The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, November 19, 1800, Image 4

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G £o*r.lA. % his ErreMen r v TA M £ J A C K SO N, Governor and Conirmnde* in Chief of the army and navy of this Bate, and of the militia there of. A PROCLAMATION HAVING arranged and err ft up the votes from fuch ties a\ have made return of eleFUnns, held for per fans to reprefenf this fiate in the houfe of refite/enfatives cj the conguft of the United States , end it appearing that lames lones and Benjamin Tallia/erro enquires , have the high eft number $f votes for the fame. I have thought fit to iffue this my proc amotion notifying the fame in order that the faid "fames “fonts and Benjamin f alliajerro. may mf\ their acceptance o> re/nfal of their (aidappo'nlments — Andalfo that th r \ adduce the rtqvifites and qualifications required h\ law. Given u der my hand and the great feat cf this ft ate, at the State Ilouft in LovifviVe, this twenty seventh day of OHcher , in the year 0/ our lord 1800, and in he twenty fifth year of American Independence. JAMES JACKSON. By the Governor, Horatio Mabbury, Secretary. Ood (ave the State. Hi A D- QUARTERS* LoutfvtUe , yth October 1800. GENERA! ORDERS THE Officers of the Militia from the Major Generals down , are ordered and commanded to fee the patrol Law fully carried into <xecution By order of the Commander in Chief , Thomas John sow. Secretary. 'T'HF. Sub/a ihersas a Com " mi t fee o‘ the Senafus A cade- VJintss, were di* tiled hy that body to give notice that fhey would re ceive lifts of fuhfcrtptions for mones to he contributed to aid in the imme diate eftahhfhment of the Univerfity of this ftote —thev therefore inform all perf ns who hold, or to whom Jack lifts of fuhfriptions may be de livered, that they will be ready to receive them until the twenty fourth Of November next when the Sena tus Academicus is expeßed to be con vened at LouifvtVe , to which board it will then be neceffary to report the amount and nature of fuch fub- Jcrtpitons, Thomas P Carnes. David R. Mitchell, Jofrph Clay, jun. OBoher 28, All concerned will take notice . that there will be an applied tion made to the honorable the next court of ordinary , for the county of IVafhmgton. for Utters difmiffary on the eft ate cf JefJe Smith , de ceafed by William Smith, executor, Oftob'r 15, 1800. National Magazini. O'*" Sub/cribers to the National Magazine, are refpeftjully informed that the ift. 2 d 3d and 4th numbers are juft received, and ready (0 be delivered at this Office , Grpumber <J, Defaulters in the Coolly 'cf Jejftr- 1 Jon , jor the year 1 Coo. VIZ. Ccpt. Vining’s Dijlriß* Jofeph Scott William Allen, John Saucer, Ifaac Robinfon. las. Adams, Thos. M'Guatty, Sam. Bloodworth, Vmion Row ell, William Nance. Capt Terrys DiftriCl. Thomas Little, Poller Little, Samuel Little, Robert Little, John Brackenridge, Capt Hamptons Diflnft. • James Tillman, John james James Horn Manmn Cammel, jeffe Pjpkcn, Andrew Little, Benjamin Thompfon, Beircy Hughs Capt Schley s D’ft> is. Benjamin ( oherr, jun. Barron, Jofeph White, Chef] V Boflick, fen. Griffin L Lamp* kin, John Houfley, John La mar, William » vans, Andrew Burns, Morris Gilbert, Jofeph Gilbert, Horatio Marbuiy, Wil liam Robinfon acob Robin lon. Abner Griffin. William Mathews, George Cleylon la cob Peterfon Thomas oho (on, Simon Day, Jofeph Rawls, Culven Fore, ‘ ary ' tight Capt. Coward's Dift nil, % James Weeks, Widow linl ley, William Dodd, Ifaac Cu« tain, hvin Guhoon. Capt. Vtvions Diftriß Mofcs Carter, Jcftr Acor.k John Bradfbaw, Mathew Moore. Capt Key’s Diftriß- Hugh I ambert, Mathew Da vis, George Earneß, William {.evens, ■ lijah Chiiffia. John Whitehead , r. t. & j. c. October 21. NOTICE. Application will be made to the Inferior Court of lefterfon county , after the expi ration of nine months for an order to fell the io< owing lands , vz. one thou fund five hundred and five acres , more or left joining Richqrd Gray , efq and ethers ; one other