dragged up wards of 200 to vote more than ever was known before ; the re** publicans intend to demand a femtiny, and lay their whole proceedings before the legisla ture, I rejoice that they meer 120 miles from this corrupted city, and that wc have a pure and virtuous back country ; our legiflature ar* truly republican, and by the returns already an nounced, have a majority m both hoiifcs; however, independent of South-Carolina, jtfferfon will carry his election—his name in our upper country is adored, ami their opinion of him fo fix ed, that you might as well at tempt to invert the order of the Sun, as move them againft him ; our reprefentatives in congrefa are now three and three, which is better than before 5 to 1.” COLLECTOR'S SALE. Will he SOLD, at the Market llcij'c , in the town of Lcuifville, on lie iVb day of December next, at the tifual hours , One BILLIARD TABLE, taken as the property of fofeph Fletcher, for the taxes for the year 18co. Tax due ico dollars, ' GARLAND HARDWICK. November 15, tSoo,