The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, November 26, 1800, Image 2

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sitgrea/e ? er. r; it to be found in tnc i.ifi Oi f/ji c»i/oys •A .me is the character of Tolm Chew Thomas, a member ofcongrefs from Maryland, who told his condiments lafb May, that the public debt of the I JnitedStates “ haddiminifhed,” end amounted to only “ about E verity millions of dollars,” when the true amount of the prefent debt is proved beyond all controverfy, on t!ie iff of January 1800, to amount to ;o, 203,6 3 f dollars, 15 cents. Whuc becomes of the veracity or political honor of Mr. Sedg wick, who informed his condi ments laft Juhe, that the public debt had decreafed four millions of dollars ? Is it not aftonifking that the public agents in their {perches, aftedl to regard the opinions and feelings of their conftituents, and in their public {latements treat them as men dcilltutc of eyes and ears ? 1 Can thefe men in any view of the cafe be entitled to fur ther confidence from a people they have fo grofdy deceived ? Have the adminiftradon con ducted like overfeers ■, or rather have they not gone on like proprietors of the treafury ? and are they not now pledging the country for the payment of na vy yards, and any other project that will either corrupt the peo*- pie or gain friends. [Bofton Chronicle .] PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 6. I aft evening arrived the fkip America, captain Swain, belong ing to MefTs. Nicklin and Griffith, from I ondon. Tiie America left London the sth, the Downs the 12th, and Land -end the 15th October, and made the light-houfe the 3d November —a p adage we believe at this lea Ton of the year alrnofl unparrallelled. A gentleman palTenger in the America, is the bearer of dis patcher, from our commidloners ar Pari , which are to be imme diately forwarded to the feat of govern: nt. Captain Swain has favoured us with a file of 1 ondon papers, from which the latenefs of the hour would only permit us to make the following extracts. f O The Coin ier of the 6th Octo ber, 1 Moo, Contains the follow ing paragraph: “ PAAAIS, Offcber 3, 1800. * c A Convention of Amity and Commerce, between the French Republic and the Unit ed State;, of America, was fign ed the day before yefterday, (i’.rU of October) by the French Plrnmotentiarles, lofcph Buo naj.-ai te, C. P. Claret, Flenrieu, an 1 Riederer, and the American ( ommiffi mens Oliver Flfworth, ft. Davey, and W. V. Murray. “ h was lefs neceTiry to re vert to the paft than to revive between the two nations ufeful and honorable relations, the tr-atv has fulfilled this object. The French minifters convinc ed that the profperity of Ame rica could not but add to the prof rity of France, have been led particularly to confecrate maxima null favourable to the lights bf neutrality, -a:/J inoft conformable to the regulations of 1778. The firft confuij i fl reftcring force to thole regula tions four months ago, fulfilled the wifti of Juftice and of Eu rope, and undoubtedly it will be delightful to him to evince himfclf anew faithful to his principles, by notifying the trea ty concluded by the minifters the republic, at a moment cl which Europe relotinds with the violation of neutral (lags. Ihe American Minifters, on their fide, appreciated the advantage of being allied to a nation, go verned at length, by wifdom and firmnefs. Every thing an nounces that a ftridi and dura ble fficndfhip is about to reani mate the mutual commerce of the two nations.” The convention figned by the Emperor produces a great fenfation in Germany, the Mal contents, and Partizans of Eng land, accufe him of having abandoned the interefts of the Empire, which is not true. Malta has furrendered to the Englifk on the 6th October. This event is of confiderablc moment. It removes one of the obftaclcs to the arrange ment of a navil armiftice, and will enable Great-Britain to ne gociate with more effect at the congrefs of Luncville. LOUISVILLE, JJ’LDNnSDAV 26, lBco We have been favored by a gentleman, with the following lift; of electors of Prefident and Vice Prefident of the United States, for the ftate of Virsfi nia— George Wythe, of Richmond. W m. N cwfum, ofPrincefs Anne. Edm. Pendleton, fen. ofCarolinc. Wm. H. Cabell, of Amhurft. Jas. Madifon, jun. of Orange. John Page, of Glouceftcr. Thos. Newton, jun. of Norfolk. Carter B. Harrifon, of Prince George. Gen. Jos. Jones, of Dlnwiddie. William B. Giles, of Amelia. Creed Taylor, of Cumberland. Thomas Read, fen. of Charlotte. George Penn, of Patrick. Walter Jones, of Northumber land. Richard Brent, ofPrince William William Ellzey, of Loudoun. Andrew Moore, of Rockbridge. Gen. John Brown, of Hardy. Gen. John Prefton, of Montgo mery. Hugh Holmes, of Frederick. Archibald Stewart, of Augufta. Judge Walton’s Charge to the Grand Jury of Walking ton County. Gentlemen cf the Grand Jury, ALTHOUGH you w ere cal led and empanelled on the firft day of the term, you were not fworn and charged as the grand inqueft of the county, but mere ly as one of the civil members ol this court—to try appeals and fpccial cafes. This was owing to the death of Peter Johnfon Carnes, efq. folicitor general of the diftrift, and the vacancy, occafioned by it, not then fupplied by the govern ment. It being thus f.fceiTary to mention the event which lias produced a temporary fufpenfion of the Hate bufinefs, it is im poffible to