trail eon tairvng one hwdud acres more 0* Ufsy joining Robert Bradcy and others: which were, of the real ejtate of William Stevens , late of ihe /aid county , deeeafed , for the hem fit of the heirs and creditors , in terms oj the ail in fuch cafe provided. Nathan Powell , Benjamin Bryan t AdmiiuiVttt«rs. September 9, 1800. NOTICE. nine months after the • date hereof , application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of the county of Warren for leave to fell a trail of land , contain ing two hundred acres , on the * 'geckee river adjoining lewis Brad ay and Kingery: it being the the real ejlate of "John Curry , de cea/ed, for the benefit of the heirs of faid ejlate. Benjamin Warner, Richard Curry, Admniflrators of faid eftaie. February 20, 1800. Wanted Immediately, AT this Office , an Apprentice to the printing bufine ft , from 12 to 15 years of age , of a liberal education , and refpeßable conneßl ons, lo fuch a lad y good encou ragement will be given . November §» PROPOSALS By WESTCOFTand / YON, For pubh/hing a Paper, calculated for general circulation th r mgh out the United States, entitled F H F NATIONAL CABIN! T IT will be primed at the fe«t of the federal Sfoveromint, every Thur/ddy and Saturday —pnce four dot toft. pay bit htlf yearly in advance If will contain a correct ard inn part »! account of the proceeding* of congrcfa, a) d the fpcechea of the ro> no beiß •>* quettiong f national importance Th ca»!y publication of cvpo’B f conf< quencc which may trarfpirein Eu r pe, ard of meft c ofctJtrrnccfl and lt»' fjftioni hy which the feelinyi or intcrc«a of the people art effe&ed, will be ftnftiy att*Dde'l to, it will always be open to the admrf fio.» of liicmry an political dT y* on either fide of a qu (lion, wri'icn with temp- rauce and Iberalty ; an J it will he cor fide red by rhe rdi ora *hat the official co'tduA of public officera, and ÜB.ifurn of government, are fair • t»d mporttot fu'jedlß of fciU iny and diittiffion. Fledged to the United S a'f»byth c firon.rS tpg of ra iv» y infccft and at t»c k, m.n , W' (had d variably onfult, in 'he difcfgrce of oar puh’c riity, whst wc believe to be her true ; n r ettfla* con ntef.d W:fh the prtfcrv»*ion of be 'e de.a! conftiiution !t flu>nccd by fu<b roc vea and gdi< ed by fucb principle*, ♦c ffial! proceed wi h a con (emu foe fa of integrity, god unawed by the frowns or menaces of power o- atrouion 1 o the inhabitants ot the United b aide we look w h c-rndcnc* for fup port in fo Ckprnfiv an unden k winch, yf wt<) cocdutted luhferve the pol tical lotcirfliof he per ph, a D d be conducive to the general h pp nefa of •Br country. J * MES D. WESICOTT, JAMES LYON. Sept. 13, 1800, WaOnngfon Superior ourt. April Term , 1800. \LILL re \ng fi «d on ihrcquby fir!# i*i his C' u t by C<» nelini Murphv , tariig the of certain lift a|i#i , t« »ii ;« A lelt emerM an i receipt thereon f*»r th# fum of shirty onads current tn ney « the (late of lit f;h.Carolina, in iu-'l ot hi ccoumi relative to the copattncrfiiii b* Cor fJuu Mur h»y, aid Fletcher, dated >br z<sh day ot A«-gt .1' 1 '« the fcrsiv of Nnr*b-Carolvr» :.*o tgoirery c may, fublcrbed by f.» i! Flaithif. N 2. A receipt in favour r.f Corne'iur Mu hey tor the amount r.( Hitcer pc un* .* cutr-nr montv df N r'h-Cnrolin*, in lull of all rcc* unit, b* i'd«. Zir oaten 4U J - nary 1 90 ; li.blCiii'C Samuel K-ii*. No 3. A< knowiedg tveni o timiic n ter, bordt, &< fo which pa *»* 3' i’ n Shankie ofc i*;cd h tnirlf uj ac* conn the ‘ r Iwai rg d;»i« <*• e t eorgia. V«' . fh 1 gen 53d .-cy <1 OAoLxt 1790 a i. fublVribei jf h; Aha. hie. No. 4, a receipt in favour■ of Coine im Moryhrr, Cr eight poondi money oi N r.h Carolina, t gethcr with le vrs r r' %cr ace; ur. j therein Ji t n«(er, aircim’ ing ’n th# who c to ie Luuwred ard fifty. ( v><> pc,mo hi cc. (hi like money, lain receipt besMitgua r iG li September, 1789, and I'nbiVribeu W iiuain Woolcy, fc'arco <-r. N . 5. Ar undenekmg momiie or ac k t by the Election of Murk Alien, deccalcd, unt Cornelius Murjhev, r enie ai a credit on hi: bond >n their poiTeffioi), of fu huntil td end n;r « ty li at pc urd», « ij r. e d i mo ey of N< r h Carolii-a, for let vic*s/endered by Cornf lius to laid Mark Alien in his Inc time, a d tn his E*ecu’cn alter hit difeafe, <or he ellbtc, to an». unt of one hundred hid ninety three pounds e g'.rcen, lawful more* of North ChfoUna, beat ing date il>c 27th 1 ay of June 1789, and fob feribed Charles *J> nei, Wiiliam Wooley, fweeutors of Mark /.Hen, dace: fc . N . 6. A pr-mifiary note io ‘avour of Cornelius Murpl.o, payable to him or his aifigns, for the funi of f**urieen pounds ■ awful money of North Gan fjia, bearing date 11 ih day c f Oftober, 1789,3110 lub icribed jofeph Bowen. Wheri u’-on, it i ordered (hat the defer daets in the laid bid do ihew CHUieon or before ihe fir(f day of nesi tnm oilier wife tf at ihe bill be taken as coi fclfed, and 1 hr papers therein flbtcd to be loft,edablifhed. And jc is further ordered, that this order be übbffied mon hly for u.v inontl s in on* of be public Gaze V* • c f o*ie. j>rn) the Rtcudi, ttl July iPco Thomas B. Rtuhcifoid, clerk. to be so r On ike iqih day of Nona.. :r ?:?> at the plantation of cap. 1 . \ V , Little, deccafcd, on Jh.cihe a J thef( Rowing p r cperty % viz. H s fleck f Hogs, C*'Vt, S'f f r> end Hoiffs— with many arc c, s ( ,f houfehnld tnruirurc too ted'rcs <c tior—with a credit of nine given. Jamrs Trowa!, William P«ttc ( fr, Exf'oulnysl WILL BE FOLD On the 2 gth day of Decimher rrxt the property of Ez'kiel WimbtrU deceafed at h’s planta , ion l Which ccvfifh of — Va!u blc SLAVES. - HOR K CATTLE and HOG-, BEDS f Ur nifhed ai d naked ; together w h a rmq btr of other Houfehcld C CDS-* for which there will he a re a i üb'a credit given, and made known or- :ha day ( f fale ; fix purcHaftr giviig bond with approved fecunty Frederick C ullen. admr, Wimberly, adm’x, Navmber 5, 1800 NOTICE. AIL perfons having »ny Demands •gaif*ft the efl*:e <f Tonus M', fenior, d' ccafc*. are r q> tfttd to ci-mc f fward and fettle then »c roume ; and ‘hofe indebted to f. d Eia’e, are called upon to make pey tnent, on or before the itt of jauu.y next, to James M Bride, George arter. Executors, N O T I r g. AFTER nine months. t!;e (uhuri her will ip}' y to »he honorble the nferio' court' f Wafting ton roun y, for a rue »o fel 1 a • rta-n traft < f 2/jf acres o‘ 'and, fi ua»f in fa*d ecu r; b- u« d d ore fide on Sneed’s l«w‘ ns other fide on D< rfty’s land, rthei fide* h T la- d* u known— v»b’ h land ’S.of tha real ftfate of Benjamin Griffin, drre»(e<% for tie herein of the heirs and creditors, of whom th# sppiuitoo is intended by Harvey Griffin, Allen Griffin, Admmflrators.» 0 Holer 28, 1800, N OTIC F. AIL perfen* to whom B'Tjirniu T G ffin, deceafed, iatf of Waffling tone ur> y, were ndeb ed, j»r? fo!i« fed »« ed k kn wn tlx na uve of their de rr*» dt proptr’y»i thcn*icated hr ■ 15 b ' 1 gnft nr t «o»le adro n'fl store. <*ho ttk »hie rppor unity of affuneg 1 ofs it deb td to (hr eflate, that its ne. fit ieS w not alh w indulgence- ard thai >h Cf fore (I ey will cal! and pay off heif rdpefliae d.bia, which vnl! relieve flora another k.t d of appl’cat or. Harvey € tiffin, Allen Gtiff>»v Admim/iraiors . 28; 1800. -- 1-, , - - _ - , , Slate oj Georgia , W arren county . WHFREAS Richard Caft'ehurf & W !haas Nutnan ha f appli* ed to n>e for letters difoaiflary from r he eftatc of S*muel Numsn, deceafed • Thefr arc therefore 10 c>te and •dmo- Cl all and fingular the kindred and creditor! of la:d dtcraffd. to he and appear hefots the honorable ju ges of the court of ordinary, on the fetend Monday <n February next, then and th re 0 fbe« caufc if any they can, why faid let era fhould not be granred to faid Racbird Csh’ehuiy and William Numan, adoi* niftrstors. Given under my hand and fca'» cflice, th a 1 yrh day of Oftobet, in the yesr of our Lord. ikcOi and 26th year cf American Independence. Septimus Weatherly , C. C>os BLANK LETTERS Qf ADMINISTRATION for Sale d this Office%