fupprefs the emotion of fenfibility it excites. A young man, not yet arrived at the prime of life, cut off by the confe quences of a common cold— the greatell lource of fatality in this climate : but the voice of friendfhip and dice in raifes itfelf upon the confidcration of his virtues. With talents adorning the human character, he was modeft and unaflurning. A public offi cer, in the mid ft: of fociety, and the conflicts of party, he acquit ted himfelf with reputation ; and without even the reproaches of enmity. To the f ate, to foci cty, his relatives and friends, his untimely death will be a real lols. Benjamin Skrine, efq. having fince been appointed his fuccef for, and duly commiffloncd and qualified asfuch, the full powers of the Superior Court, will now be put in operation, by an im mediate attention to the Hate bufmds, that between man and man being principally finifhed. Gentlemen of the Grand Jury, Whilft 1 do net feci it neceffary to enter into a detail of the dir ties aiUgncd you by our iyftcm of jurifprudcnce, I cannot for bear to point the public atten tion to the neglect of the public roads and bridges in this county ; and i do it under the impreffion that it proves a want of obedi ence and refpedl to the laws, and argues a deficiency in civiliza tion : but, independent of thefc confide rations, it /hews an un focial and injurious unobfervancc of a faiutary police. The in tercourfe with yourfelves is im peded, or made difficult; and your tedious and hazardous pro grefs to the public markets, is a tax upon induftry, and a dif couragement to agriculture.- Should this evil longer continue, it will be the indifpenfible duty of the courts to enforce the road laws with rigor. Sandcrfville, Nov. 21, 1800. In Courty Nov. 22, 1800. The Grand Jury brought in their preferments, which arc as follow: We the Grand Jury for the body and county of Wafhington, on our oaths do prefent— ift. The bad order in which the roads and bridges are through out the faid county. 2d. Wc further prefent the bad practice of carts, waggons, and other Hitlers felling and re tailing fpirituous liquors in the public ftreets and court yard, without licenfe. We further re turn our thanks to his honor the Judge, for his judicious charge, at the commencement of the Hate bufinefs of the prefent term; and recommend the fame with thefe our preferments to be pub! ifhed. Ni m rod B u fh, foreman ; W m. Fugcl, Thomas Fort, William Ganer, Ambrofe Ray, Ifaac Howard, John Robinfon, Jacob Vickors, Sherwood Beekom, Demfey Brown, John Hemp hill, Frederick Selions, Benja min Kindrek, Thravis Thigpen, |chn Martin, C. Muiphy, > Redding, William Elliott. Whereupon it is ordered, thai the firft "be laid l>e£orc the inte rior court; that the fecond be referred to the foliciccr-gcncra] and that the whole, with the charge, be publilhcd. A true copy from the minutes, Thos. B. Rutherford, clerk. A. once more to the impeached cx treafurery maj. Jehu Berrien. I TOLD you lb Major!— J knew your little piece was only a flight fpccimen cf that truiy elegant language you difplayccl in the Louifyille Gazette of hit week.—lf you intended it as a a philiippick, you were out—, there was nothing biting L it, though you fairly fire wed yuir teeth, and grinned horribly a ghafiiy fmiie !—ln your next oration pray put cue little lit of truth, for believe me in the one 1 am now noticing, not a Tingle trait of that article is to be found. —As it maybe a commodity you feldcm deal in, I fhall try in a few words to refute your calum nies—but you have made fuch a jargon I hardly know where to begin—probably your “ byway of certificate” gentleman, Mr. Sewall may as well open the farce, whom Major! know per haps alittlc better than you do.— He cannot deny but that I fairly and honefily paid him every farthing I was to pay him—And I believe that neither you nor him are overgilded with punctu ality in payment of your debts* which you make lb great a crime in me—And for honor, honefty and integrity I am a little ever ycur bend — And in Greene, as well as every other county in this Hate, I Hand much higher than yourfclf, or perhaps Mr. Sewall, or ycur fiill more vuL nerable character col. William Melton, of Greene ; whom you could have brought into public view for no other purpofc than as a foil, whereby feme glim mering might call a light Ihade o o o on your own conduct. I defy him, or you, or any man, woman cr child, to all err and prove a bafe act in me !■— (You are Major like all other there ugh paced cowards y a privA Edged character to effert Hander and calumny)—And I challenge you, with all your chicanery, to prove, my being <c ordered from any party cr place in this 3 cr any other fate .”—Or of my being “ detected concealed in a garret," or detected concealed in any other place —or cf of counterfeit * ing or antidating land works” or any papers whatfoever.—So well are you, by tins time known Major, that you cannot fuhorn any one to it—it fully proves to me the quirks and tricks that may be ufed at elections, when I lee, from fuch a refpebtablc county as Greene, a representa tive of col. Melton’s fiamp —» for I have affidavits, which go to prove him, a noted tory in the revolutionary war.—ln that lunation drawing his fword on a helplefs woman and plundering her houfe—His recently lending his own fon oik, with his own brother, that the latter might cfcape the hand of juftice, tho* he is fincc brought back